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1. What is the main principle related to the wind load distribution to the particular walls?

Wind load is distributed to particular walls according to their stiffness:

w=w c L i
2. What are the main parameters which, according to Wind Eurocode, influence values of the wind
load acting on high multistory buildings?
Characteristic pressure of wind speed (related to wind zone), coefficients: aerodynamic,
exposure, wind blast
3. What are the main design errors influencing quality of Polish prefabricated large panel systems?
Gaps between panels, low thermal insulation coefficient, low acoustic isolation, inaccuracies in
4. Please specify the basic technical parameters characterizing W-70 large panel system.
5. Please specify and describe the main formwork solutions typical for PERI System.
Multiflex (slab), trio (panel), skydeck (panelized slab), rundflex (circular)
6. What we have to check when we want to verify structural rigidity od high scrape buildings?
7. Explain shortly idea of the design tools called influence line and envelope of state value.
8. What is the main difference between distribution of normal stresses in the cross-section of
reinforced concrete beam and prestressed concrete beam?
In prestressed beam there is no tension, only compression
9. Describe shortly technology of longitudinal launching and technology of cantilever assembly
used in erection of engineering structures.
10. Please specify basic static systems of bridge main girders.
Single-span, multi-span, frame, arch, cable-supported
11. Please specify the basic groups of bridge loads.
Dead (self-weight), live (vehicles, crowd), climate (temp., wind, snow), water/ice pressure,
settlement (in statically indeterminate), rheological, seismic, accidental
12. Please specify main types of bridge bearings.
13. Describe differences between hydrostatics and hydrodynamics.
Hydrostatics fluids at rest, hydrodynamics fluids in motion
14. Explain shortly theoretical concepts in analysis of flow under pressure and free surface flow.
15. Explain the physical meaning of Re and Fr.
Reynolds number ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces
Froude number ratio of flow inertia to the external field, based on the speed-length ratio
16. Describe basic differences between physical and numerical models in hydro-engineering.
Physical real structures built in smaller scale to measure actual phenomena
Numerical analysis/simulations performed using computer software
17. Define the soil strength parameters and describe methods of their evaluation.
Angle of internal friction , cohesion c (methods: uniaxial and tri-axial tests, Mohr circle), type
of soil (sand, clay, gravel etc.)
18. Explain methods of bearing capacity assessment of a shallow foundation evaluation both in
drained and non-drained conditions.
19. Specify at least one method of bearing capacity evaluation of a shallow foundation on layered
Virtual foundation (wider than original one)
20. Describe at least one method of settlement evaluation of a shallow foundation.
21. Characterize the Winkler model.
Linear relationship between the force on the foundation and the deflection ; the contact is never
lost between beam and soil
22. Characterize the model of elastic half-space.
Contact area increases when pressure and deflection rises
23. What kind of ultimate limit state condition has to be checked in the case of retaining wall?
Sliding, bearing capacity
24. Explain what is the active soil pressure, passive soil pressure and the soil pressure at rest.
At rest horizontal and vertical pressures are in equilibrium (H)
Active some of the soil pressure is relieved through slight movement in the wall
Passive when the wall causes shear failure in the soil (biggest)
25. Characterize the most important parameters of deformations due to mining exploitation.

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