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RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2004
Date: Details: Format: URL

30 March McDowell calls for recognition of Civil Partnerships Audio

2004 Senator David Norris, who is writing a Bill on the subject, says he was encouraged by the Justice Minister's news/2004/0330/
comments on civil unions last weekend morningireland.html

Programme: Morning Ireland

24 June FG proposes Civil Partnership rights Video

2004 Fine Gael has proposed giving greater rights to same sex couples and heterosexual couples who choose not to marry. The news/2004/0624/
party's Civil Partnership proposals, launched this afternoon by spokesperson Senator Sheila Terry, would allow a gay or gay.html
straight couple to formally register their partnership with the State. This would allow them to avail of rights in the areas of
pensions, social welfare, property, tax, succession and next of kin. The Gay and Lesbian Equality Network welcomed the Fine
Gael initiative. It particularly welcomed the clear recognition of the rights of non-EU partners of Irish people.

Programme: Six One News

David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports on Fine Gael's proposal to give same-sex and unmarried
couples greater rights under the law

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2005
Date: Details: Format: URL

20 December Group to look at Civil Partnerships: McDowell Audio &

2005 The Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, is to establish a working group that will look at the various options in relation to Video news/2005/1220/
Civil Partnerships for gay and lesbian couples. Mr McDowell said he hoped the group would produce a paper by the end of gay.html
next March, which the Government would then consider. The gay and lesbian rights lobby group, GLEN, said the move would
address urgent and pressing issues in the gay and lesbian community in the short term, but it added that the next step would
be civil marriage. The group also said it would be in favour of gay couples adopting children. But Fine Gael Seanad
Spokesperson on Equality, Senator Sheila Terry, says the setting up of a working group is unnecessary and little more than a
stalling tactic as the Justice Minister already has a number of options available to him in that area. Senator Terry added that
FG had published its policy document on Civil Partnership 18 months ago and she urged the Government to introduce
legislation for same-sex and unmarried opposite-sex couples rather than kick this issue to touch yet again. Meanwhile in
Scotland, seven same-sex couples have been taking part in the first Civil Partnership ceremonies in the country. Four of the
ceremonies were being held in Edinburgh and one each in Aberdeen, Dumfries, Glasgow and Galloway. The first couple
involved in Edinburgh were John Maguire and partner Laurence Scott-Mackay, who went on to be blessed by Bishop Richard
Holloway. The first Civil Partnership ceremonies for couples in the UK took place in Northern Ireland yesterday, while the first
in England and Wales will be held tomorrow.

Programme: News At One

Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, speaks about the possibility of s for gay and lesbian couples in Ireland
News At One
Eoin Collins of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network has met with the Minister and was encouraged by what he
One News
Watch the video

20 December McDowell announces group to look at Civil Partnerships Audio

2005 -Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, speaks about the possibility of Civil Partnerships for gay and lesbian couples in news/2005/1220/
Ireland news1pm.html
- Eoin Collins of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network has met with the minister and was encouraged by what he heard

Programme: News At One

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2006
Date: Details: Format: URL

13 January The Late Late Show: Kevin Sharkey Video

2006 Kevin Sharkey is set to take the Irish Government to the European Court of Human Rights in a bid to legislate for same-sex s. latelate/
Kevin has been hailed as one of Ireland's most successful and bankable artists and is a familiar face on television from his 20060113.html
appearance on 'Celebrity Farm' and as the presenter of Mega Mix. He has been in a relationship with his partner Ade for the
past eleven years. Both had much in common, having Irish mothers and Nigerian fathers. Kevin said that he hopes to shine a
light and put pressure on the government to stop sending a message to gay people that they are inferior.
Reared in Donegal, today Kevin divides his time between homes in Dublin and Ibiza and his paintings are owned by such stars
as Bob Geldof, Courtney Love and Enya. The Kevin Sharkey Gallery, Newport, County Mayo stocks his work exclusively as
will The Sharkey Gallery, Francis Street, Dublin which is due to open in April / March.

Programme: The Late Late Show

19 January Legislative change on Civil Partnerships recommended Audio

2006 Kieran Rose, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, looks at recommendations by an all-party Oireachtas Committee on news/2006/0119/
the Constitution morningireland.html

Progeamme: Morning Ireland

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

24 January Gay couples have same rights, says Ahern Video &
2006 The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, has said that same-sex couples are entitled to social protection on the same practical basis as Audio news/2006/0124/
co-habiting heterosexuals. Mr Ahern was responding to protests from people in same-sex unions at an Oireachtas committee gay.html
recommendation that homosexuals should have to register their civil unions to secure legal protection. The recommendation
was made in a report by the All-Party Committee on the Constitution launched by Mr Ahern this evening. For heterosexuals, it
recommends the Government either allows them to register, or to rely on a legal presumption that they had earned 'marriage-
like' rights by having lived together for an undefined period. This marks a departure from the undiscriminating approach
adopted by the Law Reform Commission in 2004, when it proposed that all intimate unmarried partnerships should be
presumed to have formed a civil union after two years where there are children and three where there are none. Last week, Mr
Ahern ruled out a referendum to change the Constitution to permit marriage by gay couples because he said he believed it
would not be passed. The committee's report echoes that view. However, it recommends changing the law to ensure that
same-sex couples have succession, maintenance and taxation rights by introducing a system of Civil Partnerships for both
co-habiting homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Programme: News At One

Senator David Norris, gay rights campaigner, discusses a report to be published by the All-Party Committee on
the Constitution
Morning Ireland
Joe Little, Religious and Social Affairs Correspondent, understands that the report is to recommend one type of
civil union for homosexual couples but two for heterosexuals
Morning Ireland
Couple Rachel Armstrong and Michelle Farrell talk to reporter Áine Hegarty about their hopes for the Oireachtas
All-Party Committee on the Constitution's recommendations
Nine News
Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs, reports on comments by Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach, at the launch of the
latest report from the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution
Six One News
Joe Little, Religious and Social Affairs Correspondent, reports on a recommendation of one type of for
homosexual couples and two for heterosexual couples
One News
Joe Little, Religious and Social Affairs Correspondent, reports ahead of the publication of recommendations on
civil unions

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

6 April Happy Families - Same Sex Couples! (Abstract, full text available online) Print
2006 Orla and Catherine Egan-Morley had their baby Jacob five months ago after Orla underwent intra-uterine insemination in theafternoonshow/
London. We also have Keith O'Malley the CEO of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, GLEN. They will be chatting today (Video not 2006/0406/
about gay couples are embracing parenthood. Homosexuality was formally decriminalised in Ireland 1993. Currently available happyfamilies04.htm
discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation is outlawed by the Employment Equality Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act, online) l
2000. These laws forbid discrimination in any of the following areas: employment, vocational training, advertising, collective
agreements, the provision of goods and services and other publicly available opportunities. At present Irish law does not
provide for gay marriage or Civil Partnerships, (there is currently no kind of provision for unmarried couples, whether
homosexual or heterosexual), although a civilpartnership bill is currently under consideration. New legislation is expected to be
announced to make way for same sex unions later this year (although this would still not be the same as marriage). Gay and
lesbian partners are not permitted to adopt as a couple, therefore one of the partners is denied any parental rights over the
child and would have no custodial claim over the child in the event of the death of the recognised adoptive parent...

