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Chapter 6: Arrays

Test Bank

Multiple Choice Questions:

For questions 1-4, assume values is an int array that is currently filled to capacity, with the following values:


1) What is returned by values[3]?

a) 9
b) 12
c) 2
d) 6
e) 3
Answer: c. Explanation: Java array indices start at 0, so values[3] is really the fourth array element, which is 2.

2) What is the value of values.length?

a) 0
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 18
Answer: d. Explanation: The length operator for an array returns the size of the array. The above picture shows that
that values stores 7 elements and since it is full, the size of values is 7.

3) Which of the following loops would adequately add 1 to each element stored in values?
a) for(j=1;j<values.length;j++) values[j]++;
b) for(j=0;j<values.length;j++) values[j]++;
c) for(j=0;j<=values.length;j++) values[j]++;
d) for(j=0;j<values.length1;j++) values[j]++;
e) for(j=1;j<values.length1;j++) values[j]++;
Answer: b. Explanation: The first array element is values[0], so the for-loop must start at 0, not 1. There are
values.length elements in the array where the last element is at values.length1, so the for loop must stop before
reaching values.length. This is the case in b. In d, the for loop stops 1 before values.length since < is being used to
test the condition instead of <=.

4) The statement System.out.println(values[7]); will

a) output 7
b) output 18
c) output nothing
d) cause an ArrayOutOfBoundsException to be thrown
e) cause a syntax error
Answer: d. Explanation: The array has 7 values, but these are indexed values[0] to values[6]. Since values[7] is
beyond the bounds of the array, values[7] causes an ArrayOutOfBoundsException to be thrown.

5) Which of the following is a legal way to declare and instantiate an array of 10 Strings?
a) String s = new String(10);
b) String[10] s = new String;
c) String[ ] s = new String[10];
d) String s = new String[10];
e) String[ ] s = new String;
Answer: c. Explanation: Declaring an array is done by type[ ] variable. Instantiating the array is done by variable =
new type[dimension] where dimension is the size of the array.
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6) In Java, arrays are

a) primitive data types
b) objects
c) interfaces
d) primitive data types if the type stored in the array is a primitive data type and objects if the type stored
in the array is an object
e) Strings
Answer: b. Explanation: In Java, arrays are implemented as objects. The variable is a reference variable to the block
of memory that stores the entire array. However, arrays are accessed using the notation name[index] rather than by
message passing.

7) The off-by-one error associated with arrays arises because

a) the first array index is 0 and programmers may start at index 1, or may use a loop that goes one index
too far
b) the last array index is at length + 1 and loops may only iterate to length, missing one
c) the last array element ends at length 1 and loops may go one too far
d) programmers write a loop that goes from 0 to length 1 whereas the array actually goes from 1 to
e) none of the above, the off-by-one error has nothing to do with arrays
Answer: a. Explanation: The array is initialized as = new type[x] where x is the size of the array. However, the array
has legal indices of 0 to x 1 and so, programmers are often off-by-one because programmers will write code to try to
access indices 1 to x.

8) What does the following code do? Assume list is an array of int values, temp is some previously initialized int
value, and c is an int initialized to 0.
if(list[j] < temp) c++;
a) It finds the smallest value and stores it in temp
b) It finds the largest value and stores it in temp
c) It counts the number of elements equal to the smallest value in list
d) It counts the number of elements in list that are less than temp
e) It sorts the values in list to be in ascending order
Answer: d. Explanation: The statement if(list[j]<temp) c++; compares each element in list to temp and adds one to c
only if the element is less than temp, so it counts the number of elements in list less than temp, storing this result in c.

An int array stores the following values. Use the array to answer questions 9 12.


