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Storyboard - Extra Shots

These are the extra shot in which we added into our second cut of our trailer
and they will also be in our final cut of our zombie horror trailer. Our storyboard
is still the same as the last draft but we added in these extra shots while we
were filming for our second cut and felt that they added more impact and were
effective in our trailer. Also they meant that we had a variety of different shots
in our trailer and in the different
scenes as well.

Shot 1: Tracking shot of Gabriel

Garcia walking into the
conference room

Shot 2: Mid shot of Dr

Amory Sheppard and
Gabriel Garcia presentation
their presentation to the
government officials
for their plan to reduce the

Shot 3: Shots in the medical room: close up of person being injected, over
shoulder shot of doctor and person who was injected waking up and turning
into a zombie, close up of zombie hand twitching and over shoulder shot of
doctor being grabbed by the zombie.
Shot 4: Zombie
hands banging
and scraping against a

Shot 5: Tracking
shot and quick pan
of Dr Mason Cooper
being grabbed by
a zombie and then him
pushing it roughly

Shot 6: Mid shot of Dr Mason Cooper from his side and turning to look at the
destruction of the world now after the apocalypse.
Shot 7: Mid shot of Dr Mason Cooper trying to keep the door closed as a zombie
is trying to get in and is grabbing his arm.

Shot 8: Mid shot of D

Amory Sheppard
realising that her and
Gabriels plan didn't work and
it wasn't the income that
she wanted.

Shot 9: Shot of Dr Mason Cooper walking towards the camera as he is trying to

survive the world he lives in now.

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