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the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon

City in Criminal Case Q-03-116898 with
178544 violation of Section 5, Article II of Republic
Appellee, Act (R.A.) 9165 or the Comprehensive
CARPIO, J., Chairperson, Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
- versus - VELASCO, JR.,*
E At the trial, PO2 Bernard Amigo testified
R that at about 1:00 p.m. on April 23, 2003
L the Batasan Police Station got a tip from
an informant that accused Paloma was
, selling illegal drugs at Pacomara Street in
Commonwealth, Quezon City. The station
A chief directed PO2 Amigo and PO1 Arnold
, Pealosa to conduct a buy-bust operation
involving Paloma. The police officers went
n to Pacomara Street with the informant and
d brought with them a P100.00 bill marked
E with the initials AP.
O When the buy-bust team arrived at
Z Pacomara Street at around 3:15 p.m., they
, saw Paloma standing beside a man and a
woman. PO1 Pealosa and the informant
J approached them; PO2 Amigo, the
witness, stood as back-up some 15 meters
Appellant. Promulgated: away. From where he stood, he saw PO1

February 23, 2011 Pealosa talking to Paloma. Momentarily,

x PO1 Pealosa waved his hand, signifying
----------------------------- x that he had made the purchase. On seeing
the pre-arranged signal, PO2 Amigo
approached and arrested Paloma; PO1
ABAD, J.: Pealosa for his part arrested Palomas
companions, later on identified as Noriel
This case is about the need in cases of Bamba (Bamba) and Angie Grotel
illegal sale of prohibited drugs for the (Grotel). PO2 Amigo recovered from
prosecution to prove the details of the Palomas pants pocket a plastic sachet with
transaction through someone who saw the a white crystalline substance and the
sale take place. marked P100.00 bill.

The Facts and the Case After the police officers informed Paloma,
Bamba, and Grotel of their rights during
The public prosecutor charged the custodial investigation, they brought them
accused Manuel Paloma (Paloma) before to the police station and turned them over
to the desk officer. The arresting officers
also turned over the three sachets of To prove the crime of illegal sale of drugs
suspected shabu that they under Section 5, Article II of R.A. 9165, the
seized. According to PO2 Amigo, two of prosecution is required to prove (a) the
these sachets were those that PO1 identity of the buyer and the seller as well
Pealosa bought from Paloma. The police as the object and consideration of the
eventually let Bamba and Grotel go for the sale; and (b) the delivery of the thing sold
reason that the police officers found no and the payment given for the
illegal drugs in their possession. same. Further, the prosecution must
present in court evidence of corpus delicti.
In his defense, Paloma denied that such a [1]

buy-bust operation took place. He claimed

that at the time of the alleged buy-bust, Here, the proof of the sale of illegal
he was with his 80-year-old mother at drugs is wanting.
their house on Pacomara Street, taking a
nap. Suddenly, five armed men in civilian One. Under the objective test set by the
clothes barged into the house and woke Court in People v. Doria,[2] the prosecution
him up. Two of them held him by the arms must clearly and adequately show the
while the others searched the details of the purported sale, namely, the
house. Although the men found nothing, initial contact between the poseur-buyer
they handcuffed him and brought him to and the pusher, the offer to purchase, the
the police station. promise or payment of the consideration,
and, finally, the accuseds delivery of the
On June 10, 2005 the RTC found Paloma illegal drug to the buyer, whether the
guilty beyond reasonable doubt in latter be the informant alone or the police
Criminal Case Q-03-116898 of the crime officer. This proof is essential to ensure
charged and sentenced him to suffer the that law-abiding citizens are not unlawfully
penalty of life imprisonment and to pay a induced to commit the offense.[3]
fine of P500,000.00.
Here, PO2 Amigos testimony miserably
On February 13, 2007 the Court of Appeals failed to establish the required details of
(CA) in CA-G.R. HC CR 01289 affirmed the the supposed illegal drug sale. He testified
RTCs ruling in toto. on direct examination:

Q: When you, [P]olice

The Issue Presented
[O]fficer Pealosa and
the confidential
informant arrived at
The sole issue in this case is whether or around 3:15 at
not the CA erred in finding that the Pacomara Street,
what happened
prosecution succeeded in proving beyond there?
reasonable doubt that Paloma sold A: Upon arrival of that said
place Pacomara
prohibited drugs to PO1 Pealosa. Street we saw
Paloma and one
The Ruling of the Court companion talking
with each other.[4]
xxxx A: We rushed up to the area
where they were
Q: Now when Police standing.
Officer Pealosa
and the asset Q: When you arrived in that
approached area what happened
Paloma where there?
were you at that A: I grabbed Paloma and
time? made the search.
A: I was in a hiding [5]
place, in a viewing supplied)

Q: Can you see them All that PO2 Amigo could say was that PO1
talking with each
other from where Pealosa and the informant approached
you were Paloma, talked to him, and then PO1
A: Yes, sir. Pealosa made the pre-arranged signal that
the sale had been consummated. Since he
Q: You said earlier Mr.
Witness that there was standing at a great distance during
were other person[s] the purported buy-bust, PO2 Amigo could
other than Paloma,
female and not provide the details of the offer to buy
male when Police
the drug and the acceptance of that
Officer Pealosa and
the confidential offer. Indeed, he did not see Paloma take
money from PO1 Pealosa nor Pealosa take
approached him,
where were these delivery of the prohibited substance from
two persons?
A: They were beside each Paloma.
Q: What were they doing,
these two persons at The cross-examination of PO2 Amigo does
that time when they not help. He testified:
approached by your
A: They were just standing. Q: As a back up Mr.
Witness you will
Q: When these Pealosa agree with me
and confidential that you cannot
informant hear what was the
approached the conversation
subject, what between the
happened informant, Mr.
next? What transpi Pealosa and Mr.
red next at that Paloma?
time? A: Yes, maam.
A: While they were
talking Pealosa Q: So you merely acted
made the pre- upon their gesture?
arrange[d] signal. A: Yes, maam.
Q: So Mr. Witness when you
Q: What was that signal rushed-in to the
that Pealosa did? place where the buy-
A: By waving his hand. bust operation was
Q: Meaning to say? being conducted,
A: The buy-bust has you just rushed-in
already not because you
consummated. were called upon,
but because of the
Q: When Pealosa made that gesture that the
signal what did you same was
do if any? consummated?
A: Yes maam only the pre-
arranged signal.

While law enforcers enjoy the presumption
of regularity in the performance of their
duties, this presumption is disputable by ANTONIO T. CARPIO
Associate Justice
contrary proof and cannot prevail over the
constitutional right of the accused to be
presumed innocent.[7] The totality of the
evidence presented in this case does not PRESBITERO J. VELASCO,
support Palomas conviction for violation of Associate Justice Associate Justice
Section 5, Article II of R.A. 9165, since the
prosecution failed to prove beyond
reasonable doubt all the elements of the
offense.[8] Associate Justice


petition, SETS ASIDE the decision of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. HC CR 01289 I attest that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation
dated February 13, 2007 as well as the before the case was assigned to the writer
decision of the Regional Trial Court of of the opinion of the Courts Division.