9) Which of the following lists of numbers would accurately show the array after the first pass through the Selection
Sort algorithm?
a) 9, 4, 12, 2, 6, 8, 18
b) 4, 9, 12, 2, 6, 8, 18
c) 2, 4, 12, 9, 6, 8, 18
d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18
e) 2, 4, 9, 12, 6, 8, 18
Answer: c. Explanation: On each successive pass of Selection Sort, the smallest of the unsorted values is found and
swapped with the current array index (where the current index starts at 0 and goes until the second to last position in the
array). On the first pass, the smallest element, 2, is swapped with index 0, so 2 and 9 swap places.

10) Which of the following lists of numbers would accurately show the array after the second pass of the Selection Sort
a) 9, 4, 12, 2, 6, 8, 18
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b) 2, 4, 9, 6, 12, 8, 18
c) 2, 4, 12, 9, 6, 8, 18
d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18
e) 2, 4, 12, 6, 8, 9, 18
Answer: c. Explanation: After one pass, the array would be 2, 4, 12, 9, 6, 8, 18. The second pass would look to swap
the item in array index 1 (4) with the smallest value after 2 (4). So, 4 would swap with 4 and the array would stay the
same as it was after the first pass.

11) Which of the following lists of numbers would accurately show the array after the fourth pass of the Selection Sort
a) 9, 4, 12, 2, 6, 8, 18
b) 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 8, 18
c) 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18
d) 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 12, 18
e) 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 9, 18
Answer: e. Explanation: The array would be sorted as follows: First pass: 2, 4, 12, 9, 6, 8, 18. Second pass: 2, 4, 12,
9, 6, 8, 18. Third pass: 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 8, 18. Fourth pass: 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 9, 18.

12) How many passes will it take in all for Selection Sort to sort this array?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 7
Answer: d. Explanation: The Selection Sort uses two for-loops where the outer loop iterates through each array index
except for the last one. So it makes a total of n 1 passes where n is the number of items in the array. Since this array
has 7 elements, the outer loop iterates 6 times, or requires 6 passes. You might notice that in fact this array is sorted
after only 5 passes, but the Selection Sort algorithm will still make 6 passes (even if the array had been sorted after only
1 pass, it would still make 6 passes!)

For questions 13 15, assume an int array, candy, stores the number of candy bars sold by a group of children where
candy[j] is the number of candy bars sold by child j. Assume there are 12 children in all.

13) What does the following code do?

int value1 = scan.nextInt( );
int value2 = scan.nextInt( );
bars[value1] += value2;
a) adds 1 to the number of bars sold by child value1 and child value2
b) adds 1 to the number of bars sold by child value1
c) adds value1 to the number of bars sold by child value2
d) adds value2 to the number of bars sold by child value1
e) inputs a new value for the number of bars sold by both child value1 and child value2
Answer: d. Explanation: bars[value1] is the number of bars sold by child value1, and += value2 adds to this value the
amount input for value2.

14) Which of the following code could be used to compute the total number of bars sold by the children?
a) for(int j=0; j<12; j++) sum+= candy[j];
b) for(int j=0; j<12; j++) candy[j] = sum;
c) for(int j=0; j<12; j++) sum = candy[j];
d) for(int j=0; j<12; j++) sum += [j];
e) for(int j=0; j<12; j++) [j] += sum;
Answer: a. Explanation: The code in a iterates through all 12 elements of candy, adding each value to sum. The
answer in b sets all 12 elements of candy equal to sum, the answer in c sets sum to be each element of candy, resulting
in sum = candy[11] and d and e have syntactically invalid code.

15) What does the following method do?

public int question15( )
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int value1 = 0;
int value2 = 0;
for(int j=0; j<12; j++)
if(candy[j] > value1)
value1 = candy[j];
value2 = j;
return value2;
a) It returns the total number of candy bars sold
b) It returns the total number of children who sold 0 candy bars
c) It returns the total number of children who sold more than 0 candy bars
d) It returns the number of candy bars sold by the child who sold the most candy bars
e) It returns the index of the child who sold the most candy bars
Answer: e. Explanation: The loop iterates through all 12 array elements. If a particular value of candy is found to be
larger than value1, then this new value is remembered in value1 along with the index of where it was found in value2.
As the loop continues, if a new candy value is found to be greater than the current value1, then it is remembered instead,
so the loop finds the maximum number of candy bars sold in value1 and the childs index who sold the most in value2.
Since value2 is returned, the code returns the index of the child who sold the most.

