Feb March 17 Complete

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23 Years in Skokie! 150 Years Serving Chicagoland!


Stay Updated on Facebook @KesserMaariv Shiurim at KesserMaariv.pododmatic.com
Melave Malka February 18 on Saturday night March 11 at 7:20 pm. Make
Please join us on Saturday evening February 18 at 8:00 havdalah at home, and you may drive to shul for
pm for a Melave Malka, featuring Eliot Springer of Megillah reading.
NYPD, an Akiba and HTC graduate who was the head On Sunday March 12 we will daven Shacharit
of forensics of the Israel National Police. He will at 8:00 am and read Megillah at about 8:20 am. Last
discuss CSI Israel: Jewish Sources in Forensic Chance Megillah reading will be at 5:00 pm, and enjoy
Science and the Fight on Crime and Terror. Please a Purim Seudah at 5:45 pm with Circus Boy. See the
make reservations to the office. $25 per person, and enclosed flyer for details on the Purim Seudah.
sponsorships are available. See the enclosed flyer for Please make reservations to Larry & Judy Weinger
more information. (847) 677-2198 or weinger@sbcglobal.net by March 5.
Etty Rubinow Tree of Life Sale Kesser Maariv 150 Years
During Shevat, save 10% on all Etty Rubinow Tree of Stay tuned for special programs and presentations
Life plaques. Leaves are $90, Acorns are $450 and celebrating our 150 years of serving the Chicagoland
Foundation Stones are $900. Hurry, Shevat ends on Jewish Community.
Tuesday, February 26, 2017! Misheberach List
Contact the office at (847) 679-9800, email If you have names for a misheberach, please send them
bhhkmal@yahoo.com or use the online order form at to the shul office or e-mail to bhhkmal@yahoo.com.
http://kessermaariv.org/tree%20of%20life.html Happy Day Cards & Standings
ARK Food and Toiletry Drive Thank you to all who have re-joined the Standings!
Our annual ARK Food and Toiletry Drive is now For only $50 a year, your name will automatically be
underway. Non-Perishable Kosher Food Items Needed: included whenever a card is sent from our shul to
Canned vegetables & fruits, canned and boxed meals fellow members for a refua shlayma, condolence or
(i.e., soup, macaroni & cheese), canned or dried beans mazal tov. To join the standings, please contact the
and peas, pasta, rice, Low sugar cereals, peanut butter, office at (847) 679-9800 or bhhkmal@yahoo.com.
jelly/jam; condiments (i.e., ketchup, mustard); baby Also, cards are available for purchase from the office
formula & baby foods; cake, cookie, pastry mixes; for $1.50 each or 13 cards for $18. If you would like
instant mixes like potatoes, gravies and sauces; canned us to send a card for you for $2, please contact the
tuna, salmon; Toiletries Needed: Shampoo, condition- office.
er, body wash, hand soap, deodorant, plastic bags, Rabbi Meyer Juzints The Chain of Miracles
diapers, baby products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss. This amazing Holocaust memoir written by a teacher
Please drop off food donations in the blue bin of Rabbi Louis Lazovsky and a friend of Kesser
located in the shul lobby. Questions or for a pick-up Maariv, is available for purchase from the office, and
call Larry Weinger at (847) 677-2198. We will be from www.kessermaariv.org for $20. Nechamas
collecting donations through February 19th. Meyer - Mussar on Parsha is in final layout and we
Fast of Esther hope it will be available for purchase soon!
The Fast of Esther will take place on Thursday, March Parsha Podcasts
9. The fast begins at 4:50 am, and ends after after 6:18 Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha
pm. We have a custom to give $1.50 as the are available as podcasts online at
Half-Shekel at Mincha, which begins at 5:20 pm. KesserMaarivt.podomatic.com (a link is on our
Purim homepage, www.KesserMaariv.org). On the
We will read the Megillah after Shabbat on March 11, Podomatic page you can subscribe via iTunes. The
and on Sunday March 12th. previous page, Kmvort.podomatic.com has old vorts, but a
We will read the Megillah after Shabbat is over Podomatic glitch does not allow us to update it anymore.
We have daily 6:00 am Shacharit. Please note that Past Events
after March 12th (Daylight Savings Time) minyan will The Women's Council hosted a fun evening with
begin after 6:00 am, due to sunrise being so late. mentalist Fred Zimmerman. Many thanks to Lily
Sunday, Mincha-Maariv 10 minutes before sunset. Cherny for hosting the event and to the event
MondayThursday, Maariv only at 7:00 pm. sponsors....Thank you to Faith Harris who spoke on
Daily Mincha-Maariv will resume on March 13! "Why is Chanukah Celebrated at the Darkest Time of
