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Estefana Riquelme Muelas


The didactic unit chosen is number 4 and its title is DAYS OUT. As far as temporalisation and timing
are concerned, this unit will be carried out in the middle of the 1st term from November the 10th to the 28th,
in 6 fifty-five minute lessons.
We shall start commenting on the STUDENTS this unit is ADDRESSED TO. In our class we have
around 30 students whose ages range from 13 to 14, and the level is 2nd FORM of GCSE. In general, they do
not show any problem, except those referred to a heterogeneous group: High, Ordinary and Low levels.
This Unit is about travelling and cities. It is connected to the previous one in the sense that we revise
Present simple; as for new contents, Ss will learn vocabulary on buildings and monuments, together with the
structure There is / There are. The teaching-learning moment entails motivation and input in relation to the
whole school year, whereas the evaluation moment will be formative evaluation.
The final task will be to make a guide for tourists about the students city.
There is another question to take into consideration, that is, the students mixed-abilities. Therefore, there
will be some activities graded according to the three levels of students we find in our classroom.
I think it is a very interesting topic for the students through which they can learn more about different
countries, their cultures and customs. Because of all this mentioned, this DU has connection with geography
and history.

On the one hand, we shall refer to the legal regulations this unit is based on which is the same already
mentioned in the defence of the Teaching Plan:
Organic Law of Education LOE 2/2006
Act 291/2007, September 14, where the Curriculum for General Certificate of Secondary Education is
stated in the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

On the other hand, we shall refer to the Teaching Plan this Didactic Planning belongs to, in order to
clarify the role played by this Didactic Unit.

First Term Second Term Third Term

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The 15 DUs are considered a macro-unit planned as a whole. Every DU depends on the previous and
on the following one. Therefore, in case a DU is taken away, the rest will not be possible. We have planned
to teach 5 DUs in the 1st term, 4 DUs in the 2nd term and 3 DUs in the 3rd term.
The Teaching Learning Process is based on the PPP approach, fostering motivation al the beginning,
controlled practice in the middle and free production at the end.


We shall start commenting on the STAGE GENERAL OBJECTIVES, those reinforced in this didactic
unit are h) and i), that is, understand and produce oral and written messages in Spanish as well as
understand and produce oral and written messages in a particular foreign language. The third stage general
objective is e) which is related to the use of sources of information. Another objective is g) which refers to
the self-confidence, initiative and capacity to learn how to learn and assume responsabilities. Finally, we
will mention objectives j) and ) which concern with cultural aspects .

As far as FOREIGN LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES are concerned, we will focus our attention on
objectives 1 and 3, that is, understand easy oral and written texts related to familiar and known objects. The
next objective is number 2, that is, use the foreign language orally to communicate with the teacher and with
the other pupils in daily class activities. On the other hand, objective number 5 establishes relationships
between the meaning, the pronunciation and the writing. Finally, the next area objective, that is number 9, is
related to value the foreign language as a means of communication among people of different origins.

Estefana Riquelme Muelas

As far as METHODOLOGY is concerned, we will consider those principles included in the law, mainly
referred to global approach of contents, student's constructivist activity, pupil centred, individualised
teaching, changeable role of the teacher, mixed ability: gifted/talented children, immigrants, etc. Focusing
our attention on the METHODOLOGY/ MIXED ABILITY, but more from the point of view of the students
mixed ability, some measures will be taken. We will focus on individualised teaching and the attention to
mixed abilities, that is, special attention will be paid to three different types of students we have in our class.
We will also carry out activities for fast-finishers, and finally we will include remedial work for those pupils
who do not achieve the minimum requirements.


With regard to MATERIALS we will specify materials for the teacher and materials for the pupils.
As far as materials for the teacher are concerned, we can mention some of them such as flash-cards, posters,
CD-player, maps, power point presentation and overhead projector, smart board and computer. Concerning
materials for the pupils, we can mention photocopies, worksheets, notebook, bilingual dictionaries, reading
books and computers


Now we shall consider the ACTIVITIES. Firstly, we will state that the methodology will vary according
to each activity. In this section, we are going to present the activities of this unit focusing on the different
skills in order to see the progress, the development as well as the interrelation of the activities throughout the
sessions. We will start with receptive skills (listening & reading) and later we will move onto the productive
ones (writing & speaking). In all the didactic units we follow a PPP approach, therefore, at the beginning
more emphasis will be made on motivation, organization, and input, also associated to initial evaluation;
then, through a semi-controlled or controlled phase, the macro-skills will be sufficiently practised; and
finally, in last sessions free production will be aimed at. The teacher will adopt different roles: controller (at
the input or presentation phase), assessor, prompter, organiser, helper, etc. (at the practice and free
production phases). The arrangement of the classroom will vary according to each activity, since the didactic
unit contains individual, pair and group work.

