Newsletter No 92 - 10 February 2017

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Headmasters Newsletter 92
10 February 2017

Tea n See
On Monday evening, children from Years 1, 5 and 6 Bhangra Workshops
had the chance to show their work to parents, over tea On Tuesday morning 4X4 Bhangra visited the school, to
hold workshops for the children, from Years 1 through to 6.
and cakes. Years 2, 3 and 4 similarly on Wednesday
evening showed their parents all they done. All the They were amazing and everybody thoroughly enjoyed
classrooms, and the Art Room, were filled with themselves. The children were taught a brief history of
wonderful work! Bhangra dancing, the costumes that are worn and why
they are a particular style, but most importantly they were
Year 4 Class Assembly - Odysseus and the Cyclops taught some of the dance moves. All in all an excellent 40
The ancient Greek story of how cunning Odysseus minutes for each class.
managed to escape imprisonment and eventual death
in the evil Cyclopss dark cave was vividly portrayed on
Thursday by Year 4. Interludes in the somewhat
gruesome tale of the Greeks struggles against the
monster were filled by some superbly executed
displays of dancing. It was a fine show and a really
energetic and fizzy start to a rather chilly Thursday!

Bronte Friends Quiz Night - Friday 3rd March, 7.00pm

School Hall
Contact Mrs Mason and book your table! (or ask about
individual places)

Year 1 Woodlands Park Year 5 Chatham Memorial Synagogue

As part of their D.T. lessons Year 1 visited Woodlands Year 5 had a wonderful experience on Monday, when
Park on Wednesday afternoon. They looked at the wide they travelled to Rochester to visit the Chatham
range of equipment at the park, noting the materials Memorial Synagogue. Irina made them very welcome
used in construction and then they were allowed to and she gave them a fascinating insight into the history
discover how it all moved (the part they seemed to of Judaism and what the Synagogue is used for.
particularly enjoy). They were very well behaved and
thoughtful to the other users of the park, making Mrs As part of the curriculum in Year 5 is to compare
Nash and Mrs Hillditch very proud. Christianity and Judasim, Irina invited the children to
compare the Synagogue with a Church and note the
similarities and differences. One of the biggest
differences, is that in a Synagogue there isnt a Priest,
but any experienced member of a congregation can get
up and teach.

It was very enjoyable to see the children having the

opportunity to wear the Tallit (or prayer shawl) and for
them to touch the decorative wrappings in the Ark,
where the Torah Scrolls are stored.

Everyone said that it was a completely fascinating


Year 6 House Football

On Monday the Year 6 House Football took place. The
boys match was one of the best Mrs Rezki has seen at
Bronte, for team work, fair play and encouragement. At
half time the score was 3-3 with Joseph scoring a hatrick
for Hood, Charlie scoring 2 and Jamal scoring 1 for
Nelson. In the second half the difference between the
teams was excellent, saves from Frank in goal and a
hatrick for Jamal, 6-3 to Nelson. The girls game was a
reverse and finished 6-3 to Hood, with Simi and Ciara
scoring hatricks and Nelson sharing the goals between
Abi, Tunmishe and Bonnie.

Half Term

A very happy half term break to all Bronte families!

Looking Ahead

Week 7
Mon 20 th Feb 8.45am School re-starts after half term

Tues 21 st Feb Reception Class: Forest School begins

Wed 22 nd Feb Year 5 and 6: Dodge Ball Competition

(Northfleet School For Girls) (within
school day)

Thurs 23 rd Feb Health and Safety Meeting 2pm

Fri 24 th Feb House Cross Country (1.30pm

Gravesend Cricket Ground)* (please
note revised date)

Week 8

Mon 27 th Feb SAT Assessment Week (Years 1 - 6)

- Fri 3 rd Mar

Mon 27 th Feb Pancakes Races, celebrating Shrove

Tuesday (28th February) (2.30pm,
tennis courts)*

Tues 28 th Feb Years 3 and 4: swimming assessments

Thurs 2 nd Mar World Book Day events

Fri 3 rd Mar Bronte Friends Quiz Night (7.00pm,

School Hall)*

* all welcome

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