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Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

Version 13-01: Updated June 2013

Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

Table of Contents

Section 1 : General Policies ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Incident Commander .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Emergency Notification System .................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Emergency Coordination Team..................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Public Announcements ................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Evacuations ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Shelter-in-Place ............................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2 : Fires and Explosions .................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Fire Detection and Suppression Equipment ...................................................................................... 6
2.3 Fire Alarm Sounds ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Fire or Explosion Discovered ............................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Following a Fire or Explosion .............................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Fire detection System Inoperative (Fire Watch) ................................................................................. 8
Section 3 : Chemical Spill .............................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 General Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Fire Department Response ................................................................................................................. 9
Section 4 : Bomb Threat.............................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 Written Bomb Threats ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Bomb Threats Received by Phone .................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Bomb Threat Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.5 Suspicious Packages .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 Destructive Device Located............................................................................................................... 13
4.7 Destructive Device Detonated .......................................................................................................... 13
Section 5 : Armed Subject on Campus ........................................................................................................ 14
Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

5.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 14

5.2 Armed Subject on Campus ................................................................................................................ 14
5.3 Active Shooter ................................................................................................................................... 15
Section 6 : Student Disruptions or Demonstrations ................................................................................... 16
6.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 16
6.2 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Section 7 : Sexual Battery ........................................................................................................................... 17
7.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 17
7.2 General Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 17
Section 8 : Hostage Situation ...................................................................................................................... 18
8.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 18
8.2 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Section 9 : Dangerous Weather .................................................................................................................. 19
9.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 19
9.2 Thunderstorms and/or Lightning ...................................................................................................... 19
9.4 Tornado Watch Issued ...................................................................................................................... 19
9.5 Tornado Warning Issued ................................................................................................................... 20
9.6 Hurricanes / Tropical Storms ............................................................................................................ 21
Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

Section 1 : General Policies

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) is to communicate general procedures
that will help protect people and property in emergency situations. The procedures established
herein should be followed in the event of a major incident in or near Polk State College that may
affect students, faculty, staff, visitors, or facilities. It is the responsibility of the Polk State
Security Coordinator to review and update the EPP as needed.

1.2 Incident Commander

Emergencies and critical incidents will require an incident commander who will be in charge of
the incident until relieved. In most cases, the incident commander will be the Security
Coordinator or his designee. In their absence, the incident commander will most likely be the
Director of the Institute of Public Safety, the District Director of Facilities, or the Provost in
charge of the affected campus. If none of these individuals are available, then the incident
commander should be the available staff member with the highest authority.

Many emergencies and critical incidents require an immediate response in order to safeguard
lives and property. For that reason, the incident commander shall have the authority to do any of
the following:

1. Order partial or complete evacuations of the campus

2. Order everyone on campus to shelter-in-place
3. Issue emergency notifications via the Polk State Emergency Notification System
4. Establish an incident command post
5. Establish a staging area for EMS / Fire / law enforcement
6. Act as a liaison between the college and the emergency responders
7. Assign college personnel as needed to assist

The incident commander is responsible for notifying the President or her designee as soon as

All activities and resources related to the emergency shall be coordinated through the incident
command post.

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Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

1.3 Emergency Notification System

In most cases, it will be the responsibility of Security to issue emergency notifications to alert the
campus community to imminent dangers. The Security Coordinator or incident commander shall
determine the scope of the warning and the delivery method based on the circumstances of the
particular incident. The warnings can be activated from several locations; however, the primary
location tasked with issuing warnings will be the security dispatch station. The president will be
notified of the activation.

The Polk State Emergency Notification System consists of the Wide-Area Emergency Broadcast
System (WEBS), the InformaCast-Berbee System, Polk State College Alert, and staff and
student e-mail accounts. WEBS will broadcast announcements over loudspeakers that are located
in outdoor campus locations and common areas inside campus buildings.

InformaCast-Berbee will broadcast voice and text messages to all IP phones connected to the
network. Polk State College Alert will send messages to registered mobile phones, wireless
PDAs, pagers, and/or e-mail addresses. In addition to the above, e-mail messages can be sent to
all Polk State College student, staff, and faculty e-mail addresses. In some cases, face-to-face
communication may be used to notify individuals about an emergency on campus. The Polk
State College web page will be used, along with some or all of the options described above, to
provide follow-up information to the college community during an emergency situation.

