July 6, 1937. D. L. Francescon 2,086,073: Aging Potable Liquids in Glass Containers

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July 6, 1937. D. L.

FRANCESCON 2,086,073
Filed April 24, 1936 "

176 34

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Patented July 6, 1937
' 2,086,073


2,086,073 '



Dan L. France-soon, Chicago, 111..

Application April 24, 1936, Serial No. 76,188 .
2 Claims. (01. 99_277'.1) " T '
My invention relates in general to the proc walls of the tube. The tubeisadapted to receive
essing of whiskey and similar potable beverages, and support a plurality oflumps of charcoal 23 .
and has more particular reference to means for I or other material adapted to aid in the whiskey
and method of aging distilled spirits, more par ' aging process. There are, of course, several ma
ticularly whiskey, in glass or similar inert or terials-adapted to this purpose, but I prefer to 5
vitreous containers. '
employ one-quarter inch cubes of wood charcoal.
It has long been recognized that whiskey and The tube I9 may be loaded with the charcoal
the like does not age or become mellow through cubes 23 to a desired'depth and inserted through
the removal or conversion of constituents of the the neck l5. The tube has an open end 24 de
10 raw product as long as the same remains in glass ?ned by an outwardly extending flange 25 which 10
or other containers of vitreous or inert material. is adapted to overlie upon the end of the neck
It is, however, much more convenient -to bottle I5 and to be clampingly secured in-position by
the product as soon as it is made rather than to\ the cover I1, which may be provided with a disc
store the product in suitable aging vats or barrels, 26 to overlie the open end of the tube I9 and
15 and an important object of my present invention seal the same. I prefer also to interpose an an- 15.
is to provide simple and relatively inexpensive nular gasket 21 which extends. around the tube
means whereby liquids of the character men adjacent the ?ange 25 in position to lie between
tioned may be subjected to an aging process said ?ange and the end of the bottle neck I5.
while packaged in glass containers. When the bottle cover I I is applied it will be
20 Another important object is. to provide a simple seen that the cap, in cooperation with the neck
and inexpensive attachment readily mountable of the bottle, will squeeze the edges of the disc
in a glass bottle and adapted to impart a mel 26, the ?ange 25 and the gasket 21 together be
lowing in?uence upon the potable contents of tween the cap and the end of the bottle neck in
the bottle; a, further object being to provide an order thus to ?rmly and completely seal the
attachment which does not require any change container. '
in the form of shape of the container. ,
It will be seen that the tube l9, when mounted
> 25

Another important object is to provide a in operating position in- the neck of the bottle,
whiskey raging attachment for glass 'bottles, will extend substantially to the bottom of the
adapted to be secured in position in the bottle bottle and be immersed in the liquid contents of
solely by means of the bottle cover or cap. "
the same. The contents of the bottle, however, 30
Numerous other objects, advantages and in may ?ow into and through the openings 2I and -
herent functions of the invention: will become thus come into contact with the purifying mate
apparent as the same is more fully understood rial contained in the tube. In this fashion, the
from the following description, which, taken in liquid. is subjected to the aging and mellowing
connection with the accompanying drawing, dis process although the material 23, being in lumps 35
closes a preferred embodiment of the invention. of substantial size, may not escape from the tube
Referring. to the drawing, the single ?gure and contaminate the contents. ~
comprises a sectional view through a glass whis The test tube, of course, may remain in place
key bottle in which is mounted a whiskey aging in the bottle until the same is opened in order
40 attachment embodying my present invention. to use up its contents, at which time the-tube 40
To illustrate the invention I have shown on the ' may be withdrawn and discarded, leaving the
drawing a bottle I I whichmay be of any suitable bottle contents in the bottle without sedimenta
or convenient form which is adapted-to contain tion from the material 23.
a liquid such as whiskey. The bottle may have It will be seen that the agingattachment does
45 a neck. I5 de?ning an opening-giving access to not require special bottle _.construction or'shape, 45
the contents of the bottle, and in the illustrated is of inexpensive character; and is wellus'uited for
embodiment the outer surfaces of the neck I5 easy attachment uponbottles?of standard con
de?ning the opening are formed with screw struction. The attachment, moreover, permits .
threads to receive a metallic capjor'bottle cover whiskey and the like to- be bottled, ready for sale,
50 .formed with threaded portions corresponding as soon as manufactured. The aging process con- 50
with and adapted to, threadinglyengage the tinues until the product is ready for consumption,
' formed threads I6 on the bottle neck.
at which time the aging tube and its contents
The whiskey aging attachment of my present may be easily removed and thrown away.
invention comprises a preferably glass tube I9 It is thought thatthe invention and its numer- '
having perforations 2| at intervals in the side bus attendant advantages will be fully, understood 55 \
2 , 2,086,073
from the foregoing description, and it, is obvious by the bottle coverwhen applied on said neck
that numerous changes may be made in the form, may seal the open end of said container and, in
construction and arrangement of the parts with cooperation with said neck, may clamp ' said
out departing from the spirit or scope of the in ?anged means by and between the .bottle neck
5 vention or sacri?cing its attendant advantages, and said cover in position supporting the con
the form herein described being a preferred em tainer within the bottle with portions of the con
bodiment for the purpose of exemplifying my tainer immersed in the liquid in said bottle, said
container having lateral perforations and a liq
invention.v . -

Having thus described my invention, what I uid aging medium, such as charcoal, within said
10 claim as new and patentable is: .
container whereby to expose the liquid to the
1. For use in combination with a bottle hav? action of said mediumwithout permitting the
ing a restricted neck terminating in a bottle medium
2. The
to escape from said container.
combination of elements set forth in
opening and adapted to contain a potable liquid
and having a cover for-said bottle adaptedvto \claim 1, wherein said container comprises a glass
15 engage the outer surfaces of said neck, the com tube having an open end provided with an out-' 15,
1 . bination of an elongated tubular container hav
standing peripheral ?ange, the opposite end of
i ing an open end and adaptedv for insertion ' the tubefbeing closed and said tube at and near
through the neck of the bottle, said container the closed end thereof being provided with a
l having ?anged means at its'open end adapted plurality of perforations in the walls of the tube.
20 to overlie and engage the end of said neck where DAN L. FRANCEISCON. 20
n .

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