! Pick up a Kesser Maariv Pushke (Tzedaka Box). the Year" and "How is the Miracle of Chanukah Echo
! Members may borrow books from our Lending of the Miracle of the Burning Bush?"...Thank you to
Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall. Sandy Miretzky, Evelyne Sternfeld, Brenda Kahn,
Check out our new titles! Tammy Smiley and Saretta Lazovsky who played
Rabbi Soloveichiks Sunday Parsha Shiur board games on Chanukah with residents of the
Rabbi Moshe Soloveichiks Sunday morning Parsha Robineau Assisted Living Center... Thank you to all
shiur meets at 9:15 am. All are welcome to attend this of the women have become members of the Women's
fascinating shiur. Council this year. It is not too late! You can still send
PAST EVENTS in $30 to become a member for the 2016-2017 year.
Oneg Shabbat - Thanks to Channah, Rabbi Benzie & Stay tuned for upcoming programs.
Chemda Lazovsky for hosting. GOOD & WELFARE
Cubs Kiddush - Thanks to our sponsors (listed in Mazel Tov to: David Schiller on his engagement to
Good and Welfare) and to Sanford Schwartz for Alissa Newman...Dr. Alvin Fensterheim on his special
helping organize the sponsorships. birthday...Steve and Sue Goldrich on Judd's marriage
Thanks to all who attended the Chanukah Game to Tiffany Clotfelter. Mazal Tov to grandmothers Jean
Night on the first night of Chanukah Goldrich and Cookie Goldrich...Dr. Aliza and Yoni
ADELE GOLDBLUM WOMENS COUNCIL Blumofe on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Asher and on
the birth of a granddaughter, Shalhevet, born to Calev
& Elisheva Blumofe and the birth of a grandson, born
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L. to Avner & Gittit Blumofe...Gilda Allswang on the
4341 W. Golf birth of a great-grandson in Israel...Howard and
Skokie, IL 60076 Fb.me/KesserMaariv Barbara Pomper on the marriage of their
(847) 679-9800 granddaughter, Rifka to Yair Warner and on the birth
fax (847) 679-5041 KesserMaariv.podomatic.com of a great-grandson.... Leon & Anna Vilinsky on the
e-mail: bhhkmal@yahoo.com birth of their son...Sanford and Shelley Schwartz on
www.KesserMaariv.org the birth of a great-grandson.
Celebrate your simcha on the Etty Rubinow Tree of Life!
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky
Leaves are ON SALE DURING SHEVAT. See the flyer
Steven D. Goldrich, President
enclosed or print the order form off of our website.
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky,
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director Refua Shleima to: Jeff Goldrich, Alvin J. Goodman,
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky, Kenny Goldblatt, Alan Busch, Alan Slodki, Adeline
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Womens Council Katz, Magdalena Arciniega & all who need one.
Committee Contact Information: Condolences to: Sandy Miretzky on the loss of her
Happy Day Cards Saretta Lazovsky mother, Simie Scher... Lance Malamud on the passing
(847) 676-0556 or lazovsky@juno.com of his mother.
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904 For information about ordering Yahrzeit plaques, please
call the office at (847) 679-9800.
Donate Books & Siddurim Office Thank you to our recent Kiddush Sponsors: Sally
(847) 679-9800 or bhhkmal@yahoo.com
Aaron, Steve and Sue Goldrich, Dr. Dinora
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky Ingberman, Lenny & Marlyn Fensterheim, Moishe
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler Kipnis, Maya Kucher and Simona Cheskis; Avi
Membership 8/677-2281 j5awhisler@aol.com Lowenstein; and anonymous sponsors.
Social Hall Rental Office Thanks to the sponsor of the Cubs Luncheon: Gilda
Tree of Life bhhkmal@yahoo.com Allswang, Debbie & Brian Alexander, Anonymous,
Yahrzeit Plaques (847) 679-9800 Gene & Lily Cherny, Rabbi Arthur & Pearl Cohen,
Kathleen Evans, Cookie Goldrich, Jeff & Eleanor additional reading discusses laws pertaining to the
Greenspan, Yvette Katz, Nasrin Kheradyar, Aron Lavon, Passover sacrifice and the importance of time, which
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky, Howard & Barbara is the defining characteristic of the Jewish people. The
Pomper, Joel & Gail Scher, Sanford & Shelley Schwartz, Almighty promised that the Jewish empire will be one
Danny & Adina Torchman, Larry & Judy Weinger. over time, as our sages expressed: The nations of the
Thank you to our recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: world are like the sun and the Jewish nation is like the
Judy & Larry Weinger, Steve & Sue Goldrich, Gilda moon; despite waning, always regenerating.
Allswang, Sandy & Marty Miretzky, Rabbi Louis & Saretta Fast of Esther (Thursday March 9) Usually the day
