WEG40062 - Star Wars D6 - Wanted by Cracken

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Ase =cam ae 10001110010 i 1 | | | A aaa i —————STAR. WARS THE NEW REPUBLIC WANTED BY CRACKEN Design: Louis J. Prosperi » Adeitional Design: Greg Farshtey, Bill Smith Development & Exiting: Bill Smith Graphics: Stephen Crane, John Paul Lona + Cover Art: Lucasfilm Ltd. Interior A John Paul Lona, Published by UW WEST Vveties, RR 3 Box 2345 Honesdale PA 18431 40062 ©. and 01885 candi. Ld (UI). AE Rts Reserve Trem LL ed by Net Ee Gane Introduction Introduction Wanted By Cracken is a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. Compiled and authored by New Republic General Airen Cracken, this datafileis the New Republic’s “Most Wanted” list. Within its pages, you will find some of the most dangerous criminals to have committed crimes against the New Republic and the free people of the galaxy. Since his promotion from the Operations arm of Republic Intelligence to the office of the Supreme Commander of intelligence, Cracken has been working to provide the New Republic armed forces with a list of those individuals who must be captured and imprisoned for the safety of the people of the galaxy. Cracken has also Included personal comments and observations based upon his years of experience. Each of the entries describes what is known by the Republic — some of the information may be speculation, hearsay or simply in error (to be altered as the gamemaster sees fit). Where appropriate, additionalentries havebeen provided to fill in the details of the organizations, vehicles and personnel who serve with or for these villains. Pages labelled “Gamemaster Information” provide the facts as opposed to what the New Republic believes to be true. These sections correct false informationinthedatadocuments or providemore detail than what is provided in the basic entry. Using This Book bookcanbea valuableaidtogamemasters looking for colorful and challenging villains to send up against a group of player characters. Ifthe characters are involved in a Star Wars campaign set before the Battle of Endor, this book can still be of great utility. During this time, ARS many of the villains are “making a name for themselves” (adjust gamestatistics accordingly). ‘Theymay be juststartingto cometoprominence, and while the Empire may have noticed them, it is unlikely that it is using its vast resources to track down common rift-raff. On the other hand, relatives of the victims of these criminals may be offering rewards (or bounties) for the capture of this villain, and the Rebel Alliance might very ‘well want some of these individuals captured so they can be questioned for their valuable knowledge of the Empire. A Note On Rewards Many of the rewards offered in this book are high — probably foo high for the play balance of some campaigns. This is to reflect the kind of danger these villains should present. The charac- ters shouldn't be able to simply have a one-on- one showdown with these individuals. Instead, they should really have to work to be able to capture these people. And, if they incur a few major debts along the way, so much the better. ‘Simply put, dumping a lot of credits into the characters” laps, with no strings attached, is dangerous to game play. ‘The process of capturing one of these villains should be time-consuming, expensiveand danger- ous. Evenif they are successful, andtheydoendup with alot of money, they willstill have to face other ‘complications — perhaps a captured villain will use his or her contacts to hire gunmen to track down and kill the characters. Of course, the first timea group of characters captures a major crim!- nal figure, they become instant celebrities. To the crime world, thisislike walkingaroundwithabulls- eye on your back. Yes, if they are successful in capturing someone the characters may become rich, but the fun has just begun ... ‘Wanted by Cracken One sre ern eee gee ee PE aaa a Ou gece Ret ca ue ec tad @ Cracken = ¢ oO N T E N T S$ _ * DO eeu eee es Bee Ren et co eee Peed Se eR eet Peay See ee a ee ee Peete Ree eee Peery Section Five: Gangsters eens Ree ee eee es Peo eess Re coo eed Sere nee ee eee Ree a a en cee) ee cree ee ya eee tee! el ole ete ea ge @A WORD FROM GENERAL CRACKEN Inthe three yearssince the Battle of Endor, with the rebuilding ofthe Republic, many foes have arisen to fight our efforts to restore lreedom to the galaxy. While we oppose the disorganized forces of the former Empire, we also face the challenge of ine ‘creased criminal activities across the galaxy. This textile isan attempt to address these problems. Tris my belief that the cause ofthis is the lack of tight control over the planets ofthe galaxy. Under the Empire, criminal activities were tolerated but controlled. Worlds wouldn't dare to resist the Im- perial space fleet. The Empire imposed order. With the Empire gone, thatelementof fears lost twas due to this increase in crime that the Military High Command commissioned a report on those ‘who pose a threat to the New Republic. This is an incomplete collection, but iis a star. There are more dangerous criminals fo be sure, bbutthese people must be stopped. Our information ‘was compiled by Republic researchers, based on reports from undercover agents, service person rel, eyewitness accounts, and in some cases, the reports of independent traders, smugalers, merce nariesand other individuals whose reliability may be questioned. We have used holovids, sensor scans, personal histories, corporate records and ‘ny other information we could get our hands on. We have also, when possible, used captured Impe- rial databases. The upshot ofthis is that we have attempted to be as thorough as possible, but our information isnotcom- plete. In some cases, itis simply wrong, Use what you read here, but always proceed with caution. AS our intelli gence networks dig deeper into the Im erial archives and lear more of the triminal organizations that control so ‘much behind the scenes, other datafiles till be issued on those who present a threat to the safety of the Republic. This textfile has been sent to the com- ‘manders of New Republic bases to keep our armed forces informed regarding criminals wanted by the New Republic. The persons described in this document present areal threat tothe safety of the New ‘Republic. Byspreading this documentamong ‘our field personnel, itis my hope that our ‘operatives willbe able tock tracing down ‘many ofthese individuals and bringingthem 1 justice. To those ofyou who feel that the battle for ‘freedom is simply one unending struggle, ‘and that no one person can make a differ ‘ence, capturingone ofthese individuals will make a huge diference to the safety and ‘stability of your sector, your planet and your ‘home. There sso much work to do — this is ‘but one way that you can help. Respecifly, General Airen Cracken ed Oe eee te es eae Lee ere) el on Rota tee td @ THE STATE OF THE EMPIRE Since the death of Emperor Palpatine three ‘years ago at the Battle of Endor, the status quo Of the galaxy has undergone radical change. ‘Though the Empire seemed invincible, in reality, it was held together only by the will of the Emperor. Palpatine used fear, manipulation and endless appeals to vanity and “the greater glory ‘of the Empire" to instill obedience and loyalty in the political and military leaders of the Empire. ‘While many governors and generals aspired to greater power, and often used the name of the Emperor to further their own ambitions, thelr fear of retribution from the Emperor prevented them from makingany signifieant bids for power. ‘The death of the Emperor shattered the net- work of terror that held the Empire together. ‘The news of the Emperor's death was slow in reaching the remote systems under Imperial control, as Imperial advisors and Grand Mofts hoped that control of the Empire would fall to them. But the triumphant Rebel Alliance spread word that at last the Emperor was destroyed, and that the galaxy was free from his tyranny. ‘As news of the Emperor's death spread, the Empire stumbled under the weight of a stagyer- ingly large bureaucracy with no real line of suc- cession. The Emperor was considered invulner- able, and as such, no single individual was ap- pointed to take control in the event of his death. As a result, all of the petty Motifs, ambitious advisors andcalculatingmilitary officials allowed thelr evil dreams to grow. The Empire quickly began to splinter into end- lesspeity factions. Thesefactions, ruled by rogue warlords, imperialistic military leaders and ‘greedy politicos, were each vying for power, ‘each attempting to unite the Empire once again. Each failed miserably. Where once there was ‘one Empire, there are now countless smaller groups which still fight “in the name of the Empire,” yet represent only ashadow of thetrue Empire's power. In the years that followed the Battle of Endor, the New Republic has been able tosteadily push back the Imperial presence. Momentum Is on our side, and we fully expect many more sys- tems to be brought over to our side. @GAMEMASTER INFORMATION: How The State Of The Empire Pid Wey ee eit) oslo) This Is an exciting, new Star Wars universe. It enables the New Republic’s agents to have a ‘chance of winning definitive victories. Now,other forces such as crime lords, mercenary armies and even rival factions of the Empire open up untold adventure possibilities. The New Repub- licis clearly on the upswing, butthe battle isnot easy. As noted in Heir to the Empire, by Timothy Zahn, five years after the Battle of Endor the Empire controls onlya quarter of the territoryit originally claimed. This is a tumultuous time in galactic history, and the characters are thrust Into the middle of the action. What this means to a gamemaster running a ‘Star Wars campaign Is that it is easy to make the Empire as strong or as weak as needed for the adventure at hand. In some sections of the gal axy,the Empire still holds many systems captive under its iron heel: in other areas, the Empire may be desperate, holding onto power through determination lone. Characters mayrun across Imperial agents, admirals, Mots, governors and other “representatives of the Empire" who are actually working at cross-purposes, and may even be engaged in active conflict, squabbling over territory. Rulers of Imperial factions may have hugestar fleets or barely a squadron of TIE fighters at their command. It is an interesting and dangerous time for player characters — enjoy! Sara Dias Pu ad PR eee eR geen Eee @ CAPTAIN DOR REDER Species: Human Homeworld: Piralor Height: 1.8 meters, Age: 42 (Crimes Agalnst The New Republle: Treason, sedl- tion, murder of New Republic personnel, destruc tion of New Republic equipment Reward For Capture: 45,000 Captain Dor Reder was a junior officer aboard the Star Destroyer Pulsar, which was statloned at Endor during the construction of the second Death Star While his ship was forced to surrender after that conllict, Reder was able to avold capture, eventually leading a group of his former troops to steal a Rebel Sex: Male Pane transport and escape. He has since joined with Admiral Drommel (see separate entry), one of many former Imperial leaders wito have eluded the New Republic's altempts at capture. Captain Reder is believed to be the current captain ofthe Star Destroyer Krieger. The last known location ofthe Krieger was in the Hanod system. 1 Captain Dor Reder DEXTERITY 30 Blaster 40, dosge 30.2 KNOWLEDGE 3De1 ‘len species 4, Capital ships sD-2 MECHANICAL 20 Capital ship ptotng SD, sensors 4D PERCEPTION 90-1 Bargain D1, commandSD, hide 4, sneak, ‘StweNGri 2p ‘TeanacaLsp Computer programming/repir4D,cecurtySD Foree Sensitive? No. Force Polat! Darieside Points: 1 Move: 10 Egupment: Ester (4D damage), comin, ienspacies bureaucracy 6D.cltues70+2, intimidation 8D, fnguages $02 planetary ‘pees OD.2 aces capital ships 100, ae Te tects 0B. tact starters Dsl MECHANICAL 35 Astropation SD apt ship gunnery SD, capt tahip pling 2 copa ship ciel 30, Starship gonnry 4D, tarvhip shies 40 PancePhon sb Baga €D command 1D, command: pert Navy otee= 0, con Sreenerit 3 ‘ecnweaLan apt starship repa 60, ecunty 80e2 Fore Seaatvers ho. Fore Pata: DenksidePola 1s Chncter Poin: 32 Mowess Eaqwipment: Baste pistol Gamage 4D). comin cnaped 1M ADDENDUM/PERSONAL >RACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Since the escape of the Guardian, there has been only one indication that Drommel and his ship still exist. On several occasions, New Re- public probe Droids have found Lambdaclass ‘shuttles enteringlmperiatcontroledsectors. The transponder signais/rom theseshipsrevealthem fobe from te ship complement ofthe Guardian ‘Thus far, none of these shuttles has been cap- ‘ured or pursued, nd so we have no idea where the Guardian might be, though reports fom twinesses ait ast sighting insist that wherever itis, the ship is too badly damaged tobe of help, fo the Empire ever again. bd Pale Rey ae eee Rec a ket @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Admiral Gaen Drommel ‘The Guardian is currently in orbit around the planet Soullex, in the Fardon system, an Outer Rims backwater area, This was not the intended destination of Admiral Drommel, but circum- stances forced a hasty jump into hyperspace, and the Guardian emerged, crippled, inthis iso- lated system. During the last battle against the Alliance, the Guardian was severely damaged, ‘and now barely maintains orbit about Soullex. Since the Battle of Endor, the Alliance fleet has. learned much regarding the few weaknesses in Imperial Super Star Destroyers, and this knowl edge was used to its utmost advantage during the Guardian's last battle, The Alliance attackon the Guardian focused mainly on the weapon and shield systems of the Super Star Destroyer, and resulted in major damage to thosesystems. The hyperdrive was also crippled in the hasty jump. Currently, the Guardian is extremely vulnerable to attack and potential capture by the New Re- public. @ Current Activity Of The Guardian And Admiral Drommel ‘The Guardian has been in orbit about Soullex for nearly two years. Admiral Drommel quickly subjugated the system by deploying three pre- fabricated garrisons onto the suriace of Soullex. Drommel has concentrated on repairing the Guardian, sending a number of Lambda-class shuttles to Imperial controlled systems to re- quest assistance. However, all the regional gov- emors he contacted were scrambling to main- tain control of their own systems, and couldn't spare any ships or men. Recently, however, Drommel has managed to acquire components needed to repair his hyperdrive, although itis unknown how long the repair process will take Locating the Guardian There are a number of methods by which a team of New Republic operatives might be able to locate the Guardian or accldentlaly become in- volved with the Drommel. # One of Dromme's shutlesis encountered, and tracked back to Soullex. Alternatively, the shuttle ‘could be captured. and the Rebels could take the place of the shuttle crew and actually board the Guardian. This would allow them to either de- stroy the ship, or perhaps take control ofit (or die in a blaze of glory) * Ateam of scouts has been sent to make contact with the inhabitants of the Fardon system, and when they arrive, they discover the Guardian in orbit, and the Imperial garrisons on the planet's surface. * During an encounter with Imperials (or other Unfriendly forces) the characters make a quick _jump to hyperspace and end up near Soulex, ‘only to find the Guardian orbiting the planet OR ee ee Dae oN a ese eaten nee Be icen The Guardian Current Status (Geaft Kun Drive Yard's Guandion “Type Super clase Str Destroyer, Seale: Capital [engi 000 meter ‘SEIIECaptal hip pong: superstarestroyer Crewe Steletom'0 000. command TO; Total {Grew Sk: Capital shipploting 60-2, starship Shiels 502, starship sensors 80 asiogation 4D, captal ship gunnery eb Passengers 38900 (a0) Cargo. Capacity: 250,000 metric tons (Consumables 6 years Hperdiive Multiplier: Hyperdrive inopara Live (normaly 2) ope eca cpr ray) Maneuversblty 0D Space: 2 normaly) Hl 100, ‘Shields: 4 (normally 80) Sensors Poser 7510.2 Seon 5/302 Seo 00180 Focus 8160-2 150 TurbolserBateice (ire seperately normaly 250) Te dre S0 ont, 30 et, 20 ght Greet oF? ‘Shi Copia ship gunnery ‘Fre Conta OD arma 1D) Space fonge 21525715 ‘Aimeosphere Range 6170/50 omaga 1 200 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (lr sepatately normally 250) Pie de 3 ont, 30 rear Set, SD ght Creu? Si Capt a guna, Space Range 20/0/50 Aimosphene eng 1020/8/120h Dammge: 100 100 Concission Miste Tubes (iceseparately —normaly 250) Pre ae front, 40 et 40 ight, 10 rear Geer ‘SHE Captal sap gunnery ‘re Cana 0D (avemally 20) ‘Space Range 2230/50 ‘mosphere Range: 201 2KM/SKMIGKOM. Damage 20 20 Tractor Beam Explacements (Gre separately — normaly 1) "Bre dr 1 ont, ll at ‘re Cont 0D (email 4) Space Range 1/15/30 ‘mosphere Ronge 1000/1 SKM/SKM Damage 80 eae ot Pere a NR een ee ee ce @ GENERAL ARNDALL LOTT Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Kwenn Height: 1.95 meters Age: 55 Crimes Against The New Republic: Treason, sed!