Programme: The Afternoon Show

22 April Tánaiste challenges Opposition on tax Video

2006 The Tánaiste has claimed that Opposition parties would abandon their pledge to keep taxes low if the economy does not news/2006/0422/
generate the resources to fund their spending plans. The PDs will outline their detailed tax plans tomorrow and Mary pds.html
Harney challenged other parties to do the same, by outlining how much they will tax and how much they will spend. In her
speech to the Progressive Democrats' annual conference in Limerick, Ms Harney also insisted that there will be a majority of
lay people on the Medical Council. The Minister of Health said doctors should not be concerned about the plan, and that
patients and the public interest must come first. She also criticised politicians who try to raise fear and suspicion of foreigners,
describing it as 'poisonous scaremongering'.
No pre-election pact with Fianna Fáil
The conference earlier rejected a call for a pre-election pact with Fianna Fáil. The proposal, which was opposed by the party
leadership, was overwhelmingly defeated. The vote came after the party president Michael McDowell and the party chief whip
Liz O'Donnell reminded delegates that in the past, pre-election pacts had damaged the party.
McDowell addresses PD conference
In an address to delegates at the PD conference, Minister for Justice Michael McDowell said the right to bail must be curtailed
for some serious crimes such as drug dealing. Mr McDowell said he will shortly carry out an evaluation of the way in which bail
laws are being applied. He also promised minimum sentences for gun crimes and he pledged to deal with the issue of Civil
Partnerships, an area he described as currently unjust. Last night, Mary Harney insisted that fundamental reform of the health
service would happen by the time of the next General Election.

Programme: Nine News

David Davin-Power, Political Correspondent, details Tánaiste Mary Harney's keynote address to the Progressive
Democrats' annual conference in Limerick
Six One News
David Davin-Power, Political Correspondent, reports that delegates at the party's annual conference in Limerick
voted overwhelmingly against a deal with their Government partners

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

12 May McDowell will back same sex law change Audio &
2006 The Minister for Justice has said he will back a change in the law so that same sex partnerships are recognised. Video news/2006/0512/
Responding to a report commissioned by the Human Rights Commission, which recommends new laws, Michael McDowell gay.html
said he would not favour full civil marriages to same sex couples. The minister said he had spoken to senior church leaders
about the matter. Minister McDowell said he was hopeful that the route being taken by Government in addressing the issue
would be acceptable to the Catholic Church. Mr McDowell said he believed that people generally had moved on from
conservative positions of the past, and they now feel same sex couples are entitled to be treated as equals. Addressing claims
in the study that Irish laws could be in breach of international human rights standards because they do not recognise same-
sex unions and discriminate against same sex couples, the minister said international law gives the State latitude to arrive at a
solution suitable to its circumstances. It is not a case, he said, of international lawyers telling Irish people what to do.
The minister also expressed his view that most gay people here do not want marriage but instead want some recognition of
their relationship, which affords them certain basic rights. He also pointed out that when it comes to relationships, people
cannot always have rights without having duties towards each other. Mr McDowell said addressing the problem by changing
the constitution rather than changing legislation, would be a case of putting the cart before the horse. The minister said the
Department of Justice working group on s, chaired by Anne Colley, is continuing to examine the issue, and will report in

Report: The report recommended that a complete Civil Partnership scheme be introduced to cater for same sex and
opposite sex couples in Ireland. Given that Civil Partnership of couples of the same sex has been introduced in Northern
Ireland, the report argues that such partnerships should also be introduced in the Republic to fulfil the country's obligations
under the Good Friday Agreement. According to the study, entitled The Rights of De Facto Couples, the laws in this country
are disproportionately skewed in favour of married couples. It finds that because same sex couples cannot marry, the law in
Ireland indirectly discriminates against them. The report also found that non-married couples in Ireland have very few rights in
case of a relationship breakdown. The European Convention on Human Rights requires....

Programme: Morning Ireland

Dr Fergus Ryan of DIT's Dept of Legal Studies discusses the findings of the report which he co-authored on the
clash between Irish & international law on non-married couples' rights
Nine News
Will Goodbody reports that Justice Minister Michael McDowell hopes the Catholic Church will have no objection to
a form of legal recognition of same sex relationships
Six One News
Eoin Collins, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, speaks about calls for s for same sex couples in Ireland
Six One News
Will Goodbody reports on the Minister for Justice's response to recommendations in a report published by the
Human Rights Commission
One News
Will Goodbody reports on reaction to the Human Rights Commission report which suggests Irish law on same sex
couples is in breach of international human rights legislation

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

13 May Pope calls for support for marriage Print

2006 Pope Benedict has called on Christians to defend traditional heterosexual marriage and to oppose moves towards legislation news/2006/0513/
that would recognise same-sex relationships. In an address to the Ponitifical Council for the Family, he said heterosexual pope.html
marriage was a 'pillar of humanity'. He said the rights extended to married couples should not be granted to same-sex couples
through civil unions. Here, the Minister for Justice has been sounding out public opinion on plans to give partnerships and
relationships outside of marriage legal recognition whether they be hetero- or homosexual.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

8 June Presbyterian assembly directed against blessing Civil Partnerships Video
2006 Joe Little, Religious and Social Affairs Correspondent, reports from the Presbyterian General Assembly in Belfast news/
Programme: One News ml

12 October Terry calls for Civil Partnership legislation Audio &
2006 Fine Gael's Justice Spokesperson in the Seanad, Sheila Terry, has called for the speedy introduction of Northern Ireland-style Video news/2006/1012/
Civil Partnership legislation here after a landmark settlement by the state with a gay couple. The settlement arose when the gay.html
partner of a terminally-ill gay man persuaded the Government to compensate him for taking unpaid leave from work to care for
his companion. But the Minister for Social Family Affairs, Seamus Brennan, has emphasised the Government's concession
does not create any social policy precedent. The ill man at the centre of this case is not expected to live for more than two
years. He asked the Department of Social and Family Affairs to top up his Invalidity Pension by €110 a week when his partner
took unpaid leave. When the Department refused the application, the couple got the help of the Equality Authority to pursue a
complaint that they were being discriminated against because heterosexual co-habitees qualified for the top-up. They also said
the refusal caused them significant stress as it forced the partner to return to work and interfered with the necessary care of
the ill man. Eventually, the Cabinet agreed to pay the allowance backdated 19 months to the initial refusal. But ministers
emphasised this was done as a favour and not because there was any legal obligation. Sheila Terry said the fact that this
couple had to go to the Equality Tribunal proves that same-sex couples are still treated as second class citizens. She called for
the speedy introduction of Northern-Ireland style legislation for civil unions. Niall Crowley, chief executive of the Equality
Authority, said that now that the Government has demonstrated that it has the discretion to help this couple, it would be
important to extend the right to the allowance to all same-sex couples in similar situations.

Programme: News At One

Niall Crowley, Chief Executive of the Equality Authority, explains that an Adult Dependent Allowance is to be paid
to the partner of a terminally ill gay man
Six One News
Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, explains that the gay partner of a terminally ill man has
persuaded the Government to compensate him for taking unpaid leave from his job to care for his partner
Six One News
Green Party launches same-sex marriage policy

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

28 November Report calls for same-sex partnership scheme Video

2006 A report to the Government has suggested that a scheme of full Civil Partnership would address the majority of issues news/2006/1128/
encountered by same-sex couples. The report of the Working Party on Domestic Partnerships also suggests that limited Civil gay.html
Partnership would allow co-habiting couples to register their relationship, but would not confer as many benefits as marriage.
The Paper says there should also be what it calls a 'presumptive scheme', where couples are presumed to have such a
partnership if they have lived together for three years, or if they have children. It states that same-sex couples who are either
married or in a full Civil Partnership should be eligible for consideration to adopt children. It also looked at non-conjugal
relationships, but concluded there was not enough research, or enough submissions to it, to come to firm conclusions. news/
Justice Minister Michael McDowell said the Government wanted to deliver a framework in which non-married couples, 2006/1128/
including gay couples, can live in a supportive and a secure legal environment, and that significant changes can be made ml
within the terms of the Constitution. He said the Government believes that arrangements must be made for people in non-
conjugal relationships, to provide protection for them on an equal basis. The report concludes that extending civil marriage to
same-sex couples would be 'vulnerable to constitutional challenge'.