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5). Type of activity: motivation Skills: L-S
Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T - S Teachers role: motivator Objectives: To motivate
students, grasp their attention and make them feel relaxed. To check and activate students previous
knowledge, to encourage their participation in the classroom and to establish relationships with English
Procedures: oral interaction Steps: the T shows some pictures related to the topic and the Ss have to infer
what the unit is about. Then, Ss will do a little quiz about the pictures they have seen.

ACTIVITY 2: Language modelling (10). Type of activity: motivation Skills: L-S Degree of control:
Controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide
Objectives: To introduce new vocabulary about places to visit.
Procedures: Recognition and meaningful reproduction of lexical elements. The lexis selected is likely to be
that most needed for the completion of the listening and reading tasks are to be set. The main aim is to ensure
that the following activities will work.
Steps: The T presents new vocabulary through pictures. T shows the new words and their pronunciation,
children repeat them. Then, they match the words with the pictures in the activity. After that, Ss will read a
paragraph about a place and they will have to recognise which one is. Finally, Ss will write which places
their cities have.

ACTIVITY 3: Listening (20). Type of activity: Input Skills: L-S

Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-Ss Teachers role: guide
Objectives: To listen and understand oral messages. Procedures: skimming and scanning. Steps: First,
before listening the T will ask Ss some questions related to the topic. While listening, the Ss have to tick
Estefana Riquelme Muelas
those places they hear about. Finally, after reading, the Ss have to complete the words given with the
corresponding place.
Fast finishers: T/F activity to widen their knowledge.

ACTIVITY 4: Jigsaw (15). Type of activity: output Skills: R-L

Degree of control: free production Interaction: S-S Teachers role: diagnose Objectives: transfer the
knowledge that students have acquired previously. Procedures: Dictate and complete the parts of the
sentences. Steps: In pairs, the Ss will receive the beginning and ending of some sentences and they will have
to be completed with the help of their partners and with the information they provide.

ACTIVITY 5: End of the session (5). Type of activity: self-assessment

Teachers role: diagnose Steps: Ss will complete a chart realising how well they have learnt the new
vocabulary and the new structures. Furthermore, the teacher will give homework.

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5). Type of activity: input Skills: S-L
Degree of control: semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: motivator
Objectives: To make students recognise and reproduce the vocabulary of the previous session. Procedures:
Check homework set the previous session and recognition of vocabulary learnt in the previous session.
Steps: The T will show some pictures about places to visit and the Ss will have to name them.

ACTIVITY 2: Reading (10). Type of activity: input Skills: R-S

Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: Guide
Objectives: To present the written form of the vocabulary of the unit. Procedures: Students relate
pronunciation with meaning and its written form. Steps: before reading, the T will ask a question to the Ss
related to the topic to check and activate their previous knowledge. Then, the T will read the text and while
reading, Ss should underline those vocabulary words learnt in the previous session. Later, the Ss will read

ACTIVITY 3: Reading comprehension (20). Type of activity: Input Skills: R-S

Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/meadiator Objectives: to check the
global and specific understanding of the text. Procedures: Answering questions Steps: After reading, the Ss
will have to complete sentences with the correct words and answer some questions about general and
specific information. Fast finishers: find synonyms in the text.

ACTIVITY 4: Role-play (15). Type of activity: output Skills: L-S

Degree of control: free production Interaction: S-S Teachers role: diagnose Objectives: to practice
vocabulary and structures Procedures: Pupils practice the structures learnt in the previous activities and
sessions. Steps: In pairs, Ss will be given a role play and they will have to answer and reply according to the
information given.

ACTIVITY 5: End of the session (5). Type of activity: co-assessment

Teachers role: diagnose Steps: The teacher revises all the activities carried out in the session for children
and their interaction in pair or group activities, paying attention to the students mixed ability. Furthermore,
the teacher will give homework.

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5). Type of activity: input Skills: S-L
Degree of control: semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: motivator
Objectives: To make students recognise and reproduce the vocabulary of the previous session. Procedures:
Check homework set the previous session and recognition of vocabulary learnt in the previous session.
Steps: The T will ask some questions about places to visit and the Ss will have to answer.

ACTIVITY 2: Bingo: Pronunciation (10). Type of activity: input Skills: L-S

Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: To learn how
to pronounce and distinguish between two similar sounds. Procedures: minimal pairs and tongue twister.
Steps: Firstly, Ss tick the word they have heard. Then, they will repeat the tongue twisters.
Estefana Riquelme Muelas
ACTIVITY 3: Grammar (20). Type of activity: Input Skills: L-W
Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: to introduce
new structures about quantity there is/ there are. Procedures: Recognition and meaningful reproduction of
new structures. Steps: the T will show a map with different places and buildings in a city. Ss will have to
complete sentences saying if there are or there are not that buildings. After that, they will have to say where
they are located by using prepositions of place.