16) We compare sorting algorithms by examining

a) the number of instructions executed by the sorting algorithm
b) the number of instructions in the algorithm itself (its length)
c) the types of loops used in the sorting algorithm
d) the amount of memory space required by the algorithm
e) whether the resulting array is completely sorted or only partially sorted
Answer: a. Explanation: Different sorting algorithms require a different number of instructions when executing. The
Selection Sort for instance usually requires more instructions than the Insertion Sort. So, we compare sorting
algorithms by the number of instructions that each takes to execute to sort the array. We might count the maximum
number of instructions that a sorting algorithm will execute in the worst case, or the minimum number in the best case,
or count on average the number of instructions executed. If two sorting algorithms require roughly the same number of
instructions to sort an array, then we might also examine the amount of memory space required.

17) Both the Insertion Sort and the Selection Sort algorithms have efficiencies on the order of ____ where n is the
number of values in the array being sorted.
a) n
b) n * log n
c) n2
d) n3
e) Insertion sort has an efficiency of n and Selection Sort has an efficiency of n2
Answer: c. Explanation: Both sorting algorithms use two nested loops which both execute approximately n times
apiece, giving a complexity of n * n or n2 for both.

18) Consider the array declaration and instantiation: int[ ] arr = new int[5]; Which of the following is true about arr?
a) It stores 5 elements with legal indices between 1 and 5
b) It stores 5 elements with legal indices between 0 and 4
c) It stores 4 elements with legal indices between 1 and 4
d) It stores 6 elements with legal indices between 0 and 5
e) It stores 5 elements with legal indices between 0 and 5
Answer: b. Explanation: Arrays are instantiated with an int value representing their size, or the number of elements
that they can store. So, arr can store 5 elements. Further, all arrays start at index 0 and go to index size 1, so arr has
legal indices of 0 through 4.

19) If an int array is passed as a parameter to a method, which of the following would define the parameter list for the
method header?
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a) (int[ ])
b) (int a[ ])
c) (int[ ] a)
d) (int a)
e) (a[ ])
Answer: c. Explanation: The parameter is defined much as the variable is originally declared, as type parameter name.
Here, the type is int[ ] and the parameter is a.

20) If int[ ] x = new int[15]; and the statement x[-1] = 0; is executed, then which of the following Exceptions is thrown?
a) IndexOutOfBoundsException
b) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
c) NegativeArraySizeException
d) NullPointerException
e) ArithmeticException
Answer: b. Explanation: The array index is out of bounds as the array index can only be between 0 and 14. 1 is an
illegal index because it is out of bounds. One might expect the answer to be c, but the NegativeArraySizeException is
thrown if an array is being declared with a negative number of elements as in int[ ] x = new int[-5];

21) Assume that BankAccount is a predefined class and that the declaration BankAccount[ ] firstEmpireBank; has
already been performed. Then the following instruction reserves memory space for
firstEmpireBank = new BankAccount[1000];
a) a reference variable to the memory that stores all 1000 BankAccount entries
b) 1000 reference variables, each of which point to a single BankAccount entry
c) a single BankAccount entry
d) 1000 BankAccount entries
e) 1000 reference variables and 1000 BankAccount entries
Answer: b. Explanation: The declaration BankAccount[ ] firstEmpireBank; reserves memory space for
firstEmpireBank, which itself is a reference variable that points to the BankAccount[ ] object. The statement
firstEmpireBank = new BankAccount[1000]; instantiates the BankAccount[ ] object to be 1000 BankAccount objects.
This means that firstEmpireBank[0] and firstEmpireBank[1] and firstEmpireBank[999] are all now legal references,
each of which is a reference variable since each references a BankAccount object. So, the statement reserves memory
space for 1000 reference variables. Note that none of the 1000 BankAccount objects are yet instantiated, so no memory
has been set aside yet for any of the actual BankAccount objects.

