Unit Test Study Guide Patterns and Equations

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Unit Test Study Guide

Patterns and Equations

1) Input / Output Machines (t charts)

Something happens to the input to get the output (like a calculator)

We can have 1 stage t charts or 2 stage t charts

Solving t charts
Look at the pattern that exists between the output numbers to find your first
operation (below the output increases by 2 each time, therefore your first stage
would be to x2)
Use this number to change your input and decide what your 2 nd operation should
be (below it would be + 1)
Input Output
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 11
6 13

Writing pattern rules

How would you write the pattern rule for this chart? Rule: Input x2 +1
What other way could you write it (as an expression with a
variable) n2 +1

Write an expression with a variable for these input rules:
a) Multiply the input by 10, then add 4. ____________________
b) Divide the input by 3, then add 4. ______________________
c) Multiply the input by 7, then subtract 2. _________________

Sometimes we are given a picture and have to record our own t

chart based on the growing pattern in the picture. Continue the
chart using the pattern below and write the rule:
Input Output
1 1
2 3
Write an expression to represent the pattern:______________
2) The coordinates grid and ordered pairs

- The grid is separated by the horizontal axis (x) and

vertical axis (y)

- There are 4 quadrants in total (I top right, II top left,

III, bottom left, IV bottom right) each quadrant has
different positive and negative numbers

When graphing ordered pairs (remember our mystery

pictures!) you are given 2 numbers (2, 4):

- The first number is on the x axis (horizontal line)

- The second number is on the y axis (vertical line)
- Where the two points meet on the grid is where you would label your point

Practice labelling these ordered pairs:

A: ________, B: ________, C: ________,

D: ________, E: ________

3) Equality

- Think of a scale: when there is equality, the scale is balanced and there are two
equations that have the same value

- An easy way to tell if two equations have equality is when they have commutative

- Commutative property occurs in addition and multiplication (ONLY) and means

that the order of the numbers in an equation do not matter because they produce
the same answer (eg. 8+2 = 10 and 2+8 = 10)

Practice! - Write an expression with 2 numbers and one operation to balance each

a) 5 7 = __________ b) 18 9 = __________ c) 32 8 = _________

4) Solving variables (algebra equations)

- X 17 = 16

- Leave the variable where it is

- Move the rest of the equation to the other side of the equal side and switch the sign
(negative switches to positive

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