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3 Grammar 3

using the phone

Give me a call
Dialogue 1
Student A Student B

You want to speak to your friend David. You are Davids cousin. Answer the phone.
Callhim. David is not at home. Take a message.

Leave a message. You want your friend David to

Ask for the callers phone number.
call you back.

You didnt hear the phone number. Ask for the

Give your phone number: 07789 535886.
phone number again.

Repeat your phone number. Finish the phone call.

Dialogue 2
Student B Student A

Youre a shop customer of Calvins Clothes. You work in a clothes shop called Calvins
Callthe shop. Clothes. Answer the phone.

Tell the shop assistant who you are. You want

The manager isnt here. Take a message.
to speak to the manager.

Leave a message. You want the manager to call

Ask for the customers phone number.
you back.

Give your phone number: 06994 231445. Ask the customer to repeat the phone number.

Repeat your phone number. Finish the phone call.

Finish the phone call.

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3 Grammar 3
using the phone

Give me a call
Target language: using the phone
Activity type: dialogue
When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 3.3.
Time: 20 minutes
Preparation: Photocopy and cut up one worksheet for each pair of students.

Put students into pairs. Give each pair a Dialogue 1 worksheet.
Tell students to roleplay the phone conversation using the flowchart to help them. Give
students time to prepare what they are going to say before they speak. When they have
finished Dialogue 1, give each pair a Dialogue 2 worksheet. Tell students that Student B
starts Dialogue 2. Give students time to roleplay the second situation.
When they have finished, ask one pair for each dialogue to volunteer to act out their
conversation in open class.

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