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Exposing Corruption

83 Year Old Roscommon Farmer Fights Back

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Financial Elder Abuse Book Here

Posted on October 31, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Financial Elder Abuse


Click on image to read book

Well written account of the injustice perpetrated against an innocent
man aided and abetted by the Irish legal profession to steal this elderly
mans money from him. The solicitor should be charged and jailed.

This is a very sad case of an elderly man being cheated by the law. Its
very detailed and definitely worth a read, cases like this abound in
Ireland, where people will behave in truly shameful manner where land
is concerned.

Shocking Corruption Exposed by Elderly Farmer. This is Rural Ireland

2015. You wont see this on 6.01 News.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution for such

will depend very much on where you reside on the social scale #vinb search here Go

This story highlights the blue-shirt mentality of current regime. People

should read it and stand up against FG cowards and Bullies.
Gardai Interrogate
This type of practice is unacceptable and must undergo a radical Elderly Mike Gavin in
review and renewal. Irish people, be they farmers or academics (one his home
doesnt exclude the other) trust these kind of professions to represent
their clients interests. In this case it seems like that trust was exploited
for personal gain.

This is Disgusting Travesty of Justice these Solicitors should be

disbarred from Practicing for this ABUSE of their Position they are
Traitors to our People Greedy disgusting Cretins who should be
arrested & Jailed for their terrible ABUSE of this Man! WE are watching
from Afar & We promise you we will get Justice for this Man!

This is the saddest story I have heard in all my fifteen years in Ireland. Recent Posts:
it is sad because it predicts the future and yet no-one cares because Exposing Corruption
you are asleep. You Irish have made for yourself a bed of nails through
your gutlessness and apathy. And let hell skelp it into ye. Kathleen OKeefe Anne Sanford Exposed
for Robbing my Dept of Agriculture
His estranged family will have no luck for this. Denying water and
shelter to someone is not part of our culture. What goes around comes
around Ive seen it happen before, maybe not this generation but the
next. A curse on them.

Irish law society closed ranks apparently facilitating the denying of

justice to an elderly farmer.

Hi Mike I have just read the whole story from beginning to end an utter After listening to a recording of the
telephone conversation Kathleen OKeefe
disgrace very sad totally injust . cant find the share button. I do hope had with the man from Cork I wish to state
that things will go right for him. The expense so far is unreal the following in response. You state to a
stranger that my nephew came back after
many years while your
What else should be expected in Ireland today. The real issue is too
Read more
many have the attitude of Im all right jack so f*** you PRESS RELEASE Financial Elder Abuse
of Michael Gavin

Cases like this one rely on secrecy, sharing on social media may deter ***** P R E S S R E L E A S E ***** HAS A
future fraud occurring within families regarding the beneficiaries of a POSSESSION OF ELDERLY MANS
will, its far too common. HOME? An elderly woman was this week
shocked to discover that the deeds to the
home of
As an Irish American dealing with a case with similarities there is no Read more
justice in this country for seniorsit should be reported in the media in Financial Elder Abuse Book pdf
the states. I will be doing so, have Sean Hannity get involved on Fox Exposing Legal Corruption in Rural
news he hates injustice!!

the mob in the legal world have no honour, respect or fairness its all
about ..money

its a disgrace what has being done to this man and its theft ,,, so robert
marren should be charged with theft , and its shame on tony mclynn
solicitors for taking this case and for their huge fees they charged which
is also theft, corruption at its best under the law Click on Image Above to Read Book
Paperback available Here Comments
The Lawless Society are hell bent on benefitting themselves through Well written account of the injustice
perpetrated against an innocent man aided
legalised theft. Hiding themselves behind the Law and corrupting it, yet and abetted by the Irish legal profession to
they cannot be tried for their crimes, because they run the courts. steal this elderly mans money from him.
Read more
Press Release Book Launch Outside
Four Courts Not to be missed November
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Posted in Book Launch, News Tagged with: elder abuse

Mike Gavins e-book Exposing

Shocking Solicitors Financial Elder
Abuse Greed & Corruption
Posted on August 29, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment


Elderly 84 Year Old Roscommon Farmer

Michael Gavin will be launching his book
Financial Elder Abuse at entrance to Four
Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7 on Thursday
November 17th at 11am. Preview Book on
Listen to Michael Here
Read more
Financial Elder Abuse Book
Click on image to read book Comments
Well written account of the injustice
perpetrated against an innocent man aided
and abetted by the Irish legal profession to
steal this elderly mans money from him.
The solicitor should be charged and
Read more

Paperback on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/153932401X Sign the Petition

84 Year Old Man Defrauded And Threatened By Irish Lawyers

Sign Now
Are You Disgusted?
To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution for such
will depend very much on where you reside on the social scale Like Facebook Page
The Law Society of Ireland closed ranks on Elderly Michael Gavin,
threatened to block his emails and suggested that the administrator had Justice 4 Elderly
carried out his clients (the other beneficiaries) clear instructions. 1.6K likes

Like Page

15 friends like this

Recent Tweets
Mr. Robert Marren Solicitor the administrator refused to award Michael
Tweets by @MichaelGavin83
Gavin the grant moneys paid down from the Dept. of Agriculture.
Michael is owed over 116,000 for 9 years minding the farm Animals. Michael Gavin
As Administrator, it fell to me to make a decision how to treat the @MichaelGavin83
proceeds of sale of livestock. I decided to split this between the Estate Kathleen OKeefe Anne Sanford Exposed
and your good self. However, I did not consider your claim for for Robbing my Dept of Agriculture Grants
mikegavin83.com/kathleen-okeef via
maintaining livestock to be justified,

Mr. Robert Marren Solicitor held onto the funds from the land sale for Kathleen OKeefe An
nearly 2 years, and then finally awarded to Michael Gavin and his sister After listening to a rec
12,500 plus interest less than what we were each entitled to. mikegavin83.com

A reliable source revealed that the local Politician Willie Penrose TD BL 08 Feb

was not paid for his opinion, however the estate was charged for same,
Michael Gavin Retweeted
and no invoice was provided for Willie Penrose.
Gemma O'Doherty
Mr. Robert Marren Solicitor Squandered the estate assets and hired an
Delighted to announce the Mary Boyle
additional accountant at a cost of 8,751.45. documentary will be screened in New York
in February at the @NYIrishCenter
He did not seek approval for damien hannigan & Company Limited newyorkirishcenter.org/events_item.cf

Chartered Accountant, Mullingar. Why was his own personal accountant 19 Jan
hired to oversee the accounts of Catherine OConner the family
accountant? Marren failed to provide the correct invoice for Catherine Michael Gavin Retweeted
OConner. Her invoice stated total amount due 584.25 while Cash Womenscouncilireland
Account dated 18th July, 2014 Fees paid to Catherine O Connor @NWCI
6,857.25. Ireland's record on women's rights is under
the UN microscope in Feb. NWCI's
#CEDAW Shadow Report released today
Mr. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs for his fee of
40,892.53 he awarded to himself. Although the not fit for purpose Law
Society of Ireland publishes a leaflet on solicitors charges stating that
By law, solicitors are obliged to furnish information about their costs in
writing, it would appear that rob marren is consider to be above this BY

Despite Michael Gavins written instructions

If a fair allowance is not made on an agreed basis, I will not give my
consent to any distribution account prepared by you. Similarly, my 20 Jan
sisters will also have to agree before a distribution account can be
finalised and a distribution effected. Accordingly you as Administrator Embed View on Twitter

will be unable to distribute the estate unless you can procure agreement
between us and, if this agreement is not forthcoming, I am advised the
only way you, as Administrator, can be protected is to go back into
Court and get a Court Order directing how the estate can be
Recent Comments
marren bulldozed ahead and distributed the estate. patrickmccaffrey on Elder Abuse
Someone who knows him well on
No bill of costs was provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone, paid 8 Penalty Points Peter D Jones
an amount of 38,941 a year prior to closing. They brought Mike to the State Solicitor THREATENS 84
High Court 3 days attempting to sell the roof over his head. Year Old Mike Gavin with Garda
Special Branch
Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone failed to undertake the Enda D.Reynolds on Financial
Elder Abuse Book pdf Exposing
instructions given him through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent Mr.
Legal Corruption in Rural Ireland
Robert Marren closing in isolation to well founded objections.
MikeGavin on Peter D Jones
Westmeath State Solicitor A
It would appear rob marren allowed confusion to arise in relation to the Danger to Irish Democracy
exact disbursement of funds and showed a complete disregard for the Patsy Edgers on Peter D Jones
interests of the beneficiaries, rob marren knew to be ELDERLY, and by Westmeath State Solicitor A
his conduct is depriving two of the ELDERLY beneficiaries, of the Danger to Irish Democracy
enjoyment of their share in the estate. Marren also forced Michael Vic on Law Society Block Emails
Gavin and his sister Eileen Linney to incur additional unnecessary Gary McCool on Law Society
expenses in drafting documents and letters time and time again to Block Emails
Michael grogan on Mike Gavins
prove their claim.
https://youtu.be/pLSycEaJX8I e-book Exposing Shocking
Solicitors Financial Elder Abuse

Paperback on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/153932401X Greed & Corruption

John on 8 Penalty Points Peter D
Jones State Solicitor
Please Support Michael Gavin Elderly 83 Year Old Irish Farmer by
THREATENS 84 Year Old Mike
Signing Petition Gavin with Garda Special Branch
Therese O'Toole on We Demand
Michael Gavins Petition a Response email Broadcast Far
and Wide to Highlight Solicitors
Corruption Cronyism and
Financial Elder Abuse of Elderly




Sign Now

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Posted in News

ACT Anti Corruption Taskforce

Posted on July 24, 2016 by MikeGavin 2 Comments

Anti Corruption Taskforce ACT

Next Meeting Prince of Wales Hotel Athlone Saturday August 13th
4pm to 6pm bring a friend!

Have you, your family your friends been the victim of corruption and
Have your family or your friends been the victim of crime, suicide,
bulling, police misconduct, legal system corruption depriving one of
justice, wage cuts to bail out rich bankers and speculators, bribing and
corruption of politicians to gain advantage, family eviction, threats of
evictions, homelessness, banking frauds, anti business austerity
policies, bankruptcies political lies, deceit and frauds,
long waits for elderly and sick on hospital trolleys, cuts to essential
disability services,
prejudices and discrimination, chronic illness or disability, job loss, bitter
family break ups and divorces, UnConstitutional new taxes, charges
and levies to seize your income/property to bail out bankers and
speculators, massive public debt which will burden and hurt your
children and grandchildren.

Corruption and injustice in this country destroys people like you, your
wife your husband, your partner, your children, your family, your mother,
your father, your brother, your sister, your uncles, your aunts, your
nephews, your nieces, your neighbourhoods and communities, your

On Saturday July 23rd we formed this group called Anti Corruption

Taskkforce (A.C.T)

This is a group which will campaign for many things such as cameras in

No less than 3 judges presiding in a court,

Impeachment of corrupt judges ,

Removal of corrupt people from public office , .

You get the picture!

We are however a direct action group also that will follow to the ends of
the earth corrupt individuals and will make their work follow them home
to their families and neighbours .

No more will we be the victims .

Next Meeting Prince of Wales Hotel Athlone Saturday August 13th 4pm to 6pm bring a

(with weekly meetings thereafter)

If you want to be part of the team which will make history in bringing
down corruption in Ireland we suggest you be there.

We will win and we will save our country.

People power will rule . Be there .

No matter who you are Corruption affects You in some form or another.

Its the common denominator for all thats Wrong with society today in

Whether its Suicide, Evictions, Homelessness, Emigration, Broken

families, Drugs, Mental breakdowns, Government, Garda. Legal,
judicial and in so many other areas,

We are all Victims.

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Posted in News Tagged with: corruption

Kathleen OKeefe Anne Sanford

Exposed for Robbing my Dept of
Agriculture Grants
Posted on February 4, 2017 by MikeGavin No Comments

Kathleen O' Keefe & Anne Sanford Exposed

After listening to a recording of the telephone conversation Kathleen

OKeefe had with the man from Cork I wish to state the following in
You state to a stranger that my nephew came back after many years
while your brother (Pat Gavin) who owned the farm was still alive and
your brother was dead within 7 months.
Have you reported this to the Garda Fraud Squad and if not why not?
Did you not in fact say to the Garda Fraud Squad that my nephew
Michael cared for your 2 brothers when you were making your
You go on to say that this is all greed on our part. You state that you
and the rest of the family wanted to leave the farm to me without any
interference but that I wanted my good friend and parish priest Father
Sean to sit down with us. What is wrong with that? You Kathleen
retaliated by sending that good Holy Man a BULLY BOY solicitors letter
from (one of your many solicitors) Toher Solicitors Cork a letter telling
Him to mind his own business did you not you Bully.
You also stated that my nephew sent an email in your name Kathleen
OKeefe to a very vulnerable person with nasty stuff in it. That sound
serious and should be reported to Garda Fraud Squad.
Why does my nephew exposing Injustice and Financial Elder Abuse i
have suffered harrass you KathleenOKeefe? My book recounts the true
facts of what transpired and havent we the right to share that
experience in an effort to prevent the same devilish deeds occurring
You state numerous times through the recording I heard that my sister
Eileen and my nephews motives are based on greed. Now if thats not
the pot calling the kettle black I dont know what is. What have they or I
gained to date from this saga as a result of your Greed, Kathleen
You maintain the reason Anne Sanford USA bid at the land auction is
because ye were maddened by the fact that my nephew Michael spoke
up for me and requested that no one bid against me. Well actually for
your record it was Father Neylon who suggested that I do that and on
account of me being nervous my Nephew stood up with me and spoke
on my behalf.
You state that you are left with the fall out of Anne Sanford placing the
winning bid which was unfortunate, at bidding over the odds at the
auction, that you are out of pocket embarrassed; you didnt want it in
the first place and had nothing to do with the distribution that was done
Independently alright under your clear instructions to Robert Marren, my
objections were not entertained.
John Glynn of Patrick Hogan and Co. our family solicitor for generations
suggested that you Kathleen OKeefe were the one making the bullets
for Anne Sanford to fire and I believe this to be true.
You also make an issue that Marren was appointed by our side.
Actually he was suggested by the Barrister, that was with Eileen and I
and agreed by your side based on the fact that none of us knew Robert
B Marren prior. You and your sister Anne Sanford got a special
summons through your solicitor Tony McLynn Athlone in an attempt to
sell the roof over my head and put me out on the street knowing full well
that I had the right to live there for the rest of my days and now attempt
to maintained that I am brain washed by those who stood and stand
beside me to this day. Who paid for those 3 days in the high court, ye
didnt ever show up the first day, sick with embarrassment no doubt.
Who minded the animals for the 3 days? there was no deduction made
to cover that cost of that man. In fact you and your devious spiteful
sister Anne Sanford Wellesley USA (not mine but John Glynn solicitors
words) would stop at nothing in squandering the Estate assets.
How do you maintain you are out of pocket when you and Sanford
walked away with a FREE farm of land and nearly 40,000 and a
further 10,000 a year in grants for lands that you never use as none of
ye has any interest in farming.
How can you truthfully say that we were mad for Solicitorsand mad for
barristers but dont want to pay for it?
We had one and only one solicitor John Glynn who was quite capable
of administrating the estate. How many did you involve that we know
about? First there was John Glynn whom ye attempted to intimidate
with a tape recorder and then reported the honourable man to the law
society, who advised him to step aside.
Then ye got Tony McLynn Solicitor Athlone who maintained I was
intermingling in our late brothers estate. A bit rich considering I was
eventually tricked into minding the estate animals for near on 10 years
with not a copper for my time or expense in looking after the animals.
Then according to a letter from Tony Watson at Law Society of Ireland
ye were the clients of Robert B Marren, which might explain why Tony
Mc Lynn was paid in full a year prior to Marren closing.
Lets not forget Toher your Cork solicitor you Kathleen OKeefe hired to
attack Fr. Neylon.
As regards payments we had no say in who got paid what.
It was a high court order that McLynn and John Glynn be paid by Your
Solicitor Robber Marren. However Marren refused to pay John Glynn
based on your objections I suspect.
As for Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors Athlone he failed to undertake the
instructions given him to prevent your solicitor (the solicitor for the
estate) Robert Marren closing in isolation to my well found objections,
so no fee was charged there.
The two Solicitors at the Law Society of Ireland namely Tony Watson
and Linda Kirwan, are not fit for purpose, Watson threatened to block
my emails after I highlighted that no invoice was provided for Willie
Penrose TD BL and questioned whether in fact he was paid.
Although Kirwan did inform us that it is against the law Marren not to
provide a bill of costs. Who will enforce their law has yet to be
So by all accounts it was you Kathleen OKeefe that was mad for
Solicitors and mad for barristers but did not want to pay for it. You are
the one who LOVES ALL THIS as you put it.

Exposing the truth is not bullying tactics, the truth prevails at all times.
You say there would be no problem if your brother Patrick made a will
but he didnt, well I know what he would have wanted and so do you.
You say you paid well over the odds for the piece of land on the day of
the auction and that you are very annoyed well whos fault is that only
your own. I offered to compensate you and the beneficiaries verbally
and in writing countless times for the farm but you refused to entertain
my wishes. Instead you bulldozed ahead defaming characters and
squandering the estate assets of our late brother on legal fees. Our late
brother had no time for solicitors so why did you encourage that.
You say you care for me your brother no matter what, what after what
you have done.
Take a look at yourself your own siblings, those of Anne Sanfords and
those you permit to occupy the lands I farmed all my life, and remove
the splinter from your own eyes before conducting further character
assignations on those that genuinely care for me.
Why did you require a lease prepared by a Solicitor if you are the
honest trust wordy person you claim to be that wouldnt do anybody out
of anything? That was a 10 year standard leases you tricked me into
signing and I had to go to the expense of getting my family solicitor the
one you reported to the law Society to write a number of letters to your
solicitor tony mclynn to make necessary changes. Your lease was only
for 1 year with a condition that required me to plough and reseed poor
quality lands that were never ploughed before, you exclude the hay
shed and cattle crush making out that you wanted them for storage,
what storage none of ye ever set foot on the place since, and
regardless how was I supposed to test my animals as required. Your
solicitor Tony McLynn finally made the necessary changes and
apologied to me in writing for the errors he made under his clients
instructions. There was no mention of covering the necessary solicitor
costs I incurred though. Yet again you attempted to take advantage of
my good nature. No right minded farmer would ever consider accepting
the terms you proposed. That lease covered a period prior to Marren
closing the property and thereby facilitated same. Although the cattle I
lease the land of you to care for were my own and not the estates your
solicitor followed your clear instructions and deducted 3,700 from me
and a further 3,700 from Eileen and as you well know your sister never
owned any stock. Regardless you made a fool of me again.Who would
willingly lease lands to mind anothers animals?
I also heard you say that your intention was to allow me farm the lands
in peace for the rest of my days. Why then did you write to me a
number of months prior to the one year lease expiring and request that I
vacate the land as you had other plans and would NOT be renewing the
one year lease? I often wonder do you play the same tricks with the
Meyers family who lease the better quality lands down the fields or do
you just allow them in for FREE to spite me. Normal people would avoid
using land involved in a family dispute but not them, not that Pat RIP or
I ever had much time for them and their carry on.
You also say that by law your solicitor marren has to keep MY HOME in
his name until such time as it needs to be distributed and it can never
be distributed because my brother has a home there, thats his home,
we made sure it was left like that.
No Kathleen OKeefe you and Anne Sanford took me to the High Court
for 3 days as mentioned above in an attempt to sell my home that I
have a right to live in per our fathers will for the rest of my days. You
made out that it would not be possible to sell the farm lands without my
home. Only for Judge Mary Laffoy I would be completely homeless now
all thanks to you. Why cant you accept the truth of your actions and
stop continually blaming others for your own misgivings.
As far as I am concerned now that your solicitor under your clear
instructions has finished robbing me of my grants and fair share from
the farm auction he needs to put the House and gardens in the
beneficiaries names with the stipulation that I have the right to remain
living here as per our fathers will. The only reason he keeps his name
on the house is to insure another pull of money down the road which
will amount to the value of the property if the solicitors have their way.
In the conversation you consistently belittle and defame the character of
my nephew making out that hes on the dole, which he is not. Who are
you to speculate, after all social welfare supported your husband and
family for many a year when ye returned from London with one arm
longer that the other. Did not our sister Eileen, myself and other
members of your family lend you Kathleen OKeefe a substantial
amount of money to help you buy a shop in Cork, not to mention the
rental houses our deceased sister Teresa bought and paid you to
manage. I went to work at 14 years of age under our fathers name to
help feed the rest of ye and fund your education in boarding school, and
this is how you repay me! Not as much as a Christmas card to your
deceased Mother after all she did for you.
You make out its our fault that the family is at logger heads and thats
why no one comes to visit me anymore. Well who caused it only
yourself not that any of ye ever came to visit much prior to our brother
Pats death RIP.
You admit you paid over the odds for the farm at auction yet you
Kathleen OKeefe with your sister Anne Sanford came to me numerous
times prior to closing and attempted to convince me to buy the farm of
you at your over the odds price, that you trapped yourself into. Then
instead of using your own money you convinced you Solicitor Robert
Marren to follow your clear instructions to use the grant money paid
down from the department of agriculture to pay me my share. You
Kathleen OKeefe and Anne Sanford lied to me countless times saying
that you would contribute toward the cost of buying silage and nuts to
feed the cattle that ye reaped a share of the gross profits from. Finally
you told me that it would be sorted out at closing and it was and I was
left out of pocket over 116,000 for the 9 years I spent working for
nothing funded by my own savings and old pension. My sister and I
were also shorted 12,500 each plus interest from our share of the land
sale and another 7,500 was deducted from us for cattle I owned and
was leasing the lands to house. Tony Henry the solicitor who we
attempted to engage to take this matter before the courts failed to
undertake his instructions and therefore you and your solicitor Robber
Marren was able to follow your clear instructions unchallenged. That is
the truth of what transpired.
The department of agriculture grants are to feed the farm animals and
not the greedy solicitors and the beneficiaries of the estate that do
nothing except cause trouble and squander the estate assets as far as I
am concerned.
Have a Nice Day!

Michael Gavin

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Posted in Book Launch Tagged with: anne sanford, anne sanford wellesley, cork, corruption, dpp, elder abuse,
fraud, glanmire, kathleen okeefe, kathleen okeefe glanmire, mullingar, peter jones solicitor, robert marren, robert
marren solicitor, solicitors, tony henry solicitor, tony mclynn solicitor, tormeys solicitors, wellesley

PRESS RELEASE Financial Elder

Abuse of Michael Gavin
Posted on January 24, 2017 by MikeGavin No Comments

***** P R E S S R E L E A S E *****



An elderly woman was this week shocked to discover that the deeds to
the home of her 84 year old brother are in fact in the name of a solicitor.
Roscommon woman Eileen Linney, who is the sole carer for her elderly
brother Mike Gavin who lives at Taughmaconnell, Co. Roscommon,
became suspicious when strange cars were seen around the area,
whose drivers were asking questions regarding ownership of the rural
cottage and garden. When she phoned the Land Registry HQ in
Waterford, they informed her that the cottage and garden were in the
name of Mr. Robert Marren, of Robert B. Marren & Co. Solicitors,
Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.

Mrs. Linney and Mr. Gavin are the sister and brother of the late Pat
Gavin, bachelor, who died intestate in 2005, thereby necessitating his
farm be sold and the proceeds divided amongst his siblings. The High
Court appointed Mr. Robert Marren of Robert B. Marren & Co. Solicitors
as administrator of Pat Gavins estate. As part of these High Court
proceedings that followed, the land was auctioned. The cottage and
garden were not auctioned or sold as there was legal provision for Mike
Gavin to reside there for the remainder of his life.

But the buyers of the farm itself were other sisters of Eileen Linney and
Mike Gavin. These sisters do not live locally as they are in Cork and in
the USA. To this day, Mike Gavin and Eileen Linney have not received
their full-share of the land sale. Mike Gavin, as registered herd keeper
of his late brothers livestock after his death, spent thousands of Euro
feeding the livestock. Grants to feed the animals, which were issued by
the Department of Agriculture to the estate which is administered by
Robert Marren Solicitor, were never handed to Mike Gavin, who is out
of pocket by tens of thousands of Euro. Mr. Marren has charged the
estate almost 41,000 in fees but without issuing a detailed bill of costs.

The straw which has now broken the camels back is the discovery that
Mr. Marren is the REGISTERED OWNER of the humble home where
Mike Gavin was born, raised and currently resides. What does this
mean in legal terms? Who gains financially in the event of Mike Gavins
death? With everything that has happened to date Mike Gavin and
Eileen Linney believe that they are victims of financial elder abuse.
The following information was requested from Mr. Marren in writing but
it was not adequately dealt addressed:

a) Invoice for Willie Penroses fee that the estate was charged for.

b) Proof that Willie Penrose was in fact paid for his opinion.
c) Correct invoice for Catherine OConnor.

d) Proof that your client Robert B. Marren received 165,000 from Anne
Sanford and Kathleen OKeefe through their solicitor Tony Mc Lynn of T
& N McLynn Solicitors Athlone to cover Michael Gavin and Eileen
Linneys 1/6 share from the land sale.

e) Invoice for John Dolan Auctioneer Ballinasloe, Co. Galway

f) Detailed bill of costs for your client Robert B. Marren

g) Detailed Bill of costs for T&N McLynn solicitors Athlone.

The following questions were asked in writing of Mr. Marren but none
were satisfactorily answered:

1. Why Did Robert B. Marren refuse to award Michael Gavin the grant
money paid down from the dept. of Agriculture? Mike Gavin is owed
over 116,000 for 9 Years unpaid.

2. Why did Robert B. Marren hold on to the funds from the land sale for
nearly 2 years?

3. Why did Robert B. Marren award Elderly Michael Gavin and his
widowed sister 12,500 plus interest less than what they were entitled

4. Why did Robert B. Marren deduct 3,500 Eileen Linney for Animals
she never owned? (Also deducted 3,500 from Michael Gavin)

5. Why was no invoice provided for William Penroses TD BL opinion?

6. Why did Robert B. Marren hire an additional accountant Damien

Hannigan 7 Oliver Plunkett St. Mullingar at a cost of 8,751.45 to
oversee the Accounts?

7. Why did Robert B. Marren not provide the correct invoice for
Accountant Catherine OConnor?

8. Why did Mr. Robert B. Marren not provide a Detailed Bill of Costs
for his fee of 40,892.53 he awarded to himself?

9. Why did Robert B. Marren Solicitor consider the other beneficiaries to

be his clients?

10. Why did Robert B. Marren distribute the estate assets in isolation to
well-founded objections?

11. Why did Robert B. Marren refuse to take the well-founded

objections to a Judge?

12. Why did Robert B. Marren threaten 2 of the elderly beneficiaries and
coerce them to retain a solicitor to prevent him distributing the estate

13. Why did Robert B. Marren distribute the estate assets speedily over
the Christmas period 2014 in the knowledge that 2 of the beneficiaries
were actively attempting to retain a solicitor to act on their behalf?

14. Why did Tony Henry of Tormey Solicitors Athlone fail to undertake
the instructions given him through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent Mr.
Robert Marren closing in isolation to well-founded objections?
15. Why did T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone (special) summon Mike
Gavin and Eileen Linney to the High Court attempting to sell his home
along with the farm and failed after three days squandering estate
assets with fees in the High Court?
16. Why was no bill of costs provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors,
Athlone, paid an amount of 38,941 a year prior to the distribution of the
estate assets?

17. Why did/does Robert Marren refuse to provide answers to these

and other questions?

18. Why Has Robert B. Marren retained you Peter D. Jones Mullingar
State Solicitor to represent him?

A book has been written about this sad story of financial elder abuse.
The Book is FREE to Read online here http://mikegavin83.com/book/ or
a copy may be obtained from Amazon UK goo.gl/vbnCqF Amazon
USA goo.gl/Mg6jDh

To draw public attention to this scandal, there have been a number of

protests outside the offices of Robert B. Marren & Co. Solicitors, Castle
Street, Mullingar, during 2016. These protests were attended by Mike
Gavin, some members of his immediate family, his friends, neighbours
and his supporters nationwide. But the ante will be upped considerably
from next month, where Mr. Marrens offices will be occupied by a
number of elderly people who support Mike Gavin. These occupations
will be without any pre warning and will be intended to cause maximum
disruption to Mr. Marrens legal practice until 84 year old Mike Gavin is
given justice. We have seen TV reports recently about vulture funds,
but one does not need to go much further than any Irish rural town to


Date: 24rd January 2017

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Posted in News Tagged with: press release

Financial Elder Abuse Book pdf

Exposing Legal Corruption in Rural
Posted on November 13, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment
Click on Image Above to Read Book

Paperback available Here

Well written account of the injustice perpetrated against an innocent
man aided and abetted by the Irish legal profession to steal this elderly
mans money from him. The solicitor should be charged and jailed.

This is a very sad case of an elderly man being cheated by the law. Its
very detailed and definitely worth a read, cases like this abound in
Ireland, where people will behave in truly shameful manner where land
is concerned.

Shocking Corruption Exposed by Elderly Farmer. This is Rural Ireland

2015. You wont see this on 6.01 News.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution for such

will depend very much on where you reside on the social scale #vinb
This story highlights the blue-shirt mentality of current regime. People
should read it and stand up against FG cowards and Bullies.

This type of practice is unacceptable and must undergo a radical

review and renewal. Irish people, be they farmers or academics (one
doesnt exclude the other) trust these kind of professions to represent
their clients interests. In this case it seems like that trust was exploited
for personal gain.

This is Disgusting Travesty of Justice these Solicitors should be

disbarred from Practicing for this ABUSE of their Position they are
Traitors to our People Greedy disgusting Cretins who should be
arrested & Jailed for their terrible ABUSE of this Man! WE are watching
from Afar & We promise you we will get Justice for this Man!

