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Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 4

Answer all questions.

1. What qualities would a radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld possess if it had been
produced using a 30 Ci cobalt source exposed for over 5 minutes?

a. High contrast, when compared to a radiograph produced using a 10 Ci cobalt source.

b. It would have high density unless solarisation had taken place.
c. It would have high definition.
d. It would probably be blank.

2. Which of the following information can be obtained from a films characteristic curve?

a. Changing the exposure time if the f.f.d changes.

b. Determining the films definition.
c. Determining the film contrast
d. Determining the radiographic sensitivity.

3. The slop or steepness of a characteristic curve is a measure of:

a. Definition.
b. Film contrast.
c. Film speed.
d. Film sensitivity.

4. Ammonium thiosulphate and sodium thiosulphate are chemicals used in:

a. Fixers.
b. Developers.
c. Film emulsions
d. Stop baths

5. The use of salt intensifying screens instead of lead screens will:

a. Reduce development times.

b. Increase definition.
c. Increase radiographic contrast.
d. Reduce exposure times.

6. Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and in some cases eliminated by:
Reducing the wavelength
Changing the radiation angle about 5o
Increasing the wavelength
Both a and b.


7. Which of the following film types will give the best film quality?

a. Ultra fine grain.

b. Coarse grain.
c. Medium grain.
d. The fastest film possible.

8. The focusing cup functions as an electrostatic lens whose purpose:

a. Direct x-rays towards the anode.

b. Direct a stream of electrically charged particles towards the anode.
c. To shorten the wavelength.
d. Both a and b.

9. When manually developing radiographic films:

a. Developer temperature 20oC for 4 to 5 minutes

b. Developer temperature 28oC for 4 to 5 minutes.
c. Developer temperature 20oC for 4 to 5 seconds.
d. Any of the above can be used developer time and temperature depends on the operator

10. The purpose of the fixer is to:

a. Remove all the undeveloped silver salts of the emulsion.

b. To leave the developed silver as a permanent image
c. To harden the emulsion
d. All of the above

11. Water spots can be minimised by:

a. Rapid drying
b. Immersing the wet film in a wetting agent before drying
c. By using a fresh fixer solution.
d. By cascading water during the rinse cycle.

12. What is the appearance of dichroic fog on a radiograph placed on a viewer?

a. Green/yellow.
b. Pink.
c. Mottled.
d. Dark grey/black


13. What would be the result if a film was placed in a developer solution and allowed to
develop without any agitation?

a. Bromide streaking.
b. Diffraction mottle
c. Yellow fogging
d. White spots.

14. What is the purpose of tapping the film hangers on the side of the development tank
before fixing the film?

a. To reduce the chance of bromide streaking.

b. To dislodge any air bubbles that may cause white spots on the radiograph.
c. To avoid static discharge from occurring.
d. All of the above.

15. Yellow fogging is most likely due to:

a. The use of out of date film.

b. Film stored in damp conditions
c. Insufficient final was
d. Out of date fixer.

16. Dark crimping marks that may occur on a radiograph are most likely to occur because of:

a. Crimping the radiograph after exposure.

b. Crimping the radiograph before exposure.
c. Crimping the radiograph during exposure.
d. Bad film storage

17. Ionisation of a film emulsion causes the film to be:

a. Processed
b. Fixed.
c. Developed.
d. Exposed.

18. The purpose of the stop bath during film processing is to:

a. Change the exposed silver salts to black metallic salts.

b. Neutralised the developer tank.
c. Neutralise the development process.
d. Remove the subbing layer from the film.


19. The fixing solutions used in film processing are:

a. Acidic.
b. Alkaline.
c. Neutral
d. Basic.

20. When producing radiographs, if the kilovoltage is increased:

a. The subject contrast decreases.

b. The film contrast decreases.
c. Subject contrast increases.
d. The film contrast increases.

21. Three liquids, which are essential to process an exposed film correctly, are:

a. Stop bath, acetic acid and water.

b. Developer, stop bath and water.
c. Developer, fixer and water
d. Acetic acid, fixer and stop bath.

22. The ability to detect a small discontinuity or flaw on a radiograph is called?

a. Radiographic contrast.
b. Radiographic sensitivity.
c. Film density.
d. Radiographic definition.

23. Static marks, which may occur on a radiographic, are caused by

a. Film being pulled quickly from between the intensifying screens in humid conditions
b. Foreign material or dirt on the screens during exposure.
c. Scratches on the lead screens
d. Contaminated developer solution.

24. A penetrameter is used to measure:

a. The quality of the radiographic technique.

b. The size of any discontinuities in a part
c. The amount of film contrast.
d. Both a and b.


25. Which of the following materials has the greatest half value thickness for a given

a. Steel.
b. Concrete
c. Tungsten
d. Aluminium.

26. A radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld, 2mm cap reinforcement, has IQI wire number
13 visible (Din 62). What is the IQI sensitivity?

a. 1.6%.
b. 2.0%.
c. 2.08%.
d. 1.3%.

27. Which of the following are considerations to determine the minimum number of
exposures required to cover a 500mm diameter pipe to pipe weld DWSI technique:

a. Development conditions, material type and f.f.d.

b. Material thickness, pipe diameter and f.f.d.
c. Pipe diameter, material type and f.f.d.
d. All of the above.

28. How many wires are in the Din 62 IQI series:

a. 7
b. 21.
c. 16.
d. 10.

29. The degree of darkness on a radiograph is referred to as:

a. Radiographic contrast
b. Definition.
c. Radiographic density.
d. Specific density.

30. A requirement for the generation of x-rays is:

a. A copper target
b. A target of a suitably high melting point material


c. A target of a low-density material.

d. Both a and b

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