1.4 Emergency Coordination Team

An Emergency Coordination Team (ECT) may be established at the onset of emergency

situations to coordinate the proper response and procedures and to exercise control over the
emergency. The President or the Presidents designee will have final authority regarding the
makeup of an emergency coordination team in any emergency situation and will assign the
administrative level of the team. The ECT will provide proper administrative support,
equipment and facilities to control the emergency in a safe and efficient manner.

Emergency Coordination Team members may include:

President or the Presidents designee

Vice President for Academic and Student Services

Vice President of Administration / CFO

District Vice President for Institutional Advancement/ Executive Director of Polk State

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Associate Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs

Provost, Winter Haven Campus

Provost, Lakeland Campus

District Director of Facilities

Director of the Institute of Public Safety

Director of Equity and Diversity

Security Coordinator

Director of Information Technology and Services

Faculty Senate President

Charter High School Directors

Winter Haven Facilities Plant Manager

Lakeland Facilities Plant Manager

Executive Assistant to the President

Any other college personnel selected by the President

1.5 Public Announcements

For the purposes of this plan, public announcements shall be categorized as emergency and non-

Emergency notifications and messages are designed to safeguard lives and property. In all
emergencies, life safety shall be the first priority. The ability to effectively and efficiently
communicate dangerous situations in a timely manner is paramount. The incident commander
shall have the authority to issue such messages without prior approval. The President shall be
notified of the emergency, and the emergency notification announcement, as soon as practical
following the announcement.

Non-emergency public announcements are used as a means to update, or inform, the college
community of the status of the emergency, (all clear, campus closed, etc.). The President or the
Presidents designee will have final authority regarding the nature of any non-emergency public
announcement. All contact with the news media will be through the Associate Vice President for
Communications and Public Affairs at ext. 5359 or (863) 292-3744. All media inquiries should

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Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

be referred to the Associate Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs for
information and answers to questions.

1.6 Evacuations

In a number of situations, it may be necessary to evacuate one or more college buildings or even
an entire campus. Several sections of the Emergency Preparedness Plan recommend evacuation
in response to certain situations. The following procedures shall be followed in the event of an

Faculty and Students:

1. Evacuation maps are posted in the classrooms indicating the evacuation routes. Students
and faculty should familiarize themselves with these plans prior to an actual emergency.
2. Faculty shall ensure that all students are out of the classroom prior to the leaving the
3. Faculty shall turn off the lights, close the door, and follow the students out of the building
to the designated rally point.
4. Faculty shall ensure that all individuals with disabilities in their classrooms are assisted to
the rally point. If a student requires additional assistance to be taken safely down the
stairs, the faculty member should either notify the building leader present or contact the
security dispatcher at 297-1059 or ext. 5059 to request assistance.
5. When evacuating due to a bomb threat, carefully scan the evacuation route for additional
threats and avoid any items that look out of place. Report suspicious items to Security

Building Leaders

1. Evacuation maps are posted in the classrooms and offices indicating the evacuation
routes. Building leaders should be familiar with the evacuation routes and rally points for
their assigned areas prior to an actual emergency.
2. In the event of an evacuation, building leaders shall ensure that everyone has evacuated
their assigned area. This includes nearby bathrooms and storage areas.
3. If someone requires additional assistance due to a disability or injury, the building leader
shall contact the security dispatcher at 297-1059 or ext. 5059 to request assistance. A
member of the Facilities Department or Security shall respond to the scene to assist.
4. When evacuating due to a bomb threat, carefully scan the evacuation route for additional
threats and avoid any items that look out of place. Report suspicious items to Security

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Staff Members:

1. Assist faculty and building leaders with the orderly evacuation of students.
2. When evacuating due to a bomb threat, carefully scan the evacuation route for additional
threats and avoid any items that look out of place. Report suspicious items to Security

