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Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1996

Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and

Sensor Requirements
Additional contributors: V K DADHWAL, M B POTDAR, T P SINGH, R GHOSH,
Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad - 380053
*ISRO Head Quarters, Bangalore - 560094

The study was undertaken by the study group constituted by the Executive Council of ISRS. The findings of the
stud), team (assisted by scientists from SAC) are reported here.

Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 209

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1. Introduction with a wide variety o f r e m o t e sensing

instruments. This, together with the progress
The history o f satellite remote sensing made in data processing and data
began with the launch o f TIROS-1 interpretation t e c h n i q u e s has c o n s i d e r a b l y
spacecraft in 1960 carrying a single band w i d e n e d the scope o f r e m o t e sensing
T V c a m e r a w h i c h sent back first cloud applications. The earth observation systems
images o f the earth. Successful launching o f p r o g r a m m e in India has been applications
the Earth Resources T e c h n o l o g y Satellite driven. While B h a s k a r a I & II satellites
(ERTS-1) in 1972, later r e n a m e d as l a u n c h e d in late seventies and early eighties
L A N D S A T heralded b e g i n n i n g o f the era o f p r o v i d e d an e x p e r i e n c e in the design and
satellite remote sensing for natural d e v e l o p m e n t o f spacecraft, data processing
resources survey and monitoring. Since t e c h n i q u e s and application packages, the
then, there has been t r e m e n d o u s progress in successful launch o f I R S - I A in 1988, IRS-
d e v e l o p i n g new earth observation platforms i B in 1991 and IRS-P2 in 1994 heralded the
210 R.R. Navalgundet al.

era of operational remote sensing programme can be grouped into two broad
programme and provided the confidence to categories:
launch second generation satellite IRS-IC at
the end of 1995 which will cater to local and i) Earth observation systems for the
international users. management and regional inventory of
renewable and non-renewable resources:
Although data available from various
This includes regional monitoring of
earth observation systems have been used
vegetation, deforestation, soil, minerals,
routinely in many areas of resources
inland water bodies, snow/ice cover, urban
applications, there have been gaps, and data
sprawl, coast lines etc. and monitoring
needs of applications at different levels of
calamity zones like flood plains, volcanoes
details have not been met. There is a
etc. Remote sensing missions like
growing demand for availability of data at
higher repetivity, at higher spatial
to this category. There are also Space
resolution, in more and narrower spectral
Shuttles Missions which carried microwave
bands etc.
payloads. ERS-I and RADARSAT are those
In view of this, President, ISRS, developed for microwave remote sensing.
constituted a study group to examine Details of these missions are given in Tables
detailed observational requirements of 1,2,3.
agriculture, agrometeorology, forestry,
hydrology, geological and mineral ii) Environmental missions to study the
resources, cartography, marine and coastal dynamics of land-ocean-atmospheric
applications and global changes. interactive system to have a predictive
Observational requirements have been knowledge about the evolution of earth's
translated in terms of sensor parameters to environment, climate patterns etc. This
suggest a group of sensors/earth observation requires global monitoring of a large
systems. The study group also undertook a number of geophysical, chemical and
survey to get a feedback on the user needs, biological parameters of the earth system
by circulating a questionnaire to more than over a long period of time. Thus
800 users of remote sensing technology. environmental missions, in general, involve
The feedback received was analysed to get a measurement of a large number of
perception of data needs to meet their parameters using various kinds of imaging
application requirements. Details of this and non-imaging sensors operating in a
analysis are given separately in Annexure-I. wide range of electromagnetic spectrum.
Remote sensing programmes like POES/
2. Satellite Systems: Present and NOAA, UARS/NOAA, ERS/ESA etc. and
Immediate Future Scenario all operational meteorological satellite
programmes may be grouped under this
2.1 btternational scenario category. Here it has to be emphasized that
satellite missions for earth resource
Depending on envisaged applications, applications have also contributed much to
the current satellite remote sensing the understanding of environmental
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 211

dynalnics on a regional basis. On the other ERS-I have also been widely used for
hand remotely sensed data from environ- resources applications. Some of the details
mental missions such as NOAA/POES and o f these missions are listed in Table 4.

Table I. Earth Observation Systems (VNIR, SWIR, TIR) launched till date (Jan. 1996).

Mission LANDSAT l&2 L,4NDSAT-3 L,4NDS,4T-4/5 SPOT-~/SPOT-2/ MOS-/a/ JERS-/

SPO T-3 ,~lOS- I b

Launch Year 1972,1975 1978 1982,1984 1986,1990,1993 1987.1990 1992

Altitude (loll) 919 919 705 830 908.7 568

Inclination 99. I ~ 99,1 ~ 98.2 ~ 98.7 ~ 98 ~

Spectral band(s) _RBV

_ RBV MSS 5 Panchromatic MESSR Optical
in ~tm B1:0.475-0.575 0,505-0.75 T M 0.45-0.52 0.51-0.73 B1:0.51-0.59 Sellsor
B2:0.580-0,680 0.52-0.60 Multispectral (XS) B2:0.61-0.69 0.52-0.60
B3:0.698-0.830 0.63-0.69 0.50-0.59 B3:0.72-0.80 0.63-0.69
Multispectral Multispectral 0.76-0.90 0.61-0.68 B4:0.8-I, 1 0.76-0.86
Scanner (MSS4): Scanner (MSS5): 1.55-1.75 0.79-0.89 VTIR 0.76-0.86
tt4:0.5-0.6 MSS4 + 10.4-12.5 B 1:0.5-0.7 (stereo)
[35:0.6-0.7 B8:10.4-12.6 2.08-2.35 [32:6.0-7.0 1.60-1.71
B6:0.7-0.8 B3:10.5-11.5 2.01-2.12
B7:0.8-1,1 B4:I 1.5-12.5 2.13-2.25
MSR 2.27-2.40
Spatial MSS4:79m MSSI:79m TM 30m 10m in PAN MESSR:SOM 18.3
resolution MSS (B8):240m 120m tbr B6 20m ill XS VTIR-BI:900m (R
RBV:30m VTIR-B2,3,4:

Swath (km) 185 185 185 117 MESSR-100 75

VTIR- 1500
Repeat cycle 18 18 16 26 5-6* 44
(days) 5 (with steering)

Equatorial 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:30 am "non-

crossing in LST sI.Ulsynchronous '~

Quantization 6 6 8 PAN-6/8
level (bits) XS-8

LST : Local Solar Time XS : Multispectral RBV : Return Beam Videon (RBV)
* : not an integral multiple of day
212 9R.R. Navalgund et al.

Table 2. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Missions launched till date (Jan. 1996).