- tion, destruction of New Republic property, murder of New Republic personnel, destruction of private property, murder Reward For Capture: 75,000, Arndall Lott joined the Imperial Army directly from the Academy, and was quickly promoted to sergeant alter demonstrating considerable skill n walker op erations. Heserved atwo yea tour of duty under the command of General Veers, leader of the army de- tachment assigned to Lord Vader's fleet. He was eventually promoted to general and placed in charge of Walker Operations and Tactics trainingon Jardeen IV. After the defeat ofthe imperial forces at the Battle offindor,subjectfied thelmperial facilities on Jardeen IV with Captain Tolan Gendarr, commander of the Imperial Star Destroyer Reliance, also stationed at Jardeen WV. Recent reports suggest that Lott and Captain Gendarr havespearheaded theformationofthelr own Imperial faction Lot's tactics have utilized AT-AT and AT:ST walker assaults on New Republic and civilian bases, presumably toacquire supplies and equipment. Most noticeable regarding these assaults isthe large num ber of walkers used (10-20), and the precision with which they attacked their targets. Unverified reports Indicate that not all walkers were manned General Arndall Lott Blaster SD, Dsteartilery 6D, vebileblasters ‘len species 4D+2 languages SD, survival 3. facies ground assault TDs, cles: squads D MECHANICAL 3D Groutd veiie operation 20: ‘peratlon SD, walker operation 7D PeReEPTION 30, Command 0, hes, persuasion 4022, sneak ‘Dy seareh 0 ‘StRENGNE aD Brawing 4Dv2, ibiogyuming AD, stamina * repulse “Fecuntcat.s0 Computer proraramingirepair 5D, walker re perro Force Senstive?:No Force Points:2 Davkside Pointe? Charscter Points 19, Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pletol (4D damage), comin etapa mW ADDENDUM/PERSONAL CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Thoughnotsubstantated,thereportsthatmany ofthe walkers cid not have operators isa cause for mach concer. It implies the presence of droned vehicles. While droned vehicles and starships have generally proven inferior against living opponents, ifLotthas developed reliable ‘method of slave-rigging APATS and ATSTS, this could bea devastatingdevelopment Its isthe ase, is imperative that Lot be found and this technology controlled exclusively by the New Republic Its technology were fo spread tothe Empire at large, itcould mean untold damage to ur supply bases and outposts. Pe cee nea Late eee PR ere oN ae ee eee Ee cas @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Arndall Lott v SLAVE-RIGGING FOR WALKERS General Lott's engineershavedesigned astave rigging system for AT-AT and ATST walkers that allows up toten walkers to be operated fromone remote control center. Lott has been able to implement walker strikes using precise attack patterns and almost perfectly coordinated at- tacks against important targets, such as New Republic bases. When operating slaverigged AT-ATs or AT- STs, pilots still use the walker operation skill, but are rolling against a higher difficulty to keep the walkers operating. Lott's remote control system provides a great deal of mechanical assistance operation of these vehicles, and despite its limitations (see below), it Is a remarkable advance in drone technology. To determine the difficulty, choose a basic dif culty as normal, based upon the terrain that the walkers are covering. Ifthe terrain is Very Easy or Easy, add +3 to the difficulty for each walker being run by the slave link system. Ifthe terrain is Mod erate or Dilficulty, add +5 to the difficulty for each walker being run by the system. If the terrain is Very Difficult or Heroic, add +8 for each walker being run by the syst Example:A characteris operating hree walk: ers in Very Easy terrain, The base difficulty is 4 (Very Easy), with an additional +9 t0 the difficulty for the three walkers being ran by the system, for a difficulty otal of 13. & comsinine Fire Characters can automatically com- binefire(nocommandrolinecessary) onslaverigged walkers provided that they are using the same type of weap- ons tofireat the same target andall of the weapons are at the same range. The firing character automatically receives the bonus on the “Combined Action Bonus Table” on page 69 of Siar Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Sec- ‘ond Edition, BO ee een ee ee eae Poe kon a esa cca ae ke eas Q uations As with all new technologies, General Lott's slaverigging equipment is still experimental Undernormalcircumstances, the Imperial Army ‘would never use a system before fully testing i, but given the current situation with the New Republic, General Lott has decided to use the slaverrigged walkers regardless of its imperfec- tions. Please note that the rules below are for ‘deal conditions: radiation fluctuations, electr- cal storms or impulses, sensor jamming and frequency pulses can completely disable the systems Involved, The complex technologies involved assure that it willbe many years before acompletely reliable remote control system will be available. Because of the very delicate natures of the control system and support machinery within the walkers, when a slave-rig operator makes a mistake, the consequences are often far more severe than making a mistake while piloting a Ione vehicle. When a pilot falls a walker opera- tion roll, find the number of points by which the roll was missed on the chart below: 1-2 — Slight slip in control. The pilot has an additional penalty of -ID to all actions for the rest of the round. 34— More serious control problem. The pilot has an additional penalty of-3D to all actions for the rest of that round and-1D for the next round, @ aoventure IDEA ‘After capturing an imperial agent (per haps one from this book) the Rebels dis cover plans for the slaverigging system. Study of the plans reveals their purpose land effectiveness. Further study of the plans reveals a method of Jamming the system, which allows another controller 0 take command of the walkers. This could also lead New Republic technicians to.a system of remote operation for their military weapons and vehictes. 56 — Malfunction. The slaverigging system loses controlofonewalker (determinerandomly) for IDrounds. The walker “ireezes” on thebattle- field. 78— Collision. One of the walkers (determine randomly) collides with somethingon thebattle- field (or nearly trips), doing normal collision damage (see page93 ofStar Wars: The Roleplaying scond Edition). I the walker is severely ‘damaged trips and falls over on the battlefield, Major collision. One of the walkers ne randomly) collides with something ‘on the battlefield (or nearly trips). Does normal collision damage +4D. If the walker is severely ‘damagedit trips and falls over on the battletield, 11-15 — Serious malfunction. The slaverig- sing system loses control of one walker until a technician makes a Difficult computer program- ‘ming/repair roll. Technicians within the walker can repair the system with an Easy computer rogramming/repair rol 16+ — System overload. The entire system short circuits. A Very Difficult computer pro- ‘gramming/repair roll and three hours of work are necessary to repair the system Additionally, whenever a complication occurs in the game, the system also overloads, com- pletely shutting down the walkers. Se aad Oe re ea ae Pere aa etc a cee Ee cae 1, Line/Flank Formation ‘The “Line/Flank Formation” is the most com- monly used Imperial Army formation because Itallows for quick shifts into other attack pat- terns. This formation simply consistsof groups of AT-AT and/or AT-ST Walkers traveling in vertical or horizontal straight lines. These line formationsareoftensinglefile althoughdouble file formations are used upon occasion. These formations aremost often used for rapid move- ‘ment across terrain free of enemy targets;once thetargetis sighted, the walkers shift into their predetermined attack pattern. Two such at tack patterns are described below. Direction desired for retreat of enemy troops 2. Oblique Maneuvers “Oblique Maneuvers” are usually used in conjunction with other ground-based units, such as infantry and ground assault vehicle divisions consisting of juggernauts. hoverscouts, and CAVs. This type of manew- veris employed when attempting to force the enemy into retreating or falling back. In both single-anddoublesined obliques, Walkers orm Aline diagonal to their direction of travel. The walkers thus create a plow effect, forcing the enemy back in a desired direction. in double obliques, ATSTs take the forward position, While the walkerscomeup frombehindtorout targets that have been softened up by the scout walkers Dec nED Pie ent Pere ao et ect ae eae cas 3. The Double “V" Pattern ‘The “Double 'V' Pattern” is used when an assault is launched against a strongly defended building or garrison, An outer wedge of 10 AST’ clears a path through the enemy's outer defenses, allowing quartet Of AT-ATs to move up close to the target, so that they may attack without interference. ‘The ATSTs can quickly shift to any pattern necessary to prevent flanking movements by enemy ‘mechanized units, or can shift to mop-up operations to shoot fleeing enemy troops. Objective once Qo a r Pr OLA Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Commenor Helght: 1.75 meters Ages 44 Crimes Against The New Republi: Treason, sedi tion, murder of New Republic personnel, destruction of New Republic property Reward For Capture: 75,000 Tolan Gendarr served the Imperial Navy under the ‘command of Captain Needa on the Imperial Star De stroyer Avenger. Aller the Hoth campaign, Gendart ‘was promoted, and eventually became captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer Reliance, assigned to the Imperial Army training center on Jardeen V. Gendarr left Jardeen shortly after the Battle of Endor,anditis believed that Gendarr aided General Lott in escaping from the planet before the Republic forces arrived Since that time, the Reliance has led several attacks in New Republle territory, utlizing heavy bombings by Scimitar assault bombers, as well ag ground as- saults using AT-AT and ATSST walkers. ‘Captain lolan Gendarr DEXTERITY 4D) Blaster 80, dodge 5D+1 KNOWLEDGE SD Bureaucracy 40 cultures 4Ds2, intimidation (6 languages 20-2, lav enforcernent Imperial Taw planetary systame dD, tacties‘eaptal ship 60:8 tactics srigers&D a MEataNieali0 a} ‘Atopson 6D captalahipgunerySD:2.aph testi plotnged fawetenion a ‘Command inperal Nev ofteers7s1,cn50, persason 6D y ftp 502 tal. eery o TTB Fore Seostiver:No force Point: - Danwsiteoi |” Character ois: 10 Move 10 Equipment Darapad, coming | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL IN CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. There can be litle doubt that Gendarr and Lott ‘now serve the Empire together. The comespon- dence ofsghting ofthe Reliance and te attacks bby Lot’ walker divisions cannot be pure coinc- dence, Parente a kee tee ene Eta @ LIEUTENANT LON DONELL ‘Species: Human ‘Sex: Male Homeworld: Preisbelt Height: 1.75 meters Age: 50 (Crimes Against The New Republic: Thelt, kidnapping Reward For Capture: 15,000 Lt Donell was first officer on the starship Detainer, ‘anlinperiallnterdictor Cruiser; henowseemsto have assumed command. These ships are equipped with {gravity well projectors capable of forcing other craft Irom hyperspace or preventing enemy ships {rom escapingintohyperspace;theEmpireuses them quite ‘effectively to corner and capture enemy vessels. Donell’s ship wasn'ta oncernforthe New Republic ‘until recently In the last few months, an increasing ‘number of New Republic and independent ships have tumed up missing and our intelligence agents cate that Donellis responsible. Using the Interdictor Cruisertopulltheshipsfromhyperspace, Donel then Pu oe captures the ships; if severely damaged, he trans- ports the captured vessels aboard the Detainer or a large container vessel to an unknown destination. AS ofthis report, Donel! has managed to obtain at least five transport ships, three Corelian Gunships, and a pairof Corellian Corvettes, not to mention numerous Starlighters. It is believed that he may be forming an independent war fleet for 2 campaign of personal conquest. ‘M Lieutenant Lon Donnel DEXTERITY 2D Blaster 0. dodge SD KNOWLEDGE 3D Paetarysysteins6D survival SDacts:cap {alshipe 50:2 valve 3D [MECHANICAL 40 Spacetranspors pl 50, starship sels PERCEPTION 2D. (Command 4D, search SD ‘SmENGT abe. Stamina 2 TECHNICAL 20.2 Computer progazmingepalt 40:2, security 0, capital strap repair 90-1 Force Sensitive”: No.” Fore Plats: 3 DaniSide Points? Move: 10 Equipment: Dlaster picto! (AD damage), ‘comlnk eatapad ‘Character Point 12 1 ADDENDUM/PERSONAL CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. ‘Though the foss ofshipsisacriticalproblem, it isimportart that we do no forget that alongwith those stolen ships are a large numberof crew ‘members and officers. Any information regard: ing Donell’s operations should tmmediately be brought othe attention ofthe Operations Minis- ‘ry. Though many ofur ships have been stolen, rnone have been since encountered, even in documented engagements with Imperial forces. ‘would appear thatthe Imperial ae wsing our ships fr internal operations, preferring 10 use ‘heir own in al miltary situations. ceo Dereon aR cee tetas @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION The Detainer ‘The shipDonell commands isthe Detainer,anImpe- tialinterdictor Cruiser. Also under Donel’scommand is converted container ship, the cargo bay of which has been converted into a huge ship hangar. After a ship has been captured by the Detainer, I is stored ‘within the cargo bay while boing transported to the shipyards In Barpine system. Due to personnel shortages, the crew and troop ‘complements of the Detainer are much smaller than ‘those usually found on an Interdictor, carrying only 1500 crewmen, some of whom serve double duty as ‘troops aboard the assault shuttles used to bring in captured vessels, Interdictorcrusersarenormally usedtoforceships from realspace to hyperspace, orto prevent enemy ships from escaping into hyperspace. The cruisers ‘are normally positioned along the perimeter of battle, and flood the battle zone with gravity wells to prevent enemy ships fromescaping,interdictor crus: ers can also be used as “cosmic roadblocks”: when placed along popular trade routes, they simply block the route with their gravity well projectors. Allships passing along the route are forced to realspace, at which point other ships may inspect cargos, or as Lt Donell does, “confiscate ships for the use of the Empire. Traditionally, Interdictor cruisers work in ‘conjunction with other ships, such as assault shuttles ‘or capital combat ships to capture enemy vessels the huge gravity well generator leaves very litle cargo or hangar space) ‘Theerulserscreate problemsfor other ships through their massive gravity well projectors. The projectors send out waves of energy that disrupt mass ines In space — in hyperspace, this simulates the "mass shadow” ofalargestellarhody, suchas anasteroid or planet. Ships cannot enter hyperspace in the pres- ence of such a large mass, and when a ship in hyper- space encounters a mass shadow, It is forced to realspace. Preventing a ship from escaping to hyperspace Is relatively easy. All ofthe targets are readily detect- able, and itisamatter of simply” placing the gravity wells close enough to a target ship to disrupt its hyperdrive {adeno ere ene asa However, forcing ships from hyperspace can be more dificult First, the Interdictor must know where and when the ship wil be passing. This Is often an ‘educated guess sinceit isn't possibie to detect ships in hyperspace. Normally, the escaped ship's hyper- space vectors tracked by another imperial ship, and that information is passee on tothe Inerdictor. The ship's astrogators then predict what hyperspace routes the ship may be following, and the gravity well projector operators then haveto placethe wellssoas todisrupt the most likely fight paths. The Detainer (raft Sonar Feet Systens'Inmozer 418 Type! iedictorclas Heavy Cruser seat: Capt E Capital hp plang toterdictorcrutsr Crew: Shleto 130 wit command 30: Tata 2807 Grew Skill Astrogtion 5D, capital ship gun- tery 80, capital ship piloting SD, casas hls Passengers: 30 (0905) (Cargo Capacity S00 mete tons (Consumables 1.2 years yperdsive Malipier:32 Hyperdeve Backup: Nav Computer Yes Baneaverablty 1D Spaces8 ‘Shei 30 Sensors