Quezon City, Branch 103, in Criminal Case

Q-03-116898, and ACQUITS the accused-
appellant Manuel Paloma y Espinosa of the Associate Justice
Chairperson, Second
crime of which he is charged on the
ground of reasonable doubt. The Court
orders his immediate RELEASE from
custody unless he is being held for some CERTIFICATION
other lawful cause. Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Constitution and the Division Chairpersons
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions
The Court further ORDERS the Director of in the above Decision had been reached in
the Bureau of Corrections to implement consultation before the case was assigned
to the writer of the opinion of the Courts
this Decision forthwith and to inform this Division.
Court, within five (5) days from receipt
hereof, of the date appellant was actually
released from confinement. Costs de
Chief Justice

SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 182525, March 02 : 2011]


Associate Justice
PEREZ, J.: Examination addressed to
the PNP Crime Laboratory
Subject of this appeal is the Decision[1] of Office, Camp Crame,
the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. CR-H.C. Quezon City;
No. 02361 dated 22 October 2007,
affirming the Judgment[2] dated 9 May 4. That the specimen
2006 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), submitted for examination
Branch 64 of Makati City, finding appellant were duly received by the
Bertha Presas y Tolentino guilty of illegal PNP Crime Laboratory
sale of shabu. Office, Camp Crame,
Quezon City as evidenced
Two separate Informations were filed by the stamp mark at the
before the RTC. In Criminal Case No. 03- lower left portion of the
2795, appellant was accused of illegal sale Request for Laboratory
of shabu which reads: Examination;

That on or about the 30th day of July 2003, 5. That the PNP Crime
in the City of Makati, Philippines, a place Laboratory Office through
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Police Inspector Abraham
Court, the above-named accused, without Verde Tecson conducted an
being authorized by law, did then and examination on the
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously specimen submitted;
sell[,] distribute and transport, weighing
zero point zero six (0.06) gram of
6. That per examination, the
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu),
which is a dangerous drug, in violation of specimen submitted for
examination gave positive
the above-cited law.[3]
result for the test of
In Criminal Case No. 03-2796, appellant Hydrochloride;
was charged with illegal possession
of shabu allegedly committed as follows: 7. That after examination of
the specimen submitted,
That on or about the 30th day of July the PNP Crime Laboratory
2003, in the City of Makati, Philippines, a Office through the Forensic
place within the jurisdiction of this Chemist prepared the Initial
Honorable Court, the above-named Laboratory Report; and
accused, not lawfully authorized to
possess or otherwise use any dangerous
8. The qualification of the
drug and without the corresponding
Forensic Chemist.
license or prescription, did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have in
his possession, direct custody and control xxxx
weighing zero point zero seven (0.07)
gram of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride With the stipulation entered into by the
(Shabu), which is a dangerous drug, in prosecution and the defense, the
violation of the above-cited law.[4] testimony of the Forensic Chemist, P/Insp.
Abraham Verde Tecson, is dispensed with.

On arraignment, appellant pleaded not

guilty to both charges. In a joint pre-trial
conference conducted on 9 September A joint trial of the two (2) cases thereafter
2003, the following facts were stipulated: ensued.

The following facts were related by

1. That these cases were
prosecution witnesses who comprised
investigated by PO1 Alex
mainly of members of the buy-bust team.
Based on an informant's
2. That after the investigation tip, Barangay Captain Doromal
of PO1 Alex Inopia, he of Barangay Pitogo called up the Makati
prepared the Final City Police Station Anti-Illegal Drug Special
Investigation Report; Operation - Sub Task Force, to disclose the
illegal sale of drugs of an alias Beng, who
3. That the PNP Anti Illegal was later identified as appellant
Drug Special Operation Sub- in Barangay Pinagkaisahan, Makati City. A
Task Force through P/Supt. buy-bust operation was conducted. Makati
Jose Ramon Salido made a Anti Drug Abuse Council (MADAC)
Request for Laboratory operative Gerardo Farias (Farias)
acted as the poseur-buyer and was backed sentencing her to suffer life imprisonment
up by PO2 Rodrigo Igno (PO2 Igno), as the and to pay a fine of P500,000.00. She was
team leader, PO2 Herbert Ibias, and PO2 however acquitted of the charge for
Tolentino, among others. Two (2) One violation of Section 11, Article II of
Hundred Pesos bills were prepared. PO2 Republic Act. No. 9165 in Criminal Case
Igno placed the markings "C4" above the No. 03-2796, for insufficiency of evidence.
serial numbers of the bills.[6] Upon The trial court found the prosecution's
reaching Danlig Street in Makati City at evidence as sufficient to prove the
around 9:00 p.m., Farias and the elements for illegal sale ofshabu.
informant waited at a nearby store for
appellant. When the informant called on On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed
appellant, the latter came out of her the judgment of the RTC. The Court of
house, which was situated at the corner of Appeals vouched for the credibility of the
Danlig and Tolentino Streets. The prosecution witnesses and rejected
informant introduced Farias to appellant's defense of denial, holding the
appellant as the buyer of shabu. Appellant same as inherently weak.
even asked informant if it was "okay" to
transact with Farias, to which the In appealing her conviction before this
informant answered "okay yan mare, Court, appellant opted to adopt the same
kaibigan ko yan." Farias gave Two arguments in her Brief before the Court of
Hundred Pesos (P200.00) to appellant, Appeals. To prove that her guilt was not
who then put the money inside her right proven beyond reasonable doubt,
pocket while drawing a plastic sachet from appellant challenges the credibility of the
her left pocket. Appellant handed the testimony of prosecution witnesses,
plastic sachet to Farias. Thereafter, particularly their contradicting statements
Farias gave the pre-arranged signal of regarding whether a surveillance was
taking off his cap. PO2 Igno and Tolentino conducted prior to the buy-bust operation
immediately approached and arrested or not. Appellant then questions the non-
appellant. PO2 Tolentino asked appellant presentation of the forensic chemist to
to empty her pockets, and the buy-bust corroborate the alleged findings that the
money as well as another plastic sachet substance examined was found positive
were recovered from her. The plastic for shabu. Finally, appellant disputes the
sachet containing shabu was marked with presumption that the MADAC operative
appellant's initials "PBT" at the crime had regularly performed their duties.
scene by Farias. Appellant was then Appellant claims that certain regulations
brought to the Makati Police Headquarters. providing for the chain of custody of
The plastic sachets seized drugs were not followed. There was
containingshabu were brought to the no physical inventory nor a photograph of
Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime the drugs allegedly confiscated from
Laboratory for examination.[8]Chemistry appellant.
Report Number D-959-03 revealed that
the specimens submitted yielded positive On the contrary, the Office of the Solicitor
results for shabu.[9] General (OSG) maintains that appellant's
guilt was proven beyond reasonable
As the lone witness for the defense, doubt. The prosecution was able to prove
appellant testified that she was inside her that appellant was arrested in a buy-bust
house on 30 July 2003 in Danlig Street operation and she was positively identified
when several men, who claimed to be as the person who sold the illegal drugs to
from the barangay, knocked on the door theposeur-buyer. The OSG justifies the
and eventually forced their way into her alleged inconsistencies in the testimonies
house. Appellant was dragged out of the of prosecution witnesses as being minor or
house and forcefully boarded her into a trivial which did not detract from the fact
vehicle. She was brought to that appellant was caught in flagrante
the barangay hall of Barangay Pitogo delicto as a result of the buy-bust
where she was brought inside a room, operation. The non-presentation of the
frisked, and asked to undress. Despite the forensic chemist, the OSG adds, is
fact that nothing was recovered from her, immaterial because the Chemistry Report
appellant was brought to the PNP-Criminal revealed that the specimens were found
Investigation Division where she positive for shabu and such evidence was
underwent a drug test. Appellant denied not contested by the defense. With
selling shabu and any knowledge of a buy- respect to the chain of custody, the OSG
bust operation.[10] argues that the contraband items were
initialled by Farias in appellant's
After trial, the RTC rendered a decision presence and the Chemistry Report
finding appellant guilty of violation of confirmed that they were positive
Section 5, Article II of Republic Act No. for shabu. The incident was likewise
9165 in Criminal Case No. 03-2795 and documented in the Spot Report.
What did you do after the informant called
After scouring the records of this case, we the accused?
do not find any cogent reason to depart
from the ruling of the Court of Appeals. WITNESS:
Otherwise stated, we agree with the lower
courts' finding that the guilt of the Alias Beng went out of their house, sir.
appellant was established beyond
reasonable doubt. PROS. BAGAOISAN:

