Academic Ranks

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This list of academic ranks identifies the hierarchical ranking structure found

amongst scholars in academia. The lists below refer specifically to colleges and
universities throughout the world, although other institutions of higher learning
may follow a similar schema.
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor (Higher Rank)
- Assistant Professor (Lower Rank)
- Lecturer
- Assistant Lecturer
- Lecturer Candidate
- Assistant Lecturer Candidate
In Algeria, university teachers are initially recruited - on the basis of a
competition - at the rank of Matre Assistant (Assistant Professor), only if they are
holding a Doctoral degree from either local public universities or UNESCO
officially accredited and internationally recognized foreign institutions of higher
education . Not all foreign PhD's or academic titles are accepted or automatically
given local equivalencies . Degree granting Universities and their doctoral
programs (i.e.;courses & dissertation) are first evaluated by the National Ministry
of higher education equivalency committee before an official equivalency
decision to the Algerian Doctorate is granted . After a minimum of three years
and - on the basis of a competition based on teaching and scholarly work -
assistant professors are allowed to apply to compete for promotion to the rank of
Matre de Confrences (Associate Professor). After a minimum of five years, they
can similarly - on the basis of a competition based on teaching and scholarly
work - apply for promotion to the rank of Professeur de l'Enseignement Superieur
(Full Professor). All applications for the competition to promotion competitions
are first evaluated and ranked by the University scientific committees at faculty
and university levels, then by the Ministry of higher education promotion
committee before an official promotion decision is to be granted . The whole
process (French system legacy) is quite long and extremely competitive, and
does not allow for automatic rank equivalency for professors transferring from
overseas universities, the lengthy process repeat from assistant professor
upwards to professor is inevitable, exceptions made to officially invited visiting
professors who are well-known experts in their fields of expertise.

Source: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research - Algiers

Main article: Academic ranks in Argentina
Main article: Academic ranks in Australia
Level A - Associate Lecturer; equivalent to Lecturer/Assistant Professor at a US
university or Lecturer at a UK university.
Level B - Lecturer; equivalent to Assistant Professor at a US university or Senior
Lecturer at a UK university.
Level C - Senior Lecturer; equivalent to Associate Professor at a US university or
Senior/Principal Lecturer at a UK university.
Level D - Associate Professor; equivalent to Associate Professor with tenure at a
US university or Reader at a UK university.
Level E - Professor; equivalent to Full Professor (with a Chair) at a US university
or Professor at a UK university.
Teachers are categorized in four main classes in Bangladesh at University level.
The ascending rank of teacher is Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate
Professor and Professor. The initial position Lecturer is generally enrolled as the
top student of the class. Master's degree is required for normal university level
Lecturer. After PhD, the appointment starts with Assistant Professor, then
gradually Associate Professor and Professor depending on research/teaching
experience. Beside these, professor of Emeritus is given to extraordinary
professor after their retirement.

Professor emeritus
Associate professor
Assistant professor
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer
Dutch speaking community[edit]
Gewoon hoogleraar (full professor, full-time) (professor ordinarius)
Deeltijds gewoon hoogleraar (part-time full professor) (previously: professor
Hoogleraar (professor)
Hoofddocent (associate professor)
Docent (assistant professor)
Doctor-assistent (postdoc research assistant)
Assistent (research assistant)
Administrative ranks

Decaan (dean, i.e. head of a faculty)
French community[edit]
Professeur ordinaire (full professor)
Professeur extraordinaire (visiting professor in Switzerland, part-time professor in
Professeur (professor)
Charg de cours dfinitif (associate professor, tenured)
Charg de cours temporaire (associate professor, tenure-track)
Charg de cours invit (visiting assistant professor, non-tenured)
Matre de confrences (associate professor, tenured)
Directeur de recherche (research director, appointed by federal research council
Chef de travaux agrg (senior researcher with teaching aggregation, with Ph.D.)
Matre de Confrences (senior researcher, with Ph.D., appointed by federal
research council FNRS)
Chef de travaux (senior researcher, with Ph.D.)
Chercheur qualifi (senior researcher., appointed by federal research council
Premier assistant (senior research assistant, with Ph.D.)
Charg de recherche (researcher, typically post.doc., appointed by federal
research council FNRS)
Assistant de recherche (research assistant)
Administrative ranks

Recteur (president of university)

Doyen (dean, i.e. head of a faculty, elected)
Prsident d'institut (director of research institute, elected)
Vice-Doyen (vice-dean, i.e. head of studies in a faculty)
Prsident de dpartement (department head, elected)
Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit]
Asistent - assistant (Must hold at least Masters Degree with excellent grades.
Relevant working experience could be required as well)
Docent - assistant professor (Must hold PhD, Doctorate or pre-Bologna Magister
Degree with evidence of further study to doctoral level. Relevant working
experience could be required as well)
Vanredni profesor - associate professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have
experience of minimum of four years as a Docent)
Profesor - full professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of
minimum of four years as a Docent)
Administrative ranks

Rektor - rector / chancellor / head of university

Prorektor - prorector / vice-chancellor / head of university assistant
Dekan - dean / head of faculty or school at the university
Prodekan - vice-dean / head of faculty or school at the university
ef katedre - head of department
Honorary ranks

Profesor emeritus - professor emeritus

Main article: Academic ranks in Brazil
There is no official academic ranking in Brazilian private universities. However,
most of the public Federal Universities apply the following (from the highest
position to the lowest one):

Professor Emrito (professor emeritus)