1.7 Shelter-in-Place

In a number of situations, the safest course of action in response to a dangerous situation will be
to have persons take refuge in their offices or classrooms until the danger has passed. This
response shall be called shelter-in-place. The following procedures shall be followed in the event
that students, faculty, and staff are advised to shelter-in-place during an emergency situation:

Students, Faculty, and Staff

1. Follow instructions
2. Remain calm
3. Remain indoors until the all clear is announced
4. Stay away from windows
5. Turn off the lights *
6. Silence cell phones *
7. Lock doors or barricade doors *
8. Remain silent *
9. If gunshots are heard, lay down on the floor *

* Non-weather related incidents

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Section 2 : Fires and Explosions

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow in the event of a fire alarm, fire,
or explosion on the property of Polk State College. This section will also address the steps to
take when the fire alarm system is off line or otherwise not functioning properly.

2.2 Fire Detection and Suppression Equipment

The Facilities Department shall be responsible for testing and maintaining the fire alarm and
suppression equipment located on Polk State College property. The Facilities Department is also
responsible for coordinating with local fire authorities to conduct familiarization tours of the
campus and to assist with fire inspections.

2.3 Fire Alarm Sounds

Students, Faculty and Staff:

1. Evacuate the affected building(s) in compliance with Section 1.6 of the Emergency
Preparedness Plan.
2. Notify Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
3. Facility Department members shall turn off power and gas to the affected building.
4. Remain at the designated rally point until the all clear is given or you receive other
instructions from either college or emergency personnel.

Security Officers

1. Notify the Security Coordinator

2. Respond to the scene and ascertain if the alarm is valid.
3. If the alarm appears to be false, notify the fire department via the security dispatcher.
4. Coordinate with the Facilities Department to ensure the equipment is reset and that the
all clear can be given.
5. Notify the faculty and staff on scene that the alarm was false and that they can return to
their classrooms.

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2.4 Fire or Explosion Discovered


1. Call 911
2. Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
3. Evacuate the building.
4. If there is smoke or heat, stay low to the floor and crawl to the nearest exit.
5. Always use stairwells to evacuate if possible. Do not use elevators.
6. Always feel closed doors and do not open a door that feels hot to the touch. If a door is
cool to the touch, open it slowly to ensure there is not a fire on the other side.
7. Once safely outside, notify the College Security Department at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
8. Report to your designated rally point and await further instructions.

Faculty and Staff

1. Call 911
2. Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
3. If a fire is discovered in a specific area, inform occupants and assist with evacuating
students in compliance with Section 1.6 of the Emergency Preparedness Plan.
4. Notify the Security Department at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
5. Facility Department members shall turn off power and gas to the affected building.
6. Employees should only attempt to extinguish small fires. This can be accomplished
utilizing the fire suppression equipment available in the area.
7. If there is smoke or heat, stay low to the floor and crawl to the nearest exit.
8. Always use stairwells to evacuate if possible. Do not use elevators.
9. Always feel closed doors and do not open a door that feels hot to the touch. If a door is
cool to the touch, open it slowly to ensure there is not a fire on the other side.
10. Report to your designated rally point and await further instructions.


Do not use water on electrical fires

Do not attempt to fight a fire involving explosives
Do not attempt to fight a fire involving hazardous chemicals

2.5 Following a Fire or Explosion

All suspicious fires on campus shall be investigated by the appropriate law enforcement agency.
All fires determined by law enforcement personnel to be arsons, shall be reported to the Security
Coordinator for inclusion in the Annual Security Report as mandated by the Clery Act.

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1. The Security Coordinator or incident commander shall coordinate with the Fire Marshals
Office to assist as needed and to determine when college personnel can enter the scene to
assess the damage.
2. Once the scene has been cleared by the fire department and the investigating law
enforcement agency, the Facilities Department shall assess the damage to the building
and take reasonable steps to mitigate any future damage.
3. The District Director of the Facilities Department will coordinate with the President or
her designee to develop an after action plan.

2.6 Fire detection System Inoperative (Fire Watch)

A fire watch shall be implemented for occupied campus buildings if the fire alarm system or
automatic sprinklers are inoperable for more than four hours in a 24-hour period. In buildings
that are not equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, the fire watch shall only be initiated
when the fire alarm is inoperative for more than four hours.

