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I. a)SUMMING-UP 10 points
- good selection of main ideas (absence of unnecessary details) .. 6p
- length constraint ... 1p
- correct use of structures, vocabulary and connectors .... 2p
- accurate spelling and punctuation . 1p

b)COMMENTARY . 20 points
- completion of all tasks (1, 2, and 3) and content 3 x 4p = 12p
- sustainable examples and arguments 2p
- length constraint 1p
- coherent and logical stream of ideas 1p
- balanced structuring of the commentary ... 1p
(introduction, development, conclusion)
- correct use of structures and connectors ...1p
- accurate spelling and punctuation .. 1p
- appropriate vocabulary and style .... 1p

II. USE OF ENGLISH 30 points

a. Rephrasing, completion, etc. . 10p

- any correct solution. 5 sentences x 2 p = 10p

b. Translation. 20p
- appropriate transfer of meaning and style ... 10p
- correct grammar structures and syntax . 5p
- appropriate vocabulary .... 3p
- accurate spelling and punctuation .. 2p

III. ESSAY WRITING.. 30 points

- completion of task and content .... 15p
(narration/ description/ argumentation)
coverage of all task points ..... 3p
correct approach/type of discourse ...... 2p
meaningful and interesting ideas/opinions ... 5p
relevant arguments and examples. 5p
- length constraint.1p
- coherent and logical stream of ideas. 1p
- balanced structuring of the commentary... 3p
(introduction, development, conclusion)
- accurate spelling and punctuation.. 2p
- correct and varied structures and connectors.. 4p
- appropriate and rich vocabulary .3p
- strong effect on the reader.. 1p
(persuasive argumentation, attractive presentation, interesting approach to topic)

10 points granted GENERAL SCORE: 90 + 10 = 100 points

Barem de corectare, bilingv, proba e/f

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