Professor Titular (full professor) - PhD required
Professor Associado (associate professor) - PhD required
Professor Adjunto (assistant professor) - PhD required
Professor Assistente (lecturer) - only a master's degree is required
Professor Auxiliar (assistant lecturer) - no post-graduation degree is required
Professor Substituto ou Temporrio (temporary lecturer)
Assistant professor
Chief assistant professor
Docent associate professor
Professor full professor
Assistant professor
Chief assistant professor
Docent associate professor
Professor full professor
Academy of Sciences
Scientist III: after Master thesis or Diploma, equal to Assistant
Scientist II: after Doctoral thesis/PhD/Dissertation, after Dr. Grade (35 or 7 years
work after Master), equal Chef Assistant, *Associate or Post Doc
Scientist I: After second Post Doc (1 or 2 years work after PhD/Dr), equal Senior
Assistant or Senior Associate.
Senior Scientist I: after PhD (USA, UK....) or Doctoral dissertation/thesis (France,
Germany, Russia...) and some years of *Post-Doc, equal of Assoc. Prof.
Senior Scientist II: after Habilitation, equal to Professor
Full Professor
Higher administration of the academy of sciences
Member of correspondence for the Academy of Science (after
professor/habilitation), very rare
Academic: after member of correspondence (for the entire of Bulgaria).
Administrative ranks
Assistant rector
Secretary general
Academic ombudsman
Main article: Academic ranks in Canada
Faculty appointment

Distinguished professor or university professor (distinguished professor emeritus,

university professor emeritus; Fr professeur mrite)
Professor or full professor (research professor, professor of practice, visiting
professor, adjunct professor, professor emeritus; Fr professeur titulaire)
Associate professor (research associate professor, visiting associate professor,
adjunct associate professor; Fr professeur agrg)
Senior Lecturer (teaching professor)
Assistant professor (research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor; Fr
professeur adjoint)
Lecturer or instructor (sessional lecturer or sessional instructor; Fr charg de
Assistant professor is the entry-level rank for non-tenured members of faculty.

Non-faculty teaching and research personnel

Senior fellow, senior research fellow or senior scientist / Fr chercheur snior

Fellow, research fellow or scientist / Fr chercheur
Research supervisor or principal investigator / Fr directeur de recherche
Research associate or postdoctoral associate / Fr associ de recherche
Research assistant or teaching assistant / Fr auxiliaire de recherche
Administrative ranks

Dean (often also full professors)

Associate dean (often also full professors)
Directors of administrative departments
Associate/assistant directors of administrative departments
Chairs of academic departments (usually full professors)
Graduate Coordinators
Undergraduate Coordinators
Main article: Academic ranks in China
Full professor (
Associate professor
Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer
Main article: Academic ranks in Colombia
Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju equivalent to distinguished professor (prof. dr.
sc. Name Surname)
Redoviti profesor equivalent to full professor (prof. dr. sc. Name Surname)
Izvanredni profesor equivalent to associate professor (prof. dr. sc. Name
Docent equivalent to assistant professor (doc. dr. sc. Name Surname)
Vii asistent equivalent to teaching/research assistant, PhD (dr. sc. Name
Asistent equivalent to teaching/research assistant, usually a PhD student
Vii predava equivalent to senior lecturer
Predava equivalent to lecturer
Honorary academic rank

Professor emeritus - awarded to some full professors in retirement

Administrative ranks

Rektor equivalent to rector, head of university (in USA equivalent to president of

Prorektor equivalent to prorector, assistant to head of university (in USA
equivalent to vice-president of university)
Dekan equivalent to dean, head of faculty or school in university
Prodekan equivalent to vice-dean, assistant to dean
Proelnik odsjeka equivalent to department chair
Predstojnik zavoda equivalent to head of department
Predstojnik katedre equivalent to head of chair
Czech Republic[edit]
Main article: Academic ranks in the Czech Republic

Professor (Professor Titular)(full/part-time, PhD required)

Auxiliary Professor (Professor Auxiliar)(full/part-time)
Teaching Assistant (Assistante)(full/part-time)
Lecturer (Instructor)(full/part-time)
Tenure-track faculty positions

Associate professor
Assistant professor
Non-tenure track positions

Special teaching personnel

Special scientists
Main article: Academic ranks in Denmark
Main article: Academic ranks in Egypt
Teachers are categorized in five main classes in Egypt at University level. The
ascending rank of teacher is Demonstrator, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer,
Associate Professor and Professor. The initial position Demonstrator is generally
enrolled as the top student of the class. Master's degree is required for university
level Assistant Lecturer. After PhD, the appointment starts with Lecturer, then
gradually Associate Professor and Professor depending on research/teaching
experience. Beside these, professor of Emeritus is given to extraordinary
professor after their retirement.

OSTATH MOTAFAREGH () , equivalent to professor emeritus.

OSTATH (( )the "TH" pronounced like in the word "THE"), equivalent to
professor (usually after minimum of five years serving as OSTATH MOSAED as
well as publishing certain number of research papers)
OSTATH(the "TH" pronounced like in the word "THE") MOSAED () ,
equivalent to associate professor.
MODARESS (), Lecturer (must have a PhD degree)
MODARESS MOSAED () , Assistant Lecturer (must have a master's
MOA'ED (), or Teaching Assistant- also called demonstrator- (must have a
bachelor's degree; usually graduated top of the class).
Emeriitprofessor (professor emeritus)
Dotsent (associate professor)
Lektor (lecturer)
petaja (teacher)

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