Study On The Multifrequency Langevin Ultrasonic Transducer

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Study on the multifrequency Langevin

ultrasonic transducer
Lin Shuyu

Applied Acoustics Institute, Shaanxi Teachers University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710062,

Peoples Republic of China

Received 20 January 1995; revised 5 July 1995

Langevin ultrasonic transducers are widely used in high-power ultrasonics and underwater
sound. In ultrasonic cleaning, a matching metal horn rather than a metal cylinder is used
as the radiator in order to enhance the radiating surface and improve the acoustic matching
between the transducer and the processed medium. To raise the effect of ultrasonic cleaning,
the standing wave in the cleaning tank should be eliminated. One method to eliminate the
standing wave in the tank is to use the multifrequency ultrasonic transducer. In this paper,
the Langevin ultrasonic horn transducer, with two resonance frequencies, is studied. The
transducer consists of two groups of piezoelectric ceramic elements: the back metal cylinder,
the middle metal cylinder and the front matching metal horn. The vibrational modes of the
transducer are analysed, and resonance frequency equations of the transducer in the
half-wave and the all-wave vibrational modes are derived. According to the resonance
frequency equations, transducers with two resonance frequencies are designed and made.
The resonance frequencies, the effective electromechanical coupling coefficients and the
equivalent electric impedances of the transducers are measured. It is shown that the measured
resonance frequencies are in good agreement with the computed results, and the transducer
can be excited to vibrate at two resonance frequencies, which correspond to the half-wave
and the all-wave vibrational modes of the transducer.

Keywords: transducers; multifrequency Langevin ultrasonic transducers; rsson-

ante frequency; ultrasonic cleaning: vibrational modes

As new performance demands are placed on advanced tional modes are studied, and the resonance frequency
electronic, optical and mechanical products, the need equations are derived, which can be used to design
arises for different elements that have clean and non- ultrasonic transducers with different dimensions and
destructive surfaces. This presents a new subject for resonance frequencies.
ultrasonic cleaning. A solution to the problem is to utilize
the technology of multifrequency ultrasonic cleaning.
Theoretical analysis of the Langevin
In traditional ultrasonic cleaningle4, the transducer is
ultrasonic horn transducer with two
operated on one resonance frequency, so that a standing
resonance frequencies
wave is built in the cleaning tank. At the antinode of
sound pressure, the effect of ultrasonic cleaning is perfect, Figure 1 shows the transducer with two resonance
while at the node of sound pressure, the effect of ultra- frequencies. In this figure, L,, L, and L, are the lengths
sonic cleaning is not good; therefore, the elements to be of the back metal cylinder, the middle metal cylinder and
cleaned should be mechanically moved to the antinode. the front metal horn, respectively, each having a circular
This is somewhat cumbersome and so it is difficult to cross-section. Two groups of piezoelectric ceramic driving
improve the cleaning quality of the elements. However, elements, whose length is Lo, are separated by the middle
in the case of multifrequency ultrasonic cleaning, the metal cylinder. To simplify the theoretical analysis,
situation is different. As there exist waves with different one-dimensional theory is used so that the lateral
frequencies in the cleaning tank, the standing wave is dimensions must be much smaller than the longitudinal
destroyed and the difference between the nodes and dimensions. According to traditional experience, it is
antinodes is decreased. Therefore, mechanical movement necessary that the lateral dimensions should be smaller
is no longer needed and the cleaning quality can be than a quarter of the longitudinal wavelength. Based on
improved. However, to produce ultrasound with different the one-dimensional equivalent circuit of the longitudinal
frequencies in the tank, a multifrequency ultrasonic transducer, the equivalent circuit of the Langevin ultra-
transducer should be used. sonic horn transducer with two resonance frequencies is
In this paper, the Langevin ultrasonic horn transducers shown in Figure 2, where Z,, and ZFL are the back and
with two resonance frequencies are analysed, the vibra- front load impedances of the transducer.