Seasat SIR-A Shuttle/ SIR-B SIR-C ERS- 1 JERS- 1 Radarsat

Space Lab ERS-2

Year of launch 1978 1981 1983 1984 1994 1991 1992 1995
1995 1995
Altitude (km) 794 252 250 250 250 785 568 793-82 I
Inclination 98.5 ~ 38 ~ 57 ~ 57 ~ 57 ~ 98.5 ~ 98 ~ 98.6 ~
Band L L X L CLX C L C

Frequency (GHz) 1.275 1.275 9.4 1.275 5.289, 5.3 1.275 5.3
Wavelength (cm) 23.5 23.5 31.7 23.5 5.8, 23.5 5.6 23.5 5.6
Nominal 25 40 25 15-50 10-200 26 28 18 x 18 9 9 to
Resolution (m) I00 x 100
Incidence Angle 20 ~ 47 ~ 31-54 ~ 15-60 ~ 17-60 ~ 23 ~ 35 ~ 10-50 ~
Polarisation HH HH HH HH HH,VV VV HH HH
Swath Width (km) 100 50 8.5 20-50 15-90 100 75 45/510

Repeat Cycle (days) 17 . . . . 3/35/168 44 27/7/17

Table 3. Satellite altimeter missions flown till date (Jan. 1996).

Skylab GEOS-3 Seasat Geosat ERS- I TOPEX/


Launch Year November 1973 April 1975 June 1978 March 1985 July 1 9 9 1 August 1992

Mean altitude (km) 435 845 800 800 780 1335

Orbit inclination 50 ~ I 15 ~ 108 ~ 98 ~ 63 ~

Repeat cycle - - (17)/3 -/17 (3)/35/168 10

Frequency (GHz) 13.9 13.9 13.5 13.5 13.8 5.3/13.6

Precision (cm) < 100 30 7 5 8 2/4

*Source: Wakker et aL, 1988

Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 213

Table 4. Environmental Earth Observation Systems launched till date (Jan. 1996).

Mission TIROS-N NOAA-9,io, I I, I2,14 (F,G,H,D) CZCS

Launch year 1978, 1979, 19--, 1983 1985, 1986, 1988, 1991. 19-- 1978-86
Altitude (km) 833 833 955
Inclination 98.9 ~ 98.9 ~ 99.3 ~
Spectral band(s) 0.55-0.9 0.58-0.68 0.433-0.453
in ~m 0.725-1.1 0.725-1.1 0.510-0.530
3.55-3.93 3.55-3.93 0.540-0.560
10.5-11.5 10.3-11.3 0.660-0.680
10.5-11.5 I i.5-12.5 0.70-0.80
Spatial resolution 1. I km at nadir, across task = 6.9 km 825 m at nadir
offnadir monimoms:
along track 2.4 km
Swath (km) 2400 2400 1640
cross track scan + 55.4 ~ cross track scan + 55.4 ~
from nadir from nadir
Repeat cycle (days) Twice a day Twice a day 2 (repetivity)
6 (revisit period)
Ascending node 1500, t930,1430,1930 1420,1930,1340,1930,1340
equatorial crossing
in LST
Descending node 0300,0730,0230,0730 0220,0730,0140,0730,0140 2400
equatorial crossing
in LST
Quantization level I0 I0 8

AVHRR : Advanced Very, High Resolution Radiometer

CZCS " Coastal Zone Colour Scanner

2.2 Indian earth observation capability satellites ( I N S A T 1D, I N S A T 2A, 2B & 2C)
providing earth o b s e r v a t i o n capability in
India has three first generation visible, near infra red and thermal infra red
operational r e m o t e s e n s i n g satellites ( I R S regions o f e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c spectrum. The
I A & IB, I R S - P 2 ) and f o u r m e t e o r o l o g i c a l IRS satellites p r o v i d e i m a g e r y in four
214 R.R. Navalgundet al.

spectral bands (BI 0.45-0.52, 132 0.52-0.59, to provide one image. It enables quick
B3 0.62-0.68 and B4 0.77-0.86 microns) coverage of any specific region and enables
with a ground resolution of 36 metres using tracking of cyclones etc.). The data
LISS-2 cameras and 72 metres using LISS-1 reception facilities exist at MCF (Master
cameras covering a swath of 140 kiiometres Control Facility), Hassan, Space
across track at a repetivity of 22 days. The Applications Centre, Ahmedabad and India
satellite provides imagery over the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), New
sub-continent and the United States of Delhi. IMD has the responsibility of data
America using the data reception facilities dissemination.
at the National Remote Sensing Agency India has launched its second
(NRSA), Hyderabad and Norman- generation operational satellite of IRS series
Oklahoma, U.S.A. The data received at namely IRS IC on December 28, 1995. This
NRSA is marketed by NRSA Data Centre, satellite provides a significant improvement
while the same at Norman is being marketed in earth observation capability as it provides
by EOSAT company. IRS-P2 was launched three tier imaging capability. It has a high
by one of India's launcher, the Polar resolution stereo imaging capability through
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), on a single band Panchromatic (0.5-0.75
October 15, 1994. This satellite provides micrometre) camera. LISS-3 a muitispectral
earth observation capability in the same four sensor (B2, B3, B4 bands: 23m resolution
spectral bands as in IRS 1A and IB with a and B5 SWIR band 70.5m resolution) and a
spatial resolution of about 37 metres wide field sensor operating in red and near
covering a swath of 140 kilometres across infra red bands (B3, B4) providing 188m
track resolution and 5-day repetivity are the other
The INSAT VHRR instrument two sensors. The data from this satellite is
provides visible and thermal infra red being received at NRSA ground station at
imageries of the earth disc with a spatial Shadnagar near Hyderabad, EOSAT
resolution of 2 kilometres for visible (0.55- Norman U.S.A. and is also expected to be
0.75 micron) and 8 kilometres for thermal received at other international ground
infra red (10.5-12.5 micron) wavelengths stations.
from INSAT 2A @ 74 degree E, INSAT 2B On March 21, 1996, India launched
@ 93 degree E and INSAT 1D @ 83 degree IRS P3 satellite from its own PSLV
E. The earth observation can be carried out launcher (PSLV-D3 flight). This satellite
in three different modes namely full scan carries wide field sensor covering B5 band
mode (this mode covers full earth disc and in addition to B3 and B4 bands available in
takes 33 minutes for providing one image), the WiFS of IRS IC satellite. This satellite
normal scan mode (this mode covers 50 also carries MOS (Multispectral Opto-
degree north to 40 degree south and takes 23 electronic Scanner) payloads built by DLR
minutes to provide one image) and sector Germany, which caters to ocean and
scan mode (this mode covers approximately atmospheric studies. Table 5 summarizes
one fourth of the earth disc in the north- the sensor characteristics of Indian Earth
south direction and takes about 7.2 minutes Observation systems.
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 215

T a b l e 5. Sensor characteristics o f Indian satellites for earth observation.

