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Rebecca! my mother shouted excitedly from upstairs.

I knew there was good news for

her and bad news for me. Last year, she ran towards me with exciting news about this new

promotion she received at her law firm, which also meant we had to move to another city. Now

as she came downstairs with a huge smile on her face, I was praying that we would stay here a

little longer, even though weve only been here for about three months. I have great news! she

exclaimed, I closed my eyes waiting for her good news and my bad news. Were going to

London! she squealed like a teenager meeting her favorite band member. I looked at her to see

if she was joking, but no sure enough she showed me two airport tickets. I was hoping this was

for fun and not to see if London was right for us. Why are we going to London, in the middle of

the school semester? I asked with a frown, I think she noticed my expression because she

stopped jumping and looked at me. We are going to see if London is good for us, living here in

America hasnt been what I expected. She said truthfully, I looked at her stunned to find out that

my thoughts werent deceiving. My mind drifted off to the first time we moved to another city, I

lost all contact with my best friends or people that I thought were my friends. I thought about

how behind I was in my school work, that I sometimes even begged my mother to homeschool

me instead. Her response would always be Well get you a private tutor or Im not always

home so it would be impossible. But this time it was totally different, we werent moving to

another city, we were moving to another country.

Here we were standing in the middle of the airport, passes in hand and luggage by our

feet. My mothers smile not contagious towards my direction at all, I felt this feeling in my chest

of emptiness. I wasnt sad that I was leaving school or people I knew from school because to be

fairly honest I hated everyone there. I was upset over the fact that I was leaving the only place I

kind of felt at home, the house where we moved in not even two months ago felt like it was the
one. But I guess I was wrong because my mother had other plans, I had no choice but to follow

her and that included to another country. Flight 314D to London now boarding, the announcer

broke me out of my thoughts, I now know for a fact that it was real and I wasnt dreaming, my

mother was really considering moving us to London. Alright, come on honey, cheer up youll

end up loving it there. She said as she rubbed my arm and gathered her purse and we headed

towards the boarding tunnel. Yeah, thats what you said about the last move. I mumbled as I

followed right behind her.

We boarded the plane and my mother did not bother to check if our seats were side by

side. Now here I was stuck between a snoring guy and a guy with a hoodie on and shades. The

good part of this is that I got the window seat. Ever since that I could remember or if I count the

times we were moving city to city, Ive always loved sitting by the window. I dont know why I

loved it, but seeing all these different landscapes and the people below as we hovered above

earth gave me the sense that the world was bigger than anyone could imagine.

"Hey Becks, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight and I'll introduce you to some of

my friends, so you'll have more friends here in L.A" Maggie said over the phone. "Yeah sure

sounds like fun" I said sort of excited and kind of nervous but hopefully it'll go well. I just

moved from Texas not long ago and I met Maggie at an interview for a job, guess none of us got

the job but we did gain a good friendship. I am 19 years old and I have a job at a coffee shop

here in L.A. The only reason why I moved from Texas was because it was extremely boring, but

L.A is something else. "Alright I'll pick you up around 6:30, right after I pick up Austin" She said

I could hear the excitement in her voice. I just hope this isn't match making again. She did that
once for me, let's just say it didn't go so well. "Okay Mags, but this better not be one of your

match making" I said laughing a little, even though I've been living here for a year now, I've

gotten to know Maggie very well, she's like a sister to me. "No promises, bye" She hanged up

before I could even say something else.

I finished putting on the last touches to my makeup when I receive a text message from

Maggie saying she was outside waiting for my slow ass to get in the car. I laughed it off, that's

how Maggie and I are, like I said before she's like a sister to me. I thank god for literally putting

her in my path, it's been a blissful year with her. I headed downstairs, after checking if I had

grabbed everything I needed. To lately realize I left my jacket and it was a cold and windy night,

for my luck. Becky if you don't get your ass inside the car so we can leave, I will get down &

shove you inside" Maggie shouted out the car window, making me roll my eyes because it would

be literally impossible to shove me in the car, who says I wouldn't put up a fight. "I'm coming,

gosh is it even possible to have your panties in a twist this early at night?" I laughed climbing in

the back, noticing she did bring this guy Austin along. "I think so," Austin joined in making

Maggie glare at both us, which just made me laugh. "I'm Austin by the way," He said stretching

from the front seat to the back to shake my hand. "Becky, but my friends call me Becks" I said

shaking his hand. "Okay love struck lovebirds let's get this party started," Maggie shouted,

turning the music up louder, something that I would have noticed if I wasn't in awe because

Austin is not ugly, he is very cute, not saying I like him, yet. Did I forget to mention, Maggie

loves driving fast, and to the point where it has you holding onto anything that is solid ground. I

haven't gotten used to it, but it doesn't feel as bad as the first time I was in the car with her. By

the looks of it, Austin hasn't gotten in the car with her before, because that boy is holding on for

dear life. Which is amusing to watch until we arrive to our destination.

It happens to be this small food place, it looks artsy and its my kind of scene. Graffiti

walls are very creative and beautiful art. Something that boring people don't appreciate very

often, thinking that is just vandalism. It's not, its a way people can express themselves when

they think they don't have a voice, they use spray cans, and paint brushes to paint their own

voice, in their own unique way. There's this huge wall, and next to it, its a table full of spray

cans. I guess it's a place where you can spray paint on the walls, creating more colorful vibes to

the place. I just know this will be my favorite place. "You like it Becks?" Maggie asked looking

at me for a reaction. I picked it out just for you, I know you love art and anything that screams

artsy, She said smiling at me.Of course I love it, this will be my new favorite place," I said

smiling at her, I hugged her tightly and thanked her multiple times.

After a while of shutting me up, I ran like an excited child seeing something new for the

very first time, starring at the huge wall in an awe way. I grabbed spray cans, every different

color you can think of and started expressing my excitement onto this beautiful wall. I was

joined by Austin, later to learn that he loves to sing and paint, to express his feelings as well. "So

you sing?" I asked working on my pink rose, that I gathered into a girls neck that was painted

before we arrived. "Yeah, I love it, I also play guitar, piano, and the drums" He said smiling

widely which made me smile because his smile is very beautiful and contagious. Not to brag or

anything but I can beat box," He said winking making me blush and smile like a school girl who

just talked to her crush for the very first time. Which made me get this good feeling in the pit of

my stomach.

"Flight 214C to Miami Florida is now boarding," the lady through the intercom announced. I

grabbed my carry on and stood up, there standing was Sarah and Alex waiting to give me my

goodbye hug. Well guys there's my flight, Ill miss you guys I will never forget you I promise

and Ill call you guys when I land," I said giving each one of them a hug holding back my tears I

grabbed my luggage and started walking to the terminal. I love you!" I shouted before I boarded

the plane and made my way to my seat placing my carry on in the top compartment. I waited for

the plane to take off and plugged in my earphones closing my eyes and letting the memories of

my best friend leaving us take over my mind.

*flash back*

"Hello? I answered I was laying down in my bed listening to music one of my hobbies but my

dream is to be a professional model. Ashley could you come over its important," Austin said

very serious. Did he find out about my crush on him? I grabbed my shoes and went outside

making my way to Austins house. I finally made it to his driveway when I saw a moving truck

parked in front of his house and lots of men moving boxes and furniture. I ran to his door

knocking impatiently waiting for Austin or Michele to open the door. Oh, hi Ashley," Michele

greeted me smiling sympathetically Whats going on Michele? Are you guys moving?" I asked

almost at the verge of tears. I think you should talk to Austin, he's upstairs packing," she said

moving aside for me to enter her home. I walked in and saw lots of boxes stacked everywhere. I

ran to Austins room not even bothering to knock. Austin what's going on?" I asked my voice

cracking through my sentence. I am so sorry Ashley, Im moving to pursue my dreams Im so

sorry I promise you-"

I cut him off. "How could you keep this from me? I whispered knowing that the pain I felt in my

chest was visible on my face. Don't leave me here, please," I said breaking down letting tears
stream down my face not even bothering to wipe them off. Ashley I have to go but we can skype,

call, and text each other whenever you want. He said standing in front of me I promise we'll

keep in touch don't worry Ill come visit you," he said giving me a tight hug. I just couldnt

believe I was losing my best friend.

