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Higher Frequencies

You have a collective consensus reality and so do other

beings, and when their collective reality is in a higher
frequency then yours and it starts to interact with yours,
it can feel a little overwhelming. In other words, one
whole collective reality is being dissolved by another to
create a third reality, in which both can exist. But
because of the way you have been taught to think about
yourselves as physiological beings, you experience this
dissolution of your universal reality as actual death of the
ego structure. And so you go into survival, panic, fear
mode, because you think youre dying. Youre not, but
thats what happens. The more you allow yourselves to
expand and know that you are the reality in which you
think you exist, the easier it will be for you to assimilate
and accommodate other realities as an equal. And then
you will not have that basic fear. Any other fears that
remain may simply be reflective of your own individuated
agendas, of definitions you have within yourself that need
to be integrated within your understanding of who and
what you are. But yes, you will deal with them as they
come up, be open to it.
Hitlers Death
Q: It has been said that Hitler died in 1980 in Hawaii?
B: No! The entity died in your time frame, as you
understand it at the end of the Second World War, and
remained in what you call spiritual hibernation until
relatively recently, when it reincarnated, as we have said,
as seven distinct children. Six of which will die before the
year 2000, and one of which may choose to go on and
actually become very helpful to your planet now that it
has rebalanced the energy that impacted it upon death
when it was bombarded with all the energy of the acts
that it created.
Holistic Healing
Something. . . maybe you can help me. . . it seems
to me that I know of individuals, and probably
many more than just the ones I know of, who have
developed tremendously beneficial things that that
could be a tremendous benefit for humanity, in
terms of various cures for things like cancer and
many diseases.
B: Yes.Q: And although a few people happen to find out
about them, the fact is that these people and their
techniques have been crushed. . .B: We understand that.
Q: . . . and removed in effect, physically speaking
anyway, from the earth, and I dont understand the idea,
as you might put it, or the logic of why is that happening?
Why is this potential there and then crushed? So that, for
example, if Im right, then many, many people have been
dieing needlessly. . . and there it is.
B: Yes. Perhaps you should consider yourself fortunate
that you DONT understand the logic of that. Because the
idea obviously is that it is being done out of fear. There is
a greater disease on your planet than any physical
disease and that is the disease of fear, and it is taking
over in a lot of areas. The idea is that many of these
things as you say, are suppressed, because individuals
know that if they are not they believe that somehow it
threatens what they have become to be taught is their
power, their position. Not understanding that in actual
fact, it will empower everyone even more greatly than
they can imagine, because they have never been taught
to understand POWER in that way.
Thats why they are doing it, if you simply want a reason
for understanding their reasons. It is because they are
very much afraid because they have been taught to think
that the self-empowerment of more people will actually
take their power away, instead of understanding that
they will actually benefit. They havent been taught how
to understand that connection.
Now, still at the same time there are many things that
can be done, it is never, in that sense, at least not yet,
too late. And there are many, many things that you can
simply support, either with your voice, with your writing,
with your presence but do it in a loving way. Do it in a
loving way. Have respect for everyone. Otherwise, all you
are going to be doing is reinforcing their own negative
energy, if you try to attack them or battle them, or in any
way, shape or form, accuse them or blame them. All
youre going to do is to be adding more negative energy
to the pot.
However, again, again, again, again, fundamentally,
please understand, all disease begins literally from that
dis-ease. Emotional imbalance, consciousness imbalance.
Devaluation of the self. Negative definitions of the self.
Negative pictures of theself. Negative self-image. All
disease starts from that no matter what physiological
causes may ultimately be attached to them as
mechanisms of convenience to explain it in the physical
realm; to express it in the physical realm.
However, because you are physiological, there are also,
from time to time certain things, as you say, that do