Call for full Civil Partnership scheme

David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports on the findings of a working group

Programme: Nine News

29 November Full Civil Partnership best option for co-habiting couples: Report Audio
2006 Ann Colley, Chairperson of the Working Group on Domestic Partnerships, says their report does not make news/2006/1129/
recommendations, but outlines the various possibilities morningireland.html

Programme: Morning Ireland

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

1 December McDowell calls for debate on cohabitation Audio &

2006 The Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, says he would like a national debate on proposals to strengthen the rights of Video news/2006/1201/
cohabiting couples who are not married or are in a Civil Partnership. Speaking on RTÉ Radio's News At One, Mr McDowell partners.html
said it was important that what is put in place does not amount to an alternative to marriage, which would go against
protections provided in the Constitution. A report by the Law Reform Commission proposes that cohabiting couples should
have contracts they have entered into recognised provided they have been living together for at least three years. The
commission report assumes that a form of Civil Partnership for same-sex couples is likely to be introduced in the future, and
stresses that it is dealing with a different set of couples - those who have decided, for whatever reason, not to formally register
their relationship. It defines cohabiting couples as those who have been living together for at least three years, or if they have
a child for two years, and deals with their rights on a wide range of issues. Among its recommendations are that cohabitants
should be encouraged to enter into legal agreements on financial matters, that such couples are recognised under social
welfare law and in health care settings and also under domestic violence law. It also seeks the provision of a so-called Safety
Net Redress System which could entitle the cohabitant to financial relief in the event that the relationship breaks down. The
commission is also calling on the Government to launch a public awareness campaign to educate and inform eligible couples
of their new legal rights. Earlier this week, the Working Group on Domestic Partnership published its options paper,
recommending Civil Partnership for same-sex couples on the grounds that marriage would be vulnerable to constitutional

Programme: News At One

Michael McDowell, Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform, discusses the Law Reform Commission's
proposals on rights and duties for co-habitants in an intimate relationship
Morning Ireland
Raymond Byrne, Director of Research with the Law Reform Commission, explains the planned changes
One News
Justice Minister Michael McDowell says the report sets out options which the Government will examine

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2007
Date: Details: Format: URL

25 February Programme 18: Print

2007 In the same week that the Dail debated the question of legalising gay partnerships, the Polish president used his visit to radio1/spiritmoves/
Ireland to warn that gay culture is threatening the human race. This week, Spirit Moves examined the issue of Civil (Audio 1110793.html
Partnerships for gay couples and why it is important to gay people to have their relationship properly acknowledged. At the not
start of the programme, we heard from Eddie, who's now in his sixties. Eddie only came to terms with the fact that he was available
homosexual at the age of 40. He was married at the time and suffering from bad health brought on by stress. He shared his online)
story. The broader issue of Civil Partnerships for gay couples was discussed by clinical psychologist, Dr. Iseult Twamley who
has done several years of work and research with the lesbian and gay community in London; barrister, Maire Kirrane and
independent film producer, Bill Hughes.

Programme: Spirit Moves

2 May Prime Time spotlight on gay marriage Video

2007 - Donogh Diamond reports on for calls for legislation to protect the children of long-term gay couples. news/2007/0502/
- The main parties offer their views on gay marriage, Civil Partnership and adoption rights of same-sex couples. primetime.html

Programme: Prime Time

30 October Call for support of Civil Union bill Print

2007 The Gay and Lesbian Equality Network is calling for cross-party support for a new Civil Union bill. TDs are due to discuss the news/2007/1030/
Labour Party proposal this week. The Programme for Government gave a commitment to introduce Civil Partnership for gay.html
same sex couples.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

31 October Government move over Civil Partnership Video

2007 The Government is to move to recognise same sex partnerships. The measure, to be enacted before the next election, will news/2007/1031/
draw heavily on the Colley report and a study of the issue by the Law Reform Commission. It will allow for those in civil unions gay.html
to register their partnerships, which will then enjoy legal protection. The Government move comes ahead of a Labour initiative
in the Dáil this evening when the party is to re-table its own civil union bill.

Programme: Six One News

David Davin-Power, Political Correspondent, reports that ministers plan to commence drafting legislation on same
sex unions next year
Six One News
Brendan Howlin, Labour Spokesperson on Law Reform, argues that there is no timeframe on the proposed
Nine News
David Davin-Power, Political Correspondent, reports that the Govt plans to introduce legislation that would
recognise same-sex unions

31 October Govt to recognise same-sex partnerships Audio

2007 Fionnan Sheehan, Irish Independent Political Correspondent, discusses Dáil proceedings on Civil Partnerships and the new news/2007/1031/
learner driver rules drivetime.html

Programme: Drivetime

1 November Government move over Civil Partnership Audio

2007 - Eleanor Burnhill reports on the Dáil debate on the Labour Party Bill to provide a register for same-sex civil unions Kieran news/2007/1101/
Rose, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, discusses the proposed Government legislation which stops far short of morningireland.html
bringing in gay marriage
- Ciarán Cuffe, Green Party Justice & Equality Spokesperson, responds to comments that his party has done a U-turn in
relation to Civil Partnerships

Programme: Morning Ireland

1 November Govt to limit gays to Civil Partnerships Audio

2007 Katherine Zappone, who sought to have her Canadian marriage recognised here, discusses the Government's ruling out of news/2007/1101/
same sex marriage drivetime.html

Programme: Drivetime

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

11 November Positively Frank Video

2007 The story of Frank Buckley of FX Buckely fame, ex Jesuit priest, Patron of the Arts and homosexual who found love after wouldyoubelieve/
discovering he is HIV + "When Michael proposed a relationship I told him the first person he should talk to was my doctor." (Not positivelyfrank.html
Frank and Michael are now 13 years together and one of the few gay couples who have celebrated a civil union in Ireland. Available
They had a Civil Partnership in April this year at the British Embassy in Dublin. Frank is quick to say that it wasn't a wedding Online)
as he and Michael believe marriage is for heterosexuals and they both see the family as the core unit in society. Frank never
thought he would find love again after he was diagnosed HIV positive and given 2 years to live. That was 16 years ago and he
attributes his longevity to advances in medical treatment but more importantly to Michael. "I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for
Michael." Frank, the son of famous butcher and hotelier FX Buckley, was a Jesuit priest teaching in Gonzaga when his crisis of
faith came to a head. He'd always remained true to his vow of celibacy and felt hurt by his Churches attitude to gay men and
priesthood. But it was his difficulty with the fundamental teachings on the resurrection and the divinity of Jesus that caused him
to leave the priesthood. Despite this, Frank is a deeply spiritual man and Jesus has remained his hero. Frank is a renowned
art collector and patron of the Irish Arts. Michael and himself live in a modest three bedroom semi D in Dublin. The house is
crammed with paintings and sculptures and they're both interested in creating spaces for the general public to enjoy art. The
walls of the Irish Writers Centre in Dublin and the offices of the Irish Teachers Organisation as well as the corridors of Carlow
IT are decorated with Frank's collected works . As he says himself, "it's to inspire the inspirers." Asked if art has replaced his
spirituality, Frank responds by saying "not at all, art is a way of accessing spirituality."

Programme: Would You Believe

Year in October; Same-sex partnerships to be recognised Video &

Review The Government moved to recognise same sex partnerships. The measure, to be enacted before the next election, will draw Audio news/features/
2007 heavily on the Colley report and a study of the issue by the Law Reform Commission. It will allow for those in civil unions to review2007/october/
register their partnerships, which will then enjoy legal protection. The Government move came ahead of a Labour initiative in 0ct31.html
the Dáil when the party was set to re-table its own civil union bill.

