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Professionalism in Education

Beth Duellman

Saint Marys University of Minnesota

Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs

Portfolio Entry for Wisconsin Teacher Standard 10

EDUW 696 Portfolio Production and Presentation

Cathy Anderson, Advisor

February 9, 2017
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Goal Page

Wisconsin Teacher Standard (WTS) 10: Teachers are connected with other teachers and

the community.

The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the

larger community to support students learning and well-being, and acts with integrity, fairness,

and in an ethical manner.

Knowledge. The teacher understands how factors in the students environment outside of

school (e.g. family circumstances, community environments, health, and economic conditions)

may influence students lives and learning.

Dispositions. The teacher is willing to work with other professionals to improve the

overall learning environment for students.

Performances. The teacher can identify and use community resources to foster student

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National Board Core Proposition #5: Teachers are members of learning communities.

NBCTs collaborate with others to improve student learning.

They work with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development, and staff

They know how to work collaboratively with parents to engage them productively in the work of

the school.

Danielson Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Component 4c: Communicating with Families

About instructional program, about individual students, and engagement of

families in instructional program

Component 4d: Participating in a Professional Community

Relationship with colleagues, participation in school projects, and service to


Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally

Enhancement of content knowledge/pedagogical skill and service to the


Component 4f: Showing Professionalism

Service to students, advocacy, decision-making, and integrity/ethical conduct

Professional Development Goals: What do you want to do regarding this standard?

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1. Continue to strengthen my professional learning community to redesign aspects of the

curriculum that are not working.

2. Build more connections with the community for my classroom to include service learning.
3. Connect with local businesses to provide students with the opportunity to see how they will use

their education in the future. Create partnerships.

4. Enhance student learning by creating a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

(STEM) and project based learning (PBL) focus in the innovation zone.
5. Provide more opportunities for parents to be involved in the instructional program.

Introduction Page

Outside of my classroom, I am involved in several leadership roles. I serve as a math

leader, grade level leader, technology coach, a building representative for Eau Claire Area

Educators (ECAE), and a cooperating teacher for student teachers from UW-Eau Claire. In these

roles, I work to improve the education my students receive in my classroom, school, and


I lead professional development in technology integration in my district as well as

presenting at the 2015 TIES Education Technology Conference in Minnesota. I have attended

several technology conferences including TIES Education Technology Conference in Minnesota,

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Colorado, and

training in Minnesota. These trainings and conferences have expanded my use of technology to

transform the educational experience in my classroom.

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Within my school, I worked with a small team to learn about, plan, propose, and present

an innovation zone for our school. We presented at a school board meeting and were approved to

move forward as an innovation zone. This allows us to connect the learning more freely and

integrate the community into our instructional practices.

One of the ways I have included the community in my class was contacting Jamf, a local

software business, and setting up a chance for my students to meet with engineers that work

there. It provided purpose to our computer science unit and showed students that technology jobs

are right here in Eau Claire, WI. I have a classroom Facebook page that I update regularly for

parents. They love hearing and seeing what their children are doing. I went live on Facebook

during one of our Mystery Skypes to give the follows of Sam Davey Elementary on Facebook a

glimpse into the classroom. I have invited school board members and staff from the board office

into my classroom to observe technology in action. My class also has a Twitter page where we

make connections to other classrooms from around the world. I interact with parents regularly

including by phone, email, and in-person conferences. Parents are always welcome in my


Everything I do outside of my classroom is to create the best possible learning experience

for the students that walk into my classroom. I feel lucky to work at a school that values student

engagement and professional judgement. I look forward to continuing my work on the

innovation zone at Sam Davey and creating the best elementary school experience for the

students, families, and community on the North side of Eau Claire.

Portfolio Pages

Families and Community

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Over the past several years, I have been working to increase the technology education of

students at Sam Davey. I made a connection with a software company to show students a local

connection to computer science (CS). Along with my principal, I visited Jamf and came up with

a partnership to provide students with the opportunity to meet and learn from Jamf engineers.

Making that connection supported the CS curriculum we were implementing. Students had the

misconception that technology jobs were in Silicon Valley and not in Eau Claire. Students were

inspired that the founder of Jamf went to North High School just like they would one day.

Students were empowered to follow their dreams because anything can happen.

This past summer, I presented at the school board on behalf of the Sam Davey

community with a small team to advocate for increased student learning by becoming an

innovation zone focused on integrated STEM learning. We hope to enrich the learning

environment while increasing student engagement and achievement. This shift will allow us to

prepare students for the 21st century by integrating more critical thinking, communication,

collaboration, and creativity. Students are benefitting because the innovation zone will allow

teachers the opportunity to integrate and provide project based learning. Another one of my goals

is to create community partnerships with local companies. Students can learn about technology

careers and then visit a business right down the road to see engineering in action.