This is the saddest story I have heard in all my fifteen years in Ireland.
it is sad because it predicts the future and yet no-one cares because
you are asleep. You Irish have made for yourself a bed of nails through
your gutlessness and apathy. And let hell skelp it into ye.

His estranged family will have no luck for this. Denying water and
shelter to someone is not part of our culture. What goes around comes
around Ive seen it happen before, maybe not this generation but the
next. A curse on them.

Irish law society closed ranks apparently facilitating the denying of

justice to an elderly farmer.

Hi Mike I have just read the whole story from beginning to end an utter
disgrace very sad totally injust . cant find the share button. I do hope
that things will go right for him. The expense so far is unreal

What else should be expected in Ireland today. The real issue is too
many have the attitude of Im all right jack so f*** you

Cases like this one rely on secrecy, sharing on social media may deter
future fraud occurring within families regarding the beneficiaries of a
will, its far too common.

As an Irish American dealing with a case with similarities there is no

justice in this country for seniorsit should be reported in the media in
the states. I will be doing so, have Sean Hannity get involved on Fox
news he hates injustice!!

the mob in the legal world have no honour, respect or fairness its all
about ..money

its a disgrace what has being done to this man and its theft ,,, so robert
marren should be charged with theft , and its shame on tony mclynn
solicitors for taking this case and for their huge fees they charged which
is also theft, corruption at its best under the law

The Lawless Society are hell bent on benefitting themselves through

legalised theft. Hiding themselves behind the Law and corrupting it, yet
they cannot be tried for their crimes, because they run the courts.

Mick Morrissey from Co Waterford The professions are worse than

Dick Turpin ever was. Disgraceful behaviour meted out to this poor

Most Rev Dr Michael Desmond Hynes from Greenore, A very very

sad situation for Michael Gavin Heard Keeper.
Johnny Keenan fair play to Michael, his family and friends for
standing up to these bullies. The suits need to be taken to the cleaners.
2016 is the year of the downtrodden. Good luck and up the rebels.

John from Kinnegad This is a disgrace . Robbers in suits they should

be in jail.

Liam Canavan from Co Kerry There are so many questions to be

answered in this case. I hope the protest around there is strong.

Robert McEvoy from San Antonio, TX I have a similar letter from the
law society and I am waiting for the estate to be administered since the
death of the disponer on Oct 2013. I believe I was taken advantage of
because i live out of the country

Noreen Buckley from Ireland This is scandalous, all Solicitors need to

be investigated. Too many cases of elder abuse go undetected through

Rob McGuirk from Dublin, Our country has become a black circus
lead by evil, greedy clowns. With continuous fight, and courage like that
shown by Michael Gavin there is still hope that being Irish can someday
be something to be proud of again. Pay this man his money.

James Manning from Shefford, United Kingdom Dear Michael I live in

England but have close personal ties to your part of the world and the
farming community there. I wish you every success in your fight for a
little justice in an increasingly sordid world.

Joan Stringer from Pottstown, PA I support Michael Gavin and stand

behind him as a vital human being and an elderly man who deserves
his compensation!

Noreen from Cavan, This type of practice is unacceptable and must

undergo a radical review and renewal. Irish people, be they farmers or
academics (one doesnt exclude the other) trust these kind of
professions to represent their clients interests. In this case it seems like
that trust was exploited for personal gain.

John OMahony from Dublin, Irish law society closed ranks

apparently facilitating the denying of justice to an elderly farmer.

Stephen Gilgunn from Paris, France This situation needs to be sorted

now so this man can have some peace.

Garrett David OMahony from Co Kerry The Law societys former land
and conveyancing solicitor is Fergus Appelbe Bandon Co Cork. a
convicted fraudster who forged documents. Google it. and Google Colm
Murphy Kenmare too. He fought the corrupt law society and won.

Janice Montalto from St. Petersburg, FL This elder should absolutely

receive the grant monies due him. And the 9 yrs back payment that was
stolen from him.

Anne O Brien from Kenmare, Seems like terrible abuse of old people
by greedy legal people.

Liz Keenan from Stockton, United Kingdom Think it is a disgrace how

Michael has been treated.

Katherine Winters from Newry, United Kingdom Completely

Spudser Dayid from Co Cork, Stop Elder Abuse

Paperback available Here

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Posted in Book Launch, News Tagged with: corrupt, corrupt solicitor, elder abuse, exposing solicitor corruption,
financial elder abuse

Press Release Book Launch Outside

Four Courts Not to be missed
November 17th at 11am
Posted on November 5, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Elderly 84 Year Old Roscommon Farmer Michael Gavin will be

launching his book Financial Elder Abuse at entrance to Four
Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7 on Thursday November 17th at 11am.

Preview Book on Amazon


Listen to Michael Here describe what happened


Michael describe here how the Gardai Interrogated him in his home

Kind Regards

Michael Gavin


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Posted in Book Launch, News Tagged with: book launch, FOUR COURTS

John Martin Carr Galway soliticor

struck off for misconduct
Posted on October 30, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

The High Court has struck off a solicitor for professional misconduct,
including for misrepresenting himself as a partner in a law firm when he
was not.
John Martin Carr (57), formerly practising in Rhatigan and Co, Liosbaun
House, Tuam Road, Galway, had a history of misdemeanours, the
president of the High Court, Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns, said.
A Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal had recommended last April that Mr
Carr be struck off over misconduct in relation to professional
undertakings given by him, on behalf of clients, in 2008 to two financial
institutions. He had admitted failure to comply with an undertaking given
by him for a client to Bank of Ireland Mortgages in November 2008. He
also admitted signing the undertaking misrepresenting himself as a
partner in William Davis and Co, the firm where he was working, when
he was not a partner.
He failed to comply with another undertaking, also given in November
2008, on behalf of two clients to Springboard Mortgages and again
misrepresented himself as a partner. On both occasions he did not hold
a solicitors practising certificate. He had also admitted failure to comply
with undertakings given to ACC in 2006 and AIB in 2007.
Paul Anthony McDermott, for the Law Society, said Mr Carr had a
history dating to 1990 when the High Court limited his practising
certificate. That history included an admonishment and 3,000 fine in
2009 for a 10-year delay in dealing with a client and a suspension in
2012 for failure to comply with conditions of his practising certificate.
Mr Carr appealed to the High Court to impose a lesser penalty than a
strike-off and asked Mr Justice Kearns to allow him continue to work as
a solicitor on the basis he would not have any involvement in
conveyancing matters. He had been given the opportunity by the Law
Society to comply with the undertakings to the financial institutions and
had done so, he said.
The likelihood of him gaining other employment was limited, he was 57
and had dependants, he said. There had been no duplicity or deception
involved in the matters against him, he added.
Mr Justice Kearns said, having regard to Mr Carrs previous history of
misdemeanours, he did not think the Law Society was being
disproportionate in recommending a strike-off order. However, the Law
Society would be failing its members and the public if it did not act and
be seen to be acting, the judge said.


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Posted in CrookedLawyer, News, Solicitors, Solicitors Struck Off Tagged with: John Martin, John Martin solicitor,
John Martin solicitor struck off

Solicitor Colm Murphy struck off

repeated skulduggery on the part of
officials of the Law Society
Posted on October 30, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Solicitor Colm Murphy struck off after Law Society falsely imputed an
undertaking, and relied in part on a forged document and evidence from
a fraudulent solicitor

By Frank
Connolly http://villagemagazine.ie/index.php/2014/02/questions-for-law-

Allegations of repeated skulduggery on the part of officials of the Law

Society are likely to be aired in the Supreme Court in the not too
distant future when struck-off solicitor, Colm Murphy, finally gets his day
in court. Embroiled in a complex legal battle with the society long
before, and since, he was struck from the Roll of Solicitors in 2009,
Murphy is determined that his former colleagues will no longer delay a
full hearing of his claim for damages for breach of duty, negligence,
defamation and misfeasance in public office.

Kenmare-based Murphy has claimed in a detailed submission to the

Supreme Court that his striking off was based on spurious and
inaccurate information provided by the Law Society to its Disciplinary
Tribunal and the High Court ten years ago. Key to the decision to strike
him from the roll was a claim by a society official, Linda Kirwan that
Murphy had breached an undertaking he had given to the President of
the High Court. Kirwan insisted in an affidavit seen by Village that she
had been in the High Court on the day the undertaking was made. It
was only after the unfortunate Murphy was struck off that she admitted,
in affidavit and in a letter to Murphy in 2010 that she was not in fact in
the court when the supposed undertaking was made. No such
undertaking is recorded in the order from the court issued on the day in

Murphy was also able to prove, again after the strike off, that the Law
Society had taken attachment and committal proceedings against him
based on a document forged by Frank Fallon who was subsequently
jailed for two seven-year terms. Frank Fallon had claimed that he had
not received title to a property even though he had paid Murphy and
received a copy of the Deed from the then solicitor. It later turned out
that the Deed in question was forged by Fallon and that no such
transaction had taken place. Fallon from Charleville in Cork was sent to
jail in Britain in 2009 after he was convicted of conspiracy to defraud by
forging the wills of up to twelve people and stealing more than

The Law Society case against Murphy also included an incorrect claim
that he had attended an auction of the Brown Pub in Kealkill county
Cork in August 2006 in breach of its rule that a retired solicitor without a
practising certificate cannot participate in the sale of a property by a
former client. This error sparked what are known as Section 18
procedures against the former solicitor. Murphys submission goes on to
list various other defamatory allegations pursued by the society
including an incorrect implication that his client account was overdrawn.
Further, he claims that a suggestion by the President of the High Court,
Nicky Kearns, back in 2010 that a full hearing of the case should take
place was frustrated by the society which instead sought to restrict
matters to a trial of preliminary issues rather than a full civil action.
When the case came before Kearns again in June 2012 he queried why
Murphys substantial case against the society had not gone ahead, as
he had recommended. In his comments, Kearns referred to the case as
a spread-eagled mess and referred to the claims of alleged repeated
skulduggery on the part of officials of the Law Society.

If this was not the sort of thing that could bring the Law Society into
disrepute, the back story to the whole affair raises even more disturbing
questions about its modus operandi in dealing with allegations of
wrongdoing by its members. Murphy has insisted that his fall from
grace originates in 2001/2002 when he complained about another
member of the roll, Fergus Appelbe, who also had a conveyancing
practice in west Cork and south Kerry.

At a recent Disciplinary Tribunal hearing in Dublin, Appelbe admitted to

various trangressions, including putting together false deeds, updating
deeds to defraud the Revenue and creating a double mortgage over the
same property which he owned (the same misconduct as Thomas
Byrnes). Appelbe, who through his various companies may have
incurred debts in excess of 50 million, is due to learn his fate in mid-

What is most extraordinary about the spread-eagled mess is that the

society appeared to have based at least some of its unfounded
suspicions about Murphy on information in complaints sent to it by
Applebe over ten years ago. As far back as 1987/1988, Appelbe was
the subject of no less than two investigations by the RTE Today Tonight
programme into his somewhat unorthodox conveyancing practices in
the south west. The late Cathal O Shannon listed a series of
allegations involving unusual land deals against Appelbe who, despite
the unwanted attention, went on to invest in an impressive portfolio of
properties including Waterford Castle through various companies before
the crash and his rapid descent into catastrophic debt.

In August last year, a liquidator was appointed to the four-star castle,

hotel and golf complex in Ballinakill after the operating companies,
Negold Ltd. and Cendant Ltd. ended up with debts to the NAMA vehicle,
National Asset Loan Management (NALM), of just under 34 million.
Appelbe is one of four directors of the companies described in the High
Court as hopelessly insolvent and unable to pay their debts.

In 2010, Allied Irish Banks (AIB) secured summary judgment orders for
some 18 million against Cronins Wood, a development company for
which Appelbe acted, over its failure to repay a loan to re-finance a
property acquisition in Killarney, Co Kerry.

Mr Justice Peter Kelly granted the order against Cronins Wood

Developments Ltd, South Mall, Cork, at the Commercial Court. He also
entered judgment for 10 million arising from guarantees over the loan
provided by Appelbe, and a businessman, Peter OSullivan, Oakwood
Manor, Killowen, Kenmare (who died in June 2008).

Intriguingly, and notwithstanding the complaints against him, including

by some of those who contributed to the Today Tonight programmes,
Applebe was appointed to the Law Societys Conveyancing Committee.
All in all, the full hearing of Murphys claim is eagerly awaited. Murphy,
who retired from the profession in 2005, is seeking to re-enter the strike
off proceedings and be reinstated to the Roll of Solicitors.

Note: the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal made the following ruling in

early February concerning Fergus Appelbe.
Penalty: The matter was referred to the President of the High Court with
the following recommendations ;-

1. That Fergus Appelbe is not allowed to practise on his own only

with a solicitor of ten years standing
2. That he is not permitted to act for himself or family members or
any company he is involved with
3. That he pays the Law Societies costs .

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Posted in News, Solicitors, Solicitors Struck Off Tagged with: Solicitor Colm Murphy

James Conway Message Irish

Posted on October 18, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

James Conway Message Irish

Sligo man James Conway originally posted a video encouraging the
Irish Government to take the 13bn in back taxes from Apple. Since
then, the video has gathered more than 1 million views, earning
Conway quite an online following.

James Conway Message Irish Government YouTube 360p

James Conway hits back at

James Conway posted another video since then, lambasting some
commenters for thinking they are better than him because they may be
more informed on the economy.
In this video, James points out that everyone in Ireland plays a part in
society and no person is better or more important than the other.

They get up every morning, usually in a house that was constructed by

someone like me. They get up in the morning and they wash their teeth
and they go to the toilet. They turn on an electric light. All stuff that was
brought into that house by a ditch digger like me, he said.

Dont turn around and say Im lower than you, because every man,
woman and child in Ireland is born equal. No one is born above me or
below me. I am equal to everyone. Were all human beings.

James Conway what he think about some of the abuse his getting at t

James Conway Back in London

James Conway Back in London YouTube 360p

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Posted in james conway, News Tagged with: apple tax, ditch digger, james conway

Financial Elder Abuse Book Launch

Ballynacargy Westmeath Home to
Willie Penrose TD and Robert Troy TD
Dec 2nd
Posted on October 16, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

84 Year Old Man Defrauded And Threatened By Irish

Lawyers Solicitors!!! Are You Disgusted?
Book Preview Here
Book Launch #Ballynacargy Saturday December 3rd
Join https://www.facebook.com/events/1132446260180548/

Robber Marren Solicitor NOT Full-Owner of My Home of 84 Years

This is a very sad case of an elderly man being cheated by the law. Its
very detailed and definitely worth a read, cases like this abound in
Ireland, where people will behave in truly shameful manner where land
is concerned.
Shocking Corruption Exposed by Elderly Farmer. This is Rural Ireland
2015. You wont see this on 6.01 News.
To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution for such
will depend very much on where you reside on the social scale #vinb
This story highlights the blue-shirt mentality of current regime. People
should read it and stand up against FG cowards and Bullies.
This type of practice is unacceptable and must undergo a radical
review and renewal. Irish people, be they farmers or academics (one
doesnt exclude the other) trust these kind of professions to represent
their clients interests. In this case it seems like that trust was exploited
for personal gain.
This is Disgusting Travesty of Justice these Solicitors should be
disbarred from Practicing for this ABUSE of their Position they are
Traitors to our People Greedy disgusting Cretins who should be
arrested & Jailed for their terrible ABUSE of this Man! WE are watching
from Afar & We promise you we will get Justice for this Man!

This is the saddest story I have heard in all my fifteen years in Ireland.
it is sad because it predicts the future and yet no-one cares because
you are asleep. You Irish have made for yourself a bed of nails through
your gutlessness and apathy. And let hell skelp it into ye.
His estranged family will have no luck for this. Denying water and
shelter to someone is not part of our culture. What goes around comes
around Ive seen it happen before, maybe not this generation but the
next. A curse on them.
Irish law society closed ranks apparently facilitating the denying of
justice to an elderly farmer.
Hi Mike I have just read the whole story from beginning to end an utter
disgrace very sad totally injust . cant find the share button. I do hope
that things will go right for him. The expense so far is unreal
What else should be expected in Ireland today. The real issue is too
many have the attitude of Im all right jack so f*** you
Cases like this one rely on secrecy, sharing on social media may deter
future fraud occurring within families regarding the beneficiaries of a
will, its far too common.
As an Irish American dealing with a case with similarities there is no
justice in this country for seniorsit should be reported in the media in
the states. I will be doing so, have Sean Hannity get involved on Fox
news he hates injustice!!

the mob in the legal world have no honour, respect or fairness its all
about ..money
its a disgrace what has being done to this man and its theft ,,, so robert
marren should be charged with theft , and its shame on tony mclynn
solicitors for taking this case and for their huge fees they charged which
is also theft, corruption at its best under the law
The Lawless Society are hell bent on benefitting themselves through
legalised theft. Hiding themselves behind the Law and corrupting it, yet
they cannot be tried for their crimes, because they run the courts.

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Posted in Book Launch, News Tagged with: ballynacargy, book launch, corruption, crookedlawyers, Denis
Naughten TD, Law Society of Ireland, lawyers, peter d. jones, robert b marren, robert troy td, solicitors, state
solicitor, willie penrose td

Dept of Agriculture Grants are to Feed

Farm Animals NOT Greedy Corrupt
Posted on August 24, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments


I am writing in response to your letter dated 26th July, 2016 received by

me a month later on 23rd August 2016. (VERY STRANGE)

As far as I am concerned the Dept. of Agriculture grants are to feed the

farm animals and not you and the other devious spiteful beneficiaries
who did nothing more than SQUANDER the estate assets of my late
brother Patrick Gavins estate.
I wish to advise you rob, marren and your state solicitor peter PENALTY
POINTS jones that as and from the date you received and have
withheld funds from me an interest rate of 8% per Month is accruing to
the benefit of my account plus expenses because of your failure to
make good on my legitimate claim.

You rob, marren refused to award me Michael Gavin appointed Herd

Keeper the grant moneys paid down from the Department of
Agriculture. I am owed 116,789.11 plus interest for 9 years minding the
farm animals.

You rob, marren held on to the funds from the land sale for nearly 2
years, and then finally awarded to me Michael Gavin and my Sister
Eileen Linney 12,500 plus interest less than what we were each
entitled to.

You rob, marren state in your letter that you received further payments
from the Department of Agriculture in the sum of 9,963.91 and there is
a credit balance left in the Estate in the sum of 9,050.00 which you
propose to distribute to the beneficiaries in the same proportions as was
done at the interim distribution WHICH I PURFUSELY OBJECTED TO.
You fail to account for the 913.91 difference, which comes as no
surprise to me bearing in mind that you have refused to date to provide
me with a detailed bill of costs for your own fee of 40,892.53
representing fees paid to Robert Marren & Co. were arrived at.

Who gave you the authority to deduct 913.91 from the payments from
the Department of Agriculture and on what date did you receive those

Written requests were made to you rob, marren for a detailed bill of
costs on the following dates

17/10/14 Michael Gavin to Marren

06/02/2015 Gavin & Linney to Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitor

11/04/2015 Linney to Marren

13/04/2015 Gavin to Marren

19/05/2015 Linney to Marren

09/05/2015 Gavin to Marren

17/06/2015 Linney to Marren

I am of the opinion that the devil is in the detail and that is why you
rob, marren refuses to furnish a detailed bill of cost for your excessive
fee of 40,892.53 that you awarded to yourself.

I would like to draw your attention to page 3 of the Societys information

leaflet Complaints About SOLICITORS that NOT FIT FOR
PURPOSE Linda Kirwan Solicitor

Head of Complaints and Client Relations Section at the Law Society of

Ireland sent me.

Page 3 of the leaflet states


By law, solicitors are obliged to furnish information about their
costs in writing. The Society publishes a leaflet on solicitors charges
which is available from the society on request

If you are unhappy with your solicitors bill, you have two options:

1. Make a complaint to the Complaints and Clients Relations

Section, or
2. Have your bill taxed (see page 10)

It would appear that you rob marren are above this BY LAW

Your letter is vague with regards to the exact dates the payments from
the Department of Agriculture were for, and I can only assume that they
overlapped the 1 year period in which I leased the lands of my 2
estranged sisters kathleen okeefe and ann sanford to facilitate the
closing of the sale.

On 13-04-2015 I requested you rob marren to explain how you arrived

at your decision to award the moneys received from the sale of Pat
Gavins livestock together with the Gross payments received from the
Department of Agriculture without deducting any expense for the
minding, looking after, feeding and caring for the animals for the nine
years from 2005 to 2014. In your response you stated

As Administrator, it fell to me to make a decision how to treat the

proceeds of sale of livestock. I decided to split this between the Estate
and your good self. However, I did not consider your claim for
maintaining livestock to be justified, given that you were in possession
of the estate lands for such a long period of time free of charge and the
fact that you were the joint owner of the livestock anyway. I also based
my decision on the Reports of the Estate Accountant and indeed the
treatment of same on Farm Accounts.


Bearing in mind the fact that I had a 1 year lease agreement on the
lands to house my remaining cattle.

You may recall one of the beneficiaries kathleen okeefe rushed me into
signing a lease agreement on 27th August, 2014 without providing me
an opportunity to read over same carefully or to consider the matter.
Consequently I were forced to get legal advice in order to amend a
number of the conditions including my agreement to having fully
restored the lands to grassland by ploughing and reseeding by no later
than the 31st of July 2015. Lands that were never used for tillage, and
even if they were who would commit to a short term 1 year lease with
that condition. This appears underhanded to me and highlights the
inadequate professional service provided by their solicitor t&n mclynn,
Athlone. It is not of a quality that could reasonably be expected of a
solicitor and served no purpose other than to force me to incur
additional unnecessary expenses for legal advice to draft letters in
response to the lease agreement kathleen okeefe tricked me Michael
Gavin into signing.

You rob, marren have not provided the correct invoice for Catherine
OConner. Her invoice states Total Amount Due 584.25 while Cash
Account dated 18th July, 2014 Fees paid to Catherine O Connor
I am of the opinion that you rob, marren refuses to provide the correct
invoice for Catherine OConnor because it was she who did the work
and your accountant damien hannigans invoice will highlight the
work duplication.

You rob, marren did not seek my approval for seeking william
penroses opinion. No Invoice for william penrose B.L. or explan\ation
of why his opinion was sought.

You rob marren did not seek my approval for john dolan auctioneer.
No Invoice for john dolan auctioneer and breakdown of the fee he was
paid was provided to me to date. As I recall the auctioneer john dolan
did advertise the auction extensively and I recall full and half page ads
appeared in the local newspapers. I would argue that based on the
amount of interest and bids made at the auction that these ads served
no purpose other than to promote john dolans auctioneering service
as a whole. To be honest a free mention in the local parish newsletter
would have sufficed.

You rob, marren did not seek my approval for damien hannigan &
Company Limited Chartered Accountant, Mullingar. Why was he
hired against my explicate wishes to oversee the accounts of Catherine
OConner. He charged in my opinion an excessive fee of 8,751.45
which I consider to be extremely expensive and an unnecessary
expense. Although he was hired to oversee the accounts his fee is in
excess of Catherine OConners fee. John Glynn, Solicitor, Patrick
Hogan & Co. did not put the Estate to the additional expense of hiring
an additional Accountant so it begs the question why did you?

It would appear that you delayed making the decision regarding my

share in the farming profits and rightful share of the grant monies
received from the Department of Agriculture until the very end with the
draft distribution account that contained countless errors on 18th
September, 2014.

I was lied to countless times and led to believe that I would be refunded
at closing by 2 of the beneficiaries namely ann sanford and kathleen
okeefe. Why did you rob marren make a decision around March 2013
to accept my claim to owning half the livestock and all the sheep? But
yet for no logical reason refused to award me the net amount
116,789.11 due to me out of the Single Payment Entitlements
representing my share in the profits from farming the lands, which
was also sent to you on the 5th of December, 2015 for your
consideration. There is no good reason why you took advantage of my
good nature and delayed your decision in this matter until the end.

You would have received a letter from me on 5th December, 2014


If a fair allowance is not made on an agreed basis, I will not give my

consent to any distribution account prepared by you. Similarly, my
sisters will also have to agree before a distribution account can be
finalised and a distribution effected. Accordingly you as Administrator
will be unable to distribute the estate unless you can procure agreement
between us and, if this agreement is not forthcoming, I am advised the
only way you, as Administrator, can be protected is to go back into
Court and get a Court Order directing how the estate can be

However marren you passed the book to me and demanded court

proceedings to prevent the distribution in a short space of time over the
Christmas period 2014-2015.

I believe that you rob marren should NOT have finalised the distribution
without addressing my objections, and it appears you did same to avoid
paying my 82,500 1/6 share of the land from action in isolation to the
rest of the estate.

While it would appear that these are matters that can only be dealt with
by the court if they cannot be resolved by agreement I believe it should
be the Administrator who goes back into Court to get a Court Order
directing how the estate can be distributed not the ELDERLY

It would also appear that henry of tormeys solicitors, Athlone facilitated

you rob, marren by not phoning you or writing you immediately as
requested by John Glynn Solicitor, (14/01/2015 John Glynn Patrick
Hogan & Co. to Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone requesting him
to ring and write a short letter to marren immediately confirming that he
would act in the matter in response to marrens threat to effect a
distribution of the Estate.) nor did henry of tormeys solicitors, Athlone
inform me, so that I could engage another solicitor to act on my behalf.

I have difficulty understanding why henry of tormeys solicitors, Athlone

failed to respond to correspondence, including correspondence that
was crucial and significant.

At a subsequent meeting with henry after your closing he estimated that

court proceedings to sue you could take up to 3 years with fees in the
region of 60,000 to 100,000, and he suggested that I Michael Gavin
should take my age (83 at the time) into consideration.

It now transpires that solicitors generally do not challenge each

other in this manner. We were informed by a solicitor after the Estate
assets were distributed that solicitors would not challenge marren as he
was the son in law of a prominent retired Solicitor aiden ocarroll from

It would appear you rob marren allowed confusion to arise in relation to

the exact disbursement of funds and showed a complete disregard for
the interests of the beneficiaries, whom you, rob marren solicitor, knew
to be ELDERLY, and by your conduct is depriving two of the ELDERLY
beneficiaries, of the enjoyment of their share in the estate. You have
also forced me Michael Gavin and my sister Eileen Linney to incur
additional unnecessary expenses in drafting documents and letters time
and time again to prove our claim.

I reiterate what I told you before by registered post 11/07/2015 that

although this whole matter is a source of embarrassment to me, I will
have no hesitation in disclosing same in the public domain, as it is my
belief that the general public have a right to be made aware of the
events that took place and let them judge for themselves based on the
true facts.

Michael Gavin

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Linda Kirwan Head of Complaints and

Client Relations Section I wish to make
a complain
Posted on August 12, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Linda Kirwan


Head of Complaints and

Client Relations Section

12 August 2016

Ref 24430/G/19/7

Re Peter D. Jones

Dear Linda Kirwan,

In response to your letter dated 9 August 2016, I would like to draw your attention to page 3 of the
Societys information leaflet Complaints About SOLICITORS that you enclosed with same.

Page 3 of the leaflet states


By law, solicitors are obliged to furnish information about their costs in writing. The Society
publishes a leaflet on solicitors charges which is available from the society on request

If you are unhappy with your solicitors bill, you have two options:

1. Make a complaint to the Complaints and Clients Relations Section, or

2. Have your bill taxed (see page 10)

Linda Kirwan Head of Complaints and Client Relations Section I wish to make a complaint to the
Complaints and Clients Relations Section because to date, despite repeated written requests I
have yet to be furnished with a bill of costs for Peter D. Jones state solicitors client Robert B.
Marren who awarded himself 40,892.53 for the administration of my late brothers Patrick Gavins

We are of the opinion that the devil is in the detail and that is why Jones and Marren refuse to
furnish a detailed bill of cost for the excessive fee of 40,892.53

Linda Kirwan Head of Complaints and Client Relations Section I would be much obliged if you
would serve your purpose and investigate why now Peter D. Jones state solicitor for client Robert
B. Marren refuses to provide a detailed bill of cost which as the leaflet you provided states Marren
is obliged to provide by law.
I would also like to request the leaflet on solicitors charges.

Yours Sincerely

Michael Gavin

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Elderly Mike Gavin Exposing Solicitors

Financial Elder Abuse in Rural Ireland
Posted on August 12, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment
Injustice & Financial Elder Abuse of Solicitors

Please Read Full Story Here http://mikegavin83.com/wp-


Hello, thank you for visiting my Website/Blog. My name is Michael

Gavin of Dundonnell, Taughmaconnell, Ballinasloe, Co. Roscommon,
Farmer, Bachelor, born in 1932 and currently aged 83 years. My story
highlight the injustice and financial elder abuse that is prevalent in our
legal system today. The Solicitors the very ones who you would expect
to uphold the law, as far as i am concerned do serve themselves first
and foremost.

I stand over all the information in this website and affirm it to be the
whole truth and nothing but the truth. It records events that took place
since my brother Pat Gavin died Intestate on the 10th of October, 2005
some 10 years ago. If you have further questions or need clarification of
some of the material contained in this document feel free to contact me,
all are welcome.

My Brother Pat and I lived together all our lives over 70 years in our
humble home Dundonnell, Taughmaconnell in south Roscommon. After
Pat died intestate, I continued farming and caring for our animals as I
had always done.

I offered to buy the farm from the next of kin beneficiaries, but they
would agree to nothing and matters came to a head when under the
guidance of Tony McLynn Solicitor Athlone they summoned me to the
High Court in Dublin in an effort to sell the house my home along with
the farm, making out that they would have difficulty selling the farm on
its own. Their Solicitor Tony McLynn of T&N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone
were well aware that I had a right to reside in the family home for the
rest of my days as per my fathers will, but that did not prevent them
squandering the Estate Assets. Three days in total were spent in the
High court, the first of which they did not attend, the second they spent
in a waiting room arguing among themselves and on the phone to other
beneficiaries in the United States of America. Finally on the third day
the Judge refused their request to sell the roof over my head.

