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Creating the Solution Stage

Write the steps you will follow to create your project. Include a timeline for completion of the
project, the materials you will use, and the technology you will use. Your plan should be
sufficient enough for peers to be able to follow to create the solution. (Attach documents as


Time Plan

1/27/17 8:15-8:40 Collect all necessary materials(rubber bands,

spoons, popsicle sticks, paper clips).

1/27/17 8:40-9:00 Remove the top of the boat to create

passenger area, and put a chopstick through
the hull of the boat.

1/30/17 8:30-9:00 Insert popsicle sticks into slits (2 per slit, 2

slits per side) in the chopsticks, and hot glue
sticks into place.

1/31/17 8:25-9:00 Finish any work from yesterday, and fasten

rubber band(s) into place in the back of the
passenger area with a staple, and tie around
the chopstick.

2/1/17 8:25-9:00 Finish any work from yesterday, and begin

testing rotation of paddlewheels, buoyancy,
and other needs of my boat.

2/2/17 8:25-9:00 Paint the hull of the boat, and adjust any
problems you found during testing.

Material List:
What materials will you need to create your solution?
1 Milk carton
8 Popsicle sticks
1 Chopstick
2 Rubber bands
1-2 Staples

Creation Progress Logs

Directions: Complete one log for each session you work on creating your product including the
time spent working on it at home. If you need additional logs, you can create your own by
inserting a table or copying and pasting one of the existing charts below.


Are you on Schedule Why or why not?

Y N Its our first day so I dont have anything to
base my schedule off of.

What is going well? Explain: All of the plans made in my designs

have worked well so far.

What problems have you faced during the Explain: I have not encountered any
process? problems

How did you solve the problem? Explain: I have not encountered any

Is there anything that you need to change? Yes or No

List and justify any changes you made to Changes: Dont need to make changes
your design. Justification:

What needs to be completed next time? Explain: I need to finish my paddles by the
end of today.

Are you on Schedule Why or why not?

Y N I did not get any work done on Monday
because I was completing the time plan and
material list.

What is going well? Explain: I have been able to adjust to having

to make changes, and I am still mostly on

What problems have you faced during the Explain: My design for my paddles was
process? flawed.

How did you solve the problem? Explain: I changed my paddle design in order
to let my boat function.

Is there anything that you need to change? Yes or No

List and justify any changes you made to Changes: Paddle design
your design. Justification: My plan to put my paddles into
slits in my chopsticks wont work because
theyll slide out, so I am instead gluing them
to the chopsticks.

What needs to be completed next time? Explain: I want to finish my boat and have
started testing.

Date: 2/2/17

Are you on Schedule Why or why not?

Y N I did not finish my boat, and I havent tested
at all.

What is going well? Explain: I think my boat will float, and not take
on water.

What problems have you faced during the Explain: My paddles are refusing to be glued
process? to my chopsticks.

How did you solve the problem? Explain: I have not yet solved this problem,
but I plan to use more glue to reinforce the

Is there anything that you need to change? Yes or No

List and justify any changes you made to Changes:No changes
your design. Justification:

What needs to be completed next time? Explain: I need to be done with my boat, and
have started testing.

Date: 2/3/17

Are you on Schedule Why or why not?

Y N Im on schedule because all of the goals I
wanted completed have been completed.

What is going well? Explain: I found a solution to my paddle


What problems have you Explain: My paddles were refusing to be

faced during the process? glued to my chopsticks.

How did you solve the Explain: I changed my paddle material to

problem? spoons instead of popsicle sticks.

Is there anything that you Yes or No

need to change?

List and justify any Changes: I changed my paddles to spoons

changes you made to your Justification: My previous paddle design
design. was not sticking to the chopsticks.

What needs to be Explain: I want to complete my painting

completed next time? and testing.

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