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purpose of this form is to document your learning as it takes place. What you should see is that learning is a process. No one can ever learn everything about even one
topic, and so your goal should be to update this form on a daily basis. As you work:

Include the information you have learned, with the main ideas summarized in your own words. If you cant summarize it in your own words, you havent learned it.
Include the dates so that you can monitor your learning process.
As you learn more, you should always have more questions. We should see continuous questions and answers as you seek to deepen your knowledge.

My Driving Question or SMART Goal is:

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

This section will be the first section you will fill out. You will also do this section before you begin the As you continue to research and learn, you will
Here you will list, summarized in your own words, project. After you complete the things you know realize that there are some things you didnt even
every important idea that you know so far. After you and Mind Map #1, you will see that there are many know that you didnt know. This is where some of
finish, you will create Mind Map #1 with everything things you dont know yet. Anything you know that the most important learning takes place. If you come
you know from before you began the project. Later, you dont know should go here in the form of a across a new word or idea that is related to your
as you learn more, you should add to this list. Choose question. Once you finish this section, you will know topic, but you didnt even know that it existed
a specific color for all the things that you know you what you need to learn next. As you learn new before, you should write that here in the form of a
know. As you add information from the things you information, add it to the things you know section in question. This will add even more new information
know you dont know section, choose a different a different color. that you can learn about. As you learn the answers
color. As you add information from the things you to these questions, add them to the things you
didnt know you didnt know section choose a third learned list in a third different color.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

Types of pasta: How to make fresh pasta? What is citric acid?

-spaghetti How to store a fresh pasta?/make it last longer? What is capper?

-fettuccini How to make a pizza dough? What is sage?

-macaroni How to make a pizza sauce? What is pine nut?

-ravioli Which pasta match perfectly with which pasta? What is Burrata?

linguini How to make a carbonara? Real Italian dont use more than 2 tablespoon of
pasta sauce in pasta.
Pasta sauce: Others kind of pasta?
Real Italian dont eat spaghetti and meatball in the
same plate.


Types of cheese:



types of pizza:



-parma & rocket

- There is a mixture of 00 flour, semolina and
egg in the fresh pasta. Then mix together
until it forms a shape. After that, flat them so
we could make them into the shape that we
- After finish making the fresh pasta, let them
dry out for 1-2 minutes and dust it with flour
and put it in the fridge. It would last about 2
- There is mixture of 00 flour or strong flour,
some salt, yeast and water. Mix everything
up together until it forms a shape. After that
let it raise up for at least 40 minutes.
- There are anchovies, garlics, oregano, basil,
olive oil and a canned tomato. So basically,
we sweat garlic and anchovies first, then we
pour canned tomato in. After that add in
oregano and basil. Season it with some salt
and pepper. Lastly, let it simmer for about 30
- Spaghetti and linguine are perfect with
seafood sauces and other kind of oil based
- Fettuccine and tagliatelle are perfect with
meaty sauce like Bolognese.
- Penne and macaroni are perfect with pesto.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- There are few ingredients involve in making
carbonara; parmesan cheese or pecorino
cheese, egg, garlic, olive oil, pasta and
pancetta or bacon. Firstly, start with the
sauce, mix cheese and egg (only york) and
season with a little bit of salt and pepper.
Move on to the pan, fry some garlic and
pancetta, then put in cooked pasta and stir it.
Then this is the important part, turn off the
heat and let the pan cool down a bit because
we dont want our sauce to become a
scramble egg. Then pour the sauce in and
start mixing. After that, serve on the plate
and grant some cheese on top.
- Pappardella wide egg noodle look like sen
yai in thai noodle.
- Farfalle look like a bow tie
- Bucatini it look like a spaghetti but there is
a hole in the middle.
- Acini di Pepe the meaning is a small parts of
pepper, so it looks like a small round pepper.
- Citric acid is acid from lemon or lime, it use
for making mozzarella.
- Capper is a kind of berry.
- Sage is a kind of herbs, it could use for pesto.
- Pine nut is a seed that come from pine cone,
it the main ingredient of pesto.
- Burrata is a cheese that made from buffalo
milk like mozzarella but its more creamy
than mozzarella.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

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