0041-624X/95/$09.50 0 1995 - Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDlOO41-624X(95)00051-8 Ultrasonics 1995 Vol 33 No 6 445
The multifrequency Langevin ultrasonic transducer: Lin Shuyu

be rewritten as
Z, = jZ, tan(k,L,,) (11)
, where
k,L, - [l + k:L:F(F + l)] tan(k,L,)
tan(k,L,,) = (12)
k,L,F[tan(k,L,)- k,L,(F + l)]
e I * L,, is called the equivalent cylinder length of the front
conical horn and Z, can be regarded as the load
L Lo L:, Lo Ls impedance of the piezoelectric ceramic pile. From Figure
2 and the above equations, we can obtain the resonance
frequency equations of the horn transducer with two

The resonance frequency equations of the transducer

in the half- wave vibrational mode
Figure 1 The geometrical diagram of the Langevin horn transducer In this case, the transducer can be regarded as a
with two resonance frequencies
longitudinal vibrator of half a wavelength-*, its two ends
are the displacement antinodes, and there is a displace-
ment node in the transducer. Let the displacement node
As the external loads of the transducer are difficult to be located at the middle cylinder of the transducer, and
determine, it is the usual procedure to regard the divide the middle metal cylinder into two cylinders of
transducer as unloaded. When the transducer is without
L2i and L2,, then we have
external loads, ZBL= Z,, = 0, the transducer vibrates
freely. This is the case to be studied in the following L*=L21 +L22 (13)
analysis of the paper. R, and C, are the dielectric loss The part before the displacement node can be regarded
impedance and the clamped capacitance, n is the as a longitudinal transducer of a quarter wavelength and
electromechanical transformation coefficient, Zii, Z,,, it consists of the metal cylinder of length L2*, the
Z,,, Z,,, Zz2, Z,,, Z,,, Z32, Z,, and ZP1, ZPz, Z,, are piezoelectric ceramic pile and the front metal horn. From
the series and parallel impedances of the T-networks of Figure 2, its input mechanical impedance Z,, can be
the back metal cylinder, the middle metal cylinder, the obtained as
front metal horn (conical shape) and the piezoelectric
ceramic pile. Their expressions are as follows CZ0Z2 cot(k2L2,) cot(keLJ - ZOZJ tan(k,L&
x cot(k,L,) -Z2ZJ cot(k,L,,) tan(k,L,,)- Zi]
Z,, =Zlz=jZ1 tan(k,L,/2) (1) Z,r =j
22, tan(k,,L,/2) + Z3 tan(k,L,,)-Z, cot(k,L,,)
Zi3 = Zi/ti W%)l (2)
Z,, = Z,, = jZ, tan(k,L,/2) (3)
When Z,, is equal to zero, its resonance frequency
Z,, = Z&i sinWd1 (4) equation can be obtained as
Z,, = -jZJ_(S~JS#*- lll(k3L3)-jZ3cot(k~Lg) (ZJZ,) tan(k,L,J tan(k2L2,) + (ZJZe) tan(k,L,,)
+jz,(s,2/s,,)2/Csin(k,~,)1 (5) x tan(k,L,) + (Z,/Z,) tan(k,L,) tan(k,L,,) = 1 (15)
.G2 =jZ~(S,2/S~~)2C(S~21S~,)2
- 11 The quarter wavelength transducer after the displacement
4% ~~t(W3W321S31) node consists of the metal cylinder of length L,,, the
piezoelectric ceramic pile and the back cylinder, its input
+jz,(s,2/s,,)2/Csin(k,~,)I (6) mechanical impedance Z,, can be obtained as follows
Z3, = -j~,(~,21~,,)2/Csin(k~~~~l (7) [Z,Z,cot(k,L,,)cot(k,L,)-Z,Z, tan(k,L,)
Z,, = ZP2 = jZ, tan(k,L,/2) (8) x cot(k,L,)-Z,Z, cot(k,L,,) tan(k,L,)-Z,Z]
Z,, =j
22, tan(k,L,/2)+Z, tan(k,L,)-Z2 cot(k,L,,)
Zr, = Z&j sW&Jl (9)
where Z,=p,C,S,, Z,=p,C,S,, Z,=p,C,S,, Z,= (16)
p&S,,, k, = o/C,, k, = 4C2, k, = 4G,, k, = 4% S,,
S2, S,, S,, and S,, are the cross-sectional areas, pl, p2,
pO, p3 and C,, C,, C,, C, are the densities and sound
speeds, k,, k,, k, and k, are the wave-numbers. For the
conical front metal horn, when the external force acting
on its front surface is zero, its input mechanical
impedance can be derived as
Z, k,L, - [l + k:L:F(F + l)] tan(k,L,)
Z,=j---- (10)
k,L,F tan(k,L,)- k,L,(F + 1)
where F = R,,/(R,2 - R,,), R,, and R,, are the radii of Figure 2 The equivalent circuit of the Langevin horn transducer
the small and large ends of the horn. Equation (10) can with two resonance frequencies