The High Court appointed Robert Marren Solictor, Mullingar

administrator for the estate. Subsequently my sister and I had one and
only one meeting with Mr. Robert Marren Solicitor at his office Castle
Street Mullingar, at which he enquired if we had our wills made. He
informed us he intended to hire an additional accountant to oversee the
accounts. We profusely objected to this and told him it was an
unnecessary expense for the estate, but he bulldozed ahead.

The issue of non-payment of grants from the Department of Agriculture

to me the appointed herd keeper eat up many a letter and despite the
fact that 2 of my estranged sisters promised to buy feed stuffs and also
suggested that I would be reimbursed at closing, I never got a cent and
in essence I was forced to use my old age pension to feed the animals
that would have starved otherwise for 9 years. They had no objection to
accepting the gross payments from the sale of the animals, and
although Mr Marren made a decision to finally accept my claim to
owning half of the cattle and all of the sheep he could not see the logic
to paying out the grant monies associated with same.

The lands were eventually auctioned and my 2 estranged sisters Anne

Sanford, Wellesley, Mass USA & Kathleen OKeefe, Glanmire, Cork
placed the winning bid, however did not close in the required 30 day
time frame. We consented to the remaining next of kin to waive their
share, so they handed over just 1/3 of the purchase money with the
agreed condition that they would cover the expenses associated with
the Property Auction. They visited with me twice and requested that I
buy the property of them and then suggested they would put the land up
for sale but never did.

Mr. Marren Solicitor refused to pay out my sister Eileen and my share of
the proceeds from the land sale despite the fact that he had same in his
possession for nearly 2 years. He went on to threaten us that he
intended to distribute the Estate Assets if we did not hire a Solicitor to
issue proceedings to prevent him doing so despite our well founded
objections, namely 116,789.11 compensation for minding the animals
for 9 years and the amount awarded to each my sister Eileen and I was
short 12,500 each plus interest from the time Mr. Marren Received the

Instructions were given to Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors Athlone

through our family Solicitor to engage with Mr. Robert Marren on our
behalf. However Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitor did not undertake these
instructions, nor did he inform us. We did not realize what had
happened until the deficient checks arrived in the post.

We met with Mr. Henry some 2 weeks after, however he saw no fault in
what he done or failed to do for that matter. He suggested we could
engage him to sue Mr. Marren at a cost of up to 100,000, 3 years in
court and advised I take my age of 83 years into consideration.

Complaints were made to the Law Society of Ireland with regard to Mr

Robert Marrens Administration of the Estate and Mr. Tony Henry
Tormeys Solicitors Failure to undertake explicit instructions. Needless to
say no fault was found. Then Tony Henry had a cheek to scribe the
letter he did to my defenseless widowed sister. The letter arrived the
day before the letter from the Independent Adjudicators who, no
surprise found no fault in the manner in which the Law Society of
Ireland dealt with our complaints. Begs the question how come Henry
know before we did and why did he not act as speedily to undertake the
instructions given him on our behalf originally?

We were later informed that Robert Marren refused to pay John Glynn,
Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co. until we stop threatening him as he puts it
by reporting him to the Law Society of Ireland. Also an activist via social
media told us that Willie Penrose TD BL stated he had not received his
payment from Robert Marren, Solicitor, Mullingar. When we report this
to the Law Society they threatened to block my emails. This tactic was
also implemented by Denis Naughton TD and Robert Troy TD, in that
they both blocks our tweets.

The matter has been reported to An Garda Siochana, and we await

hearing back. We have been advised to prepare Grounding affidavits
against both solicitors Tony Henry and Robert Marren to the Solicitors
Disciplinary Tribunal, however it appears to date that no Solicitor on the
island of Ireland is prepared to help prepare same. We have been led to
believe that they will not challenge their own, and this fact in itself
speaks volumes.

Fighting for Justice Michael Gavin

Letter to Marren

Date: 11/07/2015

Mr. Marren,

Further to the letter my brother Michael Gavin and I received from John
Glynn, Solicitor Patrick Hogan & Co. on 9th July 2015 which states

I telephoned Mr. Marren today to enquire why I had not received

payment on the basis that absolutely everybody else in the Estate has
been paid and his response was that he continued to receive letters
from you complaining about fees while threatening to go to the Law
Society. He said he was not prepared to pay out my fees while these
threats existed.

The letter also states

it would appear he will not pay out these fees unless you write him and
confirm to him that you are not objecting to my fees and direct him to
pay same. If you are not prepared to do so, you will leave me with no
choice but to proceed to taxation of costs and then subsequently. I will
be obliged to sue Mr. Marren for recovery of my fees. This is grossly
unfair situation in that Pat is dead almost ten years. I have not been
paid for any of my services rendered either to you or to the Estate over
that period.

Our objections to the above are as follows;

We do not consider our reporting you to the Law Society a threat. We

have every right to seek justice for the unjust and unfair way we have
been dealt with and taken advantage of considering our age, by you the
administrator and the beneficiaries of the Estate to the extent that it
constitutes ELDER ABUSE.

In the event that the Law Society of Ireland does not accept that our 8
complaints of inadequate professional services, alleged over charging
and misconduct, warrant investigation we have every intention of
referring this matter to the independent Adjudicator, the solicitors
disciplinary tribunal Dublin , An Garda Sochna and the Health Service
Executive HSE. Although this whole matter is a source of
embarrassment to us, we will have no hesitation in disclosing same in
the public domain, as it is our belief that the general public have a right
to be made aware of the events that took place and let them judge for
themselves based on the true facts.

While we have every intent of pursuing you vigorously to meet our

demands to include recovery of the funds not distributed to us to date,
we fail to see the logic to your persistent reluctance to pay Patrick
Hogan & Co. in isolation to our efforts to seek justice in this matter, or
threats as you put it.

This is reminiscent of the manner in which you dealt with paying out our
1/6 share from the sale of the Estate lands. Here again despite our
persistent requests you Mr. Robert Marren refused to pay out same until
finalising the distribution during the Christmas period 2014-2015,
without addressing our objections, and it appears you did same to avoid
paying our 1/6 share of the land from auction in isolation to the rest of
the estate, notwithstanding the fact that the moneys for same were in
your possession nearly 2 years previously. You have yet to provide a
reasonable explanation of why you did not bite the bullet and pay over
the full amount when you Mr. Robert Marren received the funds way
back on 27th of May 2013.

Do you not recall that I wrote to you on 11th April 2015 and stated
Please advise us of any outstanding bills, has John Glynn, Hogan &
Co. been paid to date, and if not why not.

I believe this should make it clear to you that there is no objection to

Patrick Hogan & Co. fee being paid.

In your response on 22nd April you Mr. Marren state Mr Tony Mclynn
was the Solicitor in High Court proceedings on behalf of some of the
parties and was awarded his costs by Order of the High Court as was
Hogan & Company.

Based on your response we felt that the fees to Patrick Hogan & Co.
were paid. However if you felt we objected to the fees to Patrick Hogan
& Co. why did you not question the issue then.

We have never ever threatened you in any way, and most certainly
not in regard to fees to Patrick Hogan & Co.

It would appear to us your reluctance Mr. Marren to paying the fee to

Patrick Hogan & Co. in isolation of our threats as you put it are just
another example of your BULLY BOY TACTICSand we do not
appreciate the manner in which you Mr. Marren attempt to force us to
concede to your demands by refusing to pay out Patrick Hogan & Co.
fees while these threats exist.

You may also recall a letter was also sent to your office in Mullingar on
17TH of June 2015 stating the following;

I take issue with your reluctance to provide a detailed breakdown of

how the figure of 40,892.53 representing fees paid to Robert Marren &
Co. were arrived at. I also feel I am entitled to a breakdown of all other
fees paid out of the Estate funds and who was paid what at closing.

I also take issue with your persistent reluctance to provide the following

1. Bill of Cost for T & N McLynn, Solicitors, Athlone

2. Correct invoice for Catherine OConner. Her invoice states Total
Amount Due 584.25while Cash Account dated 18th July, 2014
Fees paid to Catherine O Connor6,857.25.
3. Invoice for William Penrose B.L. or explanation of why his opinion
was sought.
4. Invoice for John Dolan Auctioneer and breakdown of the
handsome fee he was paid.
5. Answer to has John Glynn, Hogan & Co. Ballinasloe been paid to
date, and if not why not?
6. Answer to has John Glynn, Hogan & Co. Ballinasloe been paid to
date, and if not why not?
7. Any outstanding bills.

We have yet to receive a response to that letter above which we sent

register post notwithstanding the fact that these questions were posed
to you in previous correspondencenumerous times prior and
regardless we have a right to be furnished with copies of same. You Mr.
Robert Marren will note that points 5 and 6 of that letter of 17TH of June
2015, are one in the same and we underlined if not why not? in an
effort to draw your attention to same which apparently you have yet to

Why were we not provided with a Bill of Cost for T & N McLynn,
Solicitors, Athlone who we were informed was paid their handsome
amount of 38,941.00 approximately a year prior to your finalised
distribution during the Christmas period 2014-2015.

When exactly was T & N McLynn, Solicitors, Athlone paid and why were
they paid in advance of the finalised distribution while you refused to
pay our 1/6 share of the land from auction or fees to Patrick Hogan &

You did not seek our approval for T & N McLynn, Solicitors bill nor did
you request if we objected to same after they represented the other side
beneficiaries who put the Estate of my late brother Patrick Gavin to
enormous legal expense with their High Court Special Summons where
they sought to sell the roof over my head among other things.

By notices in writing Kathleen OKeefe, and Mary Theresa Harte have

confirmed their desire to have the house and lands of the estate sold.
Nicholas Duffy and his four children have also confirmed that they
desire to have the property sold. It is also the wish of the Plaintiff that
the property be sold.

Bearing in mind that the beneficiaries namely Anne Sanford, Kathleen

OKeefe, Mike Harte, Brenda Harte Waters, Michelle Harte, Philomena
Duffy, Patrick Duffy, Catherine Duffy and Noel Duffy and their Solicitor T
& N McLynn were well aware that Michael Gavin was entitled to live in
the home for the rest of his days per his fathers will which they were all
furnished with a copy of. As we recall we were required to attend the
high court on 3 separate days, the first of which none of the
beneficiaries attended. On the second day we were informed by our
barrister Donal Keane B.L. that they were in another room arguing
amongst themselves, and then finally we got before the judge on the
third day. This is just one of the numerous examples of their vengeful,
spiteful behaviour where they squandered the Estate assets. Not to
mention the inconvenience, and additional expenses that were incurred
to hire a man to mind the Estate Animals for 3 days, there was no
mention of any funds to cover that cost in your finalised

On another occasion which we kept you update on, we recall one of the
beneficiaries Kathleen OKeefe rushed us into signing a lease
agreement on 27th August, 2014 without providing us an opportunity to
read over same carefully or to consider the matter. Consequently we
were forced to get legal advice in order to amend a number of the
conditions including Michael Gavins agreement to having fully restored
the lands to grassland by ploughing and reseeding by no later than the
31st of July 2015. Lands that were never used for tillage, and even if
they were who would commit to a short term 1 year lease with that
condition. This appears underhanded to us and highlights the
inadequate professional service provided by their Solicitor T&N
McLynn, Athlone. It is not of a quality that could reasonably be expected
of a solicitor and served no purpose other than to force us to incur
additional unnecessary expenses for legal advice to draft letters in
response to the lease agreement Kathleen OKeefe tricked me Michael
Gavin into signing.

You have not provided the correct invoice for Catherine OConner. Her
invoice states Total Amount Due 584.25 while Cash Account dated
18th July, 2014 Fees paid to Catherine O Connor 6,857.25.

You did not seek our approval for seeking William Penrose B.L opinion.
No Invoice for William Penrose B.L. or explanation of why his opinion
was sought.

You did not seek our approval for John Dolan Auctioneer. No Invoice for
John Dolan Auctioneer and breakdown of the fee he was paid was
provided to us to date. As we recall the auctioneer John Dolan did
advertise the auction extensively and I recall full and half page ads
appeared in the local newspapers. We would argue that based on the
amount of interest and bids made at the auction that these ads served
no purpose other than to promote John Dolans Auctioneering service as
a whole. To be honest a free mention in the local parish newsletter
would have sufficed.

You did not seek our approval for Damien Hannigan & Company
Limited Chartered Accountant, Mullingar. Why was he hired against
our explicate wishes to oversee the accounts of Catherine OConner.
He charged in my opinion an excessive fee of 8,751.45 which we
consider to be extremely expensive and an unnecessary expense.
Although he was hired to oversee the accounts his fee is in excess of
Catherine OConners fee. John Glynn, Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co.
did not put the Estate to the additional expense of hiring an additional
Accountant so it begs the question why did you?

I fail to understand why you now require me to write you and confirm to
you that we are not objecting to Patrick Hogan & Co. fees and direct
you to pay same. I feel this has being dealt with adequately in previous
correspondence as above and I fail to understand your logic as to why
this is the only bill out of them all that you require us to approve.

It would appear that there is a personal axe to grind between your own
good self and John Glynn, Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co. and you have
no business drawing us into your personal battles between members of
your own profession.

In our opinion it would be more befitting of you to write to each of the

beneficiaries namely Anne Sanford, Wesley, Mass USA, Kathleen
OKeefe, Glanmire, Cork, Mike Harte,Wesley, Mass USA, Brenda Harte
Waters Quincy, Mass USA, Michelle Harte Wesley, Mass USA,
Philomena Duffy Mayo, Patrick Duffy, Clare, Catherine Duffy,
Monksland, Athlone and Noel Duffy, Athlone, as I have done and claw
back the monies owed to us.

They cannot on the one hand expect to receive the monies from the
sale of my late brother Pat Gavins livestock together with the gross
payments received from the Department of Agriculture, without incurring
any expense for the minding, looking after and caring for the animals
down through the years.

Catherine OConners Account Summary 24/02/2012 shows that

throughout the entire farming period between 2005 and 2012 the cattle
sales came to a figure of 46,589 and the expenses came to a figure of
45,918. Accordingly, the expenses in running the farm were almost
equal to the proceeds of sale of livestock. Therefore the profit from the
farming operation represented the monies received each year from the
Department of Agriculture under the single Payment Scheme, the
Disadvantaged Area Scheme and any other Schemes of the
Department of Agriculture, less any income tax payable to the state
arising out of the farming operation.

We and those we have spoken to in relation to this matter FAIL to see

the logic to your reluctance Mr. Robert Marren to see reason in this
matter, how do you expect a person to labour for free for 9 years at
their own expense and pay vets fees and fodder to fatten cattle so that
those THAT DO NOTHING can reap the rewards of the GROSS profits.
I Michael Gavin believe with every bone in my body that I am entitled to
be paid for the work done and services rendered and monies expended
by me in looking after my brothers livestock from the time my brother
died up to the time the animals were sold, this you will appreciate
involved the daily herding and looking after the animals to include
feeding of the animals in Winter months to include purchase of food
stuffs and discharging vets fees etc.

By denying me Michael Gavin a half share in the profits it means

that Michael Gavin WAS WORKING FOR NOTHING over the years
in question from October, 2005 through to 2013. This is totally
unjust and totally unacceptable to us.

We will not accept the present situation which is totally unfair and
leaves Michael Gavin without any compensation whatsoever for the
time and trouble in looking after the animals on behalf of the estate and
also deprives Michael Gavin of any profit he may have earned in the
rearing and looking after his own animals.

The detailed breakdown of the net amount 116,789.11 due to Michael

Gavin out of the Single Payment Entitlements representing his share
in the profits from farming the lands, was sent to you Mr. Marren,
Solicitor, on the 5th of December, 2015 for your consideration. You will
note that all that Michael Gavin is looking for is his fair share of the
profits in the running of the farm and fair compensation for the work
Michael Gavin did in looking after the animals.

It would appear that you Mr. Robert Marren delayed making the
decision regarding Michael Gavins share in the farming profits and
rightful share of the grant monies received from the Department of
Agriculture until the very end with the draft distribution account that
contained countless errors on 18thSeptember, 2014. Michael Gavin
was lied to countless times and led to believe that he would be refunded
at closing by some of the beneficiaries. Why did you Mr. Robert Marren
make a decision around March 2013 to accept Michael Gavins claim to
owning half the livestock and all the sheep? But yet for no logical
reason refused to award him the net amount 116,789.11 due to
Michael Gavin out of the Single Payment Entitlements representing my
share in the profits from farming the lands, which was also sent to
you on the 5th of December, 2015 for your consideration. There is no
good reason why you took advantage of Michael Gavins good nature
and delayed his decision in this matter until the end.
You would have received a letter from Michael Gavin on 5th December,
2014 stating;

If a fair allowance is not made on an agreed basis, I will not give my

consent to any distribution account prepared by you. Similarly, my
sisters will also have to agree before a distribution account can be
finalised and a distribution effected. Accordingly you as Administrator
will be unable to distribute the estate unless you can procure agreement
between us and, if this agreement is not forthcoming, I am advised the
only way you, as Administrator, can be protected is to go back into
Court and get a Court Order directing how the estate can be

However Mr. Marren you passed the book to us and demanded court
proceedings to prevent the distribution in a short space of time over the
Christmas period 2014-2015.

We believe that you Mr. Robert Marren should NOT have finalised the
distribution without addressing our objections, and it appears you did
same to avoid paying our 82,500 1/6 share of the land from action in
isolation to the rest of the estate.

While it would appear that these are matters that can only be dealt with
by the court if they cannot be resolved by agreement I believe it should
be the Administrator who goes back into Court to get a Court Order
directing how the estate can be distributed not the

It would also appear that Mr. Henry of Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone

facilitated you Mr. Marren by not phoning you or writing you
immediately as requested by John Glynn Solicitor, (14/01/2015 John
Glynn Patrick Hogan & Co. to Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone
requesting him to ring and write a short letter to Mr. Marren immediately
confirming that he would act in the matter in response to Marrens threat
to effect a distribution of the Estate.) nor did Mr. Henry of Tormeys
Solicitors, Athlone inform us, so that we could engage another Solicitor
to act on behalf of Michael Gavin and Eileen Linney.

We have difficulty understanding why Mr. Henry of Tormeys Solicitors,

Athlone failed to respond to correspondence, including correspondence
that was crucial and significant to us.

At a subsequent meeting with Mr. Henry after your closing he estimated

that court proceedings to sue you could take up to 3 years with fees in
the region of 60,000 to 100,000, and he suggested that I Michael
Gavin should take my age (83) into consideration.

It would appear you allowed confusion to arise in relation to the exact

disbursement of funds and showed a complete disregard for the
interests of the beneficiaries, whom you, Mr. Robert Marren a Solicitor,
knew to be ELDERLY, and by your conduct is depriving two of
the ELDERLY beneficiaries, of the enjoyment of their share in the
estate. You have also forced Michael Gavin and Eileen Linney to incur
additional unnecessary expenses in drafting documents and letters time
and time again to prove their claim.

Yours Faithfully

Michael Gavin Eileen Linney

Support #E
lderly #R
oscommon #F
armer after you vote
Friday February 26th 10:30 am to 5pm Castle Street #M

Join Event https://www.facebook.com/events/167531713593954/

Michael Gavins Petition





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To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will

depend very much on where you reside on the social scale

We are holding a Peaceful Protest outside Dept of Agriculture

Government Buildings Portlaoise Friday March 11th 11am to 3pm

The Dept. of Agriculture are facilitating Financial Elder Abuse by

handing over the grants to the Solicitor dealing with the estate. The
departments policy is flawed and needs to be changed. The Purpose of
the Dept. of Agriculture Grants is to feed the farm animals.

Please Read Full Story Here http://wp.me/p6LhQk-bl

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Posted in News, Solicitors, Victims Tagged with: corruption, elder abuse, solicitor, solicitors


Posted on August 11, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

As all of this goes on while we have a sycophantic media covering the

rear ends of the untouchables, just imagine what is going on that we are
NOT being told.

Revelations in recent years regarding wrongdoing by certain Gardai and

greed by certain charity bosses are just two examples of how the
mighty are starting to fall from their perches. This week the Olympic
Council of Ireland has questions to answer regarding its own tickets
surfacing on the black market on the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

Twenty years ago it was the Catholic Church which began to fall from
its lofty perch and it discovered for the first time what it was like to face
the wrath of the media and the general public. And while politicians are
never far from controversy at any time, the media continue to get off
scot free. So who holds the media to account? The Broadcasting
Authority and the Press Council are tasked with that job.

Each of those bodies is staffed by broadcasters and journalists. In other

words media oversight bodies are no different to the Law Society being
the regulatory body and complaints body for those members of the
public who are wronged by lawyers and just like the legal profession,
the media establishment has no intention of relinquishing such power.

One ugly example of Irelands corrupted and corruptible media in full

flight are RTEs legal threats to freelance journalist Gemma O Doherty,
where the state broadcaster is demanding 13,000 Euros from her
because she used 3 minutes of RTE film archive for her documentary
Mary Boyle, the Untold Story. This is a clear measure of just how petty
RTE is but they are not alone. The print media, together with Dennis
OBriens print media and broadcasting empire are every bit as bad.

The National Union of Journalists deserves a flash picket by hundreds

of angry people who have had enough of media bias, corruption and
lies. Their offices are in the middle of Dublin, on Store Street,
conveniently around the corner from Uncle Denniss Independent
House and a few doors from Store Street Garda Station. It is a gated
entrance. It is imperative that these liars and leeches get what the
Catholic Church believed was the impossible in the 1990s. A similar
protest at RTEs Montrose studios (pictured) is a more difficult task as it
is impossible to get through their security system.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth?

Law Society of Ireland will Not

Intervene for Elderly Michael Gavin
against Peter D Jones State Solicitor
for Robert Marren Mullingar
Posted on August 10, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

July 26th 2016 Elderly 84 Year old Michael Gavin

Complaind to Law Society of Ireland

re Peter D Penalty Points Jones
On 01/04/2016 peter d penalty points jones State Solicitor sent me
Michael Gavin an Elderly 84 Year Old retired farmer and former CIE
employee a threatening letter on behalf of his client robert b. marren

I am outraged at the reluctance of peter d. jones to respond to my letter

send back to him on 12th of April 2016 in which I requested 7 pieces of
evidence and answers to 20 questions concerning his client robert b.

Copy of both letters enclosed

I demand that this matter be investigated and a response to my


Clare Daly TD LawSocietyOutlaws YouTube 720p

Thursday, 21 July 2016

An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: call Deputy Clare Daly, who has five

Deputy Clare Daly: I am just in the nick of time. After years of delay and
fierce resistance from the bodies this legislation is supposed to
regulate, and a rewriting of that legislation largely by the bodies, we
have finally got to the point of appointing members to the board of the
new legal services regulatory authority. Some change is desperately
needed and I welcome that fact. To be honest, the role played by the
Law Society over the past period has demonstrated it to be an
organisation that is absolutely not fit for purpose. It is as bad, if
not worse, as all the other organisations that have been set up to
regulate and investigate themselves.

Even with the best people in the world, that type of system would not
work but we know there is a litany of disaster when we consider the
Law Societys history. The idea that the Law Society would operate as
both a representative and a regulatory body for solicitors is
dysfunctional and unacceptable. The new Act from which the body is
being set up removes some of the regulatory functions from the Law
Society but I argue it is certainly not enough. I am not happy with the
amount of power that the Law Society is keeping because of its historic
activity. I will deal with one or two cases, and I assure the Leas-Cheann
Comhairle that where I mention names, they are in the public domain
and have been the subject of court cases. They are beyond dispute.

People like Mr. Fergus Appelbe are well known. He is a former solicitor,
currently practising under supervision, and he was the subject of two
Today Tonight investigations in the late 1980s because of his conduct.
He was ultimately convicted of fraud. The hole left in accounts by this
individual and his various companies amount to somewhere between
100 million and 200 million, and that hole will probably have to be
filled by the Irish taxpayer, as the Minister of State knows. He is not
allowed to be a company director in the North but he has been allowed
to continue to practice under supervision here. The Law Society failed
utterly to investigate the large and countless claims against him. It
protected him and appointed him to its conveyancing committee.

An individual who complained about this gentleman was Mr. Colm

Murphy. Probably as a result of those complaints in retaliation, in
effect a process was embarked upon, supported by the Law Society,
which saw Mr. Murphy struck off, allegedly for breaching an undertaking
he had given in the High Court. A solicitor for the Law Society, Ms
Linda Kirwan, swore in an affidavit that she had witnessed him
giving this undertaking. After Mr. Murphy was struck off, she
acknowledged that she had not even been in court on the day in
which the alleged undertaking was given. Not only that but there is
no record of any such undertaking anyway. Nevertheless, Ms
Kirwan is now head of complaints and client relations at the Law
Society and was recently elected by the society to represent
complaint handler members on the executive committee, despite
her admitting to filing a false affidavit. That is incredibly worrying.

We also know the documentation relied upon to strike off Mr. Murphy
was a forged document presented by an individual called Mr. Frank
Fallon, who subsequently received a seven-year jail term for fraud and
forgery. It was alleged and ultimately proven that the document
presented in the Murphy case was a forgery and there is evidence to
suggest the Law Society was well aware of this but pursued this
individual anyway.

The point is in this case and others, the Law Societys barristers and
external solicitors have deliberately misled the courts. I am not saying it
lightly as these are facts. It was done to prevent this individual, Mr.
Murphy, from getting a full hearing and redress in his case. Mr. Justice
Nicholas Kearns in the case spoke about repeated skullduggery on
the part of the Law Society. The problem I have is that the Law Society
has been unaccountable and a law unto itself. It decided to go after this
individual but it did not decide to go after many others whose actions
will cost the taxpayer dear. The unchecked role of the Law Society is
something that should have been challenged before now. I am not
happy to say this goes far enough and I am not happy with the role of
the nominees being put forward in the process. I am glad the new
authority is finally being set up, although it is not as robust or
independent as I would like.

In a democracy, there is no
uglier spectacle than the
power of the State being
used against its own
citizens. In fact, its not even
compatible with the notion of




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Posted in News Tagged with: law society, Law Society of Ireland, linda kirwan, mullingar solicitors, peter d jones
solicitors, peter d jones state solicitor, peter d. jones, robert marren, robert marren solicitor


Posted on August 9, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

the gavel of a judge in court. lies on a desk.

How many times have you despondently used the term one law for them and another law for the
rest of us? Those of us who are awake in Ireland are sick to the teeth of watching justice being
subverted by the very people who are meant to make justice, administer justice and enforce

We have witnessed ridiculously lenient sentences given to bankers for billion euro fraud which
bankrupted our nation, where a judge stated that prison would be a very upsetting experience for
such bankers and only two weeks ago, another 3 banking criminals were sent to the cushy semi
open prison at Mountjoys Training Unit only hours into their 2 and 3 year sentences. Not even a
prisoner beginning a 3 month sentence for non payment of fines would have such luck. We are
sick to the teeth of learning about penalty points being unlawfully removed for judges, TDs, state
solicitors, well connected wealthy people, corrupt journalists and sainted celebrities. When a
journalist attempted to write an article in the public interest highlighting a serving Garda
Commissioner having penalty points removed, she was promptly dismissed from her long serving
employment. This is just a taste of what corruption is like in Ireland and it has now reached
dangerous totalitarian levels.

But the time for talking is now over. The time for giving out down in the pub has long past. The
time for shrugging our shoulders with defeatist phrases of ah well sure what can we do? is
certainly long past its sell by date and the time for writing silly, meaningless and grumpy letters to
the Irish Times is now gone forever. THE TIME FOR DIRECT ACTION IS NOW!

As a result of the states criminally corrupt actions against a number of people in different parts of
Ireland in recent and not so recent times, this organisation ACT Anti Corruption Taskforce has
emerged. There are now a rapidly growing number of people throughout this land who are no
longer prepared to shrug their shoulders and allow criminals masquerading as lawyers,
politicians, judges, Gardai or other senior civil servants to run roughshod over the ordinary people
of Ireland. We mean business this time and here is why.

There will be no more silent assemblies outside Leinster House in the downpours of rain, while
the political establishment laugh their heads off at us while they stagger around the subsidised

There will be no more complaints to the Law Society, which means being driven around in circles
for 5 and 10years while they laugh their heads off at us at the annual Rotary Club dinner. THIS

There will be no more complaints to the Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission (GSOC)
where such complaints will be the subject of practical office jokes in the company of Paul Williams

There will be no more complaints to the Press Council or the Broadcasting Complaints Authority,
where such complaints will ignite rapturous laughter and sneering from the likes of Mick Clifford

There will be no more controlled opposition style protests and marches against the corruption
which is destroying our nations spirit, because that is what the corrupt establishment want us to
do and that is why they are having a laugh at us the ordinary people of Ireland. Instead, WE WILL

If you want to be involved in a hands-on approach to fighting corruption in our society please join
with us. We meet each Saturday in Athlone, Co. Westmeath for the purposes of planning strategy
and we intend taking that fight against corruption to a higher level than what was ever attempted
before. There will be regular actions undertaken over the next few months, all of which will be
lawful, legal but effective. We need to get the word out that some of the most powerful people in
our society, those who make decisions that affect our every day lives, are corrupt to the core and
are nothing less than criminals.

If you want to do your bit to help end the situation of ONE LAW FOR THEM AND ONE LAW FOR
US then please share this post far and wide and join with us at ACT Anti Corruption Taskforce.

Thank you.

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Posted in News, Niall Doyle Tagged with: corrupt law, law, no law, one law for them and another law for the rest
of us

Why Peaceful Rosary Procession to

Robber Marrens Home Sunday August
14th 2pm 4pm
Posted on August 8, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Peaceful Rosary Procession

Congregate at Entrance to Ballyglass Cementary before 2 pm Sunday
August 14th
Join Peaceful Rosary Procession to Robert Marren Solicitors Home a
few hundred yards down the Longford Road.
1. Robert Marren Solicitor refused to award Michael Gavin the grant
moneys paid down from the Dept. of Agriculture. Michael is owed
over 116,000 for 9 years minding the farm Animals.

