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(The study of the microscopic structure of tissues)

Learning Target I can analyze a scenario and discuss the type of tissue it is pertaining to.
Proficiency Descriptor Definition
4 Proficient I can analyze a scenario and discuss the type of tissue it is pertaining to.
3 Developing I can recognize a variety of tissues in the laboratory.
2 Basic I can summarize the general characteristics of different types of tissues.
1 Minimal I can list the four major tissue types and tell where each is located in the
0 No Evidence No evidence.

After reading the following pages, 94-113, be able to

1. Define the term tissue.
Cells are organized into groups and layers called tissues.

2. Name the four primary adult tissue types, and give a brief description of each.
Epithelial-protection,secretion,absorption, and excretion. (SKIN)
Connective-bind,support,protect,fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells. (Cartilage)
Muscle-movement (Biceps)
Nervous-sensory reception, impulses, and integration. (Brain)

4. Explain how epithelia are nourished.

blood vessels in the connective tissues

5. Discuss how epithelia are classified.

shape and layers
6. For each of the following epithelial tissues (ET), give a structural description (including any
special features such as cilia, goblet cells, etc.), denote a key body location, and identify its
function(s): (I would suggest making a table)

Tissue Description location function

A single layer of thin, Wall of capillaries , lines the Diffusion and

flattened cells insides of blood and lymph filtration
vessels, and cover the
membranes that line the body

B Single layer of kidneys and glands secretion and

cube-shaped cells. absorption
Includes lumen.

C single layer of cells uterus and digestive tract absorption and

whose nuclei are organs secretion
elongated. Contains
goblet cells and
D appear layered but respirtatory system secretion
are not. elongated.
contains cilia and
goblet cells.

E many layer of thin outer layer of skin protection and

sections making a helps hold fluids
thick overall tone. . inside

F 2 or 3 layer of glands and pancreas more protection

cubeshaped layers.
contains lumen

G several layers of male urethra secretion and

elongated cells. absorption
contains lumen.

H specialized to urinary bladder and lines the expandable lining

change in response ureters
to increased

I specialized to glands secretion

produce and
secrete substances
into ducts or into
body fluids.

7. Distinguish between merocrine, apocrine, and holocrine exocrine glands and give an example
of each.
merocrine-sweat gland
apocrine-mammary gland
holocrine-sebaceous gland

8. Define the term carcinoma.

a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs.

9. Describe the general characteristics of connective tissues (CT) and discuss the major
structural differences from ET's.
stretchy, strong, and supportive. ETs need connective tissue. ETs have a basement membrane
while connective tissue doesnt.

10. Explain how CT's are composed of cells plus an extracellular matrix composed of ground
substance and fibers.
The cells are farther apart than cells in epithelial tissues and the extracellular matrix is in between
the cells which is protein fibers and ground substance.
11. Describe ground substance, list the three CT fiber types, and name the many types of cells
that may compose CT.
ground substance is non fibrous proteins,other molecules, and fluids. collagenous fibers,
elastic fibers, and reticular fibers. fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells.

12. Explain why a CT may be either liquid (blood), semi-solid (fat), or very rigid (bone).
Because cts vary in structural components and vasucularity.
13. Define the term epithelial membrane and discuss the structure, location, and function of
the three different types: cutaneous, mucous, and serous.
mucous-lines body cavities and tubular organs, secretes mucus.
serous-lines internal cavities of the body, helps with movement.

14. Explain why muscle cells are called fibers and define contractility.
contractility-the inherent strength and vigour of the hearts contraction during systole.
15. Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue in terms of their structure, control,
location in the human body, and function. (may want to make a table)
skeletal-bones, striated, multiple nuclei per cell, movement
smooth-hollow organs, no striations, one nuclei per cell, contractions for organs
cardiac-heart, striated, branched ends, helps heart pump blood.

16. Identify the major cell within nervous tissue, denote the location of nervous tissue in the
body, and discuss its function.
Neuron-brain and spinal column. Transmitter that sents impulses.


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