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Preliminary Design of Silo Page

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2.1 Design parameters

-as per EN 1991-4:2006

Internal Diameter of silo (dc) 17.90 m

Height of silo above ground level 40.00 m
Stored Material Maize
Internal friction angle of Material (i) 31.00 deg
Unit Weight of Material () 7.00 kN/m3
Angle of Repose of material (r) 35.00 deg
Chamber Height 40.00 m
Effective storage height (hc) 39.00 m
Plan area of silo (A) 251.65 mm2
Internal perimeter of the silo (U) 56.23 m

Capacity of Silo 6810 Metric Tons

Overall height of silo (hb) 39.00 m
Assumed thickness of silo 0.35 m

Limits of Silo: (Clause 1.1.2(3))

hb /dc < 10 TRUE
hb < 100 m TRUE
dc < 60 m TRUE
No Internal Structure Inside:

Classification of Silo
Eccentricity of the outlet opening (eo) 7.00 m
eo /dc 0.391
Assessment #3: TRUE
Assessment #2: FALSE
Assessment #1: FALSE
hb /dc 2.18 > 2.00 Slender Silo Cl 5.1
dc / t 51.14 < 200 Thicked Silo Cl 1.5.43

Properties of Filling Material (Lime Stone Powder)

Wall surface category considered D3 Table 4.1
Modification coefficient for lateral pressure ratio (ak) 1.14

Modification coefficient for wall friction coefficient (a) 1.24

Mean value of lateral pressure ratio (km) 0.53

Mean value of wall friction coefficient (m) 0.53

Modification coefficient for internal angle friction (a) 1.14

Mean value of internal angle friction (m) 31.00

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K = 0.25 K = 0.40
Depth from Pressure on wall Pressure on wall High Pressure on Pressure on wall Pressure on wall High Pressure on
silo top (m) in falling zone far from falling wall at static zone in falling zone far from falling wall at static zone
(kN/m2) zone (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) zone (kN/m2) (kN/m2)

Z Phce Phse = Phf Phae Phce Phse = Phf Phae

1 3.41 4.11 4.81 3.76 4.11 4.46
2 5.58 7.99 10.39 6.73 7.99 9.25
3 6.97 11.65 16.33 9.07 11.65 14.24
4 7.86 15.11 22.35 10.91 15.11 19.31
5 8.43 18.37 28.31 12.36 18.37 24.38
6 8.79 21.45 34.11 13.50 21.45 29.40
7 9.02 24.36 39.69 14.40 24.36 34.31
8 9.17 27.10 45.03 15.11 27.10 39.09
9 9.26 29.69 50.12 15.67 29.69 43.71
10 9.32 32.13 54.95 16.11 32.13 48.16
11 9.36 34.44 59.52 16.46 34.44 52.42
12 9.39 36.62 63.85 16.73 36.62 56.51
13 9.40 38.68 67.95 16.95 38.68 60.40
14 9.41 40.62 71.82 17.12 40.62 64.12
15 9.42 42.45 75.48 17.25 42.45 67.65
16 9.42 44.18 78.93 17.36 44.18 71.00
17 9.43 45.81 82.20 17.44 45.81 74.18
18 9.43 47.35 85.28 17.51 47.35 77.20
19 9.43 48.81 88.18 17.56 48.81 80.05
20 9.43 50.18 90.93 17.60 50.18 82.76
21 9.43 51.48 93.52 17.63 51.48 85.32
22 9.43 52.70 95.97 17.66 52.70 87.74
23 9.43 53.85 98.28 17.68 53.85 90.03
24 9.43 54.94 100.46 17.69 54.94 92.19
25 9.43 55.97 102.51 17.71 55.97 94.24
26 9.43 56.94 104.45 17.72 56.94 96.17
27 9.43 57.86 106.29 17.72 57.86 97.99
28 9.43 58.72 108.02 17.73 58.72 99.72
29 9.43 59.54 109.65 17.73 59.54 101.35
30 9.43 60.31 111.19 17.74 60.31 102.89
31 9.43 61.04 112.65 17.74 61.04 104.34
32 9.43 61.73 114.02 17.74 61.73 105.71
33 9.43 62.38 115.32 17.75 62.38 107.00
34 9.43 62.99 116.54 17.75 62.99 108.23
35 9.43 63.56 117.70 17.75 63.56 109.38
36 9.43 64.11 118.79 17.75 64.11 110.47
37 9.43 64.62 119.82 17.75 64.62 111.50
38 9.43 65.11 120.79 17.75 65.11 112.47
39 9.43 65.57 121.71 17.75 65.57 113.39
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K = 0.60
Depth from Pressure on wall Pressure on wall High Pressure on Symmetrical
silo top (m) Discharge outward patch pressure
in falling zone far from falling wall at static zone discharge loads
(kN/m2) zone (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)