2. Robert Marren Solicitor held onto the funds from the land sale for
nearly 2 years, and then finally awarded to Michael Gavin and his
sister 12,500 plus interest less than what we were each entitled

3. Willie Penrose TD BL was not paid for his opinion, when the
estate was charged for same.

4. Robert Marren Solicitor Squandered the estate assets and hired

an additional accountant at a cost of 8,751.45.

5. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs for his fee of
40,892.53 he awarded to himself.

6. No bill of costs was provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors,

Athlone, paid an amount of 38,941 a year prior to closing.

7. Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone failed to undertake the

instructions given him through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent
Mr. Robert Marren closing in isolation to well founded objections.
8. Now Peter D. Jones Mulingar State Solicitor THREATENED
Elderly Michael Gavin NOT to Peaceful Protest outside Robert
Marren Solicitors Office.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will

depend very much on where you reside on the social scale
The Fifteen Promises of the Virgin Mary to those who recite the
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary,
shall receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those
who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice,
decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls
the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of people from
the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of
eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the
Rosary, shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the
consideration of its Sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by
misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish
by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of
God, and become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die
without the Sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life
and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at
the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in
9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory
in Heaven.
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in
their necessities.
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the
Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their
life and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my children, and brothers and sisters
of my only Son, Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

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Posted in News, Protests, Solicitors Tagged with: ballyglass cementary, corrupt solicitor, corruption, elder
abuse, greed, Law Society of Ireland, lawyers, mullingar. peaceful protest, peter d. jones, peter jones state
solicitor, robert b marren, solicitors, tony henry tormeys solicitors, tormeys solicitors, willie penrose

France Should Protect Her Own

Citizens, Inside Her Own Borders, From
Her Own Terrorists, Instead Of
Interfering In Irish Legal Affairs!
Posted on August 4, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments
French prosecutors should not be doing the bidding of Western
Europes most corrupt police force. . . . . . . . . .

Collusion between senior Gardai and belligerent French prosecutors

cannot be ruled out in order to divert attention away from the Mary
Boyle and Philip Cairns cover ups. In this the centenary of the 1916
Rising, one would assume that we had become familiar with so called
independence, sovereignty and freedom to operate our own legislation,
however flawed such legislation may be. But alas we have not.

Because we are justifiably perceived as the EUs greatest little obedient

servants, we in Ireland have invited dictats and threats from any rogue
element in any other jurisdiction whenever such rogues so please and
there is no better example of that than this weeks interference in our
justice system by the French Prosecution Service regarding Ian Bailey.

Ian Bailey was arrested and questioned a number of times in relation to

the 1996 murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier in West Cork but never
charged, despite criminal Gardai forcing a woman to make a false
statement, a false statement which in could have landed Bailey a life
sentence. But insufficient evidence meant that the DPP decided it could
not prosecute, much to the annoyance of the criminal Gardai who, by
hook or by crook, wanted Baileys conviction for the murder (no Garda
was ever disciplined, dismissed or prosecuted for this perversion of the
course of justice).

So enter the French Prosecution Service. It is highly irregular for a

country, especially a fellow EU member, to seek to prosecute a crime
which occurred in another EU member state, but apparently there is EU
legislation that covers this eventuality. But firstly a suspect must be
extradited. Despite the might of Frances prosecutors and lawyers,
Irelands Supreme Court, after careful consideration, ruled against the
extradition 4 years ago. So that was that then. End of story except that
Irelands might and money ensured that Bailey was NOT going to win
his case against the state for infringement of his human rights or liberty.

This week the rogue French Prosecution Service has renewed its
pursuit of Ian Bailey. Is it not a coincidence, that this new attempt to
make a news story out of an old issue comes at a time when French
law enforcement and security is in the dock over the terror attacks of
the past 18 months and the Irish justice system and law enforcement is
in the dock over the disappearance of two children Mary Boyle and
Philip Cairns?

This new development smacks of collusion and in the words of Baileys

solicitor Frank Buttimer it is a mockery of justice.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: Frank Buttimer, ian bailey

Judge Pat McCartan You Are Now A Far

Cry From Your Bleeding Hearted,
Cultural Marxist, Social Justice Warrior
Days, Your Lordship
Posted on August 2, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Pat McCartan should be impeached

If ever there were grounds for impeachment of a member of the Irish
Judiciary then Judge Patrick McCartan should be gone yesterday. He
was appointed to the bench by his cronies in the Democartic Left Party,
aka New Agenda, aka The Workers Party, aka Sinn Fein The Workers
Party, aka Official Sinn Fein and in reality ALWAYS known as the
Official IRA.

Pat McCartan kept the company of organised gangsters and armed

criminals during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Not a very suitable
person to be a Circuit Court Judge one would assume. So what does
this say about the whole judicial appointments system? It says that
regardless of how much of a thug you are, once you are in the right
political party at the right time then your chances of landing that
powerful position of Judge is enhanced greatly.

McCartans appointment to the bench was made by his party leader

Pionsious De Rossa, Labour leader Dick Spring and then Taoiseach
John Bruton in 1997, a few months before the pro North Korean party
knew they would be almost wiped out in the general election.

When this man can preside over a civil matter that was maliciously
turned into a criminal matter with relish, influence the jury at each and
every opportunity and then remand the convicted man on bail despite
no objections from the DPP and then hand down a 5 year sentence,
then we know our judiciary are out of control.

All Sean Carraher did was post certain matters about a Garda Sergeant
on line and while Sergeant Collins of Shankill Garda may argue that
such postings were untrue, those on the outside looking in could not
find any evidence of untruths. This was a civil case plain and simple,
but when Sergeant Collins discovered Carraher had no money and he
could not sue for compo, he had no problem getting his criminally
corrupt cronies in the DPPs office to instigate criminal proceedings.

A quarter of a century could not change a politician so physically and

mentally as this serpent. The sooner these rogue judges are outed and
ran from their perches the better for all in our society. Pat McCartan
(pictured when a TD) was a wolf in sheeps clothing even then. The day
when a bloody peoples revolution with those leeches being culled
cannot arrive soon enough.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: Judge Patrick McCartan, Pat McCartan
Jim O Callaghan Future Justice
Minister Is Just Right For The Job
Because He Is Corrupt To The Core:
Posted on August 2, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment

Jim O Callaghan Future Justice

Minister Is Just Right For The Job
Because He Is Corrupt To The Core
Jim O Callaghan, brother of RTEs Miriam O Callaghan and Fianna
Fails spokesperson on Justice, has categorically denied that anyone in
Fianna Fail ever contacted Ballyshannon Garda Station in 1977 to
interfere in the investigation into the disappearance of 6 year old Mary
Boyle. So why is Mr. O Callaghan so certain?

How can he come to such a definitive conclusion? He was only 9 years

old at the time himself, so who in Fianna Fail has subsequently told him
that nobody in Fianna Fail ever interfered in that Garda investigation?

People who are fans of the famous sitcom Only Fools And Horses
may recall an incident where Rodney brought a date home for a
nightcap. The problem was his date was a police woman and his
familys flat was full of stolen goods . Out of polite conversation she
asked Del Boy and Grandad what they were doing earlier in the
evening. Both spontaneously proclaimed that they were in all evening
and Grandad added and we have witnesses to prove it. His autocue of
guilt could not have been more hilarious.

This automatic circling of the wagons by people in the employ of this

rogue state is now becoming all too predictable. When Jim O
Callaghan can confidently claim, unsolicited, that there was no Fianna
Fail interference in that murder investigation he has effectively admitted
that there WAS such interference. But by doing so, he has aroused the
suspicions of many people.

When a barrister such as him, trained to tell lies to judges and juries,
comes out with such a sweeping assertion about an event which
occurred when he was still in primary school then we must be
suspicious. O Callaghan, a proud member of one of Western Europes
most criminally corrupt political parties stands to automatically become
a Justice Minister in a future Fianna Fail lead government. If he fails to
get elected but his party wins power, he will automatically be appointed
to the bench.

O Callaghan has now involved himself in a murder cover up. He is

protecting those who are murderers and those who are perverting the
course of justice. So there we have it. Politics, Law, Justice and Media
all drawing its people from the same gene pool. Is it any wonder there
is such little confidence in the Judiciary and Justice systems when a
blackguard of a lawyer/politician is at large in our society.

His constituency office is at 37, South Richmond Street, Portobello,

Dublin 2, tel. 01 4758943 for those who wish to express their anger at
his most recent defence of the Fianna Fail criminal realm. Details of his
home address at Rathmines, Dublin 6 are not so readily available.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: Jim O' Callaghan, justice minister

Garda Whistleblowers and innocent

people being framed and intimidated by
Top Gardai for exposing corruption
Posted on August 2, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Garda Whistleblowers and innocent people being framed and

intimidated by Top Gardai for exposing corruption


Gardai who whistle blow on corruption, sexual assaults involving senior

gardai and the justice department are being intimidated , harassed,
bullied, falsely arrested, falsely accused of trumped up charges by High
Ranking Officers, so as to ruin their reputation and make people believe
they are criminals, when in fact its the high ranking officers that are
corrupt. Hundreds of gardai are suffering appalling intimidation at the
hands of these high ranking political appointed bullies.These whistle
blowers are being forced to retire, resign, take a care break etc

Senior gardai get NBCI to investigate and stitch up the members who
are whistle blowing so as to drive them over the edge and drop their
complaints of corruption. More then 20 gardai/sergeants have reported
corruption and have been bullied and intimidated so badly, some even
contemplated suicide.

Below a few recent bullying cases all of them covered up by the justice

Garda Whistle blower who reported a murder abused while senior

gardai cover it up




Whistle blower assaulted and falsely imprisoned by Ass Comm Derek


Gardai have no where to turn to, to report sexual assaults, harassment
by corrupt senior gardai, their last resort is to send letters and emails

A witch hunt was set up by NBCI and senior gardai to catch the gardai
who were reporting the true corruption being committed by
commissioner Fintan Fanning , Derek Byrne and John O Mahoney.


A number of gardai have committed suicide as a result of senior garda

bullying and it is not getting any better for garda whistle blowers. The
continued abuse of garda whistle blowers has to stop by corrupt political
appointed senior gardai.

Garda whistle blower John Wilson





Every garda and sergeant that reported senior garda corruption to

Oliver Connelly was warned off or ignored and then isolated and
bullied/intimidated/harassed on the orders of senior garda

John Wilson said he made a formal complaint on April 4th, 2012 to the
then confidential recipient, Oliver Connolly, but he received no
response ignored just like a numerous other gardai.





Dont forget my proximity to the minister, and dont think I didnt have a
word in his ear.

He said Mr Connolly told her to play the political game and she might
get preferential treatment elsewhere.
Whistle blower Garda Keith Harrison













refusing to co-operate and would not supply documents he was looking

for, or comply with his requests.

Management needs reform


Whistle blower Garda Nicky Keogh



Sergeant whistle blower Michael Buckley





Sergeant whistle blower Christopher Power


Sergeant whistle blower Maurice Mc Cabe







Garda whistle blowers who reported more illegal phone Taps





GSOC Bugged by senior gardai



Garda whistle blower John Kelly


Garda whistle blower William Browne


Garda whistle blower Jack Doyle



Garda whistle blower Andrea Fitzharris


Garda Whistle blower Christine Kehoe


Garda whistle blower Kieran Jackson



Garda whistle blowers reported embezzlement



A number of female Gardai/sergeants whistle blowers e.g Mary T O

Connor, reported false arrests, corruption, sexual assaults,perjury,
forgeries, fraud,destruction of evidence, theft, perverting the course of
justice and conspiracy within the justice departments, all by senior
garda officers and DPP officials.


Sergeant whistle blower E. Doherty

She wrote to the confidential recipient and TD s reporting serious garda

corruption and fraud by senior garda management and instead of
investigating them they raided her house. This witch hunt against her as
with all garda whistle blowers, by Top senior management has been
going for years. While falsely accusing her of harassment .

Dublin Garda Roisin Farrell

Reported bullying, harassment and intimidation, she had a number of

miscarriages as a result of it, she
was paid off by senior garda management and resigned on medical



Garda whistle blower Maire O Reilly




Garda whistle blowers in Athlone


Garda whistle blower


This is what corrupt senior gardai cause and get away with it

young-garda-26674123.html ;

Garda Brian Canavan, stationed at Pearse Street in Dublin, was

suspended from duty on May 23, 2014, for allegedly failing to prosecute
cases in 2012 and 2013, two days after he had informed a Garda
Inspector he wished initiate a grievance procedure against two other
superior officers.


Joe Doocey and others like Ian Bailey,Pascal Dolan, Stephen Manning,
Mc Brearties Stephen Kerr, Cathriona Barker, John McDonald
intimidated , harassed, bullied, falsely arrested, falsely imprisoned by
corrupt detectives from NBCI Harcourt square for exposing corruption in
the justice departments.














by-dr-richard-oflaherty/ ;

Ian Bailey considered suicide after arrest over murder

High Court hears claim death threat made to journalist by
Garda as he was driven to station














Hundreds of people assaulted, raped and abused while in Garda

custody even a young disabled boy








Senior gardai Commissioner Derek Byrne, John O Mahony and Fintan

Fanning try to shut gardai up, with assaults, intimidation, harassment,
bullying and ruining their character by reporting a false allegation to
their drinking buddy journalist Paul Williams to publish.







Nothing has changed in 10 years for whistle blowers


Corruption at the Top being ignored because they are all political





Gardai have no where to turn to, to report corrupt senior gardai, their
last resort is to send letters and emails around.
A witch hunt was set up by NBCI and senior gardai to catch the gardai
who were reporting the true corruption being committed by
commissioner Fintan Fanning , Derek Byrne and John O Mahoney.


How whistle blowers are treated by this corrupt justice system


The area of procurement corruption in AGS is so rotten with cronyism,

its unbelievable, this is just one there are hundreds
of cases like this in the same situation.


The People of Ireland and whistle blowers need a public inquiry into
corruption .
Every serving, retired,gardai on career breaks, resigned and suspended
Garda member needs to be asked to talk about the corruption that is
epidemic in the force, but it needs to be totally independent of senior


No reform for senior gardai who are corrupt they are just moved to
another area, just like the priests that were moved. Corruption
continues in the top ranks of the garda force.


How many more suicides does this justice system want on its hands?


Six people in the garda have died by suicide in the past 12 months




Garda Whistleblowers and innocent people being framed and intimidated by Top Gardai for
exposing corruption :

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CrookedLawyers John Gill on his

controversial conversation with Mayo
State Solicitor Seamus Hughes
Posted on July 27, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

CrookedLawyers John Gill on his

controversial conversation with Mayo
State Solicitor Seamus Hughes, the
new proposals to abolish the office of
the Taxing Master, and the new global
coalition Transparency International.
There is a growing fear among Solicitors and Barristers that the holiday
period they have enjoyed over these many years is drawing to an end.
A holiday period that was steeped in corruption, collusion, deception,
perjury, and maintained by threat and intimidation.

This holiday period in case you are under any illusions is far from over;
there are many thousands of individuals and families all over the 26
counties of Ireland today with the threat of large bills of costs and the
fear of going to jail hanging over them.

You no longer need to read the report of the chairman of the Bar
Councils trip to Zimbabwe; just see the research that is ongoing by the
Victims of Irish Solicitors for the past six years at Drumline, Newmarket-
on-Fergus, Co. Clare.

While in Dublin on Thursday the 5th of January 2006, I picked up a

message from the State Solicitor for Co. Mayo in Westport at the time,
I was just asked to contact Seamus Hughes. So I phoned the next day
to discover that it was an office. I was told that Seamus Hughes would
phone me back later. Seamus did phone back later, but I was still in
Dublin meeting with victims of corrupt solicitors.

On my return to the office of the VLPS in Co. Clare, I was told to make
contact with Seamus Hughes. I returned the call to 098 28422 at 9:50
a.m. on Monday morning, the 9th of January. When I introduced myself,
Mr Hughes offered to phone me back, which he did.

Seamus Hughes seemed to be taking issue with some references to

himself that appeared on the website CrookedLawyers.com and
demanded to have them removed. He went on to talk about what he
described as a Dutchman who he told me had a very nice wife. Mr
Hughes went on to explain about a court case with what he described
as 6/15ths of costs paid and 9/15ths due to his Office. This was in
connection with the construction of a house. I asked Mr Hughes where
this awful individual with the very nice wife lived and he told me that he
lived in a village outside the town of Westport but did not give me the
name of the village. [Read the article in the Sunday Business Post
about Mr Hughes and the Dutchman, which contradicts what Mr
Hughes said, -Ed.]

It would appear that Mr Hughes is going to hold me, John Gill,

responsible for what he disagrees with on the CrookedLawyers.com
website. However, I did not know anything about the problems of Mr
Hughes and the gentleman from the village unknown, or indeed his very
nice wife.

To get away from Mr Hughess problems for a moment, I felt it

necessary to remind him that I also came from Mayo down near
Ballycastle and that nine out of ten of my family emigrated from Mayo
and brought back to this country hundreds of thousands of dollars from
Australia, New Guinea, Canada and the United States, only to be
robbed by the crooks and Mafia-like gangsters of the Irish legal
profession. Citing just one firm of crooks, John Casey & Co of Bindon
St., Ennis, Co. Clare, I also told Mr Hughes that we were in the process
of organising protests throughout the country to name and shame the
rogues/criminal element of solicitors and barristers.

Whether it was to impress, intimidate or threaten, I will never know, but

Mr Seamus Hughes went on to impress upon me that he was a solicitor
of thirty years standing, and the State solicitor for Mayo, and also was
an elected TD for Mayo and Fianna Fail, and a friend of Tony Killeen
[T.D. for Co. Clare, -Ed.] My answer to that mouthful was that I was a
member also and that Fianna Fail was as corrupt as hell.

Mr Seamus Hughes did give me some relief when he told me that he

had read my story on the CrookedLawyers.com website, and did admit
that it was appalling. Mr Hughes was under the impression that the Law
Society was adequately dealing with rogue solicitors. I told Mr Hughes
of our members impression of Ken Murphy and the Law Society. I also
reminded Mr Hughes of the veil of secrecy that was maintained in
Ireland over the years by intimidation and threat to cover up the criminal
conduct of the so called High Society, namely and mainly the Legal
Profession and their fellow travellers, the Fianna Fail Party for the
greater part. This, I told Mr Hughes, I was reminded of so many times in
the city of Chicago. It is now four full days since I received the threat
from Mr Hughes, and still no sign of his allegation in writing.

It is a fact that the corrupt conduct of solicitors and barristers has

destroyed many Irish family homes and lives, with no small input from
especially, but not entirely, Fianna Fail. Corruption in Ireland is a way of
life for the solicitors and barristers of the 26 counties, maintained by a
well-placed number of failed solicitors, elected around the country to the
mainly Fianna Fail party. They are situated in the North East, sunny
South East, misty South West, Mid West, West, and North West; some
of whom we will deal with later.

Corruption is a deadly blight and blemish on any society, and the fact
that it is tolerated and allowed to fester by an elected Democratic
Government is just not acceptable.

It is now firmly established that the Irish legal profession, its solicitors
and barristers, and the Political Party nominees to the judicial system
for the greater part are corrupt. These are the findings of most of the
Victims, who have been dragged through the Courts, battling against
serious corruption, fraud, perjury, mass distortion of legal documents,
forgery and distortion of Wills to deny the most vulnerable of people
their inheritance and their human rights. It will now not surprise anyone
if Seamus Hughes will one day be sitting on the bench in judgement of

We have copies of the Irish Independent and the Irish Times of the 11th
of January 2006. The only solace that many of us can draw from the
news about Judicial Reform is that the Office of the Taxing Masters is
being abolished. We hope that this will come about sooner rather than
later because we believe that this Office, and some people in particular
within this Office are sickeningly corrupt (will expose later).

We, the victims of the greedy, grabbing element of the legal and judicial
system in Ireland DEMAND that our Minister for Justice, Equality and
Law Reform send out a clear message to this rogue and corrupt
element to cease and desist their unlawful, perjurous and contemptuous
efforts currently in the Courts all over the country to unlawfully steal
from us our inheritance, farms, building sites, holiday homes and money
from Clients accounts. They will, Minister, be named and shamed
without fear, favour, affection or ill will, so help me God!

As assistant Chairman and P.R.O. of the Victims of the Legal

Profession Society, I personally would like to thank the Minister for
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Micheal McDowell, T.D. for referring
my file to the Garda Commissioner.



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Mary Boyle The Untold Story

Posted on July 26, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Mary Boyle The Untold Story

Mary Boyle The Untold Story

A documentary, written and directed by Gemma ODoherty, about the

case of Irelands youngest missing person. Mary Boyle vanished on her
grandparents remote farm in Donegal in March 1977.
She was six years of age. Her remains have never been found. The
documentary reveals allegations by retired senior officers that a
politician requested the chief suspect not be arrested. He never has
been and still lives in Donegal today.
Mary Boyles twin Ann claims that her sister was going to reveal a
secret. She says she was murdered to stop her from telling it.

Ann Doherty stands courageously outside the Fianna Fail headquarters

in Dublins Mount Street to demand justice for her murdered twin sister
Mary Boyle. She believes the man who raped and killed Mary, and the
politician who has shielded him for almost 40 years, are active
members of the party. The public must be given all the facts now as
frightening and obscene as they are. They deserve nothing less.
Garda statements taken at the time reveal countless inconsistencies,
which point in only one direction. It is time to take Marys killer off the
streets along with all who have shielded him.

Joe Duffy says there is no bias in RTE

on the Mary Boyle case

Joe Duffy says there is no bias in RTE on the Mary Boyle case. If that is
so, why did the state broadcaster not inform the Irish public about Ann
Dohertys trips to Brussels, Stormont, the House of Commons, and
Washington in recent months?
Why did they not report her meetings with the First Minister of NI Arlene
Foster and PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton?
Why did RTE DC correspondent Caitriona Perry not make herself
available to interview Ann Doherty during her week-long trip to Capitol
Hill in March during which she met numerous American elected
representatives all interested in the Mary Boyle case, including former
congressman Bruce Morrison.
Why did they not cover her meeting with the Donegal coroner Denis
McCauley last December? Why did not properly cover her countless
meetings with TDs in Dail Eireann?
Why did they understate the hundreds of people who turned out at
marches for Mary Boyle in recent weeks? Why did they not report a
protest at Fianna Fail HQ in Mount St last weekend? Why do they claim
people who had nothing to do with Marys murder may have had
something to do with it without having a shred of evidence to back their
claims up? Why wont RTE re-release a fascinating Today Tonight
programme from 1985 which exposes the incestuous relationships
between FF and some former senior Ballyshannon gardai?
Why have they interviewed the mother of Mary Boyle, Ann Boyle, about
the case over the decades and ignored the testimony of Marys identical
twin Ann, who believes her mother should be arrested for withholding
information about the murder?
Why do they not have Mrs Boyle on the public airwaves any longer?
Why do they churn out garda spin and deception about the case time
and time again?
And yet why did they give wall-to-wall coverage to the case of Mairia
Cahill, whose alleged rape happened in another jurisdiction?
Mary Boyle was murdered in this country. Her death is being covered
up by this government and its garda force.
I think the public who pay 160 every year so that RTE can exist
deserve answers.
Dont you? If so, the Liveline, as they say, is open now, but good luck
with that!

Mary Boyle documentary wins

awards in Hollywood
Investigative journalist Gemma O Doherty released Mary Boyle: The Untold Story exactly
a month ago on the video sharing platform Youtube.com, and has received praise both
nationally and internationally for her work.

Mary Boyle: The Untold Story won an Award of Excellence in the Feature Documentary category
and an Award of Recognition in the Women Filmmaker section at the Hollywood Indepdendent
Documentary Awards July 2016.

Despite set backs such as being forced to remove the documentary for a period of time due to a
threatened defamation case, and having R.T.E. bill Gemma a staggering 12,915 to use a three
and a half minute clip from their archives in the documentary, the documentary has done
extremely well, racking up over 148,000 views.
The documentary took several years of investigation and research, and three months to produce.

Marys twin sister Ann has been on a pursuit for the truth for the last forty years, which has taken
her to Stormont, Westminster, Brussels and Washington DC. She has been accompanied by
Gemma O Doherty in her campaign.

Mary Boyle went missing in March 1977 at just six years old from her grandparents farm in

Little Mary is Irelands youngest missing person.

Mary Boyle documentary wins awards in Hollywood

Investigative journalist Gemma O Doherty released Mary Boyle: The Untold Story
exactly a month ago on Continue reading

Donegal Daily

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Posted in Victims

Peter D Penalty Points Jones State

Solicitor Mullingar Westmeath
Reported to Law Society of Ireland
Posted on July 25, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Complaint to Law Society of Ireland

re Peter D Penalty Points Jones
On 01/04/2016 peter d penalty points jones State Solicitor sent me
Michael Gavin an Elderly 84 Year Old retired farmer and former CIE
employee a threatening letter on behalf of his client robert b. marren

I am outraged at the reluctance of peter d. jones to respond to my letter

send back to him on 12th of April 2016 in which I requested 7 pieces of
evidence and answers to 20 questions concerning his client robert b.

Copy of both letters enclosed

I demand that this matter be investigated and a response to my


Sent to:

Complaints and Client Relations Section, Law Society of Ireland,

Georges Court, Georges Lane,

Dublin 7.

In a democracy, there is no
uglier spectacle than the
power of the State being
used against its own
citizens. In fact, its not even
compatible with the notion of

Dear Mr. peter d penalty points jones State Solicitor,

Further to your letter of April 1st 2016, I hereby inform you that we are
preparing a file for the Garda Fraud Squad in relation to the
administration of the estate of my late brother Patrick Gavin by your
client Robert B. Marren solicitor Castle Street, Mullingar.

I demand that you provide documentary evidence of the following:

1. Invoice for Willie Penroses fee that the estate was charged for.
2. Proof that Willie Penrose was in fact paid for his opinion.
3. Correct invoice for Catherine OConnor.
4. Proof that your client Robert B. Marren received 165,000 from
Anne Sanford and Kathleen OKeefe through their solicitor Tony
Mc Lynn of T & N McLynn Solicitors Athlone to cover Michael
Gavin and Eileen Linneys 1/6 share from the land sale.
5. Invoice for John Dolan Auctioneer Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
6. Detailed bill of costs for your client Robert B. Marren
7. Detailed Bill of costs for T&N McLynn solicitors Athlone.

Provide answers to the following:

1. Why Did Robert B. Marren refuse to award Michael Gavin the

grant money paid down from the dept. of Agriculture? Mike Gavin
is owed over 116,000 for 9 Years unpaid.
2. Why did Robert B. Marren hold on to the funds from the land sale
for nearly 2 years?
3. Why did Robert B. Marren award Elderly Michael Gavin and his
widowed sister 12,500 plus interest less than what they were
entitled to?
4. Why did Robert B. Marren deduct 3,500 from Eileen Linney for
Animals she never owned?
5. Why was no invoice provided for William Penroses TD BL
6. Why did Robert B. Marren hire an additional accountant Damien
Hannigan 7 Oliver Plunkett St. Mullingar at a cost of 8,751.45 to
oversee the Accounts?
7. Why did Robert B. Marren not provide the correct invoice for
Accountant Catherine OConnor?
8. Why did Mr. Robert B. Marren not provide a Detailed Bill of
Costs for his fee of 40,892.53 he awarded to himself?
9. Why did Robert B. Marren Solicitor consider the other
beneficiaries to be his clients?
10. Why did Robert B. Marren distribute the estate assets in isolation
to well-founed objections?
11. Why did Robert B. Marren refuse to take the well-founded
objection to a Judge?
12. Why did Robert B. Marren threaten 2 of the elderly beneficiaries
and coerce them to retain a solicitor to prevent him distributing the
estate assets?
13. Why did Robert B. Marren distribute the estate assets speedily
over the Christmas period 2014 in the knowledge that 2 of the
beneficiaries were actively attempting to retain a solicitor to act on
their behalf?
14. Why did Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors Athlone fail to undertake
the instructions given him through John Glynn Solicitors to
prevent Mr. Robert Marren closing in isolation to well-founded
15. Why did T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone summon (special
)Mike Gavin and Eileen Linney to the High Court attempting to sell
his home along with the farm and failed after three days
squandering estate assets with fees in the High Court?
16. Why was no bill of costs provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors,
Athlone, paid an amount of 38,941 a year prior to the
distribution of the estate assets?
17. Why did/does Robert Marren refuse to provide answers to these
and other questions?
18. Why Has Robert B. Marren retained you Peter D Penalty Points
Jones Mullingar State Solicitor to represent him?
19. Why do you Peter D. Jones THREATEN Elderly Michael Gavin
Not to PEACEFUL Protest outside Robert Marren Solicitors
20. Why should we tolerate Financial Elder Abuse?

I hope you now appreciate why we continue to protest peacefully

outside you client Mr. Robert B. Marrens office.

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Posted in News, Solicitors Tagged with: corrupt solicitor, Law Society of Ireland, mullingar, peter d. jones, robert
b marren, solicitor corruption, westmeath

Free Anna Harvey was given two

months in prison at Swords District
Posted on July 20, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Free Anna Harvey

Anna Harvey was given two months in prison at Swords District Court
this morning Wednesday 20-07-2016.

Anna was up today for sentencing and only 2 friends showed up to

support Anna.

Anna was not given proper notice of her hearing last year but the case
still went ahead in her absence. The barrister said the case went ahead
due to Anna not recognising the courts authority over her..

The judge decided he would hear the case without her, because she
requested she be given notice to allow her to form a defence. Anyway
she was sent to Mountjoy prison.