Satellite Sensors Launch year Spectral bands (in micrometre) Ground Res. (m) Swath (kin)

Bhaskara I/It (TV) 1979/1981 0.54-0.66 I km 341

Bhaskara [/11 (Samir) 1979/1981 19, 22, 3 7 G H z 125 km
IRS-IA/I B 1988/1991 0.45-0.52 72.50 148/2 74
(LISS-I/II) 0.52-0.59
0.62-0.68 36.25
IRS-P2 (LISS-II) 1993 As above 37 x 32 131
IRS-IC/ID* 1995/1988 0.52-0.59 ~ 23 (VNIR) 140
(L1SS-II1) 0.62-0.68
1.55-1.70 ~ 70 (MIR)
IRS- I C/t D* (PAN) 1995/1998 0.5-0.75 5.8 70
Steerable _+26 ~
IRS-IC/ID* 1995/1998 0.62-0.68 188 770
(WiFS) 0.77-0.86
IRS-P3 1996 0.62-0.68 188 774
(WiZS) 0.77-0.68
IRS-P3 0.7567 2520 248
(MOS-A) + 0.7606
Band width 0.0014
(MOS-B) + 0.408, 0.443 720 580 248
0.485, 0,520
0.750, 0.815
Band width 0.01
(MOS-C) + 1.600 1000 720 248
Bandwidth 0.1
IRS-P4* 1997 0.412, 0.443 250 1500
OCM 0.490, 0.510
0.555, 0.670
Band width 0.02
Band width 0.04
1.550 to 1.700 500 1500
MFSR 6.6, 10.6, 18 a n d 2 1 G H z 120,75,45,40 1500

* Proposed/scheduled
+ Payloads designed and developed by DLR, Germany. Central wavelength is given against the spectral bands.
216 R.R. Navalgund et al.

3. Thrust Areas in Applications assumes the topmost priority in sustainable

development. Fig. 1 shows different aspects
Various application projects have been involved in achieving a sustainable increase
carried out using the present national as well in agricultural production (Navalgund,
as international earth observation systems. 1991). Increase in production is possible by
Yet, in the Indian context following areas bringing more areas under cultivation,
are likely to receive more attention in improving crop yields, increasing cropping
immediate future: intensities and through integrated nutrient
and pest management. Sustainable
9 Management of natural resources to agricultural production would call for
ensure sustainable increase in agri- identification of problems and optimal land-
cultural production. use planning at watershed level, and
9 Study the state of the environment, its adoption of proper soil and water
monitoring and assessment of the conservation measures. Watershed
impact of developmental actions. characterization requires information on
9 Updating and generation of large scale parameters like size, shape, topography,
topographical maps. drainage, soils, landuse, landcover, climate
and socio-economic data. Each of the
9 Exploration of marine and mineral
applications mentioned above require
different observational requirements which
9 Operational meteorology and moni- are summarized in the next section.
toring of land and oceanic processes to
predict climatic changes.
3.2 Study the state of the environment,
its monitoring and assessment of the
3.1 Management of natural resources to impact of development actions
ensure sustainable increase in
agricultural production Environmental impact may be defined
as any alteration of environmental
The world population is increasing at conditions or creations of a new set of
an alarming rate and is expected to reach a environmental conditions, adverse or
figure of 11.2 billion around the year 2100 beneficial, caused or induced by the action
before stabilizing around 11.6 billion or set of actions under consideration.
beyond 2100. Meeting the needs of food, Development programs have been and
fiber and shelter of this growing population continue to be conceived, planned and
is a major concern. On a finite earth, executed, often causing detrimental effect
population cannot grow indefinitely and it is on the environment. The rapid
important to recognize that today's industrialization, urbanization and commer-
developmental prospects should not deprive cialization are responsible for increasing
the future generation its legitimate needs. amounts of CO 2 and other green house
As food is the most critical requirement of a gases, air pollution and water and degrading
human being, agricultural sustainability lands. Deforestation trends have caused
E 0
A 8"

t E.
j! ;i

Fig. 1. Remote sensing applications in sustainable agriculture.

218 R.R. Navalgundet al.

serious effects on global climate, soil and digital elevation models using
erosion, water resources and food spaceborne data.
production. River valley projects, thermal
power generation, mining, tourism etc. 3.4 Exploration of marine and mineral
cause extensive damage to our ecosystem. resources
Impact analysis and assessment needs to be
done to minimize adverse effects. The
India has a long coastline of about
choice of impacts to be considered in
7500 km including its island territories.
performing an environmental impact
Exploitation of its marine resources
analysis generally varies according to the
including living and non-living resources is
type of project, development or action under
a dire necessity to meet the food and fuel
evaluation. There are numerous bio-physical
demands of the increasing population.
and socio-economic parameters which need
Fisheries, aquaculture, seaweed harvesting,
to be measured before a project is cleared
petroleum exploration etc. are some of the
from environment angle and which need to
fields which are being explored. An
be monitored after commissioning of the
understanding of photosynthetic processes
project. Various applications which need to
(primary production) is required to assess
be considered are given in Figure 2 (Sahai,
1993). the marine biological resources of the globe,
including pelagic and demersal fisheries,
shellfish and even organic sedimentary
3.3 Updating and generation of large scale deposits. Determining accurately the
topographical maps concentrations of photosynthetic pigments
and the rates of photosynthetic carbon
The need for high quality topographic fixation in the surface euphotic layer lead to
data have long been realized in various improved estimates of primary production
fields. In addition to the problem of in the ocean. Global information on
producing good topographic maps at geographical and seasonal variations in
1:25000 scale, there is a need for updating primary production will allow a more
the existing information on Survey of India complete assessment of secondary
maps. Detection of changes in cultural production processes in the oceans.
features such as buildings and communi-
cation links are yet to be achieved. Any Unlike other surface phenomena,
topographic map consists information on mineral resources are generally sub-
content, position and elevation. In case of surfacial in nature. Occurrences of
undulating regions, the tilted view of petroleum/mineral deposits are never
sensors leads to significant distortions in haphazard. All the mineral/petroleum
geometry due to terrain relief. In order to deposits follow certain mineralisation/
rectify these distortions, Digital Elevation structural patterns with various surfaciai
Models (DEM) of the terrain need to be indicators/guides which help in their
used to generate orthoimages. Hence, it will identification. Although many such guides
be desirable to derive thematic information exist in the conventional geological/



I t~


S.T.P. 7o

(SePal. 1003)

Fig. 2. Environmental assessment and monitoring using remote sensing.