Z Phce Phse = Phf Phae Phe Ppe Ppe/7

1 3.94 4.11 4.28 4.73 3.92 0.56
2 7.36 7.99 8.61 9.19 7.61 1.09
3 10.33 11.65 12.97 13.40 11.10 1.59
4 12.91 15.11 17.30 17.37 14.40 2.06
5 15.15 18.37 21.59 21.12 17.51 2.50
6 17.09 21.45 25.81 24.67 20.44 2.92
7 18.77 24.36 29.94 28.01 23.21 3.32
8 20.23 27.10 33.97 31.16 25.83 3.69
9 21.50 29.69 37.88 34.14 28.29 4.04
10 22.60 32.13 41.67 36.96 30.62 4.37
11 23.55 34.44 45.33 39.61 32.82 4.69
12 24.38 36.62 48.86 42.11 34.90 4.99
13 25.10 38.68 52.26 44.48 36.86 5.27
14 25.72 40.62 55.52 46.71 38.71 5.53
15 26.26 42.45 58.64 48.82 40.45 5.78
16 26.73 44.18 61.63 50.81 42.10 6.01
17 27.14 45.81 64.48 52.68 43.66 6.24
18 27.49 47.35 67.21 54.46 45.13 6.45
19 27.80 48.81 69.81 56.13 46.51 6.64
20 28.06 50.18 72.29 57.71 47.82 6.83
21 28.30 51.48 74.65 59.20 49.06 7.01
22 28.50 52.70 76.90 60.60 50.22 7.17
23 28.67 53.85 79.04 61.93 51.32 7.33
24 28.82 54.94 81.06 63.18 52.36 7.48
25 28.95 55.97 82.99 64.37 53.34 7.62
26 29.07 56.94 84.82 65.48 54.27 7.75
27 29.16 57.86 86.55 66.54 55.14 7.88
28 29.25 58.72 88.20 67.53 55.96 7.99
29 29.32 59.54 89.76 68.47 56.74 8.11
30 29.39 60.31 91.24 69.36 57.48 8.21
31 29.44 61.04 92.64 70.20 58.17 8.31
32 29.49 61.73 93.96 70.99 58.82 8.40
33 29.53 62.38 95.22 71.73 59.44 8.49
34 29.57 62.99 96.40 72.44 60.03 8.58
35 29.60 63.56 97.53 73.10 60.58 8.65
36 29.63 64.11 98.59 73.73 61.10 8.73
37 29.65 64.62 99.59 74.32 61.59 8.80
38 29.68 65.11 100.55 74.88 62.05 8.86
39 29.69 65.57 101.44 75.40 62.49 8.93
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Pressure on Silo Wall Caused by Seismic Forces

Bulk unit weight of the particulate material in seismic design (u) 8.00 kN/m3
rs* = min(hb,dc/2) 8.95 m
Na (NSCP 2010, Seismic Source Type A) 1.20
Nv (NSCP 2010, Seismic Source Type A) 1.60
Ca (NSCP 2010, Soil Sc) 0.48
Cv (NSCP 2010, Soil Sc) 0.90
Elastic fundamental period of vibration, T = 0.05 x (hn) 0.80
Overstrength and Ductility Capacity for System 3.00
Importance Factor, I = 1.00
Zone Factor, Z = 0.40

Calculation of ratio of response acceleration to the accelaration of gravity

based on NSCP 2010
1 = 0.376
2 = 0.400
3 = 0.269
4 = 0.341

Design (z) (z) = 0.376

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Depth from
silo top (m) Reference Pressure ph,s(kN/m2) Part 1