assee: 20710 Sean 572 ‘Sear 1500 Fou sD Weapons: "20 Quad Laser Cannons (Ore separately) Fee Are 1olront, Set Sight Gout ‘Si Capital ship gunsery ‘Space Range: 13/12/25 “mosphere Range: 2 6724/S0ien Demage 40 oar Gravity Well Projectors Tire arestaret Crowe [Shit Captl ship gunnery ‘ie Cond Spoce Range: 5/1150 ‘Damage’ locks hyperspace travel Een Pere en anery Peete ey @ DETAINER SHIP’S COMPLEMENT Thoughlaterdictor cruisers usualy carrytwosquad- rons of TIE fighters (total of 24 ships), the Detaner carries only onesquadron (adozen TIS). Intheplace ‘ofthe other squadron is a pai of Skipray blastboats, and a pair of Gammaclass assault shuttles. These ships are launched to intercept a target ship ater it Reset ing: Norven stable mount +1 PERCEPTION «> sles 8D, con 8D, persuasion 7D+1 STRENGTH 20 TECHNICAL 2D ForceSensltve?:No Force Polo 1 DarkSidePoiate Charscter Polat 8 Move: 10 gulpent Waking sick (STR+1De2 damage when aed as | ADDENDUMVPERSONAL NCRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Informants have told ws that the populace of Rintonne isnot yet aware ofthe fallofthe Empire andthe rise ofthe New Republic. Tount’scontrot of information is so great that he is able to ‘enslave a whole population trough ear alone. However, if our forces can show these people ‘hope and prove that victories are possible, it ‘might be enough to tip the balance to open revolt DATAPAGE: 23 Peon Rea ei Recent ee cad @ IMPERIAL MOFF PAR LANKIN Species: Human Homeworld: Desstious Helght: 16 meters Ages Crimes Against The New Republic: Treason, sedi- tion, murder of New Republic personnel, destruc- tion of New Republic property Reward For Capture: 65,000 Imperial Moff Lankin is the despotic ruler of the Lambda Sector. Hewas known to bea loyalsupporter (of Emperor Palpatine, and seems to beonthe verge of building his own Empire. Lambda Sector has a num- ber of heavy industry worlds and ship construction centers, he has ample facilites at his disposal, and he certainly has the desire to conquer. Recently, several Imperial patrol vessels belonging to ships stationed in Lankin's sector have been spotted by Republic patrol Drolds on the perimeter of newly ‘captured Republic systems. Itis believed that he may iN \ N\ " A \\y i Imperial activities. Lankinisknown tobe secretive, rumoredto seldom venture fom his governor's palace, except for occa: sional hunting expeditions tothe EquatorialReserves, of Xandil Vi 1m imperia! Moft Par Lankin DEXTERITY 2De1 Banter KNOWLEDGE 30-2 ‘len species 4D, bureaucracy 40:2, cultures 50, imition 1, languages, aw enforce ment D2 planetary systems 4D, tate: ‘opal ship 3, acl ete TDs MECHANICAL PERCEPTION 4D Bargin 60, command 6D-2, command: mpe ‘al troops 8D, can 5D, search SD-1 STRENGTH 2501 TECHNICALD Force Senstve?: No Force Pointe 3 DarkSidePointzé Character Points 10 Fguipment: Holdout blaster (QD damage), ‘tap comin ADDENDUM /PERSONAL TRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. Lankin is @ cunning warrior and a dangerous ‘oe. personally conducted several operations in his sector, and have found his soldiers to be brave and of superior capabilies. They are driven, as if by a madman. While New Republic igh Command seems to have decided rot to take preventative measures against this man, I ‘can assure you that conquest is his foremost plan. Ican only believe that thase encounters twit his ships are meant o size up our defenses ‘and response times. tis an indication that he i readying a sre against our weaker worlds. eee eee es Ce NIE Ee) Ny Species: Devaronian ‘Sex: Male Homeworld: Feaves Hefght: 18 meters Age: 27 CCrimes Against The New Republic: Kidnapping, thet, murder Reward For Capture: 12,000 Jiton sa bounty hunter who frequents the Borderland Regions | between the boundaries of the NewRepublicandthe Empire. His particular methods are unknown, though itis known that Jiton 's remarkably successful in capturing his targets. Reports ind!- cate that Jiton uses a smal Firespray-class ship, similar to the ‘oneuused by the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett. New Repub- lic armed forces should exercise caution if they should encoun- ter Tyrn Jiton, as reports indicate that in addition to hunting bounties, heoften kidnaps any who he suspects that could bring him proft and sells these captured victims to elther crime lords or the Empire tym siton DEXTERITY 4D Blaster €0, brasing pary 8D, dodge SD-1, grenade G0, melee combat 6D.2 melee parry KNOWLEDGE 3D ‘Aken species 40, ntnidstion 7D lnguages law entorcement GDe1 planetary syeteme 412 streetwise AD, survival 6D, wiper 5D ‘strogaton tts eastidingD2eepusorht opertiondD2spacetranspors60.2 srs finery 5D, starfightor plating AD. 2 sarap hele De PERCEPTION 3 Bargain 4D, con 80 orgry 4D gambling 402, hide 6D, Inemigation 1D, serch 7D sneak Sea ‘StRENGTH 4D Brawling 8, clmbingyjumping 4D-2, stamina ey Armor repei 4D, blaster rept SD+1, demo thon, security 90-2 space transpoie repair ‘5:2 sarhter repair 4D, starship weapons reoairaDel Force Seniive?: No Force Points:3 Dank Side Points © Character Points: 12 Moves (1 Equipment Blstr rile (6D damage), blaster ptt (AD damogs), knife (STR 1D damage) {ronados (SD damage) thermal detonator (10D damage), nerostall (0 stun damage: uses ‘melee combet sil) sytherope, conti, tllarmor(-IDtoSTRtoresist damoge, penal) Nl ADDENDUNV/PERSONAL I CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. We had known for quite a white that an active bounty hunter had sold several New Republic operatives tothe Empire. Only alter our capture of an Imperial Star Destroyer did we learn that Tymlton was responsible. Jton was lat seen in the Gantonnerre system, afer he escaped froma group of New Republic operatives Per cre ter eee tte ee Pere EN ote Ace Petes ae Rec @ ANDOV SYN Sex: Male Age: 38, Species: Kerestian Homeworld: Kerest Helght:2 meters CCrimes Against The New Republic: Murder of New Republic personnel, destruction of New Republic property. aldingand abetting known criminals, brib- ey Reward For Capture: 6,000 -Aadov Syn’ past isa question mark He appeared on the seane shorly ater the establishment ofthe New Republic hiring his services out to wantederini- nals. Syn has rapidly established a reputation in his chosen feld:a bounty hunter whohuntsotherbounty hunters. ym is commonly hired by fugitives (including some lsted here) to eliminate their pursuers Hs fees ae extremely high, but some reports say he works as much forthe spor as for the money. His weapon of Pervcag choice isa heavy blaster pistol, with which he s said tonever miss. ‘Synisbestknownfor anincidenton heplanet Adim, Amining colony beset by pirates had hired sixmerce- haries to protect them. Thepates, in turn, hired Syo, \who singlehandedly liminatedallofthetown's guard: fans, ‘Syn travels ina jetblack modified space yacht Andov syn DEXTERITY 4D Blster8D:2,braviing parry 4D dodge D2, ‘mele combat Sb, veil blaster De2 ‘item species 3D-2, tatimidation 4042, MECHANICAL 20 ‘Astrogation 1, spacetaneport Dl PERCEPTION a2 Bargain aD, forgery 4D-1,gamblingaD-2.carch Ey STRENGTHLAD. Brawing 0, stamina 4D¥2 ‘TECHNICAL20 blaster rept 3D st aud 4, security 4D Force Senaidve?:No. Force Polat DarksidePotn:? Charter Poin: 18, glpment: Heavy aster pistol SD damage ‘tap med, Bow ro, bounty ante tmor 620 from pyc «ID from energy, 1D to Dewerty attebute and sts due to bud {W ADDENDUMUPERSONAL NCRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL... Synisruthless, deadly and utery without pity He has carved a niche fr himself in the under- world and considers himself the best at what he does. Syn has picked up a number of talents ‘along the way ard is far more than a standard ‘manhunter. ‘My warning to thase of you who may seek the bounty on Andov Syn is, white you are hurting ‘im, be sure that he is not huning you aswell Pe Coe eer Pitee meer Pare EN onl aa Uae Peete ta @ MOXIN TARK Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Bandonia Height: 1.75 meters Age: 30 Crimes Against The New Republic: Murder of New Republic personnel Reward For Capture: 6,000 Born in the Bandonian system, son of imperial Liew tenant Boes Tark and wife Lanaxa. Tark grew up in a Iiteof luxury and privilege, but quickly became disen- chanted and sought adventure in space. Hoping his son would follow him into the Imperial military Boes Tark trained his son in survival slills, as well as personaland fre combat. Througha series of peculiar circumstances, Moxin drifted into the profession of bounty hunting despite his pampered background. ark is currently wanted for the murder of a New Republic official. While reestablishing the govern- ment ofa small colony in the Gea system, a group of New Republic troops under the command of Captain ‘Nar Delan encountered Tark. Instead of surrender- ing, Tark kileé Detan in cold-blood in front of his startled troops — somehow Tark escaped), and was able to clalm the bounty on Detan, Moxin Tark wears a custom sult of armor based on that ofthe Sun Guards of Thyrsus, which provided visual inspiration for the Emperor's Royal Guard uni- forms. lis not known why he has adopted this peeu- liar visual symbol Mm Moxin Tark DEXTERITY 3041 Blaster 4D, blaster arllery 40-2, dodge SD, ‘ele combat 8D. malee parry ADet, vehicle Blasters Sel KNOWLEDGE 20 402, lnguages dD, stretise SD, survival {value 302 Space transporte SDel Starship gunery 5D" sarighter ploting 6D PERCEPTION SDs Bargain3D.2, con 4D, gamblingSD hide 401, sneak aD, search SD ‘STRENGTH aD Glinbing/janping 4D, ing 4D, staion SD ‘THCHNIEALSD.3 ‘Demolition 0, rst ald 4D, secuty SD Force Senitvet:No Force Pot 4 Dank ShdePoint: 4” Character Pete: 1S Moves 0 Equipment Blater rile 6D damage), heavy blaster pistol damage) freee @T-2D damage), four medpace, comin, chrono. ‘ter macrabineculrs(tincedtoarmor Sin (Gir reien sro (ID t9 STR ior esting ‘amage, no DEX penalty) ADDENDUM/PERSONAL IN CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. A somber personal note must accompany this centr, for Captain Detan was a good friend of ‘mine, andan excellent officer. tis also notewor thy to mention that during the days of the Rebel lion, the sercices of Moxin Tark had been ac- ‘quired from time to time by us when we were in dire need: he should be approached with ex frome caution since he is quite familiar with our procedures. Entry Update: Moxin Tark was most recenly seenen Bothauaui, the homeworldofthe Rthans, where he was observed establishingcontactwith Former ageats of Jabba the Hut, @ YARR GATONNE Species: Human Homeworld: Eonadan Height: 1.8 meters Age: 35, Crimes Against The New Republic: Murder, kidnapping Reward For Capture: 13,500 Yart Gatonne is a bounty hunter frequenting the Testarr Sector and neighboringtradereyions.Galonne is one of many bounty hunters once employed by the Empire curing the time of war against the Rebel Ali ance. His methods vary greatly depending on his tar gel Often, he has used subtlety when acting against embers of the Rebel lliance and the New Republic, and more overt methods against common criminals such as smugglers and pirates. One reported method that Gatonne has employed isto capture and interro- gatecontacts andcloseassoclatesofthetarget. Gatoane Sex: Male then disgulses himself asthe contact and approaches the target, luring him or her to capture. However, Gatonne has used other methods extensively as well, Including bribery ofocal oficial, the hiring of merce: nary operatives, and direct confrontation. 1 Yarr Gatonne Blaster 8D-2 dodge D, melee combat 50-2 males pary 50 KNOWLEDGE 3D Languages 4D, planotary systems 30+? ‘reste $0, euelal 30-2 ‘MECHANICAL 40 ‘Astogsion Dv beast ring, repusorft ‘pertion 0. apse ransparts An starship frxcsrion 2p ign 1 cn, symbing nese STRENGTH 4D Brawling $0, elmbingumping 40:2 stamina 0 TECHNICAL 3D Compurerprogramsning/repatr4D replsoitt separa, accu SD space tasporepa Special Abities: Ghoemetie Inprovement Has a NeuroSaav Wicd Senso FacngsGeepese38AGuchers Rebel Field Ge) whichinerensesPoreption andallreatedskilsby 1D. Thisisacybervetic Fighteyewhichislevertydeguisedolokthe ‘sratural ee Force Seoaltve?:No Force Points:3 Dank Side Polat?” Character Points: 16 Moves 10 Egulpment: Heavy blaster lstol 6D damage), loife TRC 1D damage), como, restr, ecorsing rod naerobinoclars Mm ADDENDUM/PERSONAL ‘CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Recent reports ell us that Gatonne has re- ceived several contracts for New Republic high- level personnel, inclading engineers, diplomats ‘and iltary commanders. There ts no proof but ‘the Empire is surely at fault. Do not underestimate this man's abilities. 1 myself once had a runsin with Gatonne several ‘years ago om the banking word of Sestria. He eventually chased me tothe rystal spires that ‘towered thousands of meters aboveground eve, ‘andthe only thing that saved me was being able to summon my ship witha beckon call ‘Species: Esoomian Homeworld: Esooma Height: 3 meters Age: 39 CCrimes Against The New Republic: Murder of New Republic personnel, assault with intent to Kl e- sisting arrest, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon Reward For Capture: 30,000 Tantorisanenforcer bytrade, knowninthecantinas ‘of Mos Eisley as an “antennaebreaker."He arrived on Tatooine too late to join the late Jabba the Hut's ‘organization, and so has been forced to hire himselt ‘oul to smalhiime crime lords like Cort Sarb. Stl the pay Is good and there are plenty of opportunities to break New Republic lawmen in two. ‘Although he carries a vibroaxe, Tantor is perfectly happy using his meaty fists to do his job. In addition to collecting debts owed his employers, Tantor acts ‘Sex: Male area eal ae Pete tad @ TANTOR ‘as bodyguard and occasionally hired killer. Although not terribly intelligent, he has rarely needed to know anything beyond “hit he fll down.” Tantor's speech, like that of most Esoomians, is garbled, but he takes orders well and is surprisingly Toyal for one in his lin of work. He would never have brought CorfSarb’s palace downaroundhisearsifhis boss hadn't reneged on his pledge to pay Tantor's ‘medical bills after arun-ia witha clan of Gamorreans. manor DEXTERITY 20 Brawn parry D1. dodge, cle combat 4B, melee parry 451 KNOWLEDGE 20. Tatimation 100-2, stretwtse4D:2 [MECHANICAL 20 {Ground vehile operation 30 PERCEPTION 30 ‘Gambling 40s, persuasion SD SikENGH 70 Brawling 70-2 iting Ds), stamina 7-2 TECHNICAL 23 gupment Vibrosne (STR-30) | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL BUCRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Don't let his slowness of brain or brawn foot you — if Tantor gets his hands/hooves on you, {ts over. Exoomians are among the best hired ‘muscle in the galaxy, and now thatthe Imperials ‘are no longer quarantining their planet, they are ‘ree to spread out and find work Tantor is not completely without cunning, so don'talways expect rontalatiacks from hi I's dificult conceal one of such bulk, butifthere's ‘dark alley nearby, hel hide in it and grab you ‘0s you go by. So look twice — the New Republic needs ro more marys. Ponseed Pe eno enc a ee eee oe Et tias @ OAN GINDOCH Species: Human Age: 35, Homeworld: Talfin Height: 1.75 meters Weight: 80 kilograms Crimes Against The New Republic: Smuggling theft Reward for Capture: 3,500 Gindoch isa spice smuggler, formerly in the employ of Pendor Gyrr. Subject was captured on Mantooine after a reld by New Republic agents. Was found with large sums of counterfeit credits, apparently paid to him by Gyrr. After interrogation, New Republic off als were satisied that Gindoch was not a part ofthe ‘counterfeiting operation, but instead a smalltime ‘smuggler used by Pendor Gyrr. Because of his coop- eration ater his capture and the minor severity of his crimes, Gindoch was released after paying small fine. Since that time, reports have been received indicat Ingthat Gindochhas returned to the smuggling trade, butis now working directly for theEmpire inaddition to working for various criminal organizations. The ‘most recent reported Incident concerns a shipment ofblasters stolen whileen routeto the New Republic's training facilities on Vessitoar, While most of the shipment has not yet been recovered, asmall number of items from that shipment turned up during a rou- tine security check at the spaceport on Celanon ‘Theseitems weretracedtoasmalHtime arms broker who had obtained samples from Rethorn, the notor- ous Ithorian crime lord. When agents of Rethorn's \were captured, they revealed that the weapons had been smuggled by Qan Gindoch aboard a stolen freighter Qan Gindoch ster 90-2. dodged, le combate Caltres3D:2 angiages D1 stretwiseSD:2 Survival 3.2 (MECHANICAL 30+2 Astrogation 3, space transports 6, starship fzumcry 20-2 [SSTSTHXIGBCESN PERCEPTION 30 Bargain 4D, con 4:2, gambling SD hide SD, sneak 4De1 earch D2 ‘StmeNeru 3D ‘TECUNICAL20.2 Space vansport epair 4D Force Senave?: No Force Plate: 1 DerkSide Pinte!” Character Polos 15, Moves 0 Egulpment Heavy blaster pistol (6D:2 dam a) .DDENDUM/PERSONAL ICRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. TSTHXISBC25N ao Some men never lea — Qan Gindoch is one such man, [guess twas too much to expect that hhe might have been able to find honest work somewhere in the galaxy. Old habits die hard Perhaps itis the lure of easy money that keeps 0 many criminals practicing ther ict protes- sions. Sul, iis amazing how many smugglers ‘and criminals work for the Empire! Don't they realize thatthe Empire, given a chance, would execute them all? PR een Raa cha ae Pee en ce tia @ TORD GAMB Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Port Evol Height: 18 meters Age tT CCrimes Against The New Republic: Thet, larceny, fraud, espionage, theft of computer data Reward For Capture: 25,000 ‘Tord Gambisa known gambler and con man, with a long history of frauds, cons and other deceptions, Since the rise of the New Republic, there have been few reports regarding Tord Gamb, until very recently Atthe shipyards of Sluis Van, Gamb managed to pose asanindependent tracer with supplies neededby the shipyards. Alter gaining access to the shipyards, he ‘was able fo con numerous targets out of & total of several hundred thousand credits, Since then, there have been reports of three similar ‘operations on the worlds of Bimmisaari, Maphus Tria ‘and Algarra Il. Its also believed that Tord Gamb has rs been ableto secure very detailed information egard- Ing the New Republic defense net around Asma. I this information were to become available to the Empire this important manufacturing center might be lost and we cannot allow this to happen. Tord Gam DEXTERITY 30-2 Biter 0. dodge 4D-2 pick pocket €D KNOWLEDGESD ‘len speces 5D, buresvracy 6D. business 50, caltres 4Dx2 langues 4D:2, planetary "Systems Gb, stretwiseTDr2 value 30-2, MECHANICAL 2001 AstogalondD-1,beastridng30?, reps peration 30-2, space anspor $0, stash [unnery 4D, starship shale 40s) PencePnion 4) Bargein 4D.2, con 8Ds2, gambling 6D, hide {Del ivestigaion D.2, pteussion TD,eneak sb.2 seared binging 02, stain 4 Computer programming/tepatt 30.2, demote roidrepait ulpment: Pocket computer (vith 3 prepro- {grammed hyperspace jumps), datpad, stock 11300 gh eager ml ADDENDUM/PERSONAL I CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL White theapprehension ofthis manisofimpor- tance to the security of the New Republic, it ‘occurs to me that a man of Tord’ abilities could be an asset to our cause. Men like Tord often have nuraerous contacts inthe underworld that could facilitate our efforts against those who ‘oppase the rule ofthe New Republic. “Agents coming in contact with Gamb Tord are ‘authorized to approach him and offer him a deal: alte charges against him will be dropped Inexchange forhis services tothe New Republic White such a deal is certainly unusual, iis my belief that Tord could be persuaded to aid us. ree rere ae cee) Ree ae ccna a teeta eee ee ca @ BOM VIMDIN Species: Advorse Sex: Male this criminal, wil point ou that Vimdin is among the Homeworld: Rilor best at what he does. His wealth may account for how Helght: 18 meters Age: 35 hhe has been able to hire such loyal agents Crimes Against The New Republi: Smuggling tre Son, ang Imperial forces imag Vans Reward For Cape: 12,000 Dextexiry 2011 Bom Vine isa smuggler who has, on more than Blase | eee mle combat nee cone occasion, been caught transporting Imperial Bary abel peepee agents from New Republi territories to those stil ‘Al species 2-1, bureaucracy 4D, aw tinder control ofthe Empire. However. for each tie facets -seetise Os ae SDP that Vimdin has been eaught,hehes somehow gained Fr fricase, each tine wit outside help. This ould ‘trop 5D, repent operation (D2 incate that Valin has agents who work with him isp ania Esaclly how these agents locate Vind each time ‘encePrion 0 See Bern cen 0 gutng De, UnerworkdcontactindcatethatVindin demands Seen eee een an extremely high price for his services. However, Brewing 30-2 clebingumping 40 Commander Solo, who has had several ruins with TERIIMIEAL 25-8 Corpor progammig/eptr 4, demaiion SSoE ep ep Ba seca tt pocevanaors opi ree Scntivet-No fore Pott 1 Busige Poin 0” Gare Pit 1 Movers Eolpment: Stock Ghros relgher (ee Sor Ware Roplang Gane, Second aon, ag 1), serps! dag) 1 ADDENDUM/PERSONAL RACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Bom Vimdin is a true mercenary: one who would sel his sou, the fate of his people, and even that ofthe galaxy fora few credits. He cares litle for what happens to those he harms pro- vided the credit balance in his account grows. fa all he tres that Vindin has been captured and later feed, there i no information a all regard- ing those agents who work for him. eal Bean Tice ny ee ee ge ee) PE ees eh i ee Peter aac eer eas @ PENDOR GYRR Species: Givin Sex: Female Homeworld: Yag’Dhul Height: 1.6 meters ‘Age: 40 Crimes Against The New Republic: Counterfeiting [New Republic eurrency, smuggling, larceny Reward For Capture: 15,000 While Pendor Gyrris 3 bit ofa misfit on her native Yag’Dhul, she has made a fortune by applying her species’ natural aptitude for mathematics to more “practical” uses: counterieting. Pendor seems to have profited immensely from the ‘economic instability the galaxy now faces. She has been able to produce large quantiles of Imperial and [New Republic currencies, and use them to purchase ‘goods and equipment when the value of the currency In question Is high. While her operation isn’t large ‘enough to devalue our currency, itis worrisome —if ‘others were to copy her, the Republic could face severe financial repercussions Fortunately, her fakes aren", as yet, perfect. Alarge amountof countereit currency has been confiscated Cover the past year, and much ofitcan be traced back to Gyrr's operation thanks to testimony from Qan Cindoch. Pendor'soperationsseemtoeatendto spice smuggling and Back market goods trading (most of {he equipment has been stolen from other sources). Gyrrs believed to have several bases on prominent trade worlds, including the Corelian system, Bespin, Ord Mantel Celanon and Nar Shaldaa mPendor Gyrr DEXTERITY 2042 KNOWLEDGE 2D- ‘Allen species 8D, burezucracy 50:2, business {Dsl bustness: banking TOx2 cultures 4, fan- ‘gages scholar curreneyaD, scholar rar Eaimantes 7 sreetmee 90.2, valve 40 MECHANICAL3D.2 Repalsrit operation «D PERCEPTION. Bargula SD con D2, forgery 80, gambngD, ide 5D. vestigation 70. steak SDel, search STRENGTH 2D+1 ‘TecuIWicAL 4D. lester repair 30:2, computer programing! ele ADs security 3 Speclal Abii Mathematical atte Givin receiveabonus of 20 when using sls nvoing mathematics, Inclading earogoion They xn atoraticaly five most “imple” lor them) mathematics. Force Sensitive? No Dark Sie Point 0 Moves Egeipment: Holdout blaster 20-1 damage), ditepodhsndacanner plates oleutent impe: Fl and Rew Republi credits Force Pointe 1 {Charector Polat 15, mW ADDENDUM/PERSONAL 1 CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Few people truly understand the ind of dam ‘age counterfeiting can do, Itcan undermine the confidence in a currency, and thus the govern ‘meat that supports it this kind of crime be: ‘comes too rampant, the New Republic could collapse due to financial roubles, as opposed to the military sruggle we are all so used to. Stop- pingheris veryimportantto the future security of the New Republic's currency. Unsubstantiated reports indicate that Gyrr has begun operating ‘rom her base on Ord Mantel. Re et eee ate eter een ect ate ae eet eee dee eta @ GAOR TEMBON Species: Sullustan Sex: Male Homeworld: Sullust Helght: 1.7 meters Age: 46 (Crimes Against The New Republic: Smugaling,trans- portation of slaves, conspiracy to deprive sapients Of their freedom, manslaughter Reward For Capture: 3,000 Originally from the Sullust system, Gaor Tembon is smuggler of wide renown in the Borderland Regions. ‘Though he himself has never been caught, several of his operatives have, and thei interrogation serves as ‘a source for much ofthe information included here, IRissaidthat thereisnocargothat GaorTembonwill reluse to carry, andno customer that he willrefuseto serve. He has even participated in slave running op- erations, marking him an unscrupulous flend of the ‘worst king. This has made him quite popular with al sorts of customers, ranging from the Riders of the Maelstrom, to the Empire, to criminal organizations as large and dangerous as the Hutt erime families. However, his operatives have indicated that he has ‘changed his atitudes. They claim that Tembon has cut ofall relations with the remaining forces ofthe Empire and will no longer accept slave cargoes. This cchange has occurred dueto an attempt by the Empire to foreibly acquire some of his ships. This betrayal infuriated Tembon, whohas sworn tohelp overthrow the Empire. While ther information may be suspect, his captured operatives indicate that Tembon's cur- rent location is Nexer system, where he is relatively close to several main trade routes, but far removed from inquiring officials. 1 Gaor Tembon DEXTERITY 3D BlsterSD-1, dadge ADI, melee combet 2, BROWEEDGE 201 Boresuerscy 40-1, languages 5D, planetary Atroguon SD staring trp Bargain 6D, con 70, gambling 50, hide 402, search, soak ‘STRENGTH 2be2 Brawiing +2 [TECHNICAL 2002 Seeurty 0, starighter repair 50:2 Special Abilis: Extanced Senses, Location Sere (see Star Wars: Me Roleplaying Gane, Second Baton page 138. Foree Senatvel:No Force Polat: 2 Dark Side Poin?” Charecer Points 18 Move: 0 alpen pit AD danas) Merah ‘ADDENDUM/PERSONAL | CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Gaor Tembon represents an interesting case Though itis without question that he has commit. ted atrocities, his recent actions have been of great help to us. However, [cannot condone the ‘activities ofa former slaver — despite his seer ing “change of face,” he must be brought 0 justice! Dees as Pee Roce octal Cy Pte rm ret Tee eee ee ces TEMBON'S SHIP The Mivrah Firestorm ‘Tembon's ship is a highly-modified Nestrclass light freighter. He has installed concealed quad laser cannons that canbe retracted beneath hull plating (to discourage nosy customs inspec- tors). He has rearranged most of the interior life support systems to make room for smuggling compartments below and above decks on the ship. ‘The extra power drain of the quad lasers re- quired completely reworking the SoroSuub Nepton power core, as well asthe installation of no less than half a dozen Koensayr TLB power converters. However, the energy output of the power cores so high that he must shunt nearly 30% of the energy into the power converters when in close proximity to customs ships to prevent their sensors from reading the ship's, true power output (which Is, of course, far be- Tor View yond legal limits). Whenever Tembon is forced to do this, the feedback blows at least one of the power converters. Aswithmany modified freight- cers, this temperamental ship requires constant ‘maintenance. 'm The Mivran Firestorm (Graft SoraSaub Nestlas light relghter ‘Type Aodited ight teghter Seale: Startghter eng 29 meters ShltSpacetransporte: Neutlaslightroightor reve (ost optional) Panenger: argo Epic 10 matic tne yperdeive Maltpier x1 Hyperdrive Back 39 [Nav Computer Yer Manewversbiity: 10-2 Space: 6 Hitiab-2 Shlelde 20 Sensors Paste: 1/10 Sean’ 2520 Search 5020-2 Fea ab Weapons: 2 Quad Laser Cannons ire separately; con cxled| Fire Arc Toret Gort ‘Shit Starship gurnery Fie Cont 30. Space Ronge: 19/1570 EOE een oct an a ee ee ene) @ TARDON GOLOR ‘Spectes: Tw'lek ‘Sex: Male Homeworld: Ryloth Helght:2 meters Age: 40 ‘Crimes Against The New Republic: Theft of New Republic property, theft of civilian property Reward For Capture: 1800 ‘TardonGolor hasbeen inthe starship theftbusiness for along time — he once worked with a young Niles Ferrier, and in that time the pair learned much about their "trade Tardon Color is wanted for the theft of several New Republic starships, including several X-Wing fighters anda pair ofB-Wings. Hehas been knowntosellstolen ships to any who will pay his price. Golor isn't picky about what he steals — if there is demand for a particular ship, civilian or military, he will steal it if possible. Most of Golor’s ellents are smugglers and suppliers to pirates and other criminals — they don't ‘ask questions about where the ships came from. Recent reports have indicated that Golor has tried to contact the Empire and provide ships and ship com. ponents. ‘w Tardon Gotor Blaster 8b, baster artery SD, dodge 4D:2 KNOWLEDGE A Sri Tangnge: 4D, ay ecco D2 MECHANICAL 2be1 ‘Astrogation 4D, repulsorit operation 4D, {pace transporte 0, starter plating 3D, Starship gumery 4, starship shields aD PERCEPTION 30, Bargain 4D, con 50, gambling 4D, hide 30+, fcareh 3D-2 sneak 20:2 ‘SmRENGTH 30.2 {TECUNICAL 30. Computer progeamming/reptr 11D+1, Droid programming, DroidrepaS0,socunty SD: pote transporte repale D2 slatgher pale SD staraip weapons rept 10-2 Special Abies Dark Side Pointe! Charecter Pointe 23 Move: 10 Equipment: Holéoutblster @DsI damage), ‘taped, pocket compoter sith compan (oth pera corainates fr thee jumps breprogrammedsitousedtooverrdesarsip Fecuity programs) §W ADDENDUM/PERSONAL TRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. ‘Thieves lke Tardon Golor are clever, and thus ‘more dangerous than athug who comes barging in, blasters blazing. Instead, Golor looks for @ hole in a security system and then takes what- ‘ever he can before we have even discovered his presence. Notonly do we lose the ships, but they ‘often end in opposition to our interests. Since Golor sels to smugelers and pirates, our law ‘enforcement agenis inevitably encounter ships once reportedasstolen. Worsestillsthefactthat the sells to salvager, who in tum sell the pars back 0 us! feel Dee eee) Ree a a Peon ta COR Ta Ww Uky Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Tibro Height: [5 meters Age: 31 Crimes Against The New Republic: Theft, piracy, destruction of New Republic property ‘Reward For Capture: 15,000, Beyla Rus and is pirate crew have been one ofthe terrors of the space lanes for some years now. Rus, also known asthe "Gentleman Pirate,” targets prima. nily merchant ships. During the Rebelion, he was ‘careful not to anger either side, but has now taken to New Republic cargo vessels. "To the winners {0 the spoils — and then I take them for myself,” he ‘was heard to say by one of his victims. ‘Rus’ plrates have never been known to kill — they use stun weapons and shrewd tactics, He much pre- {ers his victims alive alblt with their ships disabled) to spread tales of his audacity. His reputation is of supreme importance to him—"itis,aterall,the only thingapirates eftwithafter theloot has beenspent,” he has sai. RusfliesCorelian Corvette, witha crew of roughly 60 cutthroats and scoundrels. Where he gets his Information about ship schedules and types of cargo {s unknown, Although he claims tobe able to smell a trap a parser away, a sultably valuable cargo (or rumors of one) might be sufficient to lure him in. sm Boyia Rus DEXTERITY 30 Blaster 1D, bring parry ADs, digs 40, tees combat AD els pany A, weil BiesersoD KNOWLEDGE 40 Intimidation 5, tanguages 5D, planetary ss tome 4Diz ateconse De, valve 80, wh bower Del AiECHANcaL ao. Arogation4D capa shipgunnery4D cop talship piloting sD peceenon so {Command 4D, gumbing 20-2, hide 4D, persia STRENGTH 3D. “een SD Easy ent 2-2, apa sarin Nove Equipment: Blaster pistol 4D damase, sirblade G@7TRID damage), comin Ml ADDENDUM/PERSONAL ‘CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. Despite his piracy, iti dffett 0 aly ate Rus, who at least operates with some she. He snug, overconfident and rogush. He isa pirate ‘more for the spor of it than the material gain, ‘and his bloodless record isa point in his favor. But the fact remains that he isa treat to New Republiccommnerce,ata time when the edging tnton of worlds cannot afford that. Bringing Rus to justice would be an example to other pirates that such aciites will not be tolerated Peers Pee cree tener ees rod Pee aa A encod a ee ee as @ LAERRON WOERN Species: Elomin Homeworld: Elon Height: 1.75 meters Age: 35, Crimes Against The New Republic: Piracy, theft Reward For Capture: 25,000 Laerron Woern was last seen in the Atrigsystem, on Korbin, where i is suspected he purchased informa- tion regarding New Republic trade routes from spies within the government. In the past, raids made by ‘Woern and his band seemed indiscriminate: Imperial, Republic and civilian vessels were all vietimlzed by ‘Woern, However, it nas been noted that the last eight known strikes by Woern have heen made specifically ‘against the New Republic. ‘Woernis known to havea sizeable pirate