In every prosecution for illegal sale What happened after Alias Beng went out?
of shabu under Section 5, Art. II of
Republic Act No. 9165 or the WITNESS:
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
2002," the following elements must be I was introduced by the informant to her,
sufficiently proved: (1) the identity of the sir.
buyer and the seller, the object and the
consideration; and (2) the delivery of the PROS. BAGAOISAN:
thing sold and the payment therefor.[11] All
these elements were duly established. How were you introduced to the accused?
Appellants were caught in flagrante
delicto selling shabu through a buy-bust WITNESS:
operation conducted by MADAC
operatives. That I am interested of shabu and then I
am going to buy shabu, sir.
At the outset, we affirm the findings of the
trial court with respect to the credibility of PROS. BAGAOISAN:
the prosecution witnesses considering that
the trial court had the opportunity to And, what did the accused reply, if any?
observe the conduct and demeanor of the
witnesses during the trial. It is a WITNESS:
fundamental rule that findings of the trial
courts which are factual in nature and Alias Beng asked the informant if I am
which involve credibility are accorded okay, sir.
respect when no glaring errors; gross
misapprehension of facts; or speculative, PROS. BAGAOISAN:
arbitrary, and unsupported conclusions
can be gathered from such findings.[12] And, what was the reply of the informant if
there was any?
The poseur-buyer, MADAC operative
Farias, positively testified that the sale WITNESS:
of shabu took place and appellant was
caught red-handed, thus: The informant replied: "Okay yan mare,
kaibigan ko yan."
And, how long did you wait for the
accused? What happened next after that?


We just waited for seconds and then we I gave the Two Hundred Pesos to Alias
saw alias Beng because the informant Beng and she took it from me, sir.
called her, sir.
And, what did the accused do after she
Now, where did the accused come from? received the buy bust money?


Their house is located at the corner of She put the money inside her right pocket
Danlig and Tolentino Streets and their and then she drew a plastic sachet in her
fence is quite low, so the informant just left pocket, sir.
called her, sir.
And, what did she do with the plastic Exhibit J-1. Do you still confirm and affirm
sachet which she drew from her pocket? the truthfulness of your allegations in this
She handed to me the plastic sachet and
then she was as if examining it and then I Yes, sir.
gave the pre-arranged signal, sir.[13]
While it was only Farias who testified on
the consummated sale transaction, PO2 Now, you mentioned in your affidavit that
Igno corroborated Farias statements in the poseur buyer was able to
the Joint Affidavit of Arrest[14] he executed buyshabu from the accused in this case,
together with Farias and PO2 Tolentino. do your (sic) confirm that statement?
PO2 Igno confirmed that Farias was
able to buy shabu from appellant. WITNESS:


Now, Mr. Witness, in connection with the
buy bust operation that you conducted
against Bertha Presas y Tolentino do you Were you able to see the shabu subject
recall having executed an affidavit of matter of the sale transaction?[15]
Chemistry Report No. D-959-03 confirmed
WITNESS: that a qualitative examination conducted
on the specimens inside the plastic
Yes sir. sachets seized from appellant yielded
positive result for Methylamphetamine
PROS. BAGAOISAN: Hydrochloride or shabu.[16]

If that affidavit of arrest will be shown to Appellant harps on the non-presentation of

you, will you be able to identify the same? the forensic chemist thereby rendering the
laboratory findings as hearsay evidence.
WITNESS: The Court of Appeals correctly pointed out
that appellant agreed to dispense with the
Yes, sir. testimony of the forensic chemist, as
stipulated in the Pre-Trial Order, thus:
Appellant cannot now contend that the
I am showing, Mr. Witness, as Affidavit of non-presentation of the Forensic Chemist
Arrest consisting of two pages, will you was fatal to the prosecution's case. A
please go over the same and tell us what perusal of the records of the instant case
relation does this have to affidavit of clearly reveals that the Pre-trial Order
arrest operation conducted against the dated 9 September 2003 issued by the
accused? court a quo was regular on its face. In fact,
the defense counsel and appellant herself
WITNESS: had affixed their respective signatures on
the Minutes thereof. As such, the
This is the Joint Affidavit of Arrest, sir. stipulations therein are valid and binding
between the parties and become judicial
PROS. BAGAOISAN: admissions of the facts so stipulated.[17]

