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In January of 1862 the French, Spanish and British troops invaded Mexico in protest of the

suspension of the payments of the foreign debt decreed by the President Benito Jurez.

The representatives of the governments involved negotiated among themselves, the

Mexican getting the Spaniards and British to evict the national territory. Nevertheless the 17
of April the French began their advance in our country. Although the debt was an important
element, the essential thing in this invasion was the interest of Napolen III in establishing
an American empire that contained the Anglo-Saxon expansion.

On May 5 the French invaders under the command of the French general Charles Ferdinand
Latrille, Count of Lorencez attacked Puebla that was the last possibility to stop the invaders
before the Mexico City and the control of the country. Puebla was protected by the forts of
Loreto and Guadalupe in which General Ignacio Saragossa had almost 6,000 men with the
order to prevent the French advance. The so-called "Mexican army" had only one-third of
trained military personnel, the rest were recruits and volunteers encouraged by the desire to
serve the country and not be dominated by France; The generals Porfirio Daz and
Saragossa were only 32 years old but much experience in the War of Reformation. Before
entering into combat General Saragossa addressed to his troops saying:

"Soldiers, you have behaved like heroes fighting for the Reformation. Your efforts have
always been crowned with success. Today you are going to fight for a sacred object, you are
going to fight for the Fatherland and I promise you that in the present day you will conquer a
day of glory. Your enemies are the first soldiers of the world, but you are the first children of
Mexico. Soldiers, I read victory and faith on your foreheads. Long live national
independence! Long live the homeland! "

Three times the French assaulted the Mexican positions, without achieving its objective and
suffering numerous losses. The contingents of the generals Porfirio Diaz, Miguel Negrete,
Felipe Berriozbal and the cavalry of the colonel Antonio Alvarez defeated to that then was
considered the best army of the world. Lorencez's pride and lack of vision that
underestimated his well-motivated enemy were decisive in defeat as were the strategy and
value of Mexican generals.

The result of this battle encouraged the Mexicans' spirits. However, Napoleon III sent
30,000 more soldiers, who finally succeeded in taking the city of Puebla the following year,
defended by General Jess Gonzlez Ortega instead of Zaragoza, who died of typhus
shortly after the great victory.

May 5 is a holiday and solemn for the nation. The National Flag shall be hoisted at all

Nacional deber izarse a toda asta.

En enero de 1862 las tropas francesas, espaolas y britnicas invadieron Mxico en
protesta por la suspensin de los pagos de la deuda extranjera decretada por el Presidente
Benito Jurez.

Los representantes de los gobiernos involucrados negociaron entre s, logrando el mexicano

que espaoles y britnicos desalojaran el territorio nacional. Sin embargo el 17 de abril los
franceses iniciaron su avance en nuestro pas. Aunque la deuda era un elemento
importante, lo esencial en esta invasin era el inters de Napolen III en establecer un
imperio americano que contuviera la expansin anglosajona.

El 5 de mayo los invasores franceses bajo el mando del general francs Charles Ferdinand
Latrille, Conde de Lorencez atacaron Puebla que era la ltima posibilidad de detener a los
invasores antes de la Ciudad de Mxico y el control del pas. Puebla estaba protegida por
los fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe en los que el General Ignacio Zaragoza tena casi 6 000
hombres con la orden de impedir el avance francs. El as llamado ejercito mexicano,
tena slo un tercio de militares entrenados, el resto eran reclutas y voluntarios animados
por el deseo de servir al pas y no ser dominados por Francia; los generales Porfirio Daz y
Zaragoza tenan slo 32 aos pero mucha experiencia en la Guerra de Reforma. Antes de
entrar en combate el General Zaragoza se dirigi a sus tropas diciendo:

Soldados, os habis portado como hroes combatiendo por la Reforma. Vuestros

esfuerzos han sido siempre coronados por el xito. Hoy vais a pelear por un objeto sagrado,
vais a pelear por la Patria y yo os prometo que en la presente jornada conquistaris un da
de gloria. Vuestros enemigos son los primeros soldados del mundo, pero vosotros sois los
primeros hijos de Mxico. Soldados, leo en vuestras frentes la victoria y la fe. Viva la
independencia nacional! Viva la patria!"

Tres veces los franceses asaltaron las posiciones mexicanas, sin lograr su objetivo y
sufriendo numerosas prdidas. Los contingentes de los generales Porfirio Daz, Miguel
Negrete, Felipe Berriozbal y la caballera del coronel Antonio lvarez derrotaron al que en
ese entonces era considerado el mejor ejrcito del mundo. La soberbia y falta de visin de
Lorencez que subestim a su bien motivado enemigo fueron determinantes en la derrota
como tambin lo fueron la estrategia y el valor de los generales mexicanos.

El resultado de esta batalla alent el nimo de los mexicanos. Sin embargo, Napolen III

30,000 soldados ms, que finalmente lograron tomar la ciudad de Puebla al siguiente ao,
defendida por el general Jess Gonzlez Ortega en sustitucin de Zaragoza, que muri de
tifo poco despus de la gran victoria.

El 5 de mayo es da de fiesta y solemne para la nacin. La Bandera

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