As we learn about new topics in class, I seek out classroom experiences through virtual

field trips. We learn about the topics from experts in the field and get to ask questions of the

presenters. We are live in another part of the world, which was impossible to do before

technology. The year, we visited a penguin rescue center in South Africa, a park ranger in

Yellowstone National Park, a shark expert in Colorado, and a penguin colony in Antarctica.

While these experiences are not within the local community, they are within the world
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community. These experiences break down the walls of the school and provide students the

opportunity to learn in unique ways. Students and parents are amazed by the opportunities using

Skype in the classroom. Students analyze the information they hear and come up with

appropriate questions for the presenter. They are engaged and often continue more research after

the activity is complete. One year, my class wrote persuasive letters to their parents to work at

home to earn money to virtually adopt a sea turtle. Parents were engaged in the project by

agreeing to reward their child to achieve the classroom goal. Students ended up raising enough

money to adopt two turtles. The students learn about the world around them and how they can

make an impact.

Creating a partnership with Jamf, having the innovation zone approved, and participating

in virtual fieldtrips have all created an awareness for my students of the world around them. They

are aware of a software company right here in Eau Claire that they may one day work at. They

learned about the hard work and dedication that it took to build Jamf into the company it is

today. The innovation zone is changing the way students are thinking by integrating their

learning, providing project based learning, and focusing on STEM. Virtual field trips have given

my students the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world. They have learned

about conservation and how they can have a positive impact on the world. In the future, Id like

to have more community connections in Eau Claire. I would like students to be aware of issues

in our own community and how they can have a positive impact here.

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Much of my time learning outside of book studies at my school and graduate courses has

been focused on technology integration. I have attended several technology conferences

including TIES and ISTE. While at ISTE, I learned about the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy

which is a ten week course to improve technology integration. I brought that learning back to my

school and small group of teachers participated in it. Technology is shaping our world and we are

learning how to use it to create more powerful learning experiences for students.

One of my first real exposures to technology integration was at the TIES Conference. I

had served on the district iPad Leadership Team where we were beginning to learn about how to

utilize the iPads we had in our classroom. TIES had powerful keynotes and a focus unlike

anything I had experienced with education. Student centered learning, empowering learners,

relationship building, and innovative thinking were all at the forefront. It was a refreshing view

of education that empowered me to transform the way I was teaching. I learned about integrating

apps into projects to increase student learning and engagement. One of the biggest take aways

the second year I attended was Genius Hour. My students were able to self-select projects to

research and present to the class. In 2015, I presented with my co-worker about creativity apps in

action. This conference changed the way I implemented technology in my classroom. My

students had more choice in their learning, I could differentiate more effectively, and student

engagement had improved. Integrating technology is essential in learning because technology is

a part of everything we do. I am providing them with the tools they need to be successful.

As part of a grant I received for being the Golden Apple recipient for Sam Davey, I was

able to attend the ISTE conference in Denver, Colorado. The Golden Apple is awarded to

exceptional educators in the district and comes with an unrestricted grant. Over 19,000 people

were at ISTE from 73 countries. It was really exciting for me to continue my professional growth
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in educational technology. I was able to interact with people from all parts of the world. I was

able to learn new ideas, make new connections, and think about learning and technology from a

different perspective. I use the ISTE student standards in my classroom to ensure I am providing

students with a technology rich education.

I also attended a training through this past summer. I learned about it at ISTE

and completed the training later that summer. The course was designed around implementing the

curriculum on It provided teachers with a chance to experience the lessons and work

with the materials. I used this training to implement the computer science curriculum with my

students this year. My students are always so excited to participate in the Hour of Code and this

year we were able to extend that learning with course 2. Being able to write the code that runs a

computer really gives students the opportunity to change the world one day.

My professional growth has focused on educational technology. It supports the growth of

my school into an integrated STEM school and it provides my students with a more engaging,

student driven classroom. I am amazed by the learning my students are doing and the

connections we are making. It is powerful. I regularly get comments from parents about how

much their child is enjoying fourth grade. Students are excited to share their learning each day.


I have several leadership roles within my school including grade level leader, math

leader, and technology coach. I have hosted many block students from the local university as

well as four student teachers. I have been a building representative for Sam Davey in the local

teachers association, Eau Claire Area Educators (ECAE). My leadership roles have given me
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influence on the learning environment I work in and I can create the most beneficial experience

for my students.