220 R.R. Navalgundet al.

geophysical method of prospecting, all of earth and planetary space. A predictive

them cannot be followed in toto through knowledge about the environment require
airborne/space-borne remote sensing. Main elaborate observation capabilities with
limitation in usage of remote sensing for adequate temporal and spatial resolution so
mineral/petroleum exploration is due to the that regional and global variations in
fact that the mineral deposits are often geophysical, chemical and biological state
relatively small targets located at of the earth system can be monitored.
considerable depths. The petroleum basins Various phenomena which influence the
are in general highly deep-seated with environment and thus have to be monitored
limited surfaciai expressions. These include:
limitations restrict the usage o f remote
sensing only to reconnaissance level, - Energy, mass exchange between space
providing input to further detailed ground- and earth
based geological/geophysical investigations. - Energy, momentum and mass exchange
between earth and atmosphere
3.5 Operational meteorology and - Biological activities on land and near
monitoring of land and oceanic surface water
processes to predict climate changes
- Atmospheric chemistry and atmos-
pheric dynamics
Operational meteorology is concerned
with forecasting the weather over all - Precipitation, lightening etc.
geographical scales and for the periods upto - Ocean dynamics, sea surface temp-
a week or even a month. A number of erature etc.
measurements are required on a regular
basis for operational meteorology. - Sea ice dynamics
Temperature and humidity profiles, wind - Surface geology, tectonic plate motion,
fields, cloud cover and temperature, cloud tides, geologic faults etc.
heights, liquid water content, precipitation,
ocean topography etc. are some of the
4. Application goals and Observation
parameters that need to be measured not
only for operational meteorology but also requirements
for climate monitoring and predictions.
As a thrust area would consist of many
Climatic changes are affected by themes which are to be addressed in a multi-
biological and geophysical processes. disciplinary manner, all the thrust areas
Oceans, forests and human activities, over have been examined on the basis of major
the year have control over global climate. application themes. Theme-wise require-
Earth's environment is the cumulative result ments in terms of objectives, the parameters
of various biogeochemical interactions to be measured and the sensor specifications
within the land-ocean-atmospheric system required for these studies are given in this
as well as energy-mass transfer between the section.
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 221

4.1 Agriculture, Landuse, Soils NIR, MIR & TIR bands but disease and
stress detection will require specific narrow
At present, remote sensing is
spectral bands of few nm bandwidth (Table
operationally used for acreage estimation of
7). Use of microwave data is envisaged
crops in single crop dominated regions.
particularly during kharif season when
Remote sensing based yield relationships
optical data availability is reduced. Two
have been shown to be useful for crop yield
incidence angles or two polarizations may
predictions in some areas. However, crop
be used to get extra dimensions in the data
production forecasting is yet to be
which may compensate for the lack of multi
established for areas with multiple cropping
spectral dimension here.
patterns. Fragmented holdings, different
crop calendars and different management Agrometeorological parameters are
practices adopted by farmers continue to important inputs for studying crop growth
pose a challenge to remote sensing. A processes and crop yield modelling. As of
sample study ill Gujarat suggests that the now, parameters such as soil moisture and
field size varies from 0.047 to 4.14 ha with albedo have been attempted to some extent.
a mean area of 0.61 ha where 50 per cent of However, validation of agromet spectral
the fields have areas greater than 0.4 ha yield models would require many other
(Sahai et al., 1988). Identification of crop parameters such as rain fall, insolation, land
varieties, field level monitoring of crops at surface temperature etc. to be measured at
different growth stages, early warning of higher accuracies. Table 8 shows the
disease, early detection of stress for agrometeorological requirements of satellite
irrigation management and estimation of sensors.
soil moisture with accuracies greater than
Remote sensing data have contributed
95% are some of the major problems which
greatly to landuse mapping, monitoring and
need to be studied using RS techniques.
planning by providing landcover
Table 6 shows the needs and sensor
information. Regional perspective planning
requirements to meet some of these
requires mapping at scale of 1:250,000,
objectives. A three-tier sensor system would
while detailed planning requires mapping at
be required to fulfill the observation needs
1:50,000 scale. However, implementation of
at regional level, district level and field
these plans requires mapping at much larger
level. For crop monitoring a spatial
scale e.g. 1:10,000 for indicating the field
resolution of 150-300m with a high
ownership limits. Table 9 gives the sensor
repetivity (2 days) would be sufficient but
requirements for agriculture landuse and
for detection of disease/pest attack and yield
soils. Very high spatial resolution with
forecasting, it will be desirable to image at
increased spectral resolutions will be
moderate resolutions of 20-40m and a
desirable for discriminating more cover
repetivity of 4-6 days while in regions of
small field sizes and mixed cropping, crop
identification will require a high resolution 4.2 Forestry
data of 5-10m. In general, a spectral
bandwidth of 60-80 nm is required in VIS & Space-borne data have proved useful
222 R.R. Navalgund et al.

for forest mapping, inventory and disease, insect infestation etc. High spatial
monitoring. Discrimination between closed resolution o f few metres and imaging in
and open forests and wooded shrub land is narrow spectral bands (Table 10) is required
possible in m a n y cases. Also, coniferous to meet these objectives. Stereo images
and deciduous forests can be distinguished would help in determining stand
from satellite data. Distribution o f forest characteristics based on tree heights. Bio-
types and information on stand diversity studies would require species
characteristics mainly related to timber identification which is possible only through
volume and growth is required for high resolution data. Fire is the major single
estimating production potential. Forest factor o f vegetation transformation in the
management would require information on tropical areas. Detection and monitoring of
species composition and canopy structure, fires and identifying fire prone areas would
site characteristics such as terrain and soil require thermal infrared images during day
moisture and stresses in forest due to and night time.

Table 6. Agricultural Applications: Crop Production Forecasting.

S.No. Application objective Required physical quantities Issues

i.1 Crop VIS, NIR, MIR at 20-40m, 4-6 days - Infrequent repetivity
identification different growth stages 5-10m,8-12 days Lack of data during l~harif
Small field size
Backscattered MW 20-40m, X, Ku bands Operational processing
intensities Two incidence techniques (Multidate, Sensor,
angles/polarisations Texture)
Polarised Radiance (plant morphology)
1.2 Monitoring crop VIS, NIR and MIR, 150-300m, 2 days Stress manifests through TIR
health on regional Thermal indices, indices earlier
scale Red edge (position of
the inflection point) and
Red slope (670-760nm)
1.3 Crop yield VIS, NIR, MIR and TIR 20-40m, 4-6 days Infrequent repetivity
forecasting data at different growth - In absolute units
stages in absolute units (multi sensors)
- Narrow bands, Red edge - Lack of validated Agromet
Data at different sun/ spectral yield models
view angles C, X, Ku - Agromet parameters such as
soil moisture, ET, albedo,
Back scattered MW 20-40m, 4-6 days insolation
intcnsities Idb
1.4 Disease, Specific narrow bands 20-40m Post-event assessment only
Pest attack,
Nutrient stress
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 223

Table 7. Narrow spectral band needs.