22) The following code accomplishes which of the tasks written below? Assume list is an int array that stores positive
int values only.
foo = 0;
for(j=0; j<list.length; j++)
if (list[j] > foo) foo = list[j];
a) it stores the smallest value in list (the minimum) in foo
b) it stores the largest value in list (the maximum) in foo
c) it stores every value in list, one at a time, in foo, until the loop terminates
d) it counts the number of elements in list that are greater than foo
e) it counts the number of elements in list that are less than foo
Answer: b. Explanation: The condition in the if statement tests to see if the current element of list is greater than foo.
If so, it replaces foo. The end result is that every element in list is tested and foo stores the largest element up to that
point, so eventually, foo will be the largest value in the array list.

23) If x is a char, and values is an int array, then values[x]

a) causes a syntax error
b) causes an Exception to be thrown
c) casts x as an int based on xs position in the alphabet (for instance, if x is a then it uses 0 and if x is
z then it uses 25)
d) casts x as an int based on xs Unicode value (for instance, if x is a then it uses 97 and if x is z then
it uses 122)
e) casts x as an int based on the digit that is stored in x (for instance, if x is 3 it uses 3) but throws an
exception if x does not store a digit
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Answer: d. Explanation: An array index must be an int value, so normally values[x] would cause a syntax error if x
were not an int, but the Java compiler will automatically cast x to be an int if it can be cast. Characters are cast as ints
by converting the char value to its equivalent Unicode value. So, if x is a, it is cast as the int 97 instead and so
values[x] accesses values[97].

24) To initialize a String array names to store the three Strings Huey, Duey and Louie, you would do
a) String names = {Huey, Duey, Louie};
b) String[ ] names = {Huey, Duey, Louie};
c) String[ ] names = new String{Huey, Duey, Louie};
d) String names[3] = {Huey, Duey, Louie};
e) String names; names[0] = Huey; names[1] = Duey; names[2] = Louie;
Answer: b. Explanation: An array does not have to be instantiated with the reserved word new if it is instantiated with
the list of values it is to store. So, names = {Huey, Duey, Louie}; will create a String array of 3 elements with
the three values already initialized. Of the other answers, a does not specify that names is a String array, c should not
have the reserved word new, d should not have [3] after names and omits [ ] after String, and e does not instantiate the
array as String[3], and thus , all four of these other answers are syntactically invalid.

25) To declare a two-dimensional int array called threeD, which of the following would you use?
a) int[2] twoD;
b) int[ , ] twoD;
c) int[ ][ ] twoD;
d) int [ [ ] ] twoD;
e) int[ ] twoD[2];
Answer: c. Explanation: In Java, you can only declare one-dimensional arrays. To create a two-dimensional array,
you must declare it as an array of arrays. The proper notation is to declare the type of array using multiple [ ] marks in
succession, as in int[ ][ ] for a two-dimensional array.

26) Which of the following statements loops through every element in the ArrayList alist?
a) for (Object item : alist)
b) for (item in alist)
c) for (Object item = null; item : alist)
d) for (Object alist : item)
e) for (alist : Object item)
Answer: a. Explanation: Choice a is a proper foreach loop. Every element in alist is assigned to the variable item in

27) Which of the following correctly declares an ArrayList of Car objects?

a) ArrayList Car;
b) ArrayList cars = Car;
c) ArrayList Car[] cars;
d) ArrayList<Car> cars;
e) ArrayList[Car] cars;
Answer: d. Explanation: Choice d uses the proper syntax to declare an ArrayList of Cars.

