By Fra Filippo LIPPI - Pps

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Paintings in the 1430s

by Fra Filippo Lippi

• Nothing is known of Lippi's artistic origins and early style. The first
information that can be offered falls into the 1430s. In 1432 Lippi
probably painted a fresco in the cloister of Santa Maria del Carmine,
the so-called Rules of the Carmelite Order, and in the same year he
apparently left the convent permanently. A small cutdown painting of
a Madonna and Child with Saints (in Empoli) has good claim to
predate the Rules of the Carmelite Order and to be Lippi's. The
picture is notably Masaccesque; recalling to a certain extent the
central section of the Pisa Altarpiece, upon which Lippi may even
have worked.
• Lippi was in Padua in 1434 and perhaps earlier, where he was
recorded together with Francesco Squarcione, the local painter and
powerful personality. Back in Florence, he signed and dated the
Tarquinia Madonna in 1437 and obtained an important commission
for an altarpiece, the Madonna Enthroned with Saints for the
Barbadori family chapel in Santo Spirito, which he apparently
finished during the following year.

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Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (detail)
Madonna of Humility (Trivulzio Madonna)
Confirmation of the Carmelite Rule (detail)
The Penitent St Jerome with a Young Monk
Madonna with Child (Tarquinia Madonna)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
The Doctors of the Church
Madonna and Child with Saints, Angels, and a Donor
Man of Sorrows
Madonna and Child with St Fredianus and St Augustine
St Fredianus Diverts the River Serchio
Madonna and Child
Paintings in the 1440s
by Fra Filippo LIPPI

Partea II

• In 1442, with Medici support, Pope Eugenius IV awarded Lippi an

important benefice. A large payment was made in 1447 for St
Bernard's Vision of the Virgin (National Gallery, London), produced
for the Palazzo della Signoria, as well as final payments for the
Coronation of the Virgin, made for Sant'Ambrogio, which was
commissioned in 1441.
• The Annunciation in the Church of San Lorenzo is among the most
successful paintings of Lippi's middle period, with a daring balance
of figures, architecture, and landscape. The Annunciation appears
to utilize the natural sources within the church itself, which was
designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.
• Many critics have presumed an interlude during the late 1440s when
Fra Filippo was strongly attracted to the painting of Fra Angelico to
such a point that a direct collaboration between the two masters has
been postulated for the Adoration of the Magi, a tondo rich in detail
and incidentals.

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Madonna and Child
Portrait of a Man and a Woman
Portrait of a Woman
Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors
Coronation of the Virgin
Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Coronation of the Virgin
Adoration of the Magi
Madonna Enthroned with Saints
The Virgin Appears to St Bernard
Seven Saints
Paintings in the 1450s
by Fra Filippo LIPPI

Partea III

• The Pitti Tondo, one of the most celebrated and most beautiful
works of Fra Filippo was executed in about 1452. He began to
fresco the enormous choir of the Cathedral of Prato in 1452 (after
Fra Angelico had turned down the assignment). He was aided by his
chief assistant of the period, Fra Diamante; the work dragged on for
years. In Prato Lippi also obtained a number of other assignments
(such as the Madonna del Ceppo and the Madonna della Cintola)
and purchased a house there in 1455. By 1458 he completed a
painting for the king of Naples, a commission negotiated by the
Medici, for whom Filippo produced an Adoration of the Child in c.

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Madonna with the Child and Scenes from the Life of St Anne
Madonna with the Child and Scenes from the Life of St Anne
Madonna del Ceppo
Adoration of the Child
c. 1455
by Fra Filippo LIPPI

Partea IV

In spite of his secular activitiesFra Filippo's late works are infused with religious
feeling and are far more lyrical than the early ones. The Madonna in the Forest in
Berlin, the Adoration of the Child in Florence and Prato and the popular Madonna
with the Child in Florence are examples. From 1466 until his death in 1469 he seem
s to have been in bad health and most of the work was done by pupils and

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Madonna in the Forest
Madonna in the Forest (copy on the altar of the chapel)
Madonna in the Forest (detail)
Adoration of the Child with Saints
Adoration of the Child with Saints (detail)
Adoration of the Child with Saints
Funeral of St Jerome (detail)
Funeral of St Jerome (detail)
Funeral of St Jerome (detail)
Madonna with the Child and
two Angels Gata

by lorin

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