Application Objectives Spectral region Band widths

Soils & R o c k s

- Mineralogy Identification of minerals

-CO 3, -OH & -SO4 bearing minerals 1740 nm
1760 nm 10 nm
Calcite 2320 nm
Dolomite 2310nm
Mg(OH)2 bearing minerals 2300 nm 10 nm
-OH- & AI(OH)3 bearing minerals 2200 nm
- Soil Moisture 2160 nm 20 nm
2040 nm 20 nm

- Productivity Chlorophyll/Carotenoid ratio 700 nm, 740 nm 5-1011111

l.eaf water content 1650 nm 20 nm
- Crop growth Lignin & proteins 1510 nm, 1690 nm _< 10 nm
modelling 2060 nm, 2140 ran, 2380 nm
Cellulose. starch 2100 nm, 228(I nm. 2340 nm <_ 10 nm
- Nutrient Stress Nitrogen deficiency 700 nm, 740 nm 5-10 nm
780 mn
- Moisture Stress Phmt water content 850 nm 20 nm
1650 nm

4.3 Hydrology 4.4 Cartography

R e m o t e sensing data are being used Space images are e x t e n s i v e l y used for
presently in s n o w - c o v e r m e a s u r e m e n t and preparing t h e m a t i c m a p s upto the scales o f
seasonal r u n - o f f f o r e c a s t i n g for reservoir 1:50,000 with standard t o p o g r a p h i c m a p as
m a n a g e m e n t , s o i l - m o i s t u r e a s s e s s m e n t for a base map. H o w e v e r , t h e y have limited use
irrigation practices, m a p p i n g o f water in the updating o f m a p at 1:50,000 scale.
bodies, flood mapping. Research The major problems encountered in
endeavours are especially needed in t o p o g r a p h i c m a p updation are location and
precipitation rttn-off and forecasting o f g e o m e t r i c a c c u r a c y o f the information
actual run-off, s n o w water equivalent and content. In the case o f m o u n t a i n o u s terrain
soil moisture m e a s u r e m e n t s . All these digital elevation m o d e l s need to be either
parameters will lead to a better generated fiont m a p s or fi'om stereo pairs
ttnderstanding o f the h y d r o l o g i c a l c y c l e and obtained by space sensors. T o d a y ' s s y s t e m s
its c h a n g e s (Tables 1 1 & 12). like S P O T and IRS IC do not p r o v i d e ideal
224 R.R. Navalgund et al.

data for this as the stereo data over a given updation at 1:25,000 scale, detection o f
area are acquired from observations on two changes in cultural features, production o f
different dates. A sensor system should have DEMs and image maps. Table 13 presents
aft and fore looking cameras to obtain a the needs and requirements o f sensors for
stereo imagery. The 10m resolution cartography (INCA study group, 1994).
available from S P O T is not fine enough to From Table 13 it is clear that most o f the
identify the features o f interest for mapping application requirements are met by spatial
and is not suitable for 1:25,000 scale o f resolution o f l-2m and a vertical resolution
mapping. The cartographic needs today are o f l m. SAR interferometry m a y be used for
- map compilation at 1:50,000 scale, getting DEMs o f high accuracy.

Table 8. Satellite sensor requirements for agrometeorology.

Priority-wise Required Spatial Temporal Spectral Present Application

Basic parameters Accuracy Resolution Resolution Bands for Status Areas
(kin) Data~Sensor (Global)

1. Rainfall > 95% 10 to 50 Daily Thermal RD Crop yield, Soil

(Split oh.) moisture
2. Veg. Index > 95% 1 to 5 Days Visible & NIR QO Crop growth
monitoring, Yield
modelling drought
3. Canopy temp. + 0.5 ~ 1 Daily Thermal QO Crop stress, Drought,
(Split ch.) Crop yield, ET
4. Albedo > 90% 50 Daily Visible, NIR, QO Absorbed solar
MIR, ERBS radiation, Photo-
synthesis crop yield
5. Insolation > 85% 100 3 hrs. Visible, NIR, RD Absorbed solar
MIR, ERBS radiation. Photo-
synthesis crop yield
6. Tmin/Tmax + 0.5~ 10 12 hrs. HIRS (TOVS) QO Crop stress, GDD,
(air) Crop yield, ET
7. Land surface + 0.5~ I Daily Thermal QO Soil moisture, ET
temp. (Split ch.)
8. Soil moisture > 95% 3 2 days Thermal RD Crop stress, crop
(surface/root (MSU/TOVS) water requirement,
zone) ET
9. Humidity + 0.5 5-10 12 hrs, Thermal AVHRR QO ET, Pest occurrence
gm/cm2 (MSU/TOVS)

Note: RD: R&D level; QO: Quasi Operational; Tmin: Minimum temperature; Tmmx:Maximum Temperature
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms andSensor Requirements 225

Table 9. Sensor requirements for agriculture, landuse and soils.

Sr. Application Information needs Observation requirements Remarks

No. objective

l.a) Landuse/cover Admn. unit wise maps 70-80m, VIS, NIR, MIR
mapping and statistical data MW
Level I & II
(I :250,000)
Level II & III 20-40m, VIS, NIR, MIR
Level III (! : I 0,000) 5-10m, VIS, NIR, MIR
b) Cadastral level Map showing < 5m PAN
and updating field boundaries
c) Land transfor-
mation studies
d) Urban landuse 1:25,000 10-20m, MS 5m vertical resolution
- Demography I : I 0,000 5-10m, MS 2m vertical resolution
- Housing quality 1:4000 2m PAN, i m vertical resolution
- Traffic modelling
Planning utilities

2. Agricultural Area under

Landuse Crops at 1:250,000 80m, VIS, NIR, MIR
Plantations ! :50,000
Orchards 20-40m VIS, NIR, MIR
Fallow Lands
Waste Lands I : I 0,000- 1:25,000 5-10m
VIS(2), NIR, MIR with
95% accuracy, stereo, 20 d

3. Soil
a) Reconnaissance Soil sub-group To be extensively
soil map association at 1:50,000 supported by soil
profile studies
Semi-detailed map Soil series association
at 1:50,000
Detailed & Phases of soil series 5-10m, multispectral
Reconnaissance at 1:10,000- ! :25,000 5m contours
map (Sub-watershed level)
Land capability 1:25,000 class level
and soil suitability Sub-class level soil
suitability for a crop
226 R.R. Navalgund et al.

Contd ... Table 9

Sr. Application Information needs Observation requirements Remarks

No. objective

4. Soil and land Extent and spatial distri- 80m, VIS, NIR, MIR
degradation bution of degraded lands
Water logging Severity level 20-40m, VIS, NIR, MIR
- Salinity Changes 5-10m, VIS, NIR, MIR
- Erosion At three scales (1:250,000, stereo 5m, 20 d
~ Desertification l:50,000& 1:10,000-1:25,000)

5. Agricultural hydrology
Surface water Extent,
body/storage Change detection at
1:50,O00 (> 2.5 ha)
I: 10,000 scale
Soil moisture Estimation of surface SAR L, C band Development of soil
soil moisture and its 1 5 - 1 8 ~ incidence angle, moisture profile
spatial distribution 3d models
Root zone I, C SAR data
TIR 20-30m, Ikm

6. Agricultural drought Veg. status at district 200m, 80m, 20-40m

level crop status with 5-8 d
3-4 severity levels
Taluka level crop status
fur maior crops and its
linkage with yield model
Early warning for moisture TIR(2), 80-100 m
stress in command areas 2-4 d
Irrigation Irrigated crop inventory As in 6 and
management Crop water demand, Agrometeorological
Crop moisture status, parameters
Crop water use/ET
Crop water budget

4.5 Mineral exploration being used as guides in m i n e r a l / p e t r o l e u m

exploration. T h e c o n v e n t i o n a l g e o l o g i c a l
Indirect indictors like drainage, land- exploration is based upon structural/
f o r m etc. and m a j o r rock type/structural lithological m a p p i n g and detection o f
m a p p i n g at 1:50,000 scale are at present g e o l o g i c a l / g e o p h y s i c a l anomalies. A list o f
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 227

geological parameters observable through a day is required for thermal inertia study.
remote sensing is given in Table 14. The Active microwave data with multiple
large scale (1 : 10,000) mapping of polarizations/frequencies may be useful for
lithofacies and structural features for more the extraction o f geomorphological features.
accurate targeting o f mineral/petroleum Imaging at low sun angles will also be
occurrences needs to be done. Imaging beneficial for geological discrimination in
spectrometers may be useful for the hilly terrains. The observational require-
discrimination o f various hydrothermally ments for mineral exploration are given in
altered rocks. High resolution multichannel Table 14.
thermal IR data with a repeat cycle o f twice

Table 10. Forestry: Sensor requirements.

