2-13 sp1 Plans For The Week

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La semana del trece de febrero (week of 2-13)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.

Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.

Tarea means homework. Examencito means


lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo presentar el examencito de

vocabulario y puedo conjugar verbos de
er y -ir.
Anyone who correctly followed the alternate directions
for their homework earned 11 points on Friday.

Pon tus carpetas arriba.

-Put up your privacy folders.
Saca tu lpiz.
Take out your pencil.
Vamos a
-tomar el examen de vocabulario (10 minutos)
-mirar el video de er and ir verbs y tomar
Comer and escribir are conj p.138 correr,
leer, asistir (a), beber (algo), abrir, interrumpir
-empezar la tarea
Reglas- rules
No busques respuestas!
-Dont look for answers!
No hables! - Dont talk!
Cubre tu papel! -Cover your paper.
Tarea: page 138 Act 32, 1-5 fill in the
blanks. You need to know what they mean
and verb conjugation endings to know the
right answers. And start studying for our
chapter 4 test on Wednesday, March 1. Use
your study guide, review your notes, your
book, your old assignments, and dont forget
to use my quizlets.

Make sure you get a study guide today!!

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo usar verbos de er y ir y

verbos irregulares.
Tens kids wont be here tomorrow. They will do the listening on ThursdayI need to see
Rea to explainThey will sit in the back on Thursday to go over what they missed.

-Entrega la tarea page 138 Act 32 1-5

-Abre el libro a pgina 138, and write
the sentence for #6 and #7 (Act 32) in
your notebook, underlining the verb.
Then talk to your neighbor to translate.
Then try to translate these Silly
valentine messages: A veces me
pregunto por qu la vida es tan bella. Ahora
ya lo s, porque t ests en ella.
Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por
como soy yo cuando estoy contigo.

Vamos a
-repasar 6, 7, y mesajes de San Valentn
-mirar el video de irregular yo verbs y tomar
notas, usando los verbos nuevos
They are all conjugated on p. 140
Tarea: page 140 Act 36, just write the letter
answers. Of course, you need to know what
they mean
Continue studying for our chapter 4 test on
Wednesday, March 1. Use your study guide,
review your notes, your book, your old
assignments, and dont forget to use my
mircoles (Wednesday)

Yo puedo usar los verbos nuevos.

Entrega la tarea page 140 Act 36-make sure you
have the letter answers
Toma el papel: Seatwork conjugating
our new verbs.
Work on it with a neighbor.

Vamos a
-repasar el papel I need someone who can
check go over the answers with the kids who
missed today tomorrow

-usar los verbos nuevos

-empezar la tarea
-hacer Quizlet live?

Tarea: page 141 Act 37, true or false

Continue studying for our chapter 4 test on
Wednesday, March 1. Use your study guide,
review your notes, your book, your old
assignments, and dont forget to use my
Tomorrow you need to give your
homework to the substitute, and he
needs to check the homework.
You will have the class period to work
on studying. You may work quietly with
a neighbor or do quizlets online on your
The kids who missed today will sit in
the back tomorrow, so they can work on
what they missed today.

jueves (Thursday)
Today is a day to practice studying for our chapter 4
test that will be on Wednesday, March 1
The students who missed yesterday because they
were at the Tens Program field trip, need to work on
the classwork and homework they missed, and then
they can use the rest of the time to study.

viernes (Friday)
No hay espaol; es medioda.
There isnt Spanish; its a half day.

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