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Parts of a Flower

1. Fertilization- pollen grains germinate on the stigma, growing down the style to
reach an ovule (Fertilized ovules develop into seeds. The carpel enlarges to form
the flesh of the fruit and to protect the ovary.)

2. Pollination- when flowering plants use the wind, insects, bats, birds and
mammals to transfer pollen from the male (stamen) part of the flower to the
female (stigma) part of the flower

3. Petal- colorful part of the flower that attracts insects

4. Sepal- outside of the flower that protects the bud until it opens

5. Carpel- grow into fruits which contain the seeds

6. Stamen- male reproductive organs

7. Pollen- yellow powdery substance that is formed in the male parts of a flower

8. Pistil- female reproductive organs

9. Ovary- contains ovules (eggs)

10. Stigma- top of the pistil, sticky surface for pollen to stick to

11. Style- connects the stigma to the ovary

12. Anther- produces sperm, sperm is enclosed by pollen grains

13. Filament- holds the anther up

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