There is a signature above the name Assuming arguendo that there is no

Rodrigo Igno, whose signature is this? stipulation of facts, the non-presentation
of the forensic chemist is not fatal to the
WITNESS: prosecution's case. In People v. Quebral,
this Court explained:
That is my signature, sir.
The corpus delicti in dangerous drugs
PROS. BAGAOISAN: cases constitutes the dangerous drug
itself. This means that proof beyond doubt
May I request, Your Honor, that this of the identity of the prohibited drug is
Affidavit of Arrest be market as Exhibit J, essential.
the signature of the witness, PO2 Igno as
Exhibit J-2. Earlier we have marked the Besides, corpus delicti has nothing to do
signature of MADAC Gerardo Farias as
with the testimony of the laboratory properly preserved by the apprehending
analyst. In fact, this Court has ruled that officer/team, shall not render void and
the report of an official forensic chemist invalid such seizures of and custody over
regarding a recovered prohibited drug said items.
enjoys the presumption of regularity in its
preparation. Corollarily, under Section 44 The failure of the prosecution to show that
of Rule 130, Revised Rules of Court, the police officers conducted the required
entries in official records made in the physical inventory and photograph of the
performance of official duty are prima evidence confiscated pursuant to said
facie evidence of the facts they state.[19] guidelines, does not automatically render
accused's arrest illegal or the items seized
Appellant's defense, which is predicated from him inadmissible. A proviso was
on a bare denial, deserves scant added in the implementing rules that
consideration in light of the positive "non-compliance with these requirements
testimonies of MADAC operatives. under justifiable grounds, as long as the
Appellant failed to impute any ill-motives integrity and the evidentiary value of the
on their part to falsely testify against her. seized items are properly preserved by the
Hence, their testimonies and actuations apprehending officer/team, shall not
enjoy the presumption of regularity. render void and invalid such seizures of
and custody over said items." The same
Lastly, appellant contends that the provision also states that it must still be
prosecution failed to prove the crucial link shown that there exists justifiable grounds
in the chain of custody of shabu when the and proof that the integrity and
MADAC operatives failed to observe the evidentiary value of the evidence have
procedure regarding the custody of seized been preserved.[20]
It is no longer necessary to dwell on the
Section 21, paragraph 1, Article II of justifiable reasons that might have been
Republic Act No. 9165 provides for the offered for the failure to comply with the
custody and disposition of the confiscated outlined procedure since it was never
illegal drugs, to wit: asked nor raised as an issue by the
defense during the trial. Pertinently, it is
(1) The apprehending team having initial the preservation of the integrity and
custody and control of the drugs shall, evidentiary value of the seized items
immediately after seizure and which must be proven to establish
confiscation, physically inventory and the corpus delicti.
photograph the same in the presence of
the accused or the person/s from whom In this case, the failure on the part of the
such items were confiscated and/or MADAC operatives to take photographs
seized, or his/her representative or and make an inventory of the drugs seized
counsel, a representative from the media from the appellant was not fatal because
and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the prosecution was able to preserve the
any elected public official who shall be integrity and evidentiary value of the said
required to sign the copies of the illegal drugs. The concurrence of all
inventory and be given a copy thereof; elements of the illegal sale of shabu was
proven by the prosecution. The chain of
custody did not appear to be broken. The
This rule was elaborated in Section 21(a),
recovery and handling of the seized drugs
Article II of the Implementing Rules and
were satisfactorily established. Farias
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9165, viz:
was able to put the necessary markings on
the plastic sachet of shabu bought from
a) The apprehending team having initial
appellant immediately after the
custody and control of the drugs shall,
consummation of the drug sale. This was
immediately after seizure and
done in the presence of appellant and the
confiscation, physically inventory and
other operatives, and while in the crime
photograph the same in the presence of
scene. The seized items were then
the accused or the person/s from whom
brought to the PNP Crime Laboratory for
such items were confiscated and/or
examination on the same day.[21] Both
seized, or his/her representative or
prosecution witnesses were able to
counsel, a representative from the media
identify and explain said markings in
and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and
any elected public official who shall be
required to sign the copies of the
Based on the foregoing, it has been
inventory and be given a copy thereof:
established by proof beyond reasonable
Provided, further, that non-compliance
doubt that appellants sold shabu. Under
with these requirements under justifiable
Section 5, Article II of Republic Act No.
grounds, as long as the integrity and the
9165, the penalty of life imprisonment to
evidentiary value of the seized items are
death and a fine ranging from Five then and there willfully, unlawfully and
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to feloniously have in his possession, custody
Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall and control two (2) bricks of dried
be imposed upon any person, who, unless marijuana fruiting tops with a total weight
authorized by law, shall sell, trade, of 997 .9 grams, knowing the same to be a
administer, dispense, deliver, give away to dangerous drug.
another, distribute dispatch in transit or
transport any dangerous drug, including The facts, as synthesized by the RTC and
any and all species of opium poppy adopted by the Court of Appeals, are as
regardless of the quantity and purity follows:
involved. Hence, the trial court, as
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, correctly EVIDENCE OF THE PROSECUTION
imposed the penalty of life imprisonment
and a fine of P500,000.00.
On November 13, 2003[,] at around 5:30 x
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated 22 x x in the afternoon, while PO1 NELSON
October 2007 of the Court of Appeals in MARIANO and PO3 EDUARDO RAMIREZ
CA G.R. CR-H.C. No. 02361, convicting were on duty, a certain EDWIN LOJERA
appellant for violation of Section 5, Article arrived at their office and asked for police
II of Republic Act No. 9165 and sentencing assistance regarding a shooting incident.
her to suffer the penalty of life Per report of the latter, it appears that
imprisonment and to pay a fine of while driving a towing truck and traversing
P500,000.00 is herebyAFFIRMED. along EDSA, Balintawak, Quezon City, he
had a traffic dispute (gitgitan) with a white
SO ORDERED. taxi cab prompting him to follow said
vehicle until they reached along 8th
Corona, C.J., (Chairperson), Velasco, Avenue Street corner C-3 Road, Caloocan
Jr., Leonardo-De Castro, and Del City. Thereat, the passengers of said taxi
Castillo, JJ., concur. cab, one of them was accused Calantiao,
alighted and fired their guns. Surprised,
Lojera could not do anything but
continued his driving until he reached a
G.R. No. 203984 June 18, police station nearby where he reported
2014 the incident.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff- The police officers on duty then were PO1
vs. RAMIREZ. PO1 Mariano testified that they
MEDARIO CALANTIAO y immediately responded to said complaint
DIMALANTA, Accused-Appellant. by proceeding to 5th Avenue corner 8th
Street, Caloocan City where they found
DECISION the white taxi. While approaching said
vehicle, two armed men alighted
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: therefrom, fired their guns towards them
(police officers) and ran away. PO1
This is an appeal from the January 1 7, Mariano and PO3 Ramirez chased them
2012 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals in but they were subdued. PO1 Mariano
CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 04069, affirming in recovered from Calantiao a black bag
toto the July 23, 2009 Decision2 of the containing two (2) bricks of dried
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City, marijuana fruiting tops and a magazine of
Branch 127, finding accused-appellant super 38 stainless with ammos, while PO3
Medario Calantiao y Dimalanta (Calantiao) Ramirez recovered from Calantiaos
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of companion [a] .38 revolver.
violating Section 11, Article II of Republic
Act No. 9165 or the Comprehensive The suspects and the confiscated items
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. were then turned over to SPO3 PABLO
TEMENA, police investigator at Bagong
On November 13, 2003, Calantiao was Barrio Police Station for investigation.
charged before the RTC of violation of Thereat, PO1 Mariano marked the bricks of
Section 11, Article II of Republic Act No. marijuana contained in a black bag with
9165 in an Information,3 the pertinent his initials, "NM". Thereafter, said
portion of which reads: That on or about specimen were forwarded to the PNP
the 11th day of November, 2003 in Crime Laboratory for chemical analysis.
Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines The result of the examination conducted
and within the jurisdiction of this by P/SINSP. JESSSE DELA ROSA revealed
Honorable Court, the above-named that the same was positive for marijuana,
accused, without any authority of law, did a dangerous drug.
The foregoing testimony of PO1 MARIANO you" sign against the persons on board of
was corroborated by PO3 RAMIREZ who that car. That prompted the latter to chase
testified that he personally saw those them and when they were caught in a
bricks of marijuana confiscated from the traffic jam, PO1 Nelson Mariano, one of the
accused. He confirmed that he was with persons on board of that other car
PO1 Mariano when they apprehended said alighted and kicked their taxi. Calantiao
accused and his companion and testified and Reyes alighted and PO1 Mariano
that while PO1 Mariano recovered from the slapped the latter and uttered, "Putang ina
accused a black bag containing marijuana, mo bakit mo ako pinakyu hindi mo ba ako
on his part, he confiscated from accuseds kilala?" Said police officer poked his gun
companion a .38 revolver. again[st] Reyes and when Calantiao tried
to grab it, the gun fired. Calantiao and
MR. CRISENDO AMANSEC, the driver of the Reyes were then handcuffed and were
taxi where the suspects boarded was also brought to the police station. Thereat,
presented in open court and testified as to they were subjected to body frisking and
what he knows about the incident. He their wallets and money were taken. PO1
confirmed that on that date, two (2) Mariano then prepared some documents
persons boarded on his taxi and upon and informed them that they will be
reaching C-3 Road, they alighted and fired charged for drugs. A newspaper
three (3) shots and ran away. containing marijuana was shown to them
and said police officer told them that it
Aside from the oral testimonies of the would be sufficient evidence against them.
witnesses, the prosecution also offered the They were detained and subjected to
following documentary evidence to boost medical examination before they were
their charge against the accused: submitted for inquest at the prosecutors
Exh. "A" Request for Laboratory
Examination dated November 12, Ruling of the RTC
On July 23, 2009, the RTC rendered its
Exh. "B" Physical Sciences Report Decision giving credence to the
No. D-1423-03 dated November 12, prosecutions case. The dispositive portion
2003 of the Decision reads:

