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or perform only those actions, which generate: (i) favourable rebirth, rebirth in higher realms,

absence of suffering, etc, and, (ii) rootless consequences ahosi-kamma (lapsed kamma).
Mundane and transcendental level of

According to Buddhaghosa, there has been kamma, but there has not been, is not, and will
not be kamma-result1 is lapsed kamma. It means that the potentiality of giving result of their
kamma has passed by and has no more potentiality of producing any result in a future life. It
also indicates that both wholesome and unwholesome actions performed from the past will no
longer give rise to results in a future life. Having said that, it does not mean that the actions,
which are beneficial for the both self and others do not give rise to consequences at all. They
surely can give non-kammic results in this very life, but, that does not have potentiality for
generating consequences in any future life. It is comparable to a fruit that drops from its stem
before it has become mature and therefore it cannot have the power of producing new seeds.

Bhadantcariya Buddhaghosa, (2010), Visuddhimagga: The path of Purification, Bhikkhu Nanamoli (tns.),
Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, Chapter XIX, footnote no. 2, 624.

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