28) Which of the following expressions gives the last element in the ArrayList alist?
a) alist.last()
b) alist.get(alist.last())
c) alist.get(alist.length())
d) alist.get(alist.size())
e) alist.get(alist.size()-1)
Answer: e. Explanation: The get method on an ArrayList returns the element at the given index, and the size method
returns the number of elements in the ArrayList. Elements are numbered starting at index 0, so index size()-1 contains
the last element.
29) Which of the following statements adds item to the end of the ArrayList alist?
a) alist.add(item);
b) alist.set(alist.size()-1, item);
c) alist[alist.size()-1] = item;
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d) item.addtoEnd(alist);
e) Both a and b.
Answer: a. Explanation: The add method adds the given item to the end of the list. Choice b is not correct because it
replaces the last element with item.

True/False Questions:

1) Arrays have a built in toString method that returns all of the elements in the array as one String with \n inserted
between each element.
Answer: False. Explanation: Arrays are objects and so they inherit from the Object class. The Object class does have
a toString method. However, Objects toString method does not return the value(s) stored in the Object but rather the
value of the reference variable. So, toString used on an array will not return the values stored in the array, but instead a
meaningless set of characters.

2) Java arrays can store primitive types and Strings, but cannot store any other type of Object other than Strings.
Answer: False. Explanation: Java arrays can store any type of class.

3) A Java main method uses the parameter (String[ ] variable) so that a user can run the program and supply
command-line parameters. Since the parameter is a String array, however, the user does not have to supply any
Answer: True. Explanation: The main method requires the parameter in case a programmer wishes to permit the user
to supply command-line parameters. Anything entered at the command line after the java command will then be
accepted as the command-line parameter. If it is several words separated by spaces, then each word is stored as a
separate String array element. For instance, java foo.class hi there would store hi in variable[0] and there in
variable[1] for possible use by the program.

4) An array index cannot be a double, boolean or String.

Answer: True. Explanation: An array index must be an int type, or a value that can be narrowed into an int (so char,
byte and short are also permissible).

5) If the following statement is performed: CD[ ] mycollection = new CD[200]; where CD is a previously defined
class, then mycollection[5] is a CD object.
Answer: True. Explanation: The variable mycollection has been declared as an array of CD objects, so
mycollection[5] is the 6th CD in the the array, and since a CD is an object, mycollection[5] is a CD object.

6) It is possible to sort an array of int, double or String, but not an array of any other class, such as a CD class.
Answer: False. Explanation: It is possible to sort any type of array as long as the type has some mechanism to
compare two elements and determine their proper ordering (less than, equal, greater than). So, if the CD class has a
compareTo method, then it would be possible to sort them.

7) To swap the 3rd and 4th elements in the int array values, you would do:
values[3] = values[4];
values[4] = values[3];
Answer: False. Explanation: This code first copies values[4] into values[3] and then copies values[3] into values[4].
The result is that whatever was stored in values[4] is now stored in both values[3] and values[4]. In order to perform
the swap appropriately, you would need a third variable to be used as a temporary storage location, as in
int temp = values[3];
values[3] = values[4];
values[4] = temp;

8) In Java, an array can only store one type of data. For instance, you cannot create an array that stores both double
and String values.
Answer: True. Explanation: Arrays are known as homogeneous types. This means that the type of value stored in the
array must be the same for every element. The type is determined by the declaration. So, int[ ] x makes x an array of
int values only. So, no array could store both doubles and Strings.
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9) In a two-dimensional array, both dimensions must have the same number of elements, as in [10][10].
Answer: False. Explanation: In Java, the dimensions can have any number of positive elements, so it is possible to
have a two-dimensional array with dimensions of [5] and [10].

10) The statement int[ ] list = {5, 10, 15, 20}; initializes list to have 4 int values
Answer: True. Explanation: An array does not have to be instantiated with the new reserved word if it is instantiated
with the list of values it is to store. So, list = {5, 10, 15, 20}; causes list to become an array of 4 int values with the
values of 5, 10, 15, 20 already initialized. Note that the array is automatically an array of 4 values, so list[n] for any
value of n other than 0, 1, 2 or 3 would result in a thrown Exception.