Exh. "C-1" Picture of First brick of WHEREFORE, premises considered,

marijuana fruiting tops judgment is hereby rendered declaring
Exh. "C-2" Picture of Second brick DOUBT of the offense of Violation of
of marijuana fruiting tops Section 11, Article II, R.A. 9165, for
illegally possessing997.9 grams of
Exh. "D" Referral Slip dated marijuana fruiting tops. Henceforth, this
November 12, 2003 Court hereby sentences him to suffer the
penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of
Exh. "E" Pinagsamang Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
Sinumpaang Salaysay dated (Php500,000.00).5
November 12, 2003 of PO3
Eduardo Ramirez and PO1 Nelson In convicting Calantiao, the RTC held that
Mariano the illegal drug seized was admissible in
evidence as it was discovered during a
Exh. "E-1" Their respective body search after Calantiao was caught in
signatures flagrante delicto of possessing a gun and
firing at the police officers. Moreover, the
Exh. "F" Sinumpaang Salaysay of RTC found all the elements of the offense
Crisendo Amansec (Erroneously to have been duly established by the
marked as Exh. "E") prosecution.6

EVIDENCE OF THE DEFENSE Aggrieved, Calantiao appealed7 his

conviction to the Court of Appeals,
The accused offered a different version of assigning the following errors:
the story. According to his testimony, this
instant case originated from a traffic I
mishap where the taxi he and his
companion Rommel Reyes were riding THE COURT A QUOGRAVELY ERRED
almost collided with another car. Reyes IN FINDING THE ACCUSED-
then opened the window and made a "fuck APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND
REASONABLE DOUBT FOR Finally, the seized items custodial chain is
9165, NOTWITHSTANDING THE In essence, Calantiao is questioning the
FACT THAT THE ALLEGEDLY SEIZED admissibility of the marijuana found in his
ITEMS ARE INADMISSIBLE IN possession, as evidence against him on
EVIDENCE. the grounds of either it was discovered via
an illegal search, or because its custodial
II chain was broken.


APPELLANT DESPITE THE This Court finds no merit in Calantiaos
This Court cannot subscribe to Calantiaos
III contention that the marijuana in his
possession cannot be admitted as
THE COURT A QUOGRAVELY ERRED evidence against him because it was
IN CONVICTING THE ACCUSED- illegally discovered and seized, not having
APPELLANT DESPITE THE been within the apprehending officers
OF THE SEIZED DANGEROUS Searches and seizure incident to a lawful
DRUGS.8 arrest are governed by Section 13, Rule
126 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
Ruling of the Court of Appeals Procedure, to wit:

The Court of Appeals found no reason to Section 13.Search incident to lawful

overturn Calantiaos conviction. It found arrest. A person lawfully arrested may be
that there was sufficient reason to justify a searched for dangerous weapons or
warrantless arrest, as the police officers anything which may have been used or
were acting on a legitimate complaint and constitute proof in the commission of an
had a reasonable suspicion that the offense without a search warrant.
persons identified at the scene were the
perpetrators of the offense. Likewise, the The purpose of allowing a warrantless
Court of Appeals held that the search and search and seizure incident to a lawful
subsequent seizure of the marijuana in arrest is "to protect the arresting officer
question was lawful and valid, being from being harmed by the person
incidental to a lawful arrest.9 Finding that arrested, who might be armed with a
all the elements of the charge of illegal concealed weapon, and to prevent the
possession of dangerous drugs to be latter from destroying evidence within
present and duly proven,10 the Court of reach."13 It is therefore a reasonable
Appeals, on January 17, 2012, exercise of the States police power to
promulgated its Decision, affirming in toto protect (1) law enforcers from the injury
the RTCs ruling. that may be inflicted on them by a person
they have lawfully arrested; and (2)
Undaunted, Calantiao is now before this evidence from being destroyed by the
Court praying for an acquittal, adding the arrestee. It seeks to ensure the safety of
following arguments in support of his the arresting officers and the integrity of
position: the evidence under the control and within
the reach of the arrestee.
First, the plain view doctrine is not an
exception to a search incident to a valid In People v. Valeroso,14 this Court had the
warrantless arrest. occasion to reiterate the permissible reach
of a valid warrantless search and seizure
xxxx incident to a lawful arrest, viz:

Second, Calantiao did not waive the When an arrest is made, it is reasonable
inadmissibility of the seized items. for the arresting officer to search the
person arrested in order to remove any
xxxx weapon that the latter might use in order
to resist arrest or effect his escape. doctrine is usually applied where a police
Otherwise, the officers safety might well officer is not searching for evidence
be endangered, and the arrest itself against the accused, but nonetheless
frustrated. In addition, it is entirely inadvertently comes across an
reasonable for the arresting officer to incriminating object x x x. [It] serves to
search for and seize any evidence on the supplement the prior justification
arrestees person in order to prevent its whether it be a warrant for another object,
concealment or destruction. hot pursuit, search incident to lawful
arrest, or some other legitimate reason for
Moreover, in lawful arrests, it becomes being present unconnected with a search
both the duty and the right of the directed against the accused and
apprehending officers to conduct a permits the warrantless seizure."17
warrantless search not only on the person
of the suspect, but also in the permissible The Plain View Doctrine thus finds no
area within the latters reach. Otherwise applicability in Calantiaos situation
stated, a valid arrest allows the seizure of because the police officers purposely
evidence or dangerous weapons either on searched him upon his arrest. The police
the person of the one arrested or within officers did not inadvertently come across
the area of his immediate control. The the black bag, which was in Calantiaos
phrase "within the area of his immediate possession; they deliberately opened it, as
control" means the area from within which part of the search incident to Calantiaos
he might gain possession of a weapon or lawful arrest.
destructible evidence. A gun on a table or
in a drawer in front of one who is arrested Inventory and Chain of
can be as dangerous to the arresting Custody of Evidence
officer as one concealed in the clothing of
the person arrested. (Citations omitted.) Calantiao claims that even if the search
and seizure were validly effected, the
In Valeroso, however, the Court held that marijuana is still inadmissible as evidence
the evidence searched and seized from against him for failure of the apprehending
him could not be used against him officers to comply with the rules on chain
because they were discovered in a room, of custody, as the item was marked at the
different from where he was being police station.18
detained, and was in a locked cabinet.
Thus, the area searched could not be The pertinent provisions of Republic Act
considered as one within his immediate No. 9165 provide as follows:
control that he could take any weapon or
destroy any evidence against him.15
Section 21. Custody and Disposition of
Confiscated, Seized, and/or Surrendered
In the case at bar, the marijuana was Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of
found in a black bag in Calantiaos Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors
possession and within his immediate and Essential Chemicals,
control. He could have easily taken any Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
weapon from the bag or dumped it to Laboratory Equipment. The PDEA shall
destroy the evidence inside it. As the take charge and have custody of all
black bag containing the marijuana was in dangerous drugs, plant sources of
Calantiaos possession, it was within the dangerous drugs, controlled precursors
permissible area that the apprehending and essential chemicals, as well as
officers could validly conduct a instruments/paraphernalia and/or
warrantless search. laboratory equipment so confiscated,
seized and/or surrendered, for proper
Calantiaos argument that the marijuana disposition in the following manner:
cannot be used as evidence against him
because its discovery was in violation of (1) The apprehending team having
the Plain View Doctrine, is misplaced. initial custody and control of the
drugs shall, immediately after
The Plain View Doctrine is actually the seizure and confiscation, physically
exception to the inadmissibility of inventory and photograph the
evidence obtained in a warrantless search same in the presence of the
incident to a lawful arrest outside the accused or the person/s from
suspects person and premises under his whom such items were confiscated
immediate control. This is so because and/or seized, or his/her
"[o]bjects in the plain view of an officer representative or counsel, a
who has the right to be in the position to representative from the media and
have that view are subject to seizure and the Department of Justice (DOJ),
may be presented as evidence."16 "The and any elected public official who
shall be required to sign the copies the determination of the guilt or innocence
of the inventory and be given a of the accused.19
copy thereof[.]
Section 21 and its IRR do not even
Its Implementing Rules and Regulations mention "marking." What they require are
state: (1) physical inventory, and (2) taking of
photographs. As this Court held in People
SECTION 21. Custody and Disposition of v. Ocfemia20:
Confiscated, Seized and/or Surrendered
Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of What Section 21 of R.A. No. 9165 and its
Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors implementing rule do not expressly
and Essential Chemicals, specify is the matter of "marking" of the
Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or seized items in warrantless seizures to
Laboratory Equipment. The PDEA shall ensure that the evidence seized upon
take charge and have custody of all apprehension is the same evidence
dangerous drugs, plant sources of subjected to inventory and photography
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors when these activities are undertaken at
and essential chemicals, as well as the police station rather than at the place
instruments/paraphernalia and/or of arrest. Consistency with the "chain of
laboratory equipment so confiscated, custody" rule requires that the "marking"
seized and/or surrendered, for proper of the seized items to truly ensure that
disposition in the following manner: they are the same items that enter the
chain and are eventually the ones offered
(a) The apprehending officer/team in evidence should be done (1) in the
having initial custody and control of presence of the apprehended violator (2)
the drugs shall, immediately after immediately upon confiscation.
seizure and confiscation, physically
inventory and photograph the The prosecution was able to establish the
same in the presence of the chain of custody of the seized marijuana
accused or the person/s from from the time the police officers
whom such items were confiscated confiscated it, to the time it was turned
and/or seized, or his/her over to the investigating officer, up to the
representative or counsel, a time it was brought to the forensic chemist
representative from the media and for laboratory examination.21 This Court
the Department of Justice (DOJ), has no reason to overrule the RTC and the
and any elected public official who Court of Appeals, which both found the
shall be required to sign the copies chain of custody of the seized drugs to
of the inventory and be given a have not been broken so as to render the
copy thereof; Provided, that the marijuana seized from Calantiao
physical inventory and photograph inadmissible in evidence.
shall be conducted at the place
where the search warrant is Furthermore, unless it can be shown that
served; or at the nearest police there was bad faith, ill will, or tampering of
station or at the nearest office of the evidence, the presumption that the
the apprehending officer/team, integrity of the evidence has been
whichever is practicable, in case of preserved will remain. The burden of
warrantless seizures; Provided, showing the foregoing to overcome the
further, that non-compliance with presumption that the police officers
these requirements under handled the seized drugs with regularity,
justifiable grounds, as long as the and that they properly discharged their
integrity and the evidentiary value duties is on Calantiao. Unfortunately,
of the seized items are properly Calantiao failed to discharge such
preserved by the apprehending burden.22
officer/team, shall not render void
and invalid such seizures of and It is worthy to note that these arguments
custody over said items[.] were only raised by Calantiao on his
(Emphasis supplied.) appeal. He himself admits this.23 His
theory, from the very beginning, was that
This Court has held that the failure to he did not do it, and that he was being
strictly comply with Section 21, Article II of framed for having offended the police
Republic Act No. 9165, such as officers. Simply put, his defense tactic was
immediately marking seized drugs, will not one of denial and frame-up. However,
automatically impair the integrity of chain those defenses have always been frowned
of custody because what is of utmost upon by the Court, to wit:
importance is the preservation of the
integrity and the evidentiary value of the
seized items, as these would be utilized in
The defenses of denial and frame-up have DECISION
been invariably viewed by this Court with
disfavor for it can easily be concocted and PEREZ, J.:
is a common and standard defense ploy in
prosecutions for violation of Dangerous This is an appeal by Monica Mendoza y
Drugs Act. In order to prosper, the Trinidad (accused-appellant) from the
defenses of denial and frame-up must be Decision1 dated August 28, 2009 of the
proved with strong and convincing Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR-HC
evidence. In the cases before us, appellant No. 03426. The CA affirmed the
failed to present sufficient evidence in Decision2 rendered by the Regional Trial
support of his claims. Aside from his self- Court (RTC), Branch 64, Makati City in
serving assertions, no plausible proof was Criminal Case Nos. 04-2068 and 04-2069
presented to bolster his allegations.24 convicting accused-appellant of violating