*end of flash back*

I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. "Maam the plane has landed," the attendant

said as I opened my eyes. Oh umm ok thank you," I said grabbing my carry on from the top

compartment and made my way out of the empty plane into the crowded airport. I made my way

to where my luggage was and grabbed my things. I exit the crowded airport waiting for a taxi.

Finally after 10 minutes of waiting a taxi stopped and a driver in his mid-20s helped me load up

my luggage. I got in the car and waited for the driver to get done putting my luggage in the back.

He finally got in and I gave him my address to my new apartment I bought before I arrived.

While we made our way to my new apartment I stared out the window to admire the beautiful

city and the sun setting in the horizon of the sky. Beautiful isn't it?" the driver whose name is

Matt asked trying to start conversation. I just nodded I am really shy when it comes to

communicating with people I just met.

We finally arrived and matt helped me with my luggage again. I gave him the amount due

and gave him a $5.00 tip. I grabbed my luggage and made my way inside the building to my

apartment to get my keys and fill out paper work I needed to sign personally etcI grabbed my

keys from my mail slot, and made my way to the elevator to get to my apartment which was on

the 11th floor of this building. I pushed the button to go and before I knew it there stood 3 guys

stopping the door to get in by their tone of voice I could tell they were teenagers older or the
same age as me. I couldn't really see their faces because they were all wearing sunglasses and

hoodies but I shrugged it off and focused on my floor.

The elevator finally stopped on the 11th floor where the guys ran out of the elevator very

quickly. I got out with my luggage and made my way to my door I grabbed my keys out of my

pocket and started to unlock my door, but a creaking sound caught my attention. I looked both

ways and noticed the 3 guys from the elevator live next door to my apartment, great. I walked in

and through my luggage in the middle of my small but comfy living room. Ill just unpack

tomorrow Im too exhausted so I made my way to my naked bed in the corner of my bedroom .I

walked back to my living room picking up my suit cases and bringing them to my room to get

my bed spread & sheets to make my bed to sleep in tonight Ill just get my clothes packed

tomorrow. I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas and went to bed very exhausted. I

just hope I don't have those dreams from now on.

Ive been thinking about it and I should really break up with Austin, Ive stopped having those

feelings for him and every day he's becoming more of a jerk and I don't like that one bit.

Secondly its also because I have feelings for Dustin. He has been my best friend for a while and

I feel like he gets me more than Austin or anyone else. Dustin has always been there for me when

something bad happens and I am forever grateful to have him in my life.

I am currently standing by Austins locker waiting to tell him that its over and I know

hell is going to break loose but its now or never and I chose now. I just stood here waiting for

him to come and just as I was about to turn and walk away I see him, standing at the end of the

hallway with a girl making out. I walked as fast as I could over to where they were sucking their
faces off. What do you think you're doing? I said angrily no tears in my eyes I might be angry

but this isn't the first time I got cheated on Ill probably just break down later but right now I am

not giving no one the pleasure to see me break down for something stupid. Bella I can explain,"

he said dumb founded stuttering with his own words. Save it Austin, its over!" I shouted and by

now we had the whole school's attention, great. You can have him he was no good anyways,

have fun being the flavor of the week because honey you're just a one-time thing," I said to the

girl that had a smirk on her face that soon turned into a disturbing facial expression. As I turned

around I saw Dustin at the end of the hall and he looked shocked. I pulled his arm making my

way down the other wing of the school and I was definitely skipping the rest of the school hours.

What was that about?" Dustin asked looking down at my pissed off face. Well Austin cheated

on me and I dumped him," I said stopping in the middle of the hall where you could see the exit

just a few lockers down. Oh Im sorry," he said giving me a bear hug. Dont worry I am fine I

just want to skip the rest of the school hours," I said doubting he would want to skip with me.

Im coming with you, I dont want to leave you alone right now, he said instantly "Thanks

Dustin, youre always here for me and I appreciate it," I said taking his hand in mine running

towards the exit. We made it out and I don't have a car and neither does Dustin so we decided to

walk to the park far from the neighborhood. I had a really good feeling in my stomach, having

Dustin with me like I would have never thought he'll skip school with me it makes me smile he's

usually not this kind of person but I guess today he is.We kept walking down the road just

everything in silence it was a good peaceful moment and may I add Dustin kept taking glances

down at me smiling sweetly every once in a while.

(Dustins POV)
We kept walking down the road in silence.... it was a beautiful today and I just couldn't

help but remember the time Bella and I started talking and the first time I had a crush on her in

the 8th grade and I somehow still do because she is just so amazing. I looked down at her more

than once just smiling and then I looked ahead as we walked and remembered that day like it was


*flash back*

It was the 2nd week of school when we were getting our schedules organized since some students

transferred from another school that closed down and we had lots of students attending this year.

I am currently in my first period which happens to be science I am not a complete fan of science

but its ok I guess. I was sitting at the very right back table with lots of other students. The

teacher was giving a lesson. Every once in a while during the lesson new students would be

entering and getting settled down due to too many students in this first period.

I was just looking out the window when this cute red head came in she had a baby face

she had her hair going down her mid back straight and she had a cute little bow on. She looked

shy and just quiet which may I add I was too. She sat in the front table by the door, while she

looked around the room getting to know the faces that she would be seeing every other day of the

year. I couldn't stop staring at her she looked beautiful. "Hey who you staring at?" the guy

sitting next to me asked apparently noticing me staring at her. Oh that girl over there with the

red hair," I said turning to him so we wouldn't catch attention. I saw him glance at her direction

and I took a quick glance noticing that she caught us. "Oh shes pretty," he said looking away

and I just nodded not knowing what to say. I kept staring at her, while the teacher called role.

Dustin Smith," Mrs. Louis said out loud I raised my hand and said here indicating I was
present. Bella Wilson" Mrs. Louis announced and I heard the girl speak and say here, I smiled

sweetly not letting her see me.

Bella I repeated in my head happy that I got her name.

Throughout the day I didn't see Bella but I saw her at lunch, which was great. Today we

get out early at three due to it being the first or second week of school. Everyone had to go

through the front gate. I didn't see her so I started walking towards the gate since Austin was

already in the car. Dustin! Dustin!" I heard from behind me I saw Bella calling my name and

running to catch up to me. My heart was doing flips knowing she knew my name and she was

walking well running my way."Hey could you give this to your brother?" she asked handing me a

note that said To Austin from Bella. My heart sunk and of course she would go for him, all the

girls do. "Yeah," I managed to say before she left with a huge smile on her face, that I wish I was

the reason for.

* End of flash back*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blasting in my eyes. It was my first time back

in regular school, Ive been homeschooled all my life but I guess my parents wanted me to have

the school experience and have actual friends. I got out of bed, I was certainly not excited for my

first day because Im not sure how regular school works like but I was certainly worried that

people would find out I was homeschooled. I hopped in the shower, thinking of different outfits I

could put together when I got out, I wasnt the type to over dress but then again Ive never been

surrounded by a lot of people my age for about eight hours a day. Lauren twenty minutes before
we have to go! I heard my mother shouting from downstairs, I quickly got out and wrapped a

towel around my body and another over my head.

After ten minute, I finally settled for ripped jeans and a t-shirt, like I mentioned before I

am not the type to over dress for anything. I grabbed my sneakers and my jacket and I headed

downstairs. Good morning honey, my mother said making breakfast, just by the look of it she

was clearly excited for my day back at normal school. Are you excited? she asked placing

waffles on my plate and I poured myself some orange juice. I am kind of nervous, I said as I

looked down at my waffles not bothering to take a bite, instead I drunk my juice and continued

with the conversation. Dont worry, its going to go great, she said looking at the clock and her

facial expression indicated it was time to hit the road.

On the drive to my new school, I noticed that the city was really packed in the mornings.