11) An array, when instantiated, is fixed in size, but an ArrayList can dynamically change in size when new elements
are added to it.
Answer: True. Explanation: A drawback of an array is its fixed size. Once instantiated, it is fixed in size and so, if a
program tries to add more elements than the size of the array, it results in an Exception being thrown. The ArrayList is a
class that uses an array and automatically creates a larger array, copying the old array into the new array so that the
ArrayList can be larger as needed. While this gets around the problem of a thrown Exception, it does lead to poorer
performance because of having to copy from one array to another every time the ArrayList size is increased.

12) If a and b are both int arrays, then a = b; will copy all elements of b into a.
Answer: False. Explanation: The = is an assignment operator. If the two variables are primitives, than the left-hand
variable gets a copy of the right-hand variable (so if a and b are int values and b = 5, then a would become 5). However,
since a and b are arrays, the reference variable a is set to the reference variable b, resulting in both a and b referencing
the same array in memory, or they are now aliases of each other.

13) Since a binary search is faster, there is no reason to use a linear search over a binary search.
Answer: False. Explanation: When the data is not sorted a binary search cannot be used, so a linear search is more

14) Each pass of a binary search eliminates approximately half the remaining elements from consideration.
Answer: True. Explanation: A binary search examines the middle element and moves left or right depending on
whether the key is less than or greater than the middle element, so half the remaining elements are eliminated in each

15) An O(n2) algorithm is faster than an O(n) algorithm for large values of n.
Answer: False. Explanation: The statement is backwards: O(n) is faster than O(n 2).

16) The time efficiency of an algorithm is the number of milliseconds it takes the algorithm to complete.
Answer: False. Explanation: Time efficiency is not measured in real time units, since it is used only to compare
algorithms to each other. It is a measure of how long it takes an algorithm to run, expressed in terms of the size of the

17) The insertion sort and selection sort algorithms have space efficiency O(n).
Answer: True. Explanation: Since both sorts sort the array in place, their space efficiency is O(n).

18) A hash table is an array whose indices are not integers.

Answer: False. Explanation: All arrays have integer indices. A hash table refers to an array (or other data structure)
that is used for hashing.

19) A hash function calculates the index an element should be stored at in a hash table.
Answer: True.

20) The input to a hash function is usually the data item itself.
Answer: True. Explanation: A hash function calculates an index from properties of the data item itself.

21) If our hash function for a hash table storing integers was to take the integer modulo 5, then the integer 5 would be
stored in cell 5.
Answer: False. Explanation: 5 % 5 is 0, so 5 would be stored in cell 0.
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22) A collision is when two adjacent cells in a hash table store the same value.
Answer: False. Explanation: A collision is when two values hash to the same cell.

23) Unlike an array, an ArrayList object can grow and shrink in size.
Answer: True. Explanation: An ArrayList is more flexible than an array in this regard.

24) An ArrayList can store only objects, not primitive types.

Answer: True. Explanation: The add method on the ArrayList class which is used to add elements to the list, takes an
Object as a parameter, so only objects can be added to an ArrayList.

25) If a is an ArrayList, we can say a.add(5); to add an integer to a.

Answer: True. Explanation: An ArrayList can store only objects, not primitive types, so in this case autoboxing
occurs. That is, new Integer(5) is automatically performed and the Integer object is then added to a. (Note that this
feature is new with Java 5. Using previous versions of Java, the answer to this question would be false.)

26) Foreach loops can be used with ArrayList objects, but not with arrays.
Answer: False. Explanation: Foreach loops can be used with both arrays and ArrayList objects (as well as other
collection objects).

