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Karin Falconer-Bailey

Poster drafts

The layout for my first poster draft is a typical layout for a psychological thriller film
poster. This is a typical layout of a film poster as the name of the protagonist will be
at the top of the film poster, the image within the poster will be in the centre, the
title of the film will be underneath the central
image accompanied by the producers, directors,
exhibition dates and companies below.

In my first draft, I have decided for my central

image to be of an eye, with a tear appearing from
the waterline. This central image will be a close-
up shot which will allow the target audience to
identify the seriousness and mystery engaged and
captured within my film poster. Within the pupil of
the eye, I plan to have a dybbuk box or just an
ordinary chest box. As the title of my film is
Liliths Possessions, doing this allows me to make
correlation between my central image and my film
title which is a generic convention I have
identified through my research of psychological
thriller film posters. By creating a correlation
between my central image and film title, this
gives the target market a brief idea of what the
film would be about.

The colours that will be enticed throughout my

central image are primarily dark tones i.e. black,
red, white and dark grey. Using these colours
conform to the conventions of this genre as the
colours connote mystery, danger, death, blood,
but, conversely innocence. As the colours, I have planned to use for this poster are
stereotypical of a psychological thriller film poster, this allows for my film poster to
be as of a professional one which will then allow me to attract my target audience

For this poster draft, I have located my title and other information about the film
underneath the central image. Though I have not annotated where I am to place my
films tagline, I plan to put this information also underneath the central image or
situated closely to my central image. The reason for this is because when an
individual looks at a film poster, they are engaged and attracted to the central
image. By including my films strapline around this image, this will generate mystery
amongst the public. Generating mystery amongst the public will then encourage
them to watch my product to get their questions answered.

The typography used in my film poster can play a large factoring in successfully
attracting the correct audience. The typography I plan to use for my film title for this
poster will be a child-like font.

The font that will be used for other information about the film i.e. producers,
directors, exhibition company and date will have a simple typography. This is so
other writing included in my film poster gains the attention of its audience;
Karin Falconer-Bailey

COMING SOON (Font: Yu Gothic Light)

The reason for using one of these child-like fonts within my film poster is the
correlation that it brings with the films narrative. Due to the narrative of my film
being about a young girl who has noted through pictures, drawings and in her diary,
that she has seen mysterious figures. The pictures included from this young girls
possession would be a child-like drawing, hence the reason for the child-like
typography of the film title. The colours that will be used for this font will be black, as
using an alternative colour would attract more attention to the title opposed to the
central image.

For the layout of my second film poster, is like the one for the film Split. The layout
for this poster is unconventional of film posters as the main image is not in the
centre of the mise-en-scene, nor is the additional information
about the film i.e. the film title, strapline, and the name of the
producer, directors and production ad exhibition companies.
However, this poster does conform to the conventional layout
of a film poster as the cinema exhibition date of the film
remains at the centre bottom of the poster.

In this draft poster, I have decided for my main image to be of

two divided faces combined into one. The central image for
this draft will be again a close-up shot, which will allow the
audience to identify the emotions of these characters.
Although it is conventional for a films title and its film poster
central image to have a correlation, as the narrative of my
film is, mainly about a girl who finds out she has a half-sister,
by having the main image of my poster being collage of two
characters this allows the audience to gain unaware insight to
an idea of what the film is going to be about.

Colours which will be included within the main image of my

second draft poster will consist of primarily dark and light
colours to show the binary opposition to good and evil. On half of the central image,
lighter toned colours will be used such as white and blue as these colours connote
innocence, independence, purity mainly a positive connotation. On the other half of
my main image, darker toned colours will be used such as black, and red which has
connotations of mystery, danger, death, and blood. The colours that I have planned
to use for this film poster conform to the genre conventions of my film. By including
genre conventions throughout my film poster, this allows my target audience to
identify genre of my film without watching the trailer. Using colours which conform to
the conventions of psychological thriller film posters, this allows for my poster to
appear professional.

For the draft of this film poster, the location of my title and additional information
about my film is situation to the left-hand side of the poster. Though it is a generic
convention for information about the film to be situated underneath, by having
information about my film on the left-hand side of my main image, this shows that
the information about the film is just as important as its main image.

The typography which will be used for this film poster will be a subtle font due to it
being on the left-hand side of the image, this already shows the audience are looking
within this area of the film poster, meaning I do not have to use a font like I have in
Karin Falconer-Bailey

my first poster draft. The typography I plan to use for my film title for this poster will
include fonts such as;



LILITHS POSSESSIONS (Font: Century Gothic)

The font that will be used for other information about the film i.e. producers,
directors, exhibition company and date will have a simple typography. This is so
other writing included in my film poster gains the attention of its audience;

COMING SOON (Font: Yu Gothic Light)

COMING SOON (Font: Century Gothic)

The colours that will be used for this font will be black, as using an alternative colour
would attract more attention to the title opposed to the central image.

For my third and final poster draft, the layout for this poster is similar to the
conventional poster layout, as well as my first poster draft. This layout is of a typical
film poster as the main image is within the centre of the
entire film poster; the name of the protagonist will be at the
top of the film poster, the title of the film will be underneath
the central image accompanied by the producers, directors,
exhibition dates and companies below. The only
unconventional feature of my third draft poster is the
location of my strapline.

For this draft poster, the central image is going to of a

keyhole and an eye looking through it. The central image
will be a close-up shot, which will allow the audience to gain
detail of the mise-en-scene. As it is conventional for a films
title and poster central image to have correlation, this is also
existent within my film poster. The narrative of my film is
about a girl who finds out her dad has been keeping a secret
that she has a half-sister. By having the central image of my
poster being a keyhole with an eye looking through, this
allows for my target audience to gain a brief insight about
my film without watching my films trailer.

Colours which will be used within my central image with mainly consist of dark tones.
These colours will include black, brown, and dark grey which withhold the
connotations of mystery, death, danger which foreshadow the events which will take
place throughout my trailer.

The typography I plan to use for my film title for this poster will include fonts such



LILITHS POSSESSIONS (Font: Century Gothic)

For additional information included on my film poster, the fonts which will be used
will be subtle such as;
Karin Falconer-Bailey

COMING SOON (Font: Yu Gothic Light)

COMING SOON (Font: Century Gothic)

The colours that will be used for this font will be black, as using an alternative colour
would attract more attention to the title opposed to the central image.

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