I dont notice because I dont go out and I dont have many people to go out with around here. I

was thinking of the new friends I will make, I was hoping I would make at least one friend

because if I didnt make one I knew the year will fill like forever. Its my junior year and I really

dont know what my parents were thinking, changing me to regular school right when they

needed to take the SATs. I got broken out of my thoughts when my mother pulled up to the huge

school, I saw lots of students everywhere and I mean Ive never seen this amount of people

anywhere else but at the mall. Alright honey, you remember where the office is at right? my

mother asked parking on the sidewalk and I just nodded Okay well go on in there and Ill pick

you up at three-thirty, she said rubbing my shoulder and again I just nodded. I thanked myself

for not eating those waffles because my stomach was doing flips.

I got out of the car feeling smaller than Ive ever felt in my life, I looked around and I

saw everyone was greeting their friends from the previous year and lots of students chatting on
and on about their summer vacation. I looked ahead and I started walking towards the entrance

of the school when all of a sudden a bell rung and it was like a calling to wild animals because

all the students piled up all at once trying to get to the entrance. I stepped aside not knowing

what to do, I just knew that it was going to be difficult to find the office now. I backed up a little

until I hit a solid background or in this case someone. Sorry, I said looking up at the person but

I guess he didnt see me until he bumped into me again. Oh sorry, he said looking down at me,

not breaking eye contact. I was hoping I did not have anything on my face. Hey, Ive never seen

you around, are you a freshman? he asked and by now all the students dispersed into their

classes leaving me and him in the hallway. Uh no, Im a junior, I said looking around, I noticed

that this school was huge from the inside as it was from the outside. Oh awesome, well if you

need help I got you, he said smiling as he started walking and I followed behind him. You have

psychics too? he asked noticing that I was following him. Um no, I havent received my

schedule... I trailed off and his eye lit up and he nodded I can walk you to the office, its just

right here around the corner, he said as I followed behind him. So whats your name? he

asked as he opened the door for me Lauren, I replied as I walked up to the administrator.

Well, Im Josh, he said as he left me in the office to get to his class.

After finally receiving my schedule and starting my first class extra late, that I later found

out I have with Josh, which was cool because at least now I knew someone from here and I

wasnt totally alone. I didnt report to my first class and I just started walking to my next class

which the administrator explained was on the third floor in this building. I took the stairs to buy

me time, knowing I was extra early to my next class. I was walking up the stairs looking around

until someone bumped into me knocking my schedule out of my hands. Yo watch it, the guy

said as I looked up and saw that it was Josh. Oh, hey Lauren, Im sorry, are you alright? he
asked picking up my schedule. I just nodded not knowing what to say, You have physics right

now, he said looking over my classes and I blushed knowing that I was definitely missing class

at the moment. Arent you supposed to be in class? I asked changing the subject and he smiled

at me Touch, he said smiling and handing me back my schedule. I just know that Josh and I

will be good friends and I just hope this school year goes by extremely fast and overall

everything turns out well.

It was the morning before it happened, the weather was coordinating on my how I felt

with this whole situation. I could not believe that this was happening, right now at this moment.

This whole situation felt so surreal and I wish this was a nightmare instead of a reality. There

stood my brother holding a white rose in one hand and his other hand held mine. I wish I could

move or tell him that everything will be ok, that I was ok. But knowing how I felt so helpless on

this hospital bed, I knew he wouldnt believe me. I miss you Riley, I heard him whisper, it

broke my heart knowing he thought I was gone completely. My mind and ears were very well

aware that I had people present around me and not just my little brother saying he missed me. I

wanted to tell him Im alright Johnny, but it was useless trying to move a muscle.

It all happened late January, even though I am not sure for how long Ive been out but it

feels like Ive been out for a few days. I was sitting in my car talking to my friend Amber whom

was sitting in the backseat showing me different magazines about some gorgeous prom dresses. I

wasnt the kind of girl to want to do prom and go all big in actually preparing for that day. I was

the kind of girl to just nodded and smile at her whenever she would shove a magazine in my face,

and in her own words shed say, Come on Riley, its half price from the shoes and thats not
including the huge discount you get if you include your tiara. We got out of school and by this

time the time change wasnt effective until mid-March so it was pretty dark out by now. It had

drizzled in the morning and the middle of the afternoon and it was pretty chilly out. So are we

going to Joshs party tonight? Amber asked looking at me through the review mirror. Amber has

always been the one to persuade me to go to high school parties and get the whole high school

experience and every time shed tell me the same thing over and over again, my response would

always be no. But something about tonight felt different so I decided to actually say yes. Sure,

why not, I said nonchalantly and I got a gasp from the backseat as she hoisted herself onto the

front seat and looked at me like if I had lost my mind. Are you serious riles?! she exclaimed

looking at me to make sure I wasnt playing a prank on her and I just nodded, starting the car

and heading out of the parking lot.

It was about 7:30pm and I started getting ready for tonight. Amber and I have never

gone to a high school party and we might as well go since its our last year in high school. This

party was located in the rural part of the town and my parents were kind of skeptical of letting

me drive out there but I begged them to let me go just this once. So here I am getting ready and I

decided to wear a white blouse and some ripped skinny jeans and I wore my black and white

converse. I let my hair air dry because I dont think well be there long, especially since my

curfew is at 1am. I grabbed my phone and text Amber that I was on my way, it wouldnt take long

considering the fact that we lived three blocks away. I walked downstairs and I saw Johnny

watching television and I remembered I had to take him to his soccer game tomorrow.

Hey bub, dont think I forgot about your soccer game tomorrow morning. I said

ruffling his hair a bit and he smiled up at me and nodded. Well Ill see you later, I said and

went into the kitchen to let my mom know I was leaving. Bye mom, Ill see you later, I called
out and I heard her say to not come home too late and watch the road. I got in my car and

started the car and back out of my driveway and drove to Ambers house. I honked the horn three

times and waited for her to come out. I saw her front door open and sure enough Amber came

out wearing a black skin-tight dress and I felt underdress but I didnt care. Hey girl, she said

as she got in and placed her purse in the backseat. Hey, ready? I asked and started the car

again and I drove to the party.

I had a bad feeling and it wasnt because of the party but something on the way there told

me to turn around and not continue driving but I brushed it off and I continued. I was almost

close to the house party but it was difficult to see due to the lack of lights around this area, the

only light I had were coming from my headlights. I turned my head to look at Amber when all of

a sudden a car was coming straight towards us. I couldnt brake all I could do was turn the

wheel until I felt the car collide with ours and we started flipping. I felt myself getting out of my

seat as soon as the car collided with us and next thing I know everything went black.

I plugged in my headphones, blocking the world, and my distressingly thoughts of mine.

I think the hardest part about being a teenager is dealing with other teenagers, the criticism and

the ridicule, the gossip and rumors spread through this hell hole, that you call high school. I will

not introduce myself as the depressed outcast teenager or the nerd, I won't introduce myself at

all, and Ill let you figure me out at some point but not now. I sat there scanning through the

multitude of teenagers trying to reach their designated location. I finally spot him, my best friend

Brent. I won't say 'we've known each other since 3rd grade' because we literally met last week &

we (clich speaking) 'clicked' I forgot to mention I hate "clich" I despise it not with passion,
because "clich" hasn't done anything to me. Except to some of these teenage girls, "clich"

creates lies that at least every teenage girl falls for' including myself'

It started in the 9th grade, by the way I forgot to mention Im in the 11th grade (junior)

with no life. i won't mention my name just yet, I promise I will soon. I was 15 a nave 15 year

old that didn't understand back then. What was it like to have friends, boyfriend, and parents?

Yes I mentioned parents, I last saw them since that night, where my whole "life" made a whole

new modification. Ill tell you what happened later on, when you get to understand and

acknowledge the things you have to live with. i think it's time to tell you my name, i guess it's a

good time, my name is "Samantha Halls" you probably know all the nicknames that they could

possibly have for a girl called ' Samantha' so I won't list them.

