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Henkel: Building a Winning Strategy

Submitted by Group AB2 (Section 5)

15F526 Khushboo Langalia

15F529 Mayank Srivastava
15F540 Samarth Gattani
15F549 Siddhartha Varma
15F556 Vidit Jain
BLDR Group Assignment

Question 1: Write down in a sentence or two your definition of

winning culture.

A winning culture is to establish a clear vision and mission statement to

guide the employees how the company intends to be successful. It is to
treat performance as an explicit output and foster an environment that is
conducive to generating the best possible results not just for
employees, but for customers, suppliers, and shareholders.

Question 2: What do you like about the Rorsteds approach? Why?

(Must be in tabular form with what you like in one column and the
reason or why in the corresponding next column.

What we like about Rorsteds Reasons


Alignment of words and actions is

important for a leader. The three
pillars of winning culture were
identified clearly:
Creating Alignment

(i) Customer service

(ii) Growth of business

(iii) Employee Development

There was clear focus on

establishing a winning culture.

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BLDR Group Assignment

Rorsted clearly communicated the

long term objectives of the
Setting clear objectives and core organization. He framed the core
values values to enable employees achieve
the mission and follow the vision of
the organization. He took time to
communicate the vision to
employees to give them a sense of
belonging to the organization.

It increased the performance

efficiency of the employees which
benefitted the entire company. This
helped him achieving his first
Established the new performance strategic priority to achieve full
management system business potential. He linked the
evaluation, rewards and
compensation of important
employees to achievement of the
new strategy.
He announced publicly the targets to
be achieved by Henkel which
created a for urgency and change
Created a sense of urgency for employees
To create a winning culture through
change management, Rorsted
involved the all the top
Created a coalition management and employees around
the world
Formulated the vision, mission, The new vision, mission and values
values, tagline contributed largely to his aim of
creating a winning culture
Rorsted took quick and certain tough
decisions such as divestment in loss
making businesses, extra resources
in top performing brands and high
Quick decision making potential markets and acquisition.
His analytical decision making
helped it in being a leader in their
high potential businesses such as

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BLDR Group Assignment


By redefining Henkels vision and

values and implementing new
Anchored the changes in corporate performance management system,
culture he managed to strengthen
management capabilities, increase
accountability and anchor the
changes in corporate culture

Question 3. What are the risks? (Refers to the risk related to

Rorsteds approach). Confine to a maximum of four most
important risks.

Question 4. Assuming that the 2012 EBIT goal is achieved, how

should Rorsted do to motivate high performance for the next five
years? (Confine to 5 to 8 lines).

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