St. Applications objective Observational Spectral bands Repetivi O' Remarks

No. requirements GR (m)

1. Forest extent mapping 250-500 VIS. NIR, SWIR 3-7 d

Monitoring changes at (1:250,000)
global/regional level I:IM
2. Forest type & density 20-30 VIS, NIR, SWIR, 15-20 d Operational
mapping texture anal5sis
Delineating areas of (1:50,000) MW (x,e) programs
afforestation, deforestation,
encroachment (national level)
3. Forest management at 5-10 VIS, NIR, SWIR 15-20 d Mensuration
compartment level (1:10,000 to 1:25,000) parameters
Species composition Narrow bands
and canopy structure (VNIR) MW
Site characteristics STEREO
(DTM, Soil moisture) (- I m height res.)
Tree volume/biomass INSAR
4. Monitoring, fire detection/ 3-4 p.m & D&N
monitoring, fire proneness 10-12 ~tm
5. Monitoring disease and Specific narrow 15-20 d
damage assessment bands
6. Biodiversity Species
228 R.R. Navalgund et al.

Table 1I. Hydrology Applications: Needs.

Sl. Applications Observational requirements Parameters amenable Primary spectral

No. to RS observables

I. Precipitation-extent Cloud-top temperature, Cloud-top temperature NIR radiances,

and distribution cloud growth, speed cloud-top brightness visible radiances,
of storm microwave backscatter

2. Rainfall surface Surface run-off Cloud-cover index NIR reflectance.

run-off microwave backscatter.
reflectance in blue region

3. Water bodies and Extent and volume of Extent of the suspended NIR reflectance,
flood mapping water in water bodies, sediments in water bodies microwave backscatter
channel flow/river & flooded area
Flood area delineation

4. Snow and ice Snow-cover-extent Wet snow areas N [R reflectance.

monitoring and water equivalent, microwave backscatter
snow melt run-off, (multi-frequency obs.)

5. Groundwater Rainfall, evapo- Landcover, soil VIS/NIR reflectances,

recharge estimation transpiration, infiltration types thermal radiances

Table 12. Hydrology: Sensor requirements.

Swath Spatial resolution Repetivity Spectral bands Remarks

(km) (m)

Precipitation, 1000 1000 Twice daily VIS/NIR

flood mapping passive microwave

Snow cover 1000 100-500 3-5 days NIR, Sun-sync. orbit,

Ka, Ku, x bands constant illumination

Suspended sediments 150 20-30 Daily VIS microwave

Evapotranspiration 1000 250 Daily VIS Equatorial crossing

NIR Thermal at2 p.m.
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 229

Table 13. Cartography: Sensor requirements.

Scale Grid spacing Accuracy Required Sensor type

for DEM of DEM Spatial Res.

Large scale maps _< 1:10,000 10 m < Im I-2 m Optical, with along track
stereo, laser altimetry
Topographic maps 1:25,000 to 25 to 100 m 2.5 to 25 m 5-10 m Optical. imaging, SAR
Global mapping > 1:200,000 5 to I km 500 to 100 m 100-500 m Optical, radar altimetry

Table 14. Geological and mineral resources development and management.

Applications Requirements Parameters amenable Primal' spectral observables

to remote sensing

Geotechnical Study Lithology Broadscale rock-type Narrow spectral bands ( 10 nm)

discrimination in the range 0.4-2.5 p.m
Geological structures Specific absorption channels
Geotechnical properties Surface topographical SAR Interferometry
of materials change detection
Geological hazards Lineaments Use of optical/microwave/high
resolution PAN
Volcanocity MIR, TIR bands, High repetivity
(geostationary platforms)
Geomorphological Landforms Delineation of buried Microwave/Optical/TIR
Mapping Drainage patterns & surface drainage
Structures pattern
Flood prone areas Digital terrain model Optical stereo dataJSAR
Geological Mapping Rocktype distri. Thermal inertia TIR (day & night time)
Orientation of structures
Natural hazards
Thermal Inertia
Oil & Gas Lithology Off-shore gravity Satellite altimetry
Geologic structures anomaly
Sediment thickness
Reservoir rock
Cap rock
Geophysical anomaly
Thermal Inertia
230 R.R. Navalgund et al.

4.6 Marine resources make measurements in the X-ray, ultra-

violet, visible, infrared and microwave
Sea-surface temperature charts region of the electromagnetic spectrum as
generated from NOAA-AVHRR thermal well as non-electromagnetic sensors like
data are being used for predicting potential particle detectors, magnetometers, gravity
fishing zones from dynamic features such as gradiometers etc. The spatial and temporal
thermal fronts, eddies etc. Ocean colour is sampling of measurement vary with the
another parameter which has been studied observed phenomena and in general sensors
for phytoplankton distribution. However, in with different spatial resolution and
absence of any colour sensor at present, coverage has to be employed. Simultaneous
extensive studies have not been possible. measurement of different parameters which
Besides this, fishery forecast models require may be a pre-requisite for monitoring many
information on winds, internal waves and geophysical phenomena require different
other oceanic paralneters which will require kinds of sensors boarded oil the same
radars, altimeters and scatterometer observation platform. Also, frequent
measurements. measurement of many quantities on global
scale may require tile simultaneous
Inventory and monitoring of coastal
operation of many satellite platforms.
features such as tidal wetlands, coastal land
forms, mangroves, sea grass meadows, Some of tile derived parameters used
estuary dynamics, shoreline changes etc. for global-change studies are net radiation
have been done using space-borne data. flux, precipitation, soil mo'isture,
However, improved spatial resolution with evaporation, etc. These are derived from
medium spectral resolution capabilities in a various meteorological parameters like
sensor are desirable for studying sediment insolation, surface temperature, temperature
transport and other coastal processes (Table and water profiles, cloud top temperatures,
15 & 16). wind speed etc, Various sounders are
presently used to derive temperature and
4.7 Climatology~global change humidity profiles. While temperature
information is possible for 15 layers,
To study global changes one has to humidity measurements are presently
study various processes such as possible for only 3 layers. Precipitation and
hydrological cycle, earth radiation budget, rain rates are being derived using
atmospheric chemistry, ocean processes, visible/infrared and microwave data. Soil
land surface, sea level c h a n g e s and moisture can be detected in the surface
biodiversity etc. (Table 17). As obvious layers by means of microwave absorption
monitoring of environment requires the and emission. The total net radiation input
measurement of a large number of to the land-surface determines the heat
parameters at different spatial and time fluxes at the surface. Atmospheric structural
scales which necessitate the use of various parameters derived from sounders are used
kinds of sensors. This includes a large for determining it. While most of these
variety of active and passive sensors which measurements are possible from NOAA
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 23 I

