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Chapter 15 Section 3 Review

1. On what issues did Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill disagree when it comes to
the second front in France?
2. What was the primary objective of the D-Day invasion at Normandy?
3. What were the results of the Battle of the Bulge?
4. What was the main strategy in the Pacific?
5. Why was the island-hopping campaign in the Pacific so deadly to both sides?
6. What was the name of the secret project that created the atomic bomb, and
who was in charge of this project?
7. What were the consequences of the decision to bomb Hiroshima and
8. How were the final phases of the war in Europe similar to the final phases of
the war in the Pacific?
9. How were the different?
10.What effect do you think possession of the atomic bomb will have on the role
of the USA in the postwar world?

12.Battle of the Bulge

13.Harry S. Truman

14.Island hopping


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