Z (z) min(rs*,3x) ph,so (kN/m2) 0 15 30 45 60 90

1 0.38 3.00 9.01 9.01 8.71 7.81 6.37 4.51 0.00
2 0.38 6.00 18.03 18.03 17.41 15.61 12.75 9.01 0.00
3 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
4 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
5 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
6 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
7 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
8 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
9 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
10 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
11 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
12 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
13 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
14 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
15 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
16 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
17 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
18 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
19 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
20 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
21 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
22 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
23 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
24 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
25 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
26 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
27 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
28 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
29 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
30 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
31 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
32 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
33 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
34 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
35 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
36 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
37 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
38 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
39 0.38 8.95 26.89 26.89 25.97 23.29 19.01 13.44 0.00
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Depth from
silo top (m) ph,s(kN/m2) Part 3

Z 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270
1 -2.33 -4.51 -6.37 -7.81 -8.71 -9.01 -8.71 -7.81 -6.37 -4.51 -2.33 0.00
2 -4.67 -9.01 -12.75 -15.61 -17.41 -18.03 -17.41 -15.61 -12.75 -9.01 -4.67 0.00
3 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
4 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
5 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
6 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
7 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
8 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
9 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
10 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
11 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
12 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
13 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
14 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
15 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
16 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
17 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
18 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
19 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
20 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
21 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
22 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
23 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
24 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
25 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
26 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
27 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
28 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
29 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
30 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
31 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
32 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
33 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
34 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
35 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
36 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
37 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
38 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
39 -6.96 -13.44 -19.01 -23.29 -25.97 -26.89 -25.97 -23.29 -19.01 -13.44 -6.96 0.00
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Depth from
silo top (m) ph,s(kN/m2) Part 4

Z 285 300 315 330 345 360

1 2.33 4.51 6.37 7.81 8.71 9.01
2 4.67 9.01 12.75 15.61 17.41 18.03
3 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
4 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
5 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
6 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
7 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
8 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
9 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
10 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
11 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
12 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
13 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
14 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
15 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
16 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
17 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
18 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
19 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
20 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
21 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
22 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
23 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
24 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
25 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
26 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
27 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
28 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
29 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
30 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
31 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
32 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
33 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
34 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
35 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
36 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
37 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
38 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
39 6.96 13.44 19.01 23.29 25.97 26.89
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Pressure on Silo Wall Caused by Wind Forces

Basic Wind Velocity Vb,o = 55.56 m/s ( NSCP 2010, Tarlac - 200kph)
Directional factor Cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor Cseason = 1.00
Wind Velocity Vb =Vb,o x Cdir X Cseason= 55.56 m/s

Terrain Category II Table 4.1 of EN 1991-1-4

Zo = 0.05 m
Zmin = 2.00 m
Air Density = 1.25 kg/m3
Roughness factor Cr(z) = 0.19 x ln (z / zo)
Orthography factor C0 (z) = 1.00
Mean wind Vm(z) = Vb x Cr(z) X Co(z)
Standard deviation of turbulence v = kr X Vb X Ki = 10.56
Turbulence Intensity Iv(z) = v / Vm(z)
Peak velocity pressure qp (z)
qp (z) = [1+7lv(z)] (1/2 ) Vm2 (z)
Basic wind velocity Vb = (1/2 ) Vm2 (z)
Vm (z) qp (z) V (ze)
Level Z (m) Cr (z) Iv (z) Re
(m/s) [kN/m2] (m/s)
0 0.701 38.941 0.271 2.746 66.287 8.17E+07
2 0.701 38.941 0.271 2.746 66.287 8.17E+07
5 0.875 48.614 0.217 3.722 77.173 9.51E+07
10 1.007 55.931 0.189 4.538 85.213 1.05E+08
15 1.084 60.211 0.175 5.047 89.859 1.11E+08
20 1.138 63.248 0.167 5.421 93.135 1.15E+08
25 1.181 65.604 0.161 5.720 95.664 1.18E+08
30 1.215 67.529 0.156 5.969 97.725 1.20E+08
35 1.245 69.156 0.153 6.183 99.462 1.23E+08
40 1.270 70.565 0.150 6.371 100.965 1.24E+08
45 1.292 71.809 0.147 6.539 102.288 1.26E+08
50 1.312 72.921 0.145 6.691 103.470 1.27E+08