ACTIVITY 4: Debate (15). Type of activity: Output Skills: S-L

Degree of control: free production Interaction: S-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: to express
students opinions. Procedures: Answering questions formulated by the teacher Steps: The students will be
divided into two big groups. One group will give arguments to defend the topic and another one will be

ACTIVITY 5: End of the session (5). Type of activity: self-assessment

Teachers role: diagnose Steps: Ss will complete a chart realising how well they have learnt the new
pronunciation and the new structures. Furthermore, Ss will be given homework according to their needs.
High level students will receive activities for extension and low level students will do activities for

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5). Type of activity: input Skills: L-S
Degree of control: semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: helper Objectives: To make Ss
recognise and reproduce vocabulary and structures learnt the previous session Procedures: Check
homework set the previous session Steps: Correct the activities.

ACTIVITY 2: Sociocultural Knowledge (10). Type of activity: input Skills: R-L-S Degree of control:
Controlled and semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: to become
aware of sociocultural aspects and show respect for other cultures, countries, and customs. Procedures: read
the text. Steps: Firstly, Ss will be asked by the T some questions to check their previous knowledge about
the topic. While reading, Ss will match every paragraph of the text with the corresponding picture.

ACTIVITY 3: Sociocultural Knowledge (20). Type of activity: input Skills: R-L-S Degree of control:
Controlled and semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Steps: After reading, the
Ss will complete a multiple-choice test about the text to check the general understanding and listen to a song.

ACTIVITY 4: Sociocultural Knowledge (15). Type of activity: output Skills: R-L-S Degree of control:
free production Interaction: S-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: to become aware of
sociocultural aspects and show respect for other cultures, countries, and customs. Procedures: speak about
yourself. Steps: Finally, in small groups of 4, Ss will speak about festivities in their towns to make a contrast
between the different cultures.

ACTIVITY 5: End of session (5). Type of activity: co-assessment

Teachers role: diagnose Steps: The teacher revises all the activities carried out in the session for children
and their interaction in pair or group activities, paying attention to the students mixed ability. Furthermore,
the teacher will give homework.

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up (5). Type of activity: input Skills: L-S
Degree of control: semi-controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: helper Objectives: To make Ss
recognise and reproduce vocabulary and structures learnt the previous session Procedures: Check
homework set the previous session Steps: Correct the activities.

ACTIVITY 2: Watch the video (10). Type of activity: input Skills: L-R-W
Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: To revise
vocabulary and structures learnt in previous sessions. Procedures: Watch the video and complete the
different activities. Steps: Ss have to match the beginning of a sentence with the corresponding ending, fill
gaps and choose the correct answers.
Estefana Riquelme Muelas

ACTIVITY 3: Giving direction (15). Type of activity: Input Skills: R-W-S

Degree of control: controlled Interaction: T-S Teachers role: guide/mediator Objectives: To learn new
structures about how to give instructions and ask for directions. Procedures: Look at the map and complete
the activities Steps: Ss will have to look at the map to identify different shops. Next, they will order
sentences and label the signs. Then, they write the missing words in order to complete the dialogue and
following the same pattern, in pairs, they will ask for directions

ACTIVITY 4: Final task (5). Type of activity: output Skills: R-W

Degree of control: free production Interaction: individual work. Teachers role: helper Objectives: To
produce written messages Procedures: Write a tourist guide. Steps: having into account the sample given,
the Ss should write a tourist guide following the same pattern and including all the new vocabulary and
structures learnt along the sessions.

ACTIVITY 5: End of the session (5). Type of activity: self-assessment

Teachers role: diagnose Steps: Ss will complete a chart realising how well they have understand the video.
If they have get the gist or the global meaning. Moreover, Ss will finish the final task at home.

ACTIVITY 1: Final task presentation (25). Type of activity: output Skills: S
Degree of control: free production Interaction: S Teachers role: diagnose Objectives: to express and
produce oral texts. Procedures: make an oral presentation of the final task. Steps: Ss will expose the tourist
guide they have written.

ACTIVITY 2: Assessment (25). Type of activity: output Skills: L-R-W

Degree of control: free production Interaction: individual work. Teachers role: diagnose Objectives: To
check if the students have acquired the new knowledge presented in this topic. Procedures: written
assessment Steps: Ss will make a written assessment with different activities about the vocabulary and new
structures learnt along the sessions.