"Sam, let's go," I heard Brents voice say, breaking me out my thoughts "clich" I had to I

really did. I looked up to see him looking down at me with a worried expression plastered on his

face. Dont get me wrong, Brent is amazingly good looking, he has brown hair that he constantly

messes with (Ive noticed) his chocolate brown eyes, that stunning smile, he's a good 6ft tall,

compared to myself Im about 5'2 (shorter then him) of course 'no surprise' even so good looking

and all I wouldn't date him. "Are you okay?" he asked again, I looked up and nodded standing up

next to him, walking to our first class. Its Monday the weekend sadly ended so quickly. But to

me it was seemingly endless, I would do the usual weekend routine that Brent knew by then. (I

mentioned it) luckily he didn't question much about it. "You keep zoning out on me, are you sure

you okay?" Brent asked concern evident in his voice. I just nodded "yeah, Im okay sorry I keep

zoning out, didn't get much sleep last night," I said lying and saying the truth. I did get enough

sleep, it's been a habit of zoning out ever since 'my parents' I just haven't told anyone what
happened, except my uncle which is currently my legal guardian until I turn 18, I can decide to

stay a little longer or move out.

"Okay, come on we'll be late," he said taking my hand and pulling me to walk faster

'which I didn't like the idea of doing' I hate walking fast especially if it means getting to class

faster. I looked up to see we were in front of biology class, (I really don't understand it, and I

don't know how Im here) I sighed walking in after Brent. The usual you see in high school, '

nerds in the front, jocks with the stuck up cheerleaders and their uniforms in the back, and lastly

the basically middle ones in the middle' I sat next to Brent since he's my lab partner. The teacher

started talking about our next project that was going to be due before the semester was over. I

wasn't up for a project and the stress it'll consist of ' we already have the finals to worry about' .

"Youre right but it'll help me determine on how well you've been paying attention Ms. Halls,"

the teacher said. I kind of slumped into my seat, realizing that I said that out loud. 'I really need

to keep my mouth shut' "good one Sammy," Brent whispered and I looked up to see him

smirking, I just smiled back shaking my head in the process. I know I could feel my cheeks

burning fiercely. But I ignored the stares and focused on the teacher.

Sometimes I wonder why biology teachers teach at a high school or middle school, if

they have their doctoral degree or however you call it. Dont they get tired, of doing something

not important? when some of them get angry because we aren't putting much effort in our

homework, projects, or class work, they are always saying, ' I have a doctoral degree, I don't

need to be here, Im here because you guys need me' or what not. Like we don't "need" you, we

can just do something else more important. So you want to work on the project together?" Brent

asked, I shrugged my shoulders " yeah, sure," I said sitting up to my normal position. You don't

talk much do you?" he said smirking and shaking his head. I smiled and nodded, "Sometimes,
just today I feel tired," I stated giving him a small sympathetic smile, he smiled and nodded

understanding. that's what I liked about him the first day we talked last week, he didn't pressure

me to talk 'which I didn't do' he's the first person Ive spoken to, since that night. I guess you can

say he brought me from my most fragile state ever, to reality. I appreciate that, but it scares me, it

scares me because he can make me open up at some point, where I will feel like I wouldn't have

a choice, to keep these thoughts a complete secret, and the memories buried with the people that

brought them.

I sat there staring out in space thinking (which I do all the time) Im basically used to it.

but I guess Brent isn't, he just stares at me concerned but I brush it off "clich" I really need to

stop being "clich" it's deficient with my zoning out habit I don't really need my horrible "clich"

comments to butt in. I feel like ever since that night, everything has changed completely, well in

my situation or mind it has. When you think, you've learned everything there is to learn about

life even if you're 17 (my age) or even your grandparents age. Well you're wrong everyone learns

by time even old or young, you never stop learning from life. "Ms. Halls with Mr. Marshall, you

two will be working on 'the study of life' more specifically, 'the study of human life'" Mr.

Wesley," announced which brought me back to reality. "So when do you want to start working on

the project?" Brent asked ignoring the rest of the names Mr. Wesley was announcing. "Whenever

you want," I said fiddling with the sleeves of my shirt, I also forgot to mention to you that its fall,

my favorite time of the year.

"Alright, so what's wrong?" Brent asked, now that actually caught my attention. Could he

see through me? "Clich" I laugh, because how could someone see through you? Only if they

had super powers then of course they could see through you, but I don't think Brent has super

powers let alone could he read minds. "Im fine Brent, don't worry," I said giving him a smile, he
smiled back showing his dimple which I just noticed. He really is good looking, I wonder why he

doesn't have a girlfriend. But Im pretty sure he has one. "Earth to Sam," Brent said poking my

cheek, I made a face that apparently he thought was hilarious, making him laugh, which brought

a smile to my face. First person to actually make me authentically smile. He is a really good

friend, someone who would probably leave when he knows what happened that night, which I

won't mention. "Stop poking me it's unhuman like," I said poking his dimple which made him

glare at me, we eventually stopped since Mr. Wesley caught us and made a remark that made my

cheeks turn pink. He can sometimes turn things into something completely different.

"Yeah, its unhuman like Sammy" Brent mocked me, which I replied by rolling my eyes.

This class period is going by so slow, I don't know how people get through the day without

dragging themselves (literally) "when is this class over?" I said to actually no one but Brent

decided to answer. "in like, now," he said laughing, I just shook my head gathering my things for

the next class, which happened to be 'art' I really love that class, not just the teacher Ms. bass,

amazing teacher. I remember she gave me my first art book, to draw in whenever I felt "inspired"

which was most the whole time, but mostly when Im alone in my room. "Let me stop by my

locker, I have to get my paint brushes," I told Brent stopping mid- way to the art room. But since

we don't have that class together he offered to walk me there. Saying I would get lost on my way

there, because Im always in my own little world. 'Most likely true' "okay, well Ill head on to

algebra, Ill see you at lunch, and try not to get lost," he teased hugging me quickly before

heading to his class.

It felt strange getting a hug from him if we just met last week it was basically, like in the

movies where the girl stupidly isn't paying attention to where she's looking at and the guy bumps

into her making her books fall out of her hands. Well yeah I was the stupid girl not paying
attention where I was going ' since Im always stuck in my own little bubble' but I didn't have

books in my hands and I know Brent knew where he was going. He purposely bumped into me

which I didn't mind but damn it felt like I was being tackled. He apologized and I said it was fine

just to watch where he was going. But he wanted to make up to me by taking me to the football

game, which I just remembered that it's this Friday. 'ring' I heard the late bell ring, I was about to

leave my locker, but I noticed I haven't taken my supplies out "shit," I cursed under my breathe

trying to get the lock to open faster, Im not the type to be late specially to this class, my favorite

class may I add.

I finally got it open and threw the stuff I used for biology and took my art book and paint

brushes out. I put the lock back on the locker placer thingy 'I don't know what it's called and I

don't have time to correct myself' I legitimately ran through the hall way to the art room. just for

my clumsy self-trip over my own feet ' good one Sam' I mumbled feeling the pink returning to

my cheeks just like in biology, but just thinking if someone saw me. I quickly got up and entered

the art room, and to my surprise everyone was barely settling down in their seats. All I could do

was sigh in relief. "Sam it's good to see you're here," Ms. Bass said smiling at me. "Good to be

here as well Ms. Bass," I said smiling back at her and taking my seat next to the back window,

my usual spot in this class. I like this spot because, the window leads to the back field of the

school and I could see the colorful leaves falling from the trees that are ready for winter to hit.

"Okay class continue your paintings from last class period and if you're done, you can show me

for your final grade," Ms. Bass announced.

I started working on my painting from last class, I won't tell you how it looks or what it

is. Its just something that makes me feel at peace with my life and myself, you'll learn more

about that. I stroked the paint brush to the smallest leaf on my painting 'I gave you a hint' I was
almost done, when my phone beeped. 'Ms. Bass lets us use our phone in her class' it was Brent

being funny.

From Brent:

I saw the mess you caused in the hall with your paint brushes

I quickly replied, because knowing him he'll start teasing texting me and it's pretty much

annoying but 'adorable' but mostly annoying.