fleet ats ‘command, with over 100 soldiers and several small assault ships. Smal, lightly defended cargo fleets, unarmed passenger liners and large civilan cargo Sex: Male transports are perfect targets for this kindof feet JustastheRebel liance survived byharassingpoorly armed Imperial supply lets, so Woern sable to get what he needs through identical methods, Unfortu nately, the Republic faces an unending shortage of ‘armed fighting ships, so the situation is not likely to ‘change for some time. Tn addition to the basic reward posted by the New Republic, It is known that the Blomin Council, the ‘governing body ofthe Elomin people, has posted an additional bounty of 10,000 credits on Woera. His actions are considered a disgrace by the Elomin people. m Laerron Woern DEXTERITY 30 | Baste 6D, dade SD, wclee combat 60-2, Ihen species 40, boreaverocy 30-2, cures 4D, languages AD=1, planetary systems 8D, MECHANICAL 3061 Astogation 8b, eaptal ship piloting 60, com tmunlcations 40:2, repulcort operation @, encore epacotransporsD.2tarighter Piloting 6D, starship gunnery SDx2, starship hed ei PERCEPTION a Bargain €D, command 60:1, con 7D gambling 5 hide 40, eareh 80, sneak SD:2 ‘STRENGTH 20.2 Glenbingomping 4Ds1, stamina 4D ‘TECHNICAL SDe1 Dentiton 4D, security 50 Free Somsitve? No Force Pointe: Darkside Poin” Character Paints: 20 Move: 12 Equipment: Sod (STR -20 ésmage),heawy Blaster pistol (3D damage) 1 ADDENDUM/PERSONAL ‘CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Piracy is a crime for which I have very litle tolerance. isthe? and terrorism ats most base level. This kind of individual represents a grave Threat 10 the Republic — we have achieved nothing ifourpeople cannot travel the star lanes ‘without fear of being atacked and robbed. Ofcourse, during the dificult times ofthe war ‘against the Empire, we (meaning the New Re- public) resorted to theft on many occasions However, our raids were confined to Imperial ships or corporate vessels solidly pledged tothe Empire, and even then, we concentrated on ‘making the raids as bloodless as possible. Pe ee een aera Tite et er aN te ee te ae etd @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Laerron Woern Woern has set up a base in an asteroid field in the remote Drup’s Star system, where his pres. enceis less likely to draw attention to Itself, The base Is completely contained within one of the largest asteroids in the field Named "Woern’s Asteroid” by ts current oceu pant, the asteroid provides more than simply a home for Woern's pirates. Themineral compost: tion of the asteroids in the field Is such that standard sensor readings are useless — the entire field reads as a dense area filled with minerals. It is possible to navigate around or through the asteroid belt using sensors, but itis impossible to detect other ships except in close proximity (if playing a table top game, only within 12 units) or with communications o vi sual contact ‘hus, any ships passingnearby or through the asteroid fleld would be unable to detect the resence of Woern's pirate base. Of course, the sensor interference affects Woern's ships as ‘well, btall his men know several routes through the field enabling them to safely find the base asteroid, Locating “Woern’s Asteroid” Woern has discovered that by readjusting a starship’s sensors, itis possible to dampen the interference ancl locatehis base. Fortunately, 10 onehas thoughttousethis approach around the asteroid belt. ‘The interference encountered withintheaster- old field can be “tuned down” with a Difficult ‘sensors roll. After the interference Is “tuned down,” detectinghis base orany starships within thefield canbedoneat onelevel higher difficulty than “normal” sensors rolls (for example, if the difficulty would normally be Moderate, it in- creases to Difficult). System Data System Manne: Dan's Star ‘Star Name: Dp Sar Drip's Companion Star Type: Binary oral Orbital Bodies Planet Type Seating rock ball, Gas tant Volcanic ‘Asteroid Ftd Name Deapt Deapt Desp Drup Asteroid Feld Navigation through the field without a course provided by Woern requires three Difficult skill rolls (using whateverisappropriate for the ship: ‘capital ship piloting, space ransportsorstarfghter piloting). the rolls failed, the ships strikes (or is struck by) asteroids, doing 4D Capital-scale damage. mi Woern's Asteroid Type: Asteroid Temperature: Fig ‘Atmosphere: None ityarosphere! Ard GaeOe engi of Day Rot applica Length of Year Si Standaré Daye Snteat Races omni, Camorreats Humans Rodin ‘Starport Standard Class Popelaton: 200 Planet Puneon: Pirate Base Government: Despotc Pate Gang ‘Tech tevel Space Major Export: None Major import None DATAPAGE: 39 MDATASEARCH MPROGIOOG2 FILEPATH 9211/05P//PER.ADB//SC M FILEFORM PT) Dae ce eau erase ake M Woern's Pirates Woern has a band of nearly 200 prates a his base on Boor: Asterola Thepratesreotallspectes,inclding (Dut not med to) Rodians. Gamorzeans. Blom and Humins Below ae gue staistes or yplcal member Blaster 30-2 dodge 3b, meee combet D+2 KNOWLEDGE 20. Cultures 3D, Ianguages 3D, streetwise 30-2, survival ‘operation 4D, space transports 30.2, ‘Sarlgterploting3D: 1 starshipgmneny3D°2 starehip Shields 30-2 PERCEPTION aD Bargain 4D, con, gambling 4D+1,hide D+, search D, net 30-2 ‘STRENGTH 20.2 Brawing 30.2 TTEHNEAL 2D Mt Woern’s Assault Shuttle poe rate Modied Telgorn Corp Gammaclass Assault Sh Chater Poe 05 Equipment Blaster pistol AD damage), coming blast wet (to rontehen) ‘SEE Catal sip loting assault shuttle Grewes ‘re Sil: Asroqstion 4D captaahipguonery 3012, capa ‘Sipping ab, capa ship silos 0 starship cnsore3D Patengers 5 rp) (ir apc Smet tons _ ements Grae, Woern’s Pirate Fleet yperdive Baca Woera's pirates have a small raiding fleet, most of them [ev Computer Yer (ives jump eit) smogifed freighters, Woern's command! vessel sa modified [mre Gammecloos asa shte which's stocked with weap Hasso ons, survival gear, and extra provisions, Woern received Shige 50 the vessel alter it had nearly been destroyed in a battle, Sensor sans all Zero-G stormtrooper sults. He moved all but two ‘Pesres vi of the launeh ports (one port and one starboard), and See Installed storage compartments, troops benches and com- Foeue 30. partments holding lightweight, sealed spacesuits (they Wenpone provide only insulation from the vacuum of space; they Four Laser Cannon (re separately) have no armor value). If necessary, his pirates can disem- Gear bark from the launch ports and cut through the hull of Sapna to eery vessel for boarding. Space ange 13/1223 ‘recon ge 0) 2K ‘Tractor Beam Adventure Ideas ‘ie Ar Front * In their search for Woern and his pirates, the characters Cee tio unary discover that his sips were teported neat the Drups star Freon system. Arriving in the Drup system, they quickly learn that Space Rorge v5.40 their sensors are next to useless inthe asteroid field due to ‘ones Rage 1003001 SKMIIKM | somekind ofinterference. The characters can either attempt Pek aye to enter the asteroid field “Tying blind,” or they can attempt Freare From to adjust thele sensors to "wune down” the interference. ‘So capnat stip gunery Ifthey can prove the existence of the base, and return this Fre Cont 9, information to the New Republie, warships could lead an ‘Space Range 27/5, assault on the base and the characters Would be due @ “Aumesphere Range: 100 200/801.5KM ‘substantial portion of the reward money. Puen Spectes: Quarren Homeworld: Calaman Height 18 meters Age:31 ‘Crimes Against The New Republic: Piracy thet of ‘New Republic property, assault and battery "Reward For Capture 8,000 Jerreskisa pirate of some renown in the Outer Rim Territories. Jeresk was lst sighted In the Fordon system, after he and his henchmen attacked a New Republic supply shipen routeto the Mussonsystem This was th fourth in a series of pirate raids perbe trated by Jerresk in the last six ons all targeted against Supply ships belonging tothe New Republic derresk uses complex, but reliable tacts, Each of his vessels is equipped with hyperérves. When an attackis made, each ship has aprecalculeied hyper Space escape route — i the attack goes badly, the shipsaretotlee immediately. Eachshiphasadiferent Sex: Male location; after the frst jump, each ship then makes a second jump tothe true rendezvous point. This sys- tem prevents enemy ships from determining the true rendezvous point of Jerresk’s ships. TheRepublichas been unable to determine the location of Jerresk’s main base. Among the ships in Jerresk's fleet are a Corellian ight ireighter, two scout vessels and four - 95 Headhunter starfighters. werresk DEXTERITY 30 Blaster 8D, blaster ater 40.2, dodge SD-2, tele combat D2, mele parry. 1 vec Blasters 402 KNOWLEDGE 2042 ‘Aen species 0, bureaeracy 30+ ‘togion bis besstiding4D2eepulsort ‘peratinSb, space transports GD, startghter Dieting 3D strip gunnery B01 arti Bargain 30, command 4D, con SD+2, hide 0, search sDs2, sneak aD STRENGTH 3011 {TECHNICAL 20.2 Computer progranmlngirealr 401, deme ten 4D secu 5D starighereepalt ADs Force Senaitivet: No Fores Pet 0 DarkSide Points 0” Character Point: 18 Move: 10 Egupment Heawy blaster pista (5D dere) languages I ADDENDUNVPERSONAL 1 CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Jerresk has done a masterful job of keeping his ‘base's locarion asecre. Likewise, hechooses his targets intelligently. This Quarren’s activities hhave resulted inthe loss of nine transport ships, in addition to numerous smaller crof. For nately, none of Jerrest's raids have resulted in fatalities, asthe crews are packed into escape ‘pods with distress signals. However, I believe that the pirate would have no qualms about hilling should it be “necessary” to achieve his Pe eee tere re eee ey Pee ele Rk ac Pee @ SAFONNE PENDON sabotage Reward For Capture: 21,500 Salone has confronted New Republic frees sev- eral times in the past year, and each time superior plrate forces have forced the surrender and loss of valuable New Republic ships. We have learned that Pendon is the leader of this band, and commands the assaults from a heavily. armed Corellian Corvette. Other ships used in these assaultsincludetwo heavily-modified light ieighters, pair of Corellian Gunships, and a Skipray blastboat ‘The personnel under Pendon include the infamous Venithon Twins, a pair of Ithorian pirate raiders who have served in several other pirate gangs. Due to the placement ofthe attacks, theres reason to suspect that Pendon’s base is somewhere within the Mieru‘kar sector, as all attacks have occurred in that sector or surrounding sectors. However, the sector has alow population and is't well explored. Therearescores ofsystemsthatthepiratebase could belocated in 'W Safonne Pendon Ester Boater $02, ages, 40, ntimidtion 30:2 langage, planetary sSyctems SD, reese 4-2, sureval aD wae 5D MECHANICAL 20+2 Astrogation 5De2, capital ship piloting 602 Teplsoit operation #De2, space transports 5D, staihter pling 7D, starship gunnery starship sve PERCEPTION 30 Bergin 5D, command 6D, con 5D, hide 3012, STRENGTH 20-2 Stamina 5D TECHNICAL 20s Comper programming/repir 4D, demolition 50, Dold programing 4012, Dro tepalr 4D, Security 6D Force Senative?: No Force Plats: 1 Darkside Pointe?” Character Points 15 Moves 10 Equipment Vibroblade (TR + 20:1 damage), beter patl (4D damage), comb, datsped | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. The attacks made by Pendon and his pirates hhave managed to stop resupply efforts to several bases in the Borderiand Regions. It was hoped that by use ofeavily armed convoys the pirates ‘ould be stopped, but these efforts have failed. Perhaps the secret isto have some brave Repub- lic soldier allow themselves to be captured and then try to sabotage the base white also sending ‘out asubspace emergency broadcastto summon Republic military forces, Pee eC aa ne etc etait @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Pendon’s Base Pendonhasestablishedaplratebaseontheicy world of Seltaya. His band consists of approxi- mately 200 pirates, both male and female of humerous species. While many pirates plunder ships and simply keep the stolen goods, Pendon sells the majority of his merchandise to a wide variety of clients. Duringthe days of the Empire, Pendon dealt oniy with criminal organizations, and on rare occasion, the Rebel Alliance. Since the rise of the New Republic, Pendon no longer deals with the New Republic, since his activities arenowno longer acceptable tothem. However, since turnabout is air play, Pendon now sells to the Empire, along with his usual clientele of smugglers and crime lords. Pendon's base Is located in a large mountain range In the northern polar region of Seltaya. Pendon found a secluded canyon with several small caves years ago aftera botched pirate raid fn an Imperial convoy. His ship and crew were forced to land on the ice planet alter being heavily damaged in combat withan Imperial Star Galleon. ‘While seeking safety, Pendon and his crew discovered the large network of eaves which hid them from the Imperials until they were able to repair their ship. At that time, Pendon realized that the frigid world of Seltaya would make an excellent place for him to hide his pirate band, Alter expanding and reinforcing the cave net- work, Pendon relocated his band of pirates 10 this world, where they have been ever since. Level 1. Hangar Bay: Located nearest to the surface of the planet, the hangar bay is enor- ‘mous, easily able to hold Pendon’s entire fleet ‘The majority of these ships are starfighters and small freighters, but Pendon also has several Corellian Corvettes and Gunships, as well a few Imperial blasthoats and transports. This broad combination of ships provides Pendon’s pirates with the firepower needed when attacking New Republic convoys. Level one also houses ship maintenance and repair facilities, with a cargo it going to several nance and ship storage areas. >. Operations Level: This level houses operations and planning rooms, training and workout facilities, and the treasure vault, where Pendon keeps much of the merchandise stolen during pirate raids. Itis in the operations rooms that Pendon plans his raids. Adjacent to these rooms is the communications and sensor room, ‘iter establishingthe base, Pendon positioned several ground-based sensors on the surface of the planet along with several orbital sensor sat- elites to detect any unwanted or uninvited guests. These sensors can detect an incoming ship as soon as it approaches the planet, and warn Pendon and his pirates of any unexpected visitors. ‘The communication room also houses the tar- geting systems for a KDY v-150 Planet Defender lon Cannon, actually placed nearly 100 kilome- ters to the south of the base (there are several rotating shifts of crewmen for the gun). Similar to the one used by the Rebel Alliance on Hoth, this weapon is used to cripple any undesirable shipsthat wander toocloseto the planet Seltaya. Level 3. Living Quarters: Found in the bottom levels of Pendon’s base are the living quarters for all personnel. Most rooms are military-style Dunk rooms, with a cot (with wrap-around pri vacy curtain) and a small storage cabinet for teach pirate. Pendon and his top aides each have personal suites, also located on this level. ‘m Personne! ‘Thepirates who serve with Pendon come fom {Iva ol background Many srepirates eho ‘once served with another leader ultey. or ‘ne reason o another, elected ta change lo {Zanceand serve Pendon. Thestate blow are thore oan average pete though many ofthe Pirate are farabove hie sverage ‘Average Pirate DEXTERITY 2012 Bazter0-2,dodgedD,meleecombar5D.mncee barry KNOWLEDGE 20 ‘Streetwise 3D survival SD MECHANICAL 2-2 ‘Astrogation 30:2 replsorift operation 20:2, ‘State ploting 4D, starship gurmery 4D, Starship shields 30 PERCEPTION aD Hide 4D<2,asareh 4D, sneak 4D SIRENGTI 20.2 Brawing 4D, stamina 5D "TeCuINICAL SD Security aD Force Point: 0 Character Pointe: 05 Eguipment: laser pistol (4D damage) ew DATASEARCH MPROGSOOG2 mM FILEPATH 9211/ Dae Retr eae Ec icas Pendon’s Base Entrance—_ Ship Storage/Maintenance | Operators vel wi Cargo Lift = / set Turbolifts Living ‘Quarters Finding Pendon’s Base While it might seem that Pendon’s base would beeasy to find onaremotedesolate planet like Seltaya, itis actually very diff- cult to locate. The icy, windy conditions cover any markings on the surface in min- tutes. Also, the cave network offers excel Tent protection fromsensors and scanning equipment. For added security, Pendon has also installed a number of sensor de- Hectors around the hangar bay entrance. Because ofthenatural protectionthecaves provide and Pendon's sensor deflectors, the difficulty of locating Pendon’s base using sensor equipment Is increased by 10, Pendon’s Fleet Most oftheships used by Pendon and his, pirates are stock models, the only