Anna Harvey has campaigned for so many things that all Irish families
benefit from now, even judges families. This woman is a gift to the Irish
people, she deserves our support at this time.

So contact your public representatives and dont let them know you are
upset at how the Irish women are being treated in our courts.

This disgusting news.

AnnaHarvey Athlone Court

Ref. Holding a hearing in ones absence.

E. C. Law (general principles of law)

The right to be heard in proceeding is essential

See Precedent
Hoffman La Roche Vs Commission 1979 ECJ

Annas proceedings were in clear breach of article 6 & 13 of European convention of human
rights and also 40.3 of the Irish Constitution 1937.
Peaceful Assembly (vigil) has been arranged (by family) to be held outside the prison for Every
Sunday at 3pm after the Dublin Says No march. The DSN March will leave central back at 13:30
and proceed to Mountjoy prison;

Support from all groups would be appreciated.

Message from behind the wall of

Yesterday Anna gave us this post to release to the public if incarcerated
without a hearing. Please share.
anna harvey <annaharvey2011@gmail.com>
Attachments10:46 PM (0 minutes ago)

to supremecourt
To the Hon Mr Justice Donal O Donnell I am appealing to you regarding
my case which I have attached , I am going for sentencing in swords
court tomorrow and I did not even have a hearing,

I told the Judge that he can not do that under article 6 of the human
rights I am entitled to a fair trial and a fair hearing which I am entitled to
and I did not get ,

He said they had a hearing but I did not bother to show up? which is a
lie maybe because I was not told of the court date! as you can see from
the file attached I went down to the garda station in Coolock. ,

I have tried to find out what I was charged with and the Garda refused
to tell me as you will see from the photos , what Justice Dermot
Dempsey is doing is illegal they said I was there as a public nuisance
which you will see is not true we had a damn good reason to want to
speak to Enda Kenny

as you will see also if a person is being attacked you have the right to
try defend him even if it is the Garda that is breaking the law in breach
of the peace and the unlawful attack on his person he was not able to
defend himself as two big burly garda had his arms pinned behind his
back while another gave Richie Larkin a knee full force into the Groin
and the three of them thought it was very funny and they held him up
while they were laughing and stopped him from collapsing to the ground

the footage you will be able to see as they have it in the

pharmasceutical company in question.

I had to save him from being savagely attacked by 3 Garda at a

peaceful Campaign and we had Aims and Objectives to put to Enda
Kenny which had to be addressed, the only crime Richie Larkin
committed was his concerns for his young daughter as it is all explained
in the file as were we all ,

they had no reason to attack us and throw us around like rag dolls and
get beat upon by thug Garda this has to stop and real justice has to

Yours Sincerely

Anna of the family Harvey and of the Clan O Donnell,

from: anna harvey <annaharvey2011@gmail.com>
to: supremecourt@courts.ie
date: Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:16 PM
subject: The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal ODonnell


If you can find one to do as you say, then you will prevail, but most of
them would rather hang onto their BAR cards than behave honourably.

The only thing that dead, fictional entities want from us is our life
energy, and the only way they can get it is by our agreement. Without
us, they cannot function, so, they are desperate to get us into court, to
have us pay the debt which they created by charging the trust.

Since common law courts no longer exist, we know that the case never
has anything to do with facts or live men and women and so, anyone
who testifies (talks about the facts of the case) is doomed.

ALL courts operate in trust law, based upon ecclesiastical canon law
ritualism, superstition, satanism, etc.which manifests as insidious,
commercial law and we are in court to take the hit, if they can get us to
do so.

They use every trick in the bookintimidation, fear, threat, ridicule,

rage, and even recesses, in order to change the jurisdiction, when they
know they are losing, in order to make us admit that we are the name of
the trust. When we do so, we are deemed to be the trusteethe one
liable for administering the trust.

Ergo, until now, it has been a waste of our time, energy, and emotion to
go to a place where it is almost certain that we will be stuck with the

We all know from our indoctrination, programming, and schooling that

judges are impartial and have sworn an oath to this effect. This means
he must not favour either plaintiff or defendant.

But, our experience reveals that he does, indeed, favour the plaintiff,
indicating a glaring conflict of interestthat the prosecutor, judge, and
clerk all work for the statethe owner of the CQV trust. So, as the case
is NOT about justice, it must be about the administration of a trust.

They all. Represent. the trust .owned.. by the state and, if

WE are beneficiary, the only two positions left are Trustee= Judge and
Executor= Prosecutor. So, if you detect the judges partiality, although I
doubt the case will get this far, you might just want to let them know that
you know this.

Article 32 Supreme Juridic Person

Canon 1619 link
A Supreme Juridic Person is recorded and enrolled in the Great Roll of
Divine Persons associated with a Supreme Divine Trust registered with
the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven as an aggregate
of one hundred (100) Divine Persons formed as the body of a Supreme
Trust when such Divine Persons share similar characteristics

BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry

The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And Roman Law Has
Been Used To Enslave Ireland the U.S.A and all the Countries they
have colonised
Any Judge, government agent, or bureaucrat who has sworn to uphold
the Constitution of the United States who is violating that oath is
Guilty of Treason.

The Penalty is still DEATH BY HANGING.

After the Revolutionary War of 1776 was over since no

actual surrender papers had been signed King George III decided
that the colonies still belonged to him, to England, and all
that Remained was for him to figure out how to get them back
again under his direct control. To do this he determined to use
the banks, both of the United States Ireland and of England, as one

But to underpin his efforts, he needed lawyers or attorneys here in the

colonies to make it all happen. The legal ramifications of how things
had to be brought about had become an important issue to England
ever since the days of the Magna Carta.

Lawyers, known more prominently as BARristers, had arisen to great

power in England since the days of the old knights. But the battle by
these heirs of knighthood this time was forged against good and not
evil, for this new thing that the People in America were calling freedom
was a dangerous consideration for a King.

He knew they had to be controlled form within without them knowing

it King George needed the lawyers or attorneys over in the Colonies to
be members, or Esquires, of Englands International BAR Association,
the only BAR association in the world, headquartered right in good old
London town and under his own direct control, but with operations
established in the United States, with certain strong ties into the

The International BAR Association was alive and well in America.

That thing called Freedom would soon come to its own end. So said
King George.

The BAR was Englands own British Accreditation Registry, its members
were considered to be nobles being above the common person, and
all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will
of the King, and the Bank of England. And if there was any opposition to
his plan, he might just cause another WAR to maintain his position for
control of the United States. He just might

We now fast forward to consider an interesting legal issue.

According to this and many other sources, there was a

thirteenth amendment to the Constitution for the United States of
not the one that we think we have now that was removed during
the time just before or during the Civil War.

In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former
Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn were searching for evidence of
government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on
the coast of Maine.

By chance, they discovered the librarys oldest authentic copy of the

Constitution (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this
document included a thirteenth amendment that no longer appears on
current copies of the Constitution.

After studying the *original* thirteenth amendments language and

historical context, they realized that the principle intent of the missing
13th amendment was to prohibit lawyers, particularly members of the
BAR association, from serving in government!

This missing 13th Amendment suppressed and even stopped

the forming or continued existence of any BAR association for over four
decades, from 1822 to 1867, and evidence of its existence has been
found in over 10 different states and territories throughout the United

Then they removed it without the public ever knowing about it and
elected themselves into the government.

How did a lawfully ratified Amendment to the Constitution simply

disappear, vanish, without so much as a nod of disturbance, or at least
some curiosity from the

And an amendment that deliberately targeted attorneys who were

members of the BAR association, to prevent BAR members from
holding any public office thereby preventing attorneys from passing
legislation that would most assuredly serve the greedy and nefarious
interests of not only the BAR association itself, but also the King of
England, right along with the other royal heads of Europe?

So that WE might not be conquered from within, as opposed to without?

The courts only recognize TWO classes of people in the United States

Your BAR Attorneys Secret Oath

What was the effect and the significance of the Erie RR. v. Thompkins
case decision of 1938?

The significance is that since the Erie decision, no cases are allowed to
be cited that are prior to 1939. There can be no mixing of the old law
with the new law.

The lawyers (who were members of the American BAR Association,

were and are currently under and controlled by the Lawyers Guild of
Great Britain) created, formed and implemented the new bankruptcy
law. The American BAR Association is a franchise of the Lawyers Guild
of Great Britain.

Since the Erie RR. v. Thompkins case was decided; the practice of law
in this country was never again to be the same.

It has been reported (source unknown to the writer) that every lawyer in
existence and every lawyer coming up has to take a SECRET OATH to
support the bankruptcy.

This seems to make sense after reading about Mr. Sweet s CASE
FILE DISAPPEARANCE, discussed below.

There is more to it. Not only do they promise to support the bankruptcy,
but the lawyers and judges also promise never to reveal who the true
creditor party is in the bankruptcy proceedings!
In court, there is never identification and appearance of the true
character and principal of the proceedings. This is where you can get
them for not making an appearance in court. If there is no appearance
of the true party to the action, then there is no way the defendant is able

You are never told the true NATURE AND THE CAUSE OF WHY YOU
ARE IN FRONT OF THEIR COURT. The court is forbidden to tell you
that information. Thats why, if you question the true nature and cause,
the judge will say, Its not my job to tell you. You are not retaining me
as an attorney and I cant give you legal advice from the bench.

I suggest you hire a lawyer. That is because he has not got a licence.

Practicing Law Without A License Lawyer Learned in the law to advise

in a court

BARrister One who is privileged to plead at the bar

Advocate One who pleads within the BAR for a defendant

Attorn-ey One who transfers or assigns, within the bar, anothers

money, goods/ property, rights and title to and acting on behalf of the
ruling crown (government).

If anyone ever charges you with illegal/unlawful Practicing law without

a license, just say: No attorney or lawyer in the U.S. has ever been
LICENSED to practice law (theyve exempted themselves, and no
such crime exists) as they are a abstract, artificial, bogus, bullshit,
counterfeit, dead, fraudulent, imaginary, non-existent, statutory
FICTION OF LAW person and only an ADMITTED MEMBER to
practice law in the private franchise member club called the BAR
(British or
BARrister Aristocratic Regency, or British Accreditation Registry
B.A.R. as in put in Jail Behind BARs, to BAR = stop = arrest = kidnap =
abduct, or also attorneys are absolutely BARred from challenging the
jurisdiction of the court), and as such they are unlawful un-registered
foreign agents.

Attorneys and lawyers only have BAR Cards which are clearly not

The lawyers, who are members of one or more State BAR Associations
(private membership clubs), which are franchised by the Irish and
American BAR Association are all under and controlled by the Lawyers
Guild of Great Britain which created, formed, and implemented the
financial BANKRUPTCY Law filed 3/9/33, which bankruptcy is still in
full force and effect today, for and on behalf of the
International Banksters as Creditors thereof.

Therefore, said attorneys/lawyers are Traitors, Esquires (noblemen

training for knighthood, Un-Constitutional title of honor and nobility
= Esquires), alien and foreign non-citizens and are
specifically prohibited by the USA Constitution from ever voting in
any election (Election Fraud) or from ever holding any elected
public office of trust whatsoever! Even jailhouse lawyer
prisoner inmates are Constitutionally protected and assured access to
the courts.

Attorneys are not really lawyers, as attorneys practice attornment (turn

over goods, services, etc. to another; i.e. robbers and thieves) and
lawyers practice law. Lawyers are supposedly learned in the law and
advise in a court while an attorn-eys transfer or assign someones rights
or property, etc to another and acts on behalf of the ruling crown

In 1878 the American legal system came under the control of a Labor
Union known as the worldwide (BRITISH) BAR ASSOCIATION.
Consequently, their courts have become Closed Union Shops.

The judges have become the union bosses of those private for
profit courts. These judges are overseen by a principal union boss or
union superintendent, a Supreme Court Justice of the State.

The criminal attorneys, barristers and counselors at law, and lawyers,

together with the international banksters, control everything of
importance in government (they unlawfully control, own and have
usurped (by force of law) all 3 branches of government), the BAR
Association controls the Attorneys, et al, and the aristocratic elite
monied power control the worldwide franchised private British BAR
Associations (the American BAR Association is but one private
franchise amoung hundreds
Worldwide including Ireland ).

The BAR Association Labor Union only allows union lawyers called
attorneys to use the pubicly tax-financed private courts (Union Hall or
Local Union) with Local Rules called Rules of the Court.

The ultimate goal of the BAR Associations is the overthrow the

GOVERNMENT of Ireland , and America and its Constitution, the
complete and total enslavement and
subjugation of its people, and to re-establish an absolute incontestable
form of ancient Babylonian and Masonic Medieval British Feudalism in
Ireland, America and the rest of the world which will become the New
World Order, One World Government, under Mob Rule Democracy
(the merging of capitalism and communism, and a military Dictatorship
run by the Commander-in-Chief called the President or the lord

Attorneys first came into existence because GOVERNMENT

created and invented abstract, artificial, bogus, counterfeit, dead,
fraudulent, non-existent statutory FICTIONS OF LAW persons,
citizens, individuals, people, the public, residents (the thing,
identified), taxpayers, registered voters, etc. could not (re)present
themselves in court since they did not really exist and so could not
speak for themselves and thus need a spokesperson.

Therefore, they had to have a mouthpiece [someone to speak for and

on their behalf and to DEfend (NOT fend, NOT ward off, not fight for
NOR offer defense)
them] to speak for and RE-present (RE-create, RE-fashion,
REform, RE-make, RE-mold, RE-place, RE-produce, change, convert,
exchange, substitute and TRANCEform) these nonexistent brainless,
deaf and dumb fictions.

Back then as now, living and breathing souls, real and natural, flesh and
blood men or women as defendants in court could not be
represented by a third party since they could and were required
to speak for themselves. A human being does not have a right to
re-presentation, he has a right to assistance of counsel. These are two
very different concepts.
Pro Se status is nothing more than the de-fendant moving the court to
allow him to waive the right to assistance of counsel.

The word attorney (attorn-ee, attorn-ey) definition derives from to

attorn meaning to turn over, to transfer to another money,
goods/property, rights or title. In other words, lawyers are simply high
paid criminals, embezzlers, leeches (blood suckers), magots, parasites,
prostitutes (who persecute and prosecute), robbers and thieves, etc.,
hired to rob and steal from Peter (the plaintiff and the defendent) to pay
Paul, Paul being the British Aristocratic Monarchy which franchises the
worldwide BAR associations, the creditors of the bankruptcy of
3/9/33 and the international banksters.

Protester kneed garda in the groin

Nicola Donnelly


A water protester who kneed a garda in the groin while protesting outside a Swords business
while An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and other dignitaries were attending a function has been found
guilty of the assault in her absence at Swords District Court.

Anna Harvey (53) did not attend the court for the hearing as according to defence solicitor Fiona
DArcy, she does not recognise this court.

Judge Dermot Dempsey said he would proceed with the case on a not guilty plea. Harvey, of
Macroom Avenue in Coolock is alleged to have assaulted Garda Keith Murphy of Swords Garda
Station at Watery Lane in Swords on February 26th last year.

Sergeant Kevin Toner gave evidence that at 5.30pm a group of 20 to 25 water protesters
gathered outside Bristol Myers Squibb where An Taoiseach and other dignitaries were attending a

The protesters attempted to obstruct the dignitaries and Harvey kneed Garda Murphy in the

Garda Keith Murphy said while he was on duty he identified Harvey, who was wearing a high viz
bib, as one of the protesters.

She was very vocal and spoke using a mega phone. As An Taoiseach was driven through the
gate of the factory Harvey tried to get to the front window of the car, said Gda Murphy. She was
extremely aggressive towards gardai.

He said when An Taoiseachs State car was existing the factory Harvey attempted to block the
path of the vehicle.

She became angry and abusive towards gardai and without warning she kneed me in the groin,
said Gda Murphy. I was bent over in pain and found it difficult to arrest her.

He said he was removed from the situation by other gardai and the protest continued when other
State vehicles passed through the factor gates. He said he recognised Harvey as he had come
across her at a number of anti-water metre protests.

Judge Dermot Dempsey found Harvey guilty of the offence in her absence and issued a bench
warrant for her arrest for the purpose of sentencing her.

Fingal Independent

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Posted in News Tagged with: anna Harvey, free anna harvey

Anna Harvey was given two months in

prison at Swords District Court this
Posted on July 20, 2016 by MikeGavin 22 Comments

Anna Harvey was given two months in prison at Swords District Court
this morning Wednesday 20-07-2016.

Anna was up today for sentencing and only 2 friends showed up to

support Anna.

Anna was not given proper notice of her hearing last year but the case
still went ahead in her absence. The barrister said the case went ahead
due to Anna not recognising the courts authority over her..

The judge decided he would hear the case without her, because she
requested she be given notice to allow her to form a defence. Anyway
she was sent to Mountjoy prison.

Anna Harvey has campaigned for so many things that all Irish families
benefit from now, even judges families. This woman is a gift to the Irish
people, she deserves our support at this time.

So contact your public representatives and dont let them know you are
upset at how the Irish women are being treated in our courts.

This disgusting news.

AnnaHarvey Athlone Court

Ref. Holding a hearing in ones absence.

E. C. Law (general principles of law)

The right to be heard in proceeding is essential

See Precedent
Hoffman La Roche Vs Commission 1979 ECJ

Annas proceedings were in clear breach of article 6 & 13 of European
convention of human rights and also 40.3 of the Irish Constitution 1937.

Peaceful Assembly (vigil) has been arranged (by family) to be held

outside the prison for Every Sunday at 3pm after the Dublin Says No
march. The DSN March will leave central back at 13:30 and proceed to
Mountjoy prison;

Support from all groups would be appreciated.

We will be Meeting this Sunday the 24th at 12:30pm outside The

Central Bank. The march will starts at 1:30pm then on to the Drochas
Center Mountjoy. We will be marching Every Sunday in conjunction with
Dublin Says No Until Till Annas Release. All society groups are
If you wish to visit anna or are planing other events please contact
annas son Jonathan Whelan by P.M.s on this page or his own profile
page, thank you.

Message from behind the wall of

Yesterday Anna gave us this post to release to the public if incarcerated
without a hearing. Please share.
anna harvey <annaharvey2011@gmail.com>
Attachments10:46 PM (0 minutes ago)

to supremecourt
To the Hon Mr Justice Donal O Donnell I am appealing to you regarding
my case which I have attached , I am going for sentencing in swords
court tomorrow and I did not even have a hearing,

I told the Judge that he can not do that under article 6 of the human
rights I am entitled to a fair trial and a fair hearing which I am entitled to
and I did not get ,

He said they had a hearing but I did not bother to show up? which is a
lie maybe because I was not told of the court date! as you can see from
the file attached I went down to the garda station in Coolock. ,

I have tried to find out what I was charged with and the Garda refused
to tell me as you will see from the photos , what Justice Dermot
Dempsey is doing is illegal they said I was there as a public nuisance
which you will see is not true we had a damn good reason to want to
speak to Enda Kenny

as you will see also if a person is being attacked you have the right to
try defend him even if it is the Garda that is breaking the law in breach
of the peace and the unlawful attack on his person he was not able to
defend himself as two big burly garda had his arms pinned behind his
back while another gave Richie Larkin a knee full force into the Groin
and the three of them thought it was very funny and they held him up
while they were laughing and stopped him from collapsing to the ground

the footage you will be able to see as they have it in the

pharmasceutical company in question.

I had to save him from being savagely attacked by 3 Garda at a

peaceful Campaign and we had Aims and Objectives to put to Enda
Kenny which had to be addressed, the only crime Richie Larkin
committed was his concerns for his young daughter as it is all explained
in the file as were we all ,

they had no reason to attack us and throw us around like rag dolls and
get beat upon by thug Garda this has to stop and real justice has to

Yours Sincerely

Anna of the family Harvey and of the Clan O Donnell,

from: anna harvey <annaharvey2011@gmail.com>
to: supremecourt@courts.ie
date: Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:16 PM
subject: The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal ODonnell

Facts upon the matter

Anna Harvey Vs Garda R 184

Some Nuts Deserve To Be Cracked

Video evidence that has Recently come to light which Proves that
Garda Keith Murphy misled the court of justice.

What Garda Keith Murphy also failed to say on the stand was that the
Garda had planned to physically attack the Anti-Geo-engineering
Campaigners, simultaneously as a distraction when Enda Kenny was to
exit the building.
This was a serious attempt to insight a breach of the peace or an
attempt to insight a riot by use of unlawful violence for a common
A person guilty of an offence of riot shall be liable on conviction on
indictment to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10
years or both.

Video evidence proves that Garda Keith Murphy had failed to say that
he kneed a male campaigner in the groin while the male campaigner
was been restrained on both sides by 2 other Garda.(i.e. Held upright
to hide the campaigners groin injury)

Garda Keith Murphy failed to say that he touched Anna inappropriately

and then violently through Anna to the ground backwards (up through
the air) as seen in recent Video evidence. Garda Keith Murphys
unprovoked action could have caused serious spinal injury or
concussion which could have lead to brain trauma.

From viewing the Video evidence it is clear to see Keith Murphy was
in breach of the Garda code of conduct by choosing to operate outside
its remit.

Has An Garda Sochna are in breach of Safety, Health and Welfare at

Work Act 2005 & under (General Application) Regulations 2007 Section
8 of the Act the employer has a duty to ensure the employees safety,
health and welfare at work.

Has Garda Keith Murphy has breached the duties of employees while at
work are set out in Section 13 of the Act. Include the following:
To take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves
and of other people in the workplace.

Did An Garda Sochna provide appropriate safety equipment ?

Did Garda Keith Murphy take reasonable care by wearing a groin guard
on the alleged date ?

One would wonder, Could it be that he needed something to Fill It to

keep it in Place ?

Some Garda out there need to learn that;

Copping A Feel while on duty is Still a Criminal Offence.


If you can find one to do as you say, then you will prevail, but most of
them would rather hang onto their BAR cards than behave honourably.

The only thing that dead, fictional entities want from us is our life
energy, and the only way they can get it is by our agreement. Without
us, they cannot function, so, they are desperate to get us into court, to
have us pay the debt which they created by charging the trust.

Since common law courts no longer exist, we know that the case never
has anything to do with facts or live men and women and so, anyone
who testifies (talks about the facts of the case) is doomed.
ALL courts operate in trust law, based upon ecclesiastical canon law
ritualism, superstition, satanism, etc.which manifests as insidious,
commercial law and we are in court to take the hit, if they can get us to
do so.

They use every trick in the bookintimidation, fear, threat, ridicule,

rage, and even recesses, in order to change the jurisdiction, when they
know they are losing, in order to make us admit that we are the name of
the trust. When we do so, we are deemed to be the trusteethe one
liable for administering the trust.

Ergo, until now, it has been a waste of our time, energy, and emotion to
go to a place where it is almost certain that we will be stuck with the

We all know from our indoctrination, programming, and schooling that

judges are impartial and have sworn an oath to this effect. This means
he must not favour either plaintiff or defendant.

But, our experience reveals that he does, indeed, favour the plaintiff,
indicating a glaring conflict of interestthat the prosecutor, judge, and
clerk all work for the statethe owner of the CQV trust. So, as the case
is NOT about justice, it must be about the administration of a trust.

They all. Represent. the trust .owned.. by the state and, if

WE are beneficiary, the only two positions left are Trustee= Judge and
Executor= Prosecutor. So, if you detect the judges partiality, although I
doubt the case will get this far, you might just want to let them know that
you know this.

Article 32 Supreme Juridic Person

Canon 1619 link
A Supreme Juridic Person is recorded and enrolled in the Great Roll of
Divine Persons associated with a Supreme Divine Trust registered with
the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven as an aggregate
of one hundred (100) Divine Persons formed as the body of a Supreme
Trust when such Divine Persons share similar characteristics

BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry

The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And Roman Law Has
Been Used To Enslave Ireland the U.S.A and all the Countries they
have colonised

Any Judge, government agent, or bureaucrat who has sworn to uphold

the Constitution of the United States who is violating that oath is
Guilty of Treason.

The Penalty is still DEATH BY HANGING.

After the Revolutionary War of 1776 was over since no

actual surrender papers had been signed King George III decided
that the colonies still belonged to him, to England, and all
that Remained was for him to figure out how to get them back
again under his direct control. To do this he determined to use
the banks, both of the United States Ireland and of England, as one

But to underpin his efforts, he needed lawyers or attorneys here in the

colonies to make it all happen. The legal ramifications of how things
had to be brought about had become an important issue to England
ever since the days of the Magna Carta.
Lawyers, known more prominently as BARristers, had arisen to great
power in England since the days of the old knights. But the battle by
these heirs of knighthood this time was forged against good and not
evil, for this new thing that the People in America were calling freedom
was a dangerous consideration for a King.

He knew they had to be controlled form within without them knowing

it King George needed the lawyers or attorneys over in the Colonies to
be members, or Esquires, of Englands International BAR Association,
the only BAR association in the world, headquartered right in good old
London town and under his own direct control, but with operations
established in the United States, with certain strong ties into the

The International BAR Association was alive and well in America.

That thing called Freedom would soon come to its own end. So said
King George.

The BAR was Englands own British Accreditation Registry, its members
were considered to be nobles being above the common person, and
all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will
of the King, and the Bank of England. And if there was any opposition to
his plan, he might just cause another WAR to maintain his position for
control of the United States. He just might

We now fast forward to consider an interesting legal issue.

According to this and many other sources, there was a

thirteenth amendment to the Constitution for the United States of
not the one that we think we have now that was removed during
the time just before or during the Civil War.

In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former
Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn were searching for evidence of
government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on
the coast of Maine.

By chance, they discovered the librarys oldest authentic copy of the

Constitution (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this
document included a thirteenth amendment that no longer appears on
current copies of the Constitution.

After studying the *original* thirteenth amendments language and

historical context, they realized that the principle intent of the missing
13th amendment was to prohibit lawyers, particularly members of the
BAR association, from serving in government!

This missing 13th Amendment suppressed and even stopped

the forming or continued existence of any BAR association for over four
decades, from 1822 to 1867, and evidence of its existence has been
found in over 10 different states and territories throughout the United

Then they removed it without the public ever knowing about it and
elected themselves into the government.

How did a lawfully ratified Amendment to the Constitution simply

disappear, vanish, without so much as a nod of disturbance, or at least
some curiosity from the

And an amendment that deliberately targeted attorneys who were

members of the BAR association, to prevent BAR members from
holding any public office thereby preventing attorneys from passing
legislation that would most assuredly serve the greedy and nefarious
interests of not only the BAR association itself, but also the King of
England, right along with the other royal heads of Europe?

So that WE might not be conquered from within, as opposed to without?

The courts only recognize TWO classes of people in the United States

Your BAR Attorneys Secret Oath

What was the effect and the significance of the Erie RR. v. Thompkins
case decision of 1938?

The significance is that since the Erie decision, no cases are allowed to
be cited that are prior to 1939. There can be no mixing of the old law
with the new law.

The lawyers (who were members of the American BAR Association,

were and are currently under and controlled by the Lawyers Guild of
Great Britain) created, formed and implemented the new bankruptcy
law. The American BAR Association is a franchise of the Lawyers Guild
of Great Britain.

Since the Erie RR. v. Thompkins case was decided; the practice of law
in this country was never again to be the same.

It has been reported (source unknown to the writer) that every lawyer in
existence and every lawyer coming up has to take a SECRET OATH to
support the bankruptcy.

This seems to make sense after reading about Mr. Sweet s CASE
FILE DISAPPEARANCE, discussed below.

There is more to it. Not only do they promise to support the bankruptcy,
but the lawyers and judges also promise never to reveal who the true
creditor party is in the bankruptcy proceedings!

In court, there is never identification and appearance of the true

character and principal of the proceedings. This is where you can get
them for not making an appearance in court. If there is no appearance
of the true party to the action, then there is no way the defendant is able

You are never told the true NATURE AND THE CAUSE OF WHY YOU
ARE IN FRONT OF THEIR COURT. The court is forbidden to tell you
that information. Thats why, if you question the true nature and cause,
the judge will say, Its not my job to tell you. You are not retaining me
as an attorney and I cant give you legal advice from the bench.

I suggest you hire a lawyer. That is because he has not got a licence.

Practicing Law Without A License Lawyer Learned in the law to advise

in a court

BARrister One who is privileged to plead at the bar

Advocate One who pleads within the BAR for a defendant

Attorn-ey One who transfers or assigns, within the bar, anothers

money, goods/ property, rights and title to and acting on behalf of the
ruling crown (government).

If anyone ever charges you with illegal/unlawful Practicing law without

a license, just say: No attorney or lawyer in the U.S. has ever been
LICENSED to practice law (theyve exempted themselves, and no
such crime exists) as they are a abstract, artificial, bogus, bullshit,
counterfeit, dead, fraudulent, imaginary, non-existent, statutory
FICTION OF LAW person and only an ADMITTED MEMBER to
practice law in the private franchise member club called the BAR
(British or
BARrister Aristocratic Regency, or British Accreditation Registry
B.A.R. as in put in Jail Behind BARs, to BAR = stop = arrest = kidnap =
abduct, or also attorneys are absolutely BARred from challenging the
jurisdiction of the court), and as such they are unlawful un-registered
foreign agents.

Attorneys and lawyers only have BAR Cards which are clearly not

The lawyers, who are members of one or more State BAR Associations
(private membership clubs), which are franchised by the Irish and
American BAR Association are all under and controlled by the Lawyers
Guild of Great Britain which created, formed, and implemented the
financial BANKRUPTCY Law filed 3/9/33, which bankruptcy is still in
full force and effect today, for and on behalf of the
International Banksters as Creditors thereof.

Therefore, said attorneys/lawyers are Traitors, Esquires (noblemen

training for knighthood, Un-Constitutional title of honor and nobility
= Esquires), alien and foreign non-citizens and are
specifically prohibited by the USA Constitution from ever voting in
any election (Election Fraud) or from ever holding any elected
public office of trust whatsoever! Even jailhouse lawyer
prisoner inmates are Constitutionally protected and assured access to
the courts.