To Brent:

I was running late. Dont judge

I decided to read his message when Im done with this painting, honestly it's been the longest

since Ive worked on a painting but it's all worth the time Im placing on this project. I felt my

phone vibrate on the table, 'where I set it at' I knew it was Brent, so I opened it.

From Brent:

I know, you were daydreamin' like always, but I would never judge you for doing that,

on the contrary its adorable

I shook my head deciding I wouldn't reply, and just continue to finish my drawing. Dont come

to conclusions that Im 'falling' for him, because it's not like that yet. I know, best friends always

date at the end of every romantic novel or movie, but this isn't a romantic novel let alone a

movie. Its my 'life'.

Its been three years since Ive seen him, I mightve thought I saw him in the empty

hallways or maybe on my way to school but I was sure enough that I would not see him ever

again. He was my best friend and I knew that I could never forget him because he was so special

to me. I remember one night we were in his room listening to music and we were talking about

what we wanted to be when we got older. I remember his response like it was yesterday, I could

hear his whisper saying the words I would always remember.

I want you to be my wife, he whispered barely audible for me to hear. I struggled to

erase the smile off my face when he murmured those seven words. I always knew we would stay

best friends for a really long time but I never knew it would end so quickly three years after that

night. That night was the last night we spent together just the two of us enjoying each others

company. After that night we would hang out with our other friends: Chad, Bianca, Amber and it

was Chris and I. We would all do everything together and I mean everything. If one of us had to

stay after school because they got detention or if one of us had to go do volunteer work we

would all sign up together. Those were the days and years I would love to have again, to

experience those memories and have everyone together again. Now that Chris is gone, the group

split. He was the light of the group and even though he was a jerk or an asshole sometimes he

would always make us all get along.

Stop fighting over dumb stuff, we only live once and we have a lot of years ahead of us

to fight over who gets shotgun or not, He said smirking as he pushed Amber off the seat and

called shotgun. I hate you, shed say as she got into the backseat and I would laugh at her

through the rearview mirror. I would always drive everyone around since I was the only one who

actually got her license after the first drivers test. Everyone was proud of me especially Chris. I

remember he told me he would get me a gift for getting my license and I would have never
expected a gift from him. But there we were one day in front of the gas station slurping slushies

and listening to his favorite artist. I know its not much and I know its not expensive but I hope

you like it Liz, he said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. As I saw the

box I gasped loudly, I was hoping it wasnt what I thought it was so as he opened the box and

took out the small keychain, I let out a shaking breathe and looked up at him. What? You

thought I would propose in front of a gas station? he said laughing and I just nodded laughing

with him. Of course not, if I were to propose it would not be here, he said as he handed me the

black box. It was a small silver key-chain shaped like a heart and it had his initials and mine. I

love it, I said as I hooked the key-chain to the keys.

Here I was sitting down on my bed holding the key-chain in my sweaty palms, getting

ready to see him go. The sky felt the way I feel but it was showing the emotions for me. I knew

that he wouldnt want me to cry for me, he would want me to be strong for him and for all of our

old friends. After he got diagnosed with lung cancer due to all the smoking he had done since he

was fourteen. The group decided to live life like it was our last, not our last time with him but

our last time being alive because we all said Once he is dead, we die with him. I never

understood what Chad meant but I know now that today felt as if I was dead with him. It felt as if

I was lying there lifeless in that hospital bed as everyone else around me suffered from the harsh

news that he didnt make it. As I sat there remembering all the good times together I also could

not forget the bad times we had together because after those bad times we always managed to

turn them around and make them good.

Dont treat me as if Im dying, I hate pity, you know this already Elizabeth, he said

with an angry voice, I could see tears building up in his eyes but he quickly blinked fast enough

to prevent them from falling. I knew he was hurt, I knew he was hurting, and I also knew he was
angry because hed never use my full name, until today. Im sorry but you need to slow down a

bit, especially leaving those cigs, they are just making you worse, Id say trying to make a point

but ever since he was diagnosed he didnt care, well he didnt care back then but now it was like

he didnt care anymore at all. Im going to die anyways, might as well speed up the process

hed say taking a long drag from the cigarette he had in his hand. That was the first time we ever

fought but it wasnt the last time either. As the days, weeks, months and this past year went by he

got worse until he finally collapsed and ended up in the hospital a month ago. Ive never seen

him like that, he let himself go, he didnt care anymore he just wanted to die. Those nights in the

hospital were spent reminiscing good memories we had with the whole group. Like the time

Amber and Chad pulled a prank on Chris when he was sleeping. He was the type of guy who

loved his sleep, he would get so angry when someone would wake him up. Sadly the thing he

loved to do most turned into something we all started to hate, sleep. Thats how he left us, he

went to sleep after a conversation we had about how if he survived he would finally propose and

we would live like those clich movies Well live happily ever after Liz, I promise, he said

smiling at me as he held my hand tightly and he closed his eyes and it felt as if I could see his

beautiful soul leaving his fragile body.

I decided to go to the beach and just relax and block the world for a few hours or day

since tomorrow I will be attending work again. I got up and went to grab the things needed for

my relaxing day at the beach, I grabbed my sunscreen ( I hate the sun and I hate getting sun

burnt) I grabbed my towel, beach chair and then j made my way to the kitchen to prepare for my

picnic of one. I went to the fridge and took out strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and my all-

time favorite raspberries. I cut them all in small pieces and placed my fruit dressing inside the
basket first and then my container containing my fruit. I also prepared myself a milkshake and

packed two bottles of water. I placed all those things in my picnic basket and placed them by the

door where my other beach stuff were located. I made my way to my room and found my red

lace bikini, I placed it on and I tried to find what to put over it. I finally found my crop top that

read 'love can be a mistake if you don't be careful' I grabbed my high wasted ripped shorts that I

bought at forever 21 and grabbed my red and white sandals, ( I would've worn my toms but I

love my baby's so much I don't want them getting ruined by the sand)I put my hair in a messy

bun but before that made I made it into beachy waves, I put water proof mascara on ( by the way

yes I need to be presentable even if I am just going to the beach and relax but try telling that to

the paparazzi) anyhow I walked to my door and grabbed my key off the key holder and grabbed

my things. I walked outside and locked my door as I made my way to the elevator praying that I

wouldn't see Austin near my sight ( don't get me wrong I would love to see him but it would be

awkward)I made it to the elevator but before the door could've closed someone's hand stopped it

and my breath hitched until the person came into view and I sighed in relief knowing and

thanking god for giving me a heart attack thinking it was Austin and then I realized it was one of

the guys that was with Austin the time when he singed to me in front of my door. Ashley right?"

he said trying to make conversation well its not working so he better give up now. So how have

you been?" he asked smiling lightly I gave in he's nice. Good how are you?" I asked not trying

to be rude, Good good and by the way I am Robert," he said I was choking on air and I did a

double take on Robert he was my best friend before he moved to I don't know where."Omg!

Robert I didn't recognized you omg you look great," I said oh god what did I got myself into nice

going Ashley, Thanks and you've changed too I don't remember you being so beautiful," he said

winking, I hate this, Flirt much you haven't changed," I said annoyed he knows I hate guys that
are flirty it disgust me, You know it, so where are you going"? he asked "I am going to my job,"

I quickly said god I can be an idiot but hopefully he's still that slow Robert Ive known because

of what I have on and the things I am carrying can be obvious, Oh cool, well I think that's our

cue have a nice day at work," he said walking out of the elevator. Thank god for his slowness and

may god bless that child's soul I walked fast but slow so it wouldn't be notable that I wanted to

get out of there as fast as lightning. I walked to the black which wasn't very far from my

apartment place I sat under a palm tree that blocks most of the sun and good because I wouldn't

like to look like a red tomato tomorrow at work.