27) An ArrayList can store any type of object, but it is not possible to store objects of two different types in the same
Answer: False. Explanation: An ArrayList declared with no type, or declared with type Object, stores Objects, which
means it can store objects of any type (since all classes have Object as an ancestor).

28) In order to store primitive values in an ArrayList, wrapper classes must be used.
Answer: True. Explanation: An ArrayList can store only objects, not primitive types, thus, primitive values must be
wrapped in objects, using wrapper classes like Integer, in order to be stored in an ArrayList.

29) ArrayLists can store primitive types when the generics syntax is used, as in ArrayList<int>.
Answer: False. Explanation: ArrayLists cannot store primitive types.

Free-form Questions:

1) Write a method to compute the average of an int array and return the value as a double. The int array and the
number of elements in the array are both passed as parameters to the method in that order.
public double computeAverage(int[ ] list, int n)
int sum = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
sum += list[j];
if(n > 0) return (double) sum / n;
else return 0;
2) The length operator can be used to control a for-loop that iterates through each element of an array, as in
for(int j=0; j<list.length; j++)
However, this is not necessarily safe. Why not?
Answer: It is not necessarily the case that every element in the array has a value stored there. So, list[j] might be an
array element that has no value even though j < list.length. So, list.length can only be used safely in an array that is full.

3) Write a method to compute and return the value of max min where max is the largest element of an int array and
min is the smallest element of an int array. The method is passed the int array and an int value that denotes the
number of elements in the array. You may assume that the int array has at least 1 element in it.
public int computeDifference(int[ ] values, int n)
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int min = values[0];
int max = values[0];
for(int j=1; j<n; j++)
if(values[j] < min) min = values[j];
if(values[j] > max) max = values[j];
return max min;

4) Write a set of code to swap the two Strings stored by variables a and b.
String temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

5) The class Name consists of 4 instance data, String title, String first, String middle, String last. The class has a
constructor that is passed all 4 String values and initializes the class appropriately, and has 4 methods, each returns
one of the four instance data, called getTitle( ), getFirst( ), getMiddle( ) and getLast( ). Name[ ] addressBook =
new Name[100]; is performed. Write a method that is passed 4 String parameters corresponding to a Names title,
first, middle, and last, and finds this Name in addressBook and returns the index of where this Name was found, or
1 if the Name was not found. Assume that addressBook stores n entries (n is an int).
public int findName(String title, String first, String middle, String last)
for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
if(title.equals(addressBook[j].getTitle( ) &&
first.equals(addressBook[j].getFirst( ) &&
middle.equals(addressBook[j].getMiddle( ) &&
last.equals(addressBook[j].getLast( ))
return j;
return 1;

6) Demonstrate how the following array is sorted using Insertion Sort. Show the array after each pass of the outer
loop. [16, 3, 12, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9]
16, 3, 12, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9 (initial)
3, 16, 12, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9 (pass 1)
3, 12, 16, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9 (pass 2)
3, 12, 13, 16, 8, 1, 18, 9 (pass 3)
3, 8, 12, 13, 16, 1, 18, 9 (pass 4)
1, 3, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18, 9 (pass 5)
1, 3, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18, 9 (pass 6)
1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18 (pass 7)

7) Demonstrate how the following array is sorted using Selection Sort. Show the array after each pass of the outer
loop. [16, 3, 12, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9]
16, 3, 12, 13, 8, 1, 18, 9 (initial)
1, 3, 12, 13, 8, 16, 18, 9 (pass 1)
1, 3, 12, 13, 8, 16, 18, 9 (pass 2)
1, 3, 8, 13, 12, 16, 18, 9 (pass 3)
1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 13 (pass 4)
1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 13 (pass 5)
1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 16 (pass 6)
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1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18 (pass 7)

8) Write a set of code to create a two-dimensional 10x10 array and initialize every element to be the value of i * j
where i and j are the two indices (for instance, element [5][3] is 5 * 3 = 15).
int[ ][ ] matrix = new int[10][10];
for(int j=0;j<10;j++)
for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
matrix[j][k] = j*k;