Hence, as Calantiao failed to show clear Sections 5 and 11 of Republic Act No.
and convincing evidence that the 9165, otherwise known as the
apprehending officers were stirred by illicit Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
motive or failed to properly perform their 2002.
duties, their testimonies deserve full faith
and credit.25
The two separate informations filed
against accused-appellant read thus:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
Court hereby AFFIRMS the January 17,
2012 Decision of the Court of Appeals in Criminal Case No. 04-2068:
CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 04069.
"That on or about the 15th day of May
SO ORDERED. 2004 in the City of Makati,Metro Manila,
Philippines, and a place within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
TERESITA J. LEONARDO-DE CASTRO above-named accused, without being
Associate Justice authorized by law, did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously sell,
WE CONCUR: distribute and transport
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu),
MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO weighing zero point zero three (0.03)
Chief Justice gram, which is a dangerous drug, in
Chairperson consideration of two hundred (Php200.00)
pesos, in violation of the above-cited law."
BERSAMIN VILLARAMA, JR. Criminal Case No. 04-2069:
Associate Justice Associate Justice
"That on or about the 15th day of May
BIENVENIDO L. REYES 2004 in the City of Makati, Metro Manila,
Associate Justice Philippines, a place within the jurisdiction
of this Honorable Court, the above-named
CERTIFICATION accused, without corresponding license or
prescription, did then and there willfully,
feloniously have in his possession, direct
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
custody and control zero point zero eight
Constitution, I certify that the conclusions
(0.08) gram of Methamphetamine
in the above Decision had been reached in
Hydrochloride (shabu), which is a
consultation before the case was assigned
dangerous drug, in violation of the above-
to the writer of the opinion of the Court's
cited law."
After arraignment and pre-trial were
conducted by the trial court, a joint trial on
Chief Justice
the merits ensued.

G.R. No. 191267 June 26,

The prosecution presented as witnesses
PO2 Joseph dela Cruz (PO2 dela Cruz) and
PO2 Wilfredo Sangel (PO2 Sangel), both
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff- operatives of the Station Anti-Illegal Drugs
Appellee, Special Operations Task Force (SAID-
vs. SOTF).
TRINIDAD, Accused-Appellant.
PO2 dela Cruz testified that on May 15, SAID-SOTF, where she was turned over to
2004 at about 8:15 in the evening, their the investigator on duty. Afterwards, the
confidential informant arrrived at their items seized were brought to the PNOC
office reporting that a certain alias Monica, Crime Laboratory Office for examination.
who turned out to be accused-appellant, The laboratory examination on the
was involved in the rampant sale of illegal specimens submitted yielded positive
drugs along PNR South Compound, Brgy. result for the presence of a dangerous
Pio del Pilar, Makati City. Their Action drug Methamphetamine Hydrochloride. He
Officer, SPO4 Arsenio Mangulabnan maintained that the operation was
formed a buy-bust team led by SPO1 Jose properly coordinated with the PDEA.
Magallanes to effect the arrest of accused-
appellant. A briefing was conducted PO2 Sangel corroborated the testimony of
regarding the anti-narcotics operation and PO2 dela Cruz mainly with respect to the
PO2 dela Cruz was designated as poseur- buy-bust operation against herein
buyer. He was tasked to buy Php200.00 accused-appellant. He declared that he
worth of shabu from accused-appellant. was about seven (7) to ten (10) meters
Two (2) pieces of one hundred peso bills away from the place of transaction. After
were provided and marked with "AMM" for the pre-arranged signal was given by PO2
use in the buy-bust operation. dela Cruz, he, together with the team,
Coordination with the Philippine Drug proceeded to the accused-appellant to
Enforcement Agency (PDEA) was made arrest her. After accused-appellant was
and PDEA Control No. 150504-02 was arrested, she was ordered to empty her
given to the team. The team then short pants and five (5) pieces of plastic
proceeded to the area of operation, i.e., at sachets containing shabu were found and
the PNR South Compound, Brgy, Pio del confiscated together with the marked
Pilar, Makati City to conduct the buy-bust money in the amount of Php200.00.
operation. Thereafter, PO2 dela Cruz placed the
marking on the seized items at the place
PO2 dela Cruz further testified that upon of transaction. The accused-appellant was
arrival at the said area the informant then brought to the SAID-SOTF of the
accompanied him to where accused- Makati Police for investigation while the
appellant was. The rest of the team seized items were brought to the PNP
positioned themselves strategically within Crime Laboratory Office for laboratory
the perimeter. Thereafter the informant examination.
introduced him to accused-appellant as a
person in need of shabu. At this instance, Accused-appellant for her part, denied the
he conveyed his intentions of buying two charges against her. She denied that she
hundred (Php200.00) pesos worth of was caught selling shabu and that she was
shabu to accused-appellant. He then gave caught in possession of the same. She
the Php200.00 pesos buy-bust money to maintained that on May 15, 2004 at
accused-appellant who in turn, gave one around 4:00 o"clock in the afternoon, she
plastic sachet containing suspected shabu was at the back of her house at PNR
to him. The transaction having been Compound, P. Medina Street, Brgy. Pio del
consummated, he then made a motion of Pilar, Makati City hanging clothes when a
giving a high five to accused-appellant kid named Totoy, told her that police
which was the pre-arranged signal for the officers were looking for her. Upon learning
rest of the back-up team. Operations back- that police officers were looking for her
up PO2 Sangel then approached the area she went home. There she saw PO2
of transaction, introduced himself as a Sangel together with other police officers.
police officer and placed accused- She knew PO2 Sangel because her live-in
appellant under arrest. Accused-appellant partner would give half of his earnings to
was apprised of the nature of the arrest his dispatcher the same to be given to
and of her constitutional rights. PO2 Sangel otherwise, the latter would not
allow them to park their vehicles for
PO2 dela Cruz continued that at the area passengers. She approached PO2 Sangel
of transaction, a search conducted after and asked if they needed something from
the arrest which resulted in the recovery her. PO2 Sangel told her to go with them.
of the buy-bust money and five (5) other The accused-appellant dressed up and
plastic sachets containing suspected went with the policemen thinking that the
shabu. He was just very near PO2 Sangel reason she was asked to go with them
when the sachets of shabu were taken because of the murder case of Jun Riles
from accused-appellant. He accordingly filed against Jonathan Lesaca and Alfredo
marked the pieces of evidence recovered Lesaca before the RTC (Branch 138) where
from accused-appellant. Likewise marked she was a star witness.
was the shabu subject matter of the sale
transaction. Accused-appellant was Accused-appellant was brought to the
thereafter brought to the office of the office of the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU).
At the office of the DEU, Bobot and one (1) day as minimum to
Mangulabnan talked to her. Bobot fourteen (14) years and one (1) day
Mangulabnan told her that she was as maximum, pursuant to the
stubborn as he once told her not to Indeterminate Sentence Law and to
meddle with the case of her friend Jun pay a fine of THREE HUNDRED
Riles or else something will happen to her. THOUSAND PESOS (P300,000.00).
She was then asked if she knew Edwin
Kerabu (Kerabu) and she said she knew Accused-appellant appealed the trial
him because he was her neighbor. She court's decision to the CA, where she
was asked if she knew where to find raised a lone assigned error, to wit:
Kerabu. She told them that she usually
sees this Kerabu in front of the "THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN
"binggohan." Afterwards she was brought ADMITTING IN EVIDENCE THE SEIZED
to the place where she was referring to. DANGEROUS DRUGS DESPITE BEING THE
Accused-appellant was left inside the
vehicle for about thirty (30) minutes and The CA, in a Decision promulgated on
thereafter she saw the police officers with August 28, 2009, dismissed the appeal
Kerabu. He was brought inside the vehicle. and affirmed in toto the trial court's
There Kerabu was asked if he had shabu convictions.
and he replied that he did not have any.
He was frisked and the police officers were
able to recover from his pocket white Hence, the present appeal.
substance suspected to be shabu.
Accused-appellant and Kerabu were both Again, accused-appellant interposes the
brought back to the office of the DEU. same lone assigned error she raised
before the CA.
At the DEU, accused-appellant Monica
Mendoza wanted to go home but she was We dismiss the appeal.
not permitted by the police officers. She
was made to stay and she was surprised The Court finds the prosecutor's evidence
that the DEU filed charges against her. credible and sufficient to convict the
She was brought to a place where she accused-appellant of illegal sale of
underwent drug testing. She was made to dangerous drugs and possession of the
urinate in a bottle. After the drug test, she same in violation of Section 5 and Section
was brought back to the office of the DEU 11, Article II of Republic Act (RA) No. 9165,
where she was detained. She was then of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
brought to the fiscal's office where she Act of 2002.
learned of the charges filed against her. At
the fiscal's office she was made to sign a It is significant to reiterate and emphasize
document. that the elements necessary for the
prosecution of illegal sale of drugs, like
The RTC, found the evidence of the shabu, were convincingly established.
prosecution sufficient to prove the guilt of These are: (1) the identity of the buyer
accused-appellant for the crimes charged and the seller, the object and
beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, judgment consideration, and (2) the delivery of the
was rendered as follows: thing sold and the payment therefor.