I laid my towel on the ground and sat my things down, I took my sunscreen out and started

taking my crop top and shorts off setting them inside my bag and I stared applying to the areas

that would be most affected by the sun. I laid down and grabbed my phone and earphones and

plugged them in and hitting shuffle I closed my eyes while a song that Id never heard before

came on and it was talking about the beach so it made me smile knowing I am at the beach

Livin beach life feelin right you're the hottest everybody knows

Whoah whoah

Burnin up burnin up show'em what you got baby let it show

Whoah whoah

Lets turn it turn it let me know what's up, don't you stand there girl I gotta know

Whoah Whoah

Say somethin
I said finding myself mumbling the words that turn into signing loudly don't get me wrong

people have said I have a voice or signing type thing but I never like to brag or whatever my

career was modeling and it will never change. I realized the sun was being covered or hidden or I

don't know but I got up and unplugged my ear phones from my ears and took my shades off

realizing then when I took them off I wanted to disappear knowing he would be here.

I looked at him shocked and unable to move a single muscle, he just looked down at me

with a smirk on his face. Why in the hell does he think this is a time to smile? Hes a freaking

idiot same o'l same o'l idiot that I knew for years. I just can't get over the fact that he hasn't

changed not one bit and I love that. Well, I see you aren't going to say hi first? Well let me start,

hey ash," he said with a mocking voice that I knew all too well to identify it as ' nothing

happened let's just move on but it will not work on me not this time not ever. Very funny

Austin, are you stalking me? Cause wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans, with Adidas on aren't a

beach swim suit last time I checked, I said definitely pissed off, Well not exactly, I was just

walking by until I heard someone singing one of my songs and I found you". He said smiling

slightly, definitely hurt. "Oh so what's ' your so called song's name?" I said knowing he did have

his own songs written but I haven't heard them or know the name." They're 5 songs Ive written,"

he said smiling I smiled too getting a bubbly sensation in my stomach being highly proud of him,

because he's dreams are coming true.

I jumped a little but stopped myself from jumping on him and hugging the living hell out

of him, but I am upset. Ill list them if you'd like?" he asked smiling and I could see a shining

glint in his eye getting hopes that I would like to speak with him reasonably. I should just hear

the names and then everything will be back to being upset with him, it won't hurt. Sure, but

that's all we're going to talk about," I said making myself clear, which he nodded with a huge
smile plastered on his beautiful face that I love."Ok so I wrote in 2012' its called '11:11 make a

wish' its really about making a wish on the person you love and hoping that your wish would

come true, he said very excited and enthusiastic in explaining what the songs he wrote meant.

The second one I wrote also in 2012' its called ' say somethin' that one is about being in the

beach and meeting this girl that you're chasing and she's playing hard to get, he said making that

adorable smile when he's nervous. "The third one is called ' say you're just a friend' that song is

about a girl who is my friend and that I want to be more but she says we are just friends," he said

smiling proudly again, to be honest I am so glad I decided to let him explain about his songs they

have very interesting meanings. Thats great and I would love to hear them all especially that

one called 'say somethin since we are at the beach" I said making a smile plaster on his face

which made me smile even bigger. The fourth one is called ' heart in my hand' its saying give

me your heart girl I won't hurt you and I have your love and heart in my hands," he said scrolling

down his phone probably searching for his song, wow he could just sing part of it but I don't

want to get mobbed. Amazing, whats the last one called?" I asked enthusiastic in knowing

more. its called 'what about love' that one is recently out on iTunes and its going great and its

about the girl breaking up with me and leaving me without an explanation and leaving our love

and promises we made," he said showing me his phone where 3 music videos were shown.

Wow thats incredible, you're going far and I know it will be too soon to forgive you but I am

proud of you and you'll probably be more bigger and I heard you've been signed for less than a

year and you have already won ' artist to watch', 'best breakout artist of the year'," I said amused

and very proud. Well yeah and its been amazing and its never too soon and thank you for being

proud of me it means the entire world to me," he said hugging me unexpectedly, I found myself

wrapped around his neck putting my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and just inhaling his
cologne. "Sorry, I said pulling away from the hug and looking up to those beautiful hazel eyes

that can melt yours. I got lost in them every time I took a glance, but then all of a sudden I felt

two soft plump lips meet my own and feeling the sparks fly behind my eyes, fireworks going

everywhere just exploding , due to the fact that a chemistry had just been in contact with one

another. Our lips moved in sync they felt right being placed in each others arms and kissing each

other with so much love and passion that we didn't even realize we had for each other, our lips

were made for each other and I am not going to say 'I know this is clich because it was meant to

be clich.

I felt all my feeling go into this kiss that we shared for the first time being adults 'cause

the first time was just not showing emotion and I guess now that we understand, we feel the

emotion. All of a sudden we heard lots of flashing going from every direction, I think we didn't

notice because we were so caught up in our kiss. We both pulled away breathing hard out of

breathe and our eyes went huge like they were going to come out of their sockets just realizing

who were surrounding us.

Austin and I couldn't talk we couldn't move we could just see bodyguards and screaming

fans, and most of all the people that ruin your life by just something little paparazzi " Austin is

this your new girlfriend"? "Over here Austin" "Ashley do you have something to explain"?

Everyone was shooting questions in every direction. The screaming made it worse I saw

everyone in circles screaming Austins name and my name that I somehow never knew they

knew. "Ash what's wrong?" Austin asked looking at me with a worried face. I saw two Austins

and I knew this wouldn't turn out good.

"Dave! Joe!" I heard Austin shout and then I felt two strong arms like literally strong

giant arms pick me up. I felt numb, I couldn't breathe, I felt dizzy, and just hopeless. I just saw

Austin look down at me with an apologetic face, and thats all I saw before I blacked out.

(Austins POV)

We were kissing everything around us became blur it was an amazing kiss that I have

ever experienced but then we heard flashing and screaming and we came back to reality. The

paparazzi had found us and of course Ashley is claustaphobic and I guess she froze. I saw her

losing her balance, and I got worried usually she would scream or just hide behind me but I

guess she couldn't get her body to move. "Ash what's wrong?" I asked worried as to why she

wouldn't run or move I saw her eyes trying to go back but I slapped her cheeks softly not letting

her pass out.

"Dave! Joe!" I called out they were trying to get the screaming fans and paparazzi away

but it was useless, we just need to get out of here. I gave Dave Ashley and I jumped on Joes

back and they made their way to the car. Dave laid Ashley in the back seat where she looked pale

and her eyes looked like she was in a maze. She closed her eyes slowly and then opened them

very slowly blinking until she closed them... I never knew she had claustrophobia this bad. She

laid there almost lifeless but i knew so well she was breathing. I knew she'll be okay, that

moment we had was perfect. But nothing seems to go the way we plan." Dave we have to go

straight to the hospital, she isn't responding," I shouted at Dave, he needed to speed up. I was just

so afraid something bad could ever happen to her. I love her so much, I know I left her and she

hates me because of that, but I would've never become the person I am today.
I woke up from my thoughts when we came to a halt. I looked outside the window to see

if the paparazzi had followed us. To my relief it was just us outside the hospital entrance, except

the ambulances and paramedics assisting patients rushing in needing help."Austin stay close to

Joe, Ill grab Ashley and we'll rush in quickly," Dave said giving us instructions but at this

moment I could care less if I get noticed. I want Ashley to be okay.

Dave got a hold of Ashley while I stayed close to Joe, as Dave instructed. We rushed in

quickly calling for a doctor or a nurse to attend Ashley. I went to the front desk and gave them

Ashleys information the basic that they asked, she was already situated in a room to be

examined. I just needed to call my mom and tell her what was going on. But Ill call her when

they give us information on how Ashelys doing.

* 1 hour later*

Weve been waiting for almost an hour. She just passed out how bad could the incident be. I just

want to know how she's doing. I remember the time she had cramps when she had gotten her first


* Flash back*

We were in the living room watching cartoons, the normal would be SpongeBob but we

would always stick to just random cartoons. My mom was at work usually Ashleys mom would

come by and check on us for some reason, like what would freaking 14 year olds do? But

anyways Ashely was sitting across from me her small legs on my lap, he had turned to face the

TV. All of a sudden she straightened up and told me her stomach was hurting really badly, to the

point where she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Want me to call your mom? What can I do? Did you eat something bad?" I was freaking out I

could just see the pain in her green eyes, her small hand holding her stomach. "No no it just

hurts a lot." she paused for a mid-second then stated, "I- I think I started... she said sheepish

looking down at her lap. My face went from worried to horrified, not because she confessed what

she probably thought that happened. But because what the hell do I do?!