As a technology coach for my building, I support teachers as they integrate technology

into their lessons. I have led several professional development sessions at my school on

technology integration. I spend my prep periods helping teachers and teaching lessons in other

classrooms using technology. I work on a technology leadership team within my school to plan

for the needs of our staff. We plan the professional development and receive feedback from

teachers to make the learning relevant. I advocated with my principal to send more teachers to

the TIES conference and it has been a huge success for teacher growth within our building. With

the innovation zone, technology integration has become one of our main areas of professional

development. Teachers throughout the school are working hard to integrate technology. There

has been growth in activities and lessons integrating technology. My class buddies up with a first

grade classroom. We do collaborative projects and have been integrating technology this year.

My students are helping their first grade buddies create an iMovie trailer based on the first

graders penguin research. Technology in action in a collaborative environment is evident in this


I have been a leader by sharing my technology resources with many people around the

state. I know that students and teachers will love coming to class each day if there can be

modification and redefinition of the traditional curriculum with technology integration. There is

true collaboration in the technology world and that is why I share with anyone willing to try.

Together we can create the future.

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with many amazing students from the

local university. Having a student teacher in my room allows me to deliver a better education to
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my students. We work as a team to address the needs of the students. I am able to learn from my

student teachers as I listen to their perspective of becoming a teacher. When I have a student

teacher, my students always have that extra person to go to for help. It helps my class succeed.

As a mentor for student teachers, I am helping them to reach their full potential and also am

leading the next generation to educate our youth.

My many leadership roles at Sam Davey have helped me become a stronger educator. I

collaborate with others and communicate the plan of action within our school. I am able to share

what I love about integrating technology with others. I understand more about the entire school.

In the end, the future is brighter at Sam Davey as we implement the kind of education we know

is best for our students.

Reflective Summary

As I reflect on my examples of my work with the families and community to advocate for

students, my role as a learner, and my experience as a leader, I notice technology influences all

of my work. I had the opportunity to be a leader as we became a one to one grade level with

iPads. The possibilities of transforming the learning environment are greater than they have been

since I started teaching. With the positive feedback and increased student learning within my

classroom, I have tried to grow the comfort level of the staff around me. As teachers become

comfortable integrating technology, we will be able to shift our focus to other areas. It has been

rewarding to see the increase of technology use throughout the school.

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I believe the successful integration of technology to increase student engagement is the

most effective in improving student learning. State test scores have improved in fourth grade

since we began integrated technology. Our student engagement scores have also improved.

Providing students with access to their learning at home has improved in class assessments.

Using technology, I am able to create instructional videos for parents to use at home when

completing homework. It creates another form of communication between school and home.

When students cannot remember how to solve a math problem on the homework sheet, families

can access a quick video summarizing the lesson from the day.

In the future, I hope to integrate more project based learning with a focus on Eau Claire. I

want students to be interested in discovering more about the city where they live. I also want

students to understand how they can make a positive impact in the community. Connecting

learning to the community will provide an authentic purpose for students to be engaged in their

learning. I want students to find their interests and research those ideas within the community.

Giving back to the community or contributing in some way early on in life will create good

citizens and a feeling of satisfaction not attainable from a textbook education.

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Professional Documents

Artifact A: Communication with Jamf about engineers speaking to the 4th grade students.

Artifact B: Innovation agreement from the school board meeting that the In-TECH-Great! team

presented at.
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Artifact C: Communication after the presentation at the school board for In-TECH-Great!

Artifact D: Certificate of adoption of two turtles from The Turtle Hospital in Florida. Students

worked to earn money to adopt them after experiencing a virtual field trip to see them.
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Artifact E: Certificate of completion for the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy.

Artifact F: Poster from TIES including the presentation I presented with my co-worker.
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Artifact G: Communication from the Eau Claire Public Schools Foundation about how I used my

grant from the Golden Apple Award.

Artifact H (next page): Newspaper article about coding in elementary school using the

professional development I received attending the workshop in Minnesota and the ISTE

Conference in Colorado.
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Artifact I: Building Representative list for the 2016-17 school year for Eau Claire Area


Artifact J: Agenda from a Technology Coaches meeting at Sam Davey.