The fire watch shall be the responsibility of Security. During a fire watch, security officers shall
ensure that they conduct patrols through all occupied buildings with an inoperable fire alarm at
least once an hour. The patrols shall include a thorough inspection of concealed areas and

The security officers shall maintain a log of their patrols during the fire watch. This can be
accomplished with a written log or electronically via the Deggy system.

Coordination during Emergencies

In the event of a possible fire, the security guard on fire watch shall investigate and if necessary,
do the following:

1. Activate the alarm pull station.

2. Call 911
3. Notify the security dispatch station
4. Order the general evacuation of the building.
5. Meet the fire department upon their arrival and direct them to the fire.

The designated Facilities Department member shall manually shut off the natural gas supply to
the building and ensure the air handlers are automatically shut down (with Fire Alarm System
activation) and any other utility system as necessary.

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Section 3 : Chemical Spill

3.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to address hazardous chemical spills on the property of Polk State

Emergency chemical spill procedures are detailed in the Polk State College Chemical Hygiene
Plan. The Chemical Hygiene Plan is located on the Safety and Security page of the Polk State
College Campus website.

3.2 General Procedures

Students, Faculty and Staff:

1. Students and faculty working with chemicals should be familiar with and have access to
the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
2. In the event of a spill, follow the procedures in Section 12.0 of the Chemical Hygiene
3. Call Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059 if lab occupants are at risk, there are injuries, or
spill cleanup is beyond personnel training and knowledge to safely clean up.

Security Officers

1. Only enter a building or area if you know it is safe to do so.

2. If necessary, evacuate nearby classrooms.
3. Stay in a safe location where you can restrict access to the contaminated area.
4. Await further instructions from the Security Coordinator or incident commander.

Security Dispatcher

1. If the spill presents an immediate danger to others or someone is injured, call 911.
2. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee.

3.3 Fire Department Response

If deemed necessary by the Incident Commander or his designee, the fire department of the
applicable jurisdiction will be called to the scene to assess the situation. Once the fire department
has deemed the scene safe, Security will permit people back into the area.

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Section 4 : Bomb Threat

4.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow for a bomb threat that affects
Polk State College property.

4.2 Written Bomb Threats

Letters or notes containing bomb threats should be handled with care to prevent the destruction
of valuable forensic evidence such as fingerprints. These notes or letters should be placed into a
bag. Security should be notified immediately at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.

Bomb threats received via social media sites or e-mails should be printed and the information
should be turned over to the Polk State Security Department immediately. Security Officers shall
adhere to the same procedures outlined in Section 4.3.

4.3 Bomb Threats Received by Phone

Person Taking the Call

When receiving a bomb threat by phone, it is important to stay calm and to focus on obtaining as
much information as possible. The following procedure shall be followed when receiving a bomb

1. Do not share the information with others or attempt to evacuate buildings. This can lead
to panic and confusion.
2. Stay on the phone and attempt to get as much information as possible utilizing the form
in Section 4.4 of the Emergency Preparedness Plan.
3. Once the call has concluded, call the Security Department at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.

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4.4 Bomb Threat Checklist

A copy of this checklist should be maintained near all college telephones

Exact Wording of the Threat:______________________________________________________

Date: ___________Time call began: _________ a.m. p.m. Time call ended: _________ a.m. p.m

Caller ID / telephone display: __________________________________________________________________

Do not interrupt the caller, except to ask the following questions:

a) When will the bomb go off?_______________________________________________ a.m. p.m.

b) Precisely where is the bomb located?_____________________________________________________
c) What kind of bomb is it?_______________________________________________________________
d) What will cause it to explode?___________________________________________________________
e) Did you plant the bomb? Yes No Why?__________________________________________
f) Where are you calling from?_____________________________________________________________
g) What is your name?____________________________________________________________________
Callers Voice Background Noise
Approximate age range ____________________ Street noises Other
Animal noises __________________
Accent Soft Type ______________ __________________
Type ______________ Loud Machinery __________________
Calm Incoherent Type_______________ __________________
Angry Lisp PA System __________________
Excited Raspy Voices __________________
Laughter Stutter Clear __________________
Crying Joking Static __________________
Normal Slurred Music
Disguised Whispered

Name of person receiving the call:_______________________________________________________________

Title of person receiving the call:________________________________________________________________
Contact number for person receiving the call (cell preferred):__________________________________________
Phone number or extension where the call was received: _____________________________________________

Revised May 2013

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4.5 Suspicious Packages

Explosive devices can be concealed in packages or letters and mailed to their intended target. For
that reason, it is important that Polk State employees report any suspicious packages or letters
immediately to Security and follow the procedures contained in this section of the Emergency
Preparedness Plan.