ACTIVITY 3: Self & co-assessment / language passport (5).


To end up this part we will comment on the EVALUATION OF THE WHOLE PROCESS (MAINLY
previous knowledge at the beginning of the process and the newly acquired knowledge at the end, bearing in
mind that the whole process will be evaluated.
The assessment will be continuous and the teacher will reflect in his/her direct observation sheet and
continuous assessment record all those difficulties that may arise in the learning process, with the aim of
overcoming and solving problems, paying special attention to the students mixed ability. He or she will also
make use of some RUBRICS.
Another important element is self-evaluation, in which children have to evaluate themselves to check
whether they have learnt the most important aspects of the unit or not, as well as to improve those aspects in
which difficulties appear. The teacher will give a sheet of self-evaluation to pupils, containing questions that
students will answer.
As far as co-evaluation is concerned, we can say that pupils may help the teacher to evaluate the
learning process, mainly those aspects concerning attitudes.
Finally, the teaching-learning process has also to be evaluated, by analysing the difficulties which
aroused in the process, commenting on the most successful activities, participation of the class, objectives
that have been achieved, activities which should be replaced, etc.


7.1. Legal Regulations

Organic Law of Education 2/ 2006 (LOE), May 3, (B.O.E. May 4).
Royal Act 1631, December 29, where the minimum Content Levels are established for GCSE.
Estefana Riquelme Muelas
Act 291/2007, September 14, where the curriculum for GCSE is established in the Autonomous Community
of the Region of Murcia.
Order 12 December 2007, where evaluation is regulated in GCSE in the Region of Murcia.
Act 359/2009, October 30 where the students diversity is regulated in the Autonomous Community of the
Region of Murcia


1. Have you ever been to London?
Would you like to visit it?
What do you know about London?

2. Tick the sights you hear about.

3.You heard these words in the audio file. Listen again and write which sights
they correspond to.
clock tower : the Queen:
shopping street: the River Thames:
fruit and vegetable market: the 340-acre park:
wax museum: Sherlock Holmes:
shops, galleries and restaurants: reconstruction:
crown jewels; prison: church:

Estefana Riquelme Muelas

1. What places do you visit when you go to a city?
2. Look at the map. What places can you see in the pictures?


3. Choose the correct words.

4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

5. Find words in the text that mean the same as the words below. What kind of
words are they?
Estefana Riquelme Muelas

Huge awesome beside stay

1. Listen to the song Made in England by Elton John and fill in the gaps.

I was made in _______ out of Cadillac muscle

I had a quit-me father, had a love-me ________
I had Little Richard and that _______ piano
Oh that sweet Georgia Peach and the boy from Tupelo

Oh, I was ____ in England

Oh, I was made in England

I was made in England out of ________ muscle

Face down on a ________ crying God send me a ________
Not a bloody nose for Rock and Roll
Give me that sweet Georgia Peach and the boy from Tupelo

I was made in England like a ______ Cortina

But a Yankee ________ had a way about her
You had a scent for scandal, well here's my middle finger
I had forty years of pain and nothing to cling to

If you're made in England, you're _____ to last

You can still say 'homo' and everybody laughs
But the joke's on you, you never read the _____
They all think they know but they all got it wrong

2. Your voice. Answer the questions.

- Are there any village shows where you live?

- What do people do at the shows?
- Are there any animals at the shows?
- Do people grow vegetables for the show?


Estefana Riquelme Muelas

Visit Windsor Castle: Official Video
1- What do you know about Windsor Castle?

2- Read and match the columns. Be careful there are extra options. Watch the video
and check.

Windsor castle is a- in the 11th century.

Its also a b- the official residence of the Queen.
Million of tourists c- 23 miles north of London.
Its situated d- royal palace and family
Its a symbol e- historic museum.
It was built f- visit it every year.
g- 23 miles west of London.
h- the official historic
i- live there.
j- in the 13th century.
k- of British Monarchy.

3- Listen and complete. There are extra options.

a-______________ monarchs have lived there.
b-George IV gave Windsor its ____________________.
c-In _______________ Queen Victoria opened the State Departments to public.
They are Windsorsmost ________________ rooms.
d-You can see paintings, tapestries, porcelain and even a royal ________________
doll`s- thirty nine- ninety nine- skyline- 1848-
1484- impressive- beautiful

4-Listen and choose.

a-There was a terrible fire in 1990 / 1991 / 1992 that destroyed the castle.
b-It took 13 / 14 / 15 hours to control the fire.
c-205 / 250/255 firefighters worked.
d-Today Windsor castle is one of the few working / lively / exciting royal palaces.
e-Ceremonies / parties / weddings take place there.

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