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Francisco Gomez Sanchez

English Block F
Ms McDuffee
28th January 2017

Frederick Douglass

The book of The narrative of a life of Frederick Douglass, is a book written in 1845,

about how the life of a slave called Frederick Douglass goes throughout the period of slavery in

the United States of America. From the start until the end, the book talks about the life of the

poor slave, the people around him, his good and bad experiences and how his life completely

changes. Frederick Douglas is the most impactful and effective character of the book, by having

strengths as a slave, his different kinds of masters, and the places he was kept by being slaved.

An impact on slavery that the writer and the main character themselves makes in the

book, is how he and the slaves had the unlucky or lucky places to live and work in. Frederick

Douglass was firstly borned and raised in a very big tobacco plantation in Maryland. He did not

ever meet his mom, not even when he was young. There, douglass had to work hard while

growing up, and learned more a more about the difference between black and white people. Later

in the book, Douglass moves to another house, to work in. The house is much more different to

the plantation, as not 150 people are working in it. He them was realizing more things about

slavery than he was in the plantation. Lastly in the farms that he had to live in, were more like a

plantation, but he got to interact more with his inmates and learnt also about them and their

experience as slaves. The impact and effect that Douglass has at the time of describing the places

and the people around him at the time of being a slave are very impactful and impressive

Frederick had to change masters at times, whether he liked it or not what not a problem.

Each master made a different effect on Douglass's attitude and effort. Captain Anthony was his
first master, at the plantation in Maryland. He wasnt fair neither nice to the slaves. With him

Douglass learnt a lot at his early age, as he continuously saw whippings and beatings of his

family that affected him negatively and made a big negative impact on slavery. When he left the

plantation, Frederick was living and working for a lady called Hugh Aulds. The lady had

sympathy for slaves and actually helped Douglass by teaching and tutoring him reading and

writing. The impact that she made on slavery at that point was positive, because Frederick also

understood that he had to work for her, but she still also helped him with teaching him. Covey,

was the worst master that Douglass had ever had. The beating that Covey gave to Frederick was

unbelievable, because Covey thought that Douglass was above his intelligence and thought to be

less smart than Frederick. That got until the day that Frederick Douglass fought back to him and

scared him until he left his property years later. That was the biggest change in the book. Slavery

around that areo was another thing. Douglass affected and made an impact with that on slavery.

Frederick Douglass developed and learnt a lot of things through his years of slavery,

between them, he has great strengths that are effective and impactful in slavery. First of all,

Frederik is a humble person that has compassion, and that helps a lot if you are a slave like him.

He has compassion when fought back to Covey as he did not hurt Covey or anything like that.

Frederick only pushed him back and told him to stop. After that day, Douglass was as humble as

always. Secondly the level of intelligence that Frederick developed from his learning to when he

wrote this book is impactful in slavery. He learns how to read and write, for them teach those

skills himself in Mr Freeland's property at the end of the book. He risked a lot, because teaching

other slaves was not permitted at that time. But Frederick Douglass created a Sabbath school in

Mr Freelands farm. Lastly, the patience as a strength that Douglass had to have at the time of

escaping is impactful to slavery as it was an effective example of a role model to all the other
slaves. At the end of the day, Frederick Douglass reached his goal of escaping to free land to

lastly write this book. With the strengths that Frederick Douglass has, it makes the theme of the

book impactful and effective to the reader.

Frederick Douglass truly supports and makes an effective impact in the theme of slavery

for the book, that's because he has lived in different kind of slavery properties, have had different

kinds of slaves masters, and lastly his strengths as a slave.

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