Attorneys are not really lawyers, as attorneys practice attornment (turn

over goods, services, etc. to another; i.e. robbers and thieves) and
lawyers practice law. Lawyers are supposedly learned in the law and
advise in a court while an attorn-eys transfer or assign someones rights
or property, etc to another and acts on behalf of the ruling crown

In 1878 the American legal system came under the control of a Labor
Union known as the worldwide (BRITISH) BAR ASSOCIATION.
Consequently, their courts have become Closed Union Shops.

The judges have become the union bosses of those private for
profit courts. These judges are overseen by a principal union boss or
union superintendent, a Supreme Court Justice of the State.

The criminal attorneys, barristers and counselors at law, and lawyers,

together with the international banksters, control everything of
importance in government (they unlawfully control, own and have
usurped (by force of law) all 3 branches of government), the BAR
Association controls the Attorneys, et al, and the aristocratic elite
monied power control the worldwide franchised private British BAR
Associations (the American BAR Association is but one private
franchise amoung hundreds
Worldwide including Ireland ).

The BAR Association Labor Union only allows union lawyers called
attorneys to use the pubicly tax-financed private courts (Union Hall or
Local Union) with Local Rules called Rules of the Court.

The ultimate goal of the BAR Associations is the overthrow the

GOVERNMENT of Ireland , and America and its Constitution, the
complete and total enslavement and
subjugation of its people, and to re-establish an absolute incontestable
form of ancient Babylonian and Masonic Medieval British Feudalism in
Ireland, America and the rest of the world which will become the New
World Order, One World Government, under Mob Rule Democracy
(the merging of capitalism and communism, and a military Dictatorship
run by the Commander-in-Chief called the President or the lord

Attorneys first came into existence because GOVERNMENT

created and invented abstract, artificial, bogus, counterfeit, dead,
fraudulent, non-existent statutory FICTIONS OF LAW persons,
citizens, individuals, people, the public, residents (the thing,
identified), taxpayers, registered voters, etc. could not (re)present
themselves in court since they did not really exist and so could not
speak for themselves and thus need a spokesperson.

Therefore, they had to have a mouthpiece [someone to speak for and

on their behalf and to DEfend (NOT fend, NOT ward off, not fight for
NOR offer defense)
them] to speak for and RE-present (RE-create, RE-fashion,
REform, RE-make, RE-mold, RE-place, RE-produce, change, convert,
exchange, substitute and TRANCEform) these nonexistent brainless,
deaf and dumb fictions.

Back then as now, living and breathing souls, real and natural, flesh and
blood men or women as defendants in court could not be
represented by a third party since they could and were required
to speak for themselves. A human being does not have a right to
re-presentation, he has a right to assistance of counsel. These are two
very different concepts.

Pro Se status is nothing more than the de-fendant moving the court to
allow him to waive the right to assistance of counsel.

The word attorney (attorn-ee, attorn-ey) definition derives from to

attorn meaning to turn over, to transfer to another money,
goods/property, rights or title. In other words, lawyers are simply high
paid criminals, embezzlers, leeches (blood suckers), magots, parasites,
prostitutes (who persecute and prosecute), robbers and thieves, etc.,
hired to rob and steal from Peter (the plaintiff and the defendent) to pay
Paul, Paul being the British Aristocratic Monarchy which franchises the
worldwide BAR associations, the creditors of the bankruptcy of
3/9/33 and the international banksters.

Protester kneed garda in the groin

Nicola Donnelly


A water protester who kneed a garda in the groin while protesting

outside a Swords business while An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and other
dignitaries were attending a function has been found guilty of the
assault in her absence at Swords District Court.

Anna Harvey (53) did not attend the court for the hearing as according
to defence solicitor Fiona DArcy, she does not recognise this court.

Judge Dermot Dempsey said he would proceed with the case on a not
guilty plea. Harvey, of Macroom Avenue in Coolock is alleged to have
assaulted Garda Keith Murphy of Swords Garda Station at Watery Lane
in Swords on February 26th last year.

Sergeant Kevin Toner gave evidence that at 5.30pm a group of 20 to 25

water protesters gathered outside Bristol Myers Squibb where An
Taoiseach and other dignitaries were attending a function.

The protesters attempted to obstruct the dignitaries and Harvey kneed

Garda Murphy in the groin.

Garda Keith Murphy said while he was on duty he identified Harvey,

who was wearing a high viz bib, as one of the protesters.

She was very vocal and spoke using a mega phone. As An Taoiseach
was driven through the gate of the factory Harvey tried to get to the
front window of the car, said Gda Murphy. She was extremely
aggressive towards gardai.

He said when An Taoiseachs State car was existing the factory Harvey
attempted to block the path of the vehicle.

She became angry and abusive towards gardai and without warning
she kneed me in the groin, said Gda Murphy. I was bent over in pain
and found it difficult to arrest her.

He said he was removed from the situation by other gardai and the
protest continued when other State vehicles passed through the factor
gates. He said he recognised Harvey as he had come across her at a
number of anti-water metre protests.

Judge Dermot Dempsey found Harvey guilty of the offence in her

absence and issued a bench warrant for her arrest for the purpose of
sentencing her.

Fingal Independent


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Posted in News Tagged with: anna Harvey, free anna harvey

Willie Penroses driver quits after a
week as it is revealed he is a convicted
Posted on July 14, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

A Government ministers personal driver has been forced to resign after

the Irish Mail on Sunday revealed that he is a convicted tax dodger.

Labour Junior Minister for Housing and Planning Willie Penrose, who
has a seat at Cabinet, hired former rally driver Pdraig Price as his
driver just last week.

But an MoS investigation found that Mr Price is a serial tax-defaulter

whose failed plant hire business has left him owing tens of thousands of
euro to the taxman, as well as owing other creditors.

When the MoS contacted Mr Penrose for comment, the minister said he
was unaware of Mr Prices tax issues. Shortly after being contacted, Mr
Penrose called the MoS to say he had approached Mr Price to discuss
the issue, and that the chauffeur had offered his resignation.

Mr Price, from Ballynacargy, Co. Westmeath, near Mr Penroses home

in the same townland, lived a fast-paced lifestyle in the early 2000s,
competing in rally car races around Ireland and the UK in Ford Escorts
and Toyota Celicas.

His driving experience made him eminently qualified to drive the

minister to and from his office and his various engagements.

However, his plant hire business, which relied on work from the
construction sector, hit the skids towards the end of the decade, leaving
him owing thousands to the Revenue and Mr Penrose red-faced for
employing a tax-defaulter.

An examination of Land Registry records shows a number of judgments

against Mr Price registered on his three-acre property in Ballintue, Co.

The records show that on October 3, 2005, a judgment of almost

60,000 was registered against Mr Price, with the note stating: An
office copy of an affidavit by Gerard Harrahill, Collector General and an
officer of the Revenue Commissioners of a judgment obtained by
Liam J Irwin against Pdraig Price on March 4, 2005, in the High Court.

It continues: The amount owing on the said judgement is stated to be


On June 22, 2006, another judgment was registered in the Land

Registry amounting to a further 6,108.95, with the note explaining it is
a judgment obtained by Gerard Harrahill of the Office of the Revenue
Commissioners against Pdraig Price on February 24, 2005, in the
District Court.

Later in 2006, Mr Price appears on Revenues tax defaulters list, where

he is recorded as a plant hire operator. It is noted that he was fined

There are two further judgments, both registered in 2007, against his
property in Land Registry documents, one in favour of insurance firm
Aon amounting to 15,713.41.

The other results from a circuit court case brought by Navan plant hire
businessman Patrick Kearns, for 31,243.07. It is understood that Mr
Price was subcontracted by Mr Kearns to provide machinery for building
sites in the midlands.

The MoS called Mr Penrose on Friday afternoon to ask if he knew he

was employing a convicted tax defaulter. He immediately replied: No, I
wasnt. I wasnt aware of it.

Look, Im not aware of his personal situation, you know. He was a lad
from around home, thats all. I just picked somebody who wasnt
working, you know. Thats all I know about him.

Asked why he employed Mr Price, Mr Penrose, who also employs his

brother Johnnie Penrose as his parliamentary assistant, said: Well, I
mean hes somebody that was there hes not related to me in any
way and he knows his way around, hes a driver.

He used to do a bit of rally driving, you know, Mr Penrose added.

I understood he might have had a company or whatever and he was

working but thats years ago.

Asked whether he would have hired him had he known about Mr Prices
tax problems, the minister said: Well, Im the type of person who thinks
that all of those things are matters for people to deal with themselves.
Im not somebody who holds everybody in judgment thats being
honest with you.

Im not aware of his personal circumstances. I knew he had a

contracting business years ago but I wouldnt know the extent of his
failure or anything like that.

I knew he had difficulties like everybody else, but thats years ago, I

It doesnt affect his ability to drive. It doesnt affect his ability to do his
job with me.

Ill certainly raise it with him, the minister promised, also committing to
telling Mr Price that the MoS was offering an opportunity for him to
respond himself. Asked if he thought that hiring Mr Price, whose
construction sector business failed, was a conflict of interest, given his
portfolio as housing and planning minister, Mr Penrose replied: I dont
award any contracts. I dont have anything to do with contracts or
anything like that, but Ill certainly consult him about it.

A short while later, Mr Penrose called the MoS to say he had spoken to
his driver. Asked if Mr Price had any comment on this story, the
Longford-Westmeath TD said: No, he has nothing.

Sure, I mean what has he to say? It appears his business was in a lot
of difficulties actually, you know, the poor old divil.

I asked him there, I said it seems like theres an issue there in relation
to judgments. Well I suppose none of us are going to be safe in the next
20 years but anyway, the tax judgements, and he said, yeah, a number
of years ago.

I didnt ask him about them but he said theres an issue in relation to
them and he proffered his resignation to me in order to avoid any
potential embarrassment to me.

I accepted it straight away. Its regrettable because he was an excellent


Asked if Mr Price had satisfied the various judgments made against

him, Mr Penrose said: He mustnt have, you know. He didnt win the
Lotto anyway or Id have heard that.

Hes offered his resignation, Ive accepted it, and thats all I can do
other than try to look for another driver.

Its with regret Ive accepted it but obviously he has to comply. As far as
I was concerned, as long as I had somebody who wasnt related to me
and who was competent in the job, they were the parameters that I was
interested in.

Asked if he would have kept Mr Price as his driver had he not offered to
resign, Mr Penrose said: No. Once the situation was that he had
taxation judgements against him in that context. You have to have tax
clearance or whatever, we all must have tax clearance.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375333/Irish-minister-Willie-Penroses-driver-


I am writing to inform you that over the weekend I was informed from an activist via social media
that Willie Penrose TD BL stated he had not received his payment from Robert Marren, Solicitor,
Mullingar. I was also informed that he stated He did not give a sh.. about my campaign to seek
justice in the matter

Read Here http://mikegavin83.com/solicitors/willie-penrose-td-bl/

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Posted in News Tagged with: tax-dodger driver, willie penrose

Look whos spending Mike Gavins

Dept. of Agriculture Grants Paid to
Feed the Farm Animals
Posted on July 11, 2016 by MikeGavin 17 Comments
Robert B Marren
We understand the following Robert B. Marren distributed the estate
assets speedily over the Christmas period 2014 in the knowledge that 2
of the Elderly beneficiaries were actively attempting to retain a solicitor
to act on their behalf to prevent him closing. Robert B. Marren
threatened 2 of the elderly beneficiaries Mike Gavin (84) and his sister
and coerced them to retain a solicitor to prevent him distributing the
estate assets.

Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors Athlone facilitated Marren by failing to

undertake the instructions given him through John Glynn Solicitors to
prevent Marren closing in isolation to well-founded objections. Marren
refused to award Michael Gavin the Department of Agriculture Grant

Marren delayed making the decision regarding Michael Gavins share in

the farming profits and rightful share of the grant monies received from
the Department of Agriculture until the very end with the draft
distribution account that contained countless errors on 18th September,
Elderly Michael Gavin was lied to countless times and led to believe
that he would be refunded at closing by both Anne Sanford and
Kathleen oKeefe. Garda Tim Farrell Taughmaconnell was present on
one occasion back in 2009 when Anne Sanford stated if Mikie needed
money to feed the Farm animals he could go in to John Glynn Solicitor.
The 2 sisters always assured Mikie that he would be compensated at

Why did Mr. Robert Marren, Solicitor, Mullingar make a decision in

March 2013 to accept Michael Gavins claim to owning half the livestock
and all the sheep?
But yet for no logical reason refused to award Michael Gavin the net
amount 116,789.11 due to him out of the Single Payment Entitlements
representing Mike Gavins share in the profits from farming the lands,
which was also sent to Mr. Robert Marren, Solicitor, Mullingar on the 5th
of December, 2015 for his consideration.

Marren awarded Elderly Michael Gavin and his widowed sister 12,500
plus interest less than what they were entitled to, and also held on to
the funds from the land sale for nearly 2 years for no good reason.

Robert B. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs despite

repeated persistent written requests. We are of the opinion that the
devil is in the detail and that is why Marren refuses to furnish a detailed
bill of cost for his excessive fee of 40,892.53.

Marren squandered the estate assets and hired an additional

accountant to oversee the accounts. Marren did not seek approval for
Damien Hannigan & Company Limited Chartered Accountant, Mullingar.
Why was he hired against Mike Gavins explicate wishes to oversee the
accounts of Catherine OConner. He charged in our opinion an
excessive fee of 8,751.45 which we consider to be extremely
expensive and an unnecessary expense.

Although he was hired to oversee the accounts his fee is in excess of

Catherine OConners fee. John Glynn, Solicitor, Patrick Hogan & Co.
did not put the Estate to the additional expense of hiring an additional
Accountant so it begs the question why did Robert B. Marren? He
refused to provide the correct invoice for Catherine OConner. Her
invoice states Total Amount Due 584.25 while Cash Account dated
18th July, 2014 Fees paid to Catherine O Connor 6,857.25. We are of
the opinion that Marren refuses to provide the correct invoice for
Catherine OConnor because it was she who did the work and Marrens
accountants invoice will highlight the work duplication.

The Estate was charged 1,230 for Willie Penroses opinion but no
invoice was provided despite repeated persistent written requests.
Peter D. Jones State Solicitor has yet to respond to Elderly Michael
Gavins request for 7 pieces of evidence and answers to 20 questions.
We understand Solicitor Financial Elder Abuse Greed and Collusion
and Corruption

Please Read http://mikegavin83.com//Solicitor-Financial-

ElderAbuse you are more than welcome to contact Robert B Marren,
his solicitor Peter D Jones and the law Society of Ireland who
threatened to block Mike Gavins emails and stated that Robert Marren
followed his clients instructions meaning the other beneficiaries. We are
also intrigued to know what was Willie Penroses opinion and whether
or not he was paid as the estate was charged for same. Thank You

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will

depend very much on where you reside on the social scale!

Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar

from 2 pm Friday July 29th and put an end to the ongoing corruption in
this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and
stand sidebyside we will NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Read Full Story http://mikegavin83.com/
Sign Petition http://mikegavin83.com/petition/
YouTube https://youtu.be/l-3RaeZmUI8

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Posted in News Tagged with: mullingar, robert b marren solicitor, willie penrose

Solicitors Financial Elder Abuse

Exposed in Rural Ireland
Posted on July 1, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

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So What Exactly Were You Doing Alone

in Your Room that child Judge Harvey
Posted on June 30, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments
Judge Harvey Kenny
It is public knowledge that retired Circuit Court Judge Harvey Kenny
was a thug, but what was his fixation with being in a darkened room,
behind the Courtroom, ALONE with young children?

While sitting on the bench between 1994 and 2009, Fine Gael
appointed Circuit Judge Harvey Kenny ruled with an iron fist in 3 Circuit
Court areas, Midlands, Western and on occasions as a stand-in Judge
in his own native Southern Circuit.

Never far from controversy, he is on record as insulting Nigerians and

calling an 18 year old defendant a fat fool. This is not the kind of
behaviour that is expected from someone in his position of power. But
as is the case with the Judiciary, he was untouchable.

So untouchable he believed himself to be, that he was rightly cheesed

off when losing a case he took himself against Budget Travel in 1998 for
some holiday to Florida which went pear shaped.

This behaviour from such a pillar of society only became public

knowledge because the cases were heard in public. But what was this
very powerful thugs judicial behaviour like regarding the top secret,
media banned, IN CAMERA COURTS, where family law matters such
as divorce, separation, maintenance, custody and child access were
being decided upon?

Unlike what would be considered normal in matters regarding what is in

a childs best interests, Judge Kenny was always opposed to
considering the opinion of Child Psychologists in cases where
guardianship, custody or access rights were being decided.

He always refused to read such reports, insisting instead on seeing

children himself, ALONE, in a darkened room behind the Courtroom.
Some of these children were as young as 5 years of age, dragged into
a Courtroom setting by unscrupulous solicitors and barristers to appear
before a middle aged, black caped man to effectively decide between
Mammy or Daddy.

Anyone who ever went through the family law court system in pursuit of
maintaining a continuous relationship with their children will understand
know adversarial such proceedings are. But such treatment of
vulnerable young children by the Court system is nothing short of child
abuse, plain and simple.

Judge Harvey Kenny, a tall imposing individual, straddled into Court

Buildings usually wearing a bowler hat. His demeanour and stature had
all the hallmarks of a Hanging Judge from Irelands dark and troubled
past and there is no doubt that he would have donned the black cap
with relish, even for the young 18 year old who he called a fat fool who
was before him on minor charges in Castlebar Courthouse in January

Any request to Judge Harvey Kenny by legal representatives for

parents seeking guardianship, custody or access to allow a
psychological report take precedence over he himself acting like a child
care specialist was met with robust and vocal refusal.
He was a bully and the barristers and court staff were frightened of
him. So how must a frightened and vulnerable young child have felt in a
darkened room with such a vile individual? On one particular occasion
in the 1990s Judge Harvey Kenny had a 6 year old boy in his room for
45 minutes.

The child had been escorted to the Judges Private Room by a female
barrister who gave the child a bag of sweets and while walking towards
the door told him make sure you tell the nice Judge that you do not
want to see your Daddy anymore.

An hour earlier Judge Harvey Kenny, when presented with an available

psychological report, flung it to the floor and proclaimed I do not
believe in psychologists reports, I will see the little fellow myself. The
childs father never saw his son grow up after that. The available
psychological report had recommended that it was in the childs best
interests to have continuing contact with his father.

Many people who can recall Judge Kennys modus operandi regarding
the top secret Family Law Courts were suspicious at the time that
something untoward was going on inside those darkened private
rooms. Harvey Kenny was not the only Judge to see children.

Other Judges also did, but not to the same intensity as Kenny and
never without also considering available psychological evidence and
NEVER being ALONE with the child. Kennys successor Judge
Anthony Kennedy NEVER saw children himself, stating that
independent psychological evidence was good enough for him
because he himself was not qualified in such matters.

Given Judge Harvey Kennys vile demeanour and behaviour in the

public courts and given his insistence on being alone with very young
children, nothing has assured the many parents who fell victim to him in
the Midlands and West that there was not something evil happening
behind those closed doors.

When it emerged in the early 2000s that Circuit Court Judge Brian
Curtain got away with being in possession of child porn, then nothing
can ever be ruled out when it comes to these excessively powerful

The Real Irish Media Can you handle the truth?

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: Circuit Court, Judge Harvey Kenny

Joan Burton The Thatcherite that

Irelands poor must never forgive
Posted on June 28, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

As Minister for Social Protection between 2011 and early this year, Joan
Burton caused hunger and homelessness to the most vulnerable in
society and she did it with relish. In 2013 she set rent supplement upper
thresholds so low that only renting a small shed to live in would qualify
for rent supplement if you told the Community Welfare Officer the truth
about how much rent you were paying.

The highest monthly rent on which rent supplement is allowed for a

single person living alone ranges from 290 in County Longford to 520
in Dublin and North Wicklow. This means that tenants, in order to avoid
living on the streets, must do deals with their prospective landlords and
pretend that they are only paying the upper limit, when in actual fact in
many instances they are secretly paying up to 50% more in order to
qualify for Rent Supplement. This is nothing short of disgusting, given
that it has created a rogue landlords charter which has the effect of the
tenant begging to be ripped off.

To hear the usual suspects i.e. so called experts, journalists, academics

and other well heeled posh voiced know alls talk about homelessness
ad nauseum on tv programmes such as Tonight With Vincent Browne
is cringe worthy, because not one of them are aware, or care less,
about this anomaly, an anomaly which is one of the major causes of
homelessness. The governments response to this was that to increase
the threshold would result in landlords raising rents was a cop out, as it
is happening anyway. Burton was begged by homeless activists such
as Peter McVerry on a constant basis to raise the thresholds and
increase the actual allowances but the lady was not for turning.

Now that Burton and Labour are gone from government one would fear
that the status quo would prevail at best or the rent supplement
situation would get even worse under a Fine Gael one party
government. But not so apparently. News breaking today reveals that
next month the government intend raising the rent caps by between
15% and 30% and apparently this is part of the deal negotiated by
Fianna Fail as one of their conditions for supporting the minority

Whatever the truth about this and whatever political maneuverings

Fianna Fail and Fine Gael engaged in a few months ago, the
governments coffers were not any better last March than they were
during pre budget submissions 6 months earlier. Which proves that
Joan Burton and Labour could not care less about homelessnes. Joan
Burton and Labour prided themselves on being the poor mans
watchdog in government, claiming that things would have been a lot
worse for the poor if they were not in government keeping tabs on Fine
Gael. Well obviously not so.

By their own assertion, Labours achievements in the 5 years they were

in government were the Marriage Equality Referendum and the abortion
legislation introduced during a drunken Dail orgy on a hot summer night
in 2013. Which in turn proves that Labour are so fixated with moral
issues that they are indifferent to the needs of the poor and vulnerable
that they claim to represent.


Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar

from 2 pm Friday July 29th and put an end to the ongoing corruption in
this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and
stand sidebyside we will NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.

Please Share Far & Wide

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: joan burton

Irelands Judiciary, DPP and Garda

Management must be immediately
Depoliticised, Forcibly Retired and
Posted on June 27, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

It is not possible that someone who is appointed (another word for

being given a job because of your connections) to a position of power
can then be expected to sanction those who appointed them to that
position (bite the hand that fed them).

That is why politicians and anyone closely associated with politicians

and political parties (the powerful elites) will never face justice,
regardless of what crimes they commit. It is not even hidden anymore,
the contempt with which the Irish Justice System treats our society as it
pertains to how the powerful and well connected are effectively, above
the law.

There is a grass roots anti corruption movement, perhaps in its infancy,

starting to appear around the country that hopefully will spread. But it
will take dedication, hard work, cunning and above all boxing clever to
be able to keep up with Irish state criminality.

The term state criminality should replace the term corruption

because most people only associate the word corruption with a few
parish pump politicians who give the occasional nod and wink while
being handed a cash filled brown envelope.

State criminality is far more serious and involves state sanctioned

murder, murder cover ups, disposal of murder victims bodies and
intimidation of witnesses, all perpetrated by employees of this state
upon orders from organs of this state and covered up by those at the
very top, including government ministers and senior civil servants.

This is a far cry from Paddy the Councillor getting the price of a holiday
for a bit of old planning permission. But it is with the Paddy Councillor of
this nation where corruption begins, which eventually leads to state
There has been mainstream media documentaries, newspaper articles
and Dail questions relating to state criminality of the aforementioned
nature. But nothing has been done and nothing will be done because
someone, somewhere, somehow, who is connected with the political
establishment will need to be brought to justice and that cannot be
tolerated by said establishment.

If there was a totally independent police force and judiciary, with such
independent judges given the power to investigate crime, then there
would be no need for a Director Of Public Prosecutions, which is the
most politicised organ of this state and by far the most criminally

We as a society are not going to change this sickening and ongoing rot
by trying to change it from within. The system has ensured that all its
own foot soldiers are firmly placed in positions of power.

The only way of challenging this system is publicity, be that publicity on

social media or on the streets naming and shaming criminals in the
States employ. A start has been made by a number of those anti
corruption groups and such groups need the support of the people.

The Real Irish Media does not wish to mention any particular group or
individual because it would be unfair if we left anyone out. But we are
confident that if they are reading this, that they will know who we are
referring to. This page is at the disposal of any organisation fighting
Irish state criminality and notification of any upcoming meetings,
protests, or actions can be messaged to the page where we will only be
happy to publish same.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: dpp, Garda Management, Ireland's

Marches and Protests

Posted on June 26, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

The state is now clutching at straws in its attempt to disrupt peaceful

civil disobedience.

You will know that your protest is effective when you start getting
intimidated by the Gardai. The intimidators are pre prepared before
being sent to disrupt your act of civil disobedience. Two incidents which
happened on the streets recently are prime examples of the Gardai
trying to disrupt a peaceful protest.

The first occurred at an anti corruption protest in Castlebar, County

Mayo last Monday week. As part of the protests proceedings it was
agreed that anyone who wanted to could wear a balaclava. The reason
for this course of action was to highlight the practice of Bailiffs wearing
balaclavas at evictions as was evident at an eviction a couple of weeks
earlier in County Clare. It was specifically stated loud and clear that
there was no malicious intent connected with this course of action.

Those wearing such masks had their faces clearly visible to the large
Garda presence before the march from the local courthouse
commenced. But one man was arrested for refusing to take off the
balaclava with the Gardai claiming that the wearing of a balaclava in a
public place is an offence.

The man was held in the nearby Garda station for the duration of the
remainder of the protest which was about 3 hours. One less protester
on the street in otherwords. More research will be required about
balaclavas and the law, but it is a bit rich the Gardai in Mayo lecturing
local protesters about wearing balaclavas when such attire is part of the
Garda dress code in Rossport where they have a habit of kicking and
beating the Shell To Sea activists.

The next strange incident occurred yesterday in Mullingar, County

Westmeath. The Mike Gavin campaign, which pickets two solicitors
offices each month in Mullingar was on the 2nd leg of its itinerary
outside the offices of the Westmeath State Solicitor Peter D. Jones.
The Real Irish Media is already familiar with Mr. Jones and one of our
contributors has done an article about him before.

On this occasion there were two Gardai, one being a sergeant, on hand
to protect the good State Solicitors office. When one speaker started
speaking on a megaphone, the sergeant informed him that a permit is
required to use a megaphone in a public place.

Nobody, not even long experienced protesters had ever heard of that
before and it is suspected that the sergeant has his facts where the sun
never shines. But again more research is needed to make certain.

The two aforementioned campaigns and protests in Mayo and

Westmeath are annoying the living daylights out of the great corrupt
elites who abuse our nation and our people on a daily basis. Mayo man
Joe Doocey is being arrested and intimidated regularly for standing up
to such corruption. These are protests with a bit of bite and a necessary
action in highlighting state criminality.

After these two groups hold a protest you will not hear sentiments such
as Ah wernt the Guards great, or we had permission from the Guards
to march. So well done Mayo and well done Westmeath.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: protests

John Gill on his controversial

conversation with Mayo State Solicitor
Seamus Hughes
Posted on June 25, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments
The new proposals to abolish the office of the Taxing Master, and
the new global coalition Transparency International.

There is a growing fear among Solicitors and Barristers that the holiday
period they have enjoyed over these many years is drawing to an end.
A holiday period that was steeped in corruption, collusion, deception,
perjury, and maintained by threat and intimidation.

This holiday period in case you are under any illusions is far from over;
there are many thousands of individuals and families all over the 26
counties of Ireland today with the threat of large bills of costs and the
fear of going to jail hanging over them.

You no longer need to read the report of the chairman of the Bar
Councils trip to Zimbabwe; just see the research that is ongoing by the
Victims of Irish Solicitors for the past six years at Drumline, Newmarket-
on-Fergus, Co. Clare.

While in Dublin on Thursday the 5th of January 2006, I picked up a

message from the State Solicitor for Co. Mayo in Westport at the time,
I was just asked to contact Seamus Hughes. So I phoned the next day
to discover that it was an office. I was told that Seamus Hughes would
phone me back later. Seamus did phone back later, but I was still in
Dublin meeting with victims of corrupt solicitors.

On my return to the office of the VLPS in Co. Clare, I was told to make
contact with Seamus Hughes. I returned the call to 098 28422 at 9:50
a.m. on Monday morning, the 9th of January. When I introduced myself,
Mr Hughes offered to phone me back, which he did.

Seamus Hughes seemed to be taking issue with some references to

himself that appeared on the website CrookedLawyers.com and
demanded to have them removed. He went on to talk about what he
described as a Dutchman who he told me had a very nice wife. Mr
Hughes went on to explain about a court case with what he described
as 6/15ths of costs paid and 9/15ths due to his Office. This was in
connection with the construction of a house. I asked Mr Hughes where
this awful individual with the very nice wife lived and he told me that he
lived in a village outside the town of Westport but did not give me the
name of the village. [Read the article in the Sunday Business Post
about Mr Hughes and the Dutchman, which contradicts what Mr
Hughes said, -Ed.]

It would appear that Mr Hughes is going to hold me, John Gill,

responsible for what he disagrees with on the CrookedLawyers.com
website. However, I did not know anything about the problems of Mr
Hughes and the gentleman from the village unknown, or indeed his very
nice wife.

To get away from Mr Hughess problems for a moment, I felt it

necessary to remind him that I also came from Mayo down near
Ballycastle and that nine out of ten of my family emigrated from Mayo
and brought back to this country hundreds of thousands of dollars from
Australia, New Guinea, Canada and the United States, only to be
robbed by the crooks and Mafia-like gangsters of the Irish legal
profession. Citing just one firm of crooks, John Casey & Co of Bindon
St., Ennis, Co. Clare, I also told Mr Hughes that we were in the process
of organising protests throughout the country to name and shame the
rogues/criminal element of solicitors and barristers.
Whether it was to impress, intimidate or threaten, I will never know, but
Mr Seamus Hughes went on to impress upon me that he was a solicitor
of thirty years standing, and the State solicitor for Mayo, and also was
an elected TD for Mayo and Fianna Fail, and a friend of Tony Killeen
[T.D. for Co. Clare, -Ed.] My answer to that mouthful was that I was a
member also and that Fianna Fail was as corrupt as hell.

