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Technical University of Ambato

Language Centre


Level: B1+ F2
Topic: The future (Plans)

1 I'm feeling thirsty. I think I ______ a beer.

A am having
B have
C am going to have
D will have

2 Are you going to London tomorrow ? I hear there is going

to be a train strike.
Well in that case I think I ______ .

A am taking
B take
C am going to take
D will take

3 It's not a good idea to take the car. There will be loads of
traffic jams.
Well in that case I don't think I ______ to London after all.

A go
B am going
C am going to go
D will go

4 John has just phoned to say that he has still not received
your letter.
Well in that case I ______ a copy straight away. What's his
fax number?

A fax
B am faxing
C am going to fax
D will fax

5 How are you going to get to Athens?

Everything is already arranged. I ______ from London on
the first flight on Friday morning.

A fly
B am flying
C am going to fly
D will fly

6 I've already decided. I ______ Harry and there is nothing

you can do to make me change my mind.

A sack
B am sacking
C am going to sack
D will sack

7 Would you like a drink?

Oh thank you very much. I ______ a gin and tonic please.

A have
B am having
C am going to have
D will have

8 You don't seem very happy in your job.

No, in fact I ______ as soon as I can get a new one.

A leave
B am leaving
C am going to leave
D will leave

9 If we offer you more money, will you stay?

I don't think so but I ______ about it.

A think
B am thinking
C am going to think
D will think

10 I've got a lot of work to do. Maybe I ______ after all. Sorry.

A don't come
B am not coming
C am not going to come
D won't come

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. D

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