Programme: Year In Review

Nine News
Govt to introduce same-sex union law
Morning Ireland
Labour to reintroduce same-sex civil union Bill
Govt to recognise same-sex partnerships

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2008
Date: Details: Format: URL

5 January Civil Partnership reports welcomed Video

2008 Will Goodbody reports on rumours that planned new legislation will establish Civil Partnerships for same sex and cohabiting news/
couples. 2008/0105/
Programme: Six One News
Civil Partnership plans welcomed news/
Will Goodbody reports on rumours that planned legislation will provide automatic recognition of civil unions and marriages 2008/0105/
registered in other countries ml

Programme: Nine News

24 February Programme 15 Print

2008 This week, the issue of gay marriage was in the news when a group was launched which hopes to win the right for gay people radio1/spiritmoves/
of the same sex to marry. The government promises that they are going to bring in legislation to deal with Civil Partnerships. (Audio 1172589.html
But gay and lesbian couples say this isn't enough. They want full marriage rights. They feel that they are being treated as Not
second class citizens as are many children who are being raised within gay households. Available
We discussed this issue with:
Orla Howard - a gay woman who is raising two children with her partner.
Grainne Healy - from the group MarriagEquality
Patrick Lynch - gay father of four
Breda O'Brien - Teacher and Irish Times columnist
Mervyn Nutley - from the organisation, Focus on the Family

Programme: Spirit Moves

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

1 April Govt plans 17 new bills for Dáil session Audio
2008 The Government has published its legislative programme for the Dáil's summer session, which begins tomorrow. It intends to news/2008/0401/
publish 17 pieces of legislation between now and the end of the session, including a new Social Housing Bill, a Child Care Bill, dail.html
and long-awaited legislation on long-term residential care and the establishment of the Dublin Transportation Authority.
Meanwhile, the Government is expected to agree the heads of new legislation dealing with Civil Partnerships which will allow
for the registration of same-sex partnerships in the next couple of weeks. Once this is done, the legislation will have to be
drafted in detail, which is likely to take several months.

Programme: Morning Ireland

Carl O'Brien, Irish Times Social Affairs Correspondent, says the new laws allowing same-sex partnerships will not
permit adoptions

11 April Gormley outlines new Green plans (Abstract: Full report online) Audio &
2008 ...Delegates are also hearing tonight from Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan of Marriage Equality Initiative, who are Video news/2008/0411/
holding a question and answer session with a number of speakers. Mr Gormley said the forthcoming Civil Partnership Bill politics.html
may not contain everything the Green Party wanted but said it was a significant move in the right direction and would not have
come about without his party's participation in Government. Equality campaigner Ms Gilligan and her partner Katherine
Zappone are pursuing a Supreme Court case for recognition of their Canadian marriage. She told delegates that marriage is
about the freedom to choose to marry the person you love...

Programme: Nine News

David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports that Gormley used his opening address to outline plans for
local government reform
Six One News: David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports that the Green Party annual convention opens
in Dundalk this evening
News At One: Caitríona Perry speaks to member Roger Lamb about his call to censure the Green Party's
performance in Government
News At One: TD Ciarán Cuffe says he is pleased with the progress the Green Party is making, and this
convention marks the Party's changed status

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

15 June Brady criticised over remarks on civil unions Video

2008 Cardinal Seán Brady has come in for strong criticism this evening over his remarks on proposals to introduce legislation on news/2008/1104/
civil unions. Cardinal Brady has said the church hierarchy would consider supporting a Constitutional challenge to the marriage.html
proposed Civil Partnership Bill. Independent Senator David Norris has compared Cardinal Brady to the Zimbabwean leader
Robert Mugabe over his comments. Speaking in the Seanad, Sen Norris said Cardinal Brady's remarks showed an 'arrogant,
threatening and legalistic tone'. The senator said the cardinal 'tragically allies himself with Karl Rove, George Bush, Robert
Mugabe and Ian Paisley'. Earlier Cardinal Brady said it was hard to see how the proposals outlined in June on Civil
Partnership registration would be anything other than the introduction of de facto marriage for cohabiting and same sex
couples. If this is the case, he said, all avenues of legal and democratic challenge to the published legislation should be
pursued. Sen Norris also said the remarks further alienate young people from the church. Reacting to the cardinal's
comments, the MarriagEquality group said all adults and children were entitled to equality regardless of their sexuality or that
of their parents. The organisation's co-ordinator, Moninne Griffith said the Cardinal's remarks were stigmatising the children
raised by gay parents and underlined that he was out of touch with modern Ireland.

Brady warns over civil union proposals

Speaking in Co Clare, Cardinal Brady warned that the Government looks set to dissolve the special Constitutional status of
marriage between a man and a woman by introducing marriage in all but name for both cohabiting and same-sex couples.
Cardinal Brady told the annual Céifin conference in Ennis that marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation of
society. He said that a study this year showed that British children born to cohabiting couples were more than twice as likely as
those born to married parents to suffer family breakdown before starting school. He said it was all the more remarkable that
Ireland looks set to repeat the mistakes of Britain and the US by legislating to promote cohabitation, remove most incentives to
marry and grant same-sex couples the same rights as marriage in all but adoption. He said last June's outline of the Civil
Partnership Bill heralded perhaps the greatest revolution in the history of the Irish family, but that the priority of the family over
society and the State had to be reaffirmed. Dr Brady said the Constitution implies that the State will maintain a qualitative
difference between its level of support to marriage and the family and to other forms of dependent relationship. He also
criticised the Government's stated intention to remove the category Marital Status and to replace it with Civil Status. And he
attacked ministers for confining protection to people in sexual relations. He said other dependent relationships also deserved
appropriate legal protection short of marriage. He told RTÉ News that the hierarchy would decide whether to support a
Constitutional challenge to the Bill when it saw the details of the proposed legislation.

Programme: Six One News

21 June Thousands turn out for Dublin's Gay Pride Print
2008 An estimated 3,000 people turned out in Dublin today for the annual Gay Pride parade. The event marked the conclusion of news/2008/0621/
the capital's 25th Pride Festival, which celebrates the progress made by the gay community in Ireland over the past quarter gaypride.html
century. The parade culminated in a rally at Dublin's civic offices which heard calls for full marriage rights for gay couples in
Ireland. A Civil Partnership bill is currently being finalised under which same sex couples will be able to avail of marriage-like
benefits in a range of areas, but it will fall short of full marriage.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

23 June Q4: Is the Government right to legislate only for Civil Partnerships? Video
2008 The Panel: news/2008/0623/
• Willie O'Dea, Minister for Defence qanda.html
• Liz McManus, Labour spokesperson on Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
• Prof Brigid Laffan, Principal, College of Human Sciences, UCD
• Ulick McEvaddy, businessman & anti-Lisbon campaigner
• Stephen King, political consultant and Irish Examiner columnist

Programme: Questions and Answers

24 June Move toward Civil Partnership law Video

2008 The Government has published details of proposed legislation to provide for Civil Partnerships for same-sex couples. The news/2008/0624/
final drafting of the legislation is expected to take several months, but Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said he would think it marriage.html
could be law by this time next year. The Civil Partnership process will be open to couples who are over 18 and who give
three months notice of their wish to register their partnership. It is not open to opposite sex couples, nor does it cover non-
conjugal relationships, such as two siblings living together. Minister Ahern stressed that Civil Partnership is not the same as
marriage, as such a move would be open to Constitutional challenge under Article 41 of the Constitution. The proposed
legislation will also allow same-sex and opposite-sex couples to register cohabitant agreements to regulate their joint financial
affairs. In addition, it will allow the courts to operate a redress scheme giving protection to a vulnerable party at the end of a
long-term relationship, either opposite-sex or same-sex. At a media briefing on the Heads of the Bill, Minister Eamon Ryan
said the Green Party were pleased to see the proposed legislation and looked forward to it being enacted, although he
acknowledged that his party had wanted to go further.

