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Flor Jacome

Professor James Duvall

SPEECH COM T/TH 2:00pm 3:20pm

3, November 2016
Informative Outline Speech: Herbal Medicine


A. Introducing Herbal medicine (the study or practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use
of plants; herbalism) it refers to using plants seeds, berries, roots, leaves bark or flowers
for medical purposes.

B. Herbal medicine has been around since the Paleolithic age, approximately 60,000 years

First main point (strongest)

A. The history

1 Ancient Chinese and Egyptian writing have described medicinal uses for plants as
early as 3,000 BC.

1. African and Native American cultures used herbs in their healing rituals. The Native
American used herbs to heal and to keep bad spirits away. The African used the herbs
for purification of a bad vibe or healing.

Second main point (second strongest)

A. Types of herbs

Ginkgo is a leaf that is used for memory disorders including Alzheimers

disease. Also used for conditions that seem to be due to reduced blood flow in
the brain. It is also used for thinking disorders such as: chemotherapy, Lyme
disease and depression. Lyme disease (its a bacteria that affects any organ
of the body, including: brain and nervous system.

Garlic it is used for cooking but throughout modern and ancient history it is
used to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases.
(Parasites, liver disorders, poor digestion etc.)

Ginger a Southeast Asian plant (it is used for relieving digestive problems
such as nausea, loss of appetite motion sickness and pain.)

Milk thistle is an herbal supplement that detoxifies and protects vital liver
functions and more. This has been used for over 2,000 years as a natural
treatment for liver disorders.
Saw palmetto is a plant that is best known for its use in decreasing
symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

The use of herbal medicine:

A. Some usage for herbal medicine might be: Allergies, asthma, eczema, premenstrual
syndrome, migraine, chronic fatigue and cancer)

1 For example, a study shows that 90% of people with arthritis use alternative
therapies, such as herbal medicine. The supplements found in the herbal medicine
prescribed to the patient, notice that the pain is reducing and hand movement is
increasing. This is due to the fact that the supplement produces Chondroitin that
helps with pain and hand movement.

B. How to get ahold of herbal medicine:

1 Most herbal medicine is available in stores and come in different forms such as: teas,
syrups, oils, liquid extracts and dry extracts (pills or capsules)

C. Future of Herbal Medicine:

1 Some countries in Europe, unlike the U.S herbs are classified as drugs and are
regulated. The German Commission E, and expert actively researches their safety and

2. While it not widely accepted, herbal medicine is being taught more in medical
schools and pharmacy schools. More health care providers are learning about the
positive and potentially negative effects of using herbal medicines to help treat


A. Herbal Medicine is still used till this day in countries such as:

- China 30% - 50% of the medicinal consumption

- Ghana, Mali, Nigeria and Zambia first line of treatment for 60% of children with
high fever resulting from malaria, is the use of herbal medicines at home.

- Europe, North America and other industrialized regions over 50% of the population
have used complementary or alternative medicine at least once.

- San Francisco, London and South Africa 75% of people living with HIV/AIDS use

- Germany 90% of the population have used natural remedy at some point in their life.

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- US 158 million of the adult population use complementary medicines and according to
the USA Commission for Alternative and Complementary medicines, US spent $17
billion dollars on traditional remedies in 2000.

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