The following are some clues to look for to identify suspicious packages:

1. Unusually heavy (especially letters)

2. Excessive postage
3. Oily Stains or discolored areas
4. No return address
5. Possibly mailed from another country
6. Misspelled words
7. Addressed to a job title only without the name of the person
8. Wrong title with name
9. Protruding wires
10. Ticking noises
11. Rigid or bulky
12. Strange odor
13. Excessive tape or string
14. Lopsided or uneven

Students, Faculty, and Staff

1. Do not open, touch, or move the package.

2. Do not use your cell phone or radio near the package.
3. Immediately notify Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
4. Keep others away from the area of the package.

Security Officers

1. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee and await further instructions.
2. If the Security Coordinator cannot be located, call 911.

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4.6 Destructive Device Located

This section addresses the procedures to follow when a suspected destructive device is located on

Students, Faculty and Staff

1. Do not touch or move the device.

2. Do not use your cell phone or radio near the device.
3. Evacuate the immediate area.
4. Call 911.
5. Notify Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.

Security Officers

1. Evacuate the immediate area.

2. Call 911 (if it has not already been done)
3. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee.
4. Do not go to the immediate area of the device.
5. Do not use your cell phone or radio near the device.

Security Coordinator / Incident Commander

1. Coordinate evacuations in accordance with Section 1.6 of the Emergency Preparedness

Plan. The incident commander has the authority to issue emergency notifications and
evacuations as necessary to protect lives.
2. Notify the President of the College, Vice President of Administration, and District
Director of Facilities.
3. Serve as a liaison between the College and responding law enforcement and fire

The appropriate law enforcement agency will take control of the scene once a suspected
destructive device is located.

4.7 Destructive Device Detonated

See Section 2.4 of the Emergency Preparedness Plan

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Section 5 : Armed Subject on Campus

5.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow in the event that a person is in
possession of or using a dangerous weapon or firearm on Polk State College property.

Possession of the following items is strictly prohibited on Polk State property and at college-
sponsored events: firearms, electric weapons or devices, destructive devices, razor blades, box
cutters, knives, metallic knuckles, and other deadly weapons (Florida Statute 790.115).

Persons licensed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to carry
concealed firearms or weapons are prohibited from carrying firearms or weapons on Polk State
property (Florida Statute 790.06 (12)(a)(13).

5.2 Armed Subject on Campus

Students, Faculty and Staff:

1. Your safety is the highest priority. Never try to follow or confront an armed subject on
2. Call 911 immediately and stay on the line until the emergency dispatcher tells you to
hang up.
3. If possible, advise someone else to call Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
4. Go to a safe area and wait for law enforcement or campus security to arrive in order to
provide them with more information.

Security Officers

1. Notify the Security Coordinator, who will evaluate and notify additional law enforcement
if necessary.
2. If unable to immediately contact the Security Coordinator, call 911 immediately and stay
on the line until the emergency dispatcher tells you to hang up.
3. Do not confront a subject believed to be armed on campus.
4. In every case, law enforcement shall be called to the scene to investigate.
5. If possible, continue to observe the subject from a safe distance and relay information to
the campus security dispatcher or to the 911 operator.
6. When law enforcement arrives, provide them with any additional information that they

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5.3 Active Shooter

An active shooter is a person who is, or intends to, discharge a firearm on or in the vicinity of the
college with the intent to injure or kill others. This is an extremely dangerous situation and the
priority is always your personal safety.