Programme: Nine News

Edel McAllister reports that critics say the plan does not go far enough for many
Six One News
David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports Sen David Norris called the proposals mean-minded &

25 June Govt details plans for Civil Partnership Bill Audio
2008 Kieran Rose of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network reacts to the Government's legislative proposals on news/2008/0625/
Programme: Morning Ireland

27 June Govt seeks views on Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2008 -Mark Hennessy of The Irish Times says that some Fianna Fáil politicians are planning to submit their views on news/2008/0627/
proposed Civil Partnership legislation morningireland.html
-Kieran Rose of the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network gives his reaction to the proposed legislation

Programme: Morning Ireland

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

27 June Taoiseach defends Civil Partnership plans Video

2008 The Taoiseach has insisted that Government plans for the registration of same-sex couples will not undermine the news/2008/0627/
constitutional status of marriage. Brian Cowen said the proposed Civil Partnership Bill had been drawn up in close marriage.html
consultation with the Attorney General and it would not in any way infringe on the constitutional protection of marriage. He was
responding to reports that a group of Fianna Fáil TDs and Senators were unhappy with the proposals and had tabled a motion
for discussion at next week's meeting of the parliamentary party. Mr Cowen said the Civil Partnership Bill was in the
programme for government and dealt with issues which were not covered by the constitutional protection of marriage.

Programme: Six One News

David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports that the Taoiseach has insisted that plans for the registration of
same-sex couples will not undermine the status of marriage
Nine News
David McCullagh, Political Correspondent, reports that Brian Cowen has said that plans for civil-union legislation
will not undermine the constitutionality of marriage

27 June Calls for FF debate over gay relationships Audio

2008 Senator Ronan Mullen says there is an element of 'lazy thinking' in what the Government has proposed on Civil news/2008/0627/
Partnerships news1pm.html

Programme: News At One

30 June The Tubridy Show Print

2008 Little Britain star Matt Lucas was one of the first to marry under Britain's Civil Partnership laws, but he's reportedly about to radio1/
split from his partner, Kevin McGee. Showbiz editor of the Irish Mirror, Paul Martin, reports on what could be Britain's first gay (Audio thetubridyshow/
divorce. Last week, the Irish government announced plans for Civil Partnerships. Will these lead to gay divorce in Ireland? not 1207942.html
Con puts the question to solicitor Gerald Kean. available
Programme: The Tubridy Show

2 July FF refers Civil Partnership motion to cttee Print

2008 The Fianna Fáil parliamentary party has decided to refer to its justice committee a motion critical of the Government plan for news/2008/0702/
Civil Partnerships. A party spokesman said that a meeting last night gave 'broad support' to the cabinet proposal that had civilunion.html
been challenged by Senator Jim Walsh of Wexford. His motion had been signed by over 20 members of the parliamentary
party. Both Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern emphasised that the measure was compatible with
the Constitution.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

14 July Irish rights record criticised in report (Abstract, full report online) Audio &
2008 In relation to non-traditional families, the report says the State has been slow to afford any legal recognition to such family Video news/2008/0714/
groups. It also accuses the Government of enacting legislation which specifically discriminates against same-sex couples. humanrights.html
While acknowledging that the new Civil Partnership Bill seems to provide for similar rights and protections as marriage, the
report says it does not indicate what the State's intentions are in relation to taxation, social welfare and the care and protection
of children.

Programme: One News

Will Goodbody reports that the Shadow Report highlights Ireland's human rights deficiencies
News At One
Mark Kelly of the ICCL tells Will Goodbody of his concern in relation to Irish prisons

10 November Q2: Is Cardinal Brady right about Civil Partnerships? Video
2008 The Panel: news/2008/1110/
• Sean Connick TD (FF), member, Oireachtas Justice Committee qanda.html
• Olivia Mitchell, FG spokesperson on Arts, Sport & Tourism
• Dr Ed Walsh, founding President, UL
• Maureen Gaffney, Chair, National Economic & Social Forum
• David Quinn, Director, Iona Institute, & columnist, Irish Independent

Programme: Questions and Answers

16 November Programme 7: Print

2008 According to Ireland's leading churchman Cardinal Sean Brady it represents 'perhaps the greatest revolution in the history of radio1/spiritmoves/
the Irish family'. He was talking about the Civil Partnership bill, currently being drafted by the government which proposes to (Audio 1231937.html
legislate for relationships which fall outside those of the traditional married couple. In a word, the government wants to Not
recognise gay relationships and other types of cohabitating relationships. Its critics say it amounts to almost the same rights as Available
conventional marriage. This week on Spirit Moves, we asked if it will undermine marriage as we currently know it, create online)
numerous problems as yet unknown in the future with the children of such relationships and we looked too to the possibility of
the catholic church mounting a constitutional challenge to such a move.

Tom McGurk's guests were

Senator Ronan Mullen
Ciaran Cuffe TD
Fr Joe Mullan, parish priest of Lusk who works with accord the Catholic Marriage Care Service
Patrick Lynch, a gay man
And Cathy Molloy a theologian who teaches on the issue of theology and marriage

Programme: Spirit Moves

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

24 November WOMEN'S AID- Domestic Violence Against Women (Abstract, full text available online) Print
2010 Is the campaign just awareness or are Women's Aid looking for any changes in the law? Main focus is on awareness. Women theafternoonshow/
often think they are only ones experiencing this abuse but very important to realise just how common it is with 1:5 women in (Video not 2008/1124/
Ireland experiencing domestic violence. Part of the new Civil Partnership Bill deals with an extension to the 1996 Domestic available womensaid659.html
Violence Act and Women's Aid welcomes this extension so that women in dating relationships and after separating from an online)
abusive partner will now benefit from same protections as married women.

Programme: The Afternoon Show

6 December Protest over proposed Civil Partnership Bill Video

2008 Will Goodbody reports that around 100 people protested outside the Civil Registry Office in Dublin news/
Programme: Six One News ml

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2009
Date: Details: Format: URL

2 February TALKING POINT Print

2009 Despite the government's proposed legislation on Civil Partnership, same sex couples in Ireland can still not legally married. seoige/
So, after last weekend's 'Love Carnival' demonstration outside the Dáil highlighting this issue, in this week's talking point we today18022009.html
ask if Ireland should allow same sex marriage?

Programme: Seoige

26 June Civil Partnership Bill published Video

2009 Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern has published the Civil Partnership Bill, which gives people in long-term and same-sex news/2009/0626/
relationships many of the rights of married couples. The Bill will allow same sex couples to register their Civil Partnership for civilpartnerships.htm
the first time and it also contains succession rights, protection of a home that couples share, plus maintenance rights in the l
event of a separation. On registration, civil partners will be treated in the same way as spouses under the tax and social
welfare codes. The Bill also gives financial protection to a dependent person of an unmarried opposite sex couple or an
unregistered same sex couple at the end of a long-term cohabiting relationship. Mr Ahern said that while the Bill did not
legislate for marriage, it struck a fine balance for all concerned. He added the Bill could not stray into the area of marriage
because of the Constitution. Reacting to Green Party suggestions that the new Bill does not go far enough, the Minister said it
had been approved by a cabinet of which the Greens are members.