446 Ultrasonics 1995 Vol 33 No 6

The multifrequency Langevin ultrasonic transducer: Lin Shuyu

Its resonance frequency equation can be derived according equations of the Langevin horn transducer with two
to the similar procedure resonance frequencies are obtained, and they can be used
to design the transducer with two frequencies for
W-G) tan(hU tan(kzL,,)+(Z,/Z,)tan(k,L,) ultrasonic cleaning. According to the above analysis, the
x tan(k,L,) + (Z,/Z,) tan(k,L,) tan(k,L, J = 1 (17) procedures for designing an ultrasonic transducer with
two frequencies are as follows. (a) When the material
When the resonance frequency of the transducer in
parameters of the components of the transducer and the
half-wave vibrational mode is designated, the transducer
dimensions of the piezoelectric ceramic pile are given,
can be designed and the dimensions can be calculated
designate the length of the back cylinder, the front horn
from the equations.
and the resonance frequency of the transducer in the
half-wave vibrational mode, from the resonance frequency
The resonance frequency equations of the transducer equations (Equations (15) and (17)), such that the length
in the all- wave vibrational mode of the middle cylinder can be determined, that is,
In this case, apart from the two displacement antinodes L, = L,, + L,,. (b) After procedure (a), the transducer is
at the ends of the transducer there is also a displacement entirely determined, and the next procedure is to
antinode in the transducer. The transducer can be determine the resonance frequency of the transducer in
regarded as a combination of two transducers of half a the all-wave vibrational mode.
wavelength. When the displacement antinode is located In the resonance frequency equations (Equations (20)
at the middle metal cylinder, it divides the middle cylinder and (22)), there are three unknowns. They are Lal, La2
into two cylinders of L,, and Laz, and we can get and the resonance frequency of the transducer in the
all-wave vibrational mode. As L,=L,, +L, has been
L, = L,, + L,, (18) determined in procedure (a) there are, therefore, two
The half wavelength transducer before the displacement separate unknowns and they can be entirely determined
antinode in the middle cylinder consists of the metal from Equations (20) and (22). As Equations (20) and (22)
cylinder of length &, the piezoelectric ceramic pile and are transcendental ones, the analytic solutions are
the front metal horn. When the transducer is unloaded, difficult to obtain; therefore, numerical methods must be
the stress at the displacement antinode in the middle used. The procedures to solving Equations (20) and (22)
metal cylinder is equal to zero, therefore, the half are as follows. (1) Give a value of the resonance frequency
wavelength transducer vibrates freely. From Figure 2, its of the transducer in the all-wave vibrational mode, and
input mechanical impedance Z,, can be obtained as from Equations (20) and (22) and L, =L2 + Laz, two
values of La1 or La2 can be found. (2) Change the values
l&Z3 Wk3L3,) taN&,J - ZJ3 tadk3L3J of the resonance frequency of the transducer in the
x cot(k&)-Z,Z, tan(k,L,,)cot(k,L,)-Z,Z]
=G=j all-wave vibrational mode until the two values of L,, or
22, tan(k,L,/2) + Zj tan(k,L,,) + Z, tan(k,L,,) L,, are equal.
