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English 10:

Elements of Literature
Mr. Wesolowski

Elements of Literature. Third Course. Kylene Beers and Lee Odell
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
MacBeth by William Shakespeare
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Class Description:
In this class, students will analyze and interpret the purpose of literary elements, and they
will examine the manner in which literary devices affect the ultimate outcome of a
successful piece of literature.

Class Outline:
Short stories, novels, poems, dramas, etc. examining the following literary elements and
devices will be covered:
Plot, Setting, Character, Narrator, Voice, Theme, Irony, Ambiguity, Symbolism,
and Allegory. Business and professional document writing will also be covered.

Exams, Essays, In-Class Activities/Projects

Grading Policies:
All work is graded on a points system.
Homework Policy
o Clear deadlines will be set for each homework assignment.
o All assignments are due on specified deadlines.
o Late assignments will be accepted one day after deadline for half credit.
o Assignments will not be accepted if it is more than one day late.
o Large assignments (50+ pts.) will drop a letter grade each day it is late.
After five days, the assignment will not be accepted.
Make-up Work Policy
o It is the students responsibility to make-up the work they missed while
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o Students have as many days as they missed to make-up given assignments.

o Students have two weeks to make-up missed exams. Any exam not made
up within two weeks will not be accepted.

Grading Scale:
A 10090 %
B 8980 %
C 7970 %
D 6960 %
F 59 % and below

Class Expectations:
Be on time
No Food or Drink
No Electronics
Be respectful
**NOTE: For a student to be excused from class, they must provide a signed pass from
the teacher with whom they plan on working.

Failure to follow the above rules will result in the following actions:
1. Teacher/student consultation.
2. Telephone call to students parents.
3. Referral to the office.
4. Teacher/Parent consultation.

Following the above rules will result in the following actions:
1. Verbal praise.
2. Extra credit opportunities.
3. Positive phone call to students parents.
4. A firm handshake.

Plagiarism is commonly known as the copying and submitting of work that was stolen
from somebody else. However, plagiarism is more than that. It is the stealing of ideas. If
you claim an idea that is not your own it is plagiarism. If you are using someone elses
ideas, you must give him /her credit. Literature is great because of individual thought. Be
true to yourself and great things will come.

*Changes to this syllabus may occur at any time. The teacher will give advance notice if
changes occur.
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Please Return:
I have read, and I understand the requirements for the class.

Student Name (Print) ______________________________________________________

Student Signature _________________________________________ Date ___________

Primary Parent/Guardian Name (Print) ________________________________________

Primary Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Date ___________

Primary Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Home Phone: _________________________ Office Phone: _______________________

Home Email: _________________________ Office Email: _______________________

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