Mr Seamus Hughes did give me some relief when he told me that he

had read my story on the CrookedLawyers.com website, and did admit
that it was appalling. Mr Hughes was under the impression that the Law
Society was adequately dealing with rogue solicitors. I told Mr Hughes
of our members impression of Ken Murphy and the Law Society. I also
reminded Mr Hughes of the veil of secrecy that was maintained in
Ireland over the years by intimidation and threat to cover up the criminal
conduct of the so called High Society, namely and mainly the Legal
Profession and their fellow travellers, the Fianna Fail Party for the
greater part. This, I told Mr Hughes, I was reminded of so many times in
the city of Chicago. It is now four full days since I received the threat
from Mr Hughes, and still no sign of his allegation in writing.

It is a fact that the corrupt conduct of solicitors and barristers has

destroyed many Irish family homes and lives, with no small input from
especially, but not entirely, Fianna Fail. Corruption in Ireland is a way of
life for the solicitors and barristers of the 26 counties, maintained by a
well-placed number of failed solicitors, elected around the country to the
mainly Fianna Fail party. They are situated in the North East, sunny
South East, misty South West, Mid West, West, and North West; some
of whom we will deal with later.

Corruption is a deadly blight and blemish on any society, and the fact
that it is tolerated and allowed to fester by an elected Democratic
Government is just not acceptable.

It is now firmly established that the Irish legal profession, its solicitors
and barristers, and the Political Party nominees to the judicial system
for the greater part are corrupt. These are the findings of most of the
Victims, who have been dragged through the Courts, battling against
serious corruption, fraud, perjury, mass distortion of legal documents,
forgery and distortion of Wills to deny the most vulnerable of people
their inheritance and their human rights. It will now not surprise anyone
if Seamus Hughes will one day be sitting on the bench in judgement of

We have copies of the Irish Independent and the Irish Times of the 11th
of January 2006. The only solace that many of us can draw from the
news about Judicial Reform is that the Office of the Taxing Masters is
being abolished. We hope that this will come about sooner rather than
later because we believe that this Office, and some people in particular
within this Office are sickeningly corrupt (will expose later).

We, the victims of the greedy, grabbing element of the legal and judicial
system in Ireland DEMAND that our Minister for Justice, Equality and
Law Reform send out a clear message to this rogue and corrupt
element to cease and desist their unlawful, perjurous and contemptuous
efforts currently in the Courts all over the country to unlawfully steal
from us our inheritance, farms, building sites, holiday homes and money
from Clients accounts. They will, Minister, be named and shamed
without fear, favour, affection or ill will, so help me God!

As assistant Chairman and P.R.O. of the Victims of the Legal

Profession Society, I personally would like to thank the Minister for
Justice, Equality and Law Reform Micheal McDowell, T.D. for referring
my file to the Garda Commissioner.

Good news just in by fax: there is a global coalition against corruption

based in Berlin called Transparency International which by coincidence
confirms all I have been trying to get through to the Irish people for
many years. Their logo states: Corruption Ruins Lives (Fight Back).

The lack of progress in the fight against corruption is an ongoing sign

of poor government and continued absence of the rule of law. (In the
Republic, it is as a result of so many in the legal profession and judicial
system being linked to the Government what is known down the
country as Hack Jobs).

The corrupt list in this fax are Bosnia & Herzegovina, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Romania, and when our
enlightened members return next week we will add to this list the
Republic of Ireland and its legal and judicial system.

Corruption is very much the way of life in the courtrooms of the

Republic of Ireland. As I explained to Mr Seamus Hughes (the State
Solicitor for Mayo and proud Fianna Fail T.D.) I personally had to
endure perjury, forgery, deception, collusion, distortion of legal
documents and false accounting at the highest levels in the legal
profession and judicial system. I have been dragged through the Courts
on 62 occasions by 51 solicitors, barristers, and Junior and Senior
Counsels without any harm; or I should say that the TRUTH prevailed
over monstrous corruption and fraud.

To our Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, as P.R.O. of the
Victims of the Legal Profession Society, I once again beg you to please
send out a message to those corrupt members of the legal and judicial
system in Ireland who are destroying and have destroyed the lives of
thousands of vulnerable people in Ireland. As minister of a democratic
government, it is your moral duty and responsibility to deal with and put
a stop to raging corruption.

We have no doubt, Minister, that you are well aware that there is an
epidemic of corruption in this country. It is our intention to ask Berlin to
nominate journalists who will listen and hopefully expose the inner rot of
this country. Something must be done, and the sooner the better for all
of us.

Copy by fax to:

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform

The Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place
Our supporters in the Opposition parties
Our journalist in Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
Our journalist on the south side of Chicago
Signed: John Gill

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Posted in Seamus Hughes Tagged with: corrupt judge seamus hughes, seamus hughes

Gemma ODoherty Journalist shreds

RTE, Irish media
Posted on June 20, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment

Gemma shreds RTE, Irish media

A culture of institutionalised complacency now dominates RTE, with
some presenters (RyanTubridy, Joe Duffy et al) earning more than US
president Barack Obama, a journalism conference in Limerick
University has been told.
Investigative reporter Gemma ODoherty went on to say that certain
RTE journalists see themselves as celebrities, appearing on the cover
of Hello-style magazines and red carpets in designer dresses.
And she hit the nail on the head about the bunker world of RTE. When
they are not interviewing each other, theyre rolling out the same clique
of voices and seeking to rehabilitate people whove been disgraced in
the public eye, she said.
ODohertys blistering attack on the Irish media was unusual in that it
came from inside the industry (her speaking notes were made available
by Rabble.ie).
Lamenting the lack of media support for investigative reporters, she
claimed that press freedom and the ability of the media to hold power
to account is more compromised today than at any other time in the
history of the state.
A cosy cartel exists between the press, power and the police in this
country, and it needs to be smashed because it is so damaging to the
public good.
Referring to a Women in Media conference to be held in Kerry, with a
host of female media celebrities in attendance, and sponsored by the
Irish Times, she remarked:
It will be opened by Noirin OSullivan who has presided over a litany of
scandals in her time as Garda Commissioner. Joan Burton and Frances
Fitzgerald are among the other speakers. That really says it all.
In a new era of cowering journalism the failure of the media, she
believed, had contributed significantly to the crises we have in policing,
health, housing and water services. She might have added care of the
A culture of fear and timidity, she claimed, stalks many of our
It has bred a generation of journalists who behave less like dogged
agents of the public interest and more like compliant diplomats and spin
doctors constantly looking over their shoulders and towing the party line
for compromised or connected bosses.
Having listed her concerns about the media activities of Denis OBrien,
she asked: Is it healthy for democracy that someone who takes such
an interest in silencing our right to speak be in control of so much of our
media? I dont think so.
But she considered RTE to be every bit as bad as the OBrien-owned
If anything,she said, she had more disdain for the state broadcaster. It
is failing its public service remit so blatantly and really does deserve the
name it is more commonly known as on social media, RTEBIAS.
Describing RTE reporting as often farcical and bizarre she noted that
the station seems to disregard the fact that it is accountable to the
public who pays so that it may exist.


To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will

depend very much on where you reside on the social scale!

Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar

from 2 pm Friday July 29th and put an end to the ongoing corruption in
this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and
stand sidebyside we will NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Read Full Story http://mikegavin83.com/
Sign Petition http://mikegavin83.com/petition/
YouTube https://youtu.be/l-3RaeZmUI8

Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State #Solicitor for

Westmeath. He is now more than 2 decades in this position. Peter
Jones is a right wing conservative on moral issues and he has been
against every piece of reformist referenda for decades, including the
Divorce Referendum of 1995. Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8
PENALTY POINTS corruptly and illegally removed, a matter which
appeared in the Phoenix Magazine at the time. Peter Jones is now
threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough for 83 year old Mike
Gavin to have been defrauded of a large sum of money by Mr. Joness
friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert Marron? Is there nothing so
low as to what the legal profession in Mullingar will stoop to? Just as
you thought that they could not sink any lower by defrauding an elderly
farmer, they are now threatening him.

Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective

called to Mike Gavins Home, Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were
told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said they wanted to
see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite
the fact that Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they
were sending their Fraud file to Dublin when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with
her and they wanted to see Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door
and told them repeatedly out the window to go away and leave them
alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike
Gavin describes here what happened.
Share and Expose the Blue Bully Boys working for Peter D. Jones

Instead of investigating this File


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Posted in Gemma O'Doherty Tagged with: Denis OBrien, Gemma O'Doherty, rte

Irish Elites are Pretending to be the

Posted on June 20, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

The Real Irish Media Can you handle the truth?

Irish Elites are Pretending to be the Opposition! And they are operating
under your very nose. Sinn Fein, People Before Profit, Anti Austerity
Alliance (or whatever they have labelled themselves as this year),
Independents (the majority of whom are disgruntled Fine Gaelers and
Fianna Failers brought in from the cold), are all part of the same cabal.

The only difference is the colour of their clothes. It is indeed a very long
time since a TD could claim childhood poverty as a reason for getting
involved in radical politics. Few, if any, so called socialists in Leinster
House today ever wanted for anything growing up. Most of them
originate from the same comfortable Public Service gene pool.

Take Paul Murphy as an example. Posh Trot is indeed an apt label for
this TD who spouts on and on about water charges ad nauseum but is
usually silent on the most savage phenomenon in Irish society in
decades and that is banks evicting people from their homes. Is Deputy
Paul Murphy scared that somewhere, sometime, somehow that
someone may remind him that his own uncle evicts dozens of families
from their homes on a monthly basis in County Mayo? So it is not Pauls
fault that his uncle Finbar Murphy, the Mayo County Registrar is part of
the criminally corrupt cabal who turfs us out of our homes. But equally it
just goes to show us that the likes of Paul Murphy, Richard Boyd Barrett
and Mary Lou McDonald really would not know a poverty stricken
household from a Goldman Sachs Banquet.

All the platitudes from the left about poverty is just left speak that they
have learned at various workshops in order to keep poor and working
class areas interested so come election day the votes will come in.
During the 1970s and 1980s there were people in the Labour Party and
Sinn Fein who grew up in poverty. But their types were eventually
isolated within those parties and replaced with what has become known
as champagne socialists. It is time for ordinary people to take left wing
politics back from the posh trots, smoked salmon socialists and
bleeding heart D4 Green types because these people do not
understand or care less about the poverty being suffered by the
ordinary people of Ireland today.
The modern left in Ireland is more concerned about a loud mouthed
New York Billionaire, who is not even a decision making politician,
arriving in Ireland to inspect his golf course, than they are about a child
going to school hungry. The modern left in Ireland is in overdrive about
a new abortion referendum while not giving a toss about children
suffering from the horrendous effects of abuse and bullying which now
has become an accepted part of Irish society.

The modern day Irish left cannot get enough tv exposure to talk about
the rights of immigrants, while ignoring the plight of the Irish self
employed losing their work and being refused unemployment
assistance. The modern left in Ireland has its underwear in a twist
about refugeers in the Mediterranean while oblivious to the problem of
homelessness being experienced in Ireland by Irish people. The left in
Ireland basically are singing from the exact same hymn sheet at the
globalist elites such as Angela Merkel, Peter Sutherland, Bono and
Hilary Clinton.

It is time someone called a spade a spade and challenged these

chancers who are only in politics for the same reason as all the others
and that is the salaries, expenses, cronyism and nepotism, which soon
developes into corruption.

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Posted in The Real Irish Media - Can you handle the truth? Tagged with: anti austerity alliance, independents,
people before profit, sinn fein

Denis Naughten TD Refuses to Support

Mike Gavin
Posted on June 18, 2016 by MikeGavin 9 Comments

Denis Naughten TD Meeting

Denis Naughten TD met with Eileen Linney, Mike Gavins sister in Gullians Hotel on Friday 19th
June 2016 after 10:30am. He stated he did not get involved in family disputes as its against the
constitution. Eileen explained what was owed to her brother Mike Gavin and herself and gave
details of the amount due to Mike Gavin for his work done over a 9 year period. She explain that
she did not own any cattle yet there was 3,700 deducted from her share plus 12,500 from the
land sale , a further 116,000 plus 12,500 from the land sale was deducted for her brother Mike
Gavin by Robert B. Marren Solicitor.

Denis Naughten TD stated for them to get a Solicitor and write to the Supreme Court Susan
Denham. Eileen stated Robert Marren was appointed to administer the estate which he didnt do
and Denis Naughton stated the Judge who appointed him would have agreed with what he did.
Denis also stated he did not like the information on Twitter about himself and or Robert Troy.

End of Meeting

Well Denis we dont like the fact that you did nothing for us. How come it was Clare Daly TD who
attempted to question Tanaiste and Minster for Justice re Roscommon Gardai entering Elderly
Mike Gavins Home? Where were you Denis Naughton TD. As for twitter dont you recall you
blocked @michaelgavin83 as did Robert Tory TD, although Troy did go on to sign one of Mike
Gavins petitions on the day of voting.

Our justice system is repeatedly and systematically failing us. Worse than that, it seams that
many of those in exalted positions of authority such as yourself Denis Naughten TD, Robert Troy
TD, Willie Penrose TD, Tony Henry Tormeys Solicitors Athlone, Tony McLynn T&N Mc Lynn
Solicitors Athlone, Robert B. Marren Solicitor Mullingar, Peter D. Jones State Solicitor Mullingar
and the Law Society of Ireland are greatly abusing our trust. It would appear that in Ireland if the
perpetrators are in any way connected then our justice system is far more likely to throw up a
wall of protection and denials around them.

Dont be surprise if a peaceful assembly protest arrives at your door in the coming days to
express dissatisfaction at the Job your not doing

Have a Nice Day!

Against the constitution to stand up to

Solicitors Corruption and Financial
1. Robert Marren Solicitor refused to award Michael Gavin the grant moneys paid down
from the Dept. of Agriculture. Michael is owed over 116,000 for 9 years minding the
farm Animals.

2. Robert Marren Solicitor held onto the funds from the land sale for nearly 2 years, and then
finally awarded to Michael Gavin and his sister 12,500 plus interest less than what we
were each entitled to.

3. Willie Penrose TD BL was not paid for his opinion, when the estate was charged for

4. Robert Marren Solicitor Squandered the estate assets and hired an additional accountant
at a cost of 8,751.45.

5. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs for his fee of 40,892.53 he awarded to

6. No bill of costs was provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone, paid an amount of
38,941 a year prior to closing.

7. Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone failed to undertake the instructions given him
through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent Mr. Robert Marren closing in isolation to well
founded objections.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will depend very much on where you
reside on the social scale!

Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar from 2 pm Friday June 24th
and put an end to the ongoing corruption in this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and stand sidebyside we will
NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Read Full Story http://mikegavin83.com/
Sign Petition http://mikegavin83.com/petition/
YouTube https://youtu.be/l-3RaeZmUI8
Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State #Solicitor for Westmeath. He is now more than 2
decades in this position. Peter Jones is a right wing conservative on moral issues and he has
been against every piece of reformist referenda for decades, including the Divorce Referendum of
1995. Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8 PENALTY POINTS corruptly and illegally
removed, a matter which appeared in the Phoenix Magazine at the time. Peter Jones is now
threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough for 83 year old Mike Gavin to have been
defrauded of a large sum of money by Mr. Joness friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert
Marron? Is there nothing so low as to what the legal profession in Mullingar will stoop to? Just as
you thought that they could not sink any lower by defrauding an elderly farmer, they are now
threatening him.

Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective called to Mike Gavins Home,
Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said
they wanted to see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite the fact that
Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they were sending their Fraud file to Dublin
when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see
Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away
and leave them alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike Gavin describes here what
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Posted in News Tagged with: Denis Naughten, Denis Naughten TD, mullingar, peter jones, protest, robert
marren, robert troy td, willie penrose

Outraged at Peter D Jones State

Solicitors reluctance to respond to
letter of elderly farmer
Posted on June 16, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Letter to Peter D Jones

Date 17/06/2016

Dear Mr. Jones,

I am outraged at your reluctance to respond to my letter to you on 12th of April 2016 in which I
requested 7 pieces of evidence and answers to 20 questions concerning your client Mr. Robert B.

This is reminiscent of how your client dealt with my letters in the past including the last one I sent
him registered on 11/07/2015 in which we stated:

In the event that the Law Society of Ireland does not accept that our 8 complaints of inadequate
professional services, alleged over charging and misconduct, warrant investigation we have every
intention of referring this matter to the independent Adjudicator, the solicitors disciplinary tribunal
Dublin , An Garda Sochna and the Health Service Executive HSE. Although this whole matter is
a source of embarrassment to us, we will have no hesitation in disclosing same in the public
domain, as it is our belief that the general public have a right to be made aware of the events that
took place and let them judge for themselves based on the true facts.

I and others are of the opinion that you are the one behind the three visits I received from my
local Gardai and detectives from Roscommon.

On Friday the 20th of May they called to my home, Dundonnell Taughmaconnell and were told I
was gone to Mullingar to protest. They told my sister Eileen Linney they wanted to see me re the
Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite the fact that my sister Eileen called them
and told them that I was sending the fraud file when completed to Dublin. They were abusive to
my sister/carer telling her it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see Mike Gavin. My
sister and I locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away and leave us
alone and eventually they did. Three Gardai returned the following Wednesday unannounced and
trespassed on my home premises, and got me home alone. These Gardai from Roscommon
harassed me and attempted to interrogate me about letters I sent and also attempted to get
me to sign forms.

The fact that Clare Daly TD was not allowed to question Tanaiste and Minster for Justice re:
Roscommon Gardai TRESPASSING into my home, speaks volumes in itself and is further
evidence of the attempted cover-up and corruption in this state. The excuse given by Sean O
Fearghail Ceann Comhairle to Clare Daly TD was:

the question is not in order as it requires an interpretation of the law and relates not to a policy
issue but to an individual case which is an operational one for An Garda Siochana



The Phoenix reported that you have avoided a possible total of eight penalty points being added
to your drivers licence from four separate occasions. The article states that you refused to
respond to queries in relation to your penalty points and a representative in your office stated that
the office doesnt deal with journalists.

This may explain why you now ignore queries from an elderly farmer of limited means as you
described me in your original THREATENING letter on April 1st 2016.

I have every intention of continuing to peaceful protest outside the offices and homes of you and
your client Mr. Robert Marren and any others who threaten me or prevent the course of justice in
my case including the Gardai, Francise Fitzgerald Tanaiste and Minster for Justice, Sean O
Fearghail Ceann Comhairle and others.

Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere

Yours Faithfully

Michael Gavin
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Posted in News Tagged with: mullingar. peaceful protest, peter d jones solicitors, peter d. jones

FIANNA FAIL has threatened to sue

journalist Gemma ODoherty over
various allegations she has made
against party leader Michel Martin
Posted on June 16, 2016 by MikeGavin 4 Comments



FIANNA FAIL has threatened to sue journalist Gemma ODoherty over various allegations she
has made against party leader Michel Martin and others in the party concerning political
interference in a Garda investigation into the 1977 murder of six-year-old Mary Boyle from
Donegal. ODoherty has been pursuing allegations made by retired gardai that a member
of Fianna Fail interfered with the Garda investigation of the murder in order to protect a suspect.
In December, Mary Boyles twin sister, Anne Doherty, requested by email a meeting with Martin
about the murder of my twin sister Mary Boyle. In a repeat request on December 18, she
referred to the murder cover-up of my twin sister. In January, having declined the offer to meet
with Anne Doherty the then FF justice spokesperson Niall Collins, Doherty referred to the murder
and to subsequent political interference in the Garda investigation.

In March, Doherty sent several emails to Martins office making references to Fianna Fail and the
alleged political cover up.
Doherty received replies to some of these emails, which said Martin would be willing to meet her
when he had the time. As time passed, Dohertys accusation became more explicit and Gemma
ODoherty posted several comments on social media repeating the allegations.
On April 18, Gemma ODoherty received a letter from solicitors Arthur Cox objecting strongly to
the journalists posts, describing them as untrue, despicable etc. Furthermore, the letter said
ODoherty was: not to post the allegation referred to; to remove all posts already placed on social
media; and to withdraw in writing the allegation made against Martin and two other party officials.
Failure to confirm by midday the next day (the letter was sent at 10pm the night before) would
result in Coxs clients considering what legal action they would take.
ODoherty did not comply with the demands and she replied to Coxs letter stating that she would
not be muzzled; no legal action has resulted. However, FF took steps to meet Anne Doherty
(along with Gemma ODoherty and a solicitor).
While the meeting was being arranged, Anne Doherty emailed Martin to say that party TD John
McGuinness was aware of the allegations and had made Martin aware of them many months
ago. McGuinness this week denied to The Phoenix that he had done so, although he did raise
Mary Boyles murder case in a Dil speech earlier this year about garda wrong doing, saying that
the state had stonewalled in the case (and several others).
In late April, Martin and party justice spokesperson Jim OCallaghan SC met with Anne Doherty,
Gemma ODoherty and the solicitor. Martins advice was to go gardai with any new evidence of
wrong doing. He said he would himself forward Gemma 0 Doherty s documentation on the
case to the gardai. OCallaghan also suggested that Anne Doherty should take a civil action
against the man she believes murdered her sister and against the person she claims helped to
cover up the crime and interfere with the investigation.
OCallaghan also said the party was taking legal advice on how to deal with allegations against
party members and that he was recommending that the allegations be put to one particular
This has not mollified Anne Doherty, who has demanded that Martin instigate a Dil debate and
take further action inside the party against two particular individuals. This issue looks likely to run
and run.


Mary Boyle The Untold Story

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Posted in Gemma O'Doherty, News Tagged with: Anne Doherty, FIANNA FAIL, Gemma O'Doherty, Mary Boyle,
Michel Martin, sue journalist Gemma O'Doherty

Peter D Jones Westmeath State

Solicitor A Danger to Irish Democracy
Posted on June 16, 2016 by MikeGavin 2 Comments


By Maura O Halloran
Westmeath State Solicitor Peter D. Jones is a serious danger to democracy in Ireland. Why?
Because he uses unorthodox methods in his legal modus operandi, threatens people with his
state powers and he has friends in very low, as well as very high places.

On many occasions Jones, who was appointed as Westmeath State

Solicitor by his uncles friend and then Taoiseach Charles J. Haughey
in the late 1980s has threatened, bullied and dubiously caused harm to innocent people. His
uncle was Joey Jones, the tall dodgy looking guy with the patch over his eye who was always
seen by Haugheys side during the Arms Trial in the early 1970s. On a number of occasions over
the years people in civil cases are known to have heard their own solicitors say things like This
will be a tough case to win because the other side have Peter Jones and he does not allow little
things like the truth get in the way of winning a case. He has acted spuriously against justice on
many occasions, even with his own clients. Clients who fell out with him always had something
bad happen to them without explanation, such as harassment from organs of the state. He has
used and continues to use his position of state solicitor to bully, threaten and harass people who
dare stand up to his illegal bullying.

But the most worrying and sinister development of all is something which has recently emerged
concerning this highly dangerous man. Someone in his own County of Westmeath who is on the
inside so to speak and who would be in a position to know the situation, is on record as saying
that Peter Jones, if he so wished, would send someone to your door to demand that you desist
from whatever it was that he did not want you doing and the person he would send would not be
acting legally. This proves that Jones, just like his dodgy uncle, would have no problem sending
dangerous criminals to silence you.

Gerry Jones Long John Silver in the picture the infamous uncle of Westmeath State
Solicitor Peter (No Penalty Points) Jones

In conclusion, when Jones had 8 penalty points wiped off by Garda management and was able to
have a hand in the sacking of an award winning journalist from Independent Newspapers,
together with his unlawful methods of dealing with his adversaries it goes without saying that he is
the Inspector Slater of the Irish Legal Profession (fans of the popular sitcom Only Fools &
Horses will understand what that means).

Maura O Halloran is an anti corruption activist who now lives in Toronto, Canada, having left
Ireland in 2008 because of the corruption levels affecting Ireland.

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Posted in Maura O Halloran, News Tagged with: gerry jones, mullingar, peter d jones state solicitor, peter d.

Castlebar Peaceful Protest

Posted on June 14, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Peoples protest against corruption in Castlebar, Co. Mayo on Monday 13th June 2016. This
protest had everything. Speeches, marches, prayers, pickets of the Courthouse, Garda Station,
the towns banks and Enda Kennys Office. A large Garda presence including the Public Order
Unit and Armed Support Unit meant that this protest had teeth and the protesters meant
business. One peaceful protester was arrested for wearing a ballaclava and Mayo man Joe
Doocey was arrested (for nothing yet again) earlier that morning and kept in Ballina Garda Station
until the afternoon when he joined the protest. Those present on the day long protest included,
among others, people recently illegally jailed for alleged contempt of court, members of the Shell
To Sea campaign, Members of local and national anti eviction groups, Integrity Ireland, Mike
Gavin Solidarity campaigners etc. While most of the protesters were locally based, some travelled
from, among other places, Dublin, Roscommon, Athlone, Tuam and Mullingar. The Wests Awake!
Well done to all involved.

No matter who you are Corruption affects You in some form or another. Its the common
denominator for all thats Wrong with society today in Ireland. Whether its Suicide, Evictions,
Homelessness, Emigration, Broken families, Drugs, Mental breakdowns, Government, Garda.
Legal, judicial and in so many other areas, We are all Victims.
On Monday 13th of June at twelve noon outside Castlebar Courthouse we are Uniting together as
Victims of Corruption to Peacefully Assemble at the Registrars Court for Homily & Rosary, then
on to the Garda Station and the Banks ending up at Enda Kennys Constituency Office whereby
we will claim our Country Back from these Corrupt Authorities Figures.
The people of Ireland SAYS NO to CORRUPTION !!

Castlebar Peaceful Protest

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Free Joe Doocey and Wayne Nash held
in remand for 7 days by Corrupt Judge
Seamus Hughes for Contempt of Court
Posted on June 9, 2016 by MikeGavin 1 Comment

Joe and Wayne are Free


Joe Doocey and Wayne Nash have been held in remand for 7 days by
Corrupt Judge Seamus Hughes for contempt of court at Athlone
District Court. The lads had been ejected earlier when Wayne asked the
judge to recuse himself from his case and asked for his case to be tried
by jury and held in another jurisdiction. The judge refused all the
applications that Wayne made and ordered he be removed from court.
Another man, Liam McManus, along with a number of others including
myself voiced how we felt about this. The judge ordered the Gardai to
arrest Liam and hold him from contempt of court. This all happened
before lunch. After lunch, we all returned to court to see if we could help
Liam. Joe and Wayne remained outside while I went inside. The judge
then ordered the Gardai to arrest Joe and Wayne who were still outside
for contempt of court. After he had finished handling all the road traffic
offences, he then delt with Joe, Wayne and Liam in that order. He asked
Joe if he wanted one of the solicitors in court to represent him. Joe said
no. He then said that Joe called the court a corrupt court and sentenced
him to 7 days on remand for contempt of court. He never gave Joe any
opportunity to purge his so called contempt. He did the same to Wayne.
As Wayne was being led away, he said this is exactly why the judge
should recuse himself. He never gave Wayne the option to purge either.
Finally he gave Liam the option to purge which Liam did. Would anyone
blame him after what had just proceeded him? Afterwards, Waynes
wife went to the Garda station to see Wayne before he left. We spoke
with 4 different Gardai including the inspector who all said they would
try to facilitate this. After about 45 minutes, I went back in to the Garda
station to ask the duty manager to facilitate the visitation and I was then
informed that the lads were gone. How crazy, stupid and wrong is this?

Cloverhill Remand Prison Cloverhill Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel:

01 6304531 Fax: 01 6304580

Listen to Garie Beattie describe what happened fast forward to minute


The camera doesnt lie they say.

This video clearly identifies two detectives and a Garda superintendent
targeting and harassing Wayne Nash for no apparent reason which
ultimately led to the theft of his phone, another one for the GardPhone
WareHouse. They followed him into Athlone Council offices, where he
pays his rent and..well.the video speaks for itself.


Wayne Nash Vs Corrupt Gardai.

Wayne Nash Vs Corrupt Gardai.

Video Unavailable
Monday 13th of June at twelve noon
outside Castlebar courthouse

No matter who you are corruption effects you in some form. Its the
common denominator for all thats wrong in society today in Ireland.
.Whether its suicide, evictions, homelessness, emigration, broken
families , drugs , mental breakdowns , government, gardai . legal ,
judicial and in so many other area s , we are all victims . On Monday
13th of June at twelve noon outside Castlebar courthouse we are
uniting together as victims of corruption to protest to the registrars court,
then to the garda station , then to the banks and then to enda kenny s
constituency office to claim our country back from these corrupt
authoritive figures . the people of ireland say NO MORE!!. So get your
feet on the street on this day with your countrymen and women and
stand shoulder to shoulder . United we win . Guest speakers will be
announced next week . Spread the word .Make this day the start of a
new CORRUPTION FREE IRELAND. Thank you. Joe Doocey

Judge Seamus Hughes Penalty Points

Judge Seamus Hughes had a total of six penalty points wiped from his
drivers licence on three separate occasions between 2011 and 2012,
Phoenis Magazine claims this week.

Judge Seamus Hughes had a total of six penalty points wiped from
his drivers licence on three separate occasions between 2011 and
2012, Phoenis Magazine claims this week.

The Wesport native, who is also a former Fianna Fail TD, clocked up
the first offence on March 28 2011, shortly after taking over from retired
judge, John Neilan in District Number Nine.

On that occasion, he was recorded in his Audi doing 74km/h in a

50km/h zone at Knocknaphunta, Castlebar, Co Mayo.

