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The "Tools/Enhanced RPE/A3D Xpol" option allows to take into account cross-polar

discriminations (during interference calculations) in the following way :

Note : Can be used only with diagrams defined from RPE files or A3D/X3D files.

Principle :
An antenna H polarized is considered as transmitting in the H polarization a power said "copolar"
and also a power in the cross-polarization V, called "cross-polar".
Also, a receiving antenna V polarized receives a V polarized signal called "copolar" and an H
polarized power called "cross-polar".

This could be written with the following formulas:

On the transmitting side Tx, given :

GTx = Maximum gain of the transmitter (dB).
LHHTx = Losses of the transmitting diagram in copolar HH (dB), depends on the azimuth and the
tilt to be considered.
LHVTx = Losses of the transmitting diagram in cross-polar HV (dB), depends on the azimuth and
the tilt to be considered.
GcoTx = GTx-LHHTx = Resulting Tx Gain in copolar HH (dB).
GcrossTx = GTx-LHVTx = Resulting Tx Gain in cross-polar HV (dB).

On the receiving side Rx, given :

GRx = Maximum gain of the receiver (dB).
LHHRx = Losses of the receiving diagram in copolar HH (dB), depends on the azimuth and the tilt
to be considered.
LHVRx = Losses of the receiving diagram in cross-polar HV (dB), depends on the azimuth and
the tilt to be considered.
GcoRx = GRx-LHHRx = Resulting Rx Gain in copolar HH (dB).
GcrossRx = GRx-LHVRx = Resulting Rx Gain in cross-polar HV (dB).

With co-polarized antennas, we obtain:

Gtot_co = 10*log10(10^((GcrossTx+GcrossRx)/10) + 10^((GcoTx+GcoRx)/10) ) = Global gain in
Remark :
Gtot_approx_co = GcoTx+GcoRx = Approximation of the global gain in copolar.

With cross-polarized antennas, we obtain:

Gtot_cross = 10*log10(10^((GcoTx+GcrossRx)/10) + 10^((GcrossTx+GcoRx)/10) ) = Global gain
in cross-polar.
Remark :
Gtot_cross_OLD= GcoTx+GcrossRx = Global gain in cross-polar 2D diagrams or without the
"Enhanced cross polar" option.

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