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Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation




Learning Objectives

1. Explain the relationships between cost estimation, cost behavior, and

cost prediction.

2. Define and describe the behavior of the following types of costs:

variable, step-variable, fixed, step-fixed, semivariable (or mixed), and

3. Explain the importance of the relevant range in using a cost behavior

pattern for cost prediction.

4. Define and give examples of engineered costs, committed costs, and

discretionary costs.

5. Describe and use the following cost-estimation methods: account

classification, visual fit, high-low, and least-squares regression.

6. Describe the multiple regression, engineering, and learning-curve

approaches to cost estimation.

7. Describe some problems often encountered in collecting data for cost


8. Perform and interpret a least-squares regression analysis with a single

independent variable (appendix).

Chapter Overview

I. Cost Behavior Patterns

A. Types of costs
1. Variable costs
2. Step-variable costs
3. Fixed costs
4. Step-fixed costs
5. Semivariable (mixed) costs

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

6. Curvilinear costs

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

B. The relevant range

II. Cost Categories and Structures

A. Engineered costs
B. Committed costs
C. Discretionary costs

III. Cost Estimation Methods

A. Account-classification method
B. Visual-fit method
C. High-low method
D. Least-squares regression method
1. Regression line
2. Independent and dependent variables
3. Coefficient of determination and goodness of fit
E. Multiple regression

IV. Data Collection Problems

V. Learning and Cost Behavior

A. Learning curves
B. Experience curves

Key Lecture Concepts


Understanding cost behavior patterns (i.e., the relationship

between cost and activity) is important to managers as they
plan, control, and make decisions in the operation of their
organizations. (For example, a manager must understand how
costs behave across various levels of activity before a budget
can be prepared.)

Variable costs are costs that remain constant on a per-unit

basis and fluctuate in total in direct response to cost-driver

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

Example: the paper cost of examinations varies with the

number of students in a class.

Step-variable costs are nearly variable, but such costs

increase in small steps rather than in direct proportion to cost-
driver changes.

Example: if a class is a bit larger than usual, an additional

exam proctor may have to be hired. This increase in part-
time hourly help increases by a step as the class size

Fixed costs stay constant in total but fluctuate on a per-unit

basis across ranges of activity.

Example: a professor's salary is fixed, and more students

enrolled in his or her course will not affect salary.
However, the salary cost per student will vary depending
on class size.

Step-fixed costs are fixed within a wide range of activity but

will change outside that range.

Example: if a course increases by a large number of

students, it will be necessary to add another section and
hire another instructor. The fixed cost then jumps to
another step.

A semivariable cost (mixed cost) changes in response to a

change in a cost driver, but not in direct proportion. Such costs
have both variable and fixed elements.

Example: a printer's fee for brochures may include a fixed

set-up cost and a per-copy (i.e., variable) charge for
running the total copies needed.

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

A curvilinear cost function cannot be represented with a

straight line but instead is represented with a curve that reflects
either increasing or decreasing marginal costs.

The relevant range reflects the range of activity within which

managers expect a company to operate, allowing the prediction
of cost behavior with some certainty.

Within the relevant range, even curvilinear costs may

behave in a linear fashion.


An engineered cost is one that bears a definite physical

relationship to the cost driver.

Example: the food cost of a restaurant, as it is impossible

to serve more meals without incurring additional food cost.

Committed vs. discretionary costs

Committed costs result from an organization's ownership

or use of facilities and its basic organizational structure.
These costs cannot be eliminated without endangering the
entity's overall health and existence.

Examples: property taxes, depreciation on buildings

and equipment, top management salaries

Discretionary costs exist as the result of a management

decision. In comparison with committed costs, such costs
are more easily changed in bad economic times without
doing serious long-run harm to the entity.

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

Examples: a training program, an advertising

campaign, corporate contributions


The account-classification method (also called account

analysis) requires the study of an account in the general ledger.
The experienced analyst uses the account information as well as
his or her own judgment to determine future cost behavior.

With the visual-fit method, an analyst examines a cost by

plotting points on a graph (called a scatter diagram) and
places a line through the points to yield a cost function.

This method is more objective than the account-

classification method, but it is still lacking because two
cost analysts could visually fit different lines.

The visual-fit method is useful because it helps spot

nonrepresentative data points, or outliers.

The high-low method considers only two points of data, the

highest and lowest, for activity within the relevant range.