When Z,, is equal to zero, the resonance frequency
equation of the half wavelength transducer before the Experiments
displacement antinode is obtained as
To verify the design theory of the Langevin horn
(Z,/Z,) cot(k,L,) cot(k,L,,) + (ZdZ,) cot(k,L,) cot(k,L,,) transducer with two resonance frequencies, three Langevin
+ C-%V221 co%G,,) cW,L,,) = 1 (20) horn transducers were designed and made according to
the design theory of this paper. The material of the middle
The half wavelength transducer after the displacement cylinder and the front horn is hard aluminium, the
antinode consists of the metal cylinder of length Lel, the material of the back cylinder is steel. The piezoelectric
piezoelectric ceramic pile and the back metal cylinder. ceramic element is PZT4, its thickness, outer and
Its input mechanical impedance can be obtained as inner diameters are 4.4 x 10m3(m), 15.5 x 10e3 (m) and
[Z,Z1 tan(k,L,)tan(k,L,,)-Z,Z, tan(k,L,) 38.0 x 10m3(m). In the transducer, there are two groups
x cot(k,L,) - Z,Z, tan(k,L,,) cot(k,L,) - Zi] of piezoelectric ceramic elements, and every group
Zab =j consists of two elements. The resonance and anti-
2Z,, tan(k,L,/2) + Z1 tan(k,L,) + Z, tan(k,L,,)
resonance frequencies of the transducer in the half-wave
(21) and the all-wave vibrational modes, and the equivalent
electric impedances are measured using the transmission
The resonance frequency equation of the half wavelength
line method, while the effective electromechanical coupling
transducer after the displacement antinode is
coefficient Keff is calculated according to
K,:r = I -(MY (23)
+ CZ,2/GZ,)l coWL,)cot&,L)= 1 (22) where f, and f, are the resonance and anti-resonance
Equations (20) and (22) are the resonance frequency frequencies of the transducer. The measured results are
equations of the Langevin horn transducer in the all-wave shown in Tables I and 2, where frland frzare the
vibrational mode. When the material parameters and calculated resonance frequencies of the transducer in the
dimensions are designated, the resonance frequency of half-wave and the all-wave vibrational modes, frml, faml
the transducer in the all-wave vibrational mode can be and frm2, famz are the measured frequencies of the
computed. transducers in the half-wave and the all-wave vibrational
In the above analysis, the resonance frequency modes, R, and R, are the measured equivalent electric

Ultrasonics 1995 Vol 33 No 6 447

The multifrequency Langevin ultrasonic transducer: Lin Shuyu

Table 1 The measured results of the Langevin transducer with two resonance frequencies (the half-wave vibrational mode)

Transducer Rl K em L1 L2 L3
number (Q) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1 15000 14745 14918 489 0.152 30.0 43.4 30.0

20 000 18905 19189 435 0.171 20.0 20.9 30.0
25 000 23 642 24 024 323 0.178 15.0 16.6 20.0

Table 2 The measured results of the Langevin transducer with two resonance frequencies (the all-wave vibrational mode)

Transducer R2 K effz L1 L2 L3
number (a) (mm) (mm) (mm)

: 48
37 340
525 51
36 657
523 40 053
52 079 687
512 0.142
0.145 20.0
30.0 20.9
43.4 30.0

3 59 500 64 525 65 388 379 0.162 15.0 16.6 20.0

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448 Ultrasonics 1995 Vol 33 No 6

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