Programme: Six One News

Adrian Lydon reports that there has been a broad welcome for for the Bill, which has been published by the

26 June Broad welcome for Civil Partnership Bill Video

2009 Adrian Lydon reports that there has been a broad welcome for the Civil Partnership Bill, which has been published by the news/
Government 2009/0626/
Programme: Six One News

26 June Broad welcome for Civil Partnership Bill Video

2009 Adrian Lydon reports that there has been a broad welcome for the Civil Partnership Bill, which has been published by the news/
Government 2009/0626/
Programme: Nine News

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

28 June O'Gorman criticises Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2009 The Director of Amnesty in Ireland has said the Government's Civil Partnership Bill further enshrines discrimination against news/2009/0628/
gay people into Irish law. Speaking on RTÉ's This Week, Colm O'Gorman said if the Government had concerns that there may civilpartnerships.htm
be a constitutional issue with gay marriage it should bring forward a referendum. He said the Bill discriminates as much l
against children than against gay people because it fails to protect them sufficiently through adoption rights for gay couples.
Mr O'Gorman is a gay man and a father of two children. The Civil Partnership Bill was published on Friday and provides
recognition to same sex couples, but it stops short of recognising civil marriage. But reaction to it has been mixed and there
was also strong criticism of the Bill among the 10,000 people at the annual Gay Pride march in Dublin yesterday.

Programme: This Week

28 June Mixed reaction to Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2009 Colm O'Gorman, Amnesty's Executive Director in Ireland, says the Bill further enshrines discrimination against gay people into news/2009/0628/
Irish law thisweek.html

Programme: This Week

28 July Amnesty criticises Civil Partnership Bill Video

2009 The director of Amnesty International in Ireland has said the Civil Partnership Bill published last month treats gay and lesbian news/2009/0728/
people as second class citizens. Speaking at the Belfast Pride week, Colm O' Gorman said the failure of the legislation to civilpartnership.html
provide for the children of same-sex couples was a cowardly decision by the Government. Civil Partnerships were officially
recognised in Northern Ireland and Britain four years ago. An Irish Human Rights Commission report suggested the lack of
similar legislation in the Republic could be in breach of the Good Friday Agreement. The Government set up a working group
and last month the Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern published the Civil Partnership Bill. He said it gave people in same-sex
relationships many of the rights of married couples and could not go further without breaching the Constitution. However, Mr O'
Gorman believes the Bill enshrines discrimination against gay people into Irish law. Meanwhile, the BT Group has been
praised for its recognition of diversity. It has been named the most 'gay friendly' firm in the world after years of providing same-
sex partner benefits for its staff.

Programme: Nine News

Michael Fisher reports on Amnesty International's Colm O'Gorman's criticism of the Bill

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

9 August 5,000 march over Civil Partnership Bill Video

2009 An estimated 5,000 same-sex marriage supporters have marched in Dublin to show their dissatisfaction with the proposed news/2009/0809/
Civil Partnership Bill. The Bill, which is due to be debated when the Dáil resumes in the autumn, gives statutory partnership civilpartnership.html
rights to gay and lesbian couples. However, the legislation stops short of allowing same sex couples to marry. The Bill contains
succession rights, protection of a home that couples share, plus maintenance rights in the event of a separation. On
registration, civil partners will be treated in the same way as spouses under the tax and social welfare codes. The Bill also
gives financial protection to a dependent person of an unmarried opposite sex couple or an unregistered same sex couple at
the end of a long-term cohabiting

Programme: Six One News

Laura Fletcher reports that same-sex marriage supporters say the Bill does not go far enough

22 August Cardinal criticises Civil Partnership Bill Video

2009 The legislation which gives statutory partnership rights to gay and lesbian couples has been criticised by Cardinal Sean Brady. news/2009/0822/
Speaking at St John's Cathedral in Limerick, the Primate of All Ireland said the measures would hugely change peoples' bradys.html
concepts of the family. The Civil Partnership Bill, which was published in June, will for the first time mean that same sex
couples will be recognised as partners before the law and will be treated like married couples for tax and social welfare when
registered. In his homily this evening, Dr Brady said marriage between a man and a woman will always remain the ideal
environment in which to raise children. He said any government which undermines such an environment could hardly be said
to be promoting the common good. Cardinal Brady also said those who refuse to officiate at a same sex wedding would be
guilty of offence and described this as 'an alarming attack on the fundamental principle of freedom of religion and conscience.'
He said the legislation leaves the door open for individuals and religious organisations to be sued in a variety of ways for
'upholding their belief that marriage is an institution exclusively for men and women'. Chairman of the Gay and Lesbian
Equality Network Kieran Rose said there is a democratic consensus for Civil Partnership. Mr Rose said the Cardinal is
entitled to an opinion on the issue and is entitled to express it, but civil marriage and Civil Partnerships are to do with the

Programme: Six One News

Conor Hunt reports that the legislation which gives statutory partnership rights to gay and lesbian couples has
been criticised by Cardinal Sean Brady
Nine News
Conor Hunt reports that the legislation which gives statutory partnership rights to gay and lesbian couples has
been criticised by Cardinal Sean Brady

27 August Civil Partnership Bill criticisms Video

2009 - Paul Murphy questions if the Government has failed to satisfy either side in the Civil Partnership debate. news/2009/0827/
- David Quinn, Director, Iona Institute, & Ailbhe Smyth, Chairperson, National Lesbian & Gay Federation, debate the Bill and primetime.html
the demands for full marriage for gay couples.

Programme: Prime Time

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

17 October Silver Stars Unplugged Audio

2009 "Silver Stars Unplugged" is a behind the scenes look at a most unusual play - composed mostly of songs based on interviews radio1/doconone/
that circle the lives and loves of older gay Irish men. One of these is designer Richard Lewis who, less than two years ago, lost (Nor silverstars.html
Jim, his partner of thirty years. Throughout the documentary he tells his story highlighting heartbreaking personal details and Available
also the consequences of lack of civil union legislation in Ireland. The choice of cast is also unusual - there are no actors Online)
involved - Silver Stars uses just ten gay men taking time out of their busy lives to perform for many it's their first time on stage.

Producer Ann Marie Power joins the cast two weeks before opening night and reveals the doubts and motivations behind this
group of ten and joins Richard Lewis on opening night when he listens to his words of love and loss being sung right back to

Produced by Ann Marie Power.

Broadcast Saturday 17th October 2009, 6pm.
Silver Stars was staged by Brokentalkers in association with the Abbey Theatre and ran as part of the Ulster Bank Dublin
Theatre Festival 2009 and as part of 'ReViewed' - a showcase of successful Irish productions restaged in partnership with
Culture Ireland and Irish Theatre Institute.

Programme: Documentary on One

25 October Stephen Gately Print

2009 Earlier this week the former Boyzone singer Stephen Gately was laid to rest. His premature death led to a sustained interest in radio1/
the issue of his sexuality. Just as there was in the autobiography of Donal Og Cusack because of his acknowledgement of his thesundayforum/
own homosexuality. As the Sunday Tribune pointed out last weekend Stephen Gately's funeral took place 'in a church whose 2009-10-25.html
religion explicitly requests those who are homosexual not to express their love or sexuality in a physical way.' It also took place
at a time when Ireland has yet to enact legislation dealing with Civil Partnerships here, though a Civil Partnership Bill has
been drawn up and is expected to become law before the end of the year. This week on the programme we asked if Ireland
and the Catholic Church are ready to accept same sex marriage and if it is a fundamental right to be allowed to marry the
person of your choice?