come to bear that are a reflection of a holistic approach, a
loving approach that are certainly capable of functioning
as cures because they are representative of a holistic
understanding. And, thus, an individual that participates
in that cure will be cured because they are coming into it
with an understanding of holism.
But again, it takes your action, your willingness to stand
up for those things in a loving way; to spread the word
that they exist, to work to allow more of these things to
be available to individuals. And it takes a deep
understanding of what is going on with disease, to also
understand that in many cases many of these cures, even
in and of themselves, dont necessarily have to exist if an
individual will simply follow the basic fundamentals of
removing the toxins from the system. Breathing, getting
enough water. Eating properly, in that sense, just to put
this in colloquial terms exercising. All those basics, allow
the cells to flush the toxins. That alone, removal of stress
from your lives, that alone would most likely account for
about 99. 9999999 per cent of all diseases you have. And
they would vanish if you would just do those things, but
you dont.
Now, in terms of the idea of what you term to be cancer
therapy, there is a very beneficial one that now exists
upon your planet and it would be well worth supporting;
and there is a lot of momentum on your planet at this
time, in supporting it, it has a lot of momentum behind it
to be supported. You can add your voice to it if you
already havent done so. But remember do it in a
respectful and loving way, and this is what is called the
antineoplasm therapy. Are you familiar with this?
Q: Yes. Yes. Texas, the man in Texas.B: Yes. This is very
beneficial because exactly of how it is constructed and
what it is doing. Because
this individual has understood the concept of holism: that
the body itself can do what it needs to do if the body is
allowed to operate on a holistic level.
So this individual takes the natural amino acids, the
natural enzymes of the body that may be lower in
vibration than they ought to be, purifies them, steps up
their vibration, puts them back in the body, and, then of
course the body has enough of the appropriate vibration
in the areas that it is designed to have those vibrations
in, to simply allow the cancer to be far off, to be
rebalanced. This is a holistic approach, a very, very, very
simple correct and holistic approach, and that is why it is
So put your voice to this, get involved, but do it in a
loving and respectful way and the strength of these ideas
will grow. But do not put energy into the panic of the idea
that things are being suppressed and crushed. Because
then you only support the side you say you are not on, by
buying into the fear, by buying into the panic, that it is
too late. You understand?
Q: Yes.B: Does that help you?Q: Absolutely. Thank you. B:
Thank you!1
Holograms and Consciousness
Q: Does the technology of holograms accurately describe
how the physical universe is constructed?
B: It is a good analogy. It is not, let us say, completely
precise, but it is an analogy that will do in the sense
that every single point contains the information of the
Q: Okay. But the hologram implies space, and something
projected from a cause point and hitting a reference
wave, and something is manifested. . .
B: Yes.
Q: Okay. Is this sun. . . I believe that the chakras would be
personal portals of projection. Is that accurate?
B: In a sense they are gateways, doorways that link up all
levels and dimensionalities of your being. Q: Would the
sun be the projection point for this Solar System? Would
that. . . ?B: Yes.Q: And our personal reference waves
would hit that and create our own...
B: Yes.
Q: . . . on the backdrop of that more objective. . .
B: Yes.
Q: Okay. What brings in the limiting factors? In other
words, what brings in limitation, where my hand is
stopped by another object, is there. . . ?
B: It is the picture. . . you have taken. It is your source
Q: Okay, where do those exist? Can you describe the
mechanics a little better? Where do those ideas...?
B: Outside, in a sense, of what you are calling the
physiological hologram.
Q: Okay, so there are mutable layers affecting this. . .
B: Yes.
Q: There is the level of the idea, and above that would be
the level of the viewer and so forth layers on a film
projecting on to this thing, right?
B: So to speak. It is what we refer to as the template. It is
within your consciousness. Q: Okay. Where is the
consciousness thats. . . ?B: Nowhere and everywhere.Q:
Nowhere and everywhere.
B: This is not something that is designed by space/time.
Space/time is a product of consciousness; consciousness
is not a product of space/time.
Q: Okay. Thank you.

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