Lazovsky, Mike Wishner. before Purim is a fast day, commemorating the
DVAR TORAH gathering of the Jewish people for prayer before they
Tu BShevat - Shabbat February 11th. The Jewish New defended themselves against their attackers. Because
Year of Trees has Halachik significance in the Land of that day this year is Shabbat, we move the fast up to
Israel, where the Year determines which tithes are
separated. Outside Israel, we emphasize our bonds to Israel
on Tu BShevat. Tu BShevat is nowadays also celebrated Purim (Saturday night March 11 & Sunday March 12)
as Jewish Arbor Day with large-scale plantings in Israel. As Megillat Esther teaches, Jews were hated in
Shabbat Shira - Friday February 10th. There is a every one of the 127 countries known in the ancient
custom to feed the birds (putting out breadcrumbs) world. Haman, a former stable worker who was
before we light candles. In Parshat Beshalach (which originally a slave to Mordechai, became the richest
we read on February 11) we are told about the Manna man in the world. He bribed Achashverosh, King of
which miraculously fell for the Jews and it did not fall Persia and emperor of the ancient world, for
on Shabbat out of respect for Shabbat. Accordingly a permission to annihilate the Jews. Unlike our enemies
double portion fell on Friday. Agitators Datan and during the time of Chanukah, who would have
Aviram put out their Friday Manna on Shabbat permitted our survival had we converted, Haman
morning and told people that Moshe lied that the desired the extermination of every Jew. Once
Manna would not fall on Shabbat. However, before permission was granted, Haman drew lots, or Purim,
people could see it, the birds are the Manna, and there to select the day to implement the final solution.
was no desecration of G-ds command. We feed the Queen Esther prayed and fasted for three days prior to
birds in gratitude for their action. her request of King Achashverosh that the Jews should
The Four Parshiot - Before Rosh Chodesh Adar II we not be killed. The original fast began the night of the
begin a series of four special Torah readings and first Passover seder. Esther was only partially
haftarot. Parshat Shekalim is on Shabbat, February successful in that three-day fast; it led the King to issue
25. It commemorates the annual required donation of a proclamation permitting the Jews to protect
a one-half shekel coin that every Jew made to maintain themselves, but the Kings original order for the
the Temple, to purchase the daily sacrifices and to extermination of the Jews was not rescinded. As a
conduct a census of the Jewish people. result, we prepared for a defensive war on Purim. As
Parshat Zachor, Shabbat, March 11, is always read on during all times of danger, we did teshuva, prayed and
the Shabbat before Purim. All of us, even children, are fasted for Hashems help. This second fast, a
obligated to hear every word of the special maftir of communal fast, was held the day before Purim and
Parshat Zachor. In the special reading, we learn about eventually became known as Taanit Esther to
our obligation to destroy Amalek, which is also one of commemorate Hashems answering the prayers of
the major themes in the Book of Esther. Haman is Esther and Am Yisrael.
associated with Amalek, the grandson of Esav, who Four Mitzvot were ordained especially for
was even worse than Haman in that he represented Purim. They are: 1) Reading or listening to the reading
total and absolute evil. The Jewish people have been of the Megillah at night and on the day of Purim to
commanded to wage a never-ending battle against evil. remind ourselves of the hidden but ever-present hand
This special Shabbat reminds us how and why. of the Almighty; 2) Mishloach Manot, or giving at
Parshat Parah - Shabbat, March 18. In the time of least two gifts of food to at least one person; 3)
the Temple, everyone had to eat from the Paschal Matanot Le'evyonim giving two gifts of charity to at
Lamb (korban Pesach) on Passover. We read about the least two poor people; and finally, 4) Purim Seuda, or
parah adumah to remind everyone to ritually purify eating the festive Purim feast where we break bread
themselves with the ashes of the Red Heifer (Parah together with family, friends and strangers on Purim
Adumah) to be able to eat the sacrifice. This reading, day. These mitzvot help promote fellowship and love
like that of Parshat Zachor, should be heard by among Jews and are as valid now as they were then.
everyone, even children. Pesach & The First Seder begin on Monday
Shabbat, March 25 is Parshat Hachodesh. The night, April 10, 2017!