modifi- cations being done by the previous own- cers. However, the core ships of Pendon's fleet have had additional weapons and power generators added to them. The “jewel” of Pendon's fleet is his per- sonal Corellian Corvette, which he has ubbed Safonne’s Sword. The ship’s ma- euvering capabilities have been greatly enhanced, along with its shields and hyperdrive systems. Theuseofa Corellian, Corvette is quite a deliberate choice on the part of Pendon. Since this type ship Is. so widely used across the galaxy, getting a positive identification of Safonne’s Sword is difficult Puce Reece ge Pete en eae ta Deen Ne Reta @ GORNT SERON Sex: Male Homeworld Korbint Height:2 meters Age: 55 (Crimes Against The New Republic: Intent to defraud the New Republic government of tax revenues. Reward For Capture: 75,000 Gornt Seron currently resides on the planet Korbin, in the Atrig system, and is one of the prominent gangsters on the planet. Seron was the son of lowly criminals stranded on Korbin, but has been able to ‘amass a fortune over his decades of eriminal activity Seron’s organization's vast, and hehas dealings nal ‘manners of illegal activity, both on Korbin and on ‘many other world. His prime source of revenue isa stringofillegalgamblinghouses,althoughheis known to be Involved in extortion, smuggling and arms run- ning, Unfortunately, Seron has been so adept at orga- nizinghis agents that there sa very limited amount of Species: Hethas PS a Pa a a Hy a % A MY RAAT ABA KYYAY oi ; ae Bu a x we pn ee Hin § i iM evidence against him —the only charges that can be brought againstthe gangster relateto underreporting the income ofa small numberof “legitimate” compa nies in New Republictersitry (webelieve these com- panies are responsible for laundering contraband goods and “dirty” credits). ‘One infamous incident cost the Republic deaty. Seron's organization discovered (or somehow ac- (uired) detailed plans regarding the New Republic's plan for cleaning up the remaining Imperial forces in the galaxy. Seron’s agents contacted the New Repub- lic and demanded that he be paid 200,000 credits or clsehe would sell the information to the Empire. The price was reluctantly pald —and wenever were able toacquireconcrete evidence provingSeron’sinvolve- ent, Since that time, all agents of the New Republic ve standing orders to arrest Seronif possible *For mae information on Korbin, see Planets of he Galaxy, Volume Tico 1m Gomt Seron DEXTERITY 3D+1 Blaster 8b, dodge SD-1 KNOWLEDGE Sb-1 ‘Alen species SDI, bureaucracy, 0, cultures {Dei rauages 502, plantay systems 8D, SHrociiae Ded vale: spice 6D MECHANICAL 2-2 PERCEPTION aD Barenin €, command 7D, con 6D+2, gambling » \ a a a RY ‘STRENGTH 20.2 Stamina sD TECHNICAL 20 Securty Force Senstve?: No Dark Side Poin Force Point 5 Charecter Point 25 uy A v1 re | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL INCRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL... ‘Seron's organization has grown ropidly since ‘thedeath of labba the Hatt— many from Jabba's ‘organization have found theirway into the ranks of Seron's. Like many master criminals, Seron thas been able to directa complete organization ‘while being able to insulate himself enough rom ‘activities so that there is litle hard evidence ‘agent him “Agents pursuing Seron are advised to begin by ‘aiterpting to procure concrete evidence of his illicit activities, particularly regarding his goa bling houses or smuggling operations. we can pin evidence of criminal activities on him, we ‘ill be able fo shut down his organization Se Cen cine tener” Deen Nos ee Etc ae ce eto @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Seron’s Castle Gornt Seron’s organization operates from a huge, ancient castle situated in the mountains of the Korbin Equatorial Range. The isolation pro- jded helps Seron keep outsiders away from his operations. The castle stands on a mountain ledge, towering above a canyon far below. ‘There are only two methods of reaching the castle. The first is to simply fly up to the castle, eltherina small ship ora repulsorliftvehicle. On the eastern side of the castle, there is a small docking facility, capable of holding up to ten small ships and vehicles. Entering the docking facility requiresapre-arranged clearance, which can only be granted by Seron or Jontin, his lieutenant. Unscheduled vehicles are ap- proached by armed airspeeders and hailed: if Unsatisfactory answers are given by the vehicle, the ship is shot down, Ce On the ground far below the castle is a small guard station, where four repulsorlift vehicles are kept to be used by Seron and they travel into and out of Pleasat the repulsorlift vehicles requires permission from Seron or Jontin. There are various sensors implanted around the castle for atwo kilometer radius to detect unannounced “guests.” A possible, but not recommended, way of en- tering the castleis stealth. After sneaking by the guard station, trespassers can elimb up to the hangar bay opening or to the balcony adjacent to the planning/operations room (a Very Diff cult climbing roll without ropes; Moderate with appropriate climbing gear). If the rol ftls, the character drops towards the ground, but a Very Difficult lifting or Strength rol allows the charac- ter to manage to grab onto a handhold before falling to his death. The hangar bay is bulltinto the ledge which supports the castle, and is guarded at all times by five guards. Enteringthe hangar without theguards noticing requires Difficult sneak roll ‘The hangar bay is not visible from the baleony. The balcony rings the entire castle, and provides a secluded area for jeron’s private conversationsandalso ‘avery good reconnaissance position, Climbing onto the balcony requires a Moderate climbing oll. The balcony is guarded at all times by two pairs of guards who patrol it and act as sen- trles for the castle. Climbing onto the balcony without being noticed by the guards requires a Very Dillicult sneak roll, Failure means that the guards have detected the intruder, and will investigate. Posed MDATASEARCH MPROGIODG2 MFILEPATH 9211/05P/PER.ADBI/SC_W FILEFORM..0.PAD/DOWNLOAD NRA oe eR teen as C7) 1m Seron’s Personnel Guards Seron'sorganizatlon'sverylarg.andas such, “The uardsthatserveSeroncome rom numer the has umerous personnel that serve him in cus sources throuout the gaan, Most are ‘any afer capaciles. The ost notableot former slaves eed by Seronf exchange for thesis Jontn Serensleutenant and second Tou yearsef service Sonicare former {ncommand.Jontin's dues Include maltan- mercenaries, while small umber are former Ingthe secu ol thecaste, andecranding Inger oilers whofledtheEmpie: Because the cantle guards In Seron's absence, Jot cl this unusual a the weapons nd amor of es chargeclSerons organization onKerban theguardsvares greatly resulngiotheuards thd on other works: Jontin ie Seron's most Iooingless ite professtonalsoliersandmore trate avon ni yf Sto’ as ike og th Sndambtionslongbelorethoseplaneareever Begun. When sation of word rue or tr ater 4D rong Bite supervision, Jontn is often sent 0 an tert rege frighten ovtmatiersonSeron sbehsls When Sida tO mele thie occurs, Fntin brings a detachment of Languages 30.2 [garde and sniocore with hin, aly mit eee a Bering anywhere fom ten to40'men, ae Jontin PERCEPTION 3D. DEXTERITY 30-2 Bargain 4D, con 4D=2 gambling SD, he Blaster 6D-2 brawling parry SD, dodge SD+L Ari, search SD, sneak 4D ‘melee combat 3, meee party SD+1 stwncri so KNOWLEDGE 2042 Brawling 4D stanina 4D ‘ben species 4Dv1 bureaucracy 5D, cultures TECHNICAL 2 D2, languages 30-2 planetary systems 4, Security 20-2 Strecite 3D, survival 6D ForceSensive”:No Force Points: 0 seeiuend aoe Darkside Pointe 0” Character Points 05 Dstogation 4b, repulorlt operation 4Ds2 gupment Varies, most often bsster pista a mare pee er Gbsdamago, hough somecarry heavy ster Sashipgutoey 80, strep stele 4D Disttsand blaster ie dartago) comin PencePhow a1 owed Bargain Det, command SD, con 4Dv2, gm bling 6D, hide 6D search 4D:2, sneak <1 STRENGTH 30+ Brawling 5D, clmbinghomping 4D:2, iting menforcers 40.3, stamina SD The ist group who serv Seron are his es ‘TECHNICAL 30 forcers They are act above the trations Computer programmingrepir¢D, demotion solders, and act toensure tha his organza Ate iret dD, epulsot repr 2, 9 tion not threatened by outside forces En cant 6 stage repai SD lorcers als serve as Sefon's messengers Force Senatvet: No Force Pots 4 his gambling Houses and omer operations. Baresige Pointe} Character Points 12 Ukehis guards Seronselected his enforces vee! personally. Egupment Heavy taster pistol 0 damage, DEXTERITY 40 Bester 6D basterarilerySD-2 brawlingparcy 5D, dodge SD, grenade 0, eos combat SD, Incl prey 4De2 KNOWLEDGE 30 ‘Aen pects 5D, bureaveray 4D, ania tion bry streetwise «D IECHANICAL 2003 Beast ring 4, replzorit operation 5D, Saship gumnery 4003 starship oie De? PERCEPrON 20 Bargain 3D, con 4D, gambling 4D, hide 30:2, fsaren 5D, sneak AD SrRENGTH 3D-1 Brawling SD" iting A, stamina AO "TECHNICAL 2) Securty 40 Force Sensitive: No. Force Plats: Darkside Point: 0 CharacterPoint 10 Enea eile tO domo) Pause fee Ne eee eau ie ee cee aa Ree eek aaa et co Ce Seron’s Operations Seron’s organization is involved in all sorts of illegal activity, including gambling, theft, smug sling, extortion, murder, and espionage. How- ever, none of it easly traced to Seron. Most of his operations are run through amaze of “shadow corporations,” with false records, owners and transactions. In addition to gam bling much ofit rigged, Seron’sgamblinghouses also serve as an information network, with or ders, contracts, and stolen information and pay- offs being passed back and forth as coded con- versation or “big jackpots.” Forexample,anassassinisinformed that eron wishes to hire him. The assassin can goto a pre- arranged gambling house and sit down at a specific game table. Theassassin has been given specific ey phrase totell the dealer to confirm that heisindeed theassassin. Duringthe course of the game, the dealer might pass the assassin the name and location of the intended target, where to pick up payment orthe names of other Individuals the assassin needs to contact for complete details, Adventure Ideas + While searching for Seron, the characters find one of his gambling houses on an advanced industrial world, like Celanon or Lianna, and lect to investigate. While they are there, the assassin Londrah (see separate entry) enters and sits down to play [whether or not the characters recognize Londra depends onthe gamemaster| During the next hour, Londreh wins a huge ‘amount of money. Alert characters notice that the dealer has been cheating so that Londran can win. The characters must now figure out why 2 dealer would allow someone else to win so much money, += While at one of Seron’s gambling houses, the characters natice that the dealer has just passed fone of the other gamblers a datachip poorly ridden in a “false bottom” credit coin. IF the characters apprehend the gambler and read the chip It reveals the location of Seron’s castle on Korbin, * iil gambling at a gambling house, one of the characters is mistaken fora contact by the pit boss. After choosing a game to play, the charac- begins to win aot. The character notices that the dealer is cheating so that he will win. Then, along with his winnings, the dealer passes the Character @ datachip with the name and last known location of an intended assassination target Poe DATASEARCH MPROGI0042 mFILEPATH eer PR een atc coi Poteet cae @ CORF SARB Species: Enu (Near-Human) Sex: Male Homeworld: Deylerax. Hefght: 1.3 meters Age: 42 Crimes Against The New Republic:Smuggling.acces- sory to murder of New Republic personnel, rack eteering Reward For Capture: 25,000 Compared to Infamous sort like Jabba the Hutt, Cort Sarb isa relatively minor exime lord, He runs a profitable smuggling operation and owns numberof ‘gambling dens on Deylerax. What setshimapartishis origin —a former Imperial employee who embezzled funds to start his own criminal empire — and his willingness to kill to protect his business, Corl Sart does not representa physical threat, but bas the brains andthe money to hire the best muscle available. Save for that litle Incident with Tantor recently, his guards are fiercely loyal to him. Satbis always looking for talent, makingit possible for crafty adventurers to ililtrate his operation. But careful preparation will be needed — Sarb often in sists that new employees provetther loyalty by elim nating one of his enemies or some such highly legal act. Although there s no way of predicting what task he will want done, plans should be made to ensure that undercover agents do not also end up wanted by thelaw, Cort Sard DEXTERITY 20 Bster 20-2 dodge 201 KNOWLEDGE 4D. Doreateracy-Devlerax4D.2businces'scoumt Ing 4D. itimiation 4D teste 4D, ‘ale epic 40-2 willpower ADel MECHANICAL 25, ‘Aatiogation 20-2, ground vehicle operation 20.2 hover vic operation 3D PERCEPTION 3D-2 Bargain fD-1, command 4D-2,con4D-2, org Copter programming reps €, Droid re Equipment: Holdout blaster CD damage), ‘Saapad, eomink .DENDUM/PERSONAL 1 CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Cor Sars primary weapon isan agile mind, hhonedto ubroblade sharpness by many years as ‘the unquestioned ruler ofa small but flourishing crime syndicate. His softspoken manner clev- erly disguises his ruthless methods of operation. Sarb is too intelligent not to expect some at- tempts to infiltrate his organization, nor will he immediately expose someone he knows tobe a plant. Rather, he will oy with them for awhile, offering them tantalizing clues about the full ‘scope of his business before springing a tap. Pest eae ee er Ree Ree ee cena ee tag Cee are O)dN| Sex: Male Height: 2.1 meters ‘Age: 50 (Crimes Against The New Republic: Theft, extortion, protection, sale of stolen weapons Reward For Capture: 40,000 Rethorn has been a prominent criminal figure inthe Mid-Rit region of the galaxy. Rethorn is infamous for some his activities, which have included openly fund. ing several revolutions, against both Republic and Imperial governments, since theBattle of Endor. How- ever, Rethorn is also crafty, and despite his fame, keeps a low enough profile that i is virtually impos sible for New Republic agents to keep track of him. Rethorn is one of many crime leaders who has gained ground since the Empire was overthrown. The Ithorian as found severalniches as powerhas shifted to the New Republic, and if anything, his criminal ‘organization is more entrenched than during therule of the Empi Rethorn Is deeply Involved in the theft and trans- port of weapons, high technology (such as gunnery systems), and military-type support materials, such a power generators, shield generators and the lke As such, he is probably the prime source of weapons {or high profile plrate gangs and mercenary armies. Recently, operatives of Rethorn's stole a shipment of newly tested high-powered blasters, but some of the blasters were confiscated on Celanon. This has proven Rethora's connection to such activities, but his whereabouts remain a mystery. metho DEXTERITY a0 Blaster 4D, dodse 5D KNOWLEDGE 4D Alen pects 6D, bureaucracy 80-2 business ‘weapons &De1, cultures 5D intindaton 0, [nnguage 3 streetwiee 6D PERCEPTION a2 Bargain -2, command 4D-2, con 4D-2, ger ‘ling SD, de SD nea AD.2 STRENGTH 20.3 Ssoarty Force Sensitive”: No. Force Plate ¢ Dan Side Point Move: It Equipment Expensive clothing. combnk (i Dante in his sa). (Character Points: 20, | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL |W CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. It seems odd that a being as well known as Rethom could beso hard find. guess he same twas said about Jabba the Hutt while he was clive, though there were very few who ever wished to find Jabba. Indeed, it has been said regarding Jabba the Hutt (and I suppose, the ‘same oppites now to Rethorn), tha, ever you Find him, itis only Because he has let you do so, ‘At present, Rethorn appears to be engaging in all ypes of illicit actviy, with a particularly strong emphasis on thet and smuggling. as eo ddenced by the above incident. eam reer Gere ee Pere eta ere ate ne Reticence Rag @ ETSERO Species: Adnerem Homeworld: Adner Height:2- meters Reward For Capture: Crimes Against The New Republic: Suspicion of murder, fraud, illegal gambling Etsero runs the largest gambling house onthe plea sure planet of Adner. At first a winning proposition, Etsero soon found himself in debt to some major operators, among them the late Jabba the Hutt. To raise the needed money (plus interest), Etsero began cheatinghiscustomerson a regular basis. Those who made too much noise about crooked games disap- peared soon after, never to be seen again, Their fate remains unknown, With the death of Jabba and the imprisonment of someothisother creditors, Etsero thought hewas out from under. Instead, he found that his debtshad been transferred to an unnamed party with Imperial sym pathies. Not only is Etsero stil paying, but his gam- bling house fs now being used to launder credits for nperial interests in that sector of the galaxy. Inanattempttostop thesellegal activities, an agent vsas dispatched to Etsero’s den, The Red Lisken. He never reported in and it i believed he may have met with foul play at Etsero's hands, Estero DEXTERITY 30 Blaster 02 dodge 30-2 melecombat 30 KNOWLEDGE 3042 STRENGTH 30 TECHNICAL 20 Force Seasitve?: No Dark Side Pots: 0 Move: 12. Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D damage), vibroblade (STR+2D damage) Force Points: 0 Character Polat: 4 WW ADDENDUM/PERSONAL NCRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. Etseroisdesperateandfearfulofdeath,thefte that certainly awats him if he fails to come up with the vigorish every month He issuspicious of everyone and everything tha comes into hisden and more than a few inquisitive types have been rewarded witha vibroblde in the ribs The only time Eisero lets his guard down is when there i a large sum of money for the taking. Dangle a sufficient number of credits before his nase, and youmay be able to lead him right into the arms ofthe law. Make a mistake, and you'l never see another twin sunrise over ‘Adner. Spectes: TwiTek Homeworld: Ryloth Helght: 1.75 meters (Crimes Against The New Republic: Ing extortion, smugaling Reward For Capture: 15,000 Jor ldrall is a criminal currently residing on the desert planet of Tatooine. Unt the death of Jabba the Hott and the subsequent fll ofhis organization, ral was a Itleknown criminal who was often forced to ‘work for Jabba, Idrall has scaled up his operations in the immediate vicinity of Tatooine ling the vacuum Ieit behind after Jabba’s death. His activities, at the present, only cover perhaps a dozen systems, so his Influenceis far smaller than Jabba’. It is’t nownhiow Tdrall came to power, but I's assumed that simply being able to survive the underwor'd carnage that ‘erupted ater Jabba’s death was a sigalicant help. A report filed by Commander Janson Edgewood indicates that ldrallis tenaciously protecting his te tory. Commander Edgewood indicated that he was required to make a brief stopover on Tatooine on a recent mission, While in one of the many spacer cantinas of that city, operatives working for Idrall instigated a brawl The commander and his troops (in civilian garb) intervened to restore order. It tured cout that the braw was in reality a warning from Idrall tospies working forthe thorian erime boss Rethorn. Apparently, Idrall has issued a warning to all rivals: Tatooine is a protected area or fall DEXTERITY 30 Blaster SD, blaster artery 402, dodge 5D, teloe combat Del melee party KNOWLEDGE 3D-2 ‘Alen speci D2 bureauerecy SD, eutures 40,2, lnguages 8, planetary systems 40:2, Streetwise Be MECHANICAL 2061 Beast ding dBe2, epulsorit operation AD Ae remcernon 0.2 Bargain 3D+1, command 60, con SDe2 ‘TecHMICAL SD. Computer programming/repair 40:2, demote tien 80, Droid programming 4D, Droid repair ‘Bel lestald sD security 9D Special Abiiies Tonecle: See page 187 of Sor Wars: The etepaying Game, Second Eaton Force Senaitvet: No Fore P DasicSide Points 12 Charac Move: 0 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D damage), conn dataped nt 15 | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL I CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. Idral’s organization has been reported to be responsible nuerous smugaing operation, ‘extorion attempts, and has aso issued bounties forciher crime gues. Recent reports indicate that lal! has rebufed approaches fom the Enpie, indicating that either the Tate as many tore resourees than is readily apparent, orhefeelstatthe Empire won tralybotherwith ‘him orhe'snotnearyassmartas es generaly siven credit fo). Dean Goce Mrs Fee cee) Pale kA ee Reta eee Ras @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Jor Idrall Actually, Idrall’s organization is rather small, with only about 20 men who serve him, The reports thats influenceis beginning to expand are the result of Idrall's men spreading stories about the evil crime lord. Infact, all of Idral's most recent operations have been personally performed by him and his team, as they move from system to system. idrall does have a small base on Tatooine, but its role in his eriminal activities is very limited. Tes true that Idrall (as well as other crime bosses) has been suffering losses to another organization — the smuggling operation of Talon Karrde. Karrde's influence is spreading rapidly, and he will soon control much of the illegal activities in the galaxy, as did Jabba at one time. Idrall’s Operations As stated above, Idrall is involved in many different type of erimes, though his main opera- tions concern smugeling theft, and bounty hunt. ing. No one knows why he has refused the Empire's approaches. In fact, Idrall has begun stealing supplies and ‘weapons from the Empire, and sells these items to pirates, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and ead Paved For more informationconcerning Talon Karrde, see the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook, the Dark Force Rising Sourcebook and the novels Heir (0 the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Com ‘mand, marairs Men DEXTERITY 201 Bester 4D+1, dodge 3D), melee combat 4D, les parry 2D KNOWLEDGE 20 [anguages SD, streetwise 4D PERCEPTION Bargain dD-2,con4D id 4D, ceareh¢D,eneak ie Senora 20-2 TECHNICAL 30 Security 80 Force Sestve?: No. Force Pints: 01 DukSiePointe0 Character Point 0S Eup Raster po D dane), PE ore Iter DR ere eC CO Rete Tm coe a @ TOO-ONETOFOUR (2-124) ‘Model: Uulshos Justice Droid Height: 16 meters (Crimes Against The New Republic: Assassination, ‘murder of New Republic personnel Reward For Capture: 50,000 2.124 is an assassination Droid originally pro ‘grammed by the Empire to locate specific key mem- bers of the Rebel Alliance. After capture by Rebel soldiers,2-124's memory circuits were probed and his programming was discavered, Unfortunately, before the Droid could be disassembied, it somehow react vated itself and escaped, killing over two dozen sal- dlers in the process. Since the Droid was never sub- jected to a memory wipe, 2-124 resumed its original mission, that of assassinating members of the Rebel Alliance. After the Droid exhausted Its list of targets, its believed tha it interpreted its programming in anew ‘manner. It is thought that 2-124 now believes it is supposed to assassinate any and all members of the Alliance, now the New Republic. 2-124 has been responsible for the destruction of two entire New Republic bases. In both cases, the Droid was able to infiltrate the base and sabotage its power generators, The Drold cross-ited the servo- Couplings in the power dispersion grids, causing the jgenerators to overload and detonate. The casualties from each incident numbered in the hundreds. ‘There is another incident. A troop transport ship carrying 1,000 New Republic troops was found adrift in space, with all the passengers aboard dead. The |MfeSupport systems had been sabotaged, as had the escape pod access controls. Video monitors showed that 2-124 was responsible. wz DEXTEREY 20 Blaster 7, dodge 5D, missle weapons 6D KNOWLEDGE ID MECHANICAL 1D PERCEPTION 1D STRENGTH ID ‘TecHNIcaL 20 CompaterprogrammingtepairSD demolitions {Dred programming 50, Droid repr 3D Force Sensitive? No Force Pol 0 Dark Side Pointe Character Points 15. ove 12 Equipment Body armor: 2012 tal locations ‘ater rite 6D damage, 20/100/200) {Concussion isle nncher 7D damage, 20- 5000, uses missile weapons) W ADDENDUM/PERSONAL I CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL 2124's current location is unknown, but he presents a danger to New Republic solders and personnel everywhere. This i an evil killing ‘machine, ready fo take on the entire Republic it necessary Like otherascassination Droids there is no negotiation or compromise — the only choice iso deste itor face death Crimes Against The New Republic: Assassination, murder Reward For Capture: 25,000, Kin Laron is an assassin who operates on worlds along major trade routes. Until recently, even his name was a mystery. Only alter the discovery of Den Hardon’s body adrift in his ship did we begin to solve the mystery surrounding Kin Laroy Den Hardon's ship was the fourth tobe found drift Ing through space, its occupants murdered in an Identical manner. Traces of RX (a highly poisonous gas) were found inthe atmosphere of each ship. Allof the victims had a bounty placed on them by the rime Jord Gornt Seron (see separate entry). Checking with informants revealed that Seron had contracted an SUBJECT UNKNOWN assassin named Kin Laron to kil ll four ofthe men. ‘As of this writing, no further information regarding this assassin is available. Those attempting to track own Kin Laron are advised to exercise extreme caution, As there i no record of his physical appear- ance, there is no way of knowing who Laron realy. wKin Laron mt ADDENDUM/PERSONAL -RACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. Thereisone small bitafadditional information ‘available regardingthe assassin calledKinLaron. Both the hyperdrives and sublight engines had been destroyed by small devices that fouled the intemal components of the engines. The air locks of each ship showed signs of forced entry, ‘although the exact tools used to force open the ‘air locks are unknown. DATAPAGE: 56 @lao111e1a) MDATASEARCH MPROGI002 M FILEPATH 9211/0SP//PER.ADR//SC_ M FILEFORM. D.PAD/DOWNLOAD Ree ee Cec Oe Retiree et @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Kin Laron kin Laron is a Human female afact which she has carefully managed to keep secret She has [_ m1KinLaron Maintained ts charade by Posing as Shiser | DEKTExITY 0 Hilron, an independent trader, who is secretly eae peeee eines aoe cote also Laron's informant, Laron has hired con — | ERR oe ay 9 ‘meet with *Hifron,” who arranges for payment eee an mena and closes the deal ‘plot pean SOs serge pio eacernon Laron’s Methods Barn. on peng 0-2, Ts, Laron most often accepts contracts only to | SmRENGTINZDH1 assassinate men simply because ner methods, I Clabegungpeco ased on seduction and deceit, work best with | Demoiten$D-1.rst iS, powerult opal men, After Laron has contacted her target and fSpaceuuoper anor) ssccny$0.surhgitr has used her wiles to make him lowerhis guard, tepair 1D she convinces him to take her aboard his ship. res Sealivet Yes. Fore Points She finds out his next destination, when he's eek Se ele Soarecer rae leaving, how fast he'll be travelling and what (Stormtrooper armor (ce below) route he'll be using. While her target is asleep, Laron slips into the maintenance accessways and attaches a device ‘of her own design that can cripple a. ship's sublight and hyperspace engines (main and backup drives). She sets the timer for a specific amount of time, so that when the engines are Crippled, the ship will e stranded in the middle of deep space, far from any systems. She then plants an RX-S capsule inside the ship's atmo- sphere system, setting the timer to open the capsule at the same time that the engines are sabotaged, She then leaves the ship and returns to her own. After calculating exactly where the s will be when its engines are crippled, she waits patiently, After the target's ship departs, she simply follows the same path through hyper- space, droppingintorealspacenear thecrippled target ship. Fortunately, she has an easy way of determiningi her targets or dead or not simply Decauisethey will hail her vessel, asking orhelp, ifanyone is still alive She dons her modified sult of spacetrooper ‘armor to verily that her work is done. Alter forcing her way through the airlock, she in- spects the vessel, downloads any useful infor- mation on the computer and steals whatever she feels is worth her time. red Paced Pei Larrea eee Seen Pa ee CoC Pet eta tae Et cag @ Laronss Ship Kin Laron’s ship, Hell’s Axe, is a small scout ship, highly customized for her activites. Ithas been refurbished with an oversize alrlock to accommodatethespacetrooperarmor,andsome of the storage space has been converted to an arsenal compartment. She also has a small amount of cargo space in order to legitimize her cover as an ordinary trader. Though theappear- ance of the ship is quite ordinary, Laron’s ship has also been heavily modified. Its shields and weapons systems have been drastically up- graded, as has its maneuverability, sublight speed and hyperdrive. LARON’S SHIP melts Axe Craft incom “Explorer” Scout Sip ‘Type Mediied scout vessel, ‘Seale: Starghter engi 1 tere ‘Stl Space transport Growl Passengers: None Cargo Capacity: metric tons Consumables month Hsperdrive Mltpler: x Hyperdrive Backups <15| Nav Computer: Yes Maneuveraiy: 20 Space: Atcphore 25980 Seon'30/20 Search 1720 Focus 5 Weapons: “Tree Laser Cannons le separately — retraciaie) Fre Aron, Le, tight Grea Pilot ‘Su Staraip gunnery Fire Control 98 Space ere: 11225 ‘imaspher Range 100 3084/1 22 SKM Damage 40 SIDE VIEW Pe ore Eee ae ee PR een he Ca et atk ae Ee vicag @ Laron’s Armor Laron’s Zero.G stormtrooper armor has been specially modified for her purposes. Zero-G ar- mor is designed to be worn over standard Impe- al stormtrooper armor, but she has altered It so that she can use it wearingonly her flight suit, Also, the armor has one additional weapon sys tem not found on standard Zero-G armor. This weaponisa gas gun, capableo! dispensingmany types of gas into the area immediately surround- ing the armor — she usually has It loaded with several different types of gases, from stun to poison to contact neurotoxins, While ineffective space or agalnst opponents in environment suits, the gas gun works especially well while aboard small ships, ‘The armor's manipulators have been specially modified with increased Strength in order 10 force open airlocks. They aren't strong enough to force open a solid hull, but can be used to open airlock seals and other less hardened ar- Armor: +30 to Strength to resist damage, but reduces Dexterity and all Dexterity-related skills, by-ID. Moves 1 unit per move (for small-scale ‘movement in space, 100 meters per move) in space or other zero situations; Move of 8 in a ‘gravity field ‘Armor Weapons: Concussion grenadelauncher (GD damage;uses missile weapons skill), gas/stun grenades (SD stun damage), mini-proton torpedo launcher (6D damageruses missile weapons sill), laser cutters (3D damage), and gas gun (various pellets: RX-8 potson gas does 8D damage), grasp- Ing claws (2D Starlighter-scale damage) Adventure Ideas = The characters are Laron’s next contract. During an eariier mission, they uncovered one (of GorntSeron’silegal gambling establishments andsomehowledtoits shutdown, Seronlearned Who didit, and has hired Kin Laron to eliminate them, The characters encounter Shiaer Hitfon in a remotesystem, andshe attempts to seduce ane lof them. She manages to get aboard, and plants her devices. tis up to the characters 10 Gord @lalojeleiele) Prunes fight to save themselves from the poison gas. + While investigating Kin Laron, the characters discover that Shiaer Hifron, an independent trader, was reported to be n the same systems 2s the murdered men at the same time. They begin to track her down, and finally confront her. Realizing that she has been found out, Laron plans to kil the characters to protect her Next CV fe)cat ek) Sex: Male Homeworld: Nar Bo Sholla Helght: 18 meters ‘Age: 2 (Crimes Against The New Republic: Assassination Reward For Capture: 60,000 Morteos is a freelance assassin specializing in the murder of corporate officials. He has worked for several disreputable companies and governments, Most recently, he is known to have killed one ofthe top executives of SoroSuub Corporation, although ‘who hired him is unknovn, “Morteos was responsible for the death of Republic General Crix Masst on Sinded. Masst was killed by @ bomb that was wired into his personal speeder's repulsoulit generator. Morteos was nearly shot down, by¥-wingpatrolvessels whiletryingto escapeSinded, Dut his modified freighter was quick enough to out pace the aging starfghters, Species: Human c Se eae Caen acc Rett auc a ae Ee Morteos wears battle armor to disguise his identity, Dbutheseldom directly attacks his targets. Instead, he relies onbombings,poisoningsandothersubllemeans ofkilinghis targets, and thus he often escapes before his victimhasbeen killed, makinghim doubly dificult tocateh, m Morteos DEXTERITY 20 Blaster 20, dodge 20-2, running 40 KNOWLEDGE 25 {Cares 3D, intimidation 3D, planetary ays tems 4D, illpower 30-2 ‘MECHANICAL 29, ‘etrogeton 20, space transports 4D, starship ‘gunnery