Joining Myles in studio were:

Ger Philpott, Writer and Film maker and lecturer at the WIT
Gina Menzies, Theologian and lecturer in Medical Ethics at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Senator Ivana Bacik, Reid Professor of Law at TCD (currently on sabbatical)
John Murray, Mater Dei Institute and Iona Institute
Ray Kinsella, UCD Economist at the Smurfit Business School

Programme: The Sunday Forum

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

22 November Marriage Equality Video

2009 Finally Alvean has an informative report on Marriage Equality. She explains the Civil Partnership Bill currently awaiting handson/
debate in the Dáil and why Ireland's gay community aren't all happy about it. Don't miss it!! (Not thisweek22112009.h
Available tml
Programme: Hands On Online)

27 November Gardaí to examine abuse report findings (Abstract, Full report online) Print
2009 In a statement, Green Party TD Ciarán Cuffe says that at a time when members of the Catholic Church hierarchy are actively news/2009/1127/
campaigning against the Civil Partnership Bill being brought before the Dáil next week, there must be a pause for reflection abuse.html
within the Catholic Church and a more concerted effort to protect the vulnerable.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

3 December Financial implications of the Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2009 The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform is today presenting the Civil Partnership Bill to the Dáil. It's the second business/
stage of the bill's progress though the Oireachtas. 2009/1203/
Emma McNamara looks at the implications for the personal finances of those who choose to go down the route of Civil
Partnership, and the knock-on effects for the economy, should the bill go through

Programme: Business Today

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

3 December Ahern hails Bill as 'significant milestone' Video

2009 The Minister for Justice has said he believes the new Civil Partnership Bill that he introduced to the Dáil this evening will news/2009/1203/
stand the test of time. Dermot Ahern described the legislation as a significant milestone for gay couples. He said he believed civilpartnership.html
the Government had struck the right balance between the rights of same-sex couples and its constitutional obligations. The
legislation provides a package of rights, obligations and protections for same-sex couples who register as civil partners in the
areas of property, maintenance, pension and succession rights. Fine Gael Justice Spokesman Charlie Flanagan welcomed the
introduction of the legislation and said it was testament to how far Irish society had come. Labour Party TD Brendan Howlin
also welcomed the legislation but said it did not go far enough. Mr Howlin said it did not reflect true equality as it did not offer
marriage, but he recognised that that would require constitutional change. Gay rights groups criticise Bill Earlier, The National
Lesbian and Gay Federation rejected the Bill, and reiterated calls for the immediate introduction of a civil marriage option. The
Union of Students in Ireland says the proposed Bill will offer a number of legal rights to lesbian and gay couples but falls short
of offering many of the rights and protections covered by civil marriage. The USI says the Bill 'refuses to recognise the
existence of same sex families, leaving children of same sex couples vulnerable and unprotected under Irish law'. USI Lesbian
Gay Bi-sexual Transgender Rights Officer Laura Finlay said: 'The implementation of this Civil Partnership Bill will only serve
to enshrine in law the second class citizenship of LGBT people in this country. 'It is wholly unfair and sends out the message
that gay people in Ireland are not equal to their heterosexual counterparts.' In the recent NLGF report, Burning Issues, lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender people named equal marriage rights as their number one priority. 'Burning Issues proved
definitively that there is no appetite among the LGBT community for Civil Partnership. They recognise that not only will the bill
deny them full rights, it will discriminate against them even further,' said NLGF Chairperson Ailbhe Smyth. She said, 'Civil
Partnership will fuel such anti-gay sentiments by signalling: 'Yes, you are different'. The Government must admit that provision
of Civil Partnership as the only relationship recognition option for LGBT people is a serious mistake.' Meanwhile,
MarriagEquality has issued a letter to Taoiseach Brian Cowen urging him to intervene so that the proposed Civil Partnership
legislation be upgraded to legislation that would give equal civil marriage rights to same-sex couples. MarriagEquality argues
that Civil Partnership as the only option for same-sex couples promotes inequality.

Programme: Six One News

Sharon Tobin reports that the Bill will give same sex and co-habiting couples inheritance and financial rights
Nine News
Sharon Tobin reports that Dermot Ahern has described the new Civil Partnership Bill as one of the most
comprehensive pieces of legislation to go before the Dail

4 December Civil Partnership debated in Dáil Audio

2009 Brian Finn reports that the Minister for Justice said he believed the Government had struck the right balance between news/2009/1204/
the rights of same-sex couples and constitutional obligations morningireland.html

Programme: Morning Ireland

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.
Results for 2010
Date: Details: Format: URL

21 January Dáil debates Civil Partnership Bill Print

2010 Second Stage debate has resumed on the Civil Partnership Bill in the Dáil. The Bill aims to provide a statutory registration news/2010/0121/
scheme for same-sex couples together with a range of new rights and protections. Fianna Fáil TD Michael Fitzpatrick told the civilpartnership.html
Dáil that certain distinctions will however remain between married heterosexual couples and couples in Civil Partnerships.
He said there will be no provision in the Bill for the adoption of children by couples in a Civil Partnership, for example. He
said there are other, less publicised, elements to the legislation. In particular, certain financial provisions for co-habiting
couples, whether same-sex or heterosexual, who have no legal standing in Irish law and who have no legal protection in the
event of a relationship break-up. He said the Bill will provide for a financially dependent co-habitant to apply to court for
maintenance or for a property or pension adjustment order, in the event of the relationship ending, whether by break-up or

Progeamme: RTÉ Webnews

31 January Best of Hands On: Series 14 Video

2010 This week we have the second of our three "Best of Hands On Series 14" specials. handson/
We begin this week by re-visiting Alvean's report on marriage equality and the Civil Partnership Bill. She explains the crucial (Not thisweek31012010.h
aspects of this important bill, as it awaits debate in the Dáil, and explains why, for many people in the gay community, these Available tml
measures just aren't good enough. Brian Sheehan, of GLEN, answers questions about how the Bill was created, and what it Online)
lacks, and John Fennell of Greenbow gives a personal perspective on the issue....

Programme: Best of Hands On: Series 14

4 February Family Law (Abstract, full report online) Print

2010 Justin Spain, Expert in Family Law theafternoonshow/
A few points to make about family law generally: familylaw857.html
. Any separation is very traumatic and stressful for those involved who have to deal with not only the emotional consequences
of separation but also the legal and financial consequences.
. In the 2006 Census nearly 12% of all couples in Ireland were cohabiting couples and this percentage is rising quickly.
. A common misconception is the phrase "common law husband/wife" as if people accrue certain rights from a relationship.
Many co-habitants believe a legal status attaches to such relationships but this is not so....

Please Note: Article too long to reproduce in full... see link for complete article.

Progeamme: The Afternoon Show

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

12 February Green Party statement on de Búrca resignation Print

2010 The Green Party's TD and senators issued the following statement concerning Deirdre de Burca's resignation from the news/2010/0212/
Parliamentary Party and from Seanad Éireann: deburcadgreenparty
We are disappointed by Deirdre's decision. We are aware that she has been unhappy with her situation for some time. statement.html
The Parliamentary Party is totally united. We will continue to operate in a collegiate way. The Green Party is about
implementing progressive policies and improving our society. We are serving in Government at a critical time for the country,
and we have made tough choices that are vital to the peoples' interests. In Government we have brought about huge changes
in Ireland's energy, planning and enterprise policies. In recent months we have introduced Civil Partnerships legislation, a
levy on carbon and a major programme of political reform, including a directly elected mayor for Dublin this year. Our policies
have created tens of thousands of new, valuable jobs. Our position has remained the same since entering Government in June
2007. We have come to do a job and as long as we are getting that job done we will stay. If we are not making progress, we
will think again. Eight out of 10 of our members backed that view in 2007 when they endorsed the Party's entry into
Government. Precisely the same number again backed that view in October 2009 when they were presented with the
Renewed Programme for Government.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

1 April Bryan: Farmers wary of planned cohabiting law Print

2010 The IFA President John Bryan has said the Government should withdraw the part of the Civil Partnership Bill which creates news/2010/0401/
legal liabilities for cohabiting couples. Mr Bryan said it would be a cause of serious concern to the farming community. civil.html
He said there were serious concerns that the Bill's provisions relating to cohabiting couples were neither widely known nor
understood and are creating rights and obligations in an area where there has been little or no public debate. The IFA leader
has called for this aspect of the bill to be withdrawn in order to allow an informed public debate to take place. Mr Bryan said it
would be a cause of serious concern to the farming community that legal claims for the transfer of a property, a lump sum,
maintenance payments, a share in pension entitlements or a claim on an estate, could arise following the ending of a
relationship between a couple living together for as little as three years. He said this means people previously living together
would find themselves open to maintenance and property claims quite similar to those arising following a marriage break-up
with the potential also for costly legal disputes and court proceedings.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

