Debug Broken Scan Chain

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GUI interface
Saved circuit states
View test patterns
Simulate and justify values
Debugging design violations
Scan chains
Inactive logic

Encounter Test
Using the Schematic View for Debug

Debugging scan chains

There is more than one method for scan chain debug

This is just one possible method

Encounter Test traces scan chains both forwards from scan-in and
backwards from scan-out.
A broken scan chain normally produces two error messages
WARNING (TSV-384): Controllable scan chain beginning at {objectName} is not a
observable scan chain.
WARNING (TSV-385): Observable scan chain ending at {objectName} is not a
controllable scan chain.

Normally it is easier to debug scan chains working backwards, so use

the TSV-385 messages.

Debugging scan chains

There is more than one possible cause of an error

Design error in the netlist.

Error in the pin definitions in the assignfile

Error in the initialisation sequence in the seqdef file

Error in the cell library models

This is a set up guidelines based on edge-triggered mux-scan, different

approaches may be used for LSSD.
You can do debug at the primitive level or at the library cell level.
(explained on next slide)
This presentation shows the use of the library level.

Circuit Tracing
GUI Tracing

The way the blocks are displayed

when tracing forward and
backward in the Circuit Display
can be customized
In the Circuit Display -> Options -
> Circuit Tracing
On the bottom, tracing at the
primitive, cell, or macro level can
be set.
Apply just changes for
current session
Apply and Save changes
for all future sessions

First steps

Invoke Encounter Test in the gui mode

et gui

Open the design

File > Open

Select the Tasks tab and select the verify_test_structures task

Select the messages tab
Click on the View Messages icon
Select TSV-385 Messages and click View
Select the specific message and click Analyze

Verify Test Structures Message Summary

Verify Test Structures Specific Message List

Instance will be displayed

The instance displayed is normally the last correct instance before the
break in the scan chain.
If the instance is top-level pin then no flops were correctly traced
If it is a flop, then this is the last working flop.

You can implode the instance to move up the hierarchy to the library
Left click to select the block

Right click to open Block Actions menu

Click Implode

This may need to be done more than once until the library level cell is
found. The instance cell type and instance name are shown in the right
hand Information Window

Typical values for a correct flop

The picture on the next slide shows typical values for a correctly
functioning scan flops
The clock pin will show a defined off-state
(0 or 1 is acceptable, X is an error)

The asynchronous set or reset pin will show a valid off-state

1 in this case as the reset is active low, 0 or X would be an error

The scan-enable pin is active

1 in this case

The data-in and scan-in pins are undefined

This is normal during scan chain trace and is not an error

Possible errors on the initial instance

The first step is to check the instance displayed.

Is the scan-enable pin at the correct logic state?

Does the scan-in pin show an X state? (This is correct)

If it is x (lower case) then the input is undriven

If it is a 0, 1, + or - then the scan-in pin has been forced to a

fixed logic value.
The next two slides show possible errors

scan-enable at incorrect state

Scan-in at x state (lower case), unconnected

Finding the faulty instance

As described earlier the analysis of the TSV message will show the last
correct instance. You need to trace backwards from the scan-in pin to
find the cause of the fault.
Left click to select the scan-in pin

Right click to open Pin Actions menu

Click Trace Backward

(alternatively use keyboard b as shortcut)

If it is not possible to trace backward if there is no connection

You may need to trace back through levels of buffering

The GUI can be setup to trace through multiple blocks at 1 time, this is
explained on the next slide.

Circuit Tracing
GUI Tracing
The way the blocks are displayed
when tracing forward and
backward in the Circuit Display
can be customized
In the Circuit Display -> Options -
> Circuit Tracing
The tools is setup to only trace 1
level of hierarchy and stop at
latches/flip flops. These tracing
options can be modified in this
The upper portion of the window
sets how many levels to trace
through and when to stop tracing.
Default is to trace only 1
block and stop at any

Analysis of the faulty instance
Implode to the library level
Place the cursor over each of the input pins and check them:
Clock pins
Does it have a defined off-state 0 or 1, an X indicates a corrupt
Is the clock defined as EC (possibly SC as well)

Asynchronous set/reset pin

EITHER - Is the pin tied to the correct inactive level?
+ or 1 for active low
- or 0 for active high

Is it defined as an SC type clock with the correct off-state

The following slides show correct values on pins.

Correct scan clock

The clock has a defined off-state 0

(1 is OK for a negative edge
triggered clock)
The clock is an EC type so will be
pulsed during shift

Correct asynchronous reset

The clock has a defined off-state 1

which is correct for an active low
The clock is an SC (not EC) type
so it will not be pulsed during shift.
Alternatively the clock may be set at a
fixed logic value.

Correct scan-enable

The scan-enable has a defined logic


Detailed Graphical Analysis of Broken Scan Chains
The following slides show some examples of possible errors and how
they would appear in the GUI.
No scan clock
No reset clock
Invalid assign file flag
Wrong clock polarity

No shift clock on the flop
The logic state of the CK pin is X, no clock is defined

Uncontrolled reset
The reset pin is at a logic X state so the flop will be corrupted.

Incorrect clock type

The clock is of type SC (not EC) so will not be clocked during the
shift sequence.

Wrong reset clock polarity
The asynchronous reset clock has an off-state of 0 so the flop will be
reset when the clocks are held off during shift.

Incorrect clock type on asynchronous reset
The reset has an EC type clock so will be pulsed during shift. This will
corrupt the scan chain operation. Resets and sets should be SC.

Checking the detailed shift operation
If the previous checks have not identified a problem look at the simulation
of the shift sequence.
Follow menus
View > Test Data > Sequence Definition Data
Expand click blue boxes to find Define Sequence Scan_Sequence

View > Circuit Values

A Simulating sequences window will appear

The schematic will be updated to show the shift sequence

Viewing the shift sequences

Correct scan clock
A clean pulse p is seen on the clock pin

Corrupt scan clock
The clock shows a * state, this indicates an unknown pulse state.

This presentation gives an outline of debugging scan chains in an edge-
triggered mux-scan design
Different approaches may be used for LSSD
This shows working at the library level, you can alternatively work at the
primitive level (this helps find problems in the cell library)
Sometimes tracing forwards can be useful, use the TSV-384 messages.
No single method is completely guaranteed to work in every case
Try other approaches


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