"Uh what do I do?? Ill call your mom! Wait what do you use omg? I sounded like a little

girl freaking out but god its the most terrifying thing. She started giggling and holding onto her

stomach, tears streaming down her cheeks, laughing with so much passion. I looked at her dumb

founded. What? Whats so funny?" I asked a little nervous."Y-you are freaking out duffus. Im

the one who needs to be freaking out" she stated wiping away her laughing tears. She stood up

went upstairs, to my mothers room I suggest. I didn't want to go up there, she's probably taking

care whatever she needs to. 5 minutes she comes downstairs walking ever so slowly making

faces. She plopped down on the couch pushing me off like the freak? "Is something wrong? I

asked a little annoyed she push me off my couch. "uh yeah, could you pretty please give me some

Advil, ice cream, a blanket, some pillows, oh yeah and could you put on a horror movie? " she

listed the things she wanted I just rolled my eyes & shook my head with a smile.

"Anything else your highness?" I asked sarcastically. She giggled and shook her head

grabbing her hand and making a humming sounded thinking of a way to torture me."Maybe

some food would be nice" she said smiling looking like a Chinese lady. I just laughed & ordered

a pizza & grabbed the items she wanted. "Thanks for being here when I need you the most." she

said looking up at me with tired eyes, smiling and then drifting off to sleep. For the rest

afternoon I glanced at her sleeping body next to me on the sofa, and wondered 'the things this

girl makes me do for her'.

*End of flashback*

I smiled at the memory, I just hope we can have more of those memories in the future if she

forgives me. Minutes later I heard a door open, and out came the doctor out of Ashelys room.

We stood up quickly bombarding the poor doctor with every question possible to be answered.

"How is she? Is she awake? Can we go in and see her? Whats wrong? Good news or bad news?"

so many questions thrown from every direction for the 2nd time that night.

"Okay settled down" Dr. Thomas demanded in a soft calm tone, "She's doing fine, she just had a

minor panic attack that caused her to pass out," he said, I let out a breathe feeling slightly relief

"But we have to run some more tests to see if she is doing good," he said as he wrote in his clip

board "Okay doctor thank you so much" I said feeling relief that she is okay.

I finished unpacking in an hour, that's because I didn't really bring much clothing, but Im

planning to buy new clothes when I go to the mall with Chris. I grabbed a pair of white shorts,

since it's hot and a crop top that I loved and I combined my outfit with my red toms. I then curled

my hair and braided my bangs to the side, I grabbed my phone and bolted into Chriss new room.

I saw him on his phone, he was wearing a red and black shirt, his bulls snapback, with his red

high tops and some skinny jeans. "Chris you want to head down to the park?" I asked trying to

hide my excitement. Im so excited to be able to explore San Antonio, it's been quite a while

since we've come here. "Yeah come on," he said standing up from his bed making his way out

the door and me following behind him. We walked downstairs and saw my aunt watching TV

and we let her know we were going to the park and she just nodded.we walked to the park &

Chris told me to stay close I nodded and made my way to the swings, I started pushing my legs
in and out. Thinking how quickly my life changed in less than 24 hours, it really amazes me on

how much it's changing and hopefully for the better. I got broken out of my thoughts when I felt

hands on my back and I turned around to see Chris holding me, ready to push me on the swing. I

smiled and let him push me like a child. I actually enjoy this moment, it's very special everything

is going good. Finally I can feel happy for the first time in my 16 years of age, Im here with

Chris, laughing and smiling having a good time. I honestly feel like crying, not sad tears but

happy tears. Tears that are for once not caused by pain, but by happiness. "Cher did you even

listen to what I just said?" Chris said, which I didn't pay attention on what he was saying. "Uh

no, sorry I was thinking," I said feeling the swing stop swinging and it was halted by Chris

looking at me concerned. "You okay cher?" he asked, now standing in front of me, putting his

hands on my shoulders. "Im fine Chris," I said smiling at him, I didn't even know if my smile

was genuine or fake but he just nodded

I won! In your face!" I shouted laughing while sticking my tongue out at Chris, who

made a pouting face. He challenged me to make a 3-pointer and I won the challenge, "It's not

fair, you cheated Cher, you are too short to make a 3-pointer, so I clearly won," he said having a

mischievously smile on his face, I was kind of suspicious but I didn't pay much attention to him.

"Whatever, I won and it doesn't matter if Im short, you just suck at basketball," I said laughing

when his eyes went wide, he was ready to protest, but he pulled out a water gun. How the hell

did he get that without me knowing? What was that Cher? I suck at basketball," he said smiling

evilly coming closer, I put my hands out in front of me surrendering. "Nothing I didn't say such a

thing," I said backing up with every word I said. "Oh, no don't deny that you said that now Cher,"

he said pulling the handle so the water gun was charged or whatever you do to make it have

water. I kept backing up but decided to run for my life and favorite crop top. He was running
behind me finally releasing the water from the water gun, wetting my legs as I ran. I started

screaming because it was freezing even though it was hot as hell, the water was freezing cold. He

started laughing and I was running and glaring at him. "Its not fair, I don't have a water gun!" I

shouted still running, but I started running towards the basketball court. "it is fair, you cheated

while making the 3-pointer," he said squirting more water, this time getting it in my face, I

already know I look like a raccoon. I didn't cheat, you're just jealous," I said getting an idea in

my head. I could walk up to him and sacrifice my favorite crop top and wrestle him for the water

gun and then wet him, even if he's stronger than me, I know his weak spots.

With that in mind, I ran towards him, he was wetting me, but I managed to get a hold of

the water gun but he wouldn't let go like I thought. So I started jumping on him, I managed to get

him on the concrete, and I started tickling him making him release the water gun. It was now in

my possession, I smiled evilly getting up and aiming it at him, he got up fast and tried to talk me

into giving the water gun back but I just shook my head. "No way, Im drenched , it's your turn

Chris," I said smiling evilly I probably look like an insane girl with mascara and eyeliner running

down my cheeks, "Okay fine but not my shoes," he said, I didn't hesitate to wet his shoes, I

closed my eyes and started shooting the water gun. Wetting whatever was in my way, it was just

us in the basketball court, or so I thought. Wait!" I heard a voice say but I think I wetted them, I

opened my eyes to see, that guy that inspired me and I find myself listening to his perfect voice.

His hair was wet, when I accidently wetted him, he was wearing a basketball jersey, with some

black basketball shorts. I felt bad now, and pretty much stupid. He probably just saw a girl with a

raccoon looking face pale as a ghost. "Im s-so sorry" I said stuttering, I wanted the ground to

swallow me alive at the moment. "Its fine, I was going to get sweaty playing basketball, so

thanks for cooling me down," he said smiling showing his braces, he was so adorable.
"Oh okay, then no problem," I said smiling sheepishly at him, god I look horrible I could

feel it. He was about to say something but Chris came and cut him off. "Cher why did you wet

this poor guy, now it's time to show you a lesson," he said taking the water gun from me. But

before saying something to Austin. "Hey sorry man, she can get carried away," he said laughing,

and pointing the water gun at me. "Its fine man, I was just thanking her for cooling me down

before a basketball match with my friends," he said motioning to his friends on the other side of

the court. "If you want you guys can join," he added, looking at me. "Yeah sure," Chris

answered, giving me the water gun. We made our way to the other side of the court and greeted

his friends, I eventually got tired and went home to take a shower, but not before getting Austins


Im currently in my bed ready to fall asleep, but I was thinking how my day went from

horrible to amazing in just a blink of an eye, I felt my phone vibrate with a text message from


From Austin: goodnight <3

I smiled and fell asleep with a smile on my face, clearly this day was amazing

It is currently 3pm and I'm very exhausted, even though I've had like 2 breaks already, it's really

hot in here today. I let my hair down a long time ago, and I'm currently sitting at a booth taking

my 3rd break of the day. Don't get me wrong this job is not hard or anything, but it gets boring

when you stand behind the register all day. I just hope I can get through the night, since it's

Valentine's Day today. I had totally forgotten it was Valentine's Day, I'm supposed to spend a
girls night out with Mags tonight. I'm totally excited for that, we do this every year on

Valentine's Day, since we're both single as a pringle.