Wind Pressure We = qp (ze) Cpe

Reynolds number Re = b V(ze) /
Diameter of silo b= 18.6 m
Height of silo H= 39.00 m
Kinatic viscosity of air = 1.51E-05 m2/s
Pek wind velocity V(ze) = (2*qp/)0.5 m2/s
Roughness of concrete k= 0.20 mm
k/b = #####
Reynolds number considered Re = 1.24E+08
min= 75 deg
A= 105 deg
cop,min = -1.5
cop,h = -0.8
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Solidity ratio = 1
Slenderness = 2.18
End effect factor = 0.63 Fig. 7.36
External pressure coefficient
Cpe = Cp,o
External pressure coefficient without free end flow, Cpo
End effect factor = 1 0 <= <= min
= +(1- )cos(/2 (-min)/(a-min)) min < < a
= a <= <= 180
Calculation of Cpe
We = qp(ze) Cpe (kN/m2)
Cp,o Cpe Z 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
qp 2.746 3.722 4.538 5.047 5.421 5.720 5.969 6.183 6.371
0 1 1.00 1.000 2.75 3.72 4.54 5.05 5.42 5.72 5.97 6.18 6.37
15 0.76 1.00 0.760 2.09 2.83 3.45 3.84 4.12 4.35 4.54 4.70 4.84
30 0.13 1.00 0.130 0.36 0.48 0.59 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.80 0.83
45 -0.63 1.00 -0.630 -1.73 -2.35 -2.86 -3.18 -3.42 -3.60 -3.76 -3.90 -4.01
60 -1.26 1.00 -1.260 -3.46 -4.69 -5.72 -6.36 -6.83 -7.21 -7.52 -7.79 -8.03
75 -1.5 1.00 -1.500 -4.12 -5.58 -6.81 -7.57 -8.13 -8.58 -8.95 -9.27 -9.56
90 -0.29 0.89 -0.258 -0.71 -0.96 -1.17 -1.30 -1.40 -1.48 -1.54 -1.60 -1.64
105 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
120 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
135 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
150 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
165 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
180 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
195 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
210 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
225 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
240 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
255 -0.8 0.64 -0.512 -1.41 -1.91 -2.32 -2.58 -2.78 -2.93 -3.06 -3.17 -3.26
270 -1.5 1.00 -1.500 -4.12 -5.58 -6.81 -7.57 -8.13 -8.58 -8.95 -9.27 -9.56
285 -1.5 1.00 -1.500 -4.12 -5.58 -6.81 -7.57 -8.13 -8.58 -8.95 -9.27 -9.56
300 -1.26 1.00 -1.260 -3.46 -4.69 -5.72 -6.36 -6.83 -7.21 -7.52 -7.79 -8.03
315 -0.63 1.00 -0.630 -1.73 -2.35 -2.86 -3.18 -3.42 -3.60 -3.76 -3.90 -4.01
330 0.13 1.00 0.130 0.36 0.48 0.59 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.80 0.83
345 0.76 1.00 0.760 2.09 2.83 3.45 3.84 4.12 4.35 4.54 4.70 4.84

Note: Since Wind Pressures are small compare to Seismic Pressures, Seismic Pressures are only considered
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- Design stresses for foundation:

2 2
kN/m kN/m kNm/m kNm/m
Max Qx 524 0.166 -0.002 4.806 9.687
Min Qx 548 -0.166 -0.002 4.806 9.687
Max Qy 202 -0.031 0.111 44.3 41.181
Min Qy 29 -0.024 -0.196 16.149 20.231
Max Mx 841 0.047 0.021 85.316 42.535
Min Mx 2276 0 -0.008 -45.36 -1.213
Max My 145 0.033 0.022 48.934 64.097
Min My 371 0.023 -0.003 -32.448 -16.914
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NAME Fx Fy Mx My
350mm wall 0.06 0.07 85.32 64.10