t y p e s u n - s y n c h r o n o u s s a t e l l i t e s t h e r e is a measurements, atmospheric convection/

need for g e o - s t a t i o n a r y s a t e l l i t e s a l s o f o r i n s t a b i l i t y a n d for i m p r o v e d high r e s o l u t i o n
certain parameters such as wind s o u n d i n g data.

Table 15. Marine Resources: Needs.

Application Requirements Parameters Amenable to RS PrimaO, Spectral obsela'ables

Primary productivity Phytoplankton, Ocean colour, Reflectance in narrow

yellow substance Chlorophyll spectral bands in blue region
amount fluorescence, NIR reflectance,
Atm. correction Reflectance at 685mm
Potential fishing grounds Phytoplankton Chlorophyll, Reflectance in blue region,
distribution, Sea surface temp., Thermal reflectance,
Identification of Atm. correction Microwave measurements
Thermal fronts
Coastal zone monitoring Coastal wetlands, Extent & condition Vl S,q',,rlR reflectance
Shoreline changes, of wetlands
Water quality, Erosion & deposition Ocean colour
Bathymetry Suspended sediments VIS/NIR reflectance
Topography & substrates Reflectance in blue region
Coastal regulation zone Coastal wetlands Extent VIS/NIR reflectance
and shorelands

Table 16. Marine Resources: Sensor requirements.

Objectives Swath Spatial Repetivity Spectral bands Remarks

(km) resolution (m)

Open ocean studies, 1000 500-1000 Daily 6-8 bands High radiometric sensitivity,
Ocean colour, (narrow band tilt capabili b required to avoid
Fluorescence, width region) sun glint
Atm. correction
Coastal and beach 150-200 20-30 Daily 6-8 narrow For tidal motions and patterns
processes spectral bands studies, obs. is required at
every 6 hrs.

Oceanographic Microwave
parameters measurements
232 R.R. Navalgund et al.

Table 17. Global change studies.

Phenomenon Objectives Parameters required

Climate change Earth radiation Net solar radiation flux, amount, distribution and optical properties
Ozone depletion budget of clouds, cloud cover, oceanic prod. of trace gases.
Forest impacts

Air/water pollution Carboncycle Carbon stocks and sinks, primary productivityof oceans, SST,
Biodiversity salinity, forest cover, deforestation rate, biomass burning.
Sea level change
Desertification Ocean processes Ocean surface topography, ocean colour, SST, sea ice, wave heights,
surface winds.

Water cycle Precipitation, energy fluxes, soil moisture, surface skin temperature,
humidity, winds, clouds measurements, distribution of vegetation,
soils and topography, snow cover.

Atmospheric Ozone total content and vertical distribution, temperature, vertical

Chemistry distribution of source gases, (CH4,N20, halocarbons) aerosols.

5. Summary requirements for future synchronous orbits chosen, the present

Earth Observation Systems satellites can view the surface only at fixed
sun angle. Above all, highly transient
Besides the spatial, spectral and phenomena are rarely observed by these
temporal resolution requirements discussed satellites. High spatial resolution results in
in the previous section, there are many other low temporal resolution. Presently only two
factors which need to be considered while types of data are available for land-surface
designing a system. Non-availability of data monitoring and assessment. First, high-
from optical sensors during kharif season resolution data from sensors like
precludes the use of remote sensing data for LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS and ERS-I SAR
operational agricultural information which image the earth at low repetivity.
systems. Certain applications like surface Second, data from meteorological satellites
energy budget and other meteorological like NOAA, which observe the earth at high
parameters which in turn affect the repetitive rates but have coarse spatial
terrestrial processes require night time resolution. Medium resolution data have
observations which are presently not been very useful mainly for mapping and
possible. Geological applications shall be classification purposes in many applications
benefited if viewing of earth surface at such as crop production forecasting, crop
varying sun angles is done. Due to sun- stress detection, forest mapping and damage
Remote SensingData Acquisition,Platformsand SensorRequirements 233

detection, coastal mapping, environmental 9 Stereo capability ( l-2m height

impact studies etc. However, they have not resolution) to help planning/execution
been found to be useful for alarm, or of development plans.
monitoring purposes due to their low
repetivity and high cost. A 5 or 10m 9 Moderate resolution sensor operating
resolution is still inadequate to achieve plant in VIS, NIR, MIR on a geostationary
detection in case of orchards or vineyards. platform for observations at different
A 10m resolution (SPOT PAN) is also not sun angles necessary for the
fine enough to identify the features of development of canopy reflectance
interest for mapping though the geometric inversion models.
accuracy achie~ced is adequate for mapping
at 1:50,000. On the basis of the above 9 Diurnal (at least two i.e. pre-dawn and
considerations, the requirements for the noon) temperature measurements of the
future earth observation systems can be earth surface.
summarized as follows:
Ocean colour monitor with daily
Moderate spatial resolution (150- coverage.
300m), high repetivity (2 D), minimum
Multifrequency microwave radiometer,
set of spectral bands (VIS, NIR, MIR,
scatterometer, altimeter, atmospheric
TIR) full coverage.
sounder, etc.
Moderate to high spatial resolution
(20-40m), high repetivity (4-6 D),
6. Broad definition of future Earth
spectral bands (VIS, NIR, MIR, TIR),
Observation System
full coverage.

High spatial resolution (5-10m) multi- An earth observation system/mission

spectral data with provision for and payloads on the space platform have to
selecting specific narrow bands (VIS, be carefully planned and designed keeping
NIR, MIR), viewing from different in view the user requirements and the
angles. technological constraints. Some of the broad
considerations for a earth observation
Synthetic aperture radar operating in at system (ESA report, 1991 ) are as follows:
least two frequencies (C, X, Ku), two
incidence angles polarizations, 9 Observations of the earth surface
moderate to high spatial resolution (20- - Repetitive monitoring at global
40m), high repetivity (4-6 D). scale
- Selective observations of local areas
Very high spatial resolution data (l-
2m) in panchromatic band to provide Continuity of service for operational
terrain details at cadastral level users (does not exclude innovations/
(1:10,000). improvements)
234 R.R. Navalgund et al.

