6-1 Social Studies Notes

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1 February10,2017

After the Roman Empire fell, Europe was split into

many kingdoms.
Europe being a peninsula encouraged people to
survive and build cities near water.

Rivers encouraged trade and travel in Europe.

The seas, rivers and mountains separated people so

much that different cultures and beliefs developed.

Germanic Kingdoms

Germanic tribes took over much of the old Roman


In England, the Angles and Saxons took over.

The Celts were pushed into what is now Ireland and

The Franks

Germanic tribe settled in France, became Catholic

when King Clovis converted.

"Mayor of the palace" becomes an important job and

does the duty of the king.
In 732 AD, Charles Martel defeated the Muslim army
in the Battle of Tours.

Papal States: the land owned and controlled by the


Became the new Roman Emperor in AD 800.
Supported education and set up schools throughout
the kingdom.

Created courts to enforce the laws and had counts

run the courts.

Europe Invaded
Vikings from Scandinavia raid places all over Europe.

They cause havoc where ever they went.

Holy Roman Empire
Nobles wanted a king so they elected one but gave
them no power.

The Pope did not want strong kings because they could
take away their money and power.

The Rise of the Catholic Church

Monks were sent throughout Europe to convert people
to Christianity.

A priest named Patrick went to Ireland and setup

churches and monasteries.

The Pope sent out missionaries to spread the


Monks preserved a lot of Roman, Greek and Latin

writings and the Latin language.

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