The method first focuses on cost changes, allowing an

analyst to determine the presence of any variable cost.
Next, fixed costs are determined by subtracting variable
cost from the total cost at either of the two data points.

The high-low method is more objective than the visual-fit

method, but it is still a rough approximation because it
considers only two points of data.

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

The points selected should be representative of normal


The least-squares regression method is a statistical

approach that is both objective and considers all data points.

By using mathematical formulas to arrive at the best

possible cost line (i.e., the regression line), the method
is more accurate than the other methods.

The regression line is in the form Y = a + bX, where X is

the independent variable and Y is the dependent

The coefficient of determination, R2, can be used to

judge the line's goodness of fit, or how well the line fits
the data on which it is based.

If the goodness of fit is relatively high, a large

proportion of the variation in the dependent variable
is explained by changes in the independent variable.
The text's appendix shows how a spreadsheet such as
Microsoft Excel can be used to calculate various
parameters related to regression analysis.

Multiple regression can be used to estimate a cost function

when there is more than one independent variable. (For
example, the fuel cost for an airline is determined by the
number of miles flown and by other variables such as wind
speed and load.)


The process of collecting appropriate data to use in cost

estimation is important, as the best method will fail if it
integrates poor data. Common problems include missing data,
outliers, mismatched time periods for the dependent and

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

independent variables, and inflation.

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

The previously mentioned estimation methods assume there is

an historical pool of data from which to draw. In new
environments without such a pool, the engineering method of
estimation may be used.

Instead of beginning with past cost, the engineering

method begins by asking how much a product should cost,
given design specs and manufacturing techniques.


A learning curve expresses the relationship between labor time

and output. As the labor force becomes more experienced with
a new process, workers become more efficient and the per-unit
cost falls.

The learning-curve concept has been broadened to include

costs other than direct labor via the experience curve.

Learning and experience curves have been applied primarily in

complex, labor-intensive manufacturing operations. An example
of use: cost prediction, particularly the cost of new products and

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

Teaching Overview

Chapter 6 is a straightforward chapter on cost behavior. If there is a pitfall,

it is in assuming that students already have a solid understanding of the
topics. Short-changing cost behavior concepts may mean having to
backtrack later in the course when topics such as flexible budgeting,
overhead variances, and break-even analysis are introduced. I recommend
doing a refresher of the material presented in earlier chapters and then
expanding a bit.

Also, from a teaching perspective, it is easy to focus solely on the

computational aspects of the various cost-estimation methods. Remember
to integrate the pros and cons of each method in your presentation, as they
may be of utmost interest and importance to the nonmajors in your class. I
also suggest that you establish a dialogue with your statistics (as well as
cost/managerial accounting) faculty to determine the proper amount of time
to spend on regression analysis. Some faculty devote several class sessions
to this topic in their introductory courses, which includes homework
discussion, when all that may be needed is a broad-based overview.

Exercise 6-33 (estimating cost behavior by various methods) and Problem 6-

35 (cost behavior patterns in a variety of settings) are good demonstration
problems. Problem 6-35 is sure to create a lively classroom discussion.

Links to the Text

Homework Grid CHAPTER 6

Learnin Completi Special

Item No. g on Feature
Objectiv Time s*
es (min.)
6-24 1, 2 15
6-22 1, 2 40
6-29 1, 2, 5 15
6-30 1, 2, 5 15 I
6-23 1, 2, 3 15
6-28 1, 2, 5 30
6-27 2 30 W
6-25 1, 2, 5 15
6-26 1, 2, 5 30
6-32 1, 6 10
6-31 2, 6 15

Chapter 06 - Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

6-34 1, 2, 5, 8 45
6-33 1, 2, 5, 8 45
6-35 1, 2 20 I
6-39 1, 2, 5 15
6-38 1, 2, 5 25
6-36 2, 5 25
6-37 2, 5 25
6-41 1, 2, 5, 6 40 C
6-42 1, 2, 5, 45
6, 8
6-40 1, 2, 5 40
6-44 1, 2, 5 35
6-43 2, 5 25 C
6-45 2, 5 40 C
6-46 1, 2, 5, 8 45
6-47 1, 2, 5 45 G, C
6-48 1, 2, 5 45
6-49 1, 2, 5, 8 50 E, C
* C = Business communication E = Ethics G = Group work I = International
W = Web-based application


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