9 Calibration o f sensors microwave payloads with wider swaths and

more frequencies, stereoscopic coverage,
9 Synergy between sensors
multisensor concept and viewing at different
9 Atmospheric corrections: facilitates the angles. The high spatial or spectral
use of data at different times/ resolution o f data naturally put stringent
observation conditions requirements on data handling capabilities
of on-board and ground processing systems.
9 Timely access of data: ground acqui-
So further improvements in these fields are
sition / processing / distribution infra-
closely related to progress in data handling
(transmission, storage and processing)
9 Supporting activities : simulations, systems. The effect on data rates and
campaigns and modelling efforts. volume by opting for higher spatial
resolution data is given in Table 18. For
Looking at the future thrust areas and instance, a daily coverage o f India at lm
application needs, the detailed mission resolution requires simultaneous operation
design, in general, needs capabilities such as of about 186 satellites, while the same at
higher spatial resolution (optical), narrower 10m resolution could be acquired through
spectral bands, higher repetivity, active only 19 polar orbiting satellites.

Table 18. System needed to cover India at higher spatial resolutions.

Payload Technology' Issues

IGFOV (metres) I0 I Current level of technology permits realisation of such

Swath (km) 150 15 payloads
Spectral bands 3 3
Quantisation levels 64 64

No. of satellites needed

To provide daily coverage 19 186 While it would be possible to manage a few satellites of fills
complexity in orbit the task of launching anti managing such
a mission would be prohibitive in cost

Data rate per satellite 178 1778 While 10 metre data can be transmitted 1 metre data calls for
(mbits/sec) use of data compression techniques

Data volume per day

(lbr a 10 minute pass) Would require enormous storage and processing capabilities
Million mega bits 2 200
Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 235

A broad configuration of earth the radar giving the indispensable

observation systems required for various information on relief, soil moisture, surface
applications is given in Table 19. A three roughness and sub-surface information by
tier configuration (A,B,C) would satisfy the penetration, besides, measurements over
needs o f regional monitoring as well as vegetation even during cloud cover.
locale-specific observations, if grouped Constant monitoring o f the land mass is
optimally on a platform. The cartographic provided by a suitable sensor on a
requirements can be met by a PAN sensor geostationary platform (F). It provides
with stereo capability and a resolution of 1 tmique opportunity for measurement at
to 2nl (D). A payload combining an optical different sun angles and greatly increases
and a SAR sensor (E) could provide probability o f getting cloud-free images.
operational capability with the optical Meteorological observations would require
sensor yielding information about the a different set of sensors (G).
spectral behaviour o f the phenomena, and

Table 19. A possible earth observation system configuration.


Coverage/ 1000-2500kin 150-750km 25-75km 25-75km 150-300kin - Multiffequency

Swath lnicrowave
Spatial Res. 150-250m 15-25m 5-8m 1-2m 20-40m 500m Altimeter,
Repetivity 2 days 4-6 days 8-12 days Fore-aft Geo- Atmospheric
viewing stereo stationau, Sounders.
from dill" platform Sensorpackage+
erent angles
Spectral VIS (3) VIS (3) Specific Panchro- C, X, Ku VIS, NIR,
bands NIR (2) NIR (2) narrow matic HH, VV MIR and
MIR (2) MIR (2) bands 45~, 20~ TIR,
TIR (2) sensor
3-4 ptm package+
Narrow bands,
Selectable gain

Radiometric 7./10 7 8 I db

+ sensors for charaeterisation of the atmosphere

236 R.R. Navalgundet al.

Besides the systems suggested in Table calibration of sensors and a sensor package
19, there are some additional requirements. for atmospheric correction is acutely felt. It
While utility of P-band SAR data is needs to be defined in greater detail in terms
recognized there are certain stringent of spectral channels etc. It should be
requirements on the kind of platform integrated into the sensor system. Onboard
required. Synthetic aperture altimeter for processing should become an essential
elevation determination may also be component.
examined and considered. In order to get
minimum of 0.5 per cent reflectance Acknowledgements
changes seen in the images, it is necessary
to have 8 bit radiometric resolution. The members of the study team wish to
Radiometric resolution vis-a-vis spatial place on record their gratitude to the
resolution needs to be examined from the Executive Council of the Indian Society of
applications point of view both at very fine Remote Sensing, Dehradun for providing an
spatial resolution of a couple of metres and opportunity to work towards the preparation
at moderate resolution. Simulation studies of such an approach paper. We
in this respect need to be taken up. acknowledge our indebtness to Dr. George
Depending upon the dynamic range as seen Joseph, President, ISRS, who has been the
in the scene, adaptive quantisation should be main motivating force for this activity.
incorporated in the onboard processor. For Discussions held with various colleagues at
attaining better geometric accuracies GPS SAC, in particular at the Remote Sensing
receiver onboard with a network of GPS Applications Group, Earth Observation
stations at precisely known ground points Systems Office, ISRO Head Quarters,
will be required. NRSA have helped in fine tuning of
Regional monitoring of crops, observational requirements and definition of
detection of crop stress, crop discrimination, the earth observation systems. We express
forest mapping, detection of forest fires etc. our gratefulness to them. Cooperation of all
can be operationalized with WiFS having the remote sensing professionals,
high repetivity. However, a sensor system academicians and the end users who
for mapping soils at various categoric level participated in the survey by sending their
is a issue of concern for many application responses is gratefully acknowledged.
scientists. Combination of sensors and the Unstinted support provided by Shri Mukesh
repetivity requirements may call for using Arya in drafting the report is gratefully
orbits other than polar. An imaging acknowledged.
spectrometer will be required for
applications which include identification of References
species composition and canopy structure in
Navalgund R R (1991). Remote Sensing applications
forests, crop species identification, crop in Agriculture: Indian experience. In Space and
disease and nutrient stress etc. Such sensors Agriculture Management, Special current event
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Remote Sensing Data Acquisition, Platforms and Sensor Requirements 237

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Purpose fashion. A survey was conducted on behalf

of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Satellite remote sensing for resource (ISRS) in September, 1994 to realize this.
survey initiated with the launch of The broad objectives of this exercise were
LANDSAT-1 in the year 1972, has (a) to obtain feedback from Indian remote
witnessed many changes, in the last two sensing community on effectiveness of
decades, in terms of availability of data of presently available remote sensing data in
different resolutions, spectral bands, repeat meeting various application needs, (b) to
cycles etc. There are many missions planned assess the shortcomings in remote sensing
in the near filture offering data of different data parameters to meet challenges, current
dimensions. Large number of users in the and near future, in remote sensing
country have used LANDSAT, SPOT and applications and (c) to translate feed-back
IRS data to meet their application needs. At received from remote sensing data users,
this juncture, it is worth-while to assess the towards definition and design of flmlre
data needs existing, gaps and operational remote sensing missions.
constraints in meeting all data needs for
resource exploration. One way to obtain this Structure of the questionnaire
information was to ask the Indian remote
sensing community to spell out their The questionnaire was designed
application needs realized/realizable vis-a- keeping in view that a) it should involve
vis sensor parameter(s) in a quantitative minimum effort on part of the respondent

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