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Artifact K: Cooperating Teacher Certification for the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Artifact L: Wisconsin Teacher License

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Artifact M: Current Resume

Elizabeth Duellman
2216 Vesterheim St.
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703
(715) 577-6923


Through engaging lessons and classroom connections, I empower all students to reach
their potential while demonstrating creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical


Sam Davey Elementary School, 4th Grade Classroom Teacher Eau Claire, WI (8/12-present)
Developed and implemented daily and unit lesson plans for 4th grade in all subject areas,
intervention groups in reading and math, administered testing, tracked and analyzed class
Conducted parent conferences and teacher conferences
Leadership Team at Sam Davey Elementary, iPad Leadership Team District Wide, Math
Leader for Sam Davey (2014-present)
Eau Claire Area School District, Teacher Eau Claire, WI (9/03-8/12)
Developed and implemented daily and unit lesson plans for SAGE and Title 1 positions
in all subject areas, administered testing, tracked and analyzed class performance
Middle school and high school math experience


District iPad Leadership Team

Math Leader
Technology Coach
Eau Claire Area Educators (ECAE) Building Representative
Sam Davey Leadership Team
Cooperating Teacher for UW Eau Claire


Responsive Classroom
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CGI Math Cognitively Guided Instruction

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
Beyond Diversity Training
Culturally Relevant Teaching Seminar
Add+Vantage MR (through Math Recovery)
PLC Training
Attended TIES, December 2014 (Technology Conference in MN)
Presented at and attended TIES, December 2015
ISTE Conference in Denver, Colorado
Verizon Mobile Learning Academy, Fall 2016 training, July, 2016


Bachelor of Science Degree

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Major: Elementary/Middle Level Education Minor: Mathematics
December 2002

Masters in Education
St. Marys University
Masters in Education
June 2017


Bill Giese, Sam Davey Elementary Principal

715-852-3200 (work)
Erin Renz, Literacy Coach Sam Davey
715-852-3269 (work)
Kristen Christopherson, 4th Grade Teacher
715-852- 3237(work)

Artifact N: Communication Log

Date Person Type of Nature of Communication

Contacted Communication (reason & outcome)
12/1/16 4 grade teacher Email I shared resources for implementing the
hour of code in another elementary school
in our district.
12/1/16 All members of Facebook post Shared student work - symbaloo
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Facebook group
12/2/16 All members of Facebook post Shared student work video from deck the
Facebook group halls
12/2/16 All members of Facebook post Shared student work
Facebook group
12/2/16 M.H.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
12/4/16 SPED teacher Email Communicated about test accommodations.
Student will finish work with her.
12/5/16 All members of Facebook post Post with information about computer
Facebook group science
12/5/16 All members of Facebook post Shared students doing hour of code
Facebook group
12/6/16 Holocaust Email Set up virtual field trip with the Holocaust
Museum Museum for our staff professional
development in January
12/6/16 Literacy Coach Email Discussed a request for assistance for
12/7/16 L.I.s mom Email Inquiring on reading level of child
12/7/16 J.G.s dad Email Set up information for class pizza party for
winning the fundraiser
12/7/16 Jamf Email Set up classroom visit of engineers from
Jamf to coincide with computer science
education week
12/7/16 All members of Facebook post Shared student work in math, quizlet for
Facebook group hour of code vocabulary
12/8/16 1st grade teacher Email Set up buddy classroom experience for
12/8/16 All members of Facebook post Shared students listening and interacting
Facebook group with Jamf engineers
12/8/16 4th grade PLC Face to face Discussed friendship issues with C.D. and
other students in 4th grade. Plan to have
students meet with guidance counselor
12/9/16 L.V.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
12/9/16 All members of Facebook post Shared student work nearpod math
Facebook group Post from class pizza party
Post coding with first grade buddies
12/12/1 All members of Facebook post Shared student work social studies
6 Facebook group presentations
12/13/1 L.I.s mom Email Inquiring on Star level of student in reading
6 because we assessed that afternoon.
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12/14/1 All members of Facebook post Shared student work E.H. mastered 4th
6 Facebook group grade Khan Academy
12/15/1 All parents Email Remind parents of the date for the social
6 studies test, give directions for accessing
Quizizz to study. Update parents on how to
study for geography bee on Quizlet and how
to log into Khan Academy for math and
grammar. Reminder about celebration week.
12/15/1 All members of Facebook post Shared students during indoor recess
6 Facebook group
12/15/1 4th grade PLC Face to face Discussed strategies for P.V. concerns in
6 math and reading. Continue with
intervention group
Discussed math concerns for L.V.
12/16/1 Student teacher Email and face In class visit to get to know the students
6 to face before starting in January
12/16/1 All members of Facebook post Shared students enjoying Northstar band
6 Facebook group and choir
Post about our work in reading comparing
two books
Post with our first grade buddies playing
12/16/1 J.G.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
6 behavior
12/19/1 Principal, EL Face to face Request for assistance meeting, reviewing
6 teacher, SPED, literacy supports in place and plans for
literacy coach, moving forward
A.B.V.s dad
12/16/1 E.K.s mom Face to face Shared items purchased for E.K. after house
6 fire
12/16/1 Principal, Face to face Next steps for supporting E.K. family after
6 guidance house fire
counselor, Supports in getting to school, community
school social resources, school resources
12/18/1 Several parents Email Inquiring how to support family affected by
6 house fire
12/22/1 All members of Facebook post Shared student work studying published
6 Facebook group narratives
Post sharing social studies work WI stamp
Posts all this week sharing dress up days
Post of students opening gifts
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Post from the holiday sing along