1. In Criminal Case No. 04-2068, What is material to the prosecution for

the accused Monica Mendoza y illegal sale of dangerous drugs is the proof
Trinidad is found GUILTY of the that the transaction or sale actually took
charge for violation of Section 5, place, coupled with the presentation in
Article II. R.A. No. 9165 and court of evidence of corpus delicti.3
sentences her to suffer life
imprisonment and to pay a fine of

2. In Criminal Case No. 04-2069,

the accused Monica Mendoza y
Trinidad is found GUILTY of the
charge for violation of Section 11,
Article II, R.A. No. 9165 and is
hereby sentenced to suffer the
indeterminate penalty of
imprisonment of twelve (12) years
After a thorough and painstaking review of (b) When an offense has just been
evidence on record, the Court affirms the committed and he has probable
conviction of accused-appellant. Indeed, cause to believe based on personal
the prosecution has presented sufficient knowledge of facts or
proof of her guilt beyond reasonable circumstances that the person to
doubt: that on May 15, 2004, PO2 dela be arrested has committed it; and
Cruz, the designated poseur-buyer in the
buy-bust operation was able to purchase (c) When the person to be arrested
from the accused-appellant 0.03 gram of is a prisoner who has escaped from
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or a penal establishment or place
shabu, in consideration of Php200.00 where he is serving final judgement
pesos. The buy-bust money was recovered or is temporarily confined while his
from accused-appellant's possession after case is pending, or has escaped
she was arrested. while being transferred from one
confinement to another."
The PNP crime laboratory affirmed that the
white crystalline substance contained in Paragraph (a) of Section 5, is commonly
the plastic sachet bought from accused- known as an in flagrante delicto arrest. For
appellant was Methamphetamine a warrantless arrest of an accused caught
Hydrochloride or shabu. The plastic sachet in flagrante delicto to be valid, two
marked with "MMT" (which stands for requisites must concur: (1) the person to
Monica Mendoza y Trinidad) was identified be arrested must execute an overt act
to be the same plastic sachet that he indicating that he has just committed, is
purchased from the accused-appellant. actually committing, or is attempting to
The marking in the said sachet bought commit a crime; and (2) such overt act is
from accused-appellant are known to bear done in the presence or within the view of
the same marking existing in the plastic the arresting officer.4
sachet examined by the forensic chemist.
Proof that the plastic sachet bought from In the instant case, the prosecution
accused-appellant and the one delivered completely and fully established that
from laboratory examination are one and accused-appellant was arrested in
the same. flagrante delicto.

PO2 dela Cruz gave a detailed account on At any rate, accused-appellant failed to
how the buy-bust operation against raise any objection to the manner of her
accused-appellant took place; that is, from arrest before arraignment.1wphi1 In fact,
the initial transaction to the eventual she participated in the trial. She even took
delivery of the shabu. the witness stand and testified in her own
behalf. She is now estopped from assailing
Accused-appellant alleged that the trial the legality of her arrest as she waived
court erred in appreciating the evidence any irregularity, if any, that may have
presented by the prosecution as they were tainted her arrest.
seized as a result of an unlawful arrest.
She insists that a valid warrant should Significantly, the proof of an in flagrante
have been secured first before they delicto an-est, removes whatever
proceeded to arrest her. credibility there may have been about the
testimony of the accused-appellant of the
This argument is totally faulty and is alleged circumstances that made her go
without even an iota of credibility. The with the police to the DEU unit. Her
warrantless arrest conducted on accused- version that she was a frame-up victim
appellant was valid. Section 5, Rule 113 of cannot stand against the testimony of the
the Rules of Criminal Procedure police, supported by evidence of corpus
enumerates the situations when a person delicti.
may be arrested without a warrant, thus:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
"SEC. 5. Arrest without warrant; when Decision appealed from, finding accused-
lawful. - A peace officer or a private appellant Monica Mendoza guilty beyond
person may, without a warrant, arrest a reasonable doubt for violation of Sections
person: 5 and 11, Article II of Republic Act No.
9165, otherwise known as the
(a) When, in his presence, the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
person to be arrested has 2002, is hereby AFFIRMED.
committed, is actually committing,
or is attempting to commit an SO ORDERED.
JOSE PORTUGAL PEREZ before the case was assigned to the writer
Associate Justice of the opinion of the Courts Division.


Associate Justice
ANTONIO T. CARPIO Second Division, Chairperson
Associate Justice

ARTURO D. MARIANO C. DEL Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the

BRION CASTILLO Constitution and the Division
Associate Justice Associate Justice Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the
conclusions in the above Decision had
ESTELA M. PERLAS-BERNABE been reached in consultation before the
Associate Justice case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court's Division.
Chief Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation

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