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Jarlaths College Transition year 2016/2017

Evaluation Of Work Experience

Ballinderry N.S

Describe your roles in this work Experience Placement

In this work experience placement I Was in mostly with the senior infants
.What I di was help out some of the children in their reading and their
writing I also did some science experiments with the and helped out the
teacher with doing art with them.

Describe how You secured this work experience placement

On one of the days where our school was off and the primary school wasnt I
went into the school and asked the secretary if Mr Kitt the principal was
available I then asked him would it be possible for me to work there and he
said that it was fine.

What Did you enjoy most about this work experience

What I enjoyed most about this work placement was getting to see the other
side of the school e.g the way the teacher does certain things and the way
she teaches the different children .

What did you enjoy least about this work experience

What I least enjoyed about this work experience placement was that I only
stayed with the senior infants and that I didnt really get to help out with
some of the other older classes.

Did your experience live up to your expectations?Why?

Yes this work placement lived up to my expectations as I got to also train the
school football team and help out with the school choir instaed of just being
in the classroom the whole time.

Jamie Mcintyre 2016

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