12/22/1 Gifted teacher, Face to face Determined enrichment groups for winter
6 4th grade team (subject and students)
1/3/17 M.H.s mom Email Update on background check for
volunteering (all clear)
1/4/17 Partnership Email Looking for a classroom volunteer at the
coordinator end of the day
1/4/17 All members of Facebook post Shared student work literature circle work
Facebook group
1/4/17 SPED teacher Email Plan to fade check in check out for A.C.
1/4/17 Guidance Face to face Discussed mental health concerns for E.K.
Counselor Meet with guidance counselor to learn
strategies, having school social worker
contact mom about school based mental
1/6/17 Jean Pennycook Email Set up skype in Antarctica for my class and
our first grade buddies
1/9/17 All members of Facebook post Shared spelling list for the week
Facebook group Post virtual field trip to Antarctica (also
posted video to the Sam Davey Facebook
1/10/17 Gifted Teacher Email Status on GT student getting tested to start
middle school math in 5th grade
1/10/17 School Board Email Shared video of field trip to Antarctica and
invited to see a Mystery Skype
1/10/17 All members of Facebook post Shared student work Sadako Haikus
Facebook group
1/13/17 All parents Email Reminder of spelling test and an additional
copy of the list.
1/13/17 K.F.s mom Phone Discussed anxiety concerns
1/13/17 Public Facebook Live Opened our classroom to Facebook Live
during a Mystery Skype with Hawaii
1/13/17 A.C.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
1/15/17 C.D.s mom Email Interested in further instructions on
accessing Khan Academy and more
information on the spelling list. Looking for
help with child not bringing study guide
1/15/17 L.V.s mom Email Looking for strategies to support spelling
1/16/17 BEA (bilingual Email Translating student progress for parents
WTS 10 page 25 of 26

1/17/17 L.I.s dad Email Said he planned to chaperone the field trip
the following day. Currently was an ice day
so not at school.
1/17/17 Principal Face to face Worked to figure out if L.I.s dad had the
paperwork complete for field trip.
Eventually we found he did but forgot to
mention to me he was turning it in.
1/18/17 All members of Facebook post Shared information from field trip to the Ice
Facebook group Age Trail
1/19/17 4th grade PLC Face to face Discussed mental health concerns for E.K.
and possibly doing school based mental
1/20/17 Principal, 4th Face to face Intervention planning for fourth grade
grade team, students based on assessments
literacy coach
1/20/17 Junior Email Set up dates and times for junior
Achievement achievement to be in my classroom
1/20/17 All members of Facebook post Shared students watching the Inauguration
Facebook group
1/20/17 B.W.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
1/25/17 E.H.s mom Email Update on assessment progress for GT math
1/27/17 All parents Email Information about material coming home to
support with math. Reminder for parents to
sign up for the classroom visit for Love
1/27/17 All members of Facebook post Shared student work with buddies on
Facebook group iMovie trailers
2/1/17 All members of Facebook post Shared student work on literature circle
Facebook group presentations
2/2/17 L.I.s mom Email Update on completed DRA (diagnostic
reading assessment)
2/2/17 School Face to face Set up time for a school based testing to see
psychologist if on track for possible SPED evaluation
2/2/17 All members of Facebook post Shared student work dissecting owl pellets
Facebook group Post from talent show
Post about Valentines day party
2/2/17 4th grade PLC Face to face Discussed comprehension concerns for P.V.
continue with intervention
2/3/17 P.M.s family Mail Postcard with positive note about classroom
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2/6/17 L.I.s mom Face to face Discussed medical diagnosis of a reading

disability. Wants one on one support.
2/7/17 School Face to face Discussed L.I.s performance in class and
psychologist, steps moving forward. Bring in UWEC
principal student support.
2/7/17 K.L.s mom Face to face Discussed reading growth, math growth,
and friendships. He feels positive and is
proud of his growth.
2/9/17 C.D.s mom Email Thank you for feedback on classroom

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