Module 14 Test Review

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Module 14 Test Review

1. Classical Conditioning
2. Generalization
3. Discrimination
4. Behaviorism
5. Learning
6. Stimulus
7. Response
8. Unconditioned Stimulus
9. Unconditioned Response
10.Conditioned Response
11.Conditioned Stimulus
14.Ivan Pavlov
15.John Watson
16.Behaviorists define learning as what?
17.While playing in the yard, little Amanda was stung by a bee. The sting
made her cry. What is the sting?
18.In the situation above about Amanda, what is her crying?
19.In classical conditioning an unconditioned stimulus becomes what?
20.While driving along and listening to her favorite song on the radio, Carla
was hit from behind. Of course, the accident made her feel anxious. Now,
whenever she hears that song, she feels anxious. The accident is what?
21.To become a CS, a stimulus mast first be what kind of stimulus?
22.What is paired during acquisition?
23.If a dog salivated only to a tuning fork but not to a bell or a buzzer, what
can you say has taken place?
24.In Pavlovs demonstration of classical conditioned, why did the tuning fork
become the conditioned stimulus?
25.In Watsons famous research with Little Albert, what was the conditioned
26.In the little Albert experiment, what was Watson most interested in
27.When advertisers show scenes of teenagers having fun snowboarding and
laughing with friends while drinking Mountain Dew, they are attempting to
use classical conditioning. In this scenario what is the Mountain Dew?

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