Te 408 Objective Test Assignment

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Jordan Yost

TE 408
Prof. Greenwalt
Writing an Objective Test

Grade and Subject of Unit:

7th Grade World History

Essential Question(s):
Was the Agricultural Revolution a good or bad thing for the development of early

Michigan Standards:
7 W1.2.1 Describe the transition from hunter gatherers to sedentary agriculture
(domestication of plants and animals).
7 W1.2.2 Explain the importance of the natural environment in the development of
agricultural settlements in different locations (e.g., available water for irrigation, adequate
precipitation, and suitable growth season). (G)
7 W1.2.3 Explain the impact of the Agricultural Revolution (stable food supply,
surplus, population growth, trade, division of labor, development of settlements). (G)
7 W1.2.4 Compare and contrast the environmental, economic, and social institutions of
two early civilizations (e.g.,Yangtse, Indus River Valley, Tigris/Euphrates, and Nile). (G,
C, E)
7 W2.1.2 Describe how the invention of agriculture led to the emergence of agrarian
civilizations (seasonal harvests, specialized crops, cultivation, and development of
villages and towns).
7 W2.1.3 Use historical and modern maps and other sources to locate, describe, and
analyze major river systems and discuss the ways these physical settings supported
permanent settlements, and development of early civilizations (Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers, Yangtze River, Nile River, Indus River). (G, C, E)

Learner Outcomes:
Analyze elements of the natural environment needed to develop agricultural settlements
Explain the innovations necessary for agriculture to develop
Evaluate the relationship between food quantities and population changes
Recognize the staple crops that were grown in the Fertile Crescent
Evaluate why the Agricultural Revolution began in the Fertile Crescent
Relate agricultural production to specialization within communities
Differentiate between the environmental institutions of Mesopotamia and Egypt
Defend why the first civilizations began by rivers, such as the Nile and Tigris/Euphrates
Multiple Choice

1. Paul is part of an early farm settlement in Mesopotamia around 7000 B.C. What food
would he most likely eat? (knowledge)
a. Cucumbers
b. Bananas
c. Soybeans
d. Wheat

2. Why was silt necessary for farming? (skill of interpretation/knowledge)

a. Brought nutrients to soil
b. Allowed for easier transportation
c. Was sacred to hunter-gatherer groups
d. Was difficult to collect

3. Having people in a society that can specialize on a particular job (ex. craftsmen, farmers,
laborers) is an example of what? (knowledge)
a. Food Surplus
b. Division of Labor
c. Trade
d. Population Growth

4. Which of the following did both the Nile River and Tigris/Euphrates Rivers have in
common? (skill of comparison/knowledge)
a. Cataracts
b. A Delta
c. Flooding
d. Waterfalls

Use the map for the following questions:

5. In which of the following areas did agriculture originally develop? (skill of map
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

6. In which of the following areas were natural barriers (deserts, seas) used to fend off
invasion? (skill of map analysis/knowledge)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

7. The amount of countryside controlled by each city-state depended on its agricultural

output. F (knowledge)

8. Sumerians developed the worlds first civilization. T (knowledge)

9. Egyptians believed the pharaoh was both a king and a god. T (knowledge)

10. As cities developed in Mesopotamia, many people abandoned farming in search of other
professions. F (knowledge)

11. Unlike Mesopotamia, Egyptian society did not develop an irrigation system for its crops.
F (skill of contrasting/knowledge)

12. Trade with outsiders was rare in both Mesopotamia and Egypt. F (knowledge)

Fill in the Blank

13. Early peoples were able to settle into permanent communities because they were able to
domesticate certain plants and animals. (knowledge)

14. What form of religion includes the worship of many gods and was practiced by both
Sumerians and Egyptians? Polytheism (knowledge)
15. As cities developed, some people gained more wealth and privilege than others which
resulted in a class system called a(n) social hierarchy (2
words). (knowledge)

16. Unlike hunter-gatherers, agricultural societies had a stable food supply.


17. As people and animals began to live closer to each other, disease began to
occur more often. (knowledge)

18. In order to connect the rivers to their fields, farmers often dug waterways called
canals . (knowledge)

Short-Response (Correct grammar is necessary)

19. In 4 sentences or less, explain why irrigation was needed for civilizations to develop.
(skill of analysis and knowledge)
a. Connect irrigation to food surplus
b. Connect food surplus to larger populations
c. Connect larger populations to division of labor
d. Connect division of labor to civilizations
e. Partial credit depending on how many factors they include and if grammar is

20. In a short paragraph, compare and contrast the positive and negative outcomes of the
Agricultural Revolution on the development of early civilizations. (skill of comparison
and contrast, interpretation, and knowledge)
a. Impact of food surplus of population
b. Impact of social hierarchy
c. Impact of disease
d. Impact of innovations
e. Partial credit depending on how many comparisons they include and if grammar
is correct.

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