*Ding, Ding*

I heard the front door open, signaling that I have a customer. Well it's time to get back to work, as

soon as I get done, I'm heading straight home. "Hey B" a voice said, I immediately picked my

head up off the table and came face to face with Austin. How does he know where I work? It was

probably Maggie that told him, I will kill her when I get home. "Hey" I said waving my fingers.

He sat right in front of me, he looked so cute today. "I didn't know you were here" He said

smiling. Oh, yeah well I work here," I said laughing a little. "Oh really?" That's so cool, I

thought you were just chillin'," He said winking. "Well no, I wish" I said smiling getting up to go

back to the register because a customer walked in. I felt bad for not saying anything and just

getting up but I can tell it didn't bother Austin. "Hi, how may I help you today?" I asked the old

couple. "Hi, may I get 2 medium tea's with one teaspoon of sugar," The old man ordered. It was

so sweet of him to order for his wife, usually it's the wife that orders. But it was sweet that he

remembered her order. I know this because the old women mentioned it. "Alright, will that be

all?" I asked politely ringing in their order on the screen. "Yes, thank you" He answered politely

taking out his wallet to pay. "It will be $2.07," I said waiting for the old man to pay. "I will call

you when you're order is ready, may I take your name?" I asked the old guy, he reminded me of

my grandfather. "Matt," He said as he took his wife's hand and they walked to a booth in the


"Hey again," Austin said in front of the counter as soon as the old couple went to sit

down. "Hi," I said smiling. "I thought you left," I said staring at him, which he never broke eye

contact. "Nah, I was waiting for you to take their order so I could ask you something," He said
smiling shyly, he was so cute even when he was shy. "And that is?" I asked with a smirk. "I was

wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight." He asked scratching the back of his neck while he

looked down at the ground. "Hmm, I don't know," I said teasing him, "I have plans with my

girlfriend," I said smiling even more. He looked up smiling "Maybe your girlfriend can wait," He

said smiling, knowing very well as to who I was speaking about.

"Okay, I accept your invitation" I said smiling, he smiled back even wider which made

me smile even more. His smile was definitely contagious in an amazing way. "Alright Ms.

Gomez, I will pick you up at 7pm at your apartment" He said smiling and drumming on the

counter. "Alright, I will see you then" I said waving as he was leaving still not breaking eye

contact until he bumped into a set of cups by the entrance, which made me laugh really hard that

my cheeks were starting to hurt.

Monday Afternoon, 5:15pm

I got home as soon as I got off work, I asked Mrs. Wilson for the afternoon off and she said it

was fine to have fun with my boyfriend. Which I explained wasn't my boyfriend but she insisted

that we looked like two lovebirds. What is with people and the word lovebirds? I didn't know we

were birds. Anyways I got home and told Maggie, and she was so excited that she was picking

out my outfit to wear. I told her it wasn't a date so I didn't want to wear a dress. I ignored her

protest and put on my light washed skinny jeans with holes in them, my "Trust Nobody" t-shirt

and my brown boots. I put my hair into a side braid and put a little bit of makeup.

"Alright, I'm ready. How do I look?" I asked Mags, "You look really hot, everything you

wear you look fine as fuck" She said slapping my ass playfully. I hit her hand but its just

something she's used to doing, she says I have a nice butt. I was a little nervous but excited, I
know we've hanged out before, but not alone. We were with Maggie that day, and I don't know

how to act with him alone. Hopefully everything goes well. I heard my phone beep signaling that

I have a message and it was Austin.

From Austin: Hey, I'm on my way up (:

I replied with a quick okay, and waited in the living room with anticipation for Austin to ring the

bell. This was clearly going to be a great night I can already feel the butterfly's in my stomach.

Its been days since Ive had a good night sleep. Its been days since Ive laid my eyes on

his perfect features. Features that can make any girl fall for him with just one look and one smile.

Oh that smile that made me melt inside and out, that smile that I wish I could be able to see one

more time. I havent been sleeping due to the fact that he is all I think about and whom I talk

about. My friends are tired of me I suppose, because all I do is talk about the way he talks, the

way he laughs and the way his eye crinkle a little when he smiles really big.

I remember the first time I saw him across the cafeteria during lunch. Everyone was

inside because the weather was horrible that day, I think it was before a hurricane hit the town. It

was windy and cold the most horrendous weather combinations there ever existed. That day the

cafeteria was crowd to the point where many of the students decided to eat in the hallways. But I

believe that I am only exaggerating because even though it was crowd, I spotted him from a mile

away. His tall lean figure leaning against a table, the way his smile could kind of brighten his

whole face, and the way his chocolate hair was messy but it was still a perfect mess. He was

surrounded by a crowd of his friends, he wasnt you typical football player or let alone a player

at all, or so I thought.
Our first interaction was during English class, I did not notice him in my English class all

semester until I noticed he actually existed in that crowd cafeteria. Mrs. Lovett partnered us up

with students who were not sitting next to each other. It was a project for this novel we were

reading or were going to read for the rest of the school year. I was nervous but I played it cool

when he sat next to me. I did not bother to look up at him when he sat next to me, but I just faced

ahead towards Mrs. Lovett and mentally thanking her for partnering me with Lucas. I remember

vividly that he asked for my number if we were going to work together and actually pass the

class. Give me your number so we can plan when to meet up to work on the project, he said

pushing his cell phone across the small distance between us. All I could do is look up at him and

nod as I pushed the ten digits into his cell phone.

After a while of working on that project, we became close friends not friends that fall for

each other but friends who are there for one another in hard times. I had a crush on him once, but

after a while those feelings washed away and were replaced with sibling love. He became my

best friend, my other half. He was currently dating this sweet girl her name was Jolaine. I could

actually tell he liked her a lot and I was extremely happy for them. I only talked to her once or

twice, just saying how cute they were. But as time went by I would notice Jolaine would start to

ignore me and glare at me in the hallways. After the first glare I stopped trying to be friends with

her or create any type of acquaintance. Months had passed and I heard that Lucas cheated on her

with another chick named Amber. I wouldve known this if we hadnt stopped talking.

It was July the second month of summer, we planned to hang out but he bailed and said

he made plans with Jolaine. I understood his logic, he needed to spend some time with his

girlfriend. That night I sat on my bed watching scary movies, I did not know why I even

bothered to watch them if I was a scary cat when it came to horror films. But for some odd
reason I felt brave enough to watch the new insidious film. It wasnt when I heard a bang at my

window at 3 in the morning. I told myself it was my imagination but sure enough another bang

was heard and I got to my feet and went towards the window with a shoe I found lying on the

floor. I slowly opened the curtain and was startled to see Lucas stumbling against the window

trying to not lose his balance. I opened the window and let him in, this was one of his rituals

when he get wasted to the point of no memory of that previous night and then sober up just

enough to make it to my window and talk all night.

That was the thing about us, I was always the one to be there for him no matter the time

or day. But when it came to me needing him, it was as if when he wanted to finally reach out and

help it would be too late to lend a hand. Thats how he was, he was always too busy for me or he

would be too intoxicated to even respond to my messages or to my calls at night. I stopped

calling and I stopped texting once I knew that if they wanted you there they would make the

effort to actually be there for you. But he never did call or text, he didnt even look at me when

we retuned back to school. It was our senior year, our last year together because he was going off

to college or we both were at some point. We both applied to NYU, I dont know if he got

accepted but I received my acceptance letter not long ago. It was bittersweet knowing we were

off to college and we were going together or so Id hope.

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