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For the

Feb. 10

Public Land Management: Voting 234-186,

Y Y N N N the House killed a new rule updating the way
the Bureau of Land Management obtains
science-based information and public
comments in its management of 245 million
publicly owned acres in the West. A yes vote
was to adopt HJ Res 44.
K-12 Education: The House killed, 234-190,
Y Y N N N a rule giving states and localities
requirements under the Every Student
Succeeds Act, which is the K-12 schools law
that replaced No Child Left Behind. A yes
vote was to rescind the rule so that the new
administration could replace it. (HJ Res 57)
Jeff Sessions Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 52-47, Jeff Sessions, a four-term
GOP senator from Alabama, as U.S. attorney
general. A yes vote backed Sessions, 70,
over Democratic criticism of his record on
issues such as ballot access, immigration and
civil and gay rights.
Vote to Silence Warren: The Senate voted,
N N 49-43, to silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-
Mass., for having impugned the conduct of
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., in debate over his
nomination (above). Republicans faulted her
for reading Coretta Scott Kings criticism of
Tom Price Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 52-47, Tom Price, a GOP
congressman from Georgia, as secretary of
health and human services. A yes vote
backed Price over arguments that overlaps
between his legislative actions and stock
portfolio raise issues of impropriety or worse.
Betsy DeVos Confirmation: On a tally of 51
N N -50, with Vice President Pence casting the
tie-breaking vote, the Senate confirmed Betsy
DeVos as secretary of education. A yes vote
backed DeVos, 59, over objections to her
plans to add private schooling to public K-12
education in the U.S.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Thomas Voting Reports
In the week of Feb. 13, the Senate will conduct votes on confirming
Trump Administration cabinet picks and repealing regulations. The
House schedule was to be announced.

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