a, staraip shields aD FexcePnion 20, gu tec Die 4, estes Climbing/umping 30, biting SDe2, swimming Computer propamming/repar 30, demon ‘0, Dro programming 9D+2 Drow rep 3. frst ald 3D securty 52 Force Sensitive’: No Force Plnts:3 Dank SidePoints 3” Character Points: 14 Move 10 Equipment: 15 cubes of detonte (20 Charac: terse darnage enc), blaster ile (D dare ‘g0), to thermal detonators (OD damage), fumerows poison capa, security toa Kt (Gor bypassing vecurity systems and alah Some) | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL 'NECRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. ‘The death of General Masst was a blow to us all, He was a briliant tactician and believed in the Republic fought for. He will be Inthe daytoday war effort, we often forget to bbe as careful as we must be. Iti 100 easy 10 concentrate on battles and attacks, and forget that there are spies, and yes, assassins, who would ry to hil us. Ser Pere ne CN Real @ LONDRAH {previous Species: Defe! ‘Sex: Male Homeworld: ATE Helght:2 meters Age: 30, Crimes Against The New Republi: Murder, assasst- nation, theft Reward For Capture: 65,000 Londrahisanassassin specializingin targetsofhigh social stature and rank. AS Defel,Londrah sable to use his amazing stealth to blend into shadows, allow ing him to infiltrate almost any secured factity. The ‘mostrecent reported attempt by Londrahwas against Ambassador YarrHinteroftheNew Republic whileon adiplomaticvisit inthe Sullustsystem.Itisnotknown ‘who hired Londrah to assassinate Ambassador Yar, though information received from operatives on Sullust points tolmperial Admiral Gen Drornnel see separate entry). Itis known that he was used by the Empire prior to See tsa the Battle of Endor, as well. In captured databank recordsit was revealed that after the dissolution ofthe Imperial senate, the Emperor ordered the assassina- tion of Mon Mothma and Londra was given the task. WLondrah ster Sa sing Doe [le pce etre 20, nguge SD, rete (MECHANICAL 20 Beast ring 4D, epulsorit operation 40:2 PERCEPTION 3b. Bargain 40, con 80, hide 6D.2 search 6D sneak 9 STRENGTH aD Brawling D2, clinbingumplng 2-2, stamina 6D ‘TECHNICAL 23 Demolition 4D, security 4D,2 ‘Spectal sills: tnd ing This sl isusedtnsteadolmeleecombatoe Crt wen a Delelsnuat ight whoa sight ior or tile otherwise Bnded Special Abies: IncitityAdds 3 to sneak Cue Ads +20 to eamage wen boating Ligon Dell can ony sec ultraviolet ight, and must wert visors to screen ot alother forms fH I {2Defel loses his visor, any sil-based sl cheeks have ‘et deat increased by ene lve. Story Factors ‘Reputation ost people believe that Dee, of watts freony myths NoterFor ore information seepage 6 ofthe Derk Force ‘iin Sourceboot "Equipment Heavy blaster pistol damage, tive gre. ‘de (SD damage), ale (R10 damage) 1 ADDENDUM/PERSONAL I CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL ‘The above information is theofficial record. In truth, there was an attempt on Mon Mothima’s Ute. i occurred shorty before the Alliance as- sembled at Sullst when preparing the attack on the second Death Star. Londrah discovered one of the Rebellion’s safe worlds, and cume very close to accomplishing his objective. Londrah -suecessfuly infiltrated te Alliance base, and the base's operations room, but was discovered be- fore he could attack Mothma. Ina testament to his amazing abilities, Londrah managed 10 ¢s: ‘ape before could be captured Republicspies twithinthe Gornsystom reported sightingLondrah ‘wo montis ago, and have attempted fo keep an ‘eye on him. eer Species: Human Sex: Male Homeworld: Pendarr Il Height: 1.85 meters Age: 40 Crimes Agalnst The New Republic: Unauthorized military activity Reward For Capture: 12,500 Kolor Delanis the son of Gendal Delan, leader of the Pendarran Warriors,an independent groupthat ought with the Jed! Knights and the armies ofthe Old Repub- lic during the Clone Wars. As Emperor Palpatine eliminated the Jedi Knights, o did the order of the Pendarran Warriors nearly face destruction. As the Empire grew n power and scope, the orphaned Kolor Delan grew to hate the Empire. When he reached adulthood, Delan formed a team of military opera lives that would offerits services to any who opposed the Empire, and named It Pendarran's Revenge, Delan declined to join the Rebel Alliance, preferring to operate on his terms, and with his own methods, though his team was employed by the Alliance on several occasions Since the fall ofthe Empire, Delan and Pendarran’s Revenge has performed missions against agents of the New Republic. 'm Kolor Delan Blaster BD, hiaeratilery 6D, dodge 50, ge. fa 3, tele coral cee Party 8, Sebi blaster 6b? KNOWLENGE 20:2 Planetary systems 4D, streetwise, surval Dates squads 802, MECHANICAL 20-2 ‘Ntrogaton Sb, beast riding 4D, repulsrit operations. spacetansportssD-2 stright Piloting 80-2, starship gunnery 5D, starship {hlelds 4D, wher operation 5D PERCEPTION 20+ Bargain 40, cou Pendarran's Revenge I scare 6D sneak STRENGTH 3D.2 Brawling D+2,climbingiomping6D itingS0, ‘Stamina 6D, swine 3D ‘TeCHMICALSD Denton 6D, DroldprogrammingS0-1 roid repatr30, medicine, security 6, starighter repalr 30 Force Senshive?: No Dark Side Pott} Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (AD damage), ‘coma, Pender Warrior armor 10 to ‘Srength ID to Decry, sural pack com partbert wid two weate rations, glowrd, {ovo medpace, breath mask vee explosive ‘charge (4D damage eh) water pure) and 7D, command: con 8D, hide 5D, | ADDENDUM/PERSONAL "RACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL. The Rebel Alliance used the services of Pendarran’s Revenge on ourdistnct operations, all of which were successful, and all of which remain classified. I myself was the contact on ‘co ofthose four occasions, andcan honestly say ‘that KolorDelan’s word ishis bond nll matters. ‘My concern centers on who itis that has hired ‘him for missions against the New Republi and ‘whether ornot Delan knows that he was acting directly against the Republic. It is extremely unlikely that Delan has elected to work forthe Empire; in fact, | suspect that, under the right circumstances, Delanmightbe convinced o join the Republic | | Pee ee eer a ee tere re Perea ase Ce Pot cae ead TION @ GAMEMASTER INFORM Kolor Delan Kolor Delan uses an abandoned Imperial Garrl- son as the base of operations for Pendarran's Revenge. The garrison is located on the planet Shalm, in the Ganton mountain region of the planet'snortherncontinent. Theplanetisa primi tive world that was conquered by the Empire, but as the Empire was forced to retreat, this relatively unimportant frontier world was aban- doned. The garrison was placed on a steep cliff face on the western side of Mount Ganton, over- looking the valley of the capital ety of Hondan. ‘The people of Shalm have learned to leave the Imperials alone, so even though it is now oceu- pled by amercenary army, they believe that itis still occupied by the invaders who once took over and then retreated to thelr base without warning, ‘The garrison was abandoned in a hurry, leav- ing behind exceptional facilities, a well-stocked arsenal and many combat vehicles. Thegarrison hhas a supply of over 300 Imperial issue blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and heavy blaster rifles, as. Wwellas thermal detonators, and artillery pieces, ‘Thereis enough gear for over 200 troops, ing comlinks, survival gear, and other items, Garrison Defenses ‘The garrison's isolation is a major asset. Set high on a ‘mountain, itis difficult to ap- proach the facility undetec- ted, especially with the nu merous sensor beacons set around thebaseofthemoun- tain, Also at the base of the mountain is a 10 meter tall high-voltage “death fence.” There are two gates along the fence, one on the north ern end, the other at the southern end. There is no catwalk along the perimeter of the fence. The garrison and mountaintop house four heavy turbolaser emplace- ‘ments (SD Walker-scale dam- age). eras For complete diagrams of the layout of such a garrison, see pages 118-119 of the Star Wars Sourcebook While the garrison once housed ‘thousands of men, Delan’s army only numbersin thehundreds. Thegarrisonis now mostly empty, though much of the original Imperial equipment is still present, including 20 TIE fighters, five AT- AT walkers, ten. ATSTs, 25 speeder bikes, 15 landspeeders, five hoverscouts, ten command speeders, ten Compact Assault Vehicles, two Floating ortresses, one Mobile Command Base, and two Lambda-class shuttles, This list does not include the ships which Delan and Pendlarran’s Revenge brought with them when they took control of the garrison. ‘Their complement includes three light freight” crs, three captured Skipray blastboats, twoheavy transports, and 20starfightersof various makes, including five Zebras, three Gauntlets, a pair of captured TIE Interceptors, and five rebuilt X- ‘wings (bought from salvage yards) Having sucha large fleet at his disposal allows Delan to choose the perfect mix of vehicles for specific missions. tpn onesm Tee Va ree Perc Personne! Delans mercenaries all come from backgrounds imlar to 1s own. Most are te song and daughters (and grandsons sind granddaughter) of lore members ofthe Pendaran ‘Wartorswho ght with Delano oppose the tyrennyof he pire and to keep llvetetdealfor which their ancestors ‘nv have let eon postions o fight alongside aan. ‘he mercenaris tht work for Dean are unswerving loyal {ohlm and to Pendarran's Revenge DEXTERITY 30-1 Blaster 0, aster artery 4D-1, dodge 4D+2, vel bast ered KNOWLEDGE 20.2 Survival MECHANICAL 2042 Beast ing 4D, epulseit operation 5, space transports 5 talihter piloting SD, starship gunnery 40-2 PEICEPHION Sr Gambing 302 hide 4D, search 4Ds2, sneak 8D ‘STRENGTH 30-2 Clming/emping 4Ds2, stamina 2 ‘TECHNICAL Demolition SD ret ld 4D, ecunty SD Force Senate?" No.» Force Polnt: 0 Dark Side Polniz 0” Character Points: 07 Bgulpment. Blaster ie GD damage) oor damage), Distr plstol GD damage), ure Febel Aance Soueeboo!), macrobinecar ace Eas Adventure Idea The garrison used by Delan and Pendarren's Revenge would be of ‘great use to the New Republic, not onlyinterms of equipment, but also, asa supply base and region base of operationsfor the entiresector. The trouble s convincing Delan and his ‘mercenary army to hand it over to the New Republic The characters are ordered to locate the base from which Pendarran’s Revenge operates, and attempt to make contact with Kolor Delan. New Republic officials are ‘willing to drop all charges if Delan .willtuin the garrison over to them, Eee ae ae occ a ad @ OELL TEPINE Sex: Male Homeworld: Coruscant Height: 2 meters Age: 45, Crimes Against The New Republic: Murder, theft, destruction of NewRepublicproperty, murder ofNew Republic personnel, unsanctioned military activity Reward For Capture: 35,000 Qell Tepine is head of a mercenary army called Star's Nova and worked extensively for the Rebel Alliance during the days of the war with the Empire. Since that time, however, ne has proven that his true loveismoney: he works for whoever willpay hisprice. Unfortunately, we learned that Tepine is not only a mercenary, he i also a ruthless profiteer. Somehow hegained access to most of our ground forces, battle codes and encrypting methods. This makes him dou- bly dangerous, for he knows the code phrases and procedures that would allow him to infiltrate our Species: Human forces or access our bases. ‘Al the avallable Information suggests that Tepine has no particular dislike for the Republic, but it is simply that other forces have oflered himmoreforhiis services, Heis known to have worked for the Empire, the pirate Safonne Pendon, and the crime boss Jor Idrall. ‘m1 Oeit Tepine DEXTERITY 30-2 Blaster 0, bnster artiler 5D, brawling parey 4b, dodge, grenade4Dr2 meses combat 5, tele pay 4Del, chil asters 50:2 KNOWLEDGE 20:2 Bureaucracy SD-1, languages 4D, planetary Systems 20-2 streetwise 4D, survival 1, oe tes: squads 70-2 MECHANICAL 2012 Datrogatien 40, best riding SD, replete Seperation AD, space wateports 6, sartigiter Piloting €Dstership gunnery SD, starship Eel, Saran 4, conan #0, con AD, hte 7D ‘Stmngr 20.2 Brawling, climingumping¢Ds1tamina 0, swimming sD TECHNICAL Computer programmingtepair 4, demotion SD, ta ai i repuleolf reper, securyy 60, starghterrepatr 80 Force Sonstive?.No Force Polnts: 3 Dark side Ponts: Epa er Dana cont Daster pista (4D damage), ase GTR 61D ‘aged ve grenades (30 damage), Jeno ‘ons ht sural kt (see Te Rebe Aone Sourcebook), macrobinocslers. comin ra ‘ons tvemedpacs, protective andvest (C20 Senet (Character Points: 20 § ADDENDUM/PERSONAL 1M CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL.. Qell Tepine once worked with my team in a {aye scale operation whose aim was to sabo- tage the Empire's efforts in the design and con- suction of he TIE Interceptor fighter. We vere turedto the industrial world ofLianna, and while ‘we barely escaped with our lives, we delayed the completion of the fighter by several months. The mest recent encounter with Tepine was in Farseen sytem. While Imperial troops engaged ‘New Republic oops, a Star's Nova siike eam penetrated the command center and sabotaged lis perimeter defenses, allowing the base 10 be taken by the Empire Scans WDATASEARCH MPROGSO0G2 M FILEPATH 9 Parent ay @ GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Star's Nova Star's Nova is a mercenary outfit whose mem bership was drawn largely trom both Imperial Special Missions teams and Alliance SpecForce teams. Star's Nova was conceived to be an elite, rapid-deployment mercenary taskforce capable of any and all special missions. Qell Tepine believed, rightly so, that various planetary gov. ernments, criminals and corporations would be willing to pay top price for top military agents. ‘Though they did not support theEmpire, Star's Nova was to be a purely mercenary outit, with allegiance going to the highest bidder. Because ‘somany ofStar's Novamembers originally came from the elite military outfits of the Empire and the Alliance, much of the group's strategy and many of their tactics beara strong resembl Equipment Allsoldierscarrythestandard equipmentlisted uder "Personnel In addition, specialists carry ‘equipment directly related to ther fied, listed below. The gamemaster should feel reeto equip specialists with any other equipment consid- ered “reasonable” for a mission. Reconnaissance specialists (recons) are long range scouts and pathfinders, capable of track- ing an enemy's trailor scouting into enemy held territory. Recons are responsible for leading a mission unit into and out of the mission area, as well as preventing the unit from wandering off course or getting lost. They often perform point scout duty, scouting ahead for enemy units, Briefed extensively on the mission area and! ter- rain before operations begin, recons arethemen who keep a Star’s Nova unit moving ‘Skill Code Modifiers: survival +20, beast riding +D+1, hide +2D+1, search +2D, sneak +2D, elimb- ing/tifting «1D ‘Special Equipment: flares, macrobinoculats, military comlink, soil and water analyzer, 20, meters of syntherope, climbing gear, remote vidsensors, remote vidsensor receiver (displays vidsensor broadcasts; two kilometer range) to those of the Imperial and Alliance special forces groups. Star's Nova has undertaken sev- cal operations working against both the New Republic and the Empire Personne! ‘The personne of Stars Nova are often ran Arecty tom former members ofthe Special Force olthe Alans (now New Repub) and the Empire. As such, they have raceved the ‘est raning sabia to ny mitary person ‘et At present, the roster ofthe ongnsaton Stands at 600 slater, with another 200 sup. port personnel each trooper sa special Snespecie felt low aretheminimum stats {ormenbers ot Star's Nora, Star's Nova DEXTERITY 3042 Blaster: asteartlerySD+1,dodge4Ds2, imelee combat 0 KNOWLEDGE 20.2 Shrvval aD MECHANICAL 2042 Beast ing 4D epuloriteperation 4D PERCEPTION 201 Bargaln 4D, con 4D, ‘STRENGTH 2042 bingy aaping 0, sania sD Force Somsitne® Posty’ Force Polis 05. Darkside Poits0.5 Character Potnte: 20 Mason quien aster rie (SD damage), Tour grenades GO damage), blaster pstel damage), surval Kt (See The Rebel Alone Souresboot), macrobinoclas, comin, a tos, ve mepacs, protective vest (amor code 1) Th adation othe skis sted above each smenber ofStarsNova hs specialized sisi specie Hels, Each area of specialization f= ‘tailed below, and st thot slew higher kde 20-1, search 5, Field Command Field commanders (ficomms) are in charge of mission operations and are Tepine’s most trusted advisors and asso- clates. The successful completion of a mission is the responsibility of the fleld ‘commander(S) of the mission, Skill Code Modifiers: streetwise +1D, repulsorlift operations +1D+2, command +20, security +2D+1 ‘Special Equipment: Subspace radio,