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Name: Mckenna Cua

Software Title: BrainPop
Function(s) of Instructional Software (check all that apply):
Drill and Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game e-
Features of the Software (check all that apply):
Assessment Monitoring/Reporting (Keeps track of student data and/or
generates reports for the teacher) Allows teacher to create customized lessons
for students Multi-user or collaborative functions with others in class Multi-
user or collaborative functions with others beyond local class Accessible to
students beyond the school day Accessible via mobile devices Multiple
languages Safety, security, and/or privacy features
Strengths of the Software: Multiple languages, Multi user, and Lots of videos,
and loved by teachers and student.
Suggestions for Improvement: more videos and maybe customized lessons
tailored to different

Standards Addressed: See

SS1H1 Read about and describe the life of historical figures in American history. a. Identify the
contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/ statesman), Thomas Jefferson
(Declaration of Independence), Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration),
Theodore Roosevelt (National Parks and the environment), George Washington Carver (science), and
Ruby Bridges (civil rights).

Grade Level/Content Area(s): 1st grade, Social Studies.

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply). See
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating
Description of how to implement in the class:
The teacher will introduce Frederick Douglas and watch a BrainPop video about him
and his impact. The teacher will have the students watch the video clip and to
remember two to three things they took away from the video. After watching the
videos the students will share the facts they learned from the BrainPop with the
class. Each student will write their facts on the sticky notes and place them on a
chart paper. After sharing everyones ideas we will re watch the BrainPop to see if
we missed anything. After watching the video again the students will write one
thing they learned watching the video a second time.
The class will create a list of everything they learned from the BrainPop. They will
choose three things that we put on the list and create an ebook about important
facts we learned about Frederick Douglas. To extend this lesson we will have a list
of historical people that the students can choose from and they will watch a

BrainPop on their person they will create an ebook or a poster on the historical
person they choose. Everyone will present the next day!

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