6 April Legal rights for co-habiting couples Video

2010 -Eithne O'Brien reports on the Civil Partnership bill, which as well as improving gay rights, will also have a major effect on co- news/2010/0406/
habiting couples primetime.html
-John Waters, writer and journalist, Senator Ivana Bacik and John Bryan, IFA President, discuss the implications of the new bill

Programme: Prime Time

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

22 April Civil Partnership Bill Print

2010 The proposed cohabitant’s clause in the Civil Partnership BILL will allow unmarried couples living together, whether radio1/
heterosexual or homsosexuals to have a claim on their partner’s property and income rights. As it stands this would kick in (Audio is todaywithpatkenny/
after three years together but that’s likely to be amended to a five year period. When writing about the clause in the Sunday not 2010-04-22.html
Independent recently Journalist Emer O’Kelly asked “should a woman who stops earning her living to sit on her backside and available
be kept by a man’s labour in return for sexual favours, then be entitled after a break up to claim part of his income perpetuity, online)
and even have a right to his estate after death?”, something she says is enshrined in this legislation. The whole matter is
highly contentious and with Pat to tease out some of the issues was Emer O’Kelly herself and Muriel Walls Partner with Mc
Cann Fitzgerald Solicitors.

Programme: Today with Pat Kenny

16 June Bishops want free Civil Partnership vote Print

2010 The country's Catholic bishops have called on the Government to allow a free vote for all TDs and Senators on the Civil news/2010/0616/
Partnership Bill which, they say, is unconstitutional. In a statement issued following their summer meeting in Maynooth, they civilpartnerships.htm
say seeking to give same-sex relationships a standing as similar as possible to marriage breaches the constitutional duty to l
'guard with special care the institution of marriage, on which the family is founded.' They also appeal to Oireachtas members to
consider in conscience this and other arguments put forward by the hierarchy against as the Bill, which has passed Committee
Stage in the Dáil.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

17 June Bishops want free vote on Civil Partnership Audio

2010 The country's Catholic bishops have called on the Government to support a free vote for all TDs and Senators on the Civil news/2010/0617/
Partnership Bill. The bishops say the Bill seeks to undermine the constitutional protection of the family. They accused the marriage.html
Government of seeking to give same-sex relationships a standing 'as similar as possible to marriage' in contravention of the
Constitution. However, a spokesman for Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said that Civil Partnership is not recognised by the
State as marriage and that the core of the measure would not be changed. The Tánaiste has confirmed the Government
expects to have the Bill through the Dáil before the summer recess. The issue was raised by Sinn Féin's Caoimghín Ó
Caoláin, who pointed out that all parties in the Dáil supported the measure. Mary Coughlan said that the Government intended
to bring it to the House after it has been passed by the Seanad. Fianna Fáil Senators John Hanafin and Jim Walsh had called
for a free vote. Minister for the Environment John Gormley, speaking on RTÉ's News At One, responded to the bishops'
comments saying 'he thought we had left the era of church interference behind us.'

Programme: Morning Ireland

Christy Jones, Bishop of Elphin, says the proposed Bill undermines the constitutional protection of the family

17 June Church disapproves of Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2010 John Gormley, Minister of the Environment, responds to the Bishops' appeal to allow a free vote on the Civil Partnership Bill news/2010/0617/
Programme: News One

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

27 June Civil Partnership Bill due before Dáil Audio

2010 Rónán Mullen, Independent NUI Senator, and Colm O'Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty Ireland, discuss the Civil news/2010/0627/
Partnership Bill. thisweek.html

Programme: This Week

27 June Civil Partnership (Abstract, full report online) Print

2010 It has been described as the most ground-breaking piece of family law legislation since the Divorce Act was enacted news/2010/0630/
in 1996. Last night, the Civil Partnership Bill passed all stages in the Dail without a vote last night and goes to the morningireland.html
Seanad now. It extends many of the benefits of marriage to lesbian and gay couples, and also provides some legal
security for thousands of co-habiting couples, gay and straight, whose status hasn't been recognised in law up to
now. Kieran Rose from the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network gives us his view on the passing of the legislation.

Programme: Morning Ireland

1 July Civil Partnership Bill passes through Dáil Video

2010 The Dáil has passed without a vote, all stages of the Civil Partnership Bill, giving new legal rights to non-marital couples. news/2010/0701/
Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said 'it was one of the most important human rights pieces of legislation the House had dealt gay.html
with.' Minister Ahern continued 'to take account of this Bill, the Government would change the tax and social welfare laws.'
Labour's Brendan Howlin, said the bill gives real, practical benefits to thousands of people and brings the country further along
the road to equality. Environment Minister John Gormley thanked the Justice Minister for his work on this bill, which was part of
the Programme for Government. Minister Gormley said the bill was an act of tolerance, and a step forward. The Bill now goes
to the Seanad. Earlier Green Party TD Ciarán Cuffe said the legislation was about granting civil rights to people who had been
denied them for years. He said the legislation had not gone as far as the Green Party would like, but acknowledged that it
represented important progress on a journey that would take years to reach its final destination. Civil rights groups also say it
will transform the lives of thousands of couples. Fianna Fáil Senator Jim Walsh has reiterated his intention to oppose the
measure when it comes before the Seanad next week. Fine Gael TD Seymour Crawford appealed to the Justice Minister to
bring in a conscience clause to allow people who have objections to presiding over a Civil Partnership ceremony to opt out.

Programme: Nine News

Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, reports that support for the Bill was so overwhelming that
there was no need for a vote
Six One News
Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, reports that the Dáil has begun debating the final stages of
the and Cohabitation Bill

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.
RTÉ Website Search Results on Civil Partnership, 24th June 2004 - 2 July 2010.

1 July Finance regulation debate resumes in Dáil Print

2010 The debate on the legislation which reforms the financial regulatory system has resumed in the Dáil. There are 56 news/2010/0701/
amendments to Central Bank Reform Bill down to be discussed and it is expected to pass all stages in the Dáil by 1pm. It financebill.html
promises to be a busy day in Leinster House as three pieces of legislation are due to pass all stages in the Dáil. As well as the
Central Bank Bill, the Planning and Development Bill and the Civil Partnerships legislation are all on the agenda. But the
Opposition aren't happy that the debates will be cut short without having all the proposed amendments discussed. The Labour
Party has pointed out that the planning bill has 127 amendments. One alone runs to 10 pages long - compared to that of the
controversial stag hunting ban bill which was just one and a half pages in length.

Programme: RTÉ Webnews

2 July Civil Partnership Bill passes through Dáil Audio

2010 - Brian Finn reports on last night's proceedings in the Dail, which saw the historic Bill pass without a vote news/2010/0702/
- Kieran Rose, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, says the passing of the Bill is a great achievement for Irish society morningireland.html

Programme: Morning Ireland

2 July Civil Partnership Bill Audio

2010 The Irish Times lead headline this morning proclaims that yesterday’s vote on the Civil Partnership Bill in the Dail was a podcasts/2010/pc/
“Historic advance” for Equality. The bill should hit the Seanad in the next week or two. pod-
Pat was joined in studio by Independent Senator Ronan Mullen and the editor of Gay Community news Brian Finnigan. v-02071026m40stod
Programme: Today With Pat Kenny

Search Words: Civil Partnership. Prepared by: Karl Hayden, 3rd July 2010.

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