Staff, Faculty, or Students

1. Your safety is the highest priority. Never try to follow or confront an armed subject on
2. Call 911
3. Shelter in place following the procedure in Section 1.7 of the Emergency Preparedness
4. Lock and/or barricade door.
5. Turn off lights, audible ringers on cell phones.
6. Remain silent and out of sight.
7. Take cover behind desks or other furniture.
8. Remain in place until advised by law enforcement to begin evacuations.

Security Officers

1. Do not respond to the location of the shooter.

2. Set up a perimeter around the campus and prevent people from driving into the danger
3. Control of the scene will be turned over to law enforcement upon their arrival.
4. Once the situation is rendered safe by law enforcement, assist with evacuations or assume
other necessary duties as determined by the Incident Commander.

Security Dispatcher

1. Lock all doors into the dispatch area.

2. Notify the Security Coordinator, who will evaluate and notify additional law enforcement
if necessary.
3. If unable to immediately contact the Security Coordinator, call 911 immediately and stay
on the line until the emergency dispatcher tells you to hang up.
4. Activate the mass notification system.

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Section 6 : Student Disruptions or Demonstrations

6.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures related to unauthorized student
disruptions and demonstrations on Polk State College property.

6.2 Procedures

Staff, Faculty, and Students

1. Immediately report any unauthorized disruption or demonstration to Security at 297-1059

or ext. 5059.

Security Officers

1. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee.

2. Respond to the area of the disruption to assess the situation and await further instructions.

Security Coordinator or Incident Commander

The Security Coordinator or Incident Commander shall respond to the scene to assess the
situation. The Provost of the affected campus shall be notified and consulted before taking

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Section 7 : Sexual Battery

7.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow when a sexual battery has been
reported on the property of Polk State College.

7.2 General Procedures

Students, Faculty, and Staff

1. Notify law enforcement. If the sexual battery has just occurred, or the victim is injured,
call 911.
2. Notify Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
3. Ask the victim not to wash or dispose of any clothing items.
4. Stand by with the victim until law enforcement or Security arrives.

Security Officers

1. Respond to the scene and assess the situation.

2. If possible, have the victim sit in an office or classroom that is more private until law
enforcement arrives.
3. If law enforcement has not been notified, have the Security Dispatcher notify the
appropriate law enforcement agency.
4. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee.
5. Ask the victim not to wash up or use the bathroom until law enforcement arrives.
6. Do not conduct an investigative interview with the victim beyond determining that a
crime has been committed.
7. Do not have the victim fill out a written statement or Polk State College Incident Report.
8. If the offense occurred on campus, have another security officer attempt to locate the
possible crime scene. If the crime scene is located, do not touch anything. Protect the
crime scene until relieved by law enforcement.

Security Coordinator or Designee

1. Notify the President and the Director of Equity and Diversity (Title IX Coordinator).
2. Assess the facts and circumstances to determine if there is a continued threat to the
college community.
3. Provide the President with the results of the assessment and recommendations.

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Section 8 : Hostage Situation

8.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow when a hostage situation has
been reported on the property of Polk State College.

8.2 Procedures

Students, Faculty and Staff

1. Call 911 immediately and stay on the line until the emergency dispatcher tells you to
hang up.
2. If possible, advise someone else to call Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
3. If possible, evacuate the area and go to an area of safety.

Security Officers

1. Do not attempt to confront the suspect.

2. If safe to do so, restrict access to the building where the hostage situation is occurring.
3. Assist law enforcement by providing them with information related to the campus and

Security Dispatcher

1. Call the Security Coordinator or his designee, who will assess the situation and notify law
2. Call 911 if they have not already been notified.
3. Upon the direction of the Security Coordinator or incident commander, utilize the
emergency notification system to advise students, faculty, and staff to shelter in place.

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Section 9 : Dangerous Weather

9.1 Purpose

The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures to follow when thunderstorms, tornadoes,
hurricanes, or other dangerous weather pattern presents a danger to Polk State College.

