2016 Presidentialelection

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One week has passed since Donald Trump became our president-elect.

ECO would like

to take a moment to acknowledge the intense emotions that this result has elicited.
ECO is a non-partisan organization focused on increasing collaboration between the
members of our environmental community so that we may strengthen our efforts and broaden
the scope of our impact. As such, we are at best extremely anxious about the regressive
approach to environmental policy that Trump has adopted: refusing to follow through on the
Paris Climate Agreement; appointing Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic, as head of the EPA
transition team; and supporting projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline, which prioritize
corporate interests over Americans rights to clean water and violate the rights of indigenous
communities specifically.
ECOs concern is not for the planet alone, and we feel that it is essential to make our
stance on human rights clear during this historic time that feels so deeply personal to millions.
Every life has value, regardless of the religion, race, ability, gender identity, sexuality, ethnicity,
immigration status, or class. However, the result of this election has made many members of
marginalized groups feel like their fellow Americans do not value or consider their lives. Some
have simply resigned to the idea that avoiding a backslide in human rights legislation might be
our greatest hope.
ECO chooses to be more optimistic for the planet and all of its people. Many members of
the environmental community participated in this past Fridays walkout, and what began as a
solemn gathering ended with an uplifting reminder of our collective power when we stand
united. Witnessing the passion and dedication of our peers inspires us to see the future as an
opportunity for change. Historically, the most significant changes to our society have come from
activism, and it is up to us to carry on this tradition. ECO values you, and we are here to work
with you towards building a world that is not only sustainable, but safe and equitable for all of
us. With action and a resilient commitment to defending equal human rights, including the right
to our planet, we can still move forward.

In Solidarity and on behalf of the Environmental Collaborative (ECO),

Jen Juliano, Tishya Rao Cole Norgaarden Mitchell Lee Daniel Szabo
Co- Facilitators EJ Director VP Community Dev. VP Events

Keanna Chang Brendon Brown Samsuda Khem-Nguad

VP Communications ECO/CSO Coordinator Student Advisor

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