Learningrecordform 1

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Learning Record Form Name: Nadia

The purpose of this form is to document your learning as it takes place. What you should see is that learning is a process. No one can ever learn everything about even one
topic, and so your goal should be to update this form on a daily basis. As you work:

Include the information you have learned, with the main ideas summarized in your own words. If you cant summarize it in your own words, you havent learned it.
Include the dates so that you can monitor your learning process.
As you learn more, you should always have more questions. We should see continuous questions and answers as you seek to deepen your knowledge.

My Driving Question or SMART Goal is: Why do people need to die?

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

This section will be the first section you will fill out. You will also do this section before you begin the As you continue to research and learn, you will
Here you will list, summarized in your own words, project. After you complete the things you know realize that there are some things you didnt even
every important idea that you know so far. After you and Mind Map #1, you will see that there are many know that you didnt know. This is where some of
finish, you will create Mind Map #1 with everything things you dont know yet. Anything you know that the most important learning takes place. If you come
you know from before you began the project. Later, you dont know should go here in the form of a across a new word or idea that is related to your
as you learn more, you should add to this list. Choose question. Once you finish this section, you will know topic, but you didnt even know that it existed
a specific color for all the things that you know you what you need to learn next. As you learn new before, you should write that here in the form of a
know. As you add information from the things you information, add it to the things you know section in question. This will add even more new information
know you dont know section, choose a different a different color. that you can learn about. As you learn the answers
color. As you add information from the things you to these questions, add them to the things you
didnt know you didnt know section choose a third learned list in a third different color.
***black = already know or have no answer***

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

(first day) What is the name of DNA that affect our age? How it What is Rigor Mortis? How it links to Telomere?
-In this world, people die everyday because of
different reasons How can we have ability to slow down increasing of
-There are two ways of thinking about death (science,
belief). How amount of Telomere decreased in one time?

-Location, eating, exercise, among of happiness affect

how long you live

-cells die and reproduce everyday

-our bodies contain a lot of cells, and nucleus inside

the cells contain DNA

-there are 23 pairs of DNA located in Chromosome

-we have 92 Telomere because they locate on the tip

of Chromosome. They help us to protect the
information that in DNA

-human cell loses division ability after 50-60 rounds,

but bacteria grow old and then divide not die. This is
the main reason that why bacteria can live longer
and have large amount that human

-every people will have this DNA since they born, and
Telomere will decrease their size until they die

-we cannot stop this decreasing, but we can slow

down by exercise and eat healthy foods

-it can have a mistake (young people have short

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

Telomere which can cause an effect to them) Since Telomere are shorter when cells divided What is Telomerase? How it works with Telomere?
themselves, why cell need to divide?
(20 Dec) What is free radical? How can it harm humans?
Where does it come from? How can we eliminate
-Telomerase is an enzyme that control length of

-Telomere will shorter after cell division, and we

cannot produce Telomerase to repair Telomere

(25 Dec)

-cell divide itself because it wants to reproduce,

replace lost or dead cells, and expand the location
that it is located

-cells that are damaged by free radicals cannot

repair, so they need to divide. However, in fact cells
will repair itself before cell division. However, there
are limited number of cell division.

- Free radical is any atom or molecule that has

unpaired electron in its outer shell. Free radical
would steal other atom or molecules electron and
damage on cells.

-This would lead to cause of diseases such as cancers,

heart disease, and Alzheimer

-Free radicals can come from food, UV, alcohol,

smoking, X-ray and air pollution (exhaust fumes,
smoke, dust). Free radicals are also formed normally
during metabolism in body.
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- Antioxidant helps to eliminate free radicals. What is biological clock? How it affects our life? How it What is biological age?
-Antioxidant can be found in food. The sources of
antioxidant are vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc. When biological clock stop working, why we have to
(26 Dec)

-people have biological clock (aging process), and we

will die when it stop

-scientist found that people who have biological age

greater than actual age will die faster than people
who have biological age equal to actual age
(chronological age)

-biological age is the age of our body, it can different

from chronological age (greater or less). For example,
people who smoke may have biological age more
than chronological age, but people who take care
themselves may have biological age less than
chronological age

-chronological is actual age that we count since we


-because it controls our organism all the time, so if it

stop working we will lose every system in our body

(27 Dec)

-people who believe in different religions will have

different opinion about death. However, there are
the similar main idea (merit death, sin death, honor
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

-merit death: people who do good things when they What is different between religions? (merit death, sin
alive on earth die, they will go to heaven or meet god death, and honor death)
(depend on their religion)
Why they punish other people by killing because I think
-sin death: people who do bad things die. They may it is a useful way
get punishment after they die or they die because of
How we goanna know that we reborn for paying
-honor death: die for society or their family

-merit death in Buddhism: if people follow the

Buddha quote called The Four Noble Truths which
the highest point in Buddhists life, they will go to
heaven (peaceful) and do not need to reborn

-sin death in Buddhism: Buddhist believe that rebirth

is paying for their karma in previous life, but before
rebirth they need to go to hell to get a punishment.

-It is very hard thing for Buddhism to Nirvana or

Buddhas death (He did not need to reborn) because
they need to do good things and never do bad things
such as lying, stealing, killing animals.

-sin death in Buddhism: sometimes reasons that

people die is karma such as people who have short
life is because they had killed animals

(30 Dec)

-merit death in Christian: after death, we can meet

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

-sin death in Christian: everyone born because of sin Using Sharia laws is using to punish people, and it What is Sharia laws? What is the punishment? Who
and die because of sin. violate copyright. Why they still use this laws? create the rule and why he created?

-honor killing: killing family member who break Other religions have any laws that work similar to
Sharia laws by other people in family or based on Sharia laws?
Sharia laws

(13 Jan)

-Sharia laws ("the clear, well-trodden path to water")

is the law of Islam which control daily lifes Muslim
such as wearing clothes, business, and marriage.

-According to the record, almost of people who were

killed were women. There are many ways to punish
(depend on what he/she did) such as people who
drink alcohol will flog 80 times

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