The Facilities Department shall be responsible for testing and maintaining the emergency
lighting equipment located on Polk State College property

9.2 Thunderstorms and/or Lightning

Staff, Faculty and Students

1. If you hear thunder, immediately move to safe shelter.

2. Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.
3. Stay off corded phones, computers, or other electrical equipment.
4. If possible, unplug electronic equipment.
5. Avoid plumbing and sinks.
6. Do not lean against concrete walls.
7. Never use a tree as shelter.
8. If inside a vehicle, do not touch the metal frame.
9. Do not operate a golf cart.
10. Discontinue outdoor athletic events.

If Someone is Struck by Lightning

1. Have someone call 911 immediately.

2. Have someone notify Security at 297-1059 or ext. 5059.
3. Remember, victims do not carry an electric charge and are safe to touch or move.
4. Perform CPR and utilize AED if necessary.
5. If possible, move the victim to a safer location.

9.4 Tornado Watch Issued

Tornado watch - The weather conditions are optimal for the formation of a tornado.

Version 13-01 19 Approved for General Dissemination

Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

Students, Faculty and Staff

1. Continue to monitor the weather and be prepared to evacuate portables or take shelter if the
situation changes to a tornado warning.

Security Dispatch

1. Monitor the weather radio at all times during inclement weather.

2. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee of any weather changes or alerts.


1. Secure any loose signs or objects that may become projectiles in high winds.

Communications and Public Affairs

1. Notify students, faculty, and staff by posting weather related information on the Polk State
web site, social media sites and/or sending out notifications via email.

9.5 Tornado Warning Issued

Tornado warning A tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar in the area.

Students, Faculty and Staff

1. If you are in a portable classroom, relocate to a permanent structure.

2. Remain in the permanent structure until advised by Facilities or Security that the tornado
warning is over.
3. Close windows and exterior doors.
4. Stay away from windows.
5. If possible, move to an interior classroom or hallway without windows.
6. Stay away from the gym or areas with wide roof spans.

Security Officers

1. The security officers should shelter within permanent buildings and maintain radio contact
with the dispatcher.

Security Dispatch

1. Monitor the weather radio at all times during inclement weather.

2. When a tornado warning is issued that affects Polk State College, the dispatcher shall utilize
the Berbee system to notify the portables of the need to evacuate.
3. Notify the Security Coordinator or his designee and Facilities Director.

Version 13-01 20 Approved for General Dissemination

Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

4. At the direction of the Security Coordinator or his designee, dispatch shall issue an alert via
one or more of the emergency notification systems described in Section 1.3 of the Emergency
Preparedness Plan.
5. Once the tornado warning is lifted, the dispatcher shall advise the Security Coordinator or his
designee. The Security Coordinator or his designee shall then make the decision whether or
not to give the all clear.

Communications and Public Affairs

1. Coordinate with the Security Coordinator or incident commander to avoid duplication of

2. Utilize the Polk State College social media sites to notify students, faculty, and staff of the
weather conditions.

9.6 Hurricanes / Tropical Storms

Tropical storm watch Sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph are possible within the specified area in
association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. This warning is issued 48 hours in
advance of the anticipated onset of the tropical storm force winds.

Tropical storm warning- Sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph are expected somewhere within the
specified area in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. The warning is
issued 36 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical storm force winds.

Hurricane watch - Sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are possible within the specified area in
association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. This warning is issued 48 hours in
advance of the anticipated onset of the tropical storm force winds.

Hurricane warning - Sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are expected somewhere within the
specified area in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. The warning is
issued 36 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical storm force winds.


The advanced warning of tropical storms and hurricanes allows the college sufficient time to analyze
the data in order to determine if the college should temporarily close until the storm passes. The
decision for any portion of the Polk State College system to remain operational lies with the
President or the Presidents designee.

It should be noted that the Polk County School Board will suspend school bus service when wind
speeds reach 45 miles per hour.

Version 13-01 21 Approved for General Dissemination

Polk State College Emergency Preparedness Plan

Security Officers / Dispatchers

In the event that the college is closed for a weather related event, security guards who are
scheduled to work are still required to report to their duty locations, if it is safe to do so. Their
responsibilities will include maintaining the security of the property in the event of a power
outage and reporting any storm damage to Facilities immediately. Security officers who are
unable to safely travel to their duty station shall notify the security dispatch center as soon as

Version 13-01 22 Approved for General Dissemination

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