- Footing Re-Bar Design

Where, - Required Rn = Mu / (bd)
- Steel Ratio () = (0.85 x f'c) / fy x [1 - Sqrt( 1 - 2Rn/(0.85 x f'c))]
- Quantity of Required Steel Reinforcement (AS1) = x b x d
- Quantity of Temperature Steel Reinforcement (AS2) = 0.00164 x b x Hf / 2 (one Side)
0.0018 x 420 / fy = 0.0018 x 420 / 460 = 0.00164, ACI 318M05,7.12


F'c Fy b H cover d Rn As, mm2
Mu, kN.m
MPa mm Mpa As1 Asmin
85.316 27.56 414 0.9 1000 350 40 310 0.9864 0.002 754.87 287


F'c Fy b H cover d Rn As, mm2
Mu, kN.m
MPa mm Mpa As1 Asmin
64.097 27.56 414 0.9 1000 350 40 310 0.7411 0.002 563.99 287

Required As USE Re-Bar

(mm) Re-Bar Dia.(mm) Re-Bar Space (mm) USE As (mm)
X 754.87 16 200 1005.31 OK!
Y 563.99 16 300 670.21 OK!

Vumax F'c, b H cover d Vn, kN

Fy, Mpa Check
kN/m Mpa mm Concrete Steel Total
0.0686 0.75 27.56 414 1000 350 40 310 203.43 374.58 578.01 OK!

Where, - Vuallow concrete = x 1/6 x f'c x b x d

- Vuallow steel = Av x fy / s
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Design stresses for foundation:

2 2
kN/m kN/m kNm/m kNm/m
221 1.20OD +1.20PD +1.00LL
Max Qx 5338 0.817 -0.189 -307.765 287.659

Min Qx 5232 225 1.20ED +1.00LL +1.00EQ(+X) -0.79 0.15 173.117 186.229

221 1.20OD +1.20PD +1.00LL

Max Qy 5311 0.058 0.875 202.847 -179.901
221 1.20OD +1.20PD +1.00LL
Min Qy 5291 -0.744 -0.717 -7.868 289.404
218 1.20ED +1.20TD +1.00LL
Max Mx 5347 0.513 -0.028 532.65 183.572
213 1.20OD +1.20PD +1.20TD
Min Mx 5333 -0.594 0.002 -524.69 -299.241
+1.00LL +1.60WL(+X)
218 1.20ED +1.20TD +1.00LL
Max My 5363 0.019 -0.446 157.326 562.32
213 1.20OD +1.20PD +1.20TD
Min My 5337 0.321 -0.63 -407.245 -543.23
+1.00LL +1.60WL(+X)
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NAME Fx Fy Mx My
Elevated Mat 0.61 0.66 532.65 562.32

- Footing Re-Bar Design

Where, - Required Rn = Mu / (bd)
- Steel Ratio () = (0.85 x f'c) / fy x [1 - Sqrt( 1 - 2Rn/(0.85 x f'c))]
- Quantity of Required Steel Reinforcement (AS1) = x b x d
- Quantity of Temperature Steel Reinforcement (AS2) = 0.00164 x b x Hf / 2 (one Side)
0.0018 x 420 / fy = 0.0018 x 420 / 460 = 0.00164, ACI 318M05,7.12


F'c Fy b H cover d Rn As, mm2
Mu, kN.m
MPa mm Mpa As1 Asmin
532.65 27.56 414 0.9 1000 750 75 675 1.2989 0.003 2180.07 615


F'c Fy b H cover d Rn As, mm2
Mu, kN.m
MPa mm Mpa As1 Asmin
562.32 27.56 414 0.9 1000 750 75 675 1.3713 0.003 2305.40 615

Required As USE Re-Bar

(mm) Re-Bar Dia.(mm) Re-Bar Space (mm) USE As (mm)
X 2180.07 25 200 2454.37 OK!
Y 2305.40 25 200 2454.37 OK!

Vumax F'c, b H cover d Vn, kN

Fy, Mpa Check
kN/m Mpa mm Concrete Steel Total
0.65625 0.75 27.56 414 1000 750 75 675 442.95 914.50 1357.45 OK!

Where, - Vuallow concrete = x 1/6 x f'c x b x d

- Vuallow steel = Av x fy / s

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