Date Candle Friday Mincha Shacharit Shiur Mincha

Bo 2/3-2/4 4:49 pm 4:55 pm 8:45 am 3:40 pm 4:40 pm
Beshalach 2/10-2/11 4:58 pm 5:00 pm 8:45 am 3:50 pm 4:50 pm
(Shira) Feed the Birds
Yitro 2/17-2/18 5:08 pm 5:10 pm 8:45 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm
Mishpatim 2/24-2/25 5:15 pm 5:20 pm 8:45 am 4:05 pm 5:05 pm
Terumah 3/3-3/4 5:24 pm 5:25 pm 8:45 am 4:15 pm 5:15 pm
Tetzaveh 3/10-3/11 5:32 pm 5:35 pm 8:45 am 4:25 pm 5:25 pm
Ki Tisa (Parah) 3/17-3/18 6:40 pm 6:45 pm 8:45 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm
Vayakhel Pikudei 3/24-3/25 6:48 pm 6:50 pm 8:45 am 5:40 pm 6:40 pm
Vayikra 3/31-4/1 6:56 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 5:45 pm 6:45 pm
Tzav (Hagadol) 4/7-4/8 7:04 pm 7:05 pm 8:45 am 5:25 pm 6:55 pm

If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281.


Minyan Times Classes

Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash
Sunday Morning at 9:15 am: Parsha Class in the
Shacharit Weekly Sedra.
Sunday: 8:00 am Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
When sunrise is after 7:07 am (after 3/12), Wednesdays at 7:15 pm (after Maariv): Talmud
Shiur studying Gemara Brachot (Fourth Chapter)
Shacharit will begin after 6:00 am given by Rabbi Ben Zion.
Sunday: 10 minutes before sundown Shabbat afternoon, 1 hour before Mincha: Parsha Class, given by
Monday-Thursday Maariv at 7:00 pm Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Daily Mincha-Maariv resumes on Mon 3/13 For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky

Malamud Reference Library

Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library.
Lending Library
Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
Tape Lending Library
We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.
Please Join
Congregation Kesser Maariv
for a Melave Malka
Saturday night February 18th

Jewish Sources in Forensic

Science and the Fight on
Crime and Terror
Eliot Springer of NYPD
8:00 pm at 4341 W. Golf Skokie
Sponsorships welcomed $54, $72, $100, $250, $360
Reservations to the Shul Office
bhhkmal@yahoo.com or 847-679-9800

Eliot Springer is an Internationally experienced Forensic Scientist and Law Enforcement

Professional. He grew up in Chicago and graduated Akiba Jewish Day School and HTC.
After moving to Israel he rose to Lieutenant Colonel in the Israel National Police, heading
their Forensic Research & Development after having headed their Firearms Laboratory and
Latent Print Development. For the last four years, he has served as the Deputy Director of
the Police Laboratory of the New York City Police Department NYPD, one of the largest
forensic laboratories in the United States. He has lectured and presented internationally both
in professional venues and in Jewish venues. This interesting, out of the ordinary
presentation, draws on Jewish mekorot along with his decades of experience, giving a behind
the scenes insight into forensic science and the fight on crime and terror.
Purim 5777
Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Kesser
Maariv Anshe Luknik
It is a Mitzvah to have a
festive meal on Purim.

Please join us on
Saturday, March 12,
5:45 pm, for a delicious
dinner from Taboun,
featuring beef and
chicken pitas
(Vegetarian by special
Caption describing
picture or graphic. Cost: $25 per adult $12
children under 13 -

Scepter $36
Crown $72
Palace $126
King $250
Tannit Esther Fast of Esther: Thursday March 9, 2017 - Queen $360
Reservations Required:
Fast begins 4:50 am Please RSVP by
March 5
Shacharit- 5:50 am
Judy and Larry Weinger at
Mincha - 5:20 pm (847) 677-2198 or
___________________________________________________________ weinger@sbcglobal.net

Parshat Zachor: Shabbat morning March 11, 2017 - With Special

Everyone is obligated to hear the special Maftir read on Parshat Zachor Entertainment
which deals with the eradication of Amalek. Circus Boy - Comedy
___________________________________________________________ and Jugging as seen
PURIM: Saturday night March 11, 2017 - on Tonight, Jay Leno
and Rippleys

Megillah reading - 7:20 pm (Make Havdallah and drive to Shul)

PURIM DAY: Sunday March 12, 2017 -

Shacharit - 8:00 am
Last chance Megillah reading - 5:00 pm
Magic by
Tree of Life Order Form

During the month of Shevat (January 28 - February 26, 2017) you will save 10% on all leaves, acorns and
foundation stones on our Tree of Life (ordered and paid for). Wording can be in English, Hebrew or a
combination of both.

* Honor a relative or friend

* Mark a special occasion
* Memorialize a loved one
Wording can be in English, Hebrew or a combination of both.

Leaves are available for $90 During Shevat

Acorns are available for $450 During Shevat
Foundation Stones are available for $900 During Shevat

Questions? Call Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800 and leave a message, or e-mail bhhkmal@yahoo.com.

To order, please return the order form below to the Shul office.


Tree of Life Order Form

Phone Number:

Amount Enclosed: $

Please check one:

Leaf - $100 each

Please note: Leaves are limited to four lines plus
Acorn - $500 each the date.

Foundation Stone - $1,000 each Please print this page and send it to the office.

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