9) Explain how to alter the Selection Sort algorithm so that it sorts in descending order instead of ascending order.
Answer: The inner loop of the Selection Sort searches for the smallest element in the array from the current position
until the end of the array. Instead of looking for the smallest element, look for the largest element. The code would
look like this (assuming that the array is an int array called values, and the array has n elements)
max = index; // index is the current array position of the item to be swapped
for(int j=index+1; j<n; j++)
if(values[j] > values[max]) max = j;
temp = values[index];
values[index] = values[max];
values[max] = temp;

10) Write an insertion sort method to sort an array of String values (instead of an array of int values). Assume the array
is an instance variable of the current class called list, and number is an int instance variable that stores the number
of elements currently stored in list.
public void insertionSortForString( )
for(int j=1; j<number; j++)
String key = list[j];
int position = j;
while(position > 0 && list[position 1].compareTo(key) > 0)
list[position] = list[position 1];
list[position] = key;

11) Write a method that takes an array of Strings as a parameter and the number of elements currently stored in the
array, and returns a single String that is the concatenation of all Strings in the array.
public String arrayConcatenator(String[ ] list, int number)
String allElements = ;
for(int j=0;j<number; j++)
allElements += list[j];
return allElements;

12) Assume xArray and yArray are equal lengthed arrays of int values storing num items (num is also an int). Write a
paint method for an Applet that will draw a Polygon shape using this information. Assume xArray, yArray and
num are all instance data of the Applet.
public void paint(Graphics page)
TB 70 Lewis/Loftus/Cocking, 2/e: Chapter 6 Test Bank

page.drawPolygon(xArray, yArray, num);

13) Write a method to output all elements of a two-dimensional array of int values as a table of rows and columns. Use
\t to get elements to line up properly. The method is passed the two-dimensional array and two int values that
denote the number of both dimensions (rows followed by columns).
public void printTable(int[ ][ ] matrix, int rows, int columns)
for(int j=0;j<rows;j++)
for(int k=0; k<columns; k++)
System.out.print(matrix[j][k] + \t);
System.out.println( );

For questions 14 and 15, think of a GUI interface whereby a user can select between food items and compute a total
cost. The food items will be Burger, Fries, Soda and Cookie. A Burger costs $2.00, Fries cost $1.25,
Soda costs $1.00 and Cookie costs $.70. Assume jcb1, jcb2, jcb3, jcb4 are JCheckBox elements declared to be
private instance data of the GUI class and jl1 and jl2 are JLabel elements declared to be private instance data of the GUI

14) Write code to create a JPanel with 4 JCheckBox GUI components and two JLabels for output, one that says
Current cost is and the other that outputs the computed cost based on which of the food items has been selected.
FoodListener fl = new FoodListener( );
JPanel jp = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 2));
jcb1 = new JCheckBox(Burger);
jcb2 = new JCheckBox(Fries);
jcb3 = new JCheckBox(Soda);
jcb4 = new JCheckBox(Cookie);
jl1 = new JLabel(Current cost is);
jl2 = new JLabel( );

15) Implement an ItemListener so that a new value is output by the second JLabel every time a JCheckBox is clicked
private class FoodListener implements ItemListener
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ev)
double cost = 0;
if(jcb1.isSelected( )) cost += 2.00;
if(jcb2.isSelected( )) cost += 1.25;
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if(jcb3.isSelected( )) cost += 1.00;

if(jcb4.isSelected( )) cost += 0.70;

16) Write a foreach loop that prints, on the same line, every element in the array of chars a.
for (char c : a)

17) Write code to create an ArrayList and fill it with the integer values 1 through 10.
ArrayList<Integer> alist = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=1; i <= 10; i++)
Note that autoboxing occurs here. Alternately, the last statement could be alist.add(new Integer(i));

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