Two penalty points were later quashed from his record on the grounds
that the incident was an emergency.

Later that same year, Judge Hughes was again stopped, this time at
Tulsk, Co Roscommon, travelling at 72km/h in a 50km/h zone on
November 7.

It is believed those two points were erased by garda on humanitarian


The third and final incident was recorded last September when he was
observed doing 69km/h along a stretch of road with 50km/h speed limit

Humanitarian grounds were likewise cited by gardai for the removal of

two penalty points stemming from the aformentioned incident at
Bellanagare, Co Roscommon.


Pavee Point Calls for Resignation of

Judge Seamus Hughes
In Athlone District Court while presiding over a case with a Traveller
defendant Mr. Justice Seamus Hughes is reported as stating that:

Nobody has indicated it to me, but I suspect he comes from a certain

ethnic background that would give him even more form given the type
of behaviour in which some of them engage. As Ive described it
before, they are like Neanderthal men living in the long grass, abiding
by the laws of the jungle.

We condemn the comments of Judge Hughes. They reflect a prehistoric

mind-set that has no place in modern Irish society. Everyone is entitled
to a fair trial irrespective of your ethnic origin or the charges you face.

Parliamentary Questions on Penalty

Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he
considered exercising his powers under the Garda Siochana Act 2005,
as amended by the Criminal Justice 2007, to order an inquiry into the
practice of terminating fixed charge notices by the Ombudsman under
s.102 in which he is entitled to do so if he considers it in the public
interest or to order a special inquiry by specially appointed persons
under Section 42, where he is entitled to do so if he considers the
matter to be one of public concern; the reason he chose to internally
review this matter; if he will provide an update on the progress of the
internal review by the Garda Commissioner; if he will commit to
publishing the internal review in its entirety; if he will order an inquiry by
the Ombudsman or a special inquiry by a specially appointed person
into the practice of terminating fixed charge notices; and if he will make
a statement on the matter. (Question 6017/13 asked on 06 Feb 2013)
Deputy Alan Shatter: I propose to take Questions Nos. 6, 36, 58, 60
and 64 together. These questions all relate to the issue we have
previously discussed surrounding the allegations concerning the
cancellation of fixed charge notices. Fixed charge notices are provided
for under the Road Traffic Act 2002 and are an alternative to
prosecution. They give a motorist the opportunity to acknowledge the
offence, pay the fixed charge and, where the offence is a penalty point
offence, incur the appropriate penalty points. While the issuing of a
fixed charge notice does not constitute commencement of legal
proceedings, it normally leads to a prosecution if the fixed charge is not
There can be circumstances, however, where the fixed charge notice
may be cancelled in accordance with Garda procedures drawn up in the
light of legislative exemptions and prosecutorial guidelines. Cancellation
occurs where it is believed the evidence would not sustain a
prosecution or a prosecution would not be appropriate, fair or
proportionate. The procedures provide authority to district officers, or
inspectors acting as district officers, and an inspector in the fixed
charge processing office to cancel fixed charge notices.
Cancellation can occur in circumstances where, for example,
exemptions apply in relation to emergency vehicles or the wearing of
seat-belts, or where there are evidential difficulties, such as where the
registration number registered by a speed camera does not correspond
to the vehicle in question, or where there are emergency medical
circumstances such as, for example, a sick child being driven to
hospital, an imminent birth, or a medical professional rushing to a sick
or elderly patient. Access to cancel a fixed charge notice through
PULSE is restricted to users with the rank of inspector or higher.
Allegations concerning the cancellation of fixed charge notices are
being examined by an assistant commissioner who is due to report his
findings shortly. I have received an interim report from the
commissioner but I will not be making any further comment on any of
the allegations until the final report is available. It would be premature
and wrong to assume that all of these cancellations of fixed charge
notices were inappropriate, or that money has been lost to the
Exchequer as a consequence. Equally, it is premature for calls to be
made for a statutory inquiry into these matters.
As I said earlier, let us await the final report on this matter, which I
expect shortly, and we will then be in a position to draw conclusions.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Four Deputies have tabled these
questions so I will call them first, starting with Deputy Joan Collins.
Deputy Joan Collins: The Minister did not really answer my question,
which is very specific. It gave five different instances of two people who
have been mentioned in this House before Mary Devins and Samus
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: There is a long-standing ruling of the
Ceann Comhairle that people outside the House are not named in the
Chamber. I ask Deputies to bear that in mind, please.
Deputy Joan Collins: It gives five different instances. In two, no reason
was given for the termination, while in one, the termination is
discretionary/other. In another instance, it was termination on
humanitarian grounds, while in another case the termination was
discretionary/other and humanitarian grounds entered into it. This is at
variance to the Ministers response to Deputy Wallace a moment ago
and completely discredits what he has said. We want to find out who
gave the order and why. It is of concern to everybody, including the
garda. If the penalty points system is too open it is not right either for
the public or the garda concerned. The Minister said there has to be
transparency and accountability but he has not responded to my
questions. I detailed five situations, yet no reason has been given for
the terminations.
Deputy Alan Shatter: I deplore the fact that it appears to be part of the
approach taken by some Members of this House to constantly name
individuals who have no opportunity to defend themselves and are not
Members of this House. By doing so, it implies that they may have done
something wrong. I am not going to get sucked into that process
whereby examples are given with regard to particular named
Deputy Joan Collins: That is not why I raised this.
Deputy Alan Shatter: Each of the cases that have been contained in
allegations, whether individuals are named or anonymised, is being
addressed by the assistant commissioner. There will be a detailed
response following on from the completion of that investigation in which
all of these issues will be addressed.
Deputy Mick Wallace: I again ask the Minister to set out the specific
legislation within which members of the force exercise discretion for the
termination of fixed charge notices. What legislation permits a senior
officer to terminate more than 1,000 fixed charge notices, most of which
came from outside of his district? This is unfair to the many honest
garda who work really hard and whose profession is being tarnished.
The conclusions reached by any internal review conducted in private
cannot retain public trust and confidence because of the manner in
which they were reached.
Deputy Alan Shatter: The first point I will make to the Deputy is there
should be public trust and confidence because the number of fixed
charge notices served in any one year is enormous and the numbers in
question here are small. Nevertheless and to be clear, if there is
wrongdoing, that should be transparent, should be addressed and will
be dealt with. However, yet again I must ask the Deputy not to jump to
conclusions. The Deputy keeps referring to a member of the force who
has cancelled 1,000 fixed charge notices. While I do not wish to get into
the detail and have now given the same reply twice, the Deputy might
note that an inspector in the fixed charge processing office has the
jurisdiction and legal authority to cancel fixed charge notices. Most
Deputy Clare Daly: It is not him.
Deputy Mick Wallace: It was not him.
Deputy Alan Shatter: I am simply telling the Deputies this.
Deputy Clare Daly: We know that.
Deputy Alan Shatter: I do not intend to get into the issue of individuals.
What I intend to do is to wait to receive the report that I expect. If the
Deputies opposite could contain themselves for another three to four
Deputy Mick Wallace: I have not named him either.
Deputy Alan Shatter: If the Deputies could contain themselves for
another three to four weeks, I expect this investigation to be concluded.
I expect to be in a position to publish in full the outcome of that
investigation and I expect that if any remaining questions are not
answered, that would be something I will pursue.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: I call Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan.
Deputy Mick Wallace: What is the specific legislation? The Minister still
has not told Members. This is crazy.
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: For justice and for policing to work,
people must be fully assured that everyone is treated equally. These
revelations in respect of penalty points clearly show that in Ireland,
some people are more important than others and this brings the Garda
Sochna into disrepute. This is not because the vast majority of garda
are corrupt; on the contrary, the vast majority are as straight as a pin.
However, until one has in place a system that proves and guarantees it
is fair for everyone, unfortunately everyone is under suspicion. It is
somewhat akin to a scenario in which one entered a shop, bought
oneself five or six apples and put them on the weighing scales only to
realises it did not add up. What should happen is one should be able to
have that checked independently. At present, however, were this to take
place within the realm of the Garda Sochna, the manager of the shop
would check to ascertain whether the scales were all right and one
would be obliged to accept his or her word. This is not good for justice
and unfortunately, having delved into this area, I have discovered this
appears to be only the tip of the iceberg. The reason it has not emerged
before now is because, as I have been told many times over the past
week, people are scared to come out and tell the truth.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Thank you Deputy.
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: It is shocking to think that people are
scared to tell the truth about justice and the law in this country. I will
conclude by citing a comment made by one of the Ministers own
Deputies from Fine Gael, namely, Deputy Michael Creed. The issue to
which he referred goes even higher and is far more serious than penalty
points, as it pertains to murder. As a member of the public and as a
parent, I would like to believe that were a murder to be committed in this
country, it would be properly investigated. However, I will quote the
words of Deputy Creed when speaking about the Fr. Niall Molloy case.
Incidentally, Fr. Molloy was Roscommon man of the year and was
someone of whom we were very proud. Deputy Michael Creed referred
to the cover-up of that murder. The Minister should listen again to the
words of his own Deputy, that the cover-up of that murder was aided
and abetted by an omert-style collusion between the most powerful
forces in the State the senior political establishment, the Judiciary, the
Catholic Church, senior medical personnel and the Garda.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Thank you Deputy.
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: If the Minister seeks to improve things
and to make this a better country, openness and accountability are
needed. In this context, I understand that a member of the Ministers
party, who was meant to debate an issue with me in UCG in three
weeks time has now pulled out of that debate unless I apologise for
talking about corruption.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Deputy, sorry
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: People are seeking an apology for the
Magdalen laundries.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: No, Deputy, please. I wish to ask
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: There is one thing better than an
apology, which is to make sure that corruption does not happen in the
first place.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: I call on the Minister to respond.
Deputy Alan Shatter: I am afraid the sight of the Deputy in full flight
standing on a moral soapbox makes it a little difficult not to throw up. I
agree with something the Deputy has just stated, which is that for
justice to work, people must be assured that everyone should be
treated equally. I have just listened to the Deputys little diatribe. This
was from a Member of this House who encourages people outside this
House to engage in illegality. This was from a Member of this House
who believes it is appropriate that 70% to 75% of people pay their
property tax but is happy to encourage others not so do. This was from
a Member of this House who has encouraged people to violate a law
and to create difficulties for the State in a European context. This was
from a Deputy who boasts of his drug-taking. This was from a Deputy
who has been convicted before the courts.
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: I merely tried to
Deputy Alan Shatter: If the Deputy intends to morally lecture the rest
of us, he should be aware the soapbox on which he is standing is
resting on quicksand that is rapidly disappearing under him.
Deputy Luke Ming Flanagan: Does the Minister have a box set of his
lectures? I would like to listen to them all.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Deputy Clare Daly has a question.
Deputy Clare Daly: The Minister is doing his best to ignore the
seriousness of this issue. However, I must warn him that it will not go
away. He has stated that Members are prejudging the outcome of his
internal investigation. That investigation is already substantially
discredited. While the Garda Commissioner to whom the Minister
referred, Commissioner Callinan, issued a press statement in
December in which he told the assembled media there was no question
of what has been described as a culture of non-enforcement of
penalties being tolerated, in fact that is precisely the culture to which
reference has been made. The Minister took it upon himself to send a
letter from his Department to the whistleblowing garda in the week
before Christmas, isolating instances from their reported allegations
which he dismissed out of hand. Moreover, when a Deputy presents
evidence before this House of other allegations in the dossier, the
Minister chose to ignore it because the evidence in his possession
shows the response he gave to Deputy Wallace is inaccurate. It is at
variance with the evidence and the facts of the matter, namely, garda
are terminating these penalty points without any reason, without any
procedure and are acting as a law unto themselves.
Members are not prejudging anything but are basing their opinions on
the evidence. If the Minister thinks that Members of this House or the
wider public will put up with the outcome of a so-called internal inquiry,
he is greatly mistaken because all the evidence tells us that the
aforementioned inquiry already has been discredited, when the garda
who put their necks on the line to give the Minister this evidence have
been approached over Christmas, denied the opportunity to do their
jobs, prevented from accessing PULSE records without someone
standing over their shoulders, being visited in their own homes by
garda and so on. That is the type of system and people the Minister
wants to investigate the matter. It is a joke. The issue will not go away.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: I thank the Deputy and call on the
Minister to reply.
Deputy Alan Shatter: The Deputy does not want this matter to be
investigated. She simply wishes to be told there was some sort of
Deputy Clare Daly: The Minister has not given Members any evidence
to the contrary.
Deputy Alan Shatter All the Deputies opposite have made up their
minds a long time ago. Were they not holding press conferences in
Buswells Hotel, at which material that is protected under the Data
Protection Act and which would reveal the identities of individuals was
about to be revealed breathlessly by them all in a great panoply of
publicity and excitement to the assembled media until they suddenly
realised they might have a problem in respect of data protection? Part
of the problem is that although it is important we get to the truth, those
investigating it must be given the time to do so. The matter should not
be pre-judged. The Deputy in her comments regularly assumes that
large numbers of members of the Garda force are engaged in some
sort of conspiracy or are corrupt. She should not do so and I reject that.
Deputy Clare Daly: I have not.
Deputy Joan Collins: We never said that.
Deputy Alan Shatter: I will defend in this House the integrity of An
Garda Sochna and its capacity to do its work properly under the law. If
there are individuals within the force who are not behaving properly, the
matter will be addressed.
Deputy Clare Daly: Will there be a press conference?
Deputy Alan Shatter: The Deputy raised a very important issue. I
presume she supports our data protection legislation and recognises
that individuals going about their private lives are entitled to some
degree of privacy. Matters that are not of significant public import
relating to their privacy should not be in the media and what they have
done in life should not be grossly misrepresented. None of the Deputies
can contain their enthusiasm for throwing names around the place. One
of the difficulties with this issue is that a member of the Garda force was
accessing the PULSE system, which indicated where charges were
issued and cancelled but did not give the reasons. That member of the
Garda force did not know the reasons as a result. No police force in the
world can tolerate a position where a member believes he or she can
access any computer system to reveal to a member of the public or a
newspaper information that is confidential and protected under the data
protection legislation.
Deputy Clare Daly: Who is pre-judging now?
Deputy Alan Shatter: The Deputy asked about issues concerning the
accessing of systems.
Deputy Clare Daly: The Minister is making scandalous allegations.
Deputy Alan Shatter: The Garda Commissioner may, in accordance
with his obligations as data controller under the Data Protection Act, be
obliged to curtail use of Garda information systems or circulation of
information retrieved from Garda information systems by a report or
where such use or circulation would appear to be in breach of the
provisions of the Data Protection Act. That should be a concern to
That is one bit of a problem that could have a detrimental effect on
innocent members of the general public, and that cannot be allowed to
happen. We cannot allow large tranches of information from the Garda
PULSE system to appear in the media. It is important that this issue is
fully investigated and the process should address all the allegations
comprehensively. If there is wrongdoing, it should be known, and if
there is none, that should be stated as well. If there are to be
consequences because matters have not been dealt with properly, so
be it. If there are administrative, procedural or legal failures, the matters
should be fully and properly addressed.
An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Four questions were taken together, so
the Minister was afforded extra time under Standing Orders.
Deputy Clare Daly: An answer would have been nice.
All content is taken from Oireachtas feeds. If relying on the text of any

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Posted in News Tagged with: corrupt judge seamus hughes, free Joe doocey, free wayne nash, joe doocey,
penalty points, seamus hughes, seamus hughes penalty points wiped, wayne nash

We Demand a Response email

Broadcast Far and Wide to Highlight
Solicitors Corruption Cronyism and
Financial Elder Abuse of Elderly
Posted on June 8, 2016 by MikeGavin 2 Comments

Please Share Far & Wide!

We Demand a Response

Dont think you can threaten an 84 year old Roscomonn farmer of limited means and get away
with it we will expose you and the likes of you far and wide until justice is served.

We demand a response to this letter we sent to your office

Michael Gavin to State Solicitor Peter D. Jones informing him that a file is being prepared for the
Garda Fraud Squad and requesting documentary evidence of 7 items and answers to 20 question
in relation to his client Mr. Robert Marrens administration of the estate of his late brother Patrick

Read Here


Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective called to Mike Gavins Home,
Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said
they wanted to see Mikie re the FraudThing. They called back the next day despite the fact that
Mikes sister Eileen Linney called them and told them that they were sending their Fraud file to
Dublin when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see
Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away
and leave them alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when they got Mike home alone. Mike Gavin describes here what
Instead of investigating http://mikegavin83.com//Solicitor-Financial-ElderAbuse-of-
Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

Read Here Full Story Here


Watch Video Here Here


Clare Daly TD disallowed to question Tanaiste

The fact that Clare Daly TD was disallowed to question Tanaiste and Minster for Justice re
Roscommon Gardai entering Elderly Mike Gavins Home is further evidence to us of the
attempted cover-up and corruption
Read Here Full Story Here

We will bring our Next Peaceful Protests to their Homes.

Saturday, June 11th at 1 PM

Join and use the Invite Button to invite all your friends
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Posted in News

Clare Daly disallowed to question

Tanaiste and Minster for Justice re
Roscommon Gardai entering Elderly
Mike Gavins Home
Posted on June 3, 2016 by MikeGavin 5 Comments

On April 1st Peter D. Jones State Solicitor Mullingar Threatens Elder

Mike Gavin to halt Peaceful Protests outside his client Robert Marren
Solicitors Mullingar

Mike Gavin informed Peter D Jones in writting that he was preparing a

file to send to Garda Fraud Squad Mike demanded 7 pieces
documentary evidence and answers to 20 questions No Response to
date from Jones

MikeGavins Peaceful Protest in Mullingar Friday May 20th 2pm Great

Success Supporters from all over the country

Has-Being and Never will Be again Being ex-Mullingar Councilor

FAILED to trick Mike Gavin Peaceful Protesters into Breaching the
Peace. Shame on You!

Special Branch visit Mike 3 Times 8 Penalty Points Peter D Jones State
Solicitor THREATENS 84 Year Old Mike Gavin with Garda Special

Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State Solicitor for Westmeath.
He is now more than 2 decades in this position. Peter Jones is a right
wing conservative on moral issues and he has been against every piece
of reformist referenda for decades, including the Divorce Referendum of
Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8 PENALTY POINTS corruptly
and illegally removed, a matter which appeared in the Phoenix
Magazine at the time.
Peter Jones is now threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough
for 83 year old Mike Gavin to have been defrauded of a large sum of
money by Mr. Joness friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert
Marron? Is there nothing so low as to what the legal profession in
Mullingar will stoop to? Just as you thought that they could not sink
any lower by defrauding an elderly farmer, they are now threatening

Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective
called to Mike Gavins Home, Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were
told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said they wanted to
see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite
the fact that Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they
were sending their Fraud file to Dublin when it was complete.

They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with
her and they wanted to see Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door
and told them repeatedly out the window to go away and leave them
alone and eventually they did.

3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike
Gavin describes here what happened.

Share and Expose the Blue Bully Boys working for Peter D. Jones

Instead of investigating this File


Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home


We will now bring our Peaceful Protests to their Homes

We will bring our Next Peaceful Protests to their Homes.

Saturday, June 11 at 1 PM Ballyglass Mullingar
In retaliation for Special Branch Gardai intimidation and attempted
interrogation of 84 Year Old Mike Gavin,
followed by Clare Daly TD being disallowed to question Tanaiste and
Minster for Justice re Roscommon Gardai entering Elderly Mike Gavins

Join and use the Invite Button to invite all your friends


Please Share Far & Wide

Why Rolling Peaceful Protest Mullingar Friday June 24th 2pm Outside
Robert B Marren and Peter D Jones Solicitors Mullingar

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Posted in News Tagged with: ceann comhairle, clare daly, corruption, garda, michael gavin, mike gavin,
mullingar, peter d. jones, protest, robert b marren, sean o fearghail, state solicitor, tanaiste

Why Rolling Peaceful Protest Mullingar

Friday June 24th 2pm Outside Robert B
Marren and Peter D Jones Solicitors
Posted on May 31, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar from 2 pm Friday June 4th
and put an end to the ongoing corruption in this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and stand side by side we will
NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Sign Petition http://mikegavin83.com/petition/
YouTube https://youtu.be/l-3RaeZmUI8

Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State Solicitor for Westmeath. He is now more than 2
decades in this position. Peter Jones is a right wing conservative on moral issues and he has
been against every piece of reformist referenda for decades, including the Divorce Referendum of
1995. Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8 PENALTY POINTS corruptly and illegally
removed, a matter which appeared in the Phoenix Magazine at the time. Peter Jones is now
threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough for 83 year old Mike Gavin to have been
defrauded of a large sum of money by Mr. Joness friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert
Marron? Is there nothing so low as to what the legal profession in Mullingar will stoop to? Just as
you thought that they could not sink any lower by defrauding an elderly farmer, they are now
threatening him.
Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home
On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective called to Mike Gavins Home,
Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said
they wanted to see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite the fact that
Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they were sending their Fraud file to Dublin
when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see
Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away
and leave them alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike Gavin describes here what
Share and Expose the Blue Bully Boys working for Peter D. Jones

Instead of investigating this File


1. Robert Marren Solicitor refused to award Michael Gavin the grant moneys paid down
from the Dept. of Agriculture. Michael is owed over 116,000 for 9 years minding the
farm Animals.

2. Robert Marren Solicitor held onto the funds from the land sale for nearly 2 years, and then
finally awarded to Michael Gavin and his sister 12,500 plus interest less than what we
were each entitled to.

3. Willie Penrose TD BL was not paid for his opinion, when the estate was charged for

4. Robert Marren Solicitor Squandered the estate assets and hired an additional accountant
at a cost of 8,751.45.

5. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs for his fee of 40,892.53 he awarded to

6. No bill of costs was provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone, paid an amount of
38,941 a year prior to closing.

7. Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone failed to undertake the instructions given him
through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent Mr. Robert Marren closing in isolation to well
founded objections.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will depend very much on where you
reside on the social scale


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Posted in News Tagged with: corrupt, mullingar, peter d. jones, robert b marren, solicitor

Why Rolling Peaceful Protest Mullingar

Friday July 29th 2pm Outside Robert B
Marren and Peter D Jones Solicitors
Posted on May 31, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand in Solidarity in Mullingar from 2 pm Friday July 29th
and put an end to the ongoing corruption in this Country.
Theres strength in numbers and until all we come together in unity and stand side by side we will
NOT defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Sign Petition http://mikegavin83.com/petition/
YouTube https://youtu.be/l-3RaeZmUI8

Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State Solicitor for Westmeath. He is now more than 2
decades in this position. Peter Jones is a right wing conservative on moral issues and he has
been against every piece of reformist referenda for decades, including the Divorce Referendum of
1995. Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8 PENALTY POINTS corruptly and illegally
removed, a matter which appeared in the Phoenix Magazine at the time. Peter Jones is now
threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough for 83 year old Mike Gavin to have been
defrauded of a large sum of money by Mr. Joness friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert
Marron? Is there nothing so low as to what the legal profession in Mullingar will stoop to? Just as
you thought that they could not sink any lower by defrauding an elderly farmer, they are now
threatening him.
Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home
On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective called to Mike Gavins Home,
Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said
they wanted to see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite the fact that
Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they were sending their Fraud file to Dublin
when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see
Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away
and leave them alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike Gavin describes here what
Share and Expose the Blue Bully Boys working for Peter D. Jones

Instead of investigating this File

1. Robert Marren Solicitor refused to award Michael Gavin the grant moneys paid down
from the Dept. of Agriculture. Michael is owed over 116,000 for 9 years minding the
farm Animals.

2. Robert Marren Solicitor held onto the funds from the land sale for nearly 2 years, and then
finally awarded to Michael Gavin and his sister 12,500 plus interest less than what we
were each entitled to.

3. Willie Penrose TD BL was not paid for his opinion, when the estate was charged for

4. Robert Marren Solicitor Squandered the estate assets and hired an additional accountant
at a cost of 8,751.45.

5. Marren did not provide a detailed bill of costs for his fee of 40,892.53 he awarded to

6. No bill of costs was provided for T & N McLynn Solicitors, Athlone, paid an amount of
38,941 a year prior to closing.

7. Tony Henry, Tormeys Solicitors, Athlone failed to undertake the instructions given him
through John Glynn Solicitors to prevent Mr. Robert Marren closing in isolation to well
founded objections.

To commit fraud is an offense in Ireland. But the prosecution will depend very much on where you
reside on the social scale



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Posted in News Tagged with: corrupt, mullingar, peter d. jones, robert b marren, solicitor

8 Penalty Points Peter D Jones State

Solicitor THREATENS 84 Year Old Mike
Gavin with Garda Special Branch
Posted on May 29, 2016 by MikeGavin 3 Comments
In a democracy, there is no uglier spectacle than the power of the State being used
against its own citizens. In fact, its not even compatible with the notion of democracy.

Peter Jones is the Fianna Fail appointed State #Solicitor for

Westmeath. He is now more than 2 decades in this position. Peter
Jones is a right wing conservative on moral issues and he has been
against every piece of reformist referenda for decades, including the
Divorce Referendum of 1995. Only a few years ago, Peter Jones had 8
PENALTY POINTS corruptly and illegally removed, a matter which
appeared in the Phoenix Magazine at the time. Peter Jones is now
threatening an 83 year old farmer. Is it not enough for 83 year old Mike
Gavin to have been defrauded of a large sum of money by Mr. Joness
friend and fellow Mullingar solicitor Robert Marron? Is there nothing so
low as to what the legal profession in Mullingar will stoop to? Just as
you thought that they could not sink any lower by defrauding an elderly
farmer, they are now threatening him.

Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective

called to Mike Gavins Home, Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were
told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said they wanted to
see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite
the fact that Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they
were sending their Fraud file to Dublin when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with
her and they wanted to see Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door
and told them repeatedly out the window to go away and leave them
alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike
Gavin describes here what happened.
Share and Expose the Blue Bully Boys working for Peter D. Jones

Instead of investigating this File


Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

Kathleen O' Keefe & Anne Sanford Exposed

In a democracy, there is no uglier spectacle than the power of the State

being used against its own citizens. In fact, its not even compatible with
the notion of

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Posted in News Tagged with: dundonnell taughmaconnell, garda corruption, Garda Interrogate, garda special
branch, gardi interrogate mike gavin, mullingar solicitor, mullingar solicitors, peaceful protest, penalty points,
penalty points peter jones, peter d. jones, peterdjones, protest, roscommon, solicitor corruption, state solicitor
penalty points

Exposing Corrupt Government Monday

13th of June Peaceful Protest march on
enda kenny s constituency office in
Posted on May 28, 2016 by MikeGavin No Comments

After a constructive meeting last night with

many concerned friends we set a date ,
monday 13th of june to march on enda kenny s constituency office in castlebar to send a clear
message to our useless corrupt government. The proceedings will begin at 12 noon on 13th june
outside castlebar court house where repossession s will be taking place . (lets see about
that?)come early to stop them if you can. From the courthouse a symbolic coffin will be carried to
the garda station and then to enda kenny s office to highlight suicide s caused by pressure by
banks and government . Gardai now do business with thugs in balaclave s (terrorising innocent
people in their homes ). This eviction by these thugs backed by gardai and government in corofin
co. clare was the last straw . I know i do not have to beg you and plead with you to do the right
thing and put your feet on the street on this day and bring and tell as many as possible about it .
we will invite guest speakers over the next week or so and let you know who ll be there. There will
be no ego s allowed or politics .Its a day when we all as countrymen and women will stand
together to save our country and let the criminals running it know they have to run. All thats wrong
in this country has one common denominator and thats corruption..We will wear balaclava s while
marching to highlight the way our gardai , government and banks do business . This march will be
peaceful and will be started by a rosary said by a local priest and short homily for suicide victims
and people in a bad place through no fault of their own . Please share and be there . regards joe
,colm ,garie,pat,john ken

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Posted in News Tagged with: castlebar, enda kenny, Peaceful Protest march

Garda Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin

Posted on May 26, 2016 by MikeGavin 14 Comments

Garda Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin

On Friday the 20th of May a local Garda and Roscommon detective called to Mike Gavins Home,
Dundonnell Taughmaconnell. They were told Mikie was gone to Mullingar (Protest). They said
they wanted to see Mikie re the Fraud Thing. They called back the next day despite the fact that
Mikes sister Eileen called them and told them that they were sending their Fraud file to Dublin
when it was complete.
They came regardless and told Mikes sister it had nothing to do with her and they wanted to see
Mike Gavin. Mikes sister locked the door and told them repeatedly out the window to go away
and leave them alone and eventually they did.
3 Gardai returned Wednesday when and got Mike home alone. Mike Gavin describes here what
Instead of investigating http://mikegavin83.com//Solicitor-Financial-ElderAbuse-of-
Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

Gardai Interrogate Elderly Mike Gavin in his home

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Posted in News Tagged with: corruption, elder abuse, Garda Harassment, Garda Interrogate, peterdjones,
robert b marren, solicitor

Older posts


Calling on all Groups and Activists to Stand

in Solidarity in Mullingar from 2 pm Friday
July 29th and put an end to the ongoing
corruption in this Country. There's strength in
numbers and until all we come together in
unity and stand sidebyside we will NOT
defeat the corruption our Judicial System.
Please share and invite as many as possible.
Please Share Far & Wide
Click on Image for FREE Book

Elder Abuse Solicitors

Peter D Jones State Solicitor Mullingar Robert Marren Solicitor Tony Mclynn Solicitor Tony
Henry Tormeys Solicitors
Denis Naughten Willie Penrose TD BL Robert Troy Will Peter Burke TD Ignore Solicitor
Financial Elder Abuse
Law Society
Robert Marren Solicitor Complaints Law Society Block Emails Law Society of Ireland will Not
Intervene for Elderly Michael Gavin against Peter D Jones State Solicitor for Robert Marren Mullingar
Linda Kirwan Head of Complaints and Client Relations Section I wish to make a complain
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