4 The U S Battlefront and Homefront in Wwi 1

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The United States in World War I: and Home Front

A. Combatants in World War I quickly began to use ________________________________ tactics

1. Governments committed all their nations ___________________ and took over industry to ______________________________
2. Soldiers were __________________, the media was censored; ____________________________ was created to support the war
3. New, industrial weapons were introduced on the battlefield such as ___________________________, airplanes, ____________... heavy artillery,
_____________, poison gas, flame throwers, __________________________________
4. These weapons led to unprecedented _________________ and ________________________________
5. To ________________ soldiers from enemy fire, both the Allies and Central Powers built __________________... Trench warfare made it
difficult for either side to gain an ______________________________
B. Fighting on the Western Front slowed to a ______________________________ as neither side could gain an advantage
1. _____________________ soldiers were _______________ or wounded during the battles of Verdun and Somme
2. German _____________________ patrolled the Atlantic Ocean attacking Allied _________________ ships
C. On the Eastern Front, the Russian army was struggling to hold on against the German military
1. Russia was struggling to produce enough _________________ or ___________________ to support the war effort
2. Millions of Russian soldiers and civilians __________ in the war By 1917, Russia was on the _____________________________
3. In Nov 1917, _____________________________________ and the _____________________ overthrew the Russian government and
established the Soviet Union, the first ________________________ nation

A. The USA remained __________________ in World War I from 1914 to 1917Due to German violations of _____________________, the USA
declared war in April 1917
B. After Americas declaration of war in 1917, the U.S. had to _________________________ before it could fight in Europe
1. The army had only _______________________________________________ and needed a larger _____________________
2. The military needed massive supplies of _______________________________
3. President Wilson and Congress created 5, ________________________________________________ to manage and win the war
a. Congress passed the __________________________________ Act to draft men between the ages of 18 and 45 into the army
i. _____________________________ Americans were drafted into the military
ii. 400,000 ___________________ soldiers were drafted but served in ________________________ units
b. War Industries Board (WIB)
i. The War Industries Board (WIB) was created to oversee the production of _______________________
ii. The WIB encouraged ____________________ of war equipment and set production _______________
c. The _____________ Administration was created to _____________ food and encourage Americans to grow
victory gardens
d. The _____________ Administration was created to ration ___________ and ___________ and to encourage
lightless nights
e. The Committee on Public Information (CPI) was created to make _____________________________ to support the war effort
i. The CPI created posters, ___________________, ___________________ and censored the press
ii. The CPI encouraged _________________________________ to raise money for the war
C. With the military and economy mobilized for war, the first ____________________________ were sent to Europe in 1918
1. To combat German ________________, the USA used a ___________________ system to deliver soldiers and
supplies to Europe
2. The arrival of fresh American ______________________ and ____________________________ helped the Allies
at a crucial time
a. U.S. soldiers saw their first action in May 1918 outside ________________, helped resist a German offensive,
and participated in a _________________________________ into Germany
b. Throughout 1918, the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) fought with _______________________ to turn the
tide of the war
c. By October _________, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire _______________________
d. On Nov 9, German Kaiser Wilhelm II ______________________ his throne
e. On November 11, 1918 Germany signed an ___________ with the Allies and World War I came to an _____
D. The USA reluctantly entered WWI and played only a ________________________ role in the fighting, but the war changed America
1. America fought for only _______________________ (not 4 years) and had ______% casualties (not 52% like most Allied Powers)
2. The commitment to _____________________ stimulated American ______________ and transformed lives on the home front
III. The Home Front During World War I
Doc A
Women 1. Women did _______________________ on railroads, coal mines, shipbuilding,
______________ to meet war-related demand and to replace _________________
2. Women worked with the ______________________________ by planting victory
Doc B gardens, volunteered in the ______________, and sold ____________________
3. For the first time, women served in the _______________ in noncombat roles as
telephone operators, ________________________, typists, drivers
Doc C 4. The govt acknowledged the role women played in the war by passing the
_______________________________ (womens __________________)

Doc A
1. 367,710 blacks were _______________, but only _______% served in combat duty; Most

blacks worked as _____________ in Army Services of Supplies (SOS) units


2. The 40,000 black ___________________ who saw combat fought in

______________________________ divisions; Over 600 black soldiers were
Doc B commissioned as ______________________ in the U.S. Army
3. World War I led to the __________________________________________ of blacks for
war-related jobs in ___________________________________
4. Northern manufacturers distributed free ____________________________ passes to
Doc C bring Southern blacks into Chicago, New York, Philadelphia
5. Blacks faced _________________________________, discrimination, and
____________________________________ in Northern cities
Doc A
Red Scare
Socialism and

1. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin and his ____________ created the ____________________

2. The USSR was based on_______________, a single-party
______________________ in which the government controls all
Doc B _________________________, railroads, and businesses
3. Americans feared a ____________________________ communist revolution and
experienced a ____________________________________
4. In America, ______________________________ formed the Socialist Party calling
Doc C for an end to the war, government control of factories, and an increase in unions;
Civil Liberties the

Every ________________________________ fueled fears of a Bolshevik-style

____________________________________________ in America

Doc A
1. Congress passed the ____________________________________________ Acts
which made it illegal to interfere with the ______________ or saying anything
________________________ about the war effort
2. During the war, over ____________________ citizens were prosecuted including
Doc B _______________________ editors, Socialists, anarchists, _________________
leaders, and critics of the draft
3. Charles Schenck, a _________________________ and anti-war critic, was arrested
and __________________ arguing that the laws violated free speech
Doc C 4. In Schenk v US (1919), the Supreme Court ruled that in wartime, speech that
presents a __________________________________________ is not protected
5. ________________________________ sentiment was high across the nation

Doc A
1. War-time production increased __________________________ by 20% in some
industries; The average household _______________ nearly doubled from 1916 to 1919
The American

2. Americans had _ to spend and a desire for ___________________________ goods;


Doc B This led to a decade of ___________________________ in the 1920s called the

3. When WWI ended, the USA was the ________________ nation in the world
4. Before the war, the USA owed $_________ billion to foreign nations; At the end of
Doc C the war, foreign nations owed the U.S. $_________ billion
5. When World